diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bioblend/galaxy/workflows/__init__.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bioblend/galaxy/workflows/__init__.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
+Contains possible interactions with the Galaxy Workflows
+import json
+import os
+from bioblend.galaxy.client import Client
+class WorkflowClient(Client):
+    def __init__(self, galaxy_instance):
+        self.module = 'workflows'
+        super().__init__(galaxy_instance)
+    # the 'deleted' option is not available for workflows
+    def get_workflows(self, workflow_id=None, name=None, published=False):
+        """
+        Get all workflows or filter the specific one(s) via the provided ``name``
+        or ``workflow_id``. Provide only one argument, ``name`` or ``workflow_id``,
+        but not both.
+        :type workflow_id: str
+        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID (incompatible with ``name``)
+        :type name: str
+        :param name: Filter by name of workflow (incompatible with
+          ``workflow_id``). If multiple names match the given name, all the
+          workflows matching the argument will be returned.
+        :type published: bool
+        :param published: if ``True``, return also published workflows
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of workflow dicts.
+                 For example::
+                   [{'id': '92c56938c2f9b315',
+                     'name': 'Simple',
+                     'url': '/api/workflows/92c56938c2f9b315'}]
+        """
+        if workflow_id is not None and name is not None:
+            raise ValueError('Provide only one argument between name or workflow_id, but not both')
+        params = {}
+        if published:
+            params['show_published'] = True
+        workflows = self._get(params=params)
+        if workflow_id is not None:
+            workflow = next((_ for _ in workflows if _['id'] == workflow_id), None)
+            workflows = [workflow] if workflow is not None else []
+        elif name is not None:
+            workflows = [_ for _ in workflows if _['name'] == name]
+        return workflows
+    def show_workflow(self, workflow_id, version=None):
+        """
+        Display information needed to run a workflow.
+        :type workflow_id: str
+        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID
+        :type version: int
+        :param version: Workflow version to show
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: A description of the workflow and its inputs.
+          For example::
+            {'id': '92c56938c2f9b315',
+             'inputs': {'23': {'label': 'Input Dataset', 'value': ''}},
+             'name': 'Simple',
+             'url': '/api/workflows/92c56938c2f9b315'}
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if version is not None:
+            params['version'] = version
+        return self._get(id=workflow_id, params=params)
+    def get_workflow_inputs(self, workflow_id, label):
+        """
+        Get a list of workflow input IDs that match the given label.
+        If no input matches the given label, an empty list is returned.
+        :type workflow_id: str
+        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID
+        :type label: str
+        :param label: label to filter workflow inputs on
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: list of workflow inputs matching the label query
+        """
+        wf = self._get(id=workflow_id)
+        inputs = wf['inputs']
+        return [id for id in inputs if inputs[id]['label'] == label]
+    def import_workflow_dict(self, workflow_dict, publish=False):
+        """
+        Imports a new workflow given a dictionary representing a previously
+        exported workflow.
+        :type workflow_dict: dict
+        :param workflow_dict: dictionary representing the workflow to be imported
+        :type publish: bool
+        :param publish:  if ``True`` the uploaded workflow will be published;
+                         otherwise it will be visible only by the user which uploads it (default)
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: Information about the imported workflow.
+          For example::
+            {'name': 'Training: 16S rRNA sequencing with mothur: main tutorial',
+             'tags': [],
+             'deleted': false,
+             'latest_workflow_uuid': '368c6165-ccbe-4945-8a3c-d27982206d66',
+             'url': '/api/workflows/94bac0a90086bdcf',
+             'number_of_steps': 44,
+             'published': false,
+             'owner': 'jane-doe',
+             'model_class': 'StoredWorkflow',
+             'id': '94bac0a90086bdcf'}
+        """
+        payload = {'workflow': workflow_dict, 'publish': publish}
+        url = self._make_url() + "/upload"
+        return self._post(url=url, payload=payload)
+    def import_workflow_from_local_path(self, file_local_path, publish=False):
+        """
+        Imports a new workflow given the path to a file containing a previously
+        exported workflow.
+        :type file_local_path: str
+        :param file_local_path: File to upload to the server for new workflow
+        :type publish: bool
+        :param publish:  if ``True`` the uploaded workflow will be published;
+                         otherwise it will be visible only by the user which uploads it (default)
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: Information about the imported workflow.
+          For example::
+            {'name': 'Training: 16S rRNA sequencing with mothur: main tutorial',
+             'tags': [],
+             'deleted': false,
+             'latest_workflow_uuid': '368c6165-ccbe-4945-8a3c-d27982206d66',
+             'url': '/api/workflows/94bac0a90086bdcf',
+             'number_of_steps': 44,
+             'published': false,
+             'owner': 'jane-doe',
+             'model_class': 'StoredWorkflow',
+             'id': '94bac0a90086bdcf'}
+        """
+        with open(file_local_path) as fp:
+            workflow_json = json.load(fp)
+        return self.import_workflow_dict(workflow_json, publish)
+    def import_shared_workflow(self, workflow_id):
+        """
+        Imports a new workflow from the shared published workflows.
+        :type workflow_id: str
+        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: A description of the workflow.
+          For example::
+            {'id': 'ee0e2b4b696d9092',
+             'model_class': 'StoredWorkflow',
+             'name': 'Super workflow that solves everything!',
+             'published': False,
+             'tags': [],
+             'url': '/api/workflows/ee0e2b4b696d9092'}
+        """
+        payload = {'shared_workflow_id': workflow_id}
+        url = self._make_url()
+        return self._post(url=url, payload=payload)
+    def export_workflow_dict(self, workflow_id, version=None):
+        """
+        Exports a workflow.
+        :type workflow_id: str
+        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID
+        :type version: int
+        :param version: Workflow version to export
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: Dictionary representing the requested workflow
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if version is not None:
+            params['version'] = version
+        url = '/'.join((self._make_url(), 'download', workflow_id))
+        return self._get(url=url, params=params)
+    def export_workflow_to_local_path(self, workflow_id, file_local_path, use_default_filename=True):
+        """
+        Exports a workflow in JSON format to a given local path.
+        :type workflow_id: str
+        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID
+        :type file_local_path: str
+        :param file_local_path: Local path to which the exported file will be saved.
+                                (Should not contain filename if use_default_name=True)
+        :type use_default_filename: bool
+        :param use_default_filename: If the use_default_name parameter is True, the exported
+          file will be saved as file_local_path/Galaxy-Workflow-%s.ga, where %s
+          is the workflow name. If use_default_name is False, file_local_path
+          is assumed to contain the full file path including filename.
+        :rtype: None
+        :return: None
+        """
+        workflow_dict = self.export_workflow_dict(workflow_id)
+        if use_default_filename:
+            filename = 'Galaxy-Workflow-%s.ga' % workflow_dict['name']
+            file_local_path = os.path.join(file_local_path, filename)
+        with open(file_local_path, 'w') as fp:
+            json.dump(workflow_dict, fp)
+    def update_workflow(self, workflow_id, **kwds):
+        """
+        Update a given workflow.
+        :type workflow_id: str
+        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID
+        :type workflow: dict
+        :param workflow: dictionary representing the workflow to be updated
+        :type name: str
+        :param name: New name of the workflow
+        :type annotation: str
+        :param annotation: New annotation for the workflow
+        :type menu_entry: bool
+        :param menu_entry: Whether the workflow should appear in the user's menu
+        :type tags: list of str
+        :param tags: Replace workflow tags with the given list
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: Dictionary representing the updated workflow
+        """
+        return self._put(payload=kwds, id=workflow_id)
+    def run_workflow(self, workflow_id, dataset_map=None, params=None,
+                     history_id=None, history_name=None,
+                     import_inputs_to_history=False, replacement_params=None):
+        """
+        Run the workflow identified by ``workflow_id``.
+        .. deprecated:: 0.7.0
+           Use :meth:`invoke_workflow` instead.
+        :type workflow_id: str
+        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID
+        :type dataset_map: dict
+        :param dataset_map: A mapping of workflow inputs to datasets. The datasets
+                            source can be a LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation (``ldda``),
+                            LibraryDataset (``ld``), or HistoryDatasetAssociation (``hda``).
+                            The map must be in the following format:
+                            ``{'<input>': {'id': <encoded dataset ID>, 'src': '[ldda, ld, hda]'}}``
+                            (e.g. ``{'23': {'id': '29beef4fadeed09f', 'src': 'ld'}}``)
+        :type params: dict
+        :param params: A mapping of non-datasets tool parameters (see below)
+        :type history_id: str
+        :param history_id: The encoded history ID where to store the workflow
+          output. Alternatively, ``history_name`` may be specified to create a
+          new history.
+        :type history_name: str
+        :param history_name: Create a new history with the given name to store
+          the workflow output. If both ``history_id`` and ``history_name`` are
+          provided, ``history_name`` is ignored. If neither is specified, a new
+          'Unnamed history' is created.
+        :type import_inputs_to_history: bool
+        :param import_inputs_to_history: If ``True``, used workflow inputs will be imported
+                                         into the history. If ``False``, only workflow outputs
+                                         will be visible in the given history.
+        :type replacement_params: dict
+        :param replacement_params: pattern-based replacements for post-job actions (see below)
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: A dict containing the history ID where the outputs are placed
+          as well as output dataset IDs. For example::
+            {'history': '64177123325c9cfd',
+             'outputs': ['aa4d3084af404259']}
+        The ``params`` dict should be specified as follows::
+          {STEP_ID: PARAM_DICT, ...}
+        where PARAM_DICT is::
+          {PARAM_NAME: VALUE, ...}
+        For backwards compatibility, the following (deprecated) format is
+        also supported for ``params``::
+          {TOOL_ID: PARAM_DICT, ...}
+        in which case PARAM_DICT affects all steps with the given tool id.
+        If both by-tool-id and by-step-id specifications are used, the
+        latter takes precedence.
+        Finally (again, for backwards compatibility), PARAM_DICT can also
+        be specified as::
+          {'param': PARAM_NAME, 'value': VALUE}
+        Note that this format allows only one parameter to be set per step.
+        The ``replacement_params`` dict should map parameter names in
+        post-job actions (PJAs) to their runtime values. For
+        instance, if the final step has a PJA like the following::
+          {'RenameDatasetActionout_file1': {'action_arguments': {'newname': '${output}'},
+                                            'action_type': 'RenameDatasetAction',
+                                            'output_name': 'out_file1'}}
+        then the following renames the output dataset to 'foo'::
+          replacement_params = {'output': 'foo'}
+        see also `this email thread
+        <http://lists.bx.psu.edu/pipermail/galaxy-dev/2011-September/006875.html>`_.
+        .. warning::
+            This method waits for the whole workflow to be scheduled before
+            returning and does not scale to large workflows as a result. This
+            method has therefore been deprecated in favor of
+            :meth:`invoke_workflow`, which also features improved default
+            behavior for dataset input handling.
+        """
+        payload = {'workflow_id': workflow_id}
+        if dataset_map:
+            payload['ds_map'] = dataset_map
+        if params:
+            payload['parameters'] = params
+        if replacement_params:
+            payload['replacement_params'] = replacement_params
+        if history_id:
+            payload['history'] = f'hist_id={history_id}'
+        elif history_name:
+            payload['history'] = history_name
+        if import_inputs_to_history is False:
+            payload['no_add_to_history'] = True
+        return self._post(payload)
+    def invoke_workflow(self, workflow_id, inputs=None, params=None,
+                        history_id=None, history_name=None,
+                        import_inputs_to_history=False, replacement_params=None,
+                        allow_tool_state_corrections=None, inputs_by=None):
+        """
+        Invoke the workflow identified by ``workflow_id``. This will
+        cause a workflow to be scheduled and return an object describing
+        the workflow invocation.
+        :type workflow_id: str
+        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID
+        :type inputs: dict
+        :param inputs: A mapping of workflow inputs to datasets and dataset collections.
+                       The datasets source can be a LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation (``ldda``),
+                       LibraryDataset (``ld``), HistoryDatasetAssociation (``hda``), or
+                       HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation (``hdca``).
+                       The map must be in the following format:
+                       ``{'<input_index>': {'id': <encoded dataset ID>, 'src': '[ldda, ld, hda, hdca]'}}``
+                       (e.g. ``{'2': {'id': '29beef4fadeed09f', 'src': 'hda'}}``)
+                       This map may also be indexed by the UUIDs of the workflow steps,
+                       as indicated by the ``uuid`` property of steps returned from the
+                       Galaxy API. Alternatively workflow steps may be addressed by
+                       the label that can be set in the workflow editor. If using
+                       uuid or label you need to also set the ``inputs_by`` parameter
+                       to ``step_uuid`` or ``name``.
+        :type params: dict
+        :param params: A mapping of non-datasets tool parameters (see below)
+        :type history_id: str
+        :param history_id: The encoded history ID where to store the workflow
+          output. Alternatively, ``history_name`` may be specified to create a
+          new history.
+        :type history_name: str
+        :param history_name: Create a new history with the given name to store
+          the workflow output. If both ``history_id`` and ``history_name`` are
+          provided, ``history_name`` is ignored. If neither is specified, a new
+          'Unnamed history' is created.
+        :type import_inputs_to_history: bool
+        :param import_inputs_to_history: If ``True``, used workflow inputs will
+          be imported into the history. If ``False``, only workflow outputs will
+          be visible in the given history.
+        :type allow_tool_state_corrections: bool
+        :param allow_tool_state_corrections: If True, allow Galaxy to fill in
+          missing tool state when running workflows. This may be useful for
+          workflows using tools that have changed over time or for workflows
+          built outside of Galaxy with only a subset of inputs defined.
+        :type replacement_params: dict
+        :param replacement_params: pattern-based replacements for post-job
+          actions (see below)
+        :type inputs_by: str
+        :param inputs_by: Determines how inputs are referenced. Can be
+          "step_index|step_uuid" (default), "step_index", "step_id", "step_uuid", or "name".
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: A dict containing the workflow invocation describing the
+          scheduling of the workflow. For example::
+            {'history_id': '2f94e8ae9edff68a',
+             'id': 'df7a1f0c02a5b08e',
+             'inputs': {'0': {'id': 'a7db2fac67043c7e',
+                              'src': 'hda',
+                              'uuid': '7932ffe0-2340-4952-8857-dbaa50f1f46a'}},
+             'model_class': 'WorkflowInvocation',
+             'state': 'ready',
+             'steps': [{'action': None,
+                        'id': 'd413a19dec13d11e',
+                        'job_id': None,
+                        'model_class': 'WorkflowInvocationStep',
+                        'order_index': 0,
+                        'state': None,
+                        'update_time': '2015-10-31T22:00:26',
+                        'workflow_step_id': 'cbbbf59e8f08c98c',
+                        'workflow_step_label': None,
+                        'workflow_step_uuid': 'b81250fd-3278-4e6a-b269-56a1f01ef485'},
+                       {'action': None,
+                        'id': '2f94e8ae9edff68a',
+                        'job_id': 'e89067bb68bee7a0',
+                        'model_class': 'WorkflowInvocationStep',
+                        'order_index': 1,
+                        'state': 'new',
+                        'update_time': '2015-10-31T22:00:26',
+                        'workflow_step_id': '964b37715ec9bd22',
+                        'workflow_step_label': None,
+                        'workflow_step_uuid': 'e62440b8-e911-408b-b124-e05435d3125e'}],
+             'update_time': '2015-10-31T22:00:26',
+             'uuid': 'c8aa2b1c-801a-11e5-a9e5-8ca98228593c',
+             'workflow_id': '03501d7626bd192f'}
+        The ``params`` dict should be specified as follows::
+          {STEP_ID: PARAM_DICT, ...}
+        where PARAM_DICT is::
+          {PARAM_NAME: VALUE, ...}
+        For backwards compatibility, the following (deprecated) format is
+        also supported for ``params``::
+          {TOOL_ID: PARAM_DICT, ...}
+        in which case PARAM_DICT affects all steps with the given tool id.
+        If both by-tool-id and by-step-id specifications are used, the
+        latter takes precedence.
+        Finally (again, for backwards compatibility), PARAM_DICT can also
+        be specified as::
+          {'param': PARAM_NAME, 'value': VALUE}
+        Note that this format allows only one parameter to be set per step.
+        For a ``repeat`` parameter, the names of the contained parameters needs
+        to be specified as ``<repeat name>_<repeat index>|<param name>``, with
+        the repeat index starting at 0. For example, if the tool XML contains::
+          <repeat name="cutoff" title="Parameters used to filter cells" min="1">
+              <param name="name" type="text" value="n_genes" label="Name of param...">
+                  <option value="n_genes">n_genes</option>
+                  <option value="n_counts">n_counts</option>
+              </param>
+              <param name="min" type="float" min="0" value="0" label="Min value"/>
+          </repeat>
+        then the PARAM_DICT should be something like::
+          {...
+           "cutoff_0|name": "n_genes",
+           "cutoff_0|min": "2",
+           "cutoff_1|name": "n_counts",
+           "cutoff_1|min": "4",
+           ...}
+        At the time of this writing, it is not possible to change the number of
+        times the contained parameters are repeated. Therefore, the parameter
+        indexes can go from 0 to n-1, where n is the number of times the
+        repeated element was added when the workflow was saved in the Galaxy UI.
+        The ``replacement_params`` dict should map parameter names in
+        post-job actions (PJAs) to their runtime values. For
+        instance, if the final step has a PJA like the following::
+          {'RenameDatasetActionout_file1': {'action_arguments': {'newname': '${output}'},
+                                            'action_type': 'RenameDatasetAction',
+                                            'output_name': 'out_file1'}}
+        then the following renames the output dataset to 'foo'::
+          replacement_params = {'output': 'foo'}
+        see also `this email thread
+        <http://lists.bx.psu.edu/pipermail/galaxy-dev/2011-September/006875.html>`_.
+        .. warning::
+          Historically, the ``run_workflow`` method consumed a ``dataset_map``
+          data structure that was indexed by unencoded workflow step IDs. These
+          IDs would not be stable across Galaxy instances. The new ``inputs``
+          property is instead indexed by either the ``order_index`` property
+          (which is stable across workflow imports) or the step UUID which is
+          also stable.
+        """
+        payload = {'workflow_id': workflow_id}
+        if inputs:
+            payload['inputs'] = inputs
+        if params:
+            payload['parameters'] = params
+        if replacement_params:
+            payload['replacement_params'] = replacement_params
+        if history_id:
+            payload['history'] = f'hist_id={history_id}'
+        elif history_name:
+            payload['history'] = history_name
+        if import_inputs_to_history is False:
+            payload['no_add_to_history'] = True
+        if allow_tool_state_corrections is not None:
+            payload['allow_tool_state_corrections'] = allow_tool_state_corrections
+        if inputs_by is not None:
+            payload['inputs_by'] = inputs_by
+        url = self._invocations_url(workflow_id)
+        return self._post(payload, url=url)
+    def show_invocation(self, workflow_id, invocation_id):
+        """
+        Get a workflow invocation object representing the scheduling of a
+        workflow. This object may be sparse at first (missing inputs and
+        invocation steps) and will become more populated as the workflow is
+        actually scheduled.
+        :type workflow_id: str
+        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID
+        :type invocation_id: str
+        :param invocation_id: Encoded workflow invocation ID
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: The workflow invocation.
+          For example::
+            {'history_id': '2f94e8ae9edff68a',
+             'id': 'df7a1f0c02a5b08e',
+             'inputs': {'0': {'id': 'a7db2fac67043c7e',
+                              'src': 'hda',
+                              'uuid': '7932ffe0-2340-4952-8857-dbaa50f1f46a'}},
+             'model_class': 'WorkflowInvocation',
+             'state': 'ready',
+             'steps': [{'action': None,
+                        'id': 'd413a19dec13d11e',
+                        'job_id': None,
+                        'model_class': 'WorkflowInvocationStep',
+                        'order_index': 0,
+                        'state': None,
+                        'update_time': '2015-10-31T22:00:26',
+                        'workflow_step_id': 'cbbbf59e8f08c98c',
+                        'workflow_step_label': None,
+                        'workflow_step_uuid': 'b81250fd-3278-4e6a-b269-56a1f01ef485'},
+                       {'action': None,
+                        'id': '2f94e8ae9edff68a',
+                        'job_id': 'e89067bb68bee7a0',
+                        'model_class': 'WorkflowInvocationStep',
+                        'order_index': 1,
+                        'state': 'new',
+                        'update_time': '2015-10-31T22:00:26',
+                        'workflow_step_id': '964b37715ec9bd22',
+                        'workflow_step_label': None,
+                        'workflow_step_uuid': 'e62440b8-e911-408b-b124-e05435d3125e'}],
+             'update_time': '2015-10-31T22:00:26',
+             'uuid': 'c8aa2b1c-801a-11e5-a9e5-8ca98228593c',
+             'workflow_id': '03501d7626bd192f'}
+        """
+        url = self._invocation_url(workflow_id, invocation_id)
+        return self._get(url=url)
+    def get_invocations(self, workflow_id):
+        """
+        Get a list containing all the workflow invocations corresponding to the
+        specified workflow.
+        :type workflow_id: str
+        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of workflow invocations.
+          For example::
+            [{'history_id': '2f94e8ae9edff68a',
+              'id': 'df7a1f0c02a5b08e',
+              'model_class': 'WorkflowInvocation',
+              'state': 'new',
+              'update_time': '2015-10-31T22:00:22',
+              'uuid': 'c8aa2b1c-801a-11e5-a9e5-8ca98228593c',
+              'workflow_id': '03501d7626bd192f'}]
+        """
+        url = self._invocations_url(workflow_id)
+        return self._get(url=url)
+    def cancel_invocation(self, workflow_id, invocation_id):
+        """
+        Cancel the scheduling of a workflow.
+        :type workflow_id: str
+        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID
+        :type invocation_id: str
+        :param invocation_id: Encoded workflow invocation ID
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: The workflow invocation being cancelled
+        """
+        url = self._invocation_url(workflow_id, invocation_id)
+        return self._delete(url=url)
+    def show_invocation_step(self, workflow_id, invocation_id, step_id):
+        """
+        See the details of a particular workflow invocation step.
+        :type workflow_id: str
+        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID
+        :type invocation_id: str
+        :param invocation_id: Encoded workflow invocation ID
+        :type step_id: str
+        :param step_id: Encoded workflow invocation step ID
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: The workflow invocation step.
+          For example::
+            {'action': None,
+             'id': '63cd3858d057a6d1',
+             'job_id': None,
+             'model_class': 'WorkflowInvocationStep',
+             'order_index': 2,
+             'state': None,
+             'update_time': '2015-10-31T22:11:14',
+             'workflow_step_id': '52e496b945151ee8',
+             'workflow_step_label': None,
+             'workflow_step_uuid': '4060554c-1dd5-4287-9040-8b4f281cf9dc'}
+        """
+        url = self._invocation_step_url(workflow_id, invocation_id, step_id)
+        return self._get(url=url)
+    def run_invocation_step_action(self, workflow_id, invocation_id, step_id, action):
+        """ Execute an action for an active workflow invocation step. The
+        nature of this action and what is expected will vary based on the
+        the type of workflow step (the only currently valid action is True/False
+        for pause steps).
+        :type workflow_id: str
+        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID
+        :type invocation_id: str
+        :param invocation_id: Encoded workflow invocation ID
+        :type step_id: str
+        :param step_id: Encoded workflow invocation step ID
+        :type action: object
+        :param action: Action to use when updating state, semantics depends on
+           step type.
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: Representation of the workflow invocation step
+        """
+        url = self._invocation_step_url(workflow_id, invocation_id, step_id)
+        payload = {"action": action}
+        return self._put(payload=payload, url=url)
+    def delete_workflow(self, workflow_id):
+        """
+        Delete a workflow identified by `workflow_id`.
+        :type workflow_id: str
+        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID
+        :rtype: str
+        :return: A message about the deletion
+        .. warning::
+            Deleting a workflow is irreversible - all workflow data
+            will be permanently deleted.
+        """
+        return self._delete(id=workflow_id)
+    def _invocation_step_url(self, workflow_id, invocation_id, step_id):
+        return '/'.join((self._invocation_url(workflow_id, invocation_id), "steps", step_id))
+    def _invocation_url(self, workflow_id, invocation_id):
+        return '/'.join((self._invocations_url(workflow_id), invocation_id))
+    def _invocations_url(self, workflow_id):
+        return '/'.join((self._make_url(workflow_id), 'invocations'))
+__all__ = ('WorkflowClient',)