comparison env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/networkx/linalg/ @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4f3585e2f14b
1 """
2 Algebraic connectivity and Fiedler vectors of undirected graphs.
3 """
4 from functools import partial
5 import networkx as nx
6 from networkx.utils import not_implemented_for
7 from networkx.utils import reverse_cuthill_mckee_ordering
8 from networkx.utils import random_state
10 try:
11 from numpy import array, asarray, dot, ndarray, ones, sqrt, zeros, atleast_2d
12 from numpy.linalg import norm, qr
13 from scipy.linalg import eigh, inv
14 from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, spdiags
15 from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh, lobpcg
17 __all__ = ["algebraic_connectivity", "fiedler_vector", "spectral_ordering"]
18 except ImportError:
19 __all__ = []
21 try:
22 from scipy.linalg.blas import dasum, daxpy, ddot
23 except ImportError:
24 if __all__:
25 # Make sure the imports succeeded.
26 # Use minimal replacements if BLAS is unavailable from SciPy.
27 dasum = partial(norm, ord=1)
28 ddot = dot
30 def daxpy(x, y, a):
31 y += a * x
32 return y
35 class _PCGSolver:
36 """Preconditioned conjugate gradient method.
38 To solve Ax = b:
39 M = A.diagonal() # or some other preconditioner
40 solver = _PCGSolver(lambda x: A * x, lambda x: M * x)
41 x = solver.solve(b)
43 The inputs A and M are functions which compute
44 matrix multiplication on the argument.
45 A - multiply by the matrix A in Ax=b
46 M - multiply by M, the preconditioner surragate for A
48 Warning: There is no limit on number of iterations.
49 """
51 def __init__(self, A, M):
52 self._A = A
53 self._M = M or (lambda x: x.copy())
55 def solve(self, B, tol):
56 B = asarray(B)
57 X = ndarray(B.shape, order="F")
58 for j in range(B.shape[1]):
59 X[:, j] = self._solve(B[:, j], tol)
60 return X
62 def _solve(self, b, tol):
63 A = self._A
64 M = self._M
65 tol *= dasum(b)
66 # Initialize.
67 x = zeros(b.shape)
68 r = b.copy()
69 z = M(r)
70 rz = ddot(r, z)
71 p = z.copy()
72 # Iterate.
73 while True:
74 Ap = A(p)
75 alpha = rz / ddot(p, Ap)
76 x = daxpy(p, x, a=alpha)
77 r = daxpy(Ap, r, a=-alpha)
78 if dasum(r) < tol:
79 return x
80 z = M(r)
81 beta = ddot(r, z)
82 beta, rz = beta / rz, beta
83 p = daxpy(p, z, a=beta)
86 class _CholeskySolver:
87 """Cholesky factorization.
89 To solve Ax = b:
90 solver = _CholeskySolver(A)
91 x = solver.solve(b)
93 optional argument `tol` on solve method is ignored but included
94 to match _PCGsolver API.
95 """
97 def __init__(self, A):
98 if not self._cholesky:
99 raise nx.NetworkXError("Cholesky solver unavailable.")
100 self._chol = self._cholesky(A)
102 def solve(self, B, tol=None):
103 return self._chol(B)
105 try:
106 from scikits.sparse.cholmod import cholesky
108 _cholesky = cholesky
109 except ImportError:
110 _cholesky = None
113 class _LUSolver:
114 """LU factorization.
116 To solve Ax = b:
117 solver = _LUSolver(A)
118 x = solver.solve(b)
120 optional argument `tol` on solve method is ignored but included
121 to match _PCGsolver API.
122 """
124 def __init__(self, A):
125 if not self._splu:
126 raise nx.NetworkXError("LU solver unavailable.")
127 self._LU = self._splu(A)
129 def solve(self, B, tol=None):
130 B = asarray(B)
131 X = ndarray(B.shape, order="F")
132 for j in range(B.shape[1]):
133 X[:, j] = self._LU.solve(B[:, j])
134 return X
136 try:
137 from scipy.sparse.linalg import splu
139 _splu = partial(
140 splu,
141 permc_spec="MMD_AT_PLUS_A",
142 diag_pivot_thresh=0.0,
143 options={"Equil": True, "SymmetricMode": True},
144 )
145 except ImportError:
146 _splu = None
149 def _preprocess_graph(G, weight):
150 """Compute edge weights and eliminate zero-weight edges.
151 """
152 if G.is_directed():
153 H = nx.MultiGraph()
154 H.add_nodes_from(G)
155 H.add_weighted_edges_from(
156 ((u, v, e.get(weight, 1.0)) for u, v, e in G.edges(data=True) if u != v),
157 weight=weight,
158 )
159 G = H
160 if not G.is_multigraph():
161 edges = (
162 (u, v, abs(e.get(weight, 1.0))) for u, v, e in G.edges(data=True) if u != v
163 )
164 else:
165 edges = (
166 (u, v, sum(abs(e.get(weight, 1.0)) for e in G[u][v].values()))
167 for u, v in G.edges()
168 if u != v
169 )
170 H = nx.Graph()
171 H.add_nodes_from(G)
172 H.add_weighted_edges_from((u, v, e) for u, v, e in edges if e != 0)
173 return H
176 def _rcm_estimate(G, nodelist):
177 """Estimate the Fiedler vector using the reverse Cuthill-McKee ordering.
178 """
179 G = G.subgraph(nodelist)
180 order = reverse_cuthill_mckee_ordering(G)
181 n = len(nodelist)
182 index = dict(zip(nodelist, range(n)))
183 x = ndarray(n, dtype=float)
184 for i, u in enumerate(order):
185 x[index[u]] = i
186 x -= (n - 1) / 2.0
187 return x
190 def _tracemin_fiedler(L, X, normalized, tol, method):
191 """Compute the Fiedler vector of L using the TraceMIN-Fiedler algorithm.
193 The Fiedler vector of a connected undirected graph is the eigenvector
194 corresponding to the second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix of
195 of the graph. This function starts with the Laplacian L, not the Graph.
197 Parameters
198 ----------
199 L : Laplacian of a possibly weighted or normalized, but undirected graph
201 X : Initial guess for a solution. Usually a matrix of random numbers.
202 This function allows more than one column in X to identify more than
203 one eigenvector if desired.
205 normalized : bool
206 Whether the normalized Laplacian matrix is used.
208 tol : float
209 Tolerance of relative residual in eigenvalue computation.
210 Warning: There is no limit on number of iterations.
212 method : string
213 Should be 'tracemin_pcg', 'tracemin_chol' or 'tracemin_lu'.
214 Otherwise exception is raised.
216 Returns
217 -------
218 sigma, X : Two NumPy arrays of floats.
219 The lowest eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of L.
220 The size of input X determines the size of these outputs.
221 As this is for Fiedler vectors, the zero eigenvalue (and
222 constant eigenvector) are avoided.
223 """
224 n = X.shape[0]
226 if normalized:
227 # Form the normalized Laplacian matrix and determine the eigenvector of
228 # its nullspace.
229 e = sqrt(L.diagonal())
230 D = spdiags(1.0 / e, [0], n, n, format="csr")
231 L = D * L * D
232 e *= 1.0 / norm(e, 2)
234 if normalized:
236 def project(X):
237 """Make X orthogonal to the nullspace of L.
238 """
239 X = asarray(X)
240 for j in range(X.shape[1]):
241 X[:, j] -= dot(X[:, j], e) * e
243 else:
245 def project(X):
246 """Make X orthogonal to the nullspace of L.
247 """
248 X = asarray(X)
249 for j in range(X.shape[1]):
250 X[:, j] -= X[:, j].sum() / n
252 if method == "tracemin_pcg":
253 D = L.diagonal().astype(float)
254 solver = _PCGSolver(lambda x: L * x, lambda x: D * x)
255 elif method == "tracemin_chol" or method == "tracemin_lu":
256 # Convert A to CSC to suppress SparseEfficiencyWarning.
257 A = csc_matrix(L, dtype=float, copy=True)
258 # Force A to be nonsingular. Since A is the Laplacian matrix of a
259 # connected graph, its rank deficiency is one, and thus one diagonal
260 # element needs to modified. Changing to infinity forces a zero in the
261 # corresponding element in the solution.
262 i = (A.indptr[1:] - A.indptr[:-1]).argmax()
263 A[i, i] = float("inf")
264 if method == "tracemin_chol":
265 solver = _CholeskySolver(A)
266 else:
267 solver = _LUSolver(A)
268 else:
269 raise nx.NetworkXError("Unknown linear system solver: " + method)
271 # Initialize.
272 Lnorm = abs(L).sum(axis=1).flatten().max()
273 project(X)
274 W = ndarray(X.shape, order="F")
276 while True:
277 # Orthonormalize X.
278 X = qr(X)[0]
279 # Compute iteration matrix H.
280 W[:, :] = L @ X
281 H = X.T @ W
282 sigma, Y = eigh(H, overwrite_a=True)
283 # Compute the Ritz vectors.
284 X = X @ Y
285 # Test for convergence exploiting the fact that L * X == W * Y.
286 res = dasum(W @ Y[:, 0] - sigma[0] * X[:, 0]) / Lnorm
287 if res < tol:
288 break
289 # Compute X = L \ X / (X' * (L \ X)).
290 # L \ X can have an arbitrary projection on the nullspace of L,
291 # which will be eliminated.
292 W[:, :] = solver.solve(X, tol)
293 X = (inv(W.T @ X) @ W.T).T # Preserves Fortran storage order.
294 project(X)
296 return sigma, asarray(X)
299 def _get_fiedler_func(method):
300 """Returns a function that solves the Fiedler eigenvalue problem.
301 """
302 if method == "tracemin": # old style keyword <v2.1
303 method = "tracemin_pcg"
304 if method in ("tracemin_pcg", "tracemin_chol", "tracemin_lu"):
306 def find_fiedler(L, x, normalized, tol, seed):
307 q = 1 if method == "tracemin_pcg" else min(4, L.shape[0] - 1)
308 X = asarray(seed.normal(size=(q, L.shape[0]))).T
309 sigma, X = _tracemin_fiedler(L, X, normalized, tol, method)
310 return sigma[0], X[:, 0]
312 elif method == "lanczos" or method == "lobpcg":
314 def find_fiedler(L, x, normalized, tol, seed):
315 L = csc_matrix(L, dtype=float)
316 n = L.shape[0]
317 if normalized:
318 D = spdiags(1.0 / sqrt(L.diagonal()), [0], n, n, format="csc")
319 L = D * L * D
320 if method == "lanczos" or n < 10:
321 # Avoid LOBPCG when n < 10 due to
322 #
323 #
324 sigma, X = eigsh(L, 2, which="SM", tol=tol, return_eigenvectors=True)
325 return sigma[1], X[:, 1]
326 else:
327 X = asarray(atleast_2d(x).T)
328 M = spdiags(1.0 / L.diagonal(), [0], n, n)
329 Y = ones(n)
330 if normalized:
331 Y /= D.diagonal()
332 sigma, X = lobpcg(
333 L, X, M=M, Y=atleast_2d(Y).T, tol=tol, maxiter=n, largest=False
334 )
335 return sigma[0], X[:, 0]
337 else:
338 raise nx.NetworkXError(f"unknown method '{method}'.")
340 return find_fiedler
343 @random_state(5)
344 @not_implemented_for("directed")
345 def algebraic_connectivity(
346 G, weight="weight", normalized=False, tol=1e-8, method="tracemin_pcg", seed=None
347 ):
348 """Returns the algebraic connectivity of an undirected graph.
350 The algebraic connectivity of a connected undirected graph is the second
351 smallest eigenvalue of its Laplacian matrix.
353 Parameters
354 ----------
355 G : NetworkX graph
356 An undirected graph.
358 weight : object, optional (default: None)
359 The data key used to determine the weight of each edge. If None, then
360 each edge has unit weight.
362 normalized : bool, optional (default: False)
363 Whether the normalized Laplacian matrix is used.
365 tol : float, optional (default: 1e-8)
366 Tolerance of relative residual in eigenvalue computation.
368 method : string, optional (default: 'tracemin_pcg')
369 Method of eigenvalue computation. It must be one of the tracemin
370 options shown below (TraceMIN), 'lanczos' (Lanczos iteration)
371 or 'lobpcg' (LOBPCG).
373 The TraceMIN algorithm uses a linear system solver. The following
374 values allow specifying the solver to be used.
376 =============== ========================================
377 Value Solver
378 =============== ========================================
379 'tracemin_pcg' Preconditioned conjugate gradient method
380 'tracemin_chol' Cholesky factorization
381 'tracemin_lu' LU factorization
382 =============== ========================================
384 seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
385 Indicator of random number generation state.
386 See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.
388 Returns
389 -------
390 algebraic_connectivity : float
391 Algebraic connectivity.
393 Raises
394 ------
395 NetworkXNotImplemented
396 If G is directed.
398 NetworkXError
399 If G has less than two nodes.
401 Notes
402 -----
403 Edge weights are interpreted by their absolute values. For MultiGraph's,
404 weights of parallel edges are summed. Zero-weighted edges are ignored.
406 To use Cholesky factorization in the TraceMIN algorithm, the
407 :samp:`scikits.sparse` package must be installed.
409 See Also
410 --------
411 laplacian_matrix
412 """
413 if len(G) < 2:
414 raise nx.NetworkXError("graph has less than two nodes.")
415 G = _preprocess_graph(G, weight)
416 if not nx.is_connected(G):
417 return 0.0
419 L = nx.laplacian_matrix(G)
420 if L.shape[0] == 2:
421 return 2.0 * L[0, 0] if not normalized else 2.0
423 find_fiedler = _get_fiedler_func(method)
424 x = None if method != "lobpcg" else _rcm_estimate(G, G)
425 sigma, fiedler = find_fiedler(L, x, normalized, tol, seed)
426 return sigma
429 @random_state(5)
430 @not_implemented_for("directed")
431 def fiedler_vector(
432 G, weight="weight", normalized=False, tol=1e-8, method="tracemin_pcg", seed=None
433 ):
434 """Returns the Fiedler vector of a connected undirected graph.
436 The Fiedler vector of a connected undirected graph is the eigenvector
437 corresponding to the second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix of
438 of the graph.
440 Parameters
441 ----------
442 G : NetworkX graph
443 An undirected graph.
445 weight : object, optional (default: None)
446 The data key used to determine the weight of each edge. If None, then
447 each edge has unit weight.
449 normalized : bool, optional (default: False)
450 Whether the normalized Laplacian matrix is used.
452 tol : float, optional (default: 1e-8)
453 Tolerance of relative residual in eigenvalue computation.
455 method : string, optional (default: 'tracemin_pcg')
456 Method of eigenvalue computation. It must be one of the tracemin
457 options shown below (TraceMIN), 'lanczos' (Lanczos iteration)
458 or 'lobpcg' (LOBPCG).
460 The TraceMIN algorithm uses a linear system solver. The following
461 values allow specifying the solver to be used.
463 =============== ========================================
464 Value Solver
465 =============== ========================================
466 'tracemin_pcg' Preconditioned conjugate gradient method
467 'tracemin_chol' Cholesky factorization
468 'tracemin_lu' LU factorization
469 =============== ========================================
471 seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
472 Indicator of random number generation state.
473 See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.
475 Returns
476 -------
477 fiedler_vector : NumPy array of floats.
478 Fiedler vector.
480 Raises
481 ------
482 NetworkXNotImplemented
483 If G is directed.
485 NetworkXError
486 If G has less than two nodes or is not connected.
488 Notes
489 -----
490 Edge weights are interpreted by their absolute values. For MultiGraph's,
491 weights of parallel edges are summed. Zero-weighted edges are ignored.
493 To use Cholesky factorization in the TraceMIN algorithm, the
494 :samp:`scikits.sparse` package must be installed.
496 See Also
497 --------
498 laplacian_matrix
499 """
500 if len(G) < 2:
501 raise nx.NetworkXError("graph has less than two nodes.")
502 G = _preprocess_graph(G, weight)
503 if not nx.is_connected(G):
504 raise nx.NetworkXError("graph is not connected.")
506 if len(G) == 2:
507 return array([1.0, -1.0])
509 find_fiedler = _get_fiedler_func(method)
510 L = nx.laplacian_matrix(G)
511 x = None if method != "lobpcg" else _rcm_estimate(G, G)
512 sigma, fiedler = find_fiedler(L, x, normalized, tol, seed)
513 return fiedler
516 @random_state(5)
517 def spectral_ordering(
518 G, weight="weight", normalized=False, tol=1e-8, method="tracemin_pcg", seed=None
519 ):
520 """Compute the spectral_ordering of a graph.
522 The spectral ordering of a graph is an ordering of its nodes where nodes
523 in the same weakly connected components appear contiguous and ordered by
524 their corresponding elements in the Fiedler vector of the component.
526 Parameters
527 ----------
528 G : NetworkX graph
529 A graph.
531 weight : object, optional (default: None)
532 The data key used to determine the weight of each edge. If None, then
533 each edge has unit weight.
535 normalized : bool, optional (default: False)
536 Whether the normalized Laplacian matrix is used.
538 tol : float, optional (default: 1e-8)
539 Tolerance of relative residual in eigenvalue computation.
541 method : string, optional (default: 'tracemin_pcg')
542 Method of eigenvalue computation. It must be one of the tracemin
543 options shown below (TraceMIN), 'lanczos' (Lanczos iteration)
544 or 'lobpcg' (LOBPCG).
546 The TraceMIN algorithm uses a linear system solver. The following
547 values allow specifying the solver to be used.
549 =============== ========================================
550 Value Solver
551 =============== ========================================
552 'tracemin_pcg' Preconditioned conjugate gradient method
553 'tracemin_chol' Cholesky factorization
554 'tracemin_lu' LU factorization
555 =============== ========================================
557 seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
558 Indicator of random number generation state.
559 See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.
561 Returns
562 -------
563 spectral_ordering : NumPy array of floats.
564 Spectral ordering of nodes.
566 Raises
567 ------
568 NetworkXError
569 If G is empty.
571 Notes
572 -----
573 Edge weights are interpreted by their absolute values. For MultiGraph's,
574 weights of parallel edges are summed. Zero-weighted edges are ignored.
576 To use Cholesky factorization in the TraceMIN algorithm, the
577 :samp:`scikits.sparse` package must be installed.
579 See Also
580 --------
581 laplacian_matrix
582 """
583 if len(G) == 0:
584 raise nx.NetworkXError("graph is empty.")
585 G = _preprocess_graph(G, weight)
587 find_fiedler = _get_fiedler_func(method)
588 order = []
589 for component in nx.connected_components(G):
590 size = len(component)
591 if size > 2:
592 L = nx.laplacian_matrix(G, component)
593 x = None if method != "lobpcg" else _rcm_estimate(G, component)
594 sigma, fiedler = find_fiedler(L, x, normalized, tol, seed)
595 sort_info = zip(fiedler, range(size), component)
596 order.extend(u for x, c, u in sorted(sort_info))
597 else:
598 order.extend(component)
600 return order