diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bioblend/galaxy/libraries/__init__.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bioblend/galaxy/libraries/__init__.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+Contains possible interactions with the Galaxy Data Libraries
+import logging
+import time
+from bioblend.galaxy.client import Client
+from bioblend.galaxy.datasets import (
+    DatasetTimeoutException,
+from bioblend.util import attach_file
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class LibraryClient(Client):
+    def __init__(self, galaxy_instance):
+        self.module = 'libraries'
+        super().__init__(galaxy_instance)
+    def create_library(self, name, description=None, synopsis=None):
+        """
+        Create a data library with the properties defined in the arguments.
+        :type name: str
+        :param name: Name of the new data library
+        :type description: str
+        :param description: Optional data library description
+        :type synopsis: str
+        :param synopsis: Optional data library synopsis
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: Details of the created library.
+          For example::
+            {'id': 'f740ab636b360a70',
+             'name': 'Library from bioblend',
+             'url': '/api/libraries/f740ab636b360a70'}
+        """
+        payload = {'name': name}
+        if description:
+            payload['description'] = description
+        if synopsis:
+            payload['synopsis'] = synopsis
+        return self._post(payload)
+    def delete_library(self, library_id):
+        """
+        Delete a data library.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: Encoded data library ID identifying the library to be
+          deleted
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: Information about the deleted library
+        .. warning::
+          Deleting a data library is irreversible - all of the data from the
+          library will be permanently deleted.
+        """
+        return self._delete(id=library_id)
+    def _show_item(self, library_id, item_id):
+        """
+        Get details about a given library item.
+        """
+        url = '/'.join((self._make_url(library_id, contents=True), item_id))
+        return self._get(url=url)
+    def delete_library_dataset(self, library_id, dataset_id, purged=False):
+        """
+        Delete a library dataset in a data library.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: library id where dataset is found in
+        :type dataset_id: str
+        :param dataset_id: id of the dataset to be deleted
+        :type purged: bool
+        :param purged: Indicate that the dataset should be purged (permanently
+          deleted)
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: A dictionary containing the dataset id and whether the dataset
+          has been deleted.
+          For example::
+            {'deleted': True,
+             'id': '60e680a037f41974'}
+        """
+        url = '/'.join((self._make_url(library_id, contents=True), dataset_id))
+        return self._delete(payload={'purged': purged}, url=url)
+    def update_library_dataset(self, dataset_id, **kwds):
+        """
+        Update library dataset metadata. Some of the attributes that can be
+        modified are documented below.
+        :type dataset_id: str
+        :param dataset_id: id of the dataset to be deleted
+        :type name: str
+        :param name: Replace library dataset name with the given string
+        :type misc_info: str
+        :param misc_info: Replace library dataset misc_info with given string
+        :type file_ext: str
+        :param file_ext: Replace library dataset extension (must exist in the Galaxy registry)
+        :type genome_build: str
+        :param genome_build: Replace library dataset genome build (dbkey)
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: Replace library dataset tags with the given list
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: details of the updated dataset
+        """
+        url = '/'.join((self._make_url(), 'datasets', dataset_id))
+        return self._patch(payload=kwds, url=url)
+    def show_dataset(self, library_id, dataset_id):
+        """
+        Get details about a given library dataset. The required ``library_id``
+        can be obtained from the datasets's library content details.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: library id where dataset is found in
+        :type dataset_id: str
+        :param dataset_id: id of the dataset to be inspected
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: A dictionary containing information about the dataset in the
+          library
+        """
+        return self._show_item(library_id, dataset_id)
+    def wait_for_dataset(self, library_id, dataset_id, maxwait=12000, interval=3):
+        """
+        Wait until the library dataset state is terminal ('ok', 'empty',
+        'error', 'discarded' or 'failed_metadata').
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: library id where dataset is found in
+        :type dataset_id: str
+        :param dataset_id: id of the dataset to wait for
+        :type maxwait: float
+        :param maxwait: Total time (in seconds) to wait for the dataset state to
+          become terminal. If the dataset state is not terminal within this
+          time, a ``DatasetTimeoutException`` will be thrown.
+        :type interval: float
+        :param interval: Time (in seconds) to wait between 2 consecutive checks.
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: A dictionary containing information about the dataset in the
+          library
+        """
+        assert maxwait >= 0
+        assert interval > 0
+        time_left = maxwait
+        while True:
+            dataset = self.show_dataset(library_id, dataset_id)
+            state = dataset['state']
+            if state in TERMINAL_STATES:
+                return dataset
+            if time_left > 0:
+                log.warning("Dataset %s in library %s is in non-terminal state %s. Will wait %i more s", dataset_id, library_id, state, time_left)
+                time.sleep(min(time_left, interval))
+                time_left -= interval
+            else:
+                raise DatasetTimeoutException(f"Waited too long for dataset {dataset_id} in library {library_id} to complete")
+    def show_folder(self, library_id, folder_id):
+        """
+        Get details about a given folder. The required ``folder_id`` can be
+        obtained from the folder's library content details.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: library id to inspect folders in
+        :type folder_id: str
+        :param folder_id: id of the folder to be inspected
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: Information about the folder
+        """
+        return self._show_item(library_id, folder_id)
+    def _get_root_folder_id(self, library_id):
+        """
+        Find the root folder (i.e. '/') of a library.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: library id to find root of
+        """
+        l = self.show_library(library_id=library_id)
+        return l['root_folder_id']
+    def create_folder(self, library_id, folder_name, description=None, base_folder_id=None):
+        """
+        Create a folder in a library.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: library id to use
+        :type folder_name: str
+        :param folder_name: name of the new folder in the data library
+        :type description: str
+        :param description: description of the new folder in the data library
+        :type base_folder_id: str
+        :param base_folder_id: id of the folder where to create the new folder.
+          If not provided, the root folder will be used
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: List with a single dictionary containing information about the new folder
+        """
+        # Get root folder ID if no ID was provided
+        if base_folder_id is None:
+            base_folder_id = self._get_root_folder_id(library_id)
+        # Compose the payload
+        payload = {}
+        payload['name'] = folder_name
+        payload['folder_id'] = base_folder_id
+        payload['create_type'] = 'folder'
+        if description is not None:
+            payload['description'] = description
+        return self._post(payload, id=library_id, contents=True)
+    def get_folders(self, library_id, folder_id=None, name=None):
+        """
+        Get all the folders or filter specific one(s) via the provided ``name``
+        or ``folder_id`` in data library with id ``library_id``. Provide only
+        one argument: ``name`` or ``folder_id``, but not both.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: library id to use
+        :type folder_id: str
+        :param folder_id: filter for folder by folder id
+        :type name: str
+        :param name: filter for folder by name. For ``name`` specify the full
+                     path of the folder starting from the library's root
+                     folder, e.g. ``/subfolder/subsubfolder``.
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: list of dicts each containing basic information about a folder
+        """
+        if folder_id is not None and name is not None:
+            raise ValueError('Provide only one argument between name or folder_id, but not both')
+        library_contents = self.show_library(library_id=library_id, contents=True)
+        if folder_id is not None:
+            folder = next((_ for _ in library_contents if _['type'] == 'folder' and _['id'] == folder_id), None)
+            folders = [folder] if folder is not None else []
+        elif name is not None:
+            folders = [_ for _ in library_contents if _['type'] == 'folder' and _['name'] == name]
+        else:
+            folders = [_ for _ in library_contents if _['type'] == 'folder']
+        return folders
+    def get_libraries(self, library_id=None, name=None, deleted=False):
+        """
+        Get all the libraries or filter for specific one(s) via the provided
+        name or ID. Provide only one argument: ``name`` or ``library_id``, but
+        not both.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: filter for library by library id
+        :type name: str
+        :param name: If ``name`` is set and multiple names match the given name,
+          all the libraries matching the argument will be returned
+        :type deleted: bool
+        :param deleted: If ``False`` (the default), return only non-deleted
+          libraries. If ``True``, return only deleted libraries. If ``None``,
+          return both deleted and non-deleted libraries.
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: list of dicts each containing basic information about a library
+        """
+        if library_id is not None and name is not None:
+            raise ValueError('Provide only one argument between name or library_id, but not both')
+        libraries = self._get(params={"deleted": deleted})
+        if library_id is not None:
+            library = next((_ for _ in libraries if _['id'] == library_id), None)
+            libraries = [library] if library is not None else []
+        if name is not None:
+            libraries = [_ for _ in libraries if _['name'] == name]
+        return libraries
+    def show_library(self, library_id, contents=False):
+        """
+        Get information about a library.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: filter for library by library id
+        :type contents: bool
+        :param contents: whether to get contents of the library (rather
+          than just the library details)
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: details of the given library
+        """
+        return self._get(id=library_id, contents=contents)
+    def _do_upload(self, library_id, **keywords):
+        """
+        Set up the POST request and do the actual data upload to a data library.
+        This method should not be called directly but instead refer to the
+        methods specific for the desired type of data upload.
+        """
+        folder_id = keywords.get('folder_id', None)
+        if folder_id is None:
+            folder_id = self._get_root_folder_id(library_id)
+        files_attached = False
+        # Compose the payload dict
+        payload = {}
+        payload['folder_id'] = folder_id
+        payload['file_type'] = keywords.get('file_type', 'auto')
+        payload['dbkey'] = keywords.get('dbkey', '?')
+        payload['create_type'] = 'file'
+        if keywords.get("roles", None):
+            payload["roles"] = keywords["roles"]
+        if keywords.get("link_data_only", None) and keywords['link_data_only'] != 'copy_files':
+            payload["link_data_only"] = 'link_to_files'
+        payload['tag_using_filenames'] = keywords.get('tag_using_filenames', False)
+        if keywords.get('tags'):
+            payload['tags'] = keywords['tags']
+        payload['preserve_dirs'] = keywords.get('preserve_dirs', False)
+        # upload options
+        if keywords.get('file_url', None) is not None:
+            payload['upload_option'] = 'upload_file'
+            payload['files_0|url_paste'] = keywords['file_url']
+        elif keywords.get('pasted_content', None) is not None:
+            payload['upload_option'] = 'upload_file'
+            payload['files_0|url_paste'] = keywords['pasted_content']
+        elif keywords.get('server_dir', None) is not None:
+            payload['upload_option'] = 'upload_directory'
+            payload['server_dir'] = keywords['server_dir']
+        elif keywords.get('file_local_path', None) is not None:
+            payload['upload_option'] = 'upload_file'
+            payload['files_0|file_data'] = attach_file(keywords['file_local_path'])
+            files_attached = True
+        elif keywords.get("filesystem_paths", None) is not None:
+            payload["upload_option"] = "upload_paths"
+            payload["filesystem_paths"] = keywords["filesystem_paths"]
+        try:
+            return self._post(payload, id=library_id, contents=True,
+                              files_attached=files_attached)
+        finally:
+            if payload.get('files_0|file_data', None) is not None:
+                payload['files_0|file_data'].close()
+    def upload_file_from_url(self, library_id, file_url, folder_id=None,
+                             file_type='auto', dbkey='?',
+                             tags=None):
+        """
+        Upload a file to a library from a URL.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: id of the library where to place the uploaded file
+        :type file_url: str
+        :param file_url: URL of the file to upload
+        :type folder_id: str
+        :param folder_id: id of the folder where to place the uploaded file.
+          If not provided, the root folder will be used
+        :type file_type: str
+        :param file_type: Galaxy file format name
+        :type dbkey: str
+        :param dbkey: Dbkey
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags to add to the datasets
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: List with a single dictionary containing information about the LDDA
+        """
+        return self._do_upload(library_id, file_url=file_url,
+                               folder_id=folder_id, file_type=file_type,
+                               dbkey=dbkey,
+                               tags=tags)
+    def upload_file_contents(self, library_id, pasted_content,
+                             folder_id=None, file_type='auto', dbkey='?',
+                             tags=None):
+        """
+        Upload pasted_content to a data library as a new file.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: id of the library where to place the uploaded file
+        :type pasted_content: str
+        :param pasted_content: Content to upload into the library
+        :type folder_id: str
+        :param folder_id: id of the folder where to place the uploaded file.
+          If not provided, the root folder will be used
+        :type file_type: str
+        :param file_type: Galaxy file format name
+        :type dbkey: str
+        :param dbkey: Dbkey
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags to add to the datasets
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: List with a single dictionary containing information about the LDDA
+        """
+        return self._do_upload(library_id, pasted_content=pasted_content,
+                               folder_id=folder_id, file_type=file_type,
+                               dbkey=dbkey,
+                               tags=tags)
+    def upload_file_from_local_path(self, library_id, file_local_path,
+                                    folder_id=None, file_type='auto', dbkey='?',
+                                    tags=None):
+        """
+        Read local file contents from file_local_path and upload data to a
+        library.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: id of the library where to place the uploaded file
+        :type file_local_path: str
+        :param file_local_path: path of local file to upload
+        :type folder_id: str
+        :param folder_id: id of the folder where to place the uploaded file.
+          If not provided, the root folder will be used
+        :type file_type: str
+        :param file_type: Galaxy file format name
+        :type dbkey: str
+        :param dbkey: Dbkey
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags to add to the datasets
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: List with a single dictionary containing information about the LDDA
+        """
+        return self._do_upload(library_id, file_local_path=file_local_path,
+                               folder_id=folder_id, file_type=file_type,
+                               dbkey=dbkey,
+                               tags=tags)
+    def upload_file_from_server(self, library_id, server_dir, folder_id=None,
+                                file_type='auto', dbkey='?', link_data_only=None,
+                                roles="", preserve_dirs=False, tag_using_filenames=False,
+                                tags=None):
+        """
+        Upload all files in the specified subdirectory of the Galaxy library
+        import directory to a library.
+        .. note::
+          For this method to work, the Galaxy instance must have the
+          ``library_import_dir`` option configured in the ``config/galaxy.yml``
+          configuration file.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: id of the library where to place the uploaded file
+        :type server_dir: str
+        :param server_dir: relative path of the subdirectory of
+          ``library_import_dir`` to upload. All and only the files (i.e. no
+          subdirectories) contained in the specified directory will be
+          uploaded
+        :type folder_id: str
+        :param folder_id: id of the folder where to place the uploaded files.
+          If not provided, the root folder will be used
+        :type file_type: str
+        :param file_type: Galaxy file format name
+        :type dbkey: str
+        :param dbkey: Dbkey
+        :type link_data_only: str
+        :param link_data_only: either 'copy_files' (default) or
+          'link_to_files'. Setting to 'link_to_files' symlinks instead of
+          copying the files
+        :type roles: str
+        :param roles: ???
+        :type preserve_dirs: bool
+        :param preserve_dirs: Indicate whether to preserve the directory structure when importing dir
+        :type tag_using_filenames: bool
+        :param tag_using_filenames: Indicate whether to generate dataset tags
+          from filenames.
+          .. versionchanged:: 0.14.0
+            Changed the default from ``True`` to ``False``.
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags to add to the datasets
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: List with a single dictionary containing information about the LDDA
+        """
+        return self._do_upload(library_id, server_dir=server_dir,
+                               folder_id=folder_id, file_type=file_type,
+                               dbkey=dbkey, link_data_only=link_data_only,
+                               roles=roles, preserve_dirs=preserve_dirs,
+                               tag_using_filenames=tag_using_filenames,
+                               tags=tags)
+    def upload_from_galaxy_filesystem(self, library_id, filesystem_paths, folder_id=None,
+                                      file_type="auto", dbkey="?", link_data_only=None,
+                                      roles="", preserve_dirs=False, tag_using_filenames=False,
+                                      tags=None):
+        """
+        Upload a set of files already present on the filesystem of the Galaxy
+        server to a library.
+        .. note::
+          For this method to work, the Galaxy instance must have the
+          ``allow_path_paste`` option set to ``true`` in the
+          ``config/galaxy.yml`` configuration file.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: id of the library where to place the uploaded file
+        :type filesystem_paths: str
+        :param filesystem_paths: file paths on the Galaxy server to upload to
+          the library, one file per line
+        :type folder_id: str
+        :param folder_id: id of the folder where to place the uploaded files.
+          If not provided, the root folder will be used
+        :type file_type: str
+        :param file_type: Galaxy file format name
+        :type dbkey: str
+        :param dbkey: Dbkey
+        :type link_data_only: str
+        :param link_data_only: either 'copy_files' (default) or
+          'link_to_files'. Setting to 'link_to_files' symlinks instead of
+          copying the files
+        :type roles: str
+        :param roles: ???
+        :type preserve_dirs: bool
+        :param preserve_dirs: Indicate whether to preserve the directory structure when importing dir
+        :type tag_using_filenames: bool
+        :param tag_using_filenames: Indicate whether to generate dataset tags
+          from filenames.
+          .. versionchanged:: 0.14.0
+            Changed the default from ``True`` to ``False``.
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags to add to the datasets
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: List with a single dictionary containing information about the LDDA
+        """
+        return self._do_upload(library_id, filesystem_paths=filesystem_paths,
+                               folder_id=folder_id, file_type=file_type,
+                               dbkey=dbkey, link_data_only=link_data_only,
+                               roles=roles, preserve_dirs=preserve_dirs,
+                               tag_using_filenames=tag_using_filenames,
+                               tags=tags)
+    def copy_from_dataset(self, library_id, dataset_id, folder_id=None, message=''):
+        """
+        Copy a Galaxy dataset into a library.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: id of the library where to place the uploaded file
+        :type dataset_id: str
+        :param dataset_id: id of the dataset to copy from
+        :type folder_id: str
+        :param folder_id: id of the folder where to place the uploaded files.
+          If not provided, the root folder will be used
+        :type message: str
+        :param message: message for copying action
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: LDDA information
+        """
+        if folder_id is None:
+            folder_id = self._get_root_folder_id(library_id)
+        payload = {}
+        payload['folder_id'] = folder_id
+        payload['create_type'] = 'file'
+        payload['from_hda_id'] = dataset_id
+        payload['ldda_message'] = message
+        return self._post(payload, id=library_id, contents=True)
+    def get_library_permissions(self, library_id):
+        """
+        Get the permissions for a library.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: id of the library
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: dictionary with all applicable permissions' values
+        """
+        url = self._make_url(library_id) + '/permissions'
+        return self._get(url=url)
+    def get_dataset_permissions(self, dataset_id):
+        """
+        Get the permissions for a dataset.
+        :type dataset_id: str
+        :param dataset_id: id of the dataset
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: dictionary with all applicable permissions' values
+        """
+        url = '/'.join((self._make_url(), 'datasets', dataset_id, 'permissions'))
+        return self._get(url=url)
+    def set_library_permissions(self, library_id, access_in=None,
+                                modify_in=None, add_in=None, manage_in=None):
+        """
+        Set the permissions for a library. Note: it will override all security
+        for this library even if you leave out a permission type.
+        :type library_id: str
+        :param library_id: id of the library
+        :type access_in: list
+        :param access_in: list of role ids
+        :type modify_in: list
+        :param modify_in: list of role ids
+        :type add_in: list
+        :param add_in: list of role ids
+        :type manage_in: list
+        :param manage_in: list of role ids
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: General information about the library
+        """
+        payload = {}
+        if access_in:
+            payload['LIBRARY_ACCESS_in'] = access_in
+        if modify_in:
+            payload['LIBRARY_MODIFY_in'] = modify_in
+        if add_in:
+            payload['LIBRARY_ADD_in'] = add_in
+        if manage_in:
+            payload['LIBRARY_MANAGE_in'] = manage_in
+        url = self._make_url(library_id) + '/permissions'
+        return self._post(payload, url=url)
+    def set_dataset_permissions(self, dataset_id, access_in=None,
+                                modify_in=None, manage_in=None):
+        """
+        Set the permissions for a dataset. Note: it will override all security
+        for this dataset even if you leave out a permission type.
+        :type dataset_id: str
+        :param dataset_id: id of the dataset
+        :type access_in: list
+        :param access_in: list of role ids
+        :type modify_in: list
+        :param modify_in: list of role ids
+        :type manage_in: list
+        :param manage_in: list of role ids
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: dictionary with all applicable permissions' values
+        """
+        payload = {}
+        if access_in:
+            payload['access_ids[]'] = access_in
+        if modify_in:
+            payload['modify_ids[]'] = modify_in
+        if manage_in:
+            payload['manage_ids[]'] = manage_in
+        # we need here to define an action
+        payload['action'] = 'set_permissions'
+        url = '/'.join((self._make_url(), 'datasets', dataset_id, 'permissions'))
+        return self._post(payload, url=url)