diff htsc_create_sliding_windows.py @ 0:c82c41550f82 draft default tip

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/bgruening/galaxytools/tree/master/tools/rna_tools/htseq-clip commit 4879439f0df3386b97d8507c5991051fbdda053a"
author rnateam
date Sat, 15 Oct 2022 21:37:15 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/htsc_create_sliding_windows.py	Sat Oct 15 21:37:15 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import os
+import subprocess
+Install deseq-clip
+conda install -c bioconda pysam
+conda install -c bioconda htseq
+pip install htseq-clip
+Or directly by:
+conda install -c bioconda htseq-clip
+Test call
+python htsc_create_sliding_windows.py --gff test-data/paper_tus.Synechocystis_pSYSM.gff3 --out test_compare_out --hcw-w 50 --hcw-s 20 --no-zipper
+diff test_compare_out/windows_mapped_to_ids.txt test-data/windows.exp.txt
+diff test_compare_out/windows.bed test-data/windows.exp.bed
+diff test_compare_out/annotation.bed test-data/annotation.exp.bed
+This corresponds to:
+htseq-clip annotation -g test-data/paper_tus.Synechocystis_pSYSM.gff3 -o test-data/annotation.exp.bed
+htseq-clip createSlidingWindows -i test-data/annotation.exp.bed -w 50 -s 20 -o test-data/windows.exp.bed
+htseq-clip mapToId -a test-data/windows.exp.bed -o test-data/windows.exp.txt
+More tests:
+python htsc_create_sliding_windows.py --gff test-data/paper_tus.Synechocystis_pSYSM.gff3 --out test_compare_out --hcw-w 50 --hcw-s 20 --no-zipper --hca-unsorted
+DEWSeq input files:
+def setup_argument_parser():
+    """Setup argparse parser."""
+    help_description = """
+    Based on genomic annotations GFF file (--gff), create sliding window
+    annotations with htseq-clip.
+    """
+    # Define argument parser.
+    p = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False,
+                                prog="htsc_create_sliding_windows.py",
+                                description=help_description,
+                                formatter_class=argparse.MetavarTypeHelpFormatter)
+    # Required arguments.
+    p.add_argument("-h", "--help",
+                   action="help",
+                   help="Print help message")
+    p.add_argument("--gff",
+                   dest="in_gff",
+                   type=str,
+                   metavar='str',
+                   required=True,
+                   help="Annotation file GFF (so far tested with hg38 GENCODE format). Also accepts gff.gz as well")
+    p.add_argument("--out",
+                   dest="out_folder",
+                   type=str,
+                   metavar='str',
+                   required=True,
+                   help="Results output folder")
+    # htseq-clip annotation.
+    p.add_argument("--hca-unsorted",
+                   dest="hca_unsorted",
+                   default=False,
+                   action="store_true",
+                   help="htseq-clip annotation --unsorted parameter. Use this flag if the GFF file is unsorted (default: False)")
+    # htseq-clip createSlidingWindows.
+    p.add_argument("--hcw-w",
+                   dest="hcw_w",
+                   type=int,
+                   metavar='int',
+                   default=50,
+                   help="htseq-clip createSlidingWindows -w parameter. Sliding window size. If unsure, try 75-100 (default: 50)")
+    p.add_argument("--hcw-s",
+                   dest="hcw_s",
+                   type=int,
+                   metavar='int',
+                   default=20,
+                   help="htseq-clip createSlidingWindows -s parameter. Step size for sliding window (default: 20)")
+    # More.
+    p.add_argument("--no-zipper",
+                   dest="no_zipper",
+                   default=False,
+                   action="store_true",
+                   help="Do not gzip output files (default: False)")
+    return p
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    parser = setup_argument_parser()
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    assert os.path.exists(args.in_gff), "--gff file \"%s\" not found" % (args.in_gff)
+    # Output folder.
+    if not os.path.exists(args.out_folder):
+        os.makedirs(args.out_folder)
+    """
+    1) Flatten annotation.
+    htseq-clip annotation -g args.in_gff -o annotation.bed
+    -o content example:
+    Synechocystis	5	105	TU1@TU1@protein_coding@exon@1/1@TU1:exon0001	2	-
+    Synechocystis	576	990	TU2@TU2@protein_coding@exon@1/1@TU2:exon0001	2	+
+    Synechocystis	809	909	TU3@TU3@protein_coding@exon@1/1@TU3:exon0001	2	-
+    Synechocystis	1531	2150	TU4@TU4@protein_coding@exon@1/1@TU4:exon0001	2	+
+    Synechocystis	2150	2701	TU6@TU6@protein_coding@exon@1/1@TU6:exon0001	2	+
+    ...
+    """
+    annot_bed = args.out_folder + "/annotation.bed.gz"
+    if args.no_zipper:
+        annot_bed = args.out_folder + "/annotation.bed"
+    print("Convert --gff to BED ... ")
+    check_cmd = "htseq-clip annotation -g " + args.in_gff + " -o " + annot_bed
+    if args.hca_unsorted:
+        check_cmd += " --unsorted"
+    output = subprocess.getoutput(check_cmd)
+    print(check_cmd)
+    print(output)
+    assert os.path.exists(annot_bed), "htseq-clip annotation -o file \"%s\" not found" % (annot_bed)
+    """
+    2) Create sliding windows.
+    htseq-clip createSlidingWindows -i annotation.bed -w hcw_w -s hcw_s -o windows.bed.gz
+    -o content example:
+    Synechocystis	5	80	TU1@TU1@protein_coding@exon@1/1@TU1:exon0001W00001@1	2	-
+    Synechocystis	15	90	TU1@TU1@protein_coding@exon@1/1@TU1:exon0001W00002@2	2	-
+    Synechocystis	25	100	TU1@TU1@protein_coding@exon@1/1@TU1:exon0001W00003@3	2	-
+    Synechocystis	35	105	TU1@TU1@protein_coding@exon@1/1@TU1:exon0001W00004@4	2	-
+    Synechocystis	576	651	TU2@TU2@protein_coding@exon@1/1@TU2:exon0001W00001@1	2	+
+    Synechocystis	586	661	TU2@TU2@protein_coding@exon@1/1@TU2:exon0001W00002@2	2	+
+    Synechocystis	596	671	TU2@TU2@protein_coding@exon@1/1@TU2:exon0001W00003@3	2	+
+    Synechocystis	606	681	TU2@TU2@protein_coding@exon@1/1@TU2:exon0001W00004@4	2	+
+    Synechocystis	616	691	TU2@TU2@protein_coding@exon@1/1@TU2:exon0001W00005@5	2	+
+    ...
+    """
+    win_bed = args.out_folder + "/windows.bed.gz"
+    if args.no_zipper:
+        win_bed = args.out_folder + "/windows.bed"
+    print("Create sliding windows BED ... ")
+    win_params = " -w %i -s %i " % (args.hcw_w, args.hcw_s)
+    check_cmd = "htseq-clip createSlidingWindows -i " + annot_bed + win_params + " -o " + win_bed
+    output = subprocess.getoutput(check_cmd)
+    print(check_cmd)
+    print(output)
+    assert os.path.exists(annot_bed), "htseq-clip createSlidingWindows -o file \"%s\" not found" % (win_bed)
+    """
+    3) Create mapping file for DEWSeq.
+    mapToId: extract "name" column from the annotation file and map the entries
+    to unique id and print out in tab separated format.
+    htseq-clip mapToId -a windows.bed.gz -o windows.txt.gz
+    -o content example:
+    unique_id	chromosome	begin	end	strand	gene_id	gene_name	gene_type	gene_region	Nr_of_region	Total_nr_of_region	window_number
+    TU1:exon0001W00001	Synechocystis	5	80	-	TU1	TU1	protein_coding	exon	1	1	1
+    TU1:exon0001W00002	Synechocystis	15	90	-	TU1	TU1	protein_coding	exon	1	1	2
+    TU1:exon0001W00003	Synechocystis	25	100	-	TU1	TU1	protein_coding	exon	1	1	3
+    TU1:exon0001W00004	Synechocystis	35	105	-	TU1	TU1	protein_coding	exon	1	1	4
+    TU2:exon0001W00001	Synechocystis	576	651	+	TU2	TU2	protein_coding	exon	1	1	1
+    TU2:exon0001W00002	Synechocystis	586	661	+	TU2	TU2	protein_coding	exon	1	1	2
+    TU2:exon0001W00003	Synechocystis	596	671	+	TU2	TU2	protein_coding	exon	1	1	3
+    TU2:exon0001W00004	Synechocystis	606	681	+	TU2	TU2	protein_coding	exon	1	1	4
+    TU2:exon0001W00005	Synechocystis	616	691	+	TU2	TU2	protein_coding	exon	1	1	5
+    ...
+    """
+    mapped2ids_txt = args.out_folder + "/windows_mapped_to_ids.txt.gz"
+    if args.no_zipper:
+        mapped2ids_txt = args.out_folder + "/windows_mapped_to_ids.txt"
+    print("Create DEWSeq input annotation file ... ")
+    win_params = " -w %i -s %i " % (args.hcw_w, args.hcw_s)
+    check_cmd = "htseq-clip mapToId -a " + win_bed + " -o " + mapped2ids_txt
+    output = subprocess.getoutput(check_cmd)
+    print(check_cmd)
+    print(output)
+    assert os.path.exists(mapped2ids_txt), "htseq-clip mapToId -o file \"%s\" not found" % (mapped2ids_txt)
+    """
+    Report.
+    """
+    print("")
+    print("OUTPUT FILES")
+    print("============")
+    print("Annotation BED:\n%s" % (annot_bed))
+    print("Windows BED:\n%s" % (win_bed))
+    print("Windows mapped to IDs TXT (DEWseq annotation file):\n%s" % (mapped2ids_txt))
+    print("")