diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/threshold.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/threshold.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,973 @@
+Threshold Graphs - Creation, manipulation and identification.
+from math import sqrt
+import networkx as nx
+from networkx.utils import py_random_state
+__all__ = ["is_threshold_graph", "find_threshold_graph"]
+def is_threshold_graph(G):
+    """
+    Returns `True` if `G` is a threshold graph.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX graph instance
+        An instance of `Graph`, `DiGraph`, `MultiGraph` or `MultiDiGraph`
+    Returns
+    -------
+    bool
+        `True` if `G` is a threshold graph, `False` otherwise.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from networkx.algorithms.threshold import is_threshold_graph
+    >>> G = nx.path_graph(3)
+    >>> is_threshold_graph(G)
+    True
+    >>> G = nx.barbell_graph(3, 3)
+    >>> is_threshold_graph(G)
+    False
+    References
+    ----------
+    .. [1] Threshold graphs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Threshold_graph
+    """
+    return is_threshold_sequence(list(d for n, d in G.degree()))
+def is_threshold_sequence(degree_sequence):
+    """
+    Returns True if the sequence is a threshold degree seqeunce.
+    Uses the property that a threshold graph must be constructed by
+    adding either dominating or isolated nodes. Thus, it can be
+    deconstructed iteratively by removing a node of degree zero or a
+    node that connects to the remaining nodes.  If this deconstruction
+    failes then the sequence is not a threshold sequence.
+    """
+    ds = degree_sequence[:]  # get a copy so we don't destroy original
+    ds.sort()
+    while ds:
+        if ds[0] == 0:  # if isolated node
+            ds.pop(0)  # remove it
+            continue
+        if ds[-1] != len(ds) - 1:  # is the largest degree node dominating?
+            return False  # no, not a threshold degree sequence
+        ds.pop()  # yes, largest is the dominating node
+        ds = [d - 1 for d in ds]  # remove it and decrement all degrees
+    return True
+def creation_sequence(degree_sequence, with_labels=False, compact=False):
+    """
+    Determines the creation sequence for the given threshold degree sequence.
+    The creation sequence is a list of single characters 'd'
+    or 'i': 'd' for dominating or 'i' for isolated vertices.
+    Dominating vertices are connected to all vertices present when it
+    is added.  The first node added is by convention 'd'.
+    This list can be converted to a string if desired using "".join(cs)
+    If with_labels==True:
+    Returns a list of 2-tuples containing the vertex number
+    and a character 'd' or 'i' which describes the type of vertex.
+    If compact==True:
+    Returns the creation sequence in a compact form that is the number
+    of 'i's and 'd's alternating.
+    Examples:
+    [1,2,2,3] represents d,i,i,d,d,i,i,i
+    [3,1,2] represents d,d,d,i,d,d
+    Notice that the first number is the first vertex to be used for
+    construction and so is always 'd'.
+    with_labels and compact cannot both be True.
+    Returns None if the sequence is not a threshold sequence
+    """
+    if with_labels and compact:
+        raise ValueError("compact sequences cannot be labeled")
+    # make an indexed copy
+    if isinstance(degree_sequence, dict):  # labeled degree seqeunce
+        ds = [[degree, label] for (label, degree) in degree_sequence.items()]
+    else:
+        ds = [[d, i] for i, d in enumerate(degree_sequence)]
+    ds.sort()
+    cs = []  # creation sequence
+    while ds:
+        if ds[0][0] == 0:  # isolated node
+            (d, v) = ds.pop(0)
+            if len(ds) > 0:  # make sure we start with a d
+                cs.insert(0, (v, "i"))
+            else:
+                cs.insert(0, (v, "d"))
+            continue
+        if ds[-1][0] != len(ds) - 1:  # Not dominating node
+            return None  # not a threshold degree sequence
+        (d, v) = ds.pop()
+        cs.insert(0, (v, "d"))
+        ds = [[d[0] - 1, d[1]] for d in ds]  # decrement due to removing node
+    if with_labels:
+        return cs
+    if compact:
+        return make_compact(cs)
+    return [v[1] for v in cs]  # not labeled
+def make_compact(creation_sequence):
+    """
+    Returns the creation sequence in a compact form
+    that is the number of 'i's and 'd's alternating.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from networkx.algorithms.threshold import make_compact
+    >>> make_compact(["d", "i", "i", "d", "d", "i", "i", "i"])
+    [1, 2, 2, 3]
+    >>> make_compact(["d", "d", "d", "i", "d", "d"])
+    [3, 1, 2]
+    Notice that the first number is the first vertex
+    to be used for construction and so is always 'd'.
+    Labeled creation sequences lose their labels in the
+    compact representation.
+    >>> make_compact([3, 1, 2])
+    [3, 1, 2]
+    """
+    first = creation_sequence[0]
+    if isinstance(first, str):  # creation sequence
+        cs = creation_sequence[:]
+    elif isinstance(first, tuple):  # labeled creation sequence
+        cs = [s[1] for s in creation_sequence]
+    elif isinstance(first, int):  # compact creation sequence
+        return creation_sequence
+    else:
+        raise TypeError("Not a valid creation sequence type")
+    ccs = []
+    count = 1  # count the run lengths of d's or i's.
+    for i in range(1, len(cs)):
+        if cs[i] == cs[i - 1]:
+            count += 1
+        else:
+            ccs.append(count)
+            count = 1
+    ccs.append(count)  # don't forget the last one
+    return ccs
+def uncompact(creation_sequence):
+    """
+    Converts a compact creation sequence for a threshold
+    graph to a standard creation sequence (unlabeled).
+    If the creation_sequence is already standard, return it.
+    See creation_sequence.
+    """
+    first = creation_sequence[0]
+    if isinstance(first, str):  # creation sequence
+        return creation_sequence
+    elif isinstance(first, tuple):  # labeled creation sequence
+        return creation_sequence
+    elif isinstance(first, int):  # compact creation sequence
+        ccscopy = creation_sequence[:]
+    else:
+        raise TypeError("Not a valid creation sequence type")
+    cs = []
+    while ccscopy:
+        cs.extend(ccscopy.pop(0) * ["d"])
+        if ccscopy:
+            cs.extend(ccscopy.pop(0) * ["i"])
+    return cs
+def creation_sequence_to_weights(creation_sequence):
+    """
+    Returns a list of node weights which create the threshold
+    graph designated by the creation sequence.  The weights
+    are scaled so that the threshold is 1.0.  The order of the
+    nodes is the same as that in the creation sequence.
+    """
+    # Turn input sequence into a labeled creation sequence
+    first = creation_sequence[0]
+    if isinstance(first, str):  # creation sequence
+        if isinstance(creation_sequence, list):
+            wseq = creation_sequence[:]
+        else:
+            wseq = list(creation_sequence)  # string like 'ddidid'
+    elif isinstance(first, tuple):  # labeled creation sequence
+        wseq = [v[1] for v in creation_sequence]
+    elif isinstance(first, int):  # compact creation sequence
+        wseq = uncompact(creation_sequence)
+    else:
+        raise TypeError("Not a valid creation sequence type")
+    # pass through twice--first backwards
+    wseq.reverse()
+    w = 0
+    prev = "i"
+    for j, s in enumerate(wseq):
+        if s == "i":
+            wseq[j] = w
+            prev = s
+        elif prev == "i":
+            prev = s
+            w += 1
+    wseq.reverse()  # now pass through forwards
+    for j, s in enumerate(wseq):
+        if s == "d":
+            wseq[j] = w
+            prev = s
+        elif prev == "d":
+            prev = s
+            w += 1
+    # Now scale weights
+    if prev == "d":
+        w += 1
+    wscale = 1.0 / float(w)
+    return [ww * wscale for ww in wseq]
+    # return wseq
+def weights_to_creation_sequence(
+    weights, threshold=1, with_labels=False, compact=False
+    """
+    Returns a creation sequence for a threshold graph
+    determined by the weights and threshold given as input.
+    If the sum of two node weights is greater than the
+    threshold value, an edge is created between these nodes.
+    The creation sequence is a list of single characters 'd'
+    or 'i': 'd' for dominating or 'i' for isolated vertices.
+    Dominating vertices are connected to all vertices present
+    when it is added.  The first node added is by convention 'd'.
+    If with_labels==True:
+    Returns a list of 2-tuples containing the vertex number
+    and a character 'd' or 'i' which describes the type of vertex.
+    If compact==True:
+    Returns the creation sequence in a compact form that is the number
+    of 'i's and 'd's alternating.
+    Examples:
+    [1,2,2,3] represents d,i,i,d,d,i,i,i
+    [3,1,2] represents d,d,d,i,d,d
+    Notice that the first number is the first vertex to be used for
+    construction and so is always 'd'.
+    with_labels and compact cannot both be True.
+    """
+    if with_labels and compact:
+        raise ValueError("compact sequences cannot be labeled")
+    # make an indexed copy
+    if isinstance(weights, dict):  # labeled weights
+        wseq = [[w, label] for (label, w) in weights.items()]
+    else:
+        wseq = [[w, i] for i, w in enumerate(weights)]
+    wseq.sort()
+    cs = []  # creation sequence
+    cutoff = threshold - wseq[-1][0]
+    while wseq:
+        if wseq[0][0] < cutoff:  # isolated node
+            (w, label) = wseq.pop(0)
+            cs.append((label, "i"))
+        else:
+            (w, label) = wseq.pop()
+            cs.append((label, "d"))
+            cutoff = threshold - wseq[-1][0]
+        if len(wseq) == 1:  # make sure we start with a d
+            (w, label) = wseq.pop()
+            cs.append((label, "d"))
+    # put in correct order
+    cs.reverse()
+    if with_labels:
+        return cs
+    if compact:
+        return make_compact(cs)
+    return [v[1] for v in cs]  # not labeled
+# Manipulating NetworkX.Graphs in context of threshold graphs
+def threshold_graph(creation_sequence, create_using=None):
+    """
+    Create a threshold graph from the creation sequence or compact
+    creation_sequence.
+    The input sequence can be a
+    creation sequence (e.g. ['d','i','d','d','d','i'])
+    labeled creation sequence (e.g. [(0,'d'),(2,'d'),(1,'i')])
+    compact creation sequence (e.g. [2,1,1,2,0])
+    Use cs=creation_sequence(degree_sequence,labeled=True)
+    to convert a degree sequence to a creation sequence.
+    Returns None if the sequence is not valid
+    """
+    # Turn input sequence into a labeled creation sequence
+    first = creation_sequence[0]
+    if isinstance(first, str):  # creation sequence
+        ci = list(enumerate(creation_sequence))
+    elif isinstance(first, tuple):  # labeled creation sequence
+        ci = creation_sequence[:]
+    elif isinstance(first, int):  # compact creation sequence
+        cs = uncompact(creation_sequence)
+        ci = list(enumerate(cs))
+    else:
+        print("not a valid creation sequence type")
+        return None
+    G = nx.empty_graph(0, create_using)
+    if G.is_directed():
+        raise nx.NetworkXError("Directed Graph not supported")
+    G.name = "Threshold Graph"
+    # add nodes and edges
+    # if type is 'i' just add nodea
+    # if type is a d connect to everything previous
+    while ci:
+        (v, node_type) = ci.pop(0)
+        if node_type == "d":  # dominating type, connect to all existing nodes
+            # We use `for u in list(G):` instead of
+            # `for u in G:` because we edit the graph `G` in
+            # the loop. Hence using an iterator will result in
+            # `RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration`
+            for u in list(G):
+                G.add_edge(v, u)
+        G.add_node(v)
+    return G
+def find_alternating_4_cycle(G):
+    """
+    Returns False if there aren't any alternating 4 cycles.
+    Otherwise returns the cycle as [a,b,c,d] where (a,b)
+    and (c,d) are edges and (a,c) and (b,d) are not.
+    """
+    for (u, v) in G.edges():
+        for w in G.nodes():
+            if not G.has_edge(u, w) and u != w:
+                for x in G.neighbors(w):
+                    if not G.has_edge(v, x) and v != x:
+                        return [u, v, w, x]
+    return False
+def find_threshold_graph(G, create_using=None):
+    """
+    Returns a threshold subgraph that is close to largest in `G`.
+    The threshold graph will contain the largest degree node in G.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX graph instance
+        An instance of `Graph`, or `MultiDiGraph`
+    create_using : NetworkX graph class or `None` (default), optional
+        Type of graph to use when constructing the threshold graph.
+        If `None`, infer the appropriate graph type from the input.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    graph :
+        A graph instance representing the threshold graph
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from networkx.algorithms.threshold import find_threshold_graph
+    >>> G = nx.barbell_graph(3, 3)
+    >>> T = find_threshold_graph(G)
+    >>> T.nodes # may vary
+    NodeView((7, 8, 5, 6))
+    References
+    ----------
+    .. [1] Threshold graphs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Threshold_graph
+    """
+    return threshold_graph(find_creation_sequence(G), create_using)
+def find_creation_sequence(G):
+    """
+    Find a threshold subgraph that is close to largest in G.
+    Returns the labeled creation sequence of that threshold graph.
+    """
+    cs = []
+    # get a local pointer to the working part of the graph
+    H = G
+    while H.order() > 0:
+        # get new degree sequence on subgraph
+        dsdict = dict(H.degree())
+        ds = [(d, v) for v, d in dsdict.items()]
+        ds.sort()
+        # Update threshold graph nodes
+        if ds[-1][0] == 0:  # all are isolated
+            cs.extend(zip(dsdict, ["i"] * (len(ds) - 1) + ["d"]))
+            break  # Done!
+        # pull off isolated nodes
+        while ds[0][0] == 0:
+            (d, iso) = ds.pop(0)
+            cs.append((iso, "i"))
+        # find new biggest node
+        (d, bigv) = ds.pop()
+        # add edges of star to t_g
+        cs.append((bigv, "d"))
+        # form subgraph of neighbors of big node
+        H = H.subgraph(H.neighbors(bigv))
+    cs.reverse()
+    return cs
+# Properties of Threshold Graphs
+def triangles(creation_sequence):
+    """
+    Compute number of triangles in the threshold graph with the
+    given creation sequence.
+    """
+    # shortcut algorithm that doesn't require computing number
+    # of triangles at each node.
+    cs = creation_sequence  # alias
+    dr = cs.count("d")  # number of d's in sequence
+    ntri = dr * (dr - 1) * (dr - 2) / 6  # number of triangles in clique of nd d's
+    # now add dr choose 2 triangles for every 'i' in sequence where
+    # dr is the number of d's to the right of the current i
+    for i, typ in enumerate(cs):
+        if typ == "i":
+            ntri += dr * (dr - 1) / 2
+        else:
+            dr -= 1
+    return ntri
+def triangle_sequence(creation_sequence):
+    """
+    Return triangle sequence for the given threshold graph creation sequence.
+    """
+    cs = creation_sequence
+    seq = []
+    dr = cs.count("d")  # number of d's to the right of the current pos
+    dcur = (dr - 1) * (dr - 2) // 2  # number of triangles through a node of clique dr
+    irun = 0  # number of i's in the last run
+    drun = 0  # number of d's in the last run
+    for i, sym in enumerate(cs):
+        if sym == "d":
+            drun += 1
+            tri = dcur + (dr - 1) * irun  # new triangles at this d
+        else:  # cs[i]="i":
+            if prevsym == "d":  # new string of i's
+                dcur += (dr - 1) * irun  # accumulate shared shortest paths
+                irun = 0  # reset i run counter
+                dr -= drun  # reduce number of d's to right
+                drun = 0  # reset d run counter
+            irun += 1
+            tri = dr * (dr - 1) // 2  # new triangles at this i
+        seq.append(tri)
+        prevsym = sym
+    return seq
+def cluster_sequence(creation_sequence):
+    """
+    Return cluster sequence for the given threshold graph creation sequence.
+    """
+    triseq = triangle_sequence(creation_sequence)
+    degseq = degree_sequence(creation_sequence)
+    cseq = []
+    for i, deg in enumerate(degseq):
+        tri = triseq[i]
+        if deg <= 1:  # isolated vertex or single pair gets cc 0
+            cseq.append(0)
+            continue
+        max_size = (deg * (deg - 1)) // 2
+        cseq.append(float(tri) / float(max_size))
+    return cseq
+def degree_sequence(creation_sequence):
+    """
+    Return degree sequence for the threshold graph with the given
+    creation sequence
+    """
+    cs = creation_sequence  # alias
+    seq = []
+    rd = cs.count("d")  # number of d to the right
+    for i, sym in enumerate(cs):
+        if sym == "d":
+            rd -= 1
+            seq.append(rd + i)
+        else:
+            seq.append(rd)
+    return seq
+def density(creation_sequence):
+    """
+    Return the density of the graph with this creation_sequence.
+    The density is the fraction of possible edges present.
+    """
+    N = len(creation_sequence)
+    two_size = sum(degree_sequence(creation_sequence))
+    two_possible = N * (N - 1)
+    den = two_size / float(two_possible)
+    return den
+def degree_correlation(creation_sequence):
+    """
+    Return the degree-degree correlation over all edges.
+    """
+    cs = creation_sequence
+    s1 = 0  # deg_i*deg_j
+    s2 = 0  # deg_i^2+deg_j^2
+    s3 = 0  # deg_i+deg_j
+    m = 0  # number of edges
+    rd = cs.count("d")  # number of d nodes to the right
+    rdi = [i for i, sym in enumerate(cs) if sym == "d"]  # index of "d"s
+    ds = degree_sequence(cs)
+    for i, sym in enumerate(cs):
+        if sym == "d":
+            if i != rdi[0]:
+                print("Logic error in degree_correlation", i, rdi)
+                raise ValueError
+            rdi.pop(0)
+        degi = ds[i]
+        for dj in rdi:
+            degj = ds[dj]
+            s1 += degj * degi
+            s2 += degi ** 2 + degj ** 2
+            s3 += degi + degj
+            m += 1
+    denom = 2 * m * s2 - s3 * s3
+    numer = 4 * m * s1 - s3 * s3
+    if denom == 0:
+        if numer == 0:
+            return 1
+        raise ValueError(f"Zero Denominator but Numerator is {numer}")
+    return numer / float(denom)
+def shortest_path(creation_sequence, u, v):
+    """
+    Find the shortest path between u and v in a
+    threshold graph G with the given creation_sequence.
+    For an unlabeled creation_sequence, the vertices
+    u and v must be integers in (0,len(sequence)) referring
+    to the position of the desired vertices in the sequence.
+    For a labeled creation_sequence, u and v are labels of veritices.
+    Use cs=creation_sequence(degree_sequence,with_labels=True)
+    to convert a degree sequence to a creation sequence.
+    Returns a list of vertices from u to v.
+    Example: if they are neighbors, it returns [u,v]
+    """
+    # Turn input sequence into a labeled creation sequence
+    first = creation_sequence[0]
+    if isinstance(first, str):  # creation sequence
+        cs = [(i, creation_sequence[i]) for i in range(len(creation_sequence))]
+    elif isinstance(first, tuple):  # labeled creation sequence
+        cs = creation_sequence[:]
+    elif isinstance(first, int):  # compact creation sequence
+        ci = uncompact(creation_sequence)
+        cs = [(i, ci[i]) for i in range(len(ci))]
+    else:
+        raise TypeError("Not a valid creation sequence type")
+    verts = [s[0] for s in cs]
+    if v not in verts:
+        raise ValueError(f"Vertex {v} not in graph from creation_sequence")
+    if u not in verts:
+        raise ValueError(f"Vertex {u} not in graph from creation_sequence")
+    # Done checking
+    if u == v:
+        return [u]
+    uindex = verts.index(u)
+    vindex = verts.index(v)
+    bigind = max(uindex, vindex)
+    if cs[bigind][1] == "d":
+        return [u, v]
+    # must be that cs[bigind][1]=='i'
+    cs = cs[bigind:]
+    while cs:
+        vert = cs.pop()
+        if vert[1] == "d":
+            return [u, vert[0], v]
+    # All after u are type 'i' so no connection
+    return -1
+def shortest_path_length(creation_sequence, i):
+    """
+    Return the shortest path length from indicated node to
+    every other node for the threshold graph with the given
+    creation sequence.
+    Node is indicated by index i in creation_sequence unless
+    creation_sequence is labeled in which case, i is taken to
+    be the label of the node.
+    Paths lengths in threshold graphs are at most 2.
+    Length to unreachable nodes is set to -1.
+    """
+    # Turn input sequence into a labeled creation sequence
+    first = creation_sequence[0]
+    if isinstance(first, str):  # creation sequence
+        if isinstance(creation_sequence, list):
+            cs = creation_sequence[:]
+        else:
+            cs = list(creation_sequence)
+    elif isinstance(first, tuple):  # labeled creation sequence
+        cs = [v[1] for v in creation_sequence]
+        i = [v[0] for v in creation_sequence].index(i)
+    elif isinstance(first, int):  # compact creation sequence
+        cs = uncompact(creation_sequence)
+    else:
+        raise TypeError("Not a valid creation sequence type")
+    # Compute
+    N = len(cs)
+    spl = [2] * N  # length 2 to every node
+    spl[i] = 0  # except self which is 0
+    # 1 for all d's to the right
+    for j in range(i + 1, N):
+        if cs[j] == "d":
+            spl[j] = 1
+    if cs[i] == "d":  # 1 for all nodes to the left
+        for j in range(i):
+            spl[j] = 1
+    # and -1 for any trailing i to indicate unreachable
+    for j in range(N - 1, 0, -1):
+        if cs[j] == "d":
+            break
+        spl[j] = -1
+    return spl
+def betweenness_sequence(creation_sequence, normalized=True):
+    """
+    Return betweenness for the threshold graph with the given creation
+    sequence.  The result is unscaled.  To scale the values
+    to the iterval [0,1] divide by (n-1)*(n-2).
+    """
+    cs = creation_sequence
+    seq = []  # betweenness
+    lastchar = "d"  # first node is always a 'd'
+    dr = float(cs.count("d"))  # number of d's to the right of curren pos
+    irun = 0  # number of i's in the last run
+    drun = 0  # number of d's in the last run
+    dlast = 0.0  # betweenness of last d
+    for i, c in enumerate(cs):
+        if c == "d":  # cs[i]=="d":
+            # betweennees = amt shared with eariler d's and i's
+            #             + new isolated nodes covered
+            #             + new paths to all previous nodes
+            b = dlast + (irun - 1) * irun / dr + 2 * irun * (i - drun - irun) / dr
+            drun += 1  # update counter
+        else:  # cs[i]="i":
+            if lastchar == "d":  # if this is a new run of i's
+                dlast = b  # accumulate betweenness
+                dr -= drun  # update number of d's to the right
+                drun = 0  # reset d counter
+                irun = 0  # reset i counter
+            b = 0  # isolated nodes have zero betweenness
+            irun += 1  # add another i to the run
+        seq.append(float(b))
+        lastchar = c
+    # normalize by the number of possible shortest paths
+    if normalized:
+        order = len(cs)
+        scale = 1.0 / ((order - 1) * (order - 2))
+        seq = [s * scale for s in seq]
+    return seq
+def eigenvectors(creation_sequence):
+    """
+    Return a 2-tuple of Laplacian eigenvalues and eigenvectors
+    for the threshold network with creation_sequence.
+    The first value is a list of eigenvalues.
+    The second value is a list of eigenvectors.
+    The lists are in the same order so corresponding eigenvectors
+    and eigenvalues are in the same position in the two lists.
+    Notice that the order of the eigenvalues returned by eigenvalues(cs)
+    may not correspond to the order of these eigenvectors.
+    """
+    ccs = make_compact(creation_sequence)
+    N = sum(ccs)
+    vec = [0] * N
+    val = vec[:]
+    # get number of type d nodes to the right (all for first node)
+    dr = sum(ccs[::2])
+    nn = ccs[0]
+    vec[0] = [1.0 / sqrt(N)] * N
+    val[0] = 0
+    e = dr
+    dr -= nn
+    type_d = True
+    i = 1
+    dd = 1
+    while dd < nn:
+        scale = 1.0 / sqrt(dd * dd + i)
+        vec[i] = i * [-scale] + [dd * scale] + [0] * (N - i - 1)
+        val[i] = e
+        i += 1
+        dd += 1
+    if len(ccs) == 1:
+        return (val, vec)
+    for nn in ccs[1:]:
+        scale = 1.0 / sqrt(nn * i * (i + nn))
+        vec[i] = i * [-nn * scale] + nn * [i * scale] + [0] * (N - i - nn)
+        # find eigenvalue
+        type_d = not type_d
+        if type_d:
+            e = i + dr
+            dr -= nn
+        else:
+            e = dr
+        val[i] = e
+        st = i
+        i += 1
+        dd = 1
+        while dd < nn:
+            scale = 1.0 / sqrt(i - st + dd * dd)
+            vec[i] = [0] * st + (i - st) * [-scale] + [dd * scale] + [0] * (N - i - 1)
+            val[i] = e
+            i += 1
+            dd += 1
+    return (val, vec)
+def spectral_projection(u, eigenpairs):
+    """
+    Returns the coefficients of each eigenvector
+    in a projection of the vector u onto the normalized
+    eigenvectors which are contained in eigenpairs.
+    eigenpairs should be a list of two objects.  The
+    first is a list of eigenvalues and the second a list
+    of eigenvectors.  The eigenvectors should be lists.
+    There's not a lot of error checking on lengths of
+    arrays, etc. so be careful.
+    """
+    coeff = []
+    evect = eigenpairs[1]
+    for ev in evect:
+        c = sum([evv * uv for (evv, uv) in zip(ev, u)])
+        coeff.append(c)
+    return coeff
+def eigenvalues(creation_sequence):
+    """
+    Return sequence of eigenvalues of the Laplacian of the threshold
+    graph for the given creation_sequence.
+    Based on the Ferrer's diagram method.  The spectrum is integral
+    and is the conjugate of the degree sequence.
+    See::
+      @Article{degree-merris-1994,
+       author = {Russel Merris},
+       title = {Degree maximal graphs are Laplacian integral},
+       journal = {Linear Algebra Appl.},
+       year = {1994},
+       volume = {199},
+       pages = {381--389},
+      }
+    """
+    degseq = degree_sequence(creation_sequence)
+    degseq.sort()
+    eiglist = []  # zero is always one eigenvalue
+    eig = 0
+    row = len(degseq)
+    bigdeg = degseq.pop()
+    while row:
+        if bigdeg < row:
+            eiglist.append(eig)
+            row -= 1
+        else:
+            eig += 1
+            if degseq:
+                bigdeg = degseq.pop()
+            else:
+                bigdeg = 0
+    return eiglist
+# Threshold graph creation routines
+def random_threshold_sequence(n, p, seed=None):
+    """
+    Create a random threshold sequence of size n.
+    A creation sequence is built by randomly choosing d's with
+    probabiliy p and i's with probability 1-p.
+    s=nx.random_threshold_sequence(10,0.5)
+    returns a threshold sequence of length 10 with equal
+    probably of an i or a d at each position.
+    A "random" threshold graph can be built with
+    G=nx.threshold_graph(s)
+    seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
+        Indicator of random number generation state.
+        See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.
+    """
+    if not (0 <= p <= 1):
+        raise ValueError("p must be in [0,1]")
+    cs = ["d"]  # threshold sequences always start with a d
+    for i in range(1, n):
+        if seed.random() < p:
+            cs.append("d")
+        else:
+            cs.append("i")
+    return cs
+# maybe *_d_threshold_sequence routines should
+# be (or be called from) a single routine with a more descriptive name
+# and a keyword parameter?
+def right_d_threshold_sequence(n, m):
+    """
+    Create a skewed threshold graph with a given number
+    of vertices (n) and a given number of edges (m).
+    The routine returns an unlabeled creation sequence
+    for the threshold graph.
+    FIXME: describe algorithm
+    """
+    cs = ["d"] + ["i"] * (n - 1)  # create sequence with n insolated nodes
+    #  m <n : not enough edges, make disconnected
+    if m < n:
+        cs[m] = "d"
+        return cs
+    # too many edges
+    if m > n * (n - 1) / 2:
+        raise ValueError("Too many edges for this many nodes.")
+    # connected case m >n-1
+    ind = n - 1
+    sum = n - 1
+    while sum < m:
+        cs[ind] = "d"
+        ind -= 1
+        sum += ind
+    ind = m - (sum - ind)
+    cs[ind] = "d"
+    return cs
+def left_d_threshold_sequence(n, m):
+    """
+    Create a skewed threshold graph with a given number
+    of vertices (n) and a given number of edges (m).
+    The routine returns an unlabeled creation sequence
+    for the threshold graph.
+    FIXME: describe algorithm
+    """
+    cs = ["d"] + ["i"] * (n - 1)  # create sequence with n insolated nodes
+    #  m <n : not enough edges, make disconnected
+    if m < n:
+        cs[m] = "d"
+        return cs
+    # too many edges
+    if m > n * (n - 1) / 2:
+        raise ValueError("Too many edges for this many nodes.")
+    # Connected case when M>N-1
+    cs[n - 1] = "d"
+    sum = n - 1
+    ind = 1
+    while sum < m:
+        cs[ind] = "d"
+        sum += ind
+        ind += 1
+    if sum > m:  # be sure not to change the first vertex
+        cs[sum - m] = "i"
+    return cs
+def swap_d(cs, p_split=1.0, p_combine=1.0, seed=None):
+    """
+    Perform a "swap" operation on a threshold sequence.
+    The swap preserves the number of nodes and edges
+    in the graph for the given sequence.
+    The resulting sequence is still a threshold sequence.
+    Perform one split and one combine operation on the
+    'd's of a creation sequence for a threshold graph.
+    This operation maintains the number of nodes and edges
+    in the graph, but shifts the edges from node to node
+    maintaining the threshold quality of the graph.
+    seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
+        Indicator of random number generation state.
+        See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.
+    """
+    # preprocess the creation sequence
+    dlist = [i for (i, node_type) in enumerate(cs[1:-1]) if node_type == "d"]
+    # split
+    if seed.random() < p_split:
+        choice = seed.choice(dlist)
+        split_to = seed.choice(range(choice))
+        flip_side = choice - split_to
+        if split_to != flip_side and cs[split_to] == "i" and cs[flip_side] == "i":
+            cs[choice] = "i"
+            cs[split_to] = "d"
+            cs[flip_side] = "d"
+            dlist.remove(choice)
+            # don't add or combine may reverse this action
+            # dlist.extend([split_to,flip_side])
+    #            print >>sys.stderr,"split at %s to %s and %s"%(choice,split_to,flip_side)
+    # combine
+    if seed.random() < p_combine and dlist:
+        first_choice = seed.choice(dlist)
+        second_choice = seed.choice(dlist)
+        target = first_choice + second_choice
+        if target >= len(cs) or cs[target] == "d" or first_choice == second_choice:
+            return cs
+        # OK to combine
+        cs[first_choice] = "i"
+        cs[second_choice] = "i"
+        cs[target] = "d"
+    #        print >>sys.stderr,"combine %s and %s to make %s."%(first_choice,second_choice,target)
+    return cs