Mercurial > repos > sblanck > smagexp
comparison Analyse.R @ 0:1024245abc70 draft
planemo upload for repository commit 5974f806f344dbcc384b931492d7f023bfbbe03b
author | sblanck |
date | Thu, 22 Feb 2018 08:38:22 -0500 |
parents | |
children |
-1:000000000000 | 0:1024245abc70 |
1 #!/usr/bin/env Rscript | |
2 # setup R error handling to go to stderr | |
3 options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } ) | |
4 | |
5 # we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings. | |
6 loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8") | |
7 | |
8 library("optparse") | |
9 | |
10 ##### Read options | |
11 option_list=list( | |
12 make_option("--rdatainput",type="character",default="NULL",help="rdata object containing eset object"), | |
13 make_option("--conditions",type="character",default=NULL,help="Text file summarizing conditions of the experiment (required)"), | |
14 make_option("--selectcondition1",type="character",default=NULL,help="log2 transformation"), | |
15 # make_option("--condition1",type="character",default=NULL,help="A table containing the expression data"), | |
16 make_option("--selectcondition2",type="character",default="NULL",help="rdata object containing eset object"), | |
17 # make_option("--condition2",type="character",default=NULL,help="Text file summarizing conditions of the experiment (required)"), | |
18 make_option("--nbresult",type="character",default=NULL,help="number of result displayed results"), | |
19 make_option("--rdataoutput",type="character",default="NULL",help="output rdata object containing eset object"), | |
20 make_option("--htmloutput",type="character",default=NULL,help="Output html report"), | |
21 make_option("--htmloutputpath",type="character",default="NULL",help="Path of output html report"), | |
22 make_option("--tabularoutput",type="character",default=NULL,help="Output text file"), | |
23 make_option("--htmltemplate",type="character",default=NULL,help="html template)"), | |
24 make_option("--tooldirectory",type="character",default=NULL,help="tool directory)") | |
25 | |
26 | |
27 ); | |
28 | |
29 opt_parser = OptionParser(option_list=option_list); | |
30 opt = parse_args(opt_parser); | |
31 | |
32 if(is.null(opt$rdatainput)){ | |
33 print_help(opt_parser) | |
34 stop("rData input required.", call.=FALSE) | |
35 } | |
36 | |
37 if(is.null(opt$conditions)){ | |
38 print_help(opt_parser) | |
39 stop("conditions input required.", call.=FALSE) | |
40 } | |
41 | |
42 | |
43 #loading libraries | |
44 suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(GEOquery)) | |
45 suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(Biobase)) | |
46 suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(GEOquery)) | |
47 suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(GEOmetadb)) | |
48 suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(limma)) | |
49 suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(jsonlite)) | |
50 suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(affy)) | |
51 suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(dplyr)) | |
52 | |
53 load(opt$rdatainput) | |
54 targetFile=opt$conditions | |
55 condition1Name=opt$selectcondition1 | |
56 #condition1=opt$condition1 | |
57 condition2Name=opt$selectcondition2 | |
58 #condition2=opt$condition2 | |
59 nbresult=opt$nbresult | |
60 result_export_eset=opt$rdataoutput | |
61 result=opt$htmloutput | |
62 result.path=opt$htmloutputpath | |
63 result.tabular=opt$tabularoutput | |
64 result.template=opt$htmltemplate | |
65 tooldirectory=opt$tooldirectory | |
66 | |
67 targets <- read.table(targetFile,sep="\t",stringsAsFactors=FALSE) | |
68 | |
69 #condition1_tmp <- strsplit(condition1,",") | |
70 condition1 <-targets[which(targets$V2==condition1Name),1] | |
71 | |
72 #condition2_tmp <- strsplit(condition2,",") | |
73 #condition2<-unlist(condition2_tmp) | |
74 condition2 <-targets[which(targets$V2==condition2Name),1] | |
75 | |
76 conditions=c(condition1,condition2) | |
77 | |
78 dir.create(result.path, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = FALSE) | |
79 | |
80 eset=eset[,which(rownames(eset@phenoData@data) %in% conditions)] | |
81 | |
82 eset@phenoData@data$source_name_ch1="" | |
83 eset@phenoData@data$source_name_ch1[which(rownames(eset@phenoData@data) %in% condition1)]=condition1Name | |
84 eset@phenoData@data$source_name_ch1[which(rownames(eset@phenoData@data) %in% condition2)]=condition2Name | |
85 | |
86 condNames=paste0("G",as.numeric(as.character(pData(eset)["source_name_ch1"][,1])!=condition1Name)) | |
87 | |
88 f <- as.factor(condNames) | |
89 | |
90 design <- model.matrix(~ 0+f) | |
91 | |
92 colnames(design) <- levels(f) | |
93 | |
94 fit <- lmFit(eset, design) | |
95 | |
96 cont.matrix <- makeContrasts(G0-G1, levels=design) | |
97 | |
98 fit2 <-, cont.matrix) | |
99 fit2 <- eBayes(fit2) | |
100 | |
101 tT <- topTable(fit2, adjust="fdr","B", number=nbresult) | |
102 | |
103 #head(exprs(eset)) | |
104 | |
105 gpl <- annotation(eset) | |
106 if (substr(x = gpl,1,3)!="GPL"){ | |
107 #if the annotation info does not start with "GPL" we retrieve the corresponding GPL annotation | |
108 mapping=read.csv(paste0(tooldirectory,"/gplToBioc.csv"),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) | |
109 gpl=mapping[which(mapping$bioc_package==annotation(eset)),]$gpl | |
110 gpl=gpl[1] | |
111 | |
112 annotation(eset)=gpl | |
113 | |
114 platf <- getGEO(gpl, AnnotGPL=TRUE) | |
115 ncbifd <- data.frame(attr(dataTable(platf), "table")) | |
116 | |
117 fData(eset)["ID"]=row.names(fData(eset)) | |
118 fData(eset)=merge(x=fData(eset),y=ncbifd,all.x = TRUE, by = "ID") | |
119 colnames(fData(eset))[4]="ENTREZ_GENE_ID" | |
120 row.names(fData(eset))=fData(eset)[,"ID"] | |
121 | |
122 tT <- add_rownames(tT, "ID") | |
123 | |
124 } else { | |
125 | |
126 gpl <- annotation(eset) | |
127 platf <- getGEO(gpl, AnnotGPL=TRUE) | |
128 ncbifd <- data.frame(attr(dataTable(platf), "table")) | |
129 | |
130 if (!("ID" %in% colnames(tT))){ | |
131 tT <- add_rownames(tT, "ID")} | |
132 | |
133 } | |
134 | |
135 tT <- merge(tT, ncbifd, by="ID") | |
136 tT <- tT[order(tT$P.Value), ] | |
137 tT <- subset(tT, select=c("Platform_SPOTID","ID","adj.P.Val","P.Value","t","B","logFC","Gene.symbol","Gene.title","Gene.ID","Chromosome.annotation","GO.Function.ID")) | |
138 tT<-format(tT, digits=2, nsmall=2) | |
139 head(tT) | |
140 colnames(tT)=gsub(pattern = "\\.",replacement = "_",colnames(tT)) | |
141 matrixtT=as.matrix(tT) | |
142 datajson=toJSON(matrixtT,pretty = TRUE) | |
143 | |
144 htmlfile=readChar(result.template,$size) | |
145 htmlfile=gsub(x=htmlfile,pattern = "###DATAJSON###",replacement = datajson, fixed = TRUE) | |
146 dir.create(result.path, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = FALSE) | |
147 | |
148 boxplot="boxplot.png" | |
149 png(boxplot,width=800,height = 400) | |
150 par(mar=c(7,5,1,1)) | |
151 boxplot(exprs(eset),las=2,outline=FALSE) | |
152 | |
153 htmlfile=gsub(x=htmlfile,pattern = "###BOXPLOT###",replacement = boxplot, fixed = TRUE) | |
154 file.copy(boxplot,result.path) | |
155 | |
156 histopvalue="histopvalue.png" | |
157 | |
158 png(histopvalue,width=800,height = 400) | |
159 par(mfrow=c(1,2)) | |
160 hist(fit2$F.p.value,nclass=100,main="Histogram of p-values", xlab="p-values",ylab="frequency") | |
161 volcanoplot(fit2,coef=1,highlight=10,main="Volcano plot") | |
162 htmlfile=gsub(x=htmlfile,pattern = "###HIST###",replacement = histopvalue, fixed = TRUE) | |
163 | |
164 file.copy(histopvalue,result.path) | |
165 | |
166 saveConditions=c(condition1Name,condition2Name) | |
167 save(eset,saveConditions,file=result_export_eset) | |
168 write.table(x=tT[,-1],file=result.tabular,quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE,col.names=TRUE,sep="\t") | |
169 write(htmlfile,result) | |
170 |