diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/planemo/galaxy/test/actions.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/planemo/galaxy/test/actions.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+"""Actions related to running and reporting on Galaxy-specific testing."""
+import io
+import json
+import os
+from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
+import click
+from galaxy.util import unicodify
+from planemo.exit_codes import (
+from planemo.galaxy.run import (
+    run_galaxy_command,
+    setup_venv,
+from planemo.io import error, info, shell_join, warn
+from planemo.reports import (
+    allure,
+    build_report,
+from planemo.test.results import get_dict_value
+from . import structures as test_structures
+NO_XUNIT_REPORT_MESSAGE = ("Cannot locate xUnit report [%s] for tests - "
+                           "required to build planemo report and summarize "
+                           "tests.")
+NO_JSON_REPORT_MESSAGE = ("Cannot locate JSON report [%s] for tests - "
+                          "required to build planemo report and summarize "
+                          "tests.")
+REPORT_NOT_CHANGED = ("Galaxy failed to update test report [%s] for tests - "
+                      "required to build planemo report and summarize "
+                      "tests.")
+NO_TESTS_MESSAGE = "No tests were executed - see Galaxy output for details."
+ALL_TESTS_PASSED_MESSAGE = "All %d test(s) executed passed."
+PROBLEM_COUNT_MESSAGE = ("There were problems with %d test(s) - out of %d "
+                         "test(s) executed. See %s for detailed breakdown.")
+GENERIC_PROBLEMS_MESSAGE = ("One or more tests failed. See %s for detailed "
+                            "breakdown.")
+GENERIC_TESTS_PASSED_MESSAGE = "No failing tests encountered."
+TEST_DATA_UPDATED_MESSAGE = "Test data were updated and tests were rerun."
+TEST_DATA_NOT_UPDATED_MESSAGE = "%s Therefore, no test data were updated." % ALL_TESTS_PASSED_MESSAGE
+def run_in_config(ctx, config, run=run_galaxy_command, test_data_target_dir=None, **kwds):
+    """Run Galaxy tests with the run_tests.sh command.
+    The specified `config` object describes the context for tool
+    execution.
+    """
+    config_directory = config.config_directory
+    html_report_file = kwds["test_output"]
+    job_output_files = kwds.get("job_output_files", None)
+    if job_output_files is None:
+        job_output_files = os.path.join(config_directory, "jobfiles")
+    xunit_report_file = _xunit_state(kwds, config)
+    xunit_report_file_tracker = _FileChangeTracker(xunit_report_file)
+    structured_report_file = _structured_report_file(kwds, config)
+    structured_report_file_tracker = _FileChangeTracker(structured_report_file)
+    info("Testing using galaxy_root %s", config.galaxy_root)
+    # TODO: Allow running dockerized Galaxy here instead.
+    server_ini = os.path.join(config_directory, "galaxy.ini")
+    config.env["GALAXY_CONFIG_FILE"] = server_ini
+    config.env["GALAXY_TEST_VERBOSE_ERRORS"] = "true"
+    config.env["GALAXY_TEST_SAVE"] = job_output_files
+    cd_to_galaxy_command = ['cd', config.galaxy_root]
+    test_cmd = test_structures.GalaxyTestCommand(
+        html_report_file,
+        xunit_report_file,
+        structured_report_file,
+        failed=kwds.get("failed", False),
+        installed=kwds.get("installed", False),
+    ).build()
+    setup_common_startup_args = ""
+    if kwds.get("skip_venv", False):
+        setup_common_startup_args = shell_join(
+            'COMMON_STARTUP_ARGS=--skip-venv',
+            'export COMMON_STARTUP_ARGS',
+            'echo "Set COMMON_STARTUP_ARGS to ${COMMON_STARTUP_ARGS}"',
+        )
+    setup_venv_command = setup_venv(ctx, kwds)
+    cmd = shell_join(
+        cd_to_galaxy_command,
+        setup_common_startup_args,
+        setup_venv_command,
+        test_cmd,
+    )
+    action = "Testing tools"
+    return_code = run(
+        ctx,
+        cmd,
+        config.env,
+        action
+    )
+    if return_code != 0 and kwds.get('update_test_data', False):
+        for test_data_dir in [config.test_data_dir, test_data_target_dir]:
+            if test_data_dir:
+                copy_tree(job_output_files, test_data_dir)
+        kwds['test_data_updated'] = True
+        info('Test data updated. Rerunning...')
+        return_code = run(
+                ctx,
+                cmd,
+                config.env,
+                action
+            )
+    _check_test_outputs(xunit_report_file_tracker, structured_report_file_tracker)
+    test_results = test_structures.GalaxyTestResults(
+        structured_report_file,
+        xunit_report_file,
+        html_report_file,
+        return_code,
+    )
+    structured_data = test_results.structured_data
+    return handle_reports_and_summary(
+        ctx,
+        structured_data,
+        exit_code=test_results.exit_code,
+        kwds=kwds
+    )
+def handle_reports_and_summary(ctx, structured_data, exit_code=None, kwds=None):
+    """Produce reports and print summary, return 0 if tests passed.
+    If ``exit_code`` is set - use underlying test source for return
+    code and test success determination, otherwise infer from supplied
+    test data.
+    """
+    if kwds is None:
+        kwds = {}
+    handle_reports(ctx, structured_data, kwds)
+    summary_exit_code = _handle_summary(
+        structured_data,
+        **kwds
+    )
+    return exit_code if exit_code is not None else summary_exit_code
+def merge_reports(input_paths, output_path):
+    reports = []
+    for path in input_paths:
+        with io.open(path, encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            reports.append(json.load(f))
+    tests = []
+    for report in reports:
+        tests.extend(report["tests"])
+    tests = sorted(tests, key=lambda k: k['id'])
+    merged_report = {"tests": tests}
+    with io.open(output_path, mode="w", encoding='utf-8') as out:
+        out.write(unicodify(json.dumps(merged_report)))
+def handle_reports(ctx, structured_data, kwds):
+    """Write reports based on user specified kwds."""
+    exceptions = []
+    structured_report_file = kwds.get("test_output_json", None)
+    if structured_report_file and not os.path.exists(structured_report_file):
+        try:
+            with io.open(structured_report_file, mode="w", encoding='utf-8') as f:
+                f.write(unicodify(json.dumps(structured_data)))
+        except Exception as e:
+            exceptions.append(e)
+    for report_type in ["html", "markdown", "text", "xunit", "junit", "allure"]:
+        try:
+            _handle_test_output_file(
+                ctx, report_type, structured_data, kwds
+            )
+        except Exception as e:
+            exceptions.append(e)
+    if len(exceptions) > 0:
+        raise exceptions[0]
+def _handle_test_output_file(ctx, report_type, test_data, kwds):
+    kwd_name = "test_output"
+    if report_type != "html":
+        kwd_name = "test_output_%s" % report_type
+    path = kwds.get(kwd_name, None)
+    if path is None:
+        message = "No file specified for %s, skipping test output." % kwd_name
+        ctx.vlog(message)
+        return
+    if report_type == "allure":
+        file_modication_datatime = kwds.get("file_modication_datatime")
+        allure.write_results(path, test_data, file_modication_datatime=file_modication_datatime)
+        return
+    try:
+        contents = build_report.build_report(
+            test_data, report_type=report_type
+        )
+    except Exception:
+        message = "Problem producing report file %s for %s" % (
+            path, kwd_name
+        )
+        ctx.vlog(message, exception=True)
+        raise
+    try:
+        with io.open(path, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as handle:
+            handle.write(unicodify(contents))
+    except Exception:
+        message = "Problem writing output file %s for %s" % (
+            kwd_name, path
+        )
+        ctx.vlog(message, exception=True)
+        raise
+def _handle_summary(
+    structured_data,
+    **kwds
+    summary_dict = get_dict_value("summary", structured_data)
+    num_tests = get_dict_value("num_tests", summary_dict)
+    num_failures = get_dict_value("num_failures", summary_dict)
+    num_errors = get_dict_value("num_errors", summary_dict)
+    num_problems = num_failures + num_errors
+    summary_exit_code = EXIT_CODE_OK
+    if num_problems > 0:
+        summary_exit_code = EXIT_CODE_GENERIC_FAILURE
+    elif num_tests == 0:
+        summary_exit_code = EXIT_CODE_NO_SUCH_TARGET
+    summary_style = kwds.get("summary")
+    if kwds.get('test_data_updated'):
+    if summary_style != "none":
+        if num_tests == 0:
+            warn(NO_TESTS_MESSAGE)
+        elif num_problems == 0:
+            if kwds.get('update_test_data') and not kwds.get('test_data_updated'):
+                info(TEST_DATA_NOT_UPDATED_MESSAGE % num_tests)
+            else:
+                info(ALL_TESTS_PASSED_MESSAGE % num_tests)
+        elif num_problems:
+            html_report_file = kwds.get("test_output")
+            message_args = (num_problems, num_tests, html_report_file)
+            message = PROBLEM_COUNT_MESSAGE % message_args
+            warn(message)
+        _summarize_tests_full(
+            structured_data,
+            **kwds
+        )
+    return summary_exit_code
+def _summarize_tests_full(
+    structured_data,
+    **kwds
+    tests = get_dict_value("tests", structured_data)
+    for test_case_data in tests:
+        _summarize_test_case(test_case_data, **kwds)
+def passed(xunit_testcase_el):
+    did_pass = True
+    for child_el in list(xunit_testcase_el):
+        if child_el.tag in ["failure", "error"]:
+            did_pass = False
+    return did_pass
+def _summarize_test_case(structured_data, **kwds):
+    summary_style = kwds.get("summary")
+    test_id = test_structures.case_id(
+        raw_id=get_dict_value("id", structured_data)
+    )
+    status = get_dict_value(
+        "status",
+        get_dict_value("data", structured_data)
+    )
+    if status != "success":
+        state = click.style("failed", bold=True, fg='red')
+    else:
+        state = click.style("passed", bold=True, fg='green')
+    click.echo(test_id.label + ": " + state)
+    if summary_style != "minimal":
+        _print_command_line(structured_data, test_id)
+def _print_command_line(test, test_id):
+    execution_problem = test.get("execution_problem", None)
+    if execution_problem:
+        click.echo("| command: *could not execute job, no command generated* ")
+        return
+    job = None
+    try:
+        job = test["job"]
+    except (KeyError, IndexError):
+        click.echo("| command: *failed to find job for test object [%s]" % test)
+        return
+    try:
+        command = job["command_line"]
+    except (KeyError, IndexError):
+        click.echo("| command: *failed to find command_line for job object [%s]" % job)
+        return
+    click.echo("| command: %s" % command)
+def _check_test_outputs(
+    xunit_report_file_tracker,
+    structured_report_file_tracker
+    if not os.path.exists(xunit_report_file_tracker.path):
+        message = NO_XUNIT_REPORT_MESSAGE % xunit_report_file_tracker.path
+        error(message)
+        raise Exception(message)
+    if not os.path.exists(structured_report_file_tracker.path):
+        message = NO_JSON_REPORT_MESSAGE % structured_report_file_tracker.path
+        error(message)
+        raise Exception(message)
+    if not xunit_report_file_tracker.changed():
+        message = REPORT_NOT_CHANGED % xunit_report_file_tracker.path
+        error(message)
+        raise Exception(message)
+    if not structured_report_file_tracker.changed():
+        message = REPORT_NOT_CHANGED % structured_report_file_tracker.path
+        error(message)
+        raise Exception(message)
+def _xunit_state(kwds, config):
+    # This has been supported in Galaxy for well over a year, just going to assume
+    # it from here on out.
+    # xunit_supported = True
+    # if shell("grep -q xunit '%s'/run_tests.sh" % config.galaxy_root):
+    #    xunit_supported = False
+    xunit_report_file = kwds.get("test_output_xunit", None)
+    if xunit_report_file is None:
+        xunit_report_file = os.path.join(config.config_directory, "xunit.xml")
+    return xunit_report_file
+def _structured_report_file(kwds, config):
+    # This has been supported in Galaxy for well over a year, just going to assume
+    # it from here on out.
+    # structured_data_supported = True
+    # if shell("grep -q structured_data '%s'/run_tests.sh" % config.galaxy_root):
+    #    structured_data_supported = False
+    structured_report_file = None
+    structured_report_file = kwds.get("test_output_json", None)
+    if structured_report_file is None:
+        conf_dir = config.config_directory
+        structured_report_file = os.path.join(conf_dir, "structured_data.json")
+    return structured_report_file
+class _FileChangeTracker(object):
+    def __init__(self, path):
+        modification_time = None
+        if os.path.exists(path):
+            modification_time = os.path.getmtime(path)
+        self.path = path
+        self.modification_time = modification_time
+    def changed(self):
+        if self.modification_time:
+            new_modification_time = os.path.getmtime(self.path)
+            return self.modification_time != new_modification_time
+        else:
+            return os.path.exists(self.path)
+__all__ = (
+    "run_in_config",
+    "handle_reports",
+    "handle_reports_and_summary",