changeset 15:491a5e3e4b78 draft

Deleted selected files
author saharlcc
date Mon, 03 Apr 2017 17:55:43 -0400
parents 007e2dd3fe8b
children 72e55a2c0bbf
diffstat 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 218 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/	Mon Apr 03 17:55:22 2017 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-while [ $i -lt $# ]
-        a=${arg[i]}
-	if [ "$a" == "-c1" ]; then
-		fpkmGeneCommand="$fpkmGeneCommand -c1"
-		fpkmIsoformCommand="$fpkmIsoformCommand -c1"
-		tpmGeneCommand="$tpmGeneCommand -c1"
-		tpmIsoformCommand="$tpmIsoformCommand -c1"
-		((i++))
-		 a=${arg[i]}
-		rep=1
-		while [[  `expr index "$a" "/"` -ne 0  && $i -lt $# ]]
-		do
-			condition1File=$a
-			${toolpath}/convertToisoDEFormatWithIsoforms $condition1File c1_rep${rep}
-			fpkmGeneCommand="$fpkmGeneCommand c1_rep${rep}_fpkm_G"
-			fpkmIsoformCommand="$fpkmIsoformCommand c1_rep${rep}_fpkm_I"
-			tpmGeneCommand="$tpmGeneCommand c1_rep${rep}_tpm_G"
-			tpmIsoformCommand="$tpmIsoformCommand c1_rep${rep}_tpm_I"
-			((rep++))
-			((i++))
-			 a=${arg[i]}
-		done
-        elif [ "$a" == "-c2" ]; then 
-		fpkmGeneCommand="$fpkmGeneCommand -c2"
-		fpkmIsoformCommand="$fpkmIsoformCommand -c2"
-		tpmGeneCommand="$tpmGeneCommand -c2"
-		tpmIsoformCommand="$tpmIsoformCommand -c2"
-		((i++))
-		 a=${arg[i]}
-		rep=1
-		while [[  `expr index "$a" "/"` -ne 0 &&  $i -lt $# ]]
-                do
-			condition1File=$a
-			#echo $condition1File
-			${toolpath}/convertToisoDEFormatWithIsoforms $condition1File c2_rep${rep}
-			fpkmGeneCommand="$fpkmGeneCommand c2_rep${rep}_fpkm_G"
-			fpkmIsoformCommand="$fpkmIsoformCommand c2_rep${rep}_fpkm_I"
-			tpmGeneCommand="$tpmGeneCommand c2_rep${rep}_tpm_G"
-			tpmIsoformCommand="$tpmIsoformCommand c2_rep${rep}_tpm_I"
-			((rep++))
-                     ((i++))
-                     a=${arg[i]}
-                done
-	elif [ "$a" == "-pval" ]; then 
-		((i++))
-		pval=${arg[i]}
-		((i++))
-	elif [ "$a" == "-geneFPKMout" ]; then 
-		((i++))
-		geneFPKMout_file=${arg[i]}
-		((i++))
-	elif [ "$a" == "-geneTPMout" ]; then 
-		((i++))
-		geneTPMout_file=${arg[i]}
-		((i++))
-	elif [ "$a" == "-isoFPKMout" ]; then 
-		((i++))
-		isoFPKMout_file=${arg[i]}
-		((i++))
-	elif [ "$a" == "-isoTPMout" ]; then 
-		((i++))
-		isoTPMout_file=${arg[i]}
-		((i++))
-	else
-		((i++))
-	fi
-echo boostrap iterations $bootstrap
-#support=`java -cp ${supportCalcPath} support 200 200 $pval`
-#support=`java -cp ${supportCalcPath} support $bootstrap $bootstrap $pval`
-#Calculator assumes IsoDE does all pairs when calculation the number of ratios. It multiplies the number of bootstrap samples per condition
-# changed the second parameter to make the number of ratios equal to the number of bootstrap samples (match, not all pairs)
-echo calculate support based on p-value and number or replicates
-support=`java -cp ${supportCalcPath} support $bootstrap 1 $pval`
-fpkmGeneCommand="$fpkmGeneCommand -b $support"
-fpkmIsoformCommand="$fpkmIsoformCommand -b $support"
-tpmGeneCommand="$tpmGeneCommand -b $support"
-tpmIsoformCommand="$tpmIsoformCommand -b $support"
-fpkmGeneCommand="$fpkmGeneCommand -dfc 2"
-fpkmIsoformCommand="$fpkmIsoformCommand -dfc 2"
-tpmGeneCommand="$tpmGeneCommand -dfc 2"
-tpmIsoformCommand="$tpmIsoformCommand -dfc 2"
-#if [ "${out_prefix}" == "$(basename ${out_prefix} )" ]; then
-#	pth=`pwd`
-#	out_prefix=${pth}/${out_prefix}
-echo moving start
-mkdir fpkm_G
-cd fpkm_G
-mv ../c*_fpkm_G .
-echo isoDE start
-${isoDEPath}/isodecalls $fpkmGeneCommand -out "output.txt"
-#awk '{for (f=1; f<=NF; f++) {if (f == NF)  printf "%s",$f; else printf "%s\t", $f }; print ""}' Bootstrap_Merge1_DIR/output.txt | sed 1,1d > ${geneFPKMout_file}
-echo awk command
-awk '{if (NR == 1) {print "Gene ID\tConfident log2 FC\t Single run log2 FC\t c1 average FPKM\tc2 average FPKM";} else {if ($6 == 0 && $7 == 0) {two="0";} else {two=$2;} print $1 "\t" two "\t"  $5 "\t" $6 "\t" $7}}' Bootstrap_Merge1_DIR/output.txt > ${geneFPKMout_file}
-cd ..
-echo moving start
-mkdir fpkm_I
-cd fpkm_I
-mv ../c*_fpkm_I .
-echo isoDE start
-${isoDEPath}/isodecalls $fpkmIsoformCommand -out "output.txt"
-echo awk command
-awk '{if (NR == 1) {print "Isoform ID\tConfident log2 FC\t Single run log2 FC\t c1 average FPKM\tc2 average FPKM";} else {if ($6 == 0 && $7 == 0) {two="0";} else {two=$2;} print $1 "\t" two "\t"  $5 "\t" $6 "\t" $7}}' Bootstrap_Merge1_DIR/output.txt  > ${isoFPKMout_file}
-cd ..
-echo moving start
-mkdir tpm_G
-cd tpm_G
-mv ../c*_tpm_G .
-echo isoDE start
-${isoDEPath}/isodecalls $tpmGeneCommand -out "output.txt"
-echo awk command
-awk '{if (NR == 1) {print "Gene ID\tConfident log2 FC\t Single run log2 FC\t c1 average TPM\tc2 average TPM";} else {if ($6 == 0 && $7 == 0) {two="0";} else {two=$2;} print $1 "\t" two "\t"  $5 "\t" $6 "\t" $7}}'  Bootstrap_Merge1_DIR/output.txt  > ${geneTPMout_file}
-cd ..
-echo moving start
-mkdir tpm_I
-cd tpm_I
-mv ../c*_tpm_I .
-echo isoDE start
-${isoDEPath}/isodecalls $tpmIsoformCommand -out "output.txt"
-echo awk command
-awk '{if (NR == 1) {print "Isoform ID\tConfident log2 FC\t Single run log2 FC\t c1 average TPM\tc2 average TPM";} else {if ($6 == 0 && $7 == 0) {two="0";} else {two=$2;} print $1 "\t" two "\t"  $5 "\t" $6 "\t" $7}}'  Bootstrap_Merge1_DIR/output.txt  > ${isoTPMout_file}
-cd ..
-echo final cleanup
-rm -fr fpkm_G fpkm_I tpm_G cd tpm_I
-echo done