diff Galaxy-Workflow-Genome_Exome_paired_analysis_(SNVMix1).ga @ 4:ad39c1d75bbe

author ryanmorin
date Mon, 17 Oct 2011 13:43:27 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Galaxy-Workflow-Genome_Exome_paired_analysis_(SNVMix1).ga	Mon Oct 17 13:43:27 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+    "a_galaxy_workflow": "true", 
+    "annotation": "", 
+    "format-version": "0.1", 
+    "name": "Genome/Exome paired analysis (SNVMix1)", 
+    "steps": {
+        "0": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 0, 
+            "input_connections": {}, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "", 
+                    "name": "Tumour bam file (rmdup or dups flagged)"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "Input dataset", 
+            "outputs": [], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 205, 
+                "top": 458
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": null, 
+            "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"Tumour bam file (rmdup or dups flagged)\"}", 
+            "tool_version": null, 
+            "type": "data_input", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "1": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 1, 
+            "input_connections": {}, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "", 
+                    "name": "Codon resource (codon_lookup_new.sort)"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "Input dataset", 
+            "outputs": [], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 205, 
+                "top": 524
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": null, 
+            "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"Codon resource (codon_lookup_new.sort)\"}", 
+            "tool_version": null, 
+            "type": "data_input", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "2": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 2, 
+            "input_connections": {}, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "", 
+                    "name": "SNP resource (all_known_snps.txt.current)"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "Input dataset", 
+            "outputs": [], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 204, 
+                "top": 588
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": null, 
+            "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"SNP resource (all_known_snps.txt.current)\"}", 
+            "tool_version": null, 
+            "type": "data_input", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "3": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 3, 
+            "input_connections": {}, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "", 
+                    "name": "Normal bam file (rmdup or dups flagged)"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "Input dataset", 
+            "outputs": [], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 205, 
+                "top": 652
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": null, 
+            "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"Normal bam file (rmdup or dups flagged)\"}", 
+            "tool_version": null, 
+            "type": "data_input", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "4": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 4, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "refOrHistory|input1": {
+                    "id": 0, 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "SNVMix", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output_snvmix", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 265.5, 
+                "top": 333.5
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {}, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "snvmix", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"q\": \"\\\"19\\\"\", \"positionFile\": \"{\\\"positions\\\": \\\"no\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}\", \"__page__\": 0, \"refOrHistory\": \"{\\\"input1\\\": null, \\\"reference\\\": \\\"indexed\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"keep_dups\": \"\\\"no\\\"\", \"Q\": \"\\\"19\\\"\", \"full\": \"\\\"no\\\"\", \"keep_chastity\": \"\\\"no\\\"\", \"type\": \"\\\"SNVMix1\\\"\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "0.12.1-rc1", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "5": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 5, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input1": {
+                    "id": 4, 
+                    "output_name": "output_snvmix"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "SNVMix filter", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output1", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 554, 
+                "top": 268
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "RenameDatasetActionoutput1": {
+                    "action_arguments": {
+                        "newname": "Filtered SNVMix output"
+                    }, 
+                    "action_type": "RenameDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output1"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "filter_snvmix", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"require_dual_strand\": \"\\\"yes\\\"\", \"input1\": \"null\", \"max_indels\": \"\\\"1\\\"\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "6": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 6, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "codon_resource": {
+                    "id": 1, 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }, 
+                "input1": {
+                    "id": 5, 
+                    "output_name": "output1"
+                }, 
+                "known_snp_resource": {
+                    "id": 2, 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "SNP filtering and pre-annotation", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output1", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "output2", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 539.5, 
+                "top": 467
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "RenameDatasetActionoutput2": {
+                    "action_arguments": {
+                        "newname": "codon-linked novel SNVs"
+                    }, 
+                    "action_type": "RenameDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output2"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "snp_filters", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"input1\": \"null\", \"known_snp_resource\": \"null\", \"codon_resource\": \"null\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "7": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 7, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input_codon": {
+                    "id": 6, 
+                    "output_name": "output2"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "SNV Annotator", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output_anno", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 891, 
+                "top": 223
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "RenameDatasetActionoutput_anno": {
+                    "action_arguments": {
+                        "newname": "Annotated novel SNVs from tumour"
+                    }, 
+                    "action_type": "RenameDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output_anno"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "snv_annotate", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"input_codon\": \"null\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "8": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 8, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input": {
+                    "id": 7, 
+                    "output_name": "output_anno"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Select", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "out_file1", 
+                    "type": "input"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 896, 
+                "top": 330
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {}, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "Grep1", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"input\": \"null\", \"invert\": \"\\\"false\\\"\", \"pattern\": \"\\\"CODING\\\"\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.1", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "9": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 9, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input": {
+                    "id": 8, 
+                    "output_name": "out_file1"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Cut", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "out_file1", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 899, 
+                "top": 420
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {}, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "Cut1", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"columnList\": \"\\\"c1\\\"\", \"input\": \"null\", \"delimiter\": \"\\\"Sp\\\"\", \"__page__\": 0}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.1", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "10": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 10, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input": {
+                    "id": 9, 
+                    "output_name": "out_file1"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Convert", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "out_file1", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 903, 
+                "top": 513
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {}, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "Convert characters1", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"input\": \"null\", \"convert_from\": \"\\\"Co\\\"\", \"__page__\": 0}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "11": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 11, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input1": {
+                    "id": 10, 
+                    "output_name": "out_file1"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Trim", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "out_file1", 
+                    "type": "input"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 904, 
+                "top": 607
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "RenameDatasetActionout_file1": {
+                    "action_arguments": {
+                        "newname": ""
+                    }, 
+                    "action_type": "RenameDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "out_file1"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "trimmer", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"input1\": \"null\", \"end\": \"\\\"0\\\"\", \"fastq\": \"\\\"\\\"\", \"ignore\": \"null\", \"start\": \"\\\"4\\\"\", \"col\": \"\\\"0\\\"\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "0.0.1", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "12": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 12, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "pos": {
+                    "id": 11, 
+                    "output_name": "out_file1"
+                }, 
+                "refOrHistory|input1": {
+                    "id": 3, 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "SNVMix at selected positions", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output_snvmix", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 847.5, 
+                "top": 711
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {}, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "snvmix2", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"q\": \"\\\"19\\\"\", \"full\": \"\\\"yes\\\"\", \"__page__\": 0, \"refOrHistory\": \"{\\\"input1\\\": null, \\\"reference\\\": \\\"indexed\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"keep_dups\": \"\\\"no\\\"\", \"pos\": \"null\", \"Q\": \"\\\"19\\\"\", \"keep_chastity\": \"\\\"no\\\"\", \"type\": \"\\\"MB\\\"\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "0.12.1-rc1", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "13": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 13, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input1": {
+                    "id": 12, 
+                    "output_name": "output_snvmix"
+                }, 
+                "input2": {
+                    "id": 7, 
+                    "output_name": "output_anno"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Get somatic positions from germline SNVMix output", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output1", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 1129, 
+                "top": 474.5
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "RenameDatasetActionoutput1": {
+                    "action_arguments": {
+                        "newname": "Final somatic calls (SNVMix1)"
+                    }, 
+                    "action_type": "RenameDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output1"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "snvmix_somatic_filter", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"input2\": \"null\", \"__page__\": 0, \"nonref_support\": \"\\\"2\\\"\", \"input1\": \"null\", \"posterior\": \"\\\"0.999\\\"\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "0.12.1-rc1", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file