Mercurial > repos > rsajulga > proteomic_cravat_score_and_annotate
view @ 3:7f319af8c5b3 draft
author | rsajulga |
date | Thu, 17 May 2018 22:32:51 -0400 |
parents | 676c8be98be4 |
children |
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import requests import json import time import urllib import sys import csv import re import math from difflib import SequenceMatcher from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import sqlite3 try: input_filename = sys.argv[1] input_select_bar = sys.argv[2] GRCh_build = sys.argv[3] probed_filename = sys.argv[4] output_filename = sys.argv[5] file_3 = sys.argv[6] file_4 = sys.argv[7] file_5 = sys.argv[8] except: # Filenames for testing. input_filename = 'input/Galaxy68-[VCF-BEDintersect__on_data_65_and_data_6].vcf' input_select_bar = 'VEST' GRCh_build = 'GRCh38' output_filename = 'combined_variants.tsv' probed_filename = 'input/Galaxy66-[PepPointer].bed' file_3 = 'output/Gene_Level_Analysis.tsv' file_4 = 'output/Variant_Non-coding.Result.tsv' file_5 = 'output/Input_Errors.Result.tsv' matches_filename = 'matches.tsv' def getSequence(transcript_id): server = '' ext = '/sequence/id/' + transcript_id + '?content-type=text/x-seqxml%2Bxml;multiple_sequences=1;type=protein' req = requests.get(server+ext, headers={ "Content-Type" : "text/plain"}) if not req.ok: return None root = ET.fromstring(req.content) for child in root.iter('AAseq'): return child.text write_header = True GRCh37hg19 = 'off' if GRCh_build == 'GRCh37': GRCh37hg19 = 'on' #plugs in params to given URL submit ='', files={'inputfile':open(input_filename)}, data={'email':'', 'analyses': input_select_bar, 'hg19': GRCh37hg19}) #Makes the data a json dictionary, takes out only the job ID jobid = json.loads(submit.text)['jobid'] #out_file.write(jobid) submitted = json.loads(submit.text)['status'] #out_file.write('\t' + submitted) input_file = open(input_filename) # Loads the proBED file as a list. if (probed_filename != 'None'): proBED = [] with open(probed_filename) as tsvin: tsvreader = csv.reader(tsvin, delimiter='\t') for i, row in enumerate(tsvreader): proBED.append(row) #loops until we find a status equal to Success, then breaks while True: check = requests.get('', params={'jobid': jobid}) status = json.loads(check.text)['status'] resultfileurl = json.loads(check.text)['resultfileurl'] #out_file.write(str(status) + ', ') if status == 'Success': #out_file.write('\t' + resultfileurl) break else: time.sleep(2) #out_file.write('\n') #creates three files file_1 = 'Variant_Result.tsv' file_2 = 'Additional_Details.tsv' #file_3 = time.strftime("%H:%M") + 'Combined_Variant_Results.tsv' #Downloads the tabular results urllib.urlretrieve("" + jobid + "/" + "Variant.Result.tsv", file_1) urllib.urlretrieve("" + jobid + "/" + "Variant_Additional_Details.Result.tsv", file_2) urllib.urlretrieve("" + jobid + "/" + "Gene_Level_Analysis.Result.tsv", file_3) urllib.urlretrieve("" + jobid + "/" + "Variant_Non-coding.Result.tsv", file_4) urllib.urlretrieve("" + jobid + "/" + "Input_Errors.Result.tsv", file_5) #opens the Variant Result file and the Variant Additional Details file as csv readers, then opens the output file (galaxy) as a writer with open(file_1) as tsvin_1, open(file_2) as tsvin_2, open(output_filename, 'wb') as tsvout: tsvreader_2 = csv.reader(tsvin_2, delimiter='\t') tsvout = csv.writer(tsvout, delimiter='\t') headers = [] duplicate_indices = [] n = 12 #Index for proteogenomic column start reg_seq_change = re.compile('([A-Z]+)(\d+)([A-Z]+)') SOtranscripts = re.compile('([A-Z]+[\d\.]+):([A-Z]+\d+[A-Z]+)') pep_muts = {} pep_map = {} rows = [] for row in tsvreader_2: if row != [] and row[0][0] != '#': #checks if the row begins with input line if row[0] == 'Input line': vad_headers = row else: # Initially screens through the output Variant Additional Details to catch mutations on same peptide region genchrom = row[vad_headers.index('Chromosome')] genpos = int(row[vad_headers.index('Position')]) aa_change = row[vad_headers.index('Protein sequence change')] input_line = row[vad_headers.index('Input line')] for peptide in proBED: pepseq = peptide[3] pepchrom = peptide[0] pepposA = int(peptide[1]) pepposB = int(peptide[2]) if genchrom == pepchrom and pepposA <= genpos and genpos <= pepposB: strand = row[vad_headers.index('Strand')] transcript_strand = row[vad_headers.index('S.O. transcript strand')] # Calculates the position of the variant amino acid(s) on peptide if transcript_strand == strand: aa_peppos = int(math.ceil((genpos - pepposA)/3.0) - 1) if strand == '-' or transcript_strand == '-' or aa_peppos >= len(pepseq): aa_peppos = int(math.floor((pepposB - genpos)/3.0)) if pepseq in pep_muts: if aa_change not in pep_muts[pepseq]: pep_muts[pepseq][aa_change] = [aa_peppos] else: if aa_peppos not in pep_muts[pepseq][aa_change]: pep_muts[pepseq][aa_change].append(aa_peppos) else: pep_muts[pepseq] = {aa_change : [aa_peppos]} # Stores the intersect information by mapping Input Line (CRAVAT output) to peptide sequence. if input_line in pep_map: if pepseq not in pep_map[input_line]: pep_map[input_line].append(pepseq) else: pep_map[input_line] = [pepseq] with open(file_1) as tsvin_1, open(file_2) as tsvin_2, open(output_filename, 'wb') as tsvout: tsvreader_1 = csv.reader(tsvin_1, delimiter='\t') tsvreader_2 = csv.reader(tsvin_2, delimiter='\t') tsvout = csv.writer(tsvout, delimiter='\t') headers = [] #loops through each row in the Variant Additional Details (VAD) file for row in tsvreader_2: #sets row_2 equal to the same row in Variant Result (VR) file row_2 = #checks if row is empty or if the first term contains '#' if row == [] or row[0][0] == '#': tsvout.writerow(row) else: if row[0] == 'Input line': #Goes through each value in the headers list in VAD for value in row: #Adds each value into headers headers.append(value) #Loops through the Keys in VR for i,value in enumerate(row_2): #Checks if the value is already in headers if value in headers: duplicate_indices.append(i) continue #else adds the header to headers else: headers.append(value) #Adds appropriate headers when proteomic input is supplied if (probed_filename != 'None'): headers.insert(n, 'Variant peptide') headers.insert(n, 'Reference peptide') tsvout.writerow(headers) else: cells = [] #Goes through each value in the next list for value in row: #adds it to cells cells.append(value) #Goes through each value from the VR file after position 11 (After it is done repeating from VAD file) for i,value in enumerate(row_2): #adds in the rest of the values to cells if i not in duplicate_indices: # Skips the initial 11 columns and the VEST p-value (already in VR file) cells.append(value) # Verifies the peptides intersected previously through sequences obtained from Ensembl's API if (probed_filename != 'None'): cells.insert(n,'') cells.insert(n,'') input_line = cells[headers.index('Input line')] if input_line in pep_map: pepseq = pep_map[input_line][0] aa_changes = pep_muts[pepseq] transcript_id = cells[headers.index('S.O. transcript')] ref_fullseq = getSequence(transcript_id) # Checks the other S.O. transcripts if the primary S.O. transcript has no sequence available if not ref_fullseq: transcripts = cells[headers.index('S.O. all transcripts')] for transcript in transcripts.split(','): if transcript: mat = ref_fullseq = getSequence( if ref_fullseq: aa_changes = { [aa_changes.values()[0][0]]} break # Resubmits the previous transcripts without extensions if all S.O. transcripts fail to provide a sequence if not ref_fullseq: transcripts = cells[headers.index('S.O. all transcripts')] for transcript in transcripts.split(','): if transcript: mat = ref_fullseq = getSequence('.')[0]) if ref_fullseq: aa_changes = { [aa_changes.values()[0][0]]} break if ref_fullseq: # Sorts the amino acid changes positions = {} for aa_change in aa_changes: m = aa_protpos = int( aa_peppos = aa_changes[aa_change][0] aa_startpos = aa_protpos - aa_peppos - 1 if aa_startpos in positions: positions[aa_startpos].append(aa_change) else: positions[aa_startpos] = [aa_change] # Goes through the sorted categories to mutate the Ensembl peptide (uses proBED peptide as a reference) for pep_protpos in positions: ref_seq = ref_fullseq[pep_protpos:pep_protpos+len(pepseq)] muts = positions[pep_protpos] options = [] mut_seq = ref_seq for mut in muts: m = ref_aa = mut_pos = int( alt_aa = pep_mutpos = mut_pos - pep_protpos - 1 if ref_seq[pep_mutpos] == ref_aa and (pepseq[pep_mutpos] == alt_aa or pepseq[pep_mutpos] == ref_aa): if pepseq[pep_mutpos] == ref_aa: mut_seq = mut_seq[:pep_mutpos] + ref_aa + mut_seq[pep_mutpos+1:] else: mut_seq = mut_seq[:pep_mutpos] + alt_aa + mut_seq[pep_mutpos+1:] else: break # Adds the mutated peptide and reference peptide if mutated correctly if pepseq == mut_seq: cells[n+1] = pepseq cells[n] = ref_seq #print cells tsvout.writerow(cells) #a = 'col1\tcol2\tcol3' #header_list = a.split('\t') #loop through the two results, when you first hit header you print out the headers in tabular form #Print out each header only once #Combine both headers into one output file #loop through the rest of the data and assign each value to its assigned header #combine this all into one output file