diff src/breadcrumbs/src/Cladogram.py @ 0:0de566f21448 draft default tip

author sagun98
date Thu, 03 Jun 2021 18:13:32 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/Cladogram.py	Thu Jun 03 18:13:32 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Class to call circlader and create dendrograms.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = "ttickle@sph.harvard.edu"
+__status__ = "Development"
+#External libraries
+from AbundanceTable import AbundanceTable
+from CommandLine import CommandLine
+from ConstantsBreadCrumbs import ConstantsBreadCrumbs
+from ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs import ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs
+import math
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import re
+import scipy.stats
+from ValidateData import ValidateData
+#import scipy.stats.stats as stats
+class Cladogram:
+  """
+  This class manages creating files for Circlader and calling circulator.
+  """
+  #Script name
+  circladerScript=None
+  #Constants
+  c_sTaxa="Taxa"
+  c_sCircle="Circle"
+  c_sBorder="Border"
+  c_sShape="Shape"
+  c_sAlpha="Alpha"
+  c_sForced="Forced"
+  #Numpy array (structured array) holding data
+  #Should be SampleID, Sample Abundances/Data (samples = columns).....
+  npaAbundance = None
+  #List of sample names
+  lsSampleNames = None
+  #Name of output image
+  strImageName = "Cladogram.png"
+  #String used to call the sample id column
+  strSampleID = "ID"
+  strUnclassified = "unclassified"
+  #Minimum size of clade (terminal node count for clade)
+  iMinCladeSize = 1
+  #Level of ancestry to filter at (starts with 0 and based on the input file)
+  iCladeLevelToMeasure = 1
+  iCladeLevelToReduce = 1
+  cFeatureDelimiter = "|"
+  #Flags
+  #Turns on (True) or off (False) abundance-based filtering
+  fAbundanceFilter = False
+  #Turns on (True) or off (False) clade size-based filtering
+  fCladeSizeFilter = False
+  #Indicate if the following files were made
+  fSizeFileMade=False
+  fCircleFileMade=False
+  fColorFileMade=False
+  fTickFileMade=False
+  fHighlightFileMade=False
+  #Circlader files
+  strTreeFilePath="_Taxa.txt"
+  strCircleFilePath = "_Circle.txt"
+  strColorFilePath="_Color.txt"
+  strTickFilePath="_Tick.txt"
+  strHighLightFilePath="_HighLight.txt"
+  strSizeFilePath="_Size.txt"
+  strStyleFilePath=""
+  #Thresholds
+  #Controls the showing of taxa
+  c_dPercentileCutOff = 90.0
+  c_dPercentageAbovePercentile = 1.0
+  #Minimum average abundance score when using log scale
+  c_dMinLogSize = 0.0000000001
+  #Constant used to maginfy the size difference in the taxa (log only)
+  c_dLogScale = 1000000
+  #When after log10, an addition scaling adjustment (use this)
+  c_dCircleScale = 3
+  #Data for circular files
+  #Used to change IDs to proper labels
+  dictConvertIDs = None
+  #Labels to be relabeled
+  dictRelabels = None
+  #Colors
+  dictColors = None
+  #Elements that are forced to be highlighted
+  dictForcedHighLights = None
+  #Ticks
+  llsTicks = None
+  #Forced root of the tree, discarding data as needed.
+  strRoot = None
+  #Holds circle data as a list of dictionaries
+  #One dictionary per circle
+  ldictCircleData = None
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.dictForcedHighLights = dict()
+  #Happy Path Tested
+  def addHighLights(self, dictClades,fOverwrite):
+    """
+    This methods allows highlighting to be added.
+    When an element is added in this manner it will not be filtered out.
+    These elements, if existing in the tree will be highlighted the named color given.
+    This color name should be supplied in the set Color Data method
+    {strName1:strColorName1,strName2:strColorName2,...}
+    :param dictClades: Names of elements, if found in the tree which should be highlighted
+    :type: dictClades Dictionary of element name (string) and element color (string) 
+    :param fOverwrite: If element is already indicated to be highlighted, overwrite the color to the one provided here.
+    :type: fOverwrite boolean (True == overwrite color)
+    """
+    if ValidateData.funcIsValidDictionary(dictClades):
+        if ValidateData.funcIsValidBoolean(fOverwrite):
+            for strElement in dictClades:
+                if(strElement in self.dictForcedHighLights):
+                    if(fOverwrite):
+                        self.dictForcedHighLights[strElement] = dictClades[strElement]
+                else:
+                    self.dictForcedHighLights[strElement] = dictClades[strElement]
+  #Not tested
+  def getHighLights(self):
+    return self.dictForcedHighLights
+  #Not tested
+  def forceRoot(self, strRoot):
+    """
+    This method allows one to root the tree at a certain level and value
+    Only taxa that contain this value in their ancestry will be plotted
+    The root will be the value given, any previous heirachy will be ignored
+    This will remove highlighted data if indicated to do so
+    :params strRoot: Where to root the tree
+    :type: strRoot String
+    """
+    self.strRoot = strRoot
+  def generate(self, strImageName, strStyleFile, sTaxaFileName, strCircladerScript = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strCircladerScript, iTerminalCladeLevel = 10, sColorFileName=None, sTickFileName=None, sHighlightFileName=None, sSizeFileName=None, sCircleFileName=None):
+    """
+    This is the method to call to generate a cladogram using circlader.
+    The default data file is an abundance table unless the getDa function is overwritten.
+    :param strImageName: File name to save the output cladogram image
+    :type: strImageName File name (string)
+    :param strStyleFile: File path indicating the style file to use
+    :type: strStyleFile File path (string)
+    :param sTaxaFileName: File path indicating the taxa file to use
+    :type: sTaxaFileName File path (string)
+    :param strCircladerScript: File path to the Circlader script
+    :type: String
+    :param iTerminalCladeLevel: Clade level to use as terminal in plotting
+    :type: iTerminalCladeLevel integer starting with 1
+    :param strColorFile: File path indicating the color file to use
+    :type: strColorFile File path (string)
+    :param strTickFile: File path indicating the tick file to use
+    :type: strTickFile File path (string)
+    :param strHighlightFile: File path indicating the highlight file to use
+    :type: strHighlightFile File path (string)
+    :param strSizeFile: File path indicating the size file to use
+    :type: strSizeFile File path (string)
+    :param sCircleFileName: File path of circlader circle file.
+    :type: String
+    """
+    if self.npaAbundance == None:
+      print "Cladogram::generate. The data was not set so an image could not be generated"
+      return False
+    #Set script
+    self.circladerScript = strCircladerScript
+    #Set output file name
+    self.strImageName = strImageName
+    #Check files exist and remove files which will be written
+    self.manageFilePaths(sTaxaFileName, strStyleFile, sColorFileName, sTickFileName, sHighlightFileName, sSizeFileName, sCircleFileName)
+    #Get IDs
+    lsIDs = [strId for strId in list(self.npaAbundance[self.strSampleID])]
+    #Generate a dictionary to convert the ids to correct format
+    #Fix unclassified names
+    #Make numeric labels as indicated
+    self.dictConvertIDs = self.generateLabels(lsIDs)
+    #Remove taxa lower than the display clade level
+    lsCladeAndAboveFeatures = []
+    for sFeature in lsIDs:
+        if len(sFeature.split(self.cFeatureDelimiter)) <= iTerminalCladeLevel:
+            lsCladeAndAboveFeatures.append(sFeature)
+    lsIDs = lsCladeAndAboveFeatures
+    #Filter by abundance
+    if(self.fAbundanceFilter):
+      lsIDs = self.filterByAbundance(lsIDs)
+    #Update to the correct root
+    lsIDs = self.updateToRoot(lsIDs)
+    #Set highlights to root for consistency
+    if(not self.strRoot == None):
+      dictRootedHighLights = dict()
+      if not self.dictForcedHighLights == None:
+        for sKey in self.dictForcedHighLights.keys():
+          strUpdatedKey = self.updateToRoot([sKey])
+          dictRootedHighLights[strUpdatedKey[0]]=self.dictForcedHighLights[sKey]
+        self.dictForcedHighLights = dictRootedHighLights
+    #Set relabels to root for consistency
+    if(not self.strRoot == None):
+      dictRootedLabels = dict()
+      if not self.dictRelabels == None:
+        for sKey in self.dictRelabels.keys():
+          strUpdatedKey = self.updateToRoot([sKey])
+          dictRootedLabels[strUpdatedKey[0]]=self.dictRelabels[sKey]
+        self.dictRelabels = dictRootedLabels
+    #Filter by clade size Should be the last filter.
+    #It is not a strong filter but cleans up images
+    if(self.fCladeSizeFilter):
+      lsIDs = self.filterByCladeSize(lsIDs)
+    #Add in forced highlighting
+    lsIDs.extend(self.dictForcedHighLights.keys())
+    lsIDs = list(set(lsIDs))
+    #Add in forced circle data
+    for dictCircleData in self.ldictCircleData:
+      if(dictCircleData[self.c_sForced]):
+        lsTaxa = dictCircleData[self.c_sTaxa]
+        lsAlpha = dictCircleData[self.c_sAlpha]
+        lsAddTaxa = []
+        [lsAddTaxa.append(lsTaxa[tpleAlpha[0]]) if not tpleAlpha[1] == '0.0' else 0 for tpleAlpha in enumerate(lsAlpha)]
+        lsIDs.extend(lsAddTaxa)
+    lsIDs = list(set(lsIDs))
+    #Create circle files (needs to be after any filtering because it has a forcing option).
+    if not self.createCircleFile(lsIDs):
+      return False
+    #Generate / Write Tree file
+    if not self.createTreeFile(lsIDs):
+      return False
+    #Generate / Write Highlight file
+    if not self.createHighlightFile(lsIDs):
+      return False
+    #Generate / write color file
+    if(self.dictColors is not None):
+        lsColorData = [ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab.join([sColorKey,self.dictColors[sColorKey]]) for sColorKey in self.dictColors]
+        self.writeToFile(self.strColorFilePath, ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEndline.join(lsColorData), False)
+        self.fColorFileMade=True
+    #Generate / write tick file
+    if(self.llsTicks is not None):
+        lsTickData = [ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab.join(lsTicks) for lsTicks in self.llsTicks]
+        self.writeToFile(self.strTickFilePath, ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEndline.join(lsTickData), False)
+        self.fTickFileMade=True
+    #Generate / Write size data
+    if not self.createSizeFile(lsIDs):
+      return False
+    #Call commandline
+    lsCommand = [self.circladerScript, self.strTreeFilePath, self.strImageName, "--style_file", self.strStyleFilePath, "--tree_format", "tabular"]
+    if(self.fSizeFileMade):
+      lsCommand.extend(["--size_file", self.strSizeFilePath])
+    if(self.fColorFileMade):
+      lsCommand.extend(["--color_file", self.strColorFilePath])
+    if(self.fTickFileMade):
+      lsCommand.extend(["--tick_file", self.strTickFilePath])
+    if(self.fHighlightFileMade):
+      lsCommand.extend(["--highlight_file", self.strHighLightFilePath])
+    if(self.fCircleFileMade):
+      lsCommand.extend(["--circle_file", self.strCircleFilePath])
+    CommandLine().runCommandLine(lsCommand)
+  #Happy path tested
+  def setColorData(self, dictColors):
+    """
+    This methods allows color information to be specified.
+    Need to give a dictionary having a name (key)(string) and color (value)(string RGB)data
+    {strName1:Color,strName2:Color...}
+    Name will be a string name that references what needs to be this color
+    Color data should be a string in the RGB format 0-255,0-255,0-255
+    :param dictColors: Color Name and RGB specification
+    :type: dictColorsDictionary strings 
+    """
+    if ValidateData.funcIsValidDictionary(dictColors):
+      self.dictColors = dictColors
+      if not ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs.c_strBackgroundColorName in self.dictColors:
+        self.dictColors[ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs.c_strBackgroundColorName]=ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs.c_strBackgroundColor
+  #Not tested
+  def setAbundanceData(self, abtbAbundanceTable):
+    """
+    Sets the abundance data the Cladogram will use to plot
+    :params abtAbundanceTable: AbundanceTable to set
+    :type: AbundanceTable
+    """
+    self.npaAbundance = abtbAbundanceTable.funcGetAbundanceCopy()
+    self.strSampleID = abtbAbundanceTable.funcGetIDMetadataName()
+    self.lsSampleNames = abtbAbundanceTable.funcGetSampleNames()
+  #Not tested
+  def setFilterByAbundance(self, fAbundanceFilter, dPercentileCutOff = 90.0,  dPercentageAbovePercentile = 1.0):
+    """
+    Switch filtering by abundance on and off.
+    fAbundanceFilter == True indicates filtering is on
+    :param fAbundanceFilter: Switch to turn on (true) and off (false) abundance-based filtering
+    :type: fAbundanceFilter boolean
+    :param dPercentileCutOff: Percentage between 100.0 to 0.0.
+    :type: double
+    :param dPercentageAbovePercentile: Percentage between 100.0 to 1.0.
+    :type: double
+    """
+    self.fAbundanceFilter = fAbundanceFilter
+    self.c_dPercentileCutOff = dPercentileCutOff
+    self.c_dPercentageAbovePercentile = dPercentageAbovePercentile
+  #Not Tested
+  def setCircleScale(self, iScale):
+    """
+    Is a scale used to increase or decrease node sizes in the the cladogram to make more visible
+    iScale default is 3
+    :param iScale: Integer to increase the relative sizes of nodes
+    :type: iScale integer
+    """
+    self.c_dCircleScale = iScale
+  #Not tested
+  def setFeatureDelimiter(self, cDelimiter):
+    """
+    Set the delimiter used to parse the consensus lineages of features.
+    :param cDelimiter: The delimiter used to parse the consensus lineage of features.
+    :type: Character
+    """
+    if cDelimiter:
+      self.cFeatureDelimiter = cDelimiter
+  #Not tested
+  def setFilterByCladeSize(self, fCladeSizeFilter, iCladeLevelToMeasure = 3, iCladeLevelToReduce = 1, iMinimumCladeSize = 5, cFeatureDelimiter = None, strUnclassified="unclassified"):
+    """
+    Switch filtering by clade size on and off.
+    fCladeSizeFilter == True indicates filtering is on
+    NOT 0 based.
+    :param fCladeSizeFilter: Switch to turn on (true) and off (false) clade size-based filtering
+    :type: fCladeSizeFilter boolean
+    :param iCladeLevelToMeasure: The level of the concensus lineage that is measure or counted. Should be greater than iCladeLevelToReduce (Root is 1)
+    :type: iCladeLevelToMeasure int
+    :param iCladeLevelToReduce: The level of the concensus lineage that is reduced if the measured level are not the correct count (Root is 1)
+    :type: iCladeLevelToReduce int
+    :param iMinimumCladeSize: Minimum count of the measured clade for the clade to be kept
+    :type: iMinimumCladeSize int
+    :param cFeatureDelimiter: One may set the feature delimiter if needed.
+    :type: Character
+    :param strUnclassified: String indicating unclassifed features
+    :type: String
+    """
+    self.fCladeSizeFilter = fCladeSizeFilter
+    if iCladeLevelToMeasure > 0:
+        self.iCladeLevelToMeasure = iCladeLevelToMeasure
+    if iCladeLevelToReduce > 0:
+        self.iCladeLevelToReduce = iCladeLevelToReduce
+    if iMinimumCladeSize > 0:
+        self.iMinCladeSize = iMinimumCladeSize
+    if cFeatureDelimiter:
+        self.cFeatureDelimiter = cFeatureDelimiter
+    if strUnclassified:
+        self.strUnclassified = strUnclassified
+  #Not tested
+  def setTicks(self, llsTicks):
+    """
+    This methods allows tick information to be specified.
+    Need to generate a list of lists each having a tick level (number starting at 0 as a string), and tick name
+    #Lowest numbers are closest to the center of the tree
+    [[#,Name1],[#,Name2]...]
+    :param llsTicks: Level # and Name of level
+    :type: llsTicks List of lists of strings 
+    """
+    self.llsTicks = llsTicks
+  #Happy Path tested with createCircleFile
+  def addCircle(self, lsTaxa, strCircle, dBorder=0.0, strShape="R", dAlpha=1.0, fForced=False):
+    """
+    This methods allows one to add a circle to the outside of the cladogram.
+    :param lsTaxa: Taxa to highlight with this circle
+    :type: lsTaxa List of strings (taxa names)
+    :param strCircle: Circle the elements will be in, indicates color and circle level.
+    :type: strCircle String circle 
+    :param dBorder: Border size for the circle element border (between 0.0 and 1.0)
+      can also be a list of dBorders.  If list, position must match lsTaxa.
+    :type: dBorder Float of border size (or list of floats).
+    :param strShape: String Indicator of shape or method to determine shape.
+      Can also be a list of shapes.  If list, position must match lsTaxa.
+    :type: strShape String to indicate the shape (may also be a list of strings).
+        Default value is square.
+        Valid shapes are R(Square), v(inward pointing triangle), ^(outward pointing triangle)
+    :param dAlpha: The transparency of the circle element (between 0.0[clear] and 1.0[solid]).
+      Can also be a list of floats.  If list, position must match lsTaxa.
+    :type: dAlpha Float to indicate the transparency of the shape (may also be a list of strings).
+    :param fForced: Forces item in the features in the circle to be displayed in the cladogram no matter thier passing filters.
+    :type: Boolean
+    """
+    if(self.ldictCircleData == None):
+      self.ldictCircleData = list()
+    dictCircleData = dict()
+    dictCircleData[self.c_sTaxa]=lsTaxa
+    dictCircleData[self.c_sCircle]=strCircle
+    dictCircleData[self.c_sBorder]=dBorder
+    dictCircleData[self.c_sShape]=strShape
+    dictCircleData[self.c_sAlpha]=dAlpha
+    dictCircleData[self.c_sForced]=fForced
+    self.ldictCircleData.append(dictCircleData)
+    return True
+  #Happy Path tested with AddCircle
+  def createCircleFile(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Write circle data to file.
+    :param lsIDs: Ids to include in the circle file
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings
+    """
+    #If there is circle data
+    if(not self.ldictCircleData == None):
+      if self.strCircleFilePath == None:
+        print("Error, there is no circle file specified to write to.")
+        return False
+      #Holds circle data {Taxaname:string updates correctly for output to file}
+      dictCircleDataMethods = dict()
+      lsCircleData = list()
+      for dictCircleData in self.ldictCircleData:
+        lsTaxa = dictCircleData[self.c_sTaxa]
+        #Shape/s for taxa
+        datShape = dictCircleData[self.c_sShape]
+        fShapeIsList = (str(type(datShape)) == "<type 'list'>")
+        #Border/s for taxa
+        datBorder = dictCircleData[self.c_sBorder]
+        fBorderIsList = (str(type(datBorder)) == "<type 'list'>")
+        #Alpha/s for taxa
+        datAlpha = dictCircleData[self.c_sAlpha]
+        fAlphaIsList = (str(type(datAlpha)) == "<type 'list'>")
+        #Circle name
+        sCircleMethod = dictCircleData[self.c_sCircle]
+        #Check to make sure the lengths of the array match up
+        if(fShapeIsList):
+          if not len(datShape) == len(lsTaxa):
+            print("".join(["Error, Shapes were given as an list not of the size of the taxa list. Shape list length: ",str(len(datShape)),". Taxa list length: ",str(len(lsTaxa)),"."]))
+            return False
+        if(fBorderIsList):
+          if not len(datBorder) == len(lsTaxa):
+            print("".join(["Error, Border sizes were given as an list not of the size of the taxa list. Border list length: ",str(len(datBorder)),". Taxa list length: ",str(len(lsTaxa)),"."]))
+            return False
+        if(fAlphaIsList):
+          if not len(datAlpha) == len(lsTaxa):
+            print("".join(["Error, Alpha sizes were given as an list not of the size of the taxa list. Alpha list length: ",str(len(datAlpha)),". Taxa list length: ",str(len(lsTaxa)),"."]))
+            return False
+        #Update taxa to root if needed
+        #When doing this if any of the other data is an array we have to edit them
+        #as the taxa are edited for updating root
+        if((not fShapeIsList) and (not fBorderIsList) and (not fAlphaIsList)):
+          lsTaxa = self.updateToRoot(dictCircleData[self.c_sTaxa])
+        else:
+          #Initilize as lists or as the string value they already are
+          lsUpdatedTaxa = list()
+          datUpdatedShapes=list()
+          if(not fShapeIsList):
+            datUpdatedShapes = datShape
+          datUpdatedBorders=list()
+          if(not fBorderIsList):
+            datUpdatedBorders = datBorder
+          datUpdatedAlphas=list()
+          if(not fAlphaIsList):
+            datUpdatedAlphas = datAlpha
+          #If a taxa is kept, keep associated list information
+          #If not a list data, leave alone, it will be used globally for all taxa.
+          iTaxaIndex = -1
+          for sTaxa in lsTaxa:
+            iTaxaIndex = iTaxaIndex + 1
+            sUpdatedTaxa=self.updateToRoot([sTaxa])
+            if len(sUpdatedTaxa)==1:
+              lsUpdatedTaxa.append(sUpdatedTaxa[0])
+              if(fShapeIsList):
+                datUpdatedShapes.append(datShape[iTaxaIndex])
+              if(fBorderIsList):
+                datUpdatedBorders.append(datBorder[iTaxaIndex])
+              if(fAlphaIsList):
+                datUpdatedAlphas.append(datAlpha[iTaxaIndex])
+          #Reset data to rooted data
+          lsTaxa=lsUpdatedTaxa
+          datShape=datUpdatedShapes
+          datBorder=datUpdatedBorders
+          datAlpha=datUpdatedAlphas
+        #QC passes so we will add the circle to the figure and the ticks.
+        #If there are ticks and if the circle is not already in the ticks.
+        if(not self.llsTicks == None):
+          strCircleName = dictCircleData[self.c_sCircle]
+          fFound = False
+          iHighestNumber = -1
+          for tick in self.llsTicks:
+            #Look for name
+            if tick[1] == strCircleName:
+              fFound = True
+            #Find highest count
+            if int(tick[0]) > iHighestNumber:
+              iHighestNumber = int(tick[0])
+          if not fFound:
+            self.llsTicks.append([str(iHighestNumber+1),strCircleName])
+        #If the circle is forced, add the taxa to the lsIDs
+        #Otherwise we will only plot those that are matching 
+        #the lsIDs and the circle taxa list.
+        if dictCircleData[self.c_sForced]:
+          for iAlpha in xrange(0,len(datAlpha)):
+            if(not datAlpha[iAlpha] == "0.0"):
+              lsIDs.append(lsTaxa[iAlpha])
+          lsIDs = list(set(lsIDs))
+        #For all taxa in the cladogram
+        for sTaxa in lsTaxa:
+          #Store circle content name in dictionary
+          if not sTaxa in dictCircleDataMethods:
+            #Reset name to . delimited
+            asNameElements = filter(None,re.split("\|",sTaxa))
+            sCurTaxaName = asNameElements[len(asNameElements)-1]
+            if(len(asNameElements)>1):
+              if(sCurTaxaName=="unclassified"):
+                sCurTaxaName = ".".join([asNameElements[len(asNameElements)-2],sCurTaxaName])
+            sCurTaxa = ".".join(asNameElements)
+            #Add to dictionary
+            dictCircleDataMethods[sTaxa] = sCurTaxa
+          #If the taxa is in the selected method
+          if sTaxa in lsTaxa:
+            #Index of the id in the circle data
+            iTaxaIndex = lsTaxa.index(sTaxa)
+            #Get border
+            sBorder = ""
+            if(fBorderIsList):
+              sBorder = str(datBorder[iTaxaIndex])
+            else:
+              sBorder = str(datBorder)
+            #Get shape
+            sShape = ""
+            if(fShapeIsList):
+              sShape = datShape[iTaxaIndex]
+            else:
+              sShape = datShape
+            #Get alpha
+            sAlpha = ""
+            if(fAlphaIsList):
+              sAlpha = str(datAlpha[iTaxaIndex])
+            else:
+              sAlpha = str(datAlpha)
+            dictCircleDataMethods[sTaxa]=dictCircleDataMethods[sTaxa]+"".join([ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab,sCircleMethod,":",sAlpha,"!",sShape,"#",sBorder])
+          else:
+            dictCircleDataMethods[sTaxa]=dictCircleDataMethods[sTaxa]+"".join([ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab,sCircleMethod,":0.0!R#0.0"])
+      if len(dictCircleDataMethods)>0:
+        lsTaxaKeys = dictCircleDataMethods.keys()
+        sCircleContent = dictCircleDataMethods[lsTaxaKeys[0]]
+        for sTaxaKey in lsTaxaKeys[1:len(lsTaxaKeys)]:
+          sCircleContent = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEndline.join([sCircleContent,dictCircleDataMethods[sTaxaKey]])
+        self.writeToFile(self.strCircleFilePath, sCircleContent, False)
+        self.fCircleFileMade=True
+        return True
+    self.fCircleFileMade=False
+    return False
+  #Happy Path tested
+  def createHighlightFile(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Write highlight data to file
+    :param lsIDs: Ids to include in the highlight file
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings
+    """
+    lsHighLightData = list()
+    #Each taxa name
+    for sID in lsIDs:
+      sCurColor = ""
+      #Rename taxa to be consisten with the . delimit format
+      asNameElements = filter(None,re.split("\|",sID))
+      sCurTaxaName = asNameElements[len(asNameElements)-1]
+      if(len(asNameElements)>1):
+        if(sCurTaxaName=="unclassified"):
+          sCurTaxaName = ".".join([asNameElements[len(asNameElements)-2],sCurTaxaName])
+      sCurTaxa = ".".join(asNameElements)
+      sCurLabel = ""
+      #Get color
+      sColorKey = ""
+      if(sID in self.dictForcedHighLights):
+        sColorKey = self.dictForcedHighLights[sID]
+        if(sColorKey in self.dictColors):
+          sCurColor = self.formatRGB(self.dictColors[sColorKey])
+        #Get label
+        if(self.dictRelabels is not None):
+          if(sID in self.dictRelabels):
+            sCurLabel = self.dictRelabels[sID]
+        if(sCurLabel == ""):
+          lsHighLightData.append(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab.join([sCurTaxa,sCurTaxaName,sCurLabel,sCurColor]))
+        else:
+          lsHighLightData.append(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab.join([sCurTaxa,sCurLabel,sCurLabel,sCurColor]))
+    if len(lsHighLightData)>0:
+      self.writeToFile(self.strHighLightFilePath, ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEndline.join(lsHighLightData), False)
+      self.fHighlightFileMade=True
+    return True
+  #Happy path tested
+  def createSizeFile(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Write size data to file
+    :param lsIDs: Ids to include in the size file
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings
+    """
+    if self.npaAbundance is not None:
+      dMinimumValue = (self.c_dMinLogSize*self.c_dLogScale)+1
+      lsWriteData = list()
+      for rowData in self.npaAbundance:
+        strCurrentId = rowData[0]
+        #Reset to root if needed to match current data
+        if(not self.strRoot == None):
+          strCurrentId = self.updateToRoot([strCurrentId])
+          if(len(strCurrentId) > 0):
+            strCurrentId = strCurrentId[0]
+        if(strCurrentId in lsIDs):
+          dAverage = np.average(list(rowData)[1:])
+          dSize = max([dMinimumValue,(dAverage*self.c_dLogScale)+1])
+          lsWriteData.append(".".join(re.split("\|",strCurrentId))+ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab+str(math.log10(dSize)*self.c_dCircleScale))
+      if len(lsWriteData)>0:
+        self.writeToFile(self.strSizeFilePath, ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEndline.join(lsWriteData), False)
+        self.fSizeFileMade=True
+    return True
+  #Happy path tested 1
+  def createTreeFile(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Write tree data to file. The tree file defines the internal cladogram and all it's points.
+    :param lsIDs: Ids to include in the tree file as well as their ancestors
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings
+    """
+    lsFullTree = list()
+    for sID in lsIDs:
+      lsIDElements = filter(None,re.split("\|",sID))
+      sElementCur = lsIDElements[0]
+      if(not sElementCur in lsFullTree):
+        lsFullTree.append(sElementCur)
+      if(len(lsIDElements) > 1):
+        sNodePath = ""
+        for iEndLevel in xrange(1,len(lsIDElements)+1):
+          sCurAncestry = lsIDElements[0:iEndLevel]
+          sNodePath = ".".join(sCurAncestry)
+          if(not sNodePath in lsFullTree):
+            lsFullTree.append(sNodePath)
+    if len(lsFullTree)>0:
+      self.writeToFile(self.strTreeFilePath, ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEndline.join(lsFullTree), False)
+    return True
+  #Happy Path tested
+  def filterByAbundance(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Filter by abundance. Specifically this version requires elements of
+    the tree to have a certain percentage of a certain percentile in samples.
+    :param lsIDs: Ids to filter
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings
+    """
+    #list of ids to return that survived the filtering
+    retls = list()
+    if not self.npaAbundance is None:
+      #Hold the cuttoff score (threshold) for the percentile of interest {SampleName(string):score(double)}
+      dictPercentiles = dict()
+      for index in xrange(1,len(self.npaAbundance.dtype.names)):
+        dScore = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(self.npaAbundance[self.npaAbundance.dtype.names[index]],self.c_dPercentileCutOff)
+        dictPercentiles[self.npaAbundance.dtype.names[index]] = dScore
+      #Sample count (Ignore sample id [position 0] which is not a name)
+      dSampleCount = float(len(self.npaAbundance.dtype.names[1:]))
+      #Check each taxa
+      for rowTaxaData in self.npaAbundance:
+        sCurTaxaName = rowTaxaData[0]
+        #Only look at the IDs given
+        if(sCurTaxaName in lsIDs):
+          dCountAbovePercentile = 0.0
+          ldAbundanceMeasures = list(rowTaxaData)[1:]
+          #Check to see if the abundance score meets the threshold and count if it does
+          for iScoreIndex in xrange(0,len(ldAbundanceMeasures)):
+            if(ldAbundanceMeasures[iScoreIndex] >= dictPercentiles[self.lsSampleNames[iScoreIndex]]):
+              dCountAbovePercentile = dCountAbovePercentile + 1.0
+          dPercentOverPercentile = dCountAbovePercentile / dSampleCount
+          if(dPercentOverPercentile >= (self.c_dPercentageAbovePercentile/100.0)):
+            retls.append(sCurTaxaName)
+    return retls
+  #Happy Path Tested
+  def filterByCladeSize(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Filter by the count of individuals in the clade.
+    :param lsIDs: Ids to filter
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings
+    """
+    #First get terminal nodes
+    lsTerminalNodes = AbundanceTable.funcGetTerminalNodesFromList(lsIDs,self.cFeatureDelimiter)
+    #Count up clades
+    cladeCounts = dict()
+    #For each terminal node count the
+    #Clades at clade levels
+    for sTerminalNode in lsTerminalNodes:
+        lsLineage = sTerminalNode.split(self.cFeatureDelimiter)
+        iLineageCount = len(lsLineage)
+        #If the lineage is shorter than the reduced clade level then no need to filter it
+        if iLineageCount >= self.iCladeLevelToReduce:
+            #If the lineage is longer than the reduced clade level and measuring clade level then count
+            #or If the lineage is longer than the reduced clade level but shorter than the measuring clade,
+            #only count if the last element is unclassified
+            if (iLineageCount >= self.iCladeLevelToMeasure) or (lsLineage[-1] == self.strUnclassified):
+                sLineage = self.cFeatureDelimiter.join(lsLineage[0:self.iCladeLevelToReduce])
+                cladeCounts[sLineage] = cladeCounts.get(sLineage,0) + 1
+    #Go through the IDs and reduce as needed using the clade counts
+    retls = list()
+    for sID in lsIDs:
+        lsID = sID.split(self.cFeatureDelimiter)
+        iIDCount = len(lsID)
+        #Too short to filter
+        if iLineageCount < self.iCladeLevelToReduce:
+            retls.append(sID)
+        #Check to see if the clade which is being reduced made the cut
+        if iIDCount >= self.iCladeLevelToReduce:
+            if (iIDCount >= self.iCladeLevelToMeasure) or (lsID[-1] == self.strUnclassified):
+                if cladeCounts[self.cFeatureDelimiter.join(lsID[0:self.iCladeLevelToReduce])] >= self.iMinCladeSize:
+                    retls.append(sID)
+    return retls
+  #Happy path tested
+  def formatRGB(self, sColor):
+    """
+    Takes a string that is of the format 0-255,0-255,0-255 and converts it to the 
+    color format of circlader _c_[0-1,0-1,0-1]
+    :param sColor: String RGB format
+    :type: sColor String
+    """
+    sCircladerColor = "_c_[1,1,1]"
+    if(sColor is not None):
+      sColorElements = filter(None,re.split(",",sColor))
+      if(len(sColorElements)==3):
+        iR = int(sColorElements[0])/255.0
+        iG = int(sColorElements[1])/255.0
+        iB = int(sColorElements[2])/255.0
+        sCircladerColor = "".join(["_c_[",str(iR),",",str(iG),",",str(iB),"]"])
+    return sCircladerColor
+  #Happy path tested
+  def generateLabels(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Labels for visualization. 
+    Changes unclassified to one_level_higher.unclassified and enables numeric labeling / relabeling.
+    Will only rename, will not add the label. The key must exist for the value to be used in replacing.
+    :param lsIDs: Ids to include in the labels file
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings
+    """
+    dictRet = dict()
+    for sID in lsIDs:
+        lsIDElements = filter(None,re.split("\|",sID))
+        iIDElementsCount = len(lsIDElements)
+        sLabel = lsIDElements[iIDElementsCount-1]
+        #Fix unclassified
+        if((sLabel == "unclassified") and (iIDElementsCount > 1)):
+            sLabel = ".".join([lsIDElements[iIDElementsCount-2],sLabel])
+        #Change to relabels if given
+        if(self.dictRelabels is not None):
+            if(sLabel in self.dictRelabels):
+                sLabel = self.dictRelabels[sLabel]
+        #Store lable
+        dictRet[sID] = sLabel
+    return dictRet
+  #Happy path tested
+  def manageFilePaths(self, sTaxaFileName, strStyleFile, sColorFileName=None, sTickFileName=None, sHighlightFileName=None, sSizeFileName=None, sCircleFileName=None):
+    """
+    This method sets the naming to the files generated that Circlader acts on.
+    These files include the tree, color, highlight, tick, circle, and size files.
+    Checks to make sure the file path to the syle file provided is an existing file.
+    Deletes any existing files with these generated names (except for the style files).
+    :param sStyleFile: File path indicating the style file to use
+    :type: String
+    :param strTaxaFile: File path indicating the taxa file to use
+    :type: String
+    :param sColorFile: File path indicating the color file to use
+    :type: String
+    :param sTickFile: File path indicating the tick file to use
+    :type: String
+    :param sHighlightFile: File path indicating the highlight file to use
+    :type: String
+    :param sSizeFile: File path indicating the size file to use
+    :type: String
+    :param sCircleFileName: File path for circle files
+    :type: String
+    :return boolean: True indicates success, false indicates error
+    """
+    #Do not remove the style file, it is static
+    if strStyleFile is None:
+      print("Error, style file is None")
+      return(False)
+    if not os.path.exists(strStyleFile):
+      print("Error, no style file found.")
+      return(False)
+    else:
+      self.strStyleFilePath = strStyleFile
+    #Set output files and remove if needed
+    self.strTreeFilePath = sTaxaFileName
+    self.strColorFilePath = sColorFileName
+    self.strTickFilePath = sTickFileName
+    self.strHighLightFilePath = sHighlightFileName
+    self.strSizeFilePath = sSizeFileName
+    self.strCircleFilePath = sCircleFileName
+    for sFile in [self.strTreeFilePath,self.strColorFilePath,self.strTickFilePath,
+                  self.strHighLightFilePath,self.strSizeFilePath,self.strCircleFilePath]:
+      if not sFile is None:
+        if(os.path.exists(sFile)):
+          os.remove(sFile)
+    return True
+  #Not tested
+  def relabelIDs(self, dictLabels):
+    """
+    Allows the relabeling of ids. Can be used to make numeric labeling of ids or renaming
+    :param dictLabels: Should label (key) (after unclassified is modified) and new label (value)
+    :type: dictLabels Dictionary of string (key:label to replace) string (value:new label to use in replacing)
+    """
+    self.dictRelabels = dictLabels
+  #Happy path tested
+  def updateToRoot(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Updates the clade to the root given. The clade must contain the root and the level of the 
+    root in the clade will be rest to it's first level, ignoring the previous levels of the clade.
+    :param lsIDs: List of Clades that will be reset to the root specified by setRoot
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings. Each string representing a clade.
+    """
+    if(self.strRoot is None):
+      return lsIDs
+    #Force root tree if indicated to do so
+    lsRootedIDs = list()
+    for sID in lsIDs:
+      sIDElements = filter(None,re.split("\|",sID))
+      if(self.strRoot in sIDElements):
+        iRootIndex = sIDElements.index(self.strRoot)
+        #If multiple levels of the clade exist after the new root merge them.
+        if(len(sIDElements)>iRootIndex+2):
+          lsRootedIDs.append("|".join(sIDElements[iRootIndex+1:]))
+        #If only one level of the clade exists after the new root, return it.
+        elif(len(sIDElements)>iRootIndex+1):
+          lsRootedIDs.append(sIDElements[iRootIndex+1])
+    return(lsRootedIDs)
+  #Testing: Used extensively in other tests
+  def writeToFile(self, strFileName, strDataToWrite, fAppend):
+    """
+    Helper function that writes a string to a file
+    :param strFileName: File to write to
+    :type: strFileName File path (string)
+    :param strDataToWrite: Data to write to file
+    :type: strDataToWrite String
+    :param fAppend: Indicates if an append should occur (True == Append)
+    :type: fAppend boolean
+    """
+    cMode = 'w'
+    if fAppend:
+      cMode = 'a'
+    with open(strFileName,cMode) as f:
+        f.write(strDataToWrite)