comparison env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/networkx/readwrite/ @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4f3585e2f14b
1 """
2 *********
3 Shapefile
4 *********
6 Generates a networkx.DiGraph from point and line shapefiles.
8 "The Esri Shapefile or simply a shapefile is a popular geospatial vector
9 data format for geographic information systems software. It is developed
10 and regulated by Esri as a (mostly) open specification for data
11 interoperability among Esri and other software products."
12 See for additional information.
13 """
14 import networkx as nx
16 __all__ = ["read_shp", "write_shp"]
19 def read_shp(path, simplify=True, geom_attrs=True, strict=True):
20 """Generates a networkx.DiGraph from shapefiles. Point geometries are
21 translated into nodes, lines into edges. Coordinate tuples are used as
22 keys. Attributes are preserved, line geometries are simplified into start
23 and end coordinates. Accepts a single shapefile or directory of many
24 shapefiles.
26 "The Esri Shapefile or simply a shapefile is a popular geospatial vector
27 data format for geographic information systems software [1]_."
29 Parameters
30 ----------
31 path : file or string
32 File, directory, or filename to read.
34 simplify: bool
35 If True, simplify line geometries to start and end coordinates.
36 If False, and line feature geometry has multiple segments, the
37 non-geometric attributes for that feature will be repeated for each
38 edge comprising that feature.
40 geom_attrs: bool
41 If True, include the Wkb, Wkt and Json geometry attributes with
42 each edge.
44 NOTE: if these attributes are available, write_shp will use them
45 to write the geometry. If nodes store the underlying coordinates for
46 the edge geometry as well (as they do when they are read via
47 this method) and they change, your geomety will be out of sync.
49 strict: bool
50 If True, raise NetworkXError when feature geometry is missing or
51 GeometryType is not supported.
52 If False, silently ignore missing or unsupported geometry in features.
54 Returns
55 -------
56 G : NetworkX graph
58 Raises
59 ------
60 ImportError
61 If ogr module is not available.
63 RuntimeError
64 If file cannot be open or read.
66 NetworkXError
67 If strict=True and feature is missing geometry or GeometryType is
68 not supported.
70 Examples
71 --------
72 >>> G = nx.read_shp("test.shp") # doctest: +SKIP
74 References
75 ----------
76 .. [1]
77 """
78 try:
79 from osgeo import ogr
80 except ImportError as e:
81 raise ImportError("read_shp requires OGR:") from e
83 if not isinstance(path, str):
84 return
86 net = nx.DiGraph()
87 shp = ogr.Open(path)
88 if shp is None:
89 raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to open {path}")
90 for lyr in shp:
91 fields = [x.GetName() for x in lyr.schema]
92 for f in lyr:
93 g = f.geometry()
94 if g is None:
95 if strict:
96 raise nx.NetworkXError("Bad data: feature missing geometry")
97 else:
98 continue
99 flddata = [f.GetField(f.GetFieldIndex(x)) for x in fields]
100 attributes = dict(zip(fields, flddata))
101 attributes["ShpName"] = lyr.GetName()
102 # Note: Using layer level geometry type
103 if g.GetGeometryType() == ogr.wkbPoint:
104 net.add_node((g.GetPoint_2D(0)), **attributes)
105 elif g.GetGeometryType() in (ogr.wkbLineString, ogr.wkbMultiLineString):
106 for edge in edges_from_line(g, attributes, simplify, geom_attrs):
107 e1, e2, attr = edge
108 net.add_edge(e1, e2)
109 net[e1][e2].update(attr)
110 else:
111 if strict:
112 raise nx.NetworkXError(
113 "GeometryType {} not supported".format(g.GetGeometryType())
114 )
116 return net
119 def edges_from_line(geom, attrs, simplify=True, geom_attrs=True):
120 """
121 Generate edges for each line in geom
122 Written as a helper for read_shp
124 Parameters
125 ----------
127 geom: ogr line geometry
128 To be converted into an edge or edges
130 attrs: dict
131 Attributes to be associated with all geoms
133 simplify: bool
134 If True, simplify the line as in read_shp
136 geom_attrs: bool
137 If True, add geom attributes to edge as in read_shp
140 Returns
141 -------
142 edges: generator of edges
143 each edge is a tuple of form
144 (node1_coord, node2_coord, attribute_dict)
145 suitable for expanding into a networkx Graph add_edge call
146 """
147 try:
148 from osgeo import ogr
149 except ImportError as e:
150 raise ImportError(
151 "edges_from_line requires OGR: " ""
152 ) from e
154 if geom.GetGeometryType() == ogr.wkbLineString:
155 if simplify:
156 edge_attrs = attrs.copy()
157 last = geom.GetPointCount() - 1
158 if geom_attrs:
159 edge_attrs["Wkb"] = geom.ExportToWkb()
160 edge_attrs["Wkt"] = geom.ExportToWkt()
161 edge_attrs["Json"] = geom.ExportToJson()
162 yield (geom.GetPoint_2D(0), geom.GetPoint_2D(last), edge_attrs)
163 else:
164 for i in range(0, geom.GetPointCount() - 1):
165 pt1 = geom.GetPoint_2D(i)
166 pt2 = geom.GetPoint_2D(i + 1)
167 edge_attrs = attrs.copy()
168 if geom_attrs:
169 segment = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineString)
170 segment.AddPoint_2D(pt1[0], pt1[1])
171 segment.AddPoint_2D(pt2[0], pt2[1])
172 edge_attrs["Wkb"] = segment.ExportToWkb()
173 edge_attrs["Wkt"] = segment.ExportToWkt()
174 edge_attrs["Json"] = segment.ExportToJson()
175 del segment
176 yield (pt1, pt2, edge_attrs)
178 elif geom.GetGeometryType() == ogr.wkbMultiLineString:
179 for i in range(geom.GetGeometryCount()):
180 geom_i = geom.GetGeometryRef(i)
181 yield from edges_from_line(geom_i, attrs, simplify, geom_attrs)
184 def write_shp(G, outdir):
185 """Writes a networkx.DiGraph to two shapefiles, edges and nodes.
186 Nodes and edges are expected to have a Well Known Binary (Wkb) or
187 Well Known Text (Wkt) key in order to generate geometries. Also
188 acceptable are nodes with a numeric tuple key (x,y).
190 "The Esri Shapefile or simply a shapefile is a popular geospatial vector
191 data format for geographic information systems software [1]_."
193 Parameters
194 ----------
195 outdir : directory path
196 Output directory for the two shapefiles.
198 Returns
199 -------
200 None
202 Examples
203 --------
204 nx.write_shp(digraph, '/shapefiles') # doctest +SKIP
206 References
207 ----------
208 .. [1]
209 """
210 try:
211 from osgeo import ogr
212 except ImportError as e:
213 raise ImportError("write_shp requires OGR:") from e
214 # easier to debug in python if ogr throws exceptions
215 ogr.UseExceptions()
217 def netgeometry(key, data):
218 if "Wkb" in data:
219 geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(data["Wkb"])
220 elif "Wkt" in data:
221 geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(data["Wkt"])
222 elif type(key[0]).__name__ == "tuple": # edge keys are packed tuples
223 geom = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineString)
224 _from, _to = key[0], key[1]
225 try:
226 geom.SetPoint(0, *_from)
227 geom.SetPoint(1, *_to)
228 except TypeError:
229 # assume user used tuple of int and choked ogr
230 _ffrom = [float(x) for x in _from]
231 _fto = [float(x) for x in _to]
232 geom.SetPoint(0, *_ffrom)
233 geom.SetPoint(1, *_fto)
234 else:
235 geom = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint)
236 try:
237 geom.SetPoint(0, *key)
238 except TypeError:
239 # assume user used tuple of int and choked ogr
240 fkey = [float(x) for x in key]
241 geom.SetPoint(0, *fkey)
243 return geom
245 # Create_feature with new optional attributes arg (should be dict type)
246 def create_feature(geometry, lyr, attributes=None):
247 feature = ogr.Feature(lyr.GetLayerDefn())
248 feature.SetGeometry(g)
249 if attributes is not None:
250 # Loop through attributes, assigning data to each field
251 for field, data in attributes.items():
252 feature.SetField(field, data)
253 lyr.CreateFeature(feature)
254 feature.Destroy()
256 # Conversion dict between python and ogr types
257 OGRTypes = {int: ogr.OFTInteger, str: ogr.OFTString, float: ogr.OFTReal}
259 # Check/add fields from attribute data to Shapefile layers
260 def add_fields_to_layer(key, value, fields, layer):
261 # Field not in previous edges so add to dict
262 if type(value) in OGRTypes:
263 fields[key] = OGRTypes[type(value)]
264 else:
265 # Data type not supported, default to string (char 80)
266 fields[key] = ogr.OFTString
267 # Create the new field
268 newfield = ogr.FieldDefn(key, fields[key])
269 layer.CreateField(newfield)
271 drv = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile")
272 shpdir = drv.CreateDataSource(outdir)
273 # delete pre-existing output first otherwise ogr chokes
274 try:
275 shpdir.DeleteLayer("nodes")
276 except:
277 pass
278 nodes = shpdir.CreateLayer("nodes", None, ogr.wkbPoint)
280 # Storage for node field names and their data types
281 node_fields = {}
283 def create_attributes(data, fields, layer):
284 attributes = {} # storage for attribute data (indexed by field names)
285 for key, value in data.items():
286 # Reject spatial data not required for attribute table
287 if key != "Json" and key != "Wkt" and key != "Wkb" and key != "ShpName":
288 # Check/add field and data type to fields dict
289 if key not in fields:
290 add_fields_to_layer(key, value, fields, layer)
291 # Store the data from new field to dict for CreateLayer()
292 attributes[key] = value
293 return attributes, layer
295 for n in G:
296 data = G.nodes[n]
297 g = netgeometry(n, data)
298 attributes, nodes = create_attributes(data, node_fields, nodes)
299 create_feature(g, nodes, attributes)
301 try:
302 shpdir.DeleteLayer("edges")
303 except:
304 pass
305 edges = shpdir.CreateLayer("edges", None, ogr.wkbLineString)
307 # New edge attribute write support merged into edge loop
308 edge_fields = {} # storage for field names and their data types
310 for e in G.edges(data=True):
311 data = G.get_edge_data(*e)
312 g = netgeometry(e, data)
313 attributes, edges = create_attributes(e[2], edge_fields, edges)
314 create_feature(g, edges, attributes)
316 nodes, edges = None, None