diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/galaxy/tool_util/verify/__init__.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/galaxy/tool_util/verify/__init__.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+"""Module of utilities for verifying test results."""
+import difflib
+import filecmp
+import hashlib
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import os.path
+import re
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+    import pysam
+except ImportError:
+    pysam = None
+from galaxy.tool_util.parser.util import (
+from galaxy.util import unicodify
+from galaxy.util.compression_utils import get_fileobj
+from .asserts import verify_assertions
+from .test_data import TestDataResolver
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def verify(
+    item_label,
+    output_content,
+    attributes,
+    filename=None,
+    get_filecontent=None,
+    get_filename=None,
+    keep_outputs_dir=None,
+    verify_extra_files=None,
+    mode='file',
+    """Verify the content of a test output using test definitions described by attributes.
+    Throw an informative assertion error if any of these tests fail.
+    """
+    if get_filename is None:
+        if get_filecontent is None:
+            get_filecontent = DEFAULT_TEST_DATA_RESOLVER.get_filecontent
+        def get_filename(filename):
+            file_content = get_filecontent(filename)
+            local_name = make_temp_fname(fname=filename)
+            with open(local_name, 'wb') as f:
+                f.write(file_content)
+            return local_name
+    # Check assertions...
+    assertions = attributes.get("assert_list", None)
+    if attributes is not None and assertions is not None:
+        try:
+            verify_assertions(output_content, attributes["assert_list"])
+        except AssertionError as err:
+            errmsg = '%s different than expected\n' % (item_label)
+            errmsg += unicodify(err)
+            raise AssertionError(errmsg)
+    # Verify checksum attributes...
+    # works with older Galaxy style md5=<expected_sum> or cwltest
+    # style checksum=<hash_type>$<hash>.
+    expected_checksum_type = None
+    expected_checksum = None
+    if attributes is not None and attributes.get("md5", None) is not None:
+        expected_checksum_type = "md5"
+        expected_checksum = attributes.get("md5")
+    elif attributes is not None and attributes.get("checksum", None) is not None:
+        checksum_value = attributes.get("checksum", None)
+        expected_checksum_type, expected_checksum = checksum_value.split("$", 1)
+    if expected_checksum_type:
+        try:
+            _verify_checksum(output_content, expected_checksum_type, expected_checksum)
+        except AssertionError as err:
+            errmsg = '%s different than expected\n' % (item_label)
+            errmsg += unicodify(err)
+            raise AssertionError(errmsg)
+    if attributes is None:
+        attributes = {}
+    # expected object might be None, so don't pull unless available
+    has_expected_object = 'object' in attributes
+    if has_expected_object:
+        assert filename is None
+        expected_object = attributes.get('object')
+        actual_object = json.loads(output_content)
+        expected_object_type = type(expected_object)
+        actual_object_type = type(actual_object)
+        if expected_object_type != actual_object_type:
+            message = f"Type mismatch between expected object ({expected_object_type}) and actual object ({actual_object_type})"
+            raise AssertionError(message)
+        if expected_object != actual_object:
+            message = f"Expected object ({expected_object}) does not match actual object ({actual_object})"
+            raise AssertionError(message)
+    elif filename is not None:
+        temp_name = make_temp_fname(fname=filename)
+        with open(temp_name, 'wb') as f:
+            f.write(output_content)
+        # If the server's env has GALAXY_TEST_SAVE, save the output file to that
+        # directory.
+        # This needs to be done before the call to `get_filename()` because that
+        # may raise an exception if `filename` does not exist (e.g. when
+        # generating a tool output file from scratch with
+        # `planemo test --update_test_data`).
+        if keep_outputs_dir:
+            ofn = os.path.join(keep_outputs_dir, filename)
+            out_dir = os.path.dirname(ofn)
+            if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
+                os.makedirs(out_dir)
+            log.debug('keep_outputs_dir: %s, ofn: %s', keep_outputs_dir, ofn)
+            try:
+                shutil.copy(temp_name, ofn)
+            except Exception:
+                log.exception('Could not save output file %s to %s', temp_name, ofn)
+            else:
+                log.debug('## GALAXY_TEST_SAVE=%s. saved %s', keep_outputs_dir, ofn)
+        if mode == 'directory':
+            # if verifying a file inside a extra_files_path directory
+            # filename already point to a file that exists on disk
+            local_name = filename
+        else:
+            local_name = get_filename(filename)
+        compare = attributes.get('compare', 'diff')
+        try:
+            if attributes.get('ftype', None) in ['bam', 'qname_sorted.bam', 'qname_input_sorted.bam', 'unsorted.bam', 'cram']:
+                try:
+                    local_fh, temp_name = _bam_to_sam(local_name, temp_name)
+                    local_name = local_fh.name
+                except Exception as e:
+                    log.warning("%s. Will compare BAM files", unicodify(e))
+            if compare == 'diff':
+                files_diff(local_name, temp_name, attributes=attributes)
+            elif compare == 're_match':
+                files_re_match(local_name, temp_name, attributes=attributes)
+            elif compare == 're_match_multiline':
+                files_re_match_multiline(local_name, temp_name, attributes=attributes)
+            elif compare == 'sim_size':
+                files_delta(local_name, temp_name, attributes=attributes)
+            elif compare == "contains":
+                files_contains(local_name, temp_name, attributes=attributes)
+            else:
+                raise Exception('Unimplemented Compare type: %s' % compare)
+        except AssertionError as err:
+            errmsg = f'{item_label} different than expected, difference (using {compare}):\n'
+            errmsg += f"( {local_name} v. {temp_name} )\n"
+            errmsg += unicodify(err)
+            raise AssertionError(errmsg)
+        finally:
+            if 'GALAXY_TEST_NO_CLEANUP' not in os.environ:
+                os.remove(temp_name)
+    if verify_extra_files:
+        extra_files = attributes.get('extra_files', None)
+        if extra_files:
+            verify_extra_files(extra_files)
+def make_temp_fname(fname=None):
+    """Safe temp name - preserve the file extension for tools that interpret it."""
+    suffix = os.path.split(fname)[-1]  # ignore full path
+    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='tmp', suffix=suffix, delete=False) as temp:
+        return temp.name
+def _bam_to_sam(local_name, temp_name):
+    temp_local = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.sam', prefix='local_bam_converted_to_sam_')
+    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.sam', prefix='history_bam_converted_to_sam_', delete=False) as temp:
+        try:
+            pysam.view('-h', '-o%s' % temp_local.name, local_name)
+        except Exception as e:
+            msg = "Converting local (test-data) BAM to SAM failed: %s" % unicodify(e)
+            raise Exception(msg)
+        try:
+            pysam.view('-h', '-o%s' % temp.name, temp_name)
+        except Exception as e:
+            msg = "Converting history BAM to SAM failed: %s" % unicodify(e)
+            raise Exception(msg)
+    os.remove(temp_name)
+    return temp_local, temp.name
+def _verify_checksum(data, checksum_type, expected_checksum_value):
+    if checksum_type not in ["md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha512"]:
+        raise Exception("Unimplemented hash algorithm [%s] encountered." % checksum_type)
+    h = hashlib.new(checksum_type)
+    h.update(data)
+    actual_checksum_value = h.hexdigest()
+    if expected_checksum_value != actual_checksum_value:
+        template = "Output checksum [%s] does not match expected [%s] (using hash algorithm %s)."
+        message = template % (actual_checksum_value, expected_checksum_value, checksum_type)
+        raise AssertionError(message)
+def files_delta(file1, file2, attributes=None):
+    """Check the contents of 2 files for size differences."""
+    if attributes is None:
+        attributes = {}
+    delta = attributes.get('delta', DEFAULT_DELTA)
+    delta_frac = attributes.get('delta_frac', DEFAULT_DELTA_FRAC)
+    s1 = os.path.getsize(file1)
+    s2 = os.path.getsize(file2)
+    if abs(s1 - s2) > delta:
+        raise AssertionError('Files %s=%db but %s=%db - compare by size (delta=%s) failed' % (file1, s1, file2, s2, delta))
+    if delta_frac is not None and not (s1 - (s1 * delta_frac) <= s2 <= s1 + (s1 * delta_frac)):
+        raise AssertionError('Files %s=%db but %s=%db - compare by size (delta_frac=%s) failed' % (file1, s1, file2, s2, delta_frac))
+def files_diff(file1, file2, attributes=None):
+    """Check the contents of 2 files for differences."""
+    def get_lines_diff(diff):
+        count = 0
+        for line in diff:
+            if (line.startswith('+') and not line.startswith('+++')) or (line.startswith('-') and not line.startswith('---')):
+                count += 1
+        return count
+    if not filecmp.cmp(file1, file2, shallow=False):
+        if attributes is None:
+            attributes = {}
+        decompress = attributes.get("decompress", None)
+        if decompress:
+            # None means all compressed formats are allowed
+            compressed_formats = None
+        else:
+            compressed_formats = []
+        is_pdf = False
+        try:
+            with get_fileobj(file2, compressed_formats=compressed_formats) as fh:
+                history_data = fh.readlines()
+            with get_fileobj(file1, compressed_formats=compressed_formats) as fh:
+                local_file = fh.readlines()
+        except UnicodeDecodeError:
+            if file1.endswith('.pdf') or file2.endswith('.pdf'):
+                is_pdf = True
+                # Replace non-Unicode characters using unicodify(),
+                # difflib.unified_diff doesn't work on list of bytes
+                history_data = [unicodify(l) for l in get_fileobj(file2, mode='rb', compressed_formats=compressed_formats)]
+                local_file = [unicodify(l) for l in get_fileobj(file1, mode='rb', compressed_formats=compressed_formats)]
+            else:
+                raise AssertionError("Binary data detected, not displaying diff")
+        if attributes.get('sort', False):
+            local_file.sort()
+            history_data.sort()
+        allowed_diff_count = int(attributes.get('lines_diff', 0))
+        diff = list(difflib.unified_diff(local_file, history_data, "local_file", "history_data"))
+        diff_lines = get_lines_diff(diff)
+        if diff_lines > allowed_diff_count:
+            if 'GALAXY_TEST_RAW_DIFF' in os.environ:
+                diff_slice = diff
+            else:
+                if len(diff) < 60:
+                    diff_slice = diff[0:40]
+                else:
+                    diff_slice = diff[:25] + ["********\n", "*SNIP *\n", "********\n"] + diff[-25:]
+            # FIXME: This pdf stuff is rather special cased and has not been updated to consider lines_diff
+            # due to unknown desired behavior when used in conjunction with a non-zero lines_diff
+            # PDF forgiveness can probably be handled better by not special casing by __extension__ here
+            # and instead using lines_diff or a regular expression matching
+            # or by creating and using a specialized pdf comparison function
+            if is_pdf:
+                # PDF files contain creation dates, modification dates, ids and descriptions that change with each
+                # new file, so we need to handle these differences.  As long as the rest of the PDF file does
+                # not differ we're ok.
+                valid_diff_strs = ['description', 'createdate', 'creationdate', 'moddate', 'id', 'producer', 'creator']
+                valid_diff = False
+                invalid_diff_lines = 0
+                for line in diff_slice:
+                    # Make sure to lower case strings before checking.
+                    line = line.lower()
+                    # Diff lines will always start with a + or - character, but handle special cases: '--- local_file \n', '+++ history_data \n'
+                    if (line.startswith('+') or line.startswith('-')) and line.find('local_file') < 0 and line.find('history_data') < 0:
+                        for vdf in valid_diff_strs:
+                            if line.find(vdf) < 0:
+                                valid_diff = False
+                            else:
+                                valid_diff = True
+                                # Stop checking as soon as we know we have a valid difference
+                                break
+                        if not valid_diff:
+                            invalid_diff_lines += 1
+                log.info("## files diff on '%s' and '%s': lines_diff = %d, found diff = %d, found pdf invalid diff = %d" % (file1, file2, allowed_diff_count, diff_lines, invalid_diff_lines))
+                if invalid_diff_lines > allowed_diff_count:
+                    # Print out diff_slice so we can see what failed
+                    log.info("###### diff_slice ######")
+                    raise AssertionError("".join(diff_slice))
+            else:
+                log.info("## files diff on '%s' and '%s': lines_diff = %d, found diff = %d" % (file1, file2, allowed_diff_count, diff_lines))
+                raise AssertionError("".join(diff_slice))
+def files_re_match(file1, file2, attributes=None):
+    """Check the contents of 2 files for differences using re.match."""
+    join_char = ''
+    to_strip = os.linesep
+    try:
+        with open(file2, encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+            history_data = fh.readlines()
+        with open(file1, encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+            local_file = fh.readlines()
+    except UnicodeDecodeError:
+        join_char = b''
+        to_strip = os.linesep.encode('utf-8')
+        with open(file2, 'rb') as fh:
+            history_data = fh.readlines()
+        with open(file1, 'rb') as fh:
+            local_file = fh.readlines()
+    assert len(local_file) == len(history_data), 'Data File and Regular Expression File contain a different number of lines (%d != %d)\nHistory Data (first 40 lines):\n%s' % (len(local_file), len(history_data), join_char.join(history_data[:40]))
+    if attributes is None:
+        attributes = {}
+    if attributes.get('sort', False):
+        history_data.sort()
+    lines_diff = int(attributes.get('lines_diff', 0))
+    line_diff_count = 0
+    diffs = []
+    for regex_line, data_line in zip(local_file, history_data):
+        regex_line = regex_line.rstrip(to_strip)
+        data_line = data_line.rstrip(to_strip)
+        if not re.match(regex_line, data_line):
+            line_diff_count += 1
+            diffs.append(f'Regular Expression: {regex_line}, Data file: {data_line}\n')
+    if line_diff_count > lines_diff:
+        raise AssertionError("Regular expression did not match data file (allowed variants=%i):\n%s" % (lines_diff, "".join(diffs)))
+def files_re_match_multiline(file1, file2, attributes=None):
+    """Check the contents of 2 files for differences using re.match in multiline mode."""
+    join_char = ''
+    try:
+        with open(file2, encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+            history_data = fh.readlines()
+        with open(file1, encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+            local_file = fh.read()
+    except UnicodeDecodeError:
+        join_char = b''
+        with open(file2, 'rb') as fh:
+            history_data = fh.readlines()
+        with open(file1, 'rb') as fh:
+            local_file = fh.read()
+    if attributes is None:
+        attributes = {}
+    if attributes.get('sort', False):
+        history_data.sort()
+    history_data = join_char.join(history_data)
+    # lines_diff not applicable to multiline matching
+    assert re.match(local_file, history_data, re.MULTILINE), "Multiline Regular expression did not match data file"
+def files_contains(file1, file2, attributes=None):
+    """Check the contents of file2 for substrings found in file1, on a per-line basis."""
+    # TODO: allow forcing ordering of contains
+    to_strip = os.linesep
+    try:
+        with open(file2, encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+            history_data = fh.read()
+        with open(file1, encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+            local_file = fh.readlines()
+    except UnicodeDecodeError:
+        to_strip = os.linesep.encode('utf-8')
+        with open(file2, 'rb') as fh:
+            history_data = fh.read()
+        with open(file1, 'rb') as fh:
+            local_file = fh.readlines()
+    if attributes is None:
+        attributes = {}
+    lines_diff = int(attributes.get('lines_diff', 0))
+    line_diff_count = 0
+    for contains in local_file:
+        contains = contains.rstrip(to_strip)
+        if contains not in history_data:
+            line_diff_count += 1
+        if line_diff_count > lines_diff:
+            raise AssertionError("Failed to find '%s' in history data. (lines_diff=%i)" % (contains, lines_diff))