diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dot_parser.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dot_parser.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+"""Graphviz's dot language parser.
+The dotparser parses GraphViz files in
+dot and dot files and transforms them
+into a class representation defined by `pydot`.
+Author: Michael Krause <michael@krause-software.de>
+Fixes by: Ero Carrera <ero.carrera@gmail.com>
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+from pyparsing import (
+    nestedExpr, Literal, CaselessLiteral,
+    Word, OneOrMore,
+    Forward,
+    Group, Optional, Combine,
+    restOfLine, cStyleComment, nums, alphanums,
+    printables,
+    ParseException, ParseResults, CharsNotIn,
+    QuotedString)
+import pydot
+__author__ = ['Michael Krause', 'Ero Carrera']
+__license__ = 'MIT'
+PY3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0, 0)
+if PY3:
+    str_type = str
+    str_type = basestring
+class P_AttrList(object):
+    def __init__(self, toks):
+        self.attrs = {}
+        i = 0
+        while i < len(toks):
+            attrname = toks[i]
+            if i+2 < len(toks) and toks[i+1] == '=':
+                attrvalue = toks[i+2]
+                i += 3
+            else:
+                attrvalue = None
+                i += 1
+            self.attrs[attrname] = attrvalue
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.attrs)
+class DefaultStatement(P_AttrList):
+    def __init__(self, default_type, attrs):
+        self.default_type = default_type
+        self.attrs = attrs
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "%s(%s, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__,
+            self.default_type, self.attrs)
+top_graphs = list()
+def push_top_graph_stmt(str, loc, toks):
+    attrs = {}
+    g = None
+    for element in toks:
+        if (isinstance(element, (ParseResults, tuple, list)) and
+                len(element) == 1 and
+                isinstance(element[0], str_type)):
+            element = element[0]
+        if element == 'strict':
+            attrs['strict'] = True
+        elif element in ['graph', 'digraph']:
+            attrs = {}
+            g = pydot.Dot(graph_type=element, **attrs)
+            attrs['type'] = element
+            top_graphs.append( g )
+        elif isinstance( element, str_type):
+            g.set_name( element )
+        elif isinstance(element, pydot.Subgraph):
+            g.obj_dict['attributes'].update( element.obj_dict['attributes'] )
+            g.obj_dict['edges'].update( element.obj_dict['edges'] )
+            g.obj_dict['nodes'].update( element.obj_dict['nodes'] )
+            g.obj_dict['subgraphs'].update( element.obj_dict['subgraphs'] )
+            g.set_parent_graph(g)
+        elif isinstance(element, P_AttrList):
+            attrs.update(element.attrs)
+        elif isinstance(element, (ParseResults, list)):
+            add_elements(g, element)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(
+                'Unknown element statement: {s}'.format(s=element))
+    for g in top_graphs:
+        update_parent_graph_hierarchy(g)
+    if len( top_graphs ) == 1:
+        return top_graphs[0]
+    return top_graphs
+def update_parent_graph_hierarchy(g, parent_graph=None, level=0):
+    if parent_graph is None:
+        parent_graph = g
+    for key_name in ('edges',):
+        if isinstance(g, pydot.frozendict):
+            item_dict = g
+        else:
+            item_dict = g.obj_dict
+        if key_name not in item_dict:
+            continue
+        for key, objs in item_dict[key_name].items():
+            for obj in objs:
+                if ('parent_graph' in obj and
+                        obj['parent_graph'].get_parent_graph()==g):
+                    if obj['parent_graph'] is g:
+                        pass
+                    else:
+                        obj['parent_graph'].set_parent_graph(parent_graph)
+                if key_name == 'edges' and len(key) == 2:
+                    for idx, vertex in enumerate( obj['points'] ):
+                        if isinstance( vertex,
+                                      (pydot.Graph,
+                                       pydot.Subgraph, pydot.Cluster)):
+                            vertex.set_parent_graph(parent_graph)
+                        if isinstance( vertex, pydot.frozendict):
+                            if vertex['parent_graph'] is g:
+                                pass
+                            else:
+                                vertex['parent_graph'].set_parent_graph(
+                                    parent_graph)
+def add_defaults(element, defaults):
+    d = element.__dict__
+    for key, value in defaults.items():
+        if not d.get(key):
+            d[key] = value
+def add_elements(g, toks, defaults_graph=None,
+                 defaults_node=None, defaults_edge=None):
+    if defaults_graph is None:
+        defaults_graph = {}
+    if defaults_node is None:
+        defaults_node = {}
+    if defaults_edge is None:
+        defaults_edge = {}
+    for elm_idx, element in enumerate(toks):
+        if isinstance(element, (pydot.Subgraph, pydot.Cluster)):
+            add_defaults(element, defaults_graph)
+            g.add_subgraph(element)
+        elif isinstance(element, pydot.Node):
+            add_defaults(element, defaults_node)
+            g.add_node(element)
+        elif isinstance(element, pydot.Edge):
+            add_defaults(element, defaults_edge)
+            g.add_edge(element)
+        elif isinstance(element, ParseResults):
+            for e in element:
+                add_elements(g, [e], defaults_graph,
+                             defaults_node, defaults_edge)
+        elif isinstance(element, DefaultStatement):
+            if element.default_type == 'graph':
+                default_graph_attrs = pydot.Node('graph', **element.attrs)
+                g.add_node(default_graph_attrs)
+            elif element.default_type == 'node':
+                default_node_attrs = pydot.Node('node', **element.attrs)
+                g.add_node(default_node_attrs)
+            elif element.default_type == 'edge':
+                default_edge_attrs = pydot.Node('edge', **element.attrs)
+                g.add_node(default_edge_attrs)
+                defaults_edge.update(element.attrs)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    'Unknown DefaultStatement: {s}'.format(
+                         s=element.default_type))
+        elif isinstance(element, P_AttrList):
+            g.obj_dict['attributes'].update(element.attrs)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(
+                'Unknown element statement: {s}'.format(s=element))
+def push_graph_stmt(str, loc, toks):
+    g = pydot.Subgraph('')
+    add_elements(g, toks)
+    return g
+def push_subgraph_stmt(str, loc, toks):
+    g = pydot.Subgraph('')
+    for e in toks:
+        if len(e)==3:
+            e[2].set_name(e[1])
+            if e[0] == 'subgraph':
+                e[2].obj_dict['show_keyword'] = True
+            return e[2]
+        else:
+            if e[0] == 'subgraph':
+                e[1].obj_dict['show_keyword'] = True
+            return e[1]
+    return g
+def push_default_stmt(str, loc, toks):
+    # The pydot class instances should be marked as
+    # default statements to be inherited by actual
+    # graphs, nodes and edges.
+    #
+    default_type = toks[0][0]
+    if len(toks) > 1:
+        attrs = toks[1].attrs
+    else:
+        attrs = {}
+    if default_type in ['graph', 'node', 'edge']:
+        return DefaultStatement(default_type, attrs)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(
+            'Unknown default statement: {s}'.format(s=toks))
+def push_attr_list(str, loc, toks):
+    p = P_AttrList(toks)
+    return p
+def get_port(node):
+    if len(node)>1:
+        if isinstance(node[1], ParseResults):
+            if len(node[1][0])==2:
+                if node[1][0][0]==':':
+                    return node[1][0][1]
+    return None
+def do_node_ports(node):
+    node_port = ''
+    if len(node) > 1:
+        node_port = ''.join( [str(a)+str(b) for a,b in node[1] ] )
+    return node_port
+def push_edge_stmt(str, loc, toks):
+    tok_attrs = [a for a in toks if isinstance(a, P_AttrList)]
+    attrs = {}
+    for a in tok_attrs:
+        attrs.update(a.attrs)
+    e = []
+    if isinstance(toks[0][0], pydot.Graph):
+        n_prev = pydot.frozendict(toks[0][0].obj_dict)
+    else:
+        n_prev = toks[0][0] + do_node_ports( toks[0] )
+    if isinstance(toks[2][0], ParseResults):
+        n_next_list = [[n.get_name(),] for n in toks[2][0] ]
+        for n_next in [n for n in n_next_list]:
+            n_next_port = do_node_ports(n_next)
+            e.append(pydot.Edge(n_prev, n_next[0]+n_next_port, **attrs))
+    elif isinstance(toks[2][0], pydot.Graph):
+        e.append(pydot.Edge(n_prev,
+                            pydot.frozendict(toks[2][0].obj_dict),
+                            **attrs))
+    elif isinstance(toks[2][0], pydot.Node):
+        node = toks[2][0]
+        if node.get_port() is not None:
+            name_port = node.get_name() + ":" + node.get_port()
+        else:
+            name_port = node.get_name()
+        e.append(pydot.Edge(n_prev, name_port, **attrs))
+    # if the target of this edge is the name of a node
+    elif isinstance(toks[2][0], str_type):
+        for n_next in [n for n in tuple(toks)[2::2]]:
+            if (isinstance(n_next, P_AttrList) or
+                    not isinstance(n_next[0], str_type)):
+                continue
+            n_next_port = do_node_ports( n_next )
+            e.append(pydot.Edge(n_prev, n_next[0]+n_next_port, **attrs))
+            n_prev = n_next[0]+n_next_port
+    else:
+        raise Exception(
+            'Edge target {r} with type {s} unsupported.'.format(
+                r=toks[2][0], s=type(toks[2][0])))
+    return e
+def push_node_stmt(s, loc, toks):
+    if len(toks) == 2:
+        attrs = toks[1].attrs
+    else:
+        attrs = {}
+    node_name = toks[0]
+    if isinstance(node_name, list) or isinstance(node_name, tuple):
+        if len(node_name)>0:
+            node_name = node_name[0]
+    n = pydot.Node(str(node_name), **attrs)
+    return n
+graphparser = None
+def graph_definition():
+    global graphparser
+    if not graphparser:
+        # punctuation
+        colon  = Literal(":")
+        lbrace = Literal("{")
+        rbrace = Literal("}")
+        lbrack = Literal("[")
+        rbrack = Literal("]")
+        lparen = Literal("(")
+        rparen = Literal(")")
+        equals = Literal("=")
+        comma  = Literal(",")
+        dot    = Literal(".")
+        slash  = Literal("/")
+        bslash = Literal("\\")
+        star   = Literal("*")
+        semi   = Literal(";")
+        at     = Literal("@")
+        minus  = Literal("-")
+        # keywords
+        strict_    = CaselessLiteral("strict")
+        graph_     = CaselessLiteral("graph")
+        digraph_   = CaselessLiteral("digraph")
+        subgraph_  = CaselessLiteral("subgraph")
+        node_      = CaselessLiteral("node")
+        edge_      = CaselessLiteral("edge")
+        # token definitions
+        identifier = Word(alphanums + "_." ).setName("identifier")
+        double_quoted_string = QuotedString(
+            '"', multiline=True, unquoteResults=False, escChar='\\')  # dblQuotedString
+        noncomma = "".join([c for c in printables if c != ","])
+        alphastring_ = OneOrMore(CharsNotIn(noncomma + ' '))
+        def parse_html(s, loc, toks):
+            return '<%s>' % ''.join(toks[0])
+        opener = '<'
+        closer = '>'
+        html_text = nestedExpr( opener, closer,
+            ( CharsNotIn( opener + closer )  )
+                ).setParseAction(parse_html).leaveWhitespace()
+        ID = ( identifier | html_text |
+            double_quoted_string | #.setParseAction(strip_quotes) |
+            alphastring_ ).setName("ID")
+        float_number = Combine(Optional(minus) +
+            OneOrMore(Word(nums + "."))).setName("float_number")
+        righthand_id =  (float_number | ID ).setName("righthand_id")
+        port_angle = (at + ID).setName("port_angle")
+        port_location = (OneOrMore(Group(colon + ID)) |
+            Group(colon + lparen +
+                  ID + comma + ID + rparen)).setName("port_location")
+        port = (Group(port_location + Optional(port_angle)) |
+            Group(port_angle + Optional(port_location))).setName("port")
+        node_id = (ID + Optional(port))
+        a_list = OneOrMore(ID + Optional(equals + righthand_id) +
+            Optional(comma.suppress())).setName("a_list")
+        attr_list = OneOrMore(lbrack.suppress() + Optional(a_list) +
+            rbrack.suppress()).setName("attr_list")
+        attr_stmt = (Group(graph_ | node_ | edge_) +
+                     attr_list).setName("attr_stmt")
+        edgeop = (Literal("--") | Literal("->")).setName("edgeop")
+        stmt_list = Forward()
+        graph_stmt = Group(lbrace.suppress() + Optional(stmt_list) +
+            rbrace.suppress() +
+            Optional(semi.suppress())).setName("graph_stmt")
+        edge_point = Forward()
+        edgeRHS = OneOrMore(edgeop + edge_point)
+        edge_stmt = edge_point + edgeRHS + Optional(attr_list)
+        subgraph = Group(
+            subgraph_ + Optional(ID) + graph_stmt).setName("subgraph")
+        edge_point << Group(
+            subgraph | graph_stmt | node_id).setName('edge_point')
+        node_stmt = (
+            node_id + Optional(attr_list) +
+            Optional(semi.suppress())).setName("node_stmt")
+        assignment = (ID + equals + righthand_id).setName("assignment")
+        stmt = (assignment | edge_stmt | attr_stmt |
+                subgraph | graph_stmt | node_stmt).setName("stmt")
+        stmt_list << OneOrMore(stmt + Optional(semi.suppress()))
+        graphparser = OneOrMore(
+            (Optional(strict_) + Group((graph_ | digraph_)) +
+             Optional(ID) + graph_stmt).setResultsName("graph"))
+        singleLineComment = Group(
+            "//" + restOfLine) | Group("#" + restOfLine)
+        # actions
+        graphparser.ignore(singleLineComment)
+        graphparser.ignore(cStyleComment)
+        assignment.setParseAction(push_attr_list)
+        a_list.setParseAction(push_attr_list)
+        edge_stmt.setParseAction(push_edge_stmt)
+        node_stmt.setParseAction(push_node_stmt)
+        attr_stmt.setParseAction(push_default_stmt)
+        subgraph.setParseAction(push_subgraph_stmt)
+        graph_stmt.setParseAction(push_graph_stmt)
+        graphparser.setParseAction(push_top_graph_stmt)
+    return graphparser
+def parse_dot_data(s):
+    """Parse DOT description in (unicode) string `s`.
+    @return: Graphs that result from parsing.
+    @rtype: `list` of `pydot.Dot`
+    """
+    global top_graphs
+    top_graphs = list()
+    try:
+        graphparser = graph_definition()
+        graphparser.parseWithTabs()
+        tokens = graphparser.parseString(s)
+        return list(tokens)
+    except ParseException as err:
+        print(err.line)
+        print(" " * (err.column - 1) + "^")
+        print(err)
+        return None