Mercurial > repos > romaingred > pirna_pipeline
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author | romaingred |
date | Fri, 01 Dec 2017 08:49:08 -0500 (2017-12-01) |
parents | ffc66227835f |
children |
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package html; use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use Exporter; our @ISA = qw( Exporter ); our @EXPORT_OK = qw( &main_page &details_pages &menu_page &ppp_page ); sub main_page { my ( $dir, $file, $list_mainTabP, $current, $ma, $ma_uni, $dir_root ) = @_; my ( $futHashP, $uniqueTabP, $randTabP, $pngTabP ) = get_genome ( $dir, $dir_root ); open my $h, '>', $file || die "cannot create $file $!\n"; header ( $h ); navbar ( $h, $list_mainTabP, $current ); print $h "<div class=\"container\"><p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"$current-sub.html\">View details »</a></p></div>\n"; futurette( $h, $current, $pngTabP, $futHashP ); print $h "<div class=\"container\"><h2>mappers #: $ma</h2><h2>unique mappers #: $ma_uni</h2> </div>\n"; carousel2( $h, $uniqueTabP, $randTabP, $dir_root ); footer($h); close $h; } sub menu_page { my ( $dir, $file, $list_mainTabP, $current, $min, $max, $simin, $simax, $pimin, $pimax, $dir_root ) = @_; my $html_ref = $1 if $dir =~ /$dir_root(.*)/; open my $h, '>', $file || die "cannot create $file $!\n"; header($h); navbar ( $h, $list_mainTabP, $current ); span( $h, $current, $min, $max, $simin, $simax, $pimin, $pimax ); print $h " <div class=\"container\"> <div class=\"row text-center\"> <img src=\"$html_ref/pie_chart.png\"/><br />\n"; print $h " <A HREF=\"$html_ref/repartition.txt\">text file</A><br/>\n </div></div>"; footer($h); close $h; } sub details_pages { my ( $dir_details, $prefix, $list_mainTabP, $current, $misTE, $dir_root, $ppp ) = @_; my ($Hex, $HTE, $HG, $NonUniTE, $NonUniG, $UniG ) = get_subgroups( $dir_details, $current, $misTE, $dir_root ); my $html_ref = $1.'-PPP.html' if $prefix =~ /$dir_root(.*)/; open my $h, '>', $prefix.'-TEs.html' || die "cannot create $prefix-TEs.html $!\n"; header($h); navbar ( $h, $list_mainTabP, $current ); if ( $prefix =~ /piRNAs$/ && $ppp eq 'true' ) { print $h " <div class=\"container\">"; print $h " <p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"$html_ref\">Ping Pong Partners</a></p>\n"; print $h "</div>"; } fut($h,'Transposable elements',$HTE); carousel($h,$NonUniTE,$dir_root); footer($h); close $h; open $h, '>', $prefix.'-genome.html' || die "cannot create $prefix-genome.html $!\n"; header($h); navbar ( $h, $list_mainTabP, $current ); fut($h,'Genome',$HG); carousel2($h,$UniG, $NonUniG,$dir_root); footer($h); close $h; open $h, '>', $prefix.'-transcripts.html' || die "cannot create $prefix-transcripts.html $!\n"; header($h); navbar ( $h, $list_mainTabP, $current ); fut($h,'transcripts',$Hex); footer($h); close $h; } sub ppp_page { my ( $dir, $file, $list_mainTabP, $current, $ppp, $dir_root ) = @_; my $ppp_file = $ppp.'ppp.txt'; open my $h, '>', $file || die "cannot create $file $!\n"; header($h); navbar ( $h, $list_mainTabP, $current ); print $h '<div class="container"> <table class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover">'."\n"; print $h '<thead> <tr> <th data-sortable="true">ID</th> <th data-sortable="true">overlap sum</th> <th data-sortable="true">ten overlap sum</th> <th data-sortable="true">mean</th> <th data-sortable="true">standard deviation</th> <th data-sortable="true">z-score</th> <th data-sortable="true">p-value</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; open my $f, '<', $ppp_file || die "cannot open $ppp_file $!\n"; while ( <$f> ) { chomp; print $h '<tr>'; my ( $id, $sum, $ten, $mean, $sd, $zscore, $prob) = split /\t/, $_; if( -d "$ppp/$id" ) { my $sub_html = $ppp.$id.'.html'; my $sub_html_ref = $1.$id if $ppp =~ /$dir_root(.*)/; print $h "<td> <a href=\"$sub_html_ref.html\">$id</a> </td>"; open my $sub, '>', $sub_html || die "cannot create $sub_html\n"; { header($sub); print $sub " <div align=\"center\"> <h2>$id</h2> <p> <img class=\"featurette-image\" src=\"$id/histogram.png\"/></p> <p><a href=\"$id/overlap_size.txt\">ping pong signature</a></p> <p><a href=\"$id/sensPPP.txt\">sens reads with PPP</a></p> <p><a href=\"$id/antisensPPP.txt\">reverse reads with PPP</a></p> <p><a href=\"$id/sens.txt\">sens reads without PPP</a></p> <p><a href=\"$id/antisens.txt\">reverse reads without PPP</a></p> </div>"; footer($sub); } close $sub; } else { print $h "<td> $id </td>\n"; } print $h "<td> $sum </td><td> $ten </td><td> $mean </td><td> $sd </td><td> $zscore </td><td> $prob </td>\n"; print $h '</tr>'; } close $f; print $h "</tbody></table></div>"; footer($h); close $h; } sub get_genome { my ( $dir, $dir_root ) = @_; my ( %hash, @group, @Unique, @NonUnique, @png ); my $fut = $dir.'/*'; my @fut = glob $fut; foreach my $fr ( @fut ) { my $f = $1 if $fr =~ /$dir_root(.*)/; if ( $fr =~ /.*Gviz/ ) { my $nu = $fr.'/rand/*'; @NonUnique = glob $nu; my $u = $fr.'/unique/*'; @Unique = glob $u; } elsif ( $f =~ /.*distribution\.txt$/ ) { $hash{'mappers size distribution (txt)'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /.*distribution\.png$/ ) { push @png, $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /.*unique\.fastq$/ ) { $hash{'unique mappers (fastq.gz)'} = $f.'.gz'; `gzip $fr`; } elsif ( $f =~ /.*rejected\.fastq$/ ) { $hash{'unmapped (fastq.gz)'} = $f.'.gz'; `gzip $fr`; } elsif ( $f =~ /.*all\.fastq$/ ) { $hash{'mappers (fastq.gz)'} = $f.'.gz'; `gzip $fr`; } elsif ( $f =~ /.*dup_unique\.txt$/ ) { $hash{'unique mappers (txt)'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /.*dup_mapnum\.txt$/ ) { $hash{'mappers (txt)'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /.*dup_nonmapp\.txt$/ ) { $hash{'unmapped (txt)'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /.*_unique_sorted\.bam$/ ) { $hash{'unique alignment (bam)'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /.*_sorted\.bam$/ ) { $hash{'alignment (bam)'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /.*unique_plus.bedgraph/) { $hash{'bedgraph unique plus strand'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /.*unique_minus.bedgraph/) { $hash{'bedgraph unique minus strand'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /.*plus.bedgraph/) { $hash{'bedgraph plus strand'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /.*minus.bedgraph/) { $hash{'bedgraph minus strand'} = $f; } else { unlink $fr; } } return (\%hash, \@Unique, \@NonUnique, \@png); } sub span { my ( $file, $name, $min, $max, $simin, $simax, $pimin, $pimax ) = @_; print $file " <div class=\"container text-center\"> <div class=\"row-fluid\"> <div class=\"span6\"> <h2>Bonafide</h2> reads of size between $min and $max<br>with no mi, sn, t and r RNAs <p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"$name-bonafide_reads-genome.html\">Genome</a></p> <p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"$name-bonafide_reads-TEs.html\">TE</a></p> <p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"$name-bonafide_reads-transcripts.html\">Transcripts</a></p> <div class=\"row-fluid\"> <div class=\"span6\"> <h2>siRNAs</h2> bonafide reads of size between $simin and $simax <p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"$name-siRNAs-genome.html\">Genome</a></p> <p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"$name-siRNAs-TEs.html\">TE</a></p> <p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"$name-siRNAs-transcripts.html\">Transcripts</a></p> </div> <div class=\"span6\"> <h2>piRNAs</h2> bonafide reads of size between $pimin and $pimax <p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"$name-piRNAs-genome.html\">Genome</a></p> <p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"$name-piRNAs-TEs.html\">TE</a></p> <p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"$name-piRNAs-transcripts.html\">Transcripts</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class=\"span6\"> <h2>miRNAs</h2> <p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"$name-miRNAs-genome.html\">Genome</a></p> <p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"$name-miRNAs-TEs.html\">TE</a></p> <p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"$name-miRNAs-transcripts.html\">Transcripts</a></p> </div> </div> </div> "; } sub get_subgroups { my ( $dir, $name, $misTE, $dir_root ) = @_; my (%Hex, %HTE, %HG, @group, @png, @pngTE, @NonUniTE, @UniG, @NonUniG ); my $fut = $dir.'/*'; my @fut = glob $fut; my $f =''; foreach my $fr ( @fut ) { $f = $1 if $fr =~ /$dir_root(.*)/; if ( $f =~ /genome_unique_sorted\.bam$/ ) { $HG{'genome unique mappers (sorted bam)'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /genome_sorted\.bam$/ ) { $HG{'genome mappers (sorted bam)'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /miRNAs_reads_counts\.txt$/ ) { $HG{'miRNAs per type (txt)'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /genome_unique_plus\.bedgraph$/) { $HG{'bedgraph unique plus strand'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /genome_unique_minus\.bedgraph$/) { $HG{'bedgraph unique minus strand'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /genome_plus\.bedgraph$/) { $HG{'bedgraph plus strand'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /genome_minus\.bedgraph$/) { $HG{'bedgraph minus strand'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /TEs_plus\.bedgraph$/) { $HTE{'bedgraph plus strand'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /TEs_minus\.bedgraph$/) { $HTE{'bedgraph minus strand'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /transcripts_sorted\.bam$/) { $Hex{'transcripts mappers (sorted bam)'} = $f;} elsif ( $f =~ /transcripts_unique_sorted\.bam$/) { $Hex{'transcripts unique mappers (sorted bam)'} = $f;} elsif ( $f =~ /transcripts_reads_counts\.txt$/) { $Hex{'read number per transcript (txt)'} = $f;} elsif ( $f =~ /TEs_reads_counts\.txt$/) { $HTE{"read number per TE 0 to $misTE mismatches (txt)"} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /TEs_reads_counts_mismatches\.txt$/) { $HTE{"read number per TE with 1 to $misTE mismatches (txt)"} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /TEs_reads_counts_nomismatches\.txt$/) { $HTE{'read number per TE with no mismatch (txt)'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /TEs_unique_sorted\.bam$/) { $HTE{'TEs unique mappers (sorted bam)'} = $f; } elsif ( $f =~ /TEs_sorted\.bam$/) { $HTE{'TEs mappers (sorted bam)'} = $f; } elsif ( $fr =~ /.*Gviz_TEs/ ) { my $nu = $fr.'/*'; @NonUniTE = glob $nu; } elsif ( $fr =~ /.*Gviz_genome/ ) { my $nu = $fr.'/rand/*'; @NonUniG = glob $nu; my $u = $fr.'/unique/*'; @UniG = glob $u; } else { unlink $fr; } } return (\%Hex, \%HTE, \%HG, \@NonUniTE, \@NonUniG, \@UniG); } sub header { my $file = shift; print $file " <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=\"en\"> <head> <meta charset=\"utf-8\"> <title>pipeline</title> <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\"> <meta name=\"description\" content=\"\"> <meta name=\"author\" content=\"\"> <!-- Le styles --> <link href=\"css/bootstrap.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"> <link href=\"css/bootstrap-table.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"> <style type=\"text/css\"> body { padding-top: 60px; padding-bottom: 40px; } div#page { width: 940px; background-color: #fff; margin: 0 auto; text-align: left; border-color: #fff; border-style: none solid solid; border-width: medium 1px 1px; } div.content { display: none; float: right; width: 550px; } div.content a, div.navigation a { text-decoration: none; color: #777; } div.content a:focus, div.content a:hover, div.content a:active { text-decoration: underline; } div.controls { margin-top: 5px; 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for (my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#{$fastq}; $i++) { # my $fa = basename($fastq->[$i],'.dat'); my $fa = $fastq->[$i]; if ($actif eq $fa){ print $file "<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"$fastq->[$i].html\">$fa</a></li>";} else {print $file "<li><a href=\"$fastq->[$i].html\">$fa</a></li>" ;} } print $file " </ul> </div><!--/.nav-collapse --> </div> </div> </div>"; } sub footer { my $file = shift; print $file " <!-- FOOTER --> <div class=\"container\"> <footer> </footer> </div> <!-- Le javascript ================================================== --> <!-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster --> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/jquery.js\"></script> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/jquery-1.3.2.js\"></script> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/jquery.galleriffic.js\"></script> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/jquery.opacityrollover.js\"></script> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/bootstrap-table.js\"></script> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/bootstrap.min.js\"></script> <script type=\"text/javascript\"> jQuery(document).ready(function(\$) { // We only want these styles applied when javascript is enabled \$('div.navigation').css({'width' : '300px', 'float' : 'left'}); 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print $file " <div id=\"page\"> <div id=\"container\"> <div class=\"each-gallery\"> <div id=\"gallery\" class=\"content\"> <div id=\"controls0\" class=\"controls\"></div> <div class=\"slideshow-container\"> <div id=\"loading0\" class=\"loader\"></div> <div id=\"slideshow0\" class=\"slideshow\"></div> </div> <div id=\"caption0\" class=\"caption-container\">Uniquely mapped reads</div> </div> <div id=\"thumbs0\" class=\"navigation\"> <ul class=\"thumbs noscript\"> "; foreach my $u (@{$unique}) { my $name = basename($u,'.png'); $u = $1 if $u =~ /$dir_root(.*)/; print $file " <li> <a class=\"thumb\" href=\"$u\" title=\"$name\">$name</a> </li> "; } print $file " </ul> </div> </div> <div id=\"page\"> <div id=\"container\"> <div class=\"each-gallery\"> <div id=\"gallery\" class=\"content\"> <div id=\"controls1\" class=\"controls\"></div> <div class=\"slideshow-container\"> <div id=\"loading1\" class=\"loader\"></div> <div id=\"slideshow1\" class=\"slideshow\"></div> </div> <div id=\"caption1\" class=\"caption-container\">Reads randomly assigned</div> </div> <div id=\"thumbs1\" class=\"navigation\"> <ul class=\"thumbs noscript\"> "; foreach my $nu (@{$non_unique}) { my $name = basename($nu,'.png'); $nu = $1 if $nu =~ /$dir_root(.*)/; print $file " <li> <a class=\"thumb\" href=\"$nu\" title=\"$name\">$name</a> </li> "; } print $file " </ul> </div> <div style=\"clear: both;\"></div></div> </div> </div> "; } sub futurette { my ($file, $name, $png, $hash) = @_; print $file " <div class=\"container\"> <div class=\"featurette\"> <h1>$name</h1> <p class=\"featurette-p\"> "; foreach my $k (sort keys %{$hash}) { print $file "<A HREF=\"".${$hash}{$k}."\">$k</A><br/> \n" ; } print $file " </p>"; foreach my $pn (@{$png}){print $file "<img class=\"featurette-image\" src=\"$pn\"/><br />";} print $file " </div> </div> "; } sub fut { my ($file, $name, $hash) = @_; print $file " <div class=\"container\"> <div class=\"featurette\"> <h1>$name</h1> <p class=\"featurette-p\"> "; foreach my $k (sort { ${$hash}{$a} cmp ${$hash}{$b} } keys %{$hash}) { print $file "<A HREF=\"".${$hash}{$k}."\">$k</A><br/> \n" ; } print $file " </p> </div> </div> "; } sub get_distri_exon { my ($dir, $name) = @_; my (@out,@group); my $group = $dir.'/'.$name.'-subgroups-bonafide_reads-transcripts-*distribution-*.png'; @group = glob $group; foreach (my $g =0; $g <= $#group; $g++) { if ($group[$g] =~ /.*($name-subgroups-bonafide_reads-transcripts-.*distribution-.*\.png)/ ) { my $tmp = $1; push @out, $1; } } return (\@out); } sub get_distri_TE { my ($dir, $name) = @_; my (@out,@group); my $group = $dir.'/'.$name.'-subgroups-bonafide_reads-TE-*distribution-*.png'; @group = glob $group; foreach (my $g =0; $g <= $#group; $g++) { if ($group[$g] =~ /.*($name-subgroups-bonafide_reads-TE-.*distribution-.*\.png)/ ) { my $tmp = $1; push @out, $1; } } return (\@out); } sub get_PPP { my ($dir,$name) = @_; my (%distri,@group); my $group = $dir.'/'.$name.'-subgroups-bonafide_reads-TE-PPPartners-*'; @group = glob $group; foreach (my $g =0; $g <= $#group; $g++) { if ($group[$g] =~ /.*($name-subgroups-bonafide_reads-TE-PPPartners-.*)/ ) { my $tmp = $1; if ($tmp =~ /PPPartners-(.*?)-sens\.txt$/) { $distri{$1} = ['','','','','',''] unless exists $distri{$1}; $distri{$1}->[0] = $tmp; } elsif ($tmp =~ /PPPartners-(.*?)-antisens\.txt$/) { $distri{$1} = ['','','','','',''] unless exists $distri{$1}; $distri{$1}->[1] = $tmp; } elsif ($tmp =~ /PPPartners-(.*?)-sensPPP\.txt$/) { $distri{$1} = ['','','','','',''] unless exists $distri{$1}; $distri{$1}->[2] = $tmp; } elsif ($tmp =~ /PPPartners-(.*?)-antisensPPP\.txt$/) { $distri{$1} = ['','','','','',''] unless exists $distri{$1}; $distri{$1}->[3] = $tmp; } elsif ($tmp =~ /PPPartners-(.*?)-overlap_size\.txt$/) { $distri{$1} = ['','','','','',''] unless exists $distri{$1}; $distri{$1}->[4] = $tmp; } elsif ($tmp =~ /PPPartners-(.*?)-histogram\.png$/) { $distri{$1} = ['','','','','',''] unless exists $distri{$1}; $distri{$1}->[5] = $tmp; } } } return \%distri; } sub PPPrint { my ($h, $hash) = @_; my $cmp = 0; print $h "<div class=\"container\">\n"; print $h "<div class=\"row text-center\">"; while ( my ($k,$v) = each %{$hash} ) { print $h "</div><div class=\"row text-center\">" if $cmp != 0 && $cmp % 2 == 0; print $h " <div class=\"span6\"> <h2>$k</h2> <p class=\"featurette-p\"> <img src=\"$v->[5]\"/></p> <p class=\"featurette-p\"><a href=\"$v->[4]\">ping pong signature</a></p> <p class=\"featurette-p\"><a href=\"$v->[2]\">sens reads with PPP</a></p> <p class=\"featurette-p\"><a href=\"$v->[3]\">reverse reads with PPP</a></p> <p class=\"featurette-p\"><a href=\"$v->[0]\">sens reads without PPP</a></p> <p class=\"featurette-p\"><a href=\"$v->[1]\">reverse reads without PPP</a></p> </div> "; $cmp++; } print $h "</div></div>"; } sub printDistri { my ($h, $tab) = @_; my ($txt, $name); my $cmp = 0; print $h "<div class=\"container\">\n"; print $h "<div class=\"row text-center\">"; foreach my $k (@{$tab}) { if ($k =~ /(.*)-(.*)\.png$/) { $txt = $1.'-'.$2.'.txt'; $name = $2; } print $h "</div><div class=\"row text-center\">" if $cmp != 0 && $cmp % 2 == 0; print $h " <div class=\"span6\"> <h2>$name</h2> <p> <img src=\"$k\"/></p> <p class=\"featurette-p\"><a href=\"$txt\">text file</a></p> </div> "; $cmp++; } print $h "</div></div>"; } sub mapnum { my $dupmapnum = shift; my $dupnum_genome = shift; open (my $dupTE, $dupmapnum) || die "cannot open ".$dupmapnum."\n"; my %dupnum_TE = (); my $header = <$dupTE>; while (<$dupTE>) { chomp $_; my @dupline = split /\t/, $_; $dupnum_TE{$dupline[0]} = $dupline[2]; } close $dupTE; open (my $du_TE, '>'.$dupmapnum) || die "cannot open to write ".$dupmapnum."\n"; print $du_TE "sequence\tduplicate\tgenome map num\tmap num\n"; while (my ($k, $v) = each %dupnum_TE ) { my $hashRef = ${$dupnum_genome}{$k}; print $du_TE "$k\t$hashRef->[0]\t$hashRef->[1]\t$v\n"; } close $du_TE; } 1;