comparison env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/connectivity/ @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4f3585e2f14b
1 """
2 Kanevsky all minimum node k cutsets algorithm.
3 """
4 import copy
5 from collections import defaultdict
6 from itertools import combinations
7 from operator import itemgetter
9 import networkx as nx
10 from .utils import build_auxiliary_node_connectivity
11 from networkx.algorithms.flow import (
12 build_residual_network,
13 edmonds_karp,
14 shortest_augmenting_path,
15 )
17 default_flow_func = edmonds_karp
20 __all__ = ["all_node_cuts"]
23 def all_node_cuts(G, k=None, flow_func=None):
24 r"""Returns all minimum k cutsets of an undirected graph G.
26 This implementation is based on Kanevsky's algorithm [1]_ for finding all
27 minimum-size node cut-sets of an undirected graph G; ie the set (or sets)
28 of nodes of cardinality equal to the node connectivity of G. Thus if
29 removed, would break G into two or more connected components.
31 Parameters
32 ----------
33 G : NetworkX graph
34 Undirected graph
36 k : Integer
37 Node connectivity of the input graph. If k is None, then it is
38 computed. Default value: None.
40 flow_func : function
41 Function to perform the underlying flow computations. Default value
42 edmonds_karp. This function performs better in sparse graphs with
43 right tailed degree distributions. shortest_augmenting_path will
44 perform better in denser graphs.
47 Returns
48 -------
49 cuts : a generator of node cutsets
50 Each node cutset has cardinality equal to the node connectivity of
51 the input graph.
53 Examples
54 --------
55 >>> # A two-dimensional grid graph has 4 cutsets of cardinality 2
56 >>> G = nx.grid_2d_graph(5, 5)
57 >>> cutsets = list(nx.all_node_cuts(G))
58 >>> len(cutsets)
59 4
60 >>> all(2 == len(cutset) for cutset in cutsets)
61 True
62 >>> nx.node_connectivity(G)
63 2
65 Notes
66 -----
67 This implementation is based on the sequential algorithm for finding all
68 minimum-size separating vertex sets in a graph [1]_. The main idea is to
69 compute minimum cuts using local maximum flow computations among a set
70 of nodes of highest degree and all other non-adjacent nodes in the Graph.
71 Once we find a minimum cut, we add an edge between the high degree
72 node and the target node of the local maximum flow computation to make
73 sure that we will not find that minimum cut again.
75 See also
76 --------
77 node_connectivity
78 edmonds_karp
79 shortest_augmenting_path
81 References
82 ----------
83 .. [1] Kanevsky, A. (1993). Finding all minimum-size separating vertex
84 sets in a graph. Networks 23(6), 533--541.
87 """
88 if not nx.is_connected(G):
89 raise nx.NetworkXError("Input graph is disconnected.")
91 # Address some corner cases first.
92 # For complete Graphs
93 if nx.density(G) == 1:
94 for cut_set in combinations(G, len(G) - 1):
95 yield set(cut_set)
96 return
97 # Initialize data structures.
98 # Keep track of the cuts already computed so we do not repeat them.
99 seen = []
100 # Even-Tarjan reduction is what we call auxiliary digraph
101 # for node connectivity.
102 H = build_auxiliary_node_connectivity(G)
103 H_nodes = H.nodes # for speed
104 mapping = H.graph["mapping"]
105 # Keep a copy of original predecessors, H will be modified later.
106 # Shallow copy is enough.
107 original_H_pred = copy.copy(H._pred)
108 R = build_residual_network(H, "capacity")
109 kwargs = dict(capacity="capacity", residual=R)
110 # Define default flow function
111 if flow_func is None:
112 flow_func = default_flow_func
113 if flow_func is shortest_augmenting_path:
114 kwargs["two_phase"] = True
115 # Begin the actual algorithm
116 # step 1: Find node connectivity k of G
117 if k is None:
118 k = nx.node_connectivity(G, flow_func=flow_func)
119 # step 2:
120 # Find k nodes with top degree, call it X:
121 X = {n for n, d in sorted(, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:k]}
122 # Check if X is a k-node-cutset
123 if _is_separating_set(G, X):
124 seen.append(X)
125 yield X
127 for x in X:
128 # step 3: Compute local connectivity flow of x with all other
129 # non adjacent nodes in G
130 non_adjacent = set(G) - X - set(G[x])
131 for v in non_adjacent:
132 # step 4: compute maximum flow in an Even-Tarjan reduction H of G
133 # and step 5: build the associated residual network R
134 R = flow_func(H, f"{mapping[x]}B", f"{mapping[v]}A", **kwargs)
135 flow_value = R.graph["flow_value"]
137 if flow_value == k:
138 # Find the nodes incident to the flow.
139 E1 = flowed_edges = [
140 (u, w) for (u, w, d) in R.edges(data=True) if d["flow"] != 0
141 ]
142 VE1 = incident_nodes = {n for edge in E1 for n in edge}
143 # Remove saturated edges form the residual network.
144 # Note that reversed edges are introduced with capacity 0
145 # in the residual graph and they need to be removed too.
146 saturated_edges = [
147 (u, w, d)
148 for (u, w, d) in R.edges(data=True)
149 if d["capacity"] == d["flow"] or d["capacity"] == 0
150 ]
151 R.remove_edges_from(saturated_edges)
152 R_closure = nx.transitive_closure(R)
153 # step 6: shrink the strongly connected components of
154 # residual flow network R and call it L.
155 L = nx.condensation(R)
156 cmap = L.graph["mapping"]
157 inv_cmap = defaultdict(list)
158 for n, scc in cmap.items():
159 inv_cmap[scc].append(n)
160 # Find the incident nodes in the condensed graph.
161 VE1 = {cmap[n] for n in VE1}
162 # step 7: Compute all antichains of L;
163 # they map to closed sets in H.
164 # Any edge in H that links a closed set is part of a cutset.
165 for antichain in nx.antichains(L):
166 # Only antichains that are subsets of incident nodes counts.
167 # Lemma 8 in reference.
168 if not set(antichain).issubset(VE1):
169 continue
170 # Nodes in an antichain of the condensation graph of
171 # the residual network map to a closed set of nodes that
172 # define a node partition of the auxiliary digraph H
173 # through taking all of antichain's predecessors in the
174 # transitive closure.
175 S = set()
176 for scc in antichain:
177 S.update(inv_cmap[scc])
178 S_ancestors = set()
179 for n in S:
180 S_ancestors.update(R_closure._pred[n])
181 S.update(S_ancestors)
182 if f"{mapping[x]}B" not in S or f"{mapping[v]}A" in S:
183 continue
184 # Find the cutset that links the node partition (S,~S) in H
185 cutset = set()
186 for u in S:
187 cutset.update((u, w) for w in original_H_pred[u] if w not in S)
188 # The edges in H that form the cutset are internal edges
189 # (ie edges that represent a node of the original graph G)
190 if any([H_nodes[u]["id"] != H_nodes[w]["id"] for u, w in cutset]):
191 continue
192 node_cut = {H_nodes[u]["id"] for u, _ in cutset}
194 if len(node_cut) == k:
195 # The cut is invalid if it includes internal edges of
196 # end nodes. The other half of Lemma 8 in ref.
197 if x in node_cut or v in node_cut:
198 continue
199 if node_cut not in seen:
200 yield node_cut
201 seen.append(node_cut)
203 # Add an edge (x, v) to make sure that we do not
204 # find this cutset again. This is equivalent
205 # of adding the edge in the input graph
206 # G.add_edge(x, v) and then regenerate H and R:
207 # Add edges to the auxiliary digraph.
208 # See build_residual_network for convention we used
209 # in residual graphs.
210 H.add_edge(f"{mapping[x]}B", f"{mapping[v]}A", capacity=1)
211 H.add_edge(f"{mapping[v]}B", f"{mapping[x]}A", capacity=1)
212 # Add edges to the residual network.
213 R.add_edge(f"{mapping[x]}B", f"{mapping[v]}A", capacity=1)
214 R.add_edge(f"{mapping[v]}A", f"{mapping[x]}B", capacity=0)
215 R.add_edge(f"{mapping[v]}B", f"{mapping[x]}A", capacity=1)
216 R.add_edge(f"{mapping[x]}A", f"{mapping[v]}B", capacity=0)
218 # Add again the saturated edges to reuse the residual network
219 R.add_edges_from(saturated_edges)
222 def _is_separating_set(G, cut):
223 """Assumes that the input graph is connected"""
224 if len(cut) == len(G) - 1:
225 return True
227 H = nx.restricted_view(G, cut, [])
228 if nx.is_connected(H):
229 return False
230 return True