changeset 4:bd5692103d5b draft

author rreumerman
date Fri, 05 Apr 2013 05:00:40 -0400
parents a808647d7312
children b6786c2247b1
files gbk_to_fasta.xml snpsplit.xml tablemerger.xml trams.xml
diffstat 8 files changed, 936 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Apr 05 05:00:40 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import sys
+if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+    exit("Not enough arguments passed, pleas provide names of input- and output file")
+input_name = sys.argv[1]
+output_name = sys.argv[2]
+from Bio import GenBank
+try: seq_record = GenBank.RecordParser().parse(open(input_name))
+except: exit("Error reading %s, check file correctness." % input_name)
+try: out_file = open(output_name, 'w')
+except IOError as e:
+    exit("Error trying to open '%s': {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
+accession = definition = ''
+if seq_record.accession[0] != '': accession = '|gb|'+seq_record.accession[0]
+if seq_record.definition != '': definition = '|'+seq_record.definition
+out_file.write(">gi|%s%s%s\n" % (,accession,definition))
+i = 0
+while i < len(seq_record.sequence):
+    out_file.write(seq_record.sequence[i:i+70]+"\n")
+    i += 70
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gbk_to_fasta.xml	Fri Apr 05 05:00:40 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<tool id="gbk2fasta" name="Genbank-to-Fasta">
+  <description>produces a Fasta file from a genbank file</description>
+  <command interpreter="python"> $input $output</command>
+  <inputs>
+    <param name="input" type="data" format="text" label="Genbank file" />
+  </inputs>
+  <outputs>
+    <data name="output" format="fasta" label="${} on ${on_string}: converted Genbank file" />
+  </outputs>
+  <help>
+This tool produces a fasta file from a genbank file containing a sequence.
+  </help>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Apr 05 05:00:40 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+'''This script takes a tab-delimited file containting position, ref base, mut base and splits any multicharacter ref or mut base entries into seperate lines and calculating the new positions'''
+import sys
+if len(sys.argv) != 3:
+    exit("snpsplit takes exactly two arguments (input and output file), no more and no less")
+input_name = sys.argv[1]
+output_name = sys.argv[2]
+    in_file = open(input_name)
+except IOError as e:
+    exit("Error trying to open '"+input_name+"': {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
+    out_file = open(output_name, 'w')
+except IOError as e:
+    exit("Error trying to open '"+output_name+"': {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
+def splitter(cells):
+    global out_lines
+    for i in range(0,len(cells[1])):
+        if cells[1][i] == cells[2][i]: continue
+        out_file.write(str(int(cells[0])+i)+'\t'+cells[1][i]+'\t'+cells[2][i]+'\n')
+        out_lines += 1
+for line in in_file:
+    in_lines += 1
+    cells = line.rstrip().split('\t')
+    if not str(line[0]).isdigit():
+        out_file.write(line)
+        continue
+    # Can only deal with SNPs/MNPs, not indels.
+    if len(cells[1]) != len(cells[2]): continue
+    splitter(cells)
+print "Lines read: %s" % in_lines
+print "Lines printed: %s" % out_lines
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/snpsplit.xml	Fri Apr 05 05:00:40 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+<tool id="snpsplit" name="SNP splitter">
+  <description>splits multicharacter entries into separate lines</description>
+  <command interpreter="python"> $input $output</command>
+  <inputs>
+    <param name="input" type="data" format="tabular" label="SNP table" />
+  </inputs>
+  <outputs>
+    <data name="output" format="tabular" label="${} on ${on_string}" />
+  </outputs>
+  <help>
+**What it does**
+SNPsplit prepares tab-delimited SNP files for TRAMS. It checks each line for entries that contain multiple consecutive bases and splits them over several lines.
+- **Input**: tab delimited, format: Position Ref Pol
+- Position is 1-based genomic coordinate
+- Ref is the reference sequence
+- Pol is the polymorphism sequence
+Ref en Mut sequences consisting of more than one character will be split up into separate lines. Example:
+=== === ===
+123 CGT ATG
+=== === ===
+=== = =
+123 C A
+124 G T
+125 T G
+=== = =
+Bases that are the same in both columns, will be skipped. Example:
+=== ===== ===
+123 C*G*T AGG
+=== ===== ===
+=== = =
+123 C A
+125 T G
+=== = =
+  </help>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Apr 05 05:00:40 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+'''Takes tab-delimited SNP tables from user input and merges them into one.'''
+import sys
+files = []
+filenames = []
+    output = open(sys.argv[1], "w")
+    output.write('Position\tReference')
+    exit("No output file given or unable to open output file.")
+for name in sys.argv[2:]:
+    try:
+        files.append(open(name, "rU"))
+    except:
+        continue
+# Fetch headers and print them to output file;
+headers = [header.readline()[:-1].split('\t')[2:] for header in files]
+columns = [len(strains) for strains in headers]
+for strain in [a for b in headers for a in b]:
+    output.write('\t'+strain)
+    output.flush()
+file_active = [True]*len(files)
+snps = [row.readline()[:-1].split('\t') for row in files]
+while True in file_active:
+    for h in range(0,len(snps)):
+        if file_active[h]:
+            cur_pos = [h]
+            lowest = int(snps[h][0])
+            break
+    i = 1
+    # Determine lowest position
+    while i < len(snps):
+        if int(snps[i][0]) < lowest and file_active[i]:
+            lowest = int(snps[i][0])
+            cur_pos = [i]
+        elif int(snps[i][0]) == lowest:
+            cur_pos.append(i)
+        i+=1
+    # Check if all SNPs sharing a position have the same reference base, exit with message otherwise;
+    if len(cur_pos) > 1:
+        ref_base = snps[cur_pos[0]][1].lower()
+        for j in cur_pos[1:]:
+            if snps[j][1].lower() != ref_base:
+                error = '\nError: Reference bases not the same for position %s, present in following files:' % lowest
+                for k in cur_pos:
+                    error += ' '+filenames[k]
+                exit(error+'.')
+    # Write line to output file containing position, ref base and snps/empty cells;
+    output.write('\n'+snps[cur_pos[0]][0]+'\t'+snps[cur_pos[0]][1].lower())
+    for l,row in enumerate(snps):
+        if l in cur_pos:
+            for snp in row[2:]:
+                output.write('\t'+snp)
+        else:
+            output.write('\t'*columns[l])
+    # Read new line in files that had snp at current position;
+    for m in cur_pos:
+        line = files[m].readline()
+        if line == '': file_active[m] = False
+        else:
+            snps[m] = line.split('\t')
+            snps[m][-1] = snps[m][-1].rstrip()# Remove newline character at end of line;
+for it in files: it.close()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tablemerger.xml	Fri Apr 05 05:00:40 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<tool id="tablemerger" name="SNP table merger">
+  <description>merges any number of SNP tables into one</description>
+  <command interpreter="python"> $output 
+    #for $f in $inputs:
+    $
+    #end for
+  </command>
+  <inputs>
+    <repeat name="inputs" title="Input files">
+      <param name="in" type="data" format="tabular" label="Input SNP table" />
+    </repeat>
+  </inputs>
+  <outputs>
+    <data name="output" format="tabular" label="${} on various SNP tables" />
+  </outputs>
+  <help>
+**What it does**
+This tool takes any number of tab-delimited SNP tables and merges them together.It puts SNPs at the same position on the same line and ignores bases that are the same in two strains.
+**Example input 1**:
+======== === =======
+Position Ref Strain1
+123      A   G
+125      C   T
+======== === =======
+**Example input 2**:
+======== === =======
+Position Ref Strain2
+123      A   T
+124      G   C
+125      C   T
+======== === ========
+**Example output**:
+======== === ======= =======
+Position Ref Strain1 Strain2
+123      A   G       T
+124      G           C
+125      C   T       T
+======== === ======= =======
+  </help>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Apr 05 05:00:40 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+transl_table = 11
+intro_message = ''' +------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Tool for Rapid Annotation of Microbial SNPs (TRAMS): a simple    |
+ | program for rapid annotation of genomic variation in prokaryotes |
+ |                                                                  |
+ | Developed by: Richard A. Reumerman, Paul R. Herron,              |
+ | Paul A. Hoskisson and Vartul Sangal                              |
+ +------------------------------------------------------------------+\n'''
+import sys
+import time
+start = time.clock()
+# Command line files: SNP REF REF-TYPE ANNOT OVERL SUM;
+if len(sys.argv) < 7:
+    exit("\nNot enough arguments given.\nUsage: [SNP.] [REF.] [ANNOT.] [OVERL.] [SUM.]")
+    file_snps = open(sys.argv[1], "rU")
+except IOError as e:
+    exit("Error trying to open '"+sys.argv[1]+"': {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
+    file_ref = open(sys.argv[2], "rU")
+except IOError as e:
+    exit("Error trying to open '"+sys.argv[2]+"': {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
+filetype_reference = sys.argv[3]
+    file_out = open(sys.argv[4], "w")
+except IOError as e:
+    exit("Error trying to open '"+sys.argv[4]+"': {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
+    file_overlap = open(sys.argv[5], "w")
+except IOError as e:
+    exit("Error trying to open '"+sys.argv[5]+"': {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
+    file_summary = open(sys.argv[6], "w")
+except IOError as e:
+    exit("Error trying to open '"+sys.argv[6]+"': {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
+import Bio
+from Bio import SeqIO, SeqFeature
+from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
+from Bio.Seq import Seq
+from Bio.Alphabet import generic_dna, IUPAC
+from Bio.Data import CodonTable
+modules_loaded = time.clock()
+def non_coding_calc(gene, pos = 0):
+    '''This function takes a pseudogene and returns the number of bases
+    located in between the sub-features before 'pos'. Returns 0 if 'pseudo' = False.
+    Input: {start, subfeats, pseudo}, pos (default = 0)'''
+    if not gene['pseudo']: return 0
+    non_coding_bases = 0
+    prev_subfeat_end = gene['start']
+    if gene['strand'] == -1:
+        for subfeature in gene['subfeats']:
+            if subfeature.location._start.position < pos:
+                prev_subfeat_end = subfeature.location._end.position
+                continue
+            non_coding_bases += (subfeature.location._start.position - prev_subfeat_end)
+            prev_subfeat_end = subfeature.location._end.position
+    else:
+        for subfeature in gene['subfeats']:
+            non_coding_bases += (subfeature.location._start.position - prev_subfeat_end)
+            prev_subfeat_end = subfeature.location._end.position
+            if prev_subfeat_end >= pos and pos != 0: break
+    return non_coding_bases
+def region_calc(bounds,length):
+    regions = []
+    lastend=i=0
+    while i < len(bounds):
+        if bounds[i]['start'] > lastend:# Intergenic region present;
+            regions.append([lastend,bounds[i]['start'],-1])
+            lastend = bounds[i]['start']
+        else:
+            regions.append([bounds[i]['start'],bounds[i]['end'],i])
+            if bounds[i]['end'] > lastend:
+                lastend = bounds[i]['end']
+            i += 1
+    if regions[-1][1] < length:# Final tail of genome;
+        regions.append([lastend,length,-1])
+    return regions
+def overlap_calc(bounds):
+    '''This function takes an array of feature starts and ends and
+    returns an array of starts and ends of all overlapping regions.
+    Input: [{start,end}]'''
+    i = 0
+    overlaps = []
+    while i < len(bounds) - 1:
+        for downstr in bounds[i+1:]:
+            if downstr[0] < bounds[i][1]:# Features overlap;
+                if downstr[1] < bounds[i][1]:# Complete overlap;
+                    overlaps.append([downstr[0],downstr[1],bounds[i][2],downstr[2],[0,0]])
+                else:# Partial overlap;
+                    overlaps.append([downstr[0],bounds[i][1],bounds[i][2],downstr[2],[0,0]])
+            else:# No use looking further;
+                break
+        i += 1
+    return overlaps
+def match_feature(bounds,pos,prev=0):
+    '''This function checks if a position is located inside a feature and
+    returns the feature's number if found or -1 if none is found.
+    Input: {start,end},pos,prev_feat (default = 0)'''
+    for i in range(prev, len(bounds)):
+        if (pos >= bounds[i]['start']) and (pos < bounds[i]['end']):
+            return i
+        elif pos < bounds[i]['start']:# No use looking further
+            return -1
+    return -1
+def write_output(line,target=file_out):
+    '''This function takes the 2 dimensional array containing all the SNP
+    data. It contains an array of information on the feature and an array
+    for each strain for which SNPs are given.
+    Input: [[pos],[ref],[cells],[cells],etc]'''
+    target.write('\n'+str(line[0][0]))
+    for cell in line[1]:
+        target.write('\t'+str(cell))
+    for strain in line[2:]:
+        target.write('\t')
+        for cell in strain:
+            target.write('\t'+str(cell))
+    target.flush()
+def new_codon_calc(ref_codon, new_base, pos_in_cod):
+    return str(ref_codon[0:pos_in_cod-1]+new_base+ref_codon[pos_in_cod:len(ref_codon)])
+def mut_type_check(ref_res, ref_codon, pos_in_gene, new_base, new_codon):
+    if str(new_codon).lower() == str(ref_codon).lower():
+        return ['','','','']
+    new_residue = Seq(new_codon).translate(table=transl_table)
+    if str(new_residue) == str(ref_res):
+        mut_type = 'synonymous'
+    elif (pos_in_gene / 3) < 1 and str(ref_codon).upper() in CodonTable.unambiguous_dna_by_id[transl_table].start_codons:# position 0,1 or 2 and SNP is in start codon;
+        if str(new_codon).upper() in CodonTable.unambiguous_dna_by_id[transl_table].start_codons: mut_type = 'nonsynonymous'
+        else: mut_type = 'nonstart'
+    elif str(new_residue) == '*': mut_type = 'nonsense'
+    elif str(ref_res) == '*': mut_type = 'nonstop'
+    else: mut_type = 'nonsynonymous'
+    return [mut_type,new_base,new_codon,new_residue]
+def codon_process(codon):
+    '''This function processes a codon. It loops through it 3 times,
+    once to determine which is the highest position mutated, once to
+    fill in the cells for the output file and once to output all lines.
+    Input: [empty,start_pos,[line1],[line2],[line3],strand]
+    It also uses global variable strain_nr'''
+    lastposition = [-1]*(strain_nr-1)
+    new_codons = ['']*(strain_nr-1)
+    if codon[-1] == -1:# Change codon position order for -1 features;
+        temp = codon [1:-1]
+        temp.reverse()
+        codon[1:-1] = temp
+    for i,line in enumerate(codon[1:-1],1):
+        if line == '': continue
+        for j,strain in enumerate(line[2:]):
+            if strain[1] in ['a','g','c','t']:
+                lastposition[j] = i
+                new_codons[j] = codon[i][1][8]
+    for i,line in enumerate(codon[1:-1],1):
+        if codon[-1] == -1: pos_in_cod = 4-i
+        else: pos_in_cod = i
+        if line == '': continue
+        for j,strain in enumerate(line[2:]):
+            if i == lastposition[j]: # Check for synonymous etc.;
+                new_codons[j] = new_codon_calc(new_codons[j],strain[1],pos_in_cod)
+                codon[i][j+2] = mut_type_check(line[1][9],line[1][8],codon[0],strain[1],new_codons[j])
+                straininfo[j][codon[i][j+2][0]] += 1# Counting;
+            elif strain[1] in ['a','g','c','t']:
+                codon[i][j+2] = ['MNP',strain[1],'','']
+                straininfo[j]['mnps'] += 1
+                new_codons[j] = new_codon_calc(new_codons[j],strain[1],pos_in_cod)
+            elif strain[0] == 'Allele missing': codon[i][j+2] = strain
+            else: codon[i][j+2] = ['']*4
+    for line in codon[1:-1]:
+        if line != '': write_output(line)
+def feature_props(feature):
+    properties = {'type':feature.type,'strand':feature.location._strand,
+                  'sequence':feature.extract(seq_record.seq),'pseudo': False,
+                  'locus_tag':'','gene_name':'','product':'',
+                  'start':int(feature.location._start.position),
+                'end':int(feature.location._end.position)}
+    if 'pseudo' in feature.qualifiers:
+        properties['pseudo'] = True
+        properties['type'] = 'pseudogene'
+        properties['pure_seq'] = properties['sequence']
+        if properties['strand'] == -1:
+            properties['sequence'] = seq_record.seq[feature.location._start.position:feature.location._end.position].reverse_complement()
+        else:
+            properties['sequence'] = seq_record.seq[feature.location._start.position:feature.location._end.position]
+        if feature.sub_features: properties['subfeats'] = feature.sub_features
+    if 'locus_tag' in feature.qualifiers: properties['locus_tag'] = feature.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0]
+    if 'gene' in feature.qualifiers: properties['gene_name']= feature.qualifiers['gene'][0]
+    if feature.type in ['tRNA','rRNA','CDS']: properties['product'] = feature.qualifiers['product'][0]
+    return properties
+# Read embl/genbank file for information on sequence features;
+    seq_record = SeqIO.parse(file_ref, filetype_reference).next()
+    file_ref.close()
+    quit("Error reading "+sys.argv[2]+", please check file for errors.")
+# Loop through genome features and save relevant properties;
+feats = []# Dictionary of properties;
+feature_types = {'intergenic':0,'gene':0,'pseudogene':0}
+feat_temp_store = ''
+for feature in seq_record.features:
+    # Check if gene is defined as other feature (e.g. CDS). Else, save info from 'gene';
+    if feat_temp_store != '':
+        if (feature.location._start.position == feat_temp_store.location._start.position and
+            feature.location._end.position == feat_temp_store.location._end.position):# Gene also defined as other feature;
+            feat_temp_store = ''
+        else:# Gene not also defined as CDS;
+            feats.append(feature_props(feat_temp_store))
+            feat_temp_store = ''
+    elif feature.type == 'gene':
+        feat_temp_store = feature
+    if not feature.type in ['source','gene','misc_feature']:
+        if not feature.type in feature_types and feature.type != 'CDS': feature_types[feature.type] = 0
+        feats.append(feature_props(feature))
+feat_props = sorted(feats, key=lambda cells:int(cells['start']))
+feat_boundaries = [{'start':item['start'],'end':item['end']} for item in feat_props]
+regions = region_calc(feat_boundaries,len(seq_record.seq))
+feat_overlap = overlap_calc(regions)
+reference_loaded = time.clock()
+# Create array of SNPs from input file for processing;
+lines = [line.split('\t') for line in file_snps if line.strip()]
+# First line contains headers, extract number of strains etc;
+headers = lines[0]
+snp_table = sorted(lines[1:], key=lambda cells:int(cells[0]))
+snps_loaded = time.clock()
+# Print output file headers;
+headers[-1] = headers[-1].rstrip()# Remove newline character;
+strain_nr = len(headers)-1
+strains_found = 'Found '+str(strain_nr)+' strains: '+headers[1]+' (reference)'
+first_line = '\t'+headers[1]+'\t'*9
+second_line = 'Position\tFeature\tLocus tag\tGene\tProduct\tStart\tEnd\tStrand\tRef. base\tRef. codon\tRef. res.'
+straininfo = [0]*(len(headers[2:]))
+for i,strain in enumerate(headers[2:]):
+    straininfo[i] = {'snps':0,'mnps':0,'synonymous':0,'nonsynonymous':0,'nonstart':0,'nonstop':0,'nonsense':0}
+    straininfo[i].update(feature_types)
+    strains_found += ', '+strain
+    first_line += '\t\t'+strain+'\t'*3
+    second_line += '\t\tSNP type\tNew base\tNew codon\tNew res.'
+# Loop through SNPs from array and process them;
+props = {}# Properties of a feature;
+prev_snp = ''# Position of previous SNP;
+to_write = []# Information of current SNP;
+compl_bases = {'a':'t','t':'a','g':'c','c':'g'}
+firstsnp = True# First snp of region, or of codon in cases of 3 positions in codon mutated;
+overlap_snps = []
+codon = ['']*5# Array of codon positions. First item is position of first base of codon in the gene;
+for region in regions:
+    firstsnp = True
+    i = prev_start
+    while i < len(snp_table):# Loop through SNPs
+        snp_entry = snp_table[i]
+        if not str(snp_entry[0]).isdigit():# Not a valid line, skip;
+            i += 1
+            continue
+        pos = int(snp_entry[0])-1
+        if pos < region[0]:# Not inside region yet;
+            i += 1
+            continue
+        elif firstsnp and pos < region[1]:
+            prev_start = i
+        elif pos >= region[1]:# End of region, process and next;
+            if not firstsnp and codon != ['','','','','']:
+                codon_process(codon)
+            break
+        # Documentation of SNPs in feature overlaps;
+        while j < len(feat_overlap)-1 and pos > feat_overlap[j][1]: j += 1
+        k = j
+        while k < len(feat_overlap) and pos >= feat_overlap[k][0]:
+            if pos < feat_overlap[k][1]:
+                if feat_overlap[k][4][0] == 0:
+                    feat_overlap[k][4][0] = pos
+                feat_overlap[k][4][1] = pos
+            k += 1
+        snp_entry[-1] = snp_entry[-1].rstrip()# Remove newline character at end of line;
+	# Prevent crash upon encounter nonstandard base character;
+	if snp_entry[1] not in ['a','g','c','t']:# Ref base
+	    i += 1
+	    continue
+	for m,base in enumerate(snp_entry[2:],2):
+	    if base.lower() not in ['a','g','c','t']:
+		snp_entry[m] = ''
+	# Crash prevented
+        mnp=in_feat=False
+        snp_feat = region[2]
+        ref_base = snp_entry[1]
+        to_write = [[pos+1]]
+        # Output feature properties and reference situation;
+        if snp_feat == -1:
+            codon = ['']*5
+            to_write.append(['intergenic','','','','','','',ref_base.upper(),'',''])
+        elif feat_props[snp_feat]['type'] not in ['CDS','gene','pseudogene']:# In feature, but non-coding;
+            codon = ['']*5
+            props = feat_props[snp_feat]
+            if props['strand'] == -1: ref_base = (compl_bases[snp_entry[1].lower()])
+            else: ref_base = snp_entry[1]
+            to_write.append([props['type'],props['locus_tag'],props['gene_name'],
+                             props['product'],props['start']+1,props['end'],
+                             '',ref_base.upper(),'',''])
+        else:# in CDS/gene feature, check codon etc;
+            props = feat_props[snp_feat]
+            sequence = props['sequence']
+            if props['strand'] == -1:
+                pos_in_gene = props['end'] - pos - 1# Python counting
+                ref_base = (compl_bases[snp_entry[1].lower()])
+            else:
+                pos_in_gene = pos - props['start']# Python counting
+                ref_base = snp_entry[1]
+            in_feat = True
+            if props['pseudo'] and 'subfeats' in props:# Pseudogene that needs special attention;
+                in_feat = False
+                subfeat_boundaries = [{'start':item.location._start.position,'end':item.location._end.position}
+                                      for item in props['subfeats']]
+                snp_subfeat = match_feature(subfeat_boundaries,pos)
+                if snp_subfeat != -1:
+                    in_feat = True
+                    pos_in_gene -= non_coding_calc({'start':props['start'],'subfeats':props['subfeats'],
+                                                'pseudo':True,'strand':props['strand']},pos)
+                    sequence = props['pure_seq']
+            if not in_feat:# In pseudogene non-coding region;
+                codon = ['']*5
+                to_write.append(['non coding',props['locus_tag'],props['gene_name'],props['product'],
+                             props['start']+1,props['end'],props['strand'],ref_base.upper(),
+                             '',''])
+            else:# In coding region;
+                pos_in_cod = (pos_in_gene+1)%3
+                if pos_in_cod == 0: pos_in_cod = 3# Remainder of division 0 means 3rd place in codon;
+                old_codon = sequence[pos_in_gene-pos_in_cod+1:pos_in_gene-pos_in_cod+4].upper()
+                old_residue = old_codon.translate(table=transl_table)
+                to_write.append([props['type'],props['locus_tag'],props['gene_name'],props['product'],
+                                 props['start']+1,props['end'],props['strand'],ref_base.upper(),
+                                 old_codon,old_residue])
+            if in_feat and not firstsnp and (pos >= prev_snp):# Check if snp is in same codon as previous snp. Position check for overlapping features;
+                if props['strand'] == 1 and (pos - prev_snp + 1) < pos_in_cod:# Same codon (Positive strand);
+                    mnp = True
+                elif props['strand'] == -1 and (pos  - prev_snp + 1) <= (3 - pos_in_cod):# Same codon (negative strand);
+                    mnp = True
+            # Process previous codon if not MNP;
+            if in_feat and not mnp:
+                if not firstsnp:
+                    codon_process(codon)
+                codon = [pos_in_gene-pos_in_cod+1,'','','',props['strand']]
+        for l, snp in enumerate(snp_entry[2:]):# Loop through SNPs/strains;
+            snp = snp.lower()
+            if snp == '':# Empty cell;
+                to_write.append(['','','',''])
+                continue
+            if snp == '-': # Feature not present in this strain;
+                to_write.append(['Allele missing','','',''])
+                continue
+            if snp_feat == -1:# Intergenic;
+                if snp == ref_base.lower():
+                    to_write.append(['']*4)
+                else:
+                    to_write.append(['',snp,'',''])
+                    straininfo[l]['intergenic'] += 1
+                    straininfo[l]['snps'] += 1
+                continue
+            if props['strand'] == -1:
+                snp = compl_bases[snp]
+            if snp == ref_base.lower():
+                to_write.append(['']*4)
+            else:
+                to_write.append(['',snp,'',''])
+                straininfo[l]['snps'] += 1
+                if props['type'] != 'CDS':
+                    straininfo[l][props['type']] += 1
+        if props['type'] in ['CDS','gene','pseudogene'] and in_feat:
+            codon[pos_in_cod] = to_write
+        else:
+            write_output(to_write)
+        if firstsnp: firstsnp = False           
+        prev_snp = pos+1
+        i += 1
+if codon != ['','','','','']: codon_process(codon)
+end = time.clock()
+file_summary.write("\nFinished annotation. Total time: %s s\n\n" % round(end-start,1))
+file_overlap.write('SNP start\tSNP end\tFeature 1\tLocus tag\tProduct\t\tFeature 2\tLocus tag\tProduct')
+for overlap in feat_overlap:
+    if overlap[4] != [0,0]:
+        overlap[4][0]+=1
+        overlap[4][1]+=1
+        if overlap[4][0] == overlap[4][1]: overlap[4][1] = ''
+        write_output([[str(overlap[4][0])],[str(overlap[4][1]),feat_props[overlap[2]]['type'],feat_props[overlap[2]]['locus_tag'],feat_props[overlap[2]]['product']],
+                        [feat_props[overlap[3]]['type'],feat_props[overlap[3]]['locus_tag'],feat_props[overlap[3]]['product']]],
+                        file_overlap)
+for i,strain in enumerate(headers[2:]):
+    file_summary.write("\n")
+    info = straininfo[i]
+    file_summary.write("+ Strain %s:\n" % strain)
+    file_summary.write("  %s SNPs found\n" % info['snps'])
+    file_summary.write("  Number of SNPs found CDS features: %s\n" % (info['mnps']+info['nonstart']+info['nonstop']+info['nonsense']+
+                                                     info['synonymous']+info['nonsynonymous']))
+    file_summary.write("  (of which in pseudogenes: %s)\n" % info['pseudogene'])
+    file_summary.write("  - MNPs:          %s\n" % info['mnps'])
+    file_summary.write("  - Synonymous:    %s\n" % info['synonymous'])
+    file_summary.write("  - Nonsynonymous: %s\n" % info['nonsynonymous'])
+    file_summary.write("  - Nonsense:      %s\n" % info['nonsense'])
+    file_summary.write("  - Nonstart:      %s\n" % info['nonstart'])
+    file_summary.write("  - Nonstop:       %s\n" % info['nonstop'])
+    file_summary.write("  Intergenic: %s\n" % info['intergenic'])
+    for typ in feature_types:
+        if typ not in  ['intergenic','pseudogene'] and info[typ] != 0:
+            file_summary.write("  %s: %s\n" % (typ,info[typ]))
+    file_summary.flush()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/trams.xml	Fri Apr 05 05:00:40 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+<tool id="trams" name="TRAMS">
+  <description>Tool for Rapid Annotation of Microbial SNPs</description>
+  <command interpreter="python"> $input1 $input2 $ref_format $annot $overl $sum</command>
+  <inputs>
+    <param name="input1" type="data" format="tabular" label="SNP table" />
+    <param name="input2" type="data" format="txt" label="Reference genome" help="Reference genome file, should be genbank or embl file." />
+    <param name="ref_format" type="select">
+     <label>Reference file type</label>
+      <option value="gb">Genbank</option>
+      <option value="embl">EMBL</option>
+    </param>
+  </inputs>
+  <outputs>
+    <data name="annot" format="tabular" label="${} on ${on_string}: SNP annotation file" />
+    <data name="overl" format="tabular" label="${} on ${on_string}: Overlap file" />
+    <data name="sum" format="txt" label="${} on ${on_string}: Summary file" />
+  </outputs>
+  <help>
+**What it does**
+This tool annotates SNPs from a SNP table and a genbank or embl reference file.
+The SNP table has to be tabular (tab-delimited), with headers on the first line (strain names/numbers). Consecutive lines should contain SNP position in the first column, reference base in the second and SNP bases in consecutive columns. Any number of strains can be compared to the reference.
+======== ==== ======= =======
+Position Ref. Strain1 Strain2
+102	 a    g       c
+158      c    c       t
+200      t    a       a
+etc..    ..   ..      ..
+======== ==== ======= =======
+TRAMS produces three output files. The **SNP annotation file** contains an annotation of each SNP in the input table, giving gene function and the type of SNP (synonymous, nonsynonymous, etc). The **Overlap file** reports on SNPs or ranges of SNPs that are located in multiple features (as defined in the reference genome file). These SNPs can be found in the annotation file once for each feature. The **Summary file** gives an overview of the number of SNPs in each strain and a breakdown of how the SNPs are spread over different types.
+  </help>