diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/lowest_common_ancestors.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
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line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/lowest_common_ancestors.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+"""Algorithms for finding the lowest common ancestor of trees and DAGs."""
+from collections import defaultdict
+from collections.abc import Mapping, Set
+from itertools import chain, count
+import networkx as nx
+from networkx.utils import (
+    arbitrary_element,
+    not_implemented_for,
+    UnionFind,
+    generate_unique_node,
+__all__ = [
+    "all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor",
+    "tree_all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor",
+    "lowest_common_ancestor",
+def tree_all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor(G, root=None, pairs=None):
+    r"""Yield the lowest common ancestor for sets of pairs in a tree.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX directed graph (must be a tree)
+    root : node, optional (default: None)
+        The root of the subtree to operate on.
+        If None, assume the entire graph has exactly one source and use that.
+    pairs : iterable or iterator of pairs of nodes, optional (default: None)
+        The pairs of interest. If None, Defaults to all pairs of nodes
+        under `root` that have a lowest common ancestor.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    lcas : generator of tuples `((u, v), lca)` where `u` and `v` are nodes
+        in `pairs` and `lca` is their lowest common ancestor.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    Only defined on non-null trees represented with directed edges from
+    parents to children. Uses Tarjan's off-line lowest-common-ancestors
+    algorithm. Runs in time $O(4 \times (V + E + P))$ time, where 4 is the largest
+    value of the inverse Ackermann function likely to ever come up in actual
+    use, and $P$ is the number of pairs requested (or $V^2$ if all are needed).
+    Tarjan, R. E. (1979), "Applications of path compression on balanced trees",
+    Journal of the ACM 26 (4): 690-715, doi:10.1145/322154.322161.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor (similar routine for general DAGs)
+    lowest_common_ancestor           (just a single pair for general DAGs)
+    """
+    if len(G) == 0:
+        raise nx.NetworkXPointlessConcept("LCA meaningless on null graphs.")
+    elif None in G:
+        raise nx.NetworkXError("None is not a valid node.")
+    # Index pairs of interest for efficient lookup from either side.
+    if pairs is not None:
+        pair_dict = defaultdict(set)
+        # See note on all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor.
+        if not isinstance(pairs, (Mapping, Set)):
+            pairs = set(pairs)
+        for u, v in pairs:
+            for n in (u, v):
+                if n not in G:
+                    msg = f"The node {str(n)} is not in the digraph."
+                    raise nx.NodeNotFound(msg)
+            pair_dict[u].add(v)
+            pair_dict[v].add(u)
+    # If root is not specified, find the exactly one node with in degree 0 and
+    # use it. Raise an error if none are found, or more than one is. Also check
+    # for any nodes with in degree larger than 1, which would imply G is not a
+    # tree.
+    if root is None:
+        for n, deg in G.in_degree:
+            if deg == 0:
+                if root is not None:
+                    msg = "No root specified and tree has multiple sources."
+                    raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
+                root = n
+            elif deg > 1:
+                msg = "Tree LCA only defined on trees; use DAG routine."
+                raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
+    if root is None:
+        raise nx.NetworkXError("Graph contains a cycle.")
+    # Iterative implementation of Tarjan's offline lca algorithm
+    # as described in CLRS on page 521 (2nd edition)/page 584 (3rd edition)
+    uf = UnionFind()
+    ancestors = {}
+    for node in G:
+        ancestors[node] = uf[node]
+    colors = defaultdict(bool)
+    for node in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(G, root):
+        colors[node] = True
+        for v in pair_dict[node] if pairs is not None else G:
+            if colors[v]:
+                # If the user requested both directions of a pair, give it.
+                # Otherwise, just give one.
+                if pairs is not None and (node, v) in pairs:
+                    yield (node, v), ancestors[uf[v]]
+                if pairs is None or (v, node) in pairs:
+                    yield (v, node), ancestors[uf[v]]
+        if node != root:
+            parent = arbitrary_element(G.pred[node])
+            uf.union(parent, node)
+            ancestors[uf[parent]] = parent
+def lowest_common_ancestor(G, node1, node2, default=None):
+    """Compute the lowest common ancestor of the given pair of nodes.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX directed graph
+    node1, node2 : nodes in the graph.
+    default : object
+        Returned if no common ancestor between `node1` and `node2`
+    Returns
+    -------
+    The lowest common ancestor of node1 and node2,
+    or default if they have no common ancestors.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    Only defined on non-null directed acyclic graphs.
+    Takes n log(n) time in the size of the graph.
+    See `all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor` when you have
+    more than one pair of nodes of interest.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    tree_all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor
+    all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor
+    """
+    ans = list(all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor(G, pairs=[(node1, node2)]))
+    if ans:
+        assert len(ans) == 1
+        return ans[0][1]
+    else:
+        return default
+def all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor(G, pairs=None):
+    """Compute the lowest common ancestor for pairs of nodes.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX directed graph
+    pairs : iterable of pairs of nodes, optional (default: all pairs)
+        The pairs of nodes of interest.
+        If None, will find the LCA of all pairs of nodes.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    An iterator over ((node1, node2), lca) where (node1, node2) are
+    the pairs specified and lca is a lowest common ancestor of the pair.
+    Note that for the default of all pairs in G, we consider
+    unordered pairs, e.g. you will not get both (b, a) and (a, b).
+    Notes
+    -----
+    Only defined on non-null directed acyclic graphs.
+    Uses the $O(n^3)$ ancestor-list algorithm from:
+    M. A. Bender, M. Farach-Colton, G. Pemmasani, S. Skiena, P. Sumazin.
+    "Lowest common ancestors in trees and directed acyclic graphs."
+    Journal of Algorithms, 57(2): 75-94, 2005.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    tree_all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor
+    lowest_common_ancestor
+    """
+    if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(G):
+        raise nx.NetworkXError("LCA only defined on directed acyclic graphs.")
+    elif len(G) == 0:
+        raise nx.NetworkXPointlessConcept("LCA meaningless on null graphs.")
+    elif None in G:
+        raise nx.NetworkXError("None is not a valid node.")
+    # The copy isn't ideal, neither is the switch-on-type, but without it users
+    # passing an iterable will encounter confusing errors, and itertools.tee
+    # does not appear to handle builtin types efficiently (IE, it materializes
+    # another buffer rather than just creating listoperators at the same
+    # offset). The Python documentation notes use of tee is unadvised when one
+    # is consumed before the other.
+    #
+    # This will always produce correct results and avoid unnecessary
+    # copies in many common cases.
+    #
+    if not isinstance(pairs, (Mapping, Set)) and pairs is not None:
+        pairs = set(pairs)
+    # Convert G into a dag with a single root by adding a node with edges to
+    # all sources iff necessary.
+    sources = [n for n, deg in G.in_degree if deg == 0]
+    if len(sources) == 1:
+        root = sources[0]
+        super_root = None
+    else:
+        G = G.copy()
+        super_root = root = generate_unique_node()
+        for source in sources:
+            G.add_edge(root, source)
+    # Start by computing a spanning tree, and the DAG of all edges not in it.
+    # We will then use the tree lca algorithm on the spanning tree, and use
+    # the DAG to figure out the set of tree queries necessary.
+    spanning_tree = nx.dfs_tree(G, root)
+    dag = nx.DiGraph(
+        (u, v)
+        for u, v in G.edges
+        if u not in spanning_tree or v not in spanning_tree[u]
+    )
+    # Ensure that both the dag and the spanning tree contains all nodes in G,
+    # even nodes that are disconnected in the dag.
+    spanning_tree.add_nodes_from(G)
+    dag.add_nodes_from(G)
+    counter = count()
+    # Necessary to handle graphs consisting of a single node and no edges.
+    root_distance = {root: next(counter)}
+    for edge in nx.bfs_edges(spanning_tree, root):
+        for node in edge:
+            if node not in root_distance:
+                root_distance[node] = next(counter)
+    # Index the position of all nodes in the Euler tour so we can efficiently
+    # sort lists and merge in tour order.
+    euler_tour_pos = {}
+    for node in nx.depth_first_search.dfs_preorder_nodes(G, root):
+        if node not in euler_tour_pos:
+            euler_tour_pos[node] = next(counter)
+    # Generate the set of all nodes of interest in the pairs.
+    pairset = set()
+    if pairs is not None:
+        pairset = set(chain.from_iterable(pairs))
+    for n in pairset:
+        if n not in G:
+            msg = f"The node {str(n)} is not in the digraph."
+            raise nx.NodeNotFound(msg)
+    # Generate the transitive closure over the dag (not G) of all nodes, and
+    # sort each node's closure set by order of first appearance in the Euler
+    # tour.
+    ancestors = {}
+    for v in dag:
+        if pairs is None or v in pairset:
+            my_ancestors = nx.dag.ancestors(dag, v)
+            my_ancestors.add(v)
+            ancestors[v] = sorted(my_ancestors, key=euler_tour_pos.get)
+    def _compute_dag_lca_from_tree_values(tree_lca, dry_run):
+        """Iterate through the in-order merge for each pair of interest.
+        We do this to answer the user's query, but it is also used to
+        avoid generating unnecessary tree entries when the user only
+        needs some pairs.
+        """
+        for (node1, node2) in pairs if pairs is not None else tree_lca:
+            best_root_distance = None
+            best = None
+            indices = [0, 0]
+            ancestors_by_index = [ancestors[node1], ancestors[node2]]
+            def get_next_in_merged_lists(indices):
+                """Returns index of the list containing the next item
+                Next order refers to the merged order.
+                Index can be 0 or 1 (or None if exhausted).
+                """
+                index1, index2 = indices
+                if index1 >= len(ancestors[node1]) and index2 >= len(ancestors[node2]):
+                    return None
+                elif index1 >= len(ancestors[node1]):
+                    return 1
+                elif index2 >= len(ancestors[node2]):
+                    return 0
+                elif (
+                    euler_tour_pos[ancestors[node1][index1]]
+                    < euler_tour_pos[ancestors[node2][index2]]
+                ):
+                    return 0
+                else:
+                    return 1
+            # Find the LCA by iterating through the in-order merge of the two
+            # nodes of interests' ancestor sets. In principle, we need to
+            # consider all pairs in the Cartesian product of the ancestor sets,
+            # but by the restricted min range query reduction we are guaranteed
+            # that one of the pairs of interest is adjacent in the merged list
+            # iff one came from each list.
+            i = get_next_in_merged_lists(indices)
+            cur = ancestors_by_index[i][indices[i]], i
+            while i is not None:
+                prev = cur
+                indices[i] += 1
+                i = get_next_in_merged_lists(indices)
+                if i is not None:
+                    cur = ancestors_by_index[i][indices[i]], i
+                    # Two adjacent entries must not be from the same list
+                    # in order for their tree LCA to be considered.
+                    if cur[1] != prev[1]:
+                        tree_node1, tree_node2 = prev[0], cur[0]
+                        if (tree_node1, tree_node2) in tree_lca:
+                            ans = tree_lca[tree_node1, tree_node2]
+                        else:
+                            ans = tree_lca[tree_node2, tree_node1]
+                        if not dry_run and (
+                            best is None or root_distance[ans] > best_root_distance
+                        ):
+                            best_root_distance = root_distance[ans]
+                            best = ans
+            # If the LCA is super_root, there is no LCA in the user's graph.
+            if not dry_run and (super_root is None or best != super_root):
+                yield (node1, node2), best
+    # Generate the spanning tree lca for all pairs. This doesn't make sense to
+    # do incrementally since we are using a linear time offline algorithm for
+    # tree lca.
+    if pairs is None:
+        # We want all pairs so we'll need the entire tree.
+        tree_lca = dict(tree_all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor(spanning_tree, root))
+    else:
+        # We only need the merged adjacent pairs by seeing which queries the
+        # algorithm needs then generating them in a single pass.
+        tree_lca = defaultdict(int)
+        for _ in _compute_dag_lca_from_tree_values(tree_lca, True):
+            pass
+        # Replace the bogus default tree values with the real ones.
+        for (pair, lca) in tree_all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor(
+            spanning_tree, root, tree_lca
+        ):
+            tree_lca[pair] = lca
+    # All precomputations complete. Now we just need to give the user the pairs
+    # they asked for, or all pairs if they want them all.
+    return _compute_dag_lca_from_tree_values(tree_lca, False)