comparison env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/ @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4f3585e2f14b
1 """Provides functions for computing minors of a graph."""
2 from itertools import chain
3 from itertools import combinations
4 from itertools import permutations
5 from itertools import product
7 import networkx as nx
8 from networkx import density
9 from networkx.exception import NetworkXException
10 from networkx.utils import arbitrary_element
12 __all__ = ["contracted_edge", "contracted_nodes", "identified_nodes", "quotient_graph"]
14 chaini = chain.from_iterable
17 def equivalence_classes(iterable, relation):
18 """Returns the set of equivalence classes of the given `iterable` under
19 the specified equivalence relation.
21 `relation` must be a Boolean-valued function that takes two argument. It
22 must represent an equivalence relation (that is, the relation induced by
23 the function must be reflexive, symmetric, and transitive).
25 The return value is a set of sets. It is a partition of the elements of
26 `iterable`; duplicate elements will be ignored so it makes the most sense
27 for `iterable` to be a :class:`set`.
29 """
30 # For simplicity of implementation, we initialize the return value as a
31 # list of lists, then convert it to a set of sets at the end of the
32 # function.
33 blocks = []
34 # Determine the equivalence class for each element of the iterable.
35 for y in iterable:
36 # Each element y must be in *exactly one* equivalence class.
37 #
38 # Each block is guaranteed to be non-empty
39 for block in blocks:
40 x = arbitrary_element(block)
41 if relation(x, y):
42 block.append(y)
43 break
44 else:
45 # If the element y is not part of any known equivalence class, it
46 # must be in its own, so we create a new singleton equivalence
47 # class for it.
48 blocks.append([y])
49 return {frozenset(block) for block in blocks}
52 def quotient_graph(
53 G,
54 partition,
55 edge_relation=None,
56 node_data=None,
57 edge_data=None,
58 relabel=False,
59 create_using=None,
60 ):
61 """Returns the quotient graph of `G` under the specified equivalence
62 relation on nodes.
64 Parameters
65 ----------
66 G : NetworkX graph
67 The graph for which to return the quotient graph with the
68 specified node relation.
70 partition : function or list of sets
71 If a function, this function must represent an equivalence
72 relation on the nodes of `G`. It must take two arguments *u*
73 and *v* and return True exactly when *u* and *v* are in the
74 same equivalence class. The equivalence classes form the nodes
75 in the returned graph.
77 If a list of sets, the list must form a valid partition of
78 the nodes of the graph. That is, each node must be in exactly
79 one block of the partition.
81 edge_relation : Boolean function with two arguments
82 This function must represent an edge relation on the *blocks* of
83 `G` in the partition induced by `node_relation`. It must
84 take two arguments, *B* and *C*, each one a set of nodes, and
85 return True exactly when there should be an edge joining
86 block *B* to block *C* in the returned graph.
88 If `edge_relation` is not specified, it is assumed to be the
89 following relation. Block *B* is related to block *C* if and
90 only if some node in *B* is adjacent to some node in *C*,
91 according to the edge set of `G`.
93 edge_data : function
94 This function takes two arguments, *B* and *C*, each one a set
95 of nodes, and must return a dictionary representing the edge
96 data attributes to set on the edge joining *B* and *C*, should
97 there be an edge joining *B* and *C* in the quotient graph (if
98 no such edge occurs in the quotient graph as determined by
99 `edge_relation`, then the output of this function is ignored).
101 If the quotient graph would be a multigraph, this function is
102 not applied, since the edge data from each edge in the graph
103 `G` appears in the edges of the quotient graph.
105 node_data : function
106 This function takes one argument, *B*, a set of nodes in `G`,
107 and must return a dictionary representing the node data
108 attributes to set on the node representing *B* in the quotient graph.
109 If None, the following node attributes will be set:
111 * 'graph', the subgraph of the graph `G` that this block
112 represents,
113 * 'nnodes', the number of nodes in this block,
114 * 'nedges', the number of edges within this block,
115 * 'density', the density of the subgraph of `G` that this
116 block represents.
118 relabel : bool
119 If True, relabel the nodes of the quotient graph to be
120 nonnegative integers. Otherwise, the nodes are identified with
121 :class:`frozenset` instances representing the blocks given in
122 `partition`.
124 create_using : NetworkX graph constructor, optional (default=nx.Graph)
125 Graph type to create. If graph instance, then cleared before populated.
127 Returns
128 -------
129 NetworkX graph
130 The quotient graph of `G` under the equivalence relation
131 specified by `partition`. If the partition were given as a
132 list of :class:`set` instances and `relabel` is False,
133 each node will be a :class:`frozenset` corresponding to the same
134 :class:`set`.
136 Raises
137 ------
138 NetworkXException
139 If the given partition is not a valid partition of the nodes of
140 `G`.
142 Examples
143 --------
144 The quotient graph of the complete bipartite graph under the "same
145 neighbors" equivalence relation is `K_2`. Under this relation, two nodes
146 are equivalent if they are not adjacent but have the same neighbor set::
148 >>> G = nx.complete_bipartite_graph(2, 3)
149 >>> same_neighbors = lambda u, v: (
150 ... u not in G[v] and v not in G[u] and G[u] == G[v]
151 ... )
152 >>> Q = nx.quotient_graph(G, same_neighbors)
153 >>> K2 = nx.complete_graph(2)
154 >>> nx.is_isomorphic(Q, K2)
155 True
157 The quotient graph of a directed graph under the "same strongly connected
158 component" equivalence relation is the condensation of the graph (see
159 :func:`condensation`). This example comes from the Wikipedia article
160 *`Strongly connected component`_*::
162 >>> G = nx.DiGraph()
163 >>> edges = [
164 ... "ab",
165 ... "be",
166 ... "bf",
167 ... "bc",
168 ... "cg",
169 ... "cd",
170 ... "dc",
171 ... "dh",
172 ... "ea",
173 ... "ef",
174 ... "fg",
175 ... "gf",
176 ... "hd",
177 ... "hf",
178 ... ]
179 >>> G.add_edges_from(tuple(x) for x in edges)
180 >>> components = list(nx.strongly_connected_components(G))
181 >>> sorted(sorted(component) for component in components)
182 [['a', 'b', 'e'], ['c', 'd', 'h'], ['f', 'g']]
183 >>>
184 >>> C = nx.condensation(G, components)
185 >>> component_of = C.graph["mapping"]
186 >>> same_component = lambda u, v: component_of[u] == component_of[v]
187 >>> Q = nx.quotient_graph(G, same_component)
188 >>> nx.is_isomorphic(C, Q)
189 True
191 Node identification can be represented as the quotient of a graph under the
192 equivalence relation that places the two nodes in one block and each other
193 node in its own singleton block::
195 >>> K24 = nx.complete_bipartite_graph(2, 4)
196 >>> K34 = nx.complete_bipartite_graph(3, 4)
197 >>> C = nx.contracted_nodes(K34, 1, 2)
198 >>> nodes = {1, 2}
199 >>> is_contracted = lambda u, v: u in nodes and v in nodes
200 >>> Q = nx.quotient_graph(K34, is_contracted)
201 >>> nx.is_isomorphic(Q, C)
202 True
203 >>> nx.is_isomorphic(Q, K24)
204 True
206 The blockmodeling technique described in [1]_ can be implemented as a
207 quotient graph::
209 >>> G = nx.path_graph(6)
210 >>> partition = [{0, 1}, {2, 3}, {4, 5}]
211 >>> M = nx.quotient_graph(G, partition, relabel=True)
212 >>> list(M.edges())
213 [(0, 1), (1, 2)]
215 .. _Strongly connected component:
217 References
218 ----------
219 .. [1] Patrick Doreian, Vladimir Batagelj, and Anuska Ferligoj.
220 *Generalized Blockmodeling*.
221 Cambridge University Press, 2004.
223 """
224 # If the user provided an equivalence relation as a function compute
225 # the blocks of the partition on the nodes of G induced by the
226 # equivalence relation.
227 if callable(partition):
228 # equivalence_classes always return partition of whole G.
229 partition = equivalence_classes(G, partition)
230 return _quotient_graph(
231 G, partition, edge_relation, node_data, edge_data, relabel, create_using
232 )
234 # If the user provided partition as a collection of sets. Then we
235 # need to check if partition covers all of G nodes. If the answer
236 # is 'No' then we need to prepare suitable subgraph view.
237 partition_nodes = set().union(*partition)
238 if len(partition_nodes) != len(G):
239 G = G.subgraph(partition_nodes)
240 return _quotient_graph(
241 G, partition, edge_relation, node_data, edge_data, relabel, create_using
242 )
245 def _quotient_graph(
246 G,
247 partition,
248 edge_relation=None,
249 node_data=None,
250 edge_data=None,
251 relabel=False,
252 create_using=None,
253 ):
254 # Each node in the graph must be in exactly one block.
255 if any(sum(1 for b in partition if v in b) != 1 for v in G):
256 raise NetworkXException("each node must be in exactly one block")
257 if create_using is None:
258 H = G.__class__()
259 else:
260 H = nx.empty_graph(0, create_using)
261 # By default set some basic information about the subgraph that each block
262 # represents on the nodes in the quotient graph.
263 if node_data is None:
265 def node_data(b):
266 S = G.subgraph(b)
267 return dict(
268 graph=S, nnodes=len(S), nedges=S.number_of_edges(), density=density(S)
269 )
271 # Each block of the partition becomes a node in the quotient graph.
272 partition = [frozenset(b) for b in partition]
273 H.add_nodes_from((b, node_data(b)) for b in partition)
274 # By default, the edge relation is the relation defined as follows. B is
275 # adjacent to C if a node in B is adjacent to a node in C, according to the
276 # edge set of G.
277 #
278 # This is not a particularly efficient implementation of this relation:
279 # there are O(n^2) pairs to check and each check may require O(log n) time
280 # (to check set membership). This can certainly be parallelized.
281 if edge_relation is None:
283 def edge_relation(b, c):
284 return any(v in G[u] for u, v in product(b, c))
286 # By default, sum the weights of the edges joining pairs of nodes across
287 # blocks to get the weight of the edge joining those two blocks.
288 if edge_data is None:
290 def edge_data(b, c):
291 edgedata = (
292 d
293 for u, v, d in G.edges(b | c, data=True)
294 if (u in b and v in c) or (u in c and v in b)
295 )
296 return {"weight": sum(d.get("weight", 1) for d in edgedata)}
298 block_pairs = permutations(H, 2) if H.is_directed() else combinations(H, 2)
299 # In a multigraph, add one edge in the quotient graph for each edge
300 # in the original graph.
301 if H.is_multigraph():
302 edges = chaini(
303 (
304 (b, c, G.get_edge_data(u, v, default={}))
305 for u, v in product(b, c)
306 if v in G[u]
307 )
308 for b, c in block_pairs
309 if edge_relation(b, c)
310 )
311 # In a simple graph, apply the edge data function to each pair of
312 # blocks to determine the edge data attributes to apply to each edge
313 # in the quotient graph.
314 else:
315 edges = (
316 (b, c, edge_data(b, c)) for (b, c) in block_pairs if edge_relation(b, c)
317 )
318 H.add_edges_from(edges)
319 # If requested by the user, relabel the nodes to be integers,
320 # numbered in increasing order from zero in the same order as the
321 # iteration order of `partition`.
322 if relabel:
323 # Can't use nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers() here since we
324 # want the order of iteration to be the same for backward
325 # compatibility with the nx.blockmodel() function.
326 labels = {b: i for i, b in enumerate(partition)}
327 H = nx.relabel_nodes(H, labels)
328 return H
331 def contracted_nodes(G, u, v, self_loops=True, copy=True):
332 """Returns the graph that results from contracting `u` and `v`.
334 Node contraction identifies the two nodes as a single node incident to any
335 edge that was incident to the original two nodes.
337 Parameters
338 ----------
339 G : NetworkX graph
340 The graph whose nodes will be contracted.
342 u, v : nodes
343 Must be nodes in `G`.
345 self_loops : Boolean
346 If this is True, any edges joining `u` and `v` in `G` become
347 self-loops on the new node in the returned graph.
349 copy : Boolean
350 If this is True (default True), make a copy of
351 `G` and return that instead of directly changing `G`.
353 Returns
354 -------
355 Networkx graph
356 If Copy is True:
357 A new graph object of the same type as `G` (leaving `G` unmodified)
358 with `u` and `v` identified in a single node. The right node `v`
359 will be merged into the node `u`, so only `u` will appear in the
360 returned graph.
361 if Copy is False:
362 Modifies `G` with `u` and `v` identified in a single node.
363 The right node `v` will be merged into the node `u`, so
364 only `u` will appear in the returned graph.
366 Notes
367 -----
368 For multigraphs, the edge keys for the realigned edges may
369 not be the same as the edge keys for the old edges. This is
370 natural because edge keys are unique only within each pair of nodes.
372 Examples
373 --------
374 Contracting two nonadjacent nodes of the cycle graph on four nodes `C_4`
375 yields the path graph (ignoring parallel edges)::
377 >>> G = nx.cycle_graph(4)
378 >>> M = nx.contracted_nodes(G, 1, 3)
379 >>> P3 = nx.path_graph(3)
380 >>> nx.is_isomorphic(M, P3)
381 True
383 >>> G = nx.MultiGraph(P3)
384 >>> M = nx.contracted_nodes(G, 0, 2)
385 >>> M.edges
386 MultiEdgeView([(0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1)])
388 >>> G = nx.Graph([(1, 2), (2, 2)])
389 >>> H = nx.contracted_nodes(G, 1, 2, self_loops=False)
390 >>> list(H.nodes())
391 [1]
392 >>> list(H.edges())
393 [(1, 1)]
395 See also
396 --------
397 contracted_edge
398 quotient_graph
400 Notes
401 -----
402 This function is also available as `identified_nodes`.
403 """
404 # Copying has significant overhead and can be disabled if needed
405 if copy:
406 H = G.copy()
407 else:
408 H = G
410 # edge code uses G.edges(v) instead of G.adj[v] to handle multiedges
411 if H.is_directed():
412 in_edges = (
413 (w if w != v else u, u, d)
414 for w, x, d in G.in_edges(v, data=True)
415 if self_loops or w != u
416 )
417 out_edges = (
418 (u, w if w != v else u, d)
419 for x, w, d in G.out_edges(v, data=True)
420 if self_loops or w != u
421 )
422 new_edges = chain(in_edges, out_edges)
423 else:
424 new_edges = (
425 (u, w if w != v else u, d)
426 for x, w, d in G.edges(v, data=True)
427 if self_loops or w != u
428 )
430 # If the H=G, the generators change as H changes
431 # This makes the new_edges independent of H
432 if not copy:
433 new_edges = list(new_edges)
435 v_data = H.nodes[v]
436 H.remove_node(v)
437 H.add_edges_from(new_edges)
439 if "contraction" in H.nodes[u]:
440 H.nodes[u]["contraction"][v] = v_data
441 else:
442 H.nodes[u]["contraction"] = {v: v_data}
443 return H
446 identified_nodes = contracted_nodes
449 def contracted_edge(G, edge, self_loops=True):
450 """Returns the graph that results from contracting the specified edge.
452 Edge contraction identifies the two endpoints of the edge as a single node
453 incident to any edge that was incident to the original two nodes. A graph
454 that results from edge contraction is called a *minor* of the original
455 graph.
457 Parameters
458 ----------
459 G : NetworkX graph
460 The graph whose edge will be contracted.
462 edge : tuple
463 Must be a pair of nodes in `G`.
465 self_loops : Boolean
466 If this is True, any edges (including `edge`) joining the
467 endpoints of `edge` in `G` become self-loops on the new node in the
468 returned graph.
470 Returns
471 -------
472 Networkx graph
473 A new graph object of the same type as `G` (leaving `G` unmodified)
474 with endpoints of `edge` identified in a single node. The right node
475 of `edge` will be merged into the left one, so only the left one will
476 appear in the returned graph.
478 Raises
479 ------
480 ValueError
481 If `edge` is not an edge in `G`.
483 Examples
484 --------
485 Attempting to contract two nonadjacent nodes yields an error::
487 >>> G = nx.cycle_graph(4)
488 >>> nx.contracted_edge(G, (1, 3))
489 Traceback (most recent call last):
490 ...
491 ValueError: Edge (1, 3) does not exist in graph G; cannot contract it
493 Contracting two adjacent nodes in the cycle graph on *n* nodes yields the
494 cycle graph on *n - 1* nodes::
496 >>> C5 = nx.cycle_graph(5)
497 >>> C4 = nx.cycle_graph(4)
498 >>> M = nx.contracted_edge(C5, (0, 1), self_loops=False)
499 >>> nx.is_isomorphic(M, C4)
500 True
502 See also
503 --------
504 contracted_nodes
505 quotient_graph
507 """
508 if not G.has_edge(*edge):
509 raise ValueError(f"Edge {edge} does not exist in graph G; cannot contract it")
510 return contracted_nodes(G, *edge, self_loops=self_loops)