diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/coloredlogs/__init__.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/coloredlogs/__init__.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1521 @@
+# Colored terminal output for Python's logging module.
+# Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
+# Last Change: December 10, 2020
+# URL: https://coloredlogs.readthedocs.io
+Colored terminal output for Python's :mod:`logging` module.
+.. contents::
+   :local:
+Getting started
+The easiest way to get started is by importing :mod:`coloredlogs` and calling
+:mod:`coloredlogs.install()` (similar to :func:`logging.basicConfig()`):
+ >>> import coloredlogs, logging
+ >>> coloredlogs.install(level='DEBUG')
+ >>> logger = logging.getLogger('some.module.name')
+ >>> logger.info("this is an informational message")
+ 2015-10-22 19:13:52 peter-macbook some.module.name[28036] INFO this is an informational message
+The :mod:`~coloredlogs.install()` function creates a :class:`ColoredFormatter`
+that injects `ANSI escape sequences`_ into the log output.
+.. _ANSI escape sequences: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors
+Environment variables
+The following environment variables can be used to configure the
+:mod:`coloredlogs` module without writing any code:
+=============================  ============================  ==================================
+Environment variable           Default value                 Type of value
+=============================  ============================  ==================================
+``$COLOREDLOGS_AUTO_INSTALL``  'false'                       a boolean that controls whether
+                                                             :func:`auto_install()` is called
+``$COLOREDLOGS_LOG_LEVEL``     'INFO'                        a log level name
+``$COLOREDLOGS_LOG_FORMAT``    :data:`DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT`    a log format string
+``$COLOREDLOGS_DATE_FORMAT``   :data:`DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT`   a date/time format string
+``$COLOREDLOGS_LEVEL_STYLES``  :data:`DEFAULT_LEVEL_STYLES`  see :func:`parse_encoded_styles()`
+``$COLOREDLOGS_FIELD_STYLES``  :data:`DEFAULT_FIELD_STYLES`  see :func:`parse_encoded_styles()`
+=============================  ============================  ==================================
+If the environment variable `$NO_COLOR`_ is set (the value doesn't matter, even
+an empty string will do) then :func:`coloredlogs.install()` will take this as a
+hint that colors should not be used (unless the ``isatty=True`` override was
+passed by the caller).
+.. _$NO_COLOR: https://no-color.org/
+Examples of customization
+Here we'll take a look at some examples of how you can customize
+:mod:`coloredlogs` using environment variables.
+.. contents::
+   :local:
+About the defaults
+Here's a screen shot of the default configuration for easy comparison with the
+screen shots of the following customizations (this is the same screen shot that
+is shown in the introduction):
+.. image:: images/defaults.png
+   :alt: Screen shot of colored logging with defaults.
+The screen shot above was taken from ``urxvt`` which doesn't support faint text
+colors, otherwise the color of green used for `debug` messages would have
+differed slightly from the color of green used for `spam` messages.
+Apart from the `faint` style of the `spam` level, the default configuration of
+`coloredlogs` sticks to the eight color palette defined by the original ANSI
+standard, in order to provide a somewhat consistent experience across terminals
+and terminal emulators.
+Available text styles and colors
+Of course you are free to customize the default configuration, in this case you
+can use any text style or color that you know is supported by your terminal.
+You can use the ``humanfriendly --demo`` command to try out the supported text
+styles and colors:
+.. image:: http://humanfriendly.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_images/ansi-demo.png
+   :alt: Screen shot of the 'humanfriendly --demo' command.
+Changing the log format
+The simplest customization is to change the log format, for example:
+.. literalinclude:: examples/custom-log-format.txt
+   :language: console
+Here's what that looks like in a terminal (I always work in terminals with a
+black background and white text):
+.. image:: images/custom-log-format.png
+   :alt: Screen shot of colored logging with custom log format.
+Changing the date/time format
+You can also change the date/time format, for example you can remove the date
+part and leave only the time:
+.. literalinclude:: examples/custom-datetime-format.txt
+   :language: console
+Here's what it looks like in a terminal:
+.. image:: images/custom-datetime-format.png
+   :alt: Screen shot of colored logging with custom date/time format.
+Changing the colors/styles
+Finally you can customize the colors and text styles that are used:
+.. literalinclude:: examples/custom-colors.txt
+   :language: console
+Here's an explanation of the features used here:
+- The numbers used in ``$COLOREDLOGS_LEVEL_STYLES`` demonstrate the use of 256
+  color mode (the numbers refer to the 256 color mode palette which is fixed).
+- The `success` level demonstrates the use of a text style (bold).
+- The `critical` level demonstrates the use of a background color (red).
+Of course none of this can be seen in the shell transcript quoted above, but
+take a look at the following screen shot:
+.. image:: images/custom-colors.png
+   :alt: Screen shot of colored logging with custom colors.
+.. _notes about log levels:
+Some notes about log levels
+With regards to the handling of log levels, the :mod:`coloredlogs` package
+differs from Python's :mod:`logging` module in two aspects:
+1. While the :mod:`logging` module uses the default logging level
+   :data:`logging.WARNING`, the :mod:`coloredlogs` package has always used
+   :data:`logging.INFO` as its default log level.
+2. When logging to the terminal or system log is initialized by
+   :func:`install()` or :func:`.enable_system_logging()` the effective
+   level [#]_ of the selected logger [#]_ is compared against the requested
+   level [#]_ and if the effective level is more restrictive than the requested
+   level, the logger's level will be set to the requested level (this happens
+   in :func:`adjust_level()`). The reason for this is to work around a
+   combination of design choices in Python's :mod:`logging` module that can
+   easily confuse people who aren't already intimately familiar with it:
+   - All loggers are initialized with the level :data:`logging.NOTSET`.
+   - When a logger's level is set to :data:`logging.NOTSET` the
+     :func:`~logging.Logger.getEffectiveLevel()` method will
+     fall back to the level of the parent logger.
+   - The parent of all loggers is the root logger and the root logger has its
+     level set to :data:`logging.WARNING` by default (after importing the
+     :mod:`logging` module).
+   Effectively all user defined loggers inherit the default log level
+   :data:`logging.WARNING` from the root logger, which isn't very intuitive for
+   those who aren't already familiar with the hierarchical nature of the
+   :mod:`logging` module.
+   By avoiding this potentially confusing behavior (see `#14`_, `#18`_, `#21`_,
+   `#23`_ and `#24`_), while at the same time allowing the caller to specify a
+   logger object, my goal and hope is to provide sane defaults that can easily
+   be changed when the need arises.
+   .. [#] Refer to :func:`logging.Logger.getEffectiveLevel()` for details.
+   .. [#] The logger that is passed as an argument by the caller or the root
+          logger which is selected as a default when no logger is provided.
+   .. [#] The log level that is passed as an argument by the caller or the
+          default log level :data:`logging.INFO` when no level is provided.
+   .. _#14: https://github.com/xolox/python-coloredlogs/issues/14
+   .. _#18: https://github.com/xolox/python-coloredlogs/issues/18
+   .. _#21: https://github.com/xolox/python-coloredlogs/pull/21
+   .. _#23: https://github.com/xolox/python-coloredlogs/pull/23
+   .. _#24: https://github.com/xolox/python-coloredlogs/issues/24
+Classes and functions
+# Standard library modules.
+import collections
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import socket
+import sys
+# External dependencies.
+from humanfriendly import coerce_boolean
+from humanfriendly.compat import coerce_string, is_string, on_windows
+from humanfriendly.terminal import ANSI_COLOR_CODES, ansi_wrap, enable_ansi_support, terminal_supports_colors
+from humanfriendly.text import format, split
+# Semi-standard module versioning.
+__version__ = '15.0'
+"""The default log level for :mod:`coloredlogs` (:data:`logging.INFO`)."""
+DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(hostname)s %(name)s[%(process)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s'
+"""The default log format for :class:`ColoredFormatter` objects (a string)."""
+DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
+"""The default date/time format for :class:`ColoredFormatter` objects (a string)."""
+CHROOT_FILES = ['/etc/debian_chroot']
+"""A list of filenames that indicate a chroot and contain the name of the chroot."""
+    asctime=dict(color='green'),
+    hostname=dict(color='magenta'),
+    levelname=dict(color='black', bold=True),
+    name=dict(color='blue'),
+    programname=dict(color='cyan'),
+    username=dict(color='yellow'),
+"""Mapping of log format names to default font styles."""
+    spam=dict(color='green', faint=True),
+    debug=dict(color='green'),
+    verbose=dict(color='blue'),
+    info=dict(),
+    notice=dict(color='magenta'),
+    warning=dict(color='yellow'),
+    success=dict(color='green', bold=True),
+    error=dict(color='red'),
+    critical=dict(color='red', bold=True),
+"""Mapping of log level names to default font styles."""
+"""The default logging format style (a single character)."""
+    '%': r'%\((\w+)\)[#0 +-]*\d*(?:\.\d+)?[hlL]?[diouxXeEfFgGcrs%]',
+    '{': r'{(\w+)[^}]*}',
+    '$': r'\$(\w+)|\${(\w+)}',
+A dictionary that maps the `style` characters ``%``, ``{`` and ``$`` (see the
+documentation of the :class:`python3:logging.Formatter` class in Python 3.2+)
+to strings containing regular expression patterns that can be used to parse
+format strings in the corresponding style:
+ A string containing a regular expression that matches a "percent conversion
+ specifier" as defined in the `String Formatting Operations`_ section of the
+ Python documentation. Here's an example of a logging format string in this
+ format: ``%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s``.
+ A string containing a regular expression that matches a "replacement field" as
+ defined in the `Format String Syntax`_ section of the Python documentation.
+ Here's an example of a logging format string in this format:
+ ``{levelname}:{name}:{message}``.
+ A string containing a regular expression that matches a "substitution
+ placeholder" as defined in the `Template Strings`_ section of the Python
+ documentation. Here's an example of a logging format string in this format:
+ ``$levelname:$name:$message``.
+These regular expressions are used by :class:`FormatStringParser` to introspect
+and manipulate logging format strings.
+.. _String Formatting Operations: https://docs.python.org/2/library/stdtypes.html#string-formatting
+.. _Format String Syntax: https://docs.python.org/2/library/string.html#formatstrings
+.. _Template Strings: https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html#template-strings
+def auto_install():
+    """
+    Automatically call :func:`install()` when ``$COLOREDLOGS_AUTO_INSTALL`` is set.
+    The `coloredlogs` package includes a `path configuration file`_ that
+    automatically imports the :mod:`coloredlogs` module and calls
+    :func:`auto_install()` when the environment variable
+    This function uses :func:`~humanfriendly.coerce_boolean()` to check whether
+    the value of ``$COLOREDLOGS_AUTO_INSTALL`` should be considered :data:`True`.
+    .. _path configuration file: https://docs.python.org/2/library/site.html#module-site
+    """
+    if coerce_boolean(os.environ.get('COLOREDLOGS_AUTO_INSTALL', 'false')):
+        install()
+def install(level=None, **kw):
+    """
+    Enable colored terminal output for Python's :mod:`logging` module.
+    :param level: The default logging level (an integer or a string with a
+                  level name, defaults to :data:`DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL`).
+    :param logger: The logger to which the stream handler should be attached (a
+                   :class:`~logging.Logger` object, defaults to the root logger).
+    :param fmt: Set the logging format (a string like those accepted by
+                :class:`~logging.Formatter`, defaults to
+                :data:`DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT`).
+    :param datefmt: Set the date/time format (a string, defaults to
+                    :data:`DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT`).
+    :param style: One of the characters ``%``, ``{`` or ``$`` (defaults to
+                  :data:`DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE`). See the documentation of the
+                  :class:`python3:logging.Formatter` class in Python 3.2+. On
+                  older Python versions only ``%`` is supported.
+    :param milliseconds: :data:`True` to show milliseconds like :mod:`logging`
+                         does by default, :data:`False` to hide milliseconds
+                         (the default is :data:`False`, see `#16`_).
+    :param level_styles: A dictionary with custom level styles (defaults to
+                         :data:`DEFAULT_LEVEL_STYLES`).
+    :param field_styles: A dictionary with custom field styles (defaults to
+                         :data:`DEFAULT_FIELD_STYLES`).
+    :param stream: The stream where log messages should be written to (a
+                   file-like object). This defaults to :data:`None` which
+                   means :class:`StandardErrorHandler` is used.
+    :param isatty: :data:`True` to use a :class:`ColoredFormatter`,
+                   :data:`False` to use a normal :class:`~logging.Formatter`
+                   (defaults to auto-detection using
+                   :func:`~humanfriendly.terminal.terminal_supports_colors()`).
+    :param reconfigure: If :data:`True` (the default) multiple calls to
+                        :func:`coloredlogs.install()` will each override
+                        the previous configuration.
+    :param use_chroot: Refer to :class:`HostNameFilter`.
+    :param programname: Refer to :class:`ProgramNameFilter`.
+    :param username: Refer to :class:`UserNameFilter`.
+    :param syslog: If :data:`True` then :func:`.enable_system_logging()` will
+                   be called without arguments (defaults to :data:`False`). The
+                   `syslog` argument may also be a number or string, in this
+                   case it is assumed to be a logging level which is passed on
+                   to :func:`.enable_system_logging()`.
+    The :func:`coloredlogs.install()` function is similar to
+    :func:`logging.basicConfig()`, both functions take a lot of optional
+    keyword arguments but try to do the right thing by default:
+    1. If `reconfigure` is :data:`True` (it is by default) and an existing
+       :class:`~logging.StreamHandler` is found that is connected to either
+       :data:`~sys.stdout` or :data:`~sys.stderr` the handler will be removed.
+       This means that first calling :func:`logging.basicConfig()` and then
+       calling :func:`coloredlogs.install()` will replace the stream handler
+       instead of adding a duplicate stream handler. If `reconfigure` is
+       :data:`False` and an existing handler is found no further steps are
+       taken (to avoid installing a duplicate stream handler).
+    2. A :class:`~logging.StreamHandler` is created and connected to the stream
+       given by the `stream` keyword argument (:data:`sys.stderr` by
+       default). The stream handler's level is set to the value of the `level`
+       keyword argument.
+    3. A :class:`ColoredFormatter` is created if the `isatty` keyword argument
+       allows it (or auto-detection allows it), otherwise a normal
+       :class:`~logging.Formatter` is created. The formatter is initialized
+       with the `fmt` and `datefmt` keyword arguments (or their computed
+       defaults).
+       The environment variable ``$NO_COLOR`` is taken as a hint by
+       auto-detection that colors should not be used.
+    4. :func:`HostNameFilter.install()`, :func:`ProgramNameFilter.install()`
+       and :func:`UserNameFilter.install()` are called to enable the use of
+       additional fields in the log format.
+    5. If the logger's level is too restrictive it is relaxed (refer to `notes
+       about log levels`_ for details).
+    6. The formatter is added to the handler and the handler is added to the
+       logger.
+    .. _#16: https://github.com/xolox/python-coloredlogs/issues/16
+    """
+    logger = kw.get('logger') or logging.getLogger()
+    reconfigure = kw.get('reconfigure', True)
+    stream = kw.get('stream', sys.stderr)
+    style = check_style(kw.get('style') or DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE)
+    # Get the log level from an argument, environment variable or default and
+    # convert the names of log levels to numbers to enable numeric comparison.
+    if level is None:
+        level = os.environ.get('COLOREDLOGS_LOG_LEVEL', DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL)
+    level = level_to_number(level)
+    # Remove any existing stream handler that writes to stdout or stderr, even
+    # if the stream handler wasn't created by coloredlogs because multiple
+    # stream handlers (in the same hierarchy) writing to stdout or stderr would
+    # create duplicate output.  `None' is a synonym for the possibly dynamic
+    # value of the stderr attribute of the sys module.
+    match_streams = ([sys.stdout, sys.stderr]
+                     if stream in [sys.stdout, sys.stderr, None]
+                     else [stream])
+    match_handler = lambda handler: match_stream_handler(handler, match_streams)
+    handler, logger = replace_handler(logger, match_handler, reconfigure)
+    # Make sure reconfiguration is allowed or not relevant.
+    if not (handler and not reconfigure):
+        # Make it easy to enable system logging.
+        syslog_enabled = kw.get('syslog')
+        # We ignore the value `None' because it means the caller didn't opt in
+        # to system logging and `False' because it means the caller explicitly
+        # opted out of system logging.
+        if syslog_enabled not in (None, False):
+            from coloredlogs.syslog import enable_system_logging
+            if syslog_enabled is True:
+                # If the caller passed syslog=True then we leave the choice of
+                # default log level up to the coloredlogs.syslog module.
+                enable_system_logging()
+            else:
+                # Values other than (None, True, False) are assumed to
+                # represent a logging level for system logging.
+                enable_system_logging(level=syslog_enabled)
+        # Figure out whether we can use ANSI escape sequences.
+        use_colors = kw.get('isatty', None)
+        # In the following indented block the expression (use_colors is None)
+        # can be read as "auto detect is enabled and no reason has yet been
+        # found to automatically disable color support".
+        if use_colors or (use_colors is None):
+            # Respect the user's choice not to have colors.
+            if use_colors is None and 'NO_COLOR' in os.environ:
+                # For details on this see https://no-color.org/.
+                use_colors = False
+            # Try to enable Windows native ANSI support or Colorama?
+            if (use_colors or use_colors is None) and on_windows():
+                # This can fail, in which case ANSI escape sequences would end
+                # up being printed to the terminal in raw form. This is very
+                # user hostile, so to avoid this happening we disable color
+                # support on failure.
+                use_colors = enable_ansi_support()
+            # When auto detection is enabled, and so far we encountered no
+            # reason to disable color support, then we will enable color
+            # support if 'stream' is connected to a terminal.
+            if use_colors is None:
+                use_colors = terminal_supports_colors(stream)
+        # Create a stream handler and make sure to preserve any filters
+        # the current handler may have (if an existing handler is found).
+        filters = handler.filters if handler else None
+        handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream) if stream else StandardErrorHandler()
+        handler.setLevel(level)
+        if filters:
+            handler.filters = filters
+        # Prepare the arguments to the formatter, allowing the caller to
+        # customize the values of `fmt', `datefmt' and `style' as desired.
+        formatter_options = dict(fmt=kw.get('fmt'), datefmt=kw.get('datefmt'))
+        # Only pass the `style' argument to the formatter when the caller
+        # provided an alternative logging format style. This prevents
+        # TypeError exceptions on Python versions before 3.2.
+        if style != DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE:
+            formatter_options['style'] = style
+        # Come up with a default log format?
+        if not formatter_options['fmt']:
+            # Use the log format defined by the environment variable
+            # $COLOREDLOGS_LOG_FORMAT or fall back to the default.
+            formatter_options['fmt'] = os.environ.get('COLOREDLOGS_LOG_FORMAT') or DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT
+        # If the caller didn't specify a date/time format we'll use the format
+        # defined by the environment variable $COLOREDLOGS_DATE_FORMAT (or fall
+        # back to the default).
+        if not formatter_options['datefmt']:
+            formatter_options['datefmt'] = os.environ.get('COLOREDLOGS_DATE_FORMAT') or DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT
+        # Python's logging module shows milliseconds by default through special
+        # handling in the logging.Formatter.formatTime() method [1]. Because
+        # coloredlogs always defines a `datefmt' it bypasses this special
+        # handling, which is fine because ever since publishing coloredlogs
+        # I've never needed millisecond precision ;-). However there are users
+        # of coloredlogs that do want milliseconds to be shown [2] so we
+        # provide a shortcut to make it easy.
+        #
+        # [1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6290739/python-logging-use-milliseconds-in-time-format
+        # [2] https://github.com/xolox/python-coloredlogs/issues/16
+        if kw.get('milliseconds'):
+            parser = FormatStringParser(style=style)
+            if not (parser.contains_field(formatter_options['fmt'], 'msecs')
+                    or '%f' in formatter_options['datefmt']):
+                pattern = parser.get_pattern('asctime')
+                replacements = {'%': '%(msecs)03d', '{': '{msecs:03}', '$': '${msecs}'}
+                formatter_options['fmt'] = pattern.sub(
+                    r'\g<0>,' + replacements[style],
+                    formatter_options['fmt'],
+                )
+        # Do we need to make %(hostname) available to the formatter?
+        HostNameFilter.install(
+            fmt=formatter_options['fmt'],
+            handler=handler,
+            style=style,
+            use_chroot=kw.get('use_chroot', True),
+        )
+        # Do we need to make %(programname) available to the formatter?
+        ProgramNameFilter.install(
+            fmt=formatter_options['fmt'],
+            handler=handler,
+            programname=kw.get('programname'),
+            style=style,
+        )
+        # Do we need to make %(username) available to the formatter?
+        UserNameFilter.install(
+            fmt=formatter_options['fmt'],
+            handler=handler,
+            username=kw.get('username'),
+            style=style,
+        )
+        # Inject additional formatter arguments specific to ColoredFormatter?
+        if use_colors:
+            for name, environment_name in (('field_styles', 'COLOREDLOGS_FIELD_STYLES'),
+                                           ('level_styles', 'COLOREDLOGS_LEVEL_STYLES')):
+                value = kw.get(name)
+                if value is None:
+                    # If no styles have been specified we'll fall back
+                    # to the styles defined by the environment variable.
+                    environment_value = os.environ.get(environment_name)
+                    if environment_value is not None:
+                        value = parse_encoded_styles(environment_value)
+                if value is not None:
+                    formatter_options[name] = value
+        # Create a (possibly colored) formatter.
+        formatter_type = ColoredFormatter if use_colors else BasicFormatter
+        handler.setFormatter(formatter_type(**formatter_options))
+        # Adjust the level of the selected logger.
+        adjust_level(logger, level)
+        # Install the stream handler.
+        logger.addHandler(handler)
+def check_style(value):
+    """
+    Validate a logging format style.
+    :param value: The logging format style to validate (any value).
+    :returns: The logging format character (a string of one character).
+    :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` when the given style isn't supported.
+    On Python 3.2+ this function accepts the logging format styles ``%``, ``{``
+    and ``$`` while on older versions only ``%`` is accepted (because older
+    Python versions don't support alternative logging format styles).
+    """
+    if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 2):
+        if value not in FORMAT_STYLE_PATTERNS:
+            msg = "Unsupported logging format style! (%r)"
+            raise ValueError(format(msg, value))
+    elif value != DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE:
+        msg = "Format string styles other than %r require Python 3.2+!"
+        raise ValueError(msg, DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE)
+    return value
+def increase_verbosity():
+    """
+    Increase the verbosity of the root handler by one defined level.
+    Understands custom logging levels like defined by my ``verboselogs``
+    module.
+    """
+    defined_levels = sorted(set(find_defined_levels().values()))
+    current_index = defined_levels.index(get_level())
+    selected_index = max(0, current_index - 1)
+    set_level(defined_levels[selected_index])
+def decrease_verbosity():
+    """
+    Decrease the verbosity of the root handler by one defined level.
+    Understands custom logging levels like defined by my ``verboselogs``
+    module.
+    """
+    defined_levels = sorted(set(find_defined_levels().values()))
+    current_index = defined_levels.index(get_level())
+    selected_index = min(current_index + 1, len(defined_levels) - 1)
+    set_level(defined_levels[selected_index])
+def is_verbose():
+    """
+    Check whether the log level of the root handler is set to a verbose level.
+    :returns: ``True`` if the root handler is verbose, ``False`` if not.
+    """
+    return get_level() < DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL
+def get_level():
+    """
+    Get the logging level of the root handler.
+    :returns: The logging level of the root handler (an integer) or
+              :data:`DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL` (if no root handler exists).
+    """
+    handler, logger = find_handler(logging.getLogger(), match_stream_handler)
+    return handler.level if handler else DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL
+def set_level(level):
+    """
+    Set the logging level of the root handler.
+    :param level: The logging level to filter on (an integer or string).
+    If no root handler exists yet this automatically calls :func:`install()`.
+    """
+    handler, logger = find_handler(logging.getLogger(), match_stream_handler)
+    if handler and logger:
+        # Change the level of the existing handler.
+        handler.setLevel(level_to_number(level))
+        # Adjust the level of the selected logger.
+        adjust_level(logger, level)
+    else:
+        # Create a new handler with the given level.
+        install(level=level)
+def adjust_level(logger, level):
+    """
+    Increase a logger's verbosity up to the requested level.
+    :param logger: The logger to change (a :class:`~logging.Logger` object).
+    :param level: The log level to enable (a string or number).
+    This function is used by functions like :func:`install()`,
+    :func:`increase_verbosity()` and :func:`.enable_system_logging()` to adjust
+    a logger's level so that log messages up to the requested log level are
+    propagated to the configured output handler(s).
+    It uses :func:`logging.Logger.getEffectiveLevel()` to check whether
+    `logger` propagates or swallows log messages of the requested `level` and
+    sets the logger's level to the requested level if it would otherwise
+    swallow log messages.
+    Effectively this function will "widen the scope of logging" when asked to
+    do so but it will never "narrow the scope of logging". This is because I am
+    convinced that filtering of log messages should (primarily) be decided by
+    handlers.
+    """
+    level = level_to_number(level)
+    if logger.getEffectiveLevel() > level:
+        logger.setLevel(level)
+def find_defined_levels():
+    """
+    Find the defined logging levels.
+    :returns: A dictionary with level names as keys and integers as values.
+    Here's what the result looks like by default (when
+    no custom levels or level names have been defined):
+    >>> find_defined_levels()
+    {'NOTSET': 0,
+     'DEBUG': 10,
+     'INFO': 20,
+     'WARN': 30,
+     'WARNING': 30,
+     'ERROR': 40,
+     'FATAL': 50,
+     'CRITICAL': 50}
+    """
+    defined_levels = {}
+    for name in dir(logging):
+        if name.isupper():
+            value = getattr(logging, name)
+            if isinstance(value, int):
+                defined_levels[name] = value
+    return defined_levels
+def level_to_number(value):
+    """
+    Coerce a logging level name to a number.
+    :param value: A logging level (integer or string).
+    :returns: The number of the log level (an integer).
+    This function translates log level names into their numeric values..
+    """
+    if is_string(value):
+        try:
+            defined_levels = find_defined_levels()
+            value = defined_levels[value.upper()]
+        except KeyError:
+            # Don't fail on unsupported log levels.
+            value = DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL
+    return value
+def find_level_aliases():
+    """
+    Find log level names which are aliases of each other.
+    :returns: A dictionary that maps aliases to their canonical name.
+    .. note:: Canonical names are chosen to be the alias with the longest
+              string length so that e.g. ``WARN`` is an alias for ``WARNING``
+              instead of the other way around.
+    Here's what the result looks like by default (when
+    no custom levels or level names have been defined):
+    >>> from coloredlogs import find_level_aliases
+    >>> find_level_aliases()
+    """
+    mapping = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    for name, value in find_defined_levels().items():
+        mapping[value].append(name)
+    aliases = {}
+    for value, names in mapping.items():
+        if len(names) > 1:
+            names = sorted(names, key=lambda n: len(n))
+            canonical_name = names.pop()
+            for alias in names:
+                aliases[alias] = canonical_name
+    return aliases
+def parse_encoded_styles(text, normalize_key=None):
+    """
+    Parse text styles encoded in a string into a nested data structure.
+    :param text: The encoded styles (a string).
+    :returns: A dictionary in the structure of the :data:`DEFAULT_FIELD_STYLES`
+              and :data:`DEFAULT_LEVEL_STYLES` dictionaries.
+    Here's an example of how this function works:
+    >>> from coloredlogs import parse_encoded_styles
+    >>> from pprint import pprint
+    >>> encoded_styles = 'debug=green;warning=yellow;error=red;critical=red,bold'
+    >>> pprint(parse_encoded_styles(encoded_styles))
+    {'debug': {'color': 'green'},
+     'warning': {'color': 'yellow'},
+     'error': {'color': 'red'},
+     'critical': {'bold': True, 'color': 'red'}}
+    """
+    parsed_styles = {}
+    for assignment in split(text, ';'):
+        name, _, styles = assignment.partition('=')
+        target = parsed_styles.setdefault(name, {})
+        for token in split(styles, ','):
+            # When this code was originally written, setting background colors
+            # wasn't supported yet, so there was no need to disambiguate
+            # between the text color and background color. This explains why
+            # a color name or number implies setting the text color (for
+            # backwards compatibility).
+            if token.isdigit():
+                target['color'] = int(token)
+            elif token in ANSI_COLOR_CODES:
+                target['color'] = token
+            elif '=' in token:
+                name, _, value = token.partition('=')
+                if name in ('color', 'background'):
+                    if value.isdigit():
+                        target[name] = int(value)
+                    elif value in ANSI_COLOR_CODES:
+                        target[name] = value
+            else:
+                target[token] = True
+    return parsed_styles
+def find_hostname(use_chroot=True):
+    """
+    Find the host name to include in log messages.
+    :param use_chroot: Use the name of the chroot when inside a chroot?
+                       (boolean, defaults to :data:`True`)
+    :returns: A suitable host name (a string).
+    Looks for :data:`CHROOT_FILES` that have a nonempty first line (taken to be
+    the chroot name). If none are found then :func:`socket.gethostname()` is
+    used as a fall back.
+    """
+    for chroot_file in CHROOT_FILES:
+        try:
+            with open(chroot_file) as handle:
+                first_line = next(handle)
+                name = first_line.strip()
+                if name:
+                    return name
+        except Exception:
+            pass
+    return socket.gethostname()
+def find_program_name():
+    """
+    Select a suitable program name to embed in log messages.
+    :returns: One of the following strings (in decreasing order of preference):
+              1. The base name of the currently running Python program or
+                 script (based on the value at index zero of :data:`sys.argv`).
+              2. The base name of the Python executable (based on
+                 :data:`sys.executable`).
+              3. The string 'python'.
+    """
+    # Gotcha: sys.argv[0] is '-c' if Python is started with the -c option.
+    return ((os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if sys.argv and sys.argv[0] != '-c' else '')
+            or (os.path.basename(sys.executable) if sys.executable else '')
+            or 'python')
+def find_username():
+    """
+    Find the username to include in log messages.
+    :returns: A suitable username (a string).
+    On UNIX systems this uses the :mod:`pwd` module which means ``root`` will
+    be reported when :man:`sudo` is used (as it should). If this fails (for
+    example on Windows) then :func:`getpass.getuser()` is used as a fall back.
+    """
+    try:
+        import pwd
+        uid = os.getuid()
+        entry = pwd.getpwuid(uid)
+        return entry.pw_name
+    except Exception:
+        import getpass
+        return getpass.getuser()
+def replace_handler(logger, match_handler, reconfigure):
+    """
+    Prepare to replace a handler.
+    :param logger: Refer to :func:`find_handler()`.
+    :param match_handler: Refer to :func:`find_handler()`.
+    :param reconfigure: :data:`True` if an existing handler should be replaced,
+                        :data:`False` otherwise.
+    :returns: A tuple of two values:
+              1. The matched :class:`~logging.Handler` object or :data:`None`
+                 if no handler was matched.
+              2. The :class:`~logging.Logger` to which the matched handler was
+                 attached or the logger given to :func:`replace_handler()`.
+    """
+    handler, other_logger = find_handler(logger, match_handler)
+    if handler and other_logger and reconfigure:
+        # Remove the existing handler from the logger that its attached to
+        # so that we can install a new handler that behaves differently.
+        other_logger.removeHandler(handler)
+        # Switch to the logger that the existing handler was attached to so
+        # that reconfiguration doesn't narrow the scope of logging.
+        logger = other_logger
+    return handler, logger
+def find_handler(logger, match_handler):
+    """
+    Find a (specific type of) handler in the propagation tree of a logger.
+    :param logger: The logger to check (a :class:`~logging.Logger` object).
+    :param match_handler: A callable that receives a :class:`~logging.Handler`
+                          object and returns :data:`True` to match a handler or
+                          :data:`False` to skip that handler and continue
+                          searching for a match.
+    :returns: A tuple of two values:
+              1. The matched :class:`~logging.Handler` object or :data:`None`
+                 if no handler was matched.
+              2. The :class:`~logging.Logger` object to which the handler is
+                 attached or :data:`None` if no handler was matched.
+    This function finds a logging handler (of the given type) attached to a
+    logger or one of its parents (see :func:`walk_propagation_tree()`). It uses
+    the undocumented :class:`~logging.Logger.handlers` attribute to find
+    handlers attached to a logger, however it won't raise an exception if the
+    attribute isn't available. The advantages of this approach are:
+    - This works regardless of whether :mod:`coloredlogs` attached the handler
+      or other Python code attached the handler.
+    - This will correctly recognize the situation where the given logger has no
+      handlers but :attr:`~logging.Logger.propagate` is enabled and the logger
+      has a parent logger that does have a handler attached.
+    """
+    for logger in walk_propagation_tree(logger):
+        for handler in getattr(logger, 'handlers', []):
+            if match_handler(handler):
+                return handler, logger
+    return None, None
+def match_stream_handler(handler, streams=[]):
+    """
+    Identify stream handlers writing to the given streams(s).
+    :param handler: The :class:`~logging.Handler` class to check.
+    :param streams: A sequence of streams to match (defaults to matching
+                    :data:`~sys.stdout` and :data:`~sys.stderr`).
+    :returns: :data:`True` if the handler is a :class:`~logging.StreamHandler`
+              logging to the given stream(s), :data:`False` otherwise.
+    This function can be used as a callback for :func:`find_handler()`.
+    """
+    return (isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler)
+            and getattr(handler, 'stream') in (streams or (sys.stdout, sys.stderr)))
+def walk_propagation_tree(logger):
+    """
+    Walk through the propagation hierarchy of the given logger.
+    :param logger: The logger whose hierarchy to walk (a
+                   :class:`~logging.Logger` object).
+    :returns: A generator of :class:`~logging.Logger` objects.
+    .. note:: This uses the undocumented :class:`logging.Logger.parent`
+              attribute to find higher level loggers, however it won't
+              raise an exception if the attribute isn't available.
+    """
+    while isinstance(logger, logging.Logger):
+        # Yield the logger to our caller.
+        yield logger
+        # Check if the logger has propagation enabled.
+        if logger.propagate:
+            # Continue with the parent logger. We use getattr() because the
+            # `parent' attribute isn't documented so properly speaking we
+            # shouldn't break if it's not available.
+            logger = getattr(logger, 'parent', None)
+        else:
+            # The propagation chain stops here.
+            logger = None
+class BasicFormatter(logging.Formatter):
+    """
+    Log :class:`~logging.Formatter` that supports ``%f`` for millisecond formatting.
+    This class extends :class:`~logging.Formatter` to enable the use of ``%f``
+    for millisecond formatting in date/time strings, to allow for the type of
+    flexibility requested in issue `#45`_.
+    .. _#45: https://github.com/xolox/python-coloredlogs/issues/45
+    """
+    def formatTime(self, record, datefmt=None):
+        """
+        Format the date/time of a log record.
+        :param record: A :class:`~logging.LogRecord` object.
+        :param datefmt: A date/time format string (defaults to :data:`DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT`).
+        :returns: The formatted date/time (a string).
+        This method overrides :func:`~logging.Formatter.formatTime()` to set
+        `datefmt` to :data:`DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT` when the caller hasn't
+        specified a date format.
+        When `datefmt` contains the token ``%f`` it will be replaced by the
+        value of ``%(msecs)03d`` (refer to issue `#45`_ for use cases).
+        """
+        # The default value of the following argument is defined here so
+        # that Sphinx doesn't embed the default value in the generated
+        # documentation (because the result is awkward to read).
+        datefmt = datefmt or DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT
+        # Replace %f with the value of %(msecs)03d.
+        if '%f' in datefmt:
+            datefmt = datefmt.replace('%f', '%03d' % record.msecs)
+        # Delegate the actual date/time formatting to the base formatter.
+        return logging.Formatter.formatTime(self, record, datefmt)
+class ColoredFormatter(BasicFormatter):
+    """
+    Log :class:`~logging.Formatter` that uses `ANSI escape sequences`_ to create colored logs.
+    :class:`ColoredFormatter` inherits from :class:`BasicFormatter` to enable
+    the use of ``%f`` for millisecond formatting in date/time strings.
+    .. note:: If you want to use :class:`ColoredFormatter` on Windows then you
+              need to call :func:`~humanfriendly.terminal.enable_ansi_support()`.
+              This is done for you when you call :func:`coloredlogs.install()`.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt=None, style=DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE, level_styles=None, field_styles=None):
+        """
+        Initialize a :class:`ColoredFormatter` object.
+        :param fmt: A log format string (defaults to :data:`DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT`).
+        :param datefmt: A date/time format string (defaults to :data:`None`,
+                        but see the documentation of
+                        :func:`BasicFormatter.formatTime()`).
+        :param style: One of the characters ``%``, ``{`` or ``$`` (defaults to
+                      :data:`DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE`)
+        :param level_styles: A dictionary with custom level styles
+                             (defaults to :data:`DEFAULT_LEVEL_STYLES`).
+        :param field_styles: A dictionary with custom field styles
+                             (defaults to :data:`DEFAULT_FIELD_STYLES`).
+        :raises: Refer to :func:`check_style()`.
+        This initializer uses :func:`colorize_format()` to inject ANSI escape
+        sequences in the log format string before it is passed to the
+        initializer of the base class.
+        """
+        self.nn = NameNormalizer()
+        # The default values of the following arguments are defined here so
+        # that Sphinx doesn't embed the default values in the generated
+        # documentation (because the result is awkward to read).
+        fmt = fmt or DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT
+        self.level_styles = self.nn.normalize_keys(DEFAULT_LEVEL_STYLES if level_styles is None else level_styles)
+        self.field_styles = self.nn.normalize_keys(DEFAULT_FIELD_STYLES if field_styles is None else field_styles)
+        # Rewrite the format string to inject ANSI escape sequences.
+        kw = dict(fmt=self.colorize_format(fmt, style), datefmt=datefmt)
+        # If we were given a non-default logging format style we pass it on
+        # to our superclass. At this point check_style() will have already
+        # complained that the use of alternative logging format styles
+        # requires Python 3.2 or newer.
+        if style != DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE:
+            kw['style'] = style
+        # Initialize the superclass with the rewritten format string.
+        logging.Formatter.__init__(self, **kw)
+    def colorize_format(self, fmt, style=DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE):
+        """
+        Rewrite a logging format string to inject ANSI escape sequences.
+        :param fmt: The log format string.
+        :param style: One of the characters ``%``, ``{`` or ``$`` (defaults to
+                      :data:`DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE`).
+        :returns: The logging format string with ANSI escape sequences.
+        This method takes a logging format string like the ones you give to
+        :class:`logging.Formatter` and processes it as follows:
+        1. First the logging format string is separated into formatting
+           directives versus surrounding text (according to the given `style`).
+        2. Then formatting directives and surrounding text are grouped
+           based on whitespace delimiters (in the surrounding text).
+        3. For each group styling is selected as follows:
+           1. If the group contains a single formatting directive that has
+              a style defined then the whole group is styled accordingly.
+           2. If the group contains multiple formatting directives that
+              have styles defined then each formatting directive is styled
+              individually and surrounding text isn't styled.
+        As an example consider the default log format (:data:`DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT`)::
+         %(asctime)s %(hostname)s %(name)s[%(process)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s
+        The default field styles (:data:`DEFAULT_FIELD_STYLES`) define a style for the
+        `name` field but not for the `process` field, however because both fields
+        are part of the same whitespace delimited token they'll be highlighted
+        together in the style defined for the `name` field.
+        """
+        result = []
+        parser = FormatStringParser(style=style)
+        for group in parser.get_grouped_pairs(fmt):
+            applicable_styles = [self.nn.get(self.field_styles, token.name) for token in group if token.name]
+            if sum(map(bool, applicable_styles)) == 1:
+                # If exactly one (1) field style is available for the group of
+                # tokens then all of the tokens will be styled the same way.
+                # This provides a limited form of backwards compatibility with
+                # the (intended) behavior of coloredlogs before the release of
+                # version 10.
+                result.append(ansi_wrap(
+                    ''.join(token.text for token in group),
+                    **next(s for s in applicable_styles if s)
+                ))
+            else:
+                for token in group:
+                    text = token.text
+                    if token.name:
+                        field_styles = self.nn.get(self.field_styles, token.name)
+                        if field_styles:
+                            text = ansi_wrap(text, **field_styles)
+                    result.append(text)
+        return ''.join(result)
+    def format(self, record):
+        """
+        Apply level-specific styling to log records.
+        :param record: A :class:`~logging.LogRecord` object.
+        :returns: The result of :func:`logging.Formatter.format()`.
+        This method injects ANSI escape sequences that are specific to the
+        level of each log record (because such logic cannot be expressed in the
+        syntax of a log format string). It works by making a copy of the log
+        record, changing the `msg` field inside the copy and passing the copy
+        into the :func:`~logging.Formatter.format()` method of the base
+        class.
+        """
+        style = self.nn.get(self.level_styles, record.levelname)
+        # After the introduction of the `Empty' class it was reported in issue
+        # 33 that format() can be called when `Empty' has already been garbage
+        # collected. This explains the (otherwise rather out of place) `Empty
+        # is not None' check in the following `if' statement. The reasoning
+        # here is that it's much better to log a message without formatting
+        # then to raise an exception ;-).
+        #
+        # For more details refer to issue 33 on GitHub:
+        # https://github.com/xolox/python-coloredlogs/issues/33
+        if style and Empty is not None:
+            # Due to the way that Python's logging module is structured and
+            # documented the only (IMHO) clean way to customize its behavior is
+            # to change incoming LogRecord objects before they get to the base
+            # formatter. However we don't want to break other formatters and
+            # handlers, so we copy the log record.
+            #
+            # In the past this used copy.copy() but as reported in issue 29
+            # (which is reproducible) this can cause deadlocks. The following
+            # Python voodoo is intended to accomplish the same thing as
+            # copy.copy() without all of the generalization and overhead that
+            # we don't need for our -very limited- use case.
+            #
+            # For more details refer to issue 29 on GitHub:
+            # https://github.com/xolox/python-coloredlogs/issues/29
+            copy = Empty()
+            copy.__class__ = record.__class__
+            copy.__dict__.update(record.__dict__)
+            copy.msg = ansi_wrap(coerce_string(record.msg), **style)
+            record = copy
+        # Delegate the remaining formatting to the base formatter.
+        return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
+class Empty(object):
+    """An empty class used to copy :class:`~logging.LogRecord` objects without reinitializing them."""
+class HostNameFilter(logging.Filter):
+    """
+    Log filter to enable the ``%(hostname)s`` format.
+    Python's :mod:`logging` module doesn't expose the system's host name while
+    I consider this to be a valuable addition. Fortunately it's very easy to
+    expose additional fields in format strings: :func:`filter()` simply sets
+    the ``hostname`` attribute of each :class:`~logging.LogRecord` object it
+    receives and this is enough to enable the use of the ``%(hostname)s``
+    expression in format strings.
+    You can install this log filter as follows::
+     >>> import coloredlogs, logging
+     >>> handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+     >>> handler.addFilter(coloredlogs.HostNameFilter())
+     >>> handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('[%(hostname)s] %(message)s'))
+     >>> logger = logging.getLogger()
+     >>> logger.addHandler(handler)
+     >>> logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+     >>> logger.info("Does it work?")
+     [peter-macbook] Does it work?
+    Of course :func:`coloredlogs.install()` does all of this for you :-).
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def install(cls, handler, fmt=None, use_chroot=True, style=DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE):
+        """
+        Install the :class:`HostNameFilter` on a log handler (only if needed).
+        :param fmt: The log format string to check for ``%(hostname)``.
+        :param style: One of the characters ``%``, ``{`` or ``$`` (defaults to
+                      :data:`DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE`).
+        :param handler: The logging handler on which to install the filter.
+        :param use_chroot: Refer to :func:`find_hostname()`.
+        If `fmt` is given the filter will only be installed if `fmt` uses the
+        ``hostname`` field. If `fmt` is not given the filter is installed
+        unconditionally.
+        """
+        if fmt:
+            parser = FormatStringParser(style=style)
+            if not parser.contains_field(fmt, 'hostname'):
+                return
+        handler.addFilter(cls(use_chroot))
+    def __init__(self, use_chroot=True):
+        """
+        Initialize a :class:`HostNameFilter` object.
+        :param use_chroot: Refer to :func:`find_hostname()`.
+        """
+        self.hostname = find_hostname(use_chroot)
+    def filter(self, record):
+        """Set each :class:`~logging.LogRecord`'s `hostname` field."""
+        # Modify the record.
+        record.hostname = self.hostname
+        # Don't filter the record.
+        return 1
+class ProgramNameFilter(logging.Filter):
+    """
+    Log filter to enable the ``%(programname)s`` format.
+    Python's :mod:`logging` module doesn't expose the name of the currently
+    running program while I consider this to be a useful addition. Fortunately
+    it's very easy to expose additional fields in format strings:
+    :func:`filter()` simply sets the ``programname`` attribute of each
+    :class:`~logging.LogRecord` object it receives and this is enough to enable
+    the use of the ``%(programname)s`` expression in format strings.
+    Refer to :class:`HostNameFilter` for an example of how to manually install
+    these log filters.
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def install(cls, handler, fmt, programname=None, style=DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE):
+        """
+        Install the :class:`ProgramNameFilter` (only if needed).
+        :param fmt: The log format string to check for ``%(programname)``.
+        :param style: One of the characters ``%``, ``{`` or ``$`` (defaults to
+                      :data:`DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE`).
+        :param handler: The logging handler on which to install the filter.
+        :param programname: Refer to :func:`__init__()`.
+        If `fmt` is given the filter will only be installed if `fmt` uses the
+        ``programname`` field. If `fmt` is not given the filter is installed
+        unconditionally.
+        """
+        if fmt:
+            parser = FormatStringParser(style=style)
+            if not parser.contains_field(fmt, 'programname'):
+                return
+        handler.addFilter(cls(programname))
+    def __init__(self, programname=None):
+        """
+        Initialize a :class:`ProgramNameFilter` object.
+        :param programname: The program name to use (defaults to the result of
+                            :func:`find_program_name()`).
+        """
+        self.programname = programname or find_program_name()
+    def filter(self, record):
+        """Set each :class:`~logging.LogRecord`'s `programname` field."""
+        # Modify the record.
+        record.programname = self.programname
+        # Don't filter the record.
+        return 1
+class UserNameFilter(logging.Filter):
+    """
+    Log filter to enable the ``%(username)s`` format.
+    Python's :mod:`logging` module doesn't expose the username of the currently
+    logged in user as requested in `#76`_. Given that :class:`HostNameFilter`
+    and :class:`ProgramNameFilter` are already provided by `coloredlogs` it
+    made sense to provide :class:`UserNameFilter` as well.
+    Refer to :class:`HostNameFilter` for an example of how to manually install
+    these log filters.
+    .. _#76: https://github.com/xolox/python-coloredlogs/issues/76
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def install(cls, handler, fmt, username=None, style=DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE):
+        """
+        Install the :class:`UserNameFilter` (only if needed).
+        :param fmt: The log format string to check for ``%(username)``.
+        :param style: One of the characters ``%``, ``{`` or ``$`` (defaults to
+                      :data:`DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE`).
+        :param handler: The logging handler on which to install the filter.
+        :param username: Refer to :func:`__init__()`.
+        If `fmt` is given the filter will only be installed if `fmt` uses the
+        ``username`` field. If `fmt` is not given the filter is installed
+        unconditionally.
+        """
+        if fmt:
+            parser = FormatStringParser(style=style)
+            if not parser.contains_field(fmt, 'username'):
+                return
+        handler.addFilter(cls(username))
+    def __init__(self, username=None):
+        """
+        Initialize a :class:`UserNameFilter` object.
+        :param username: The username to use (defaults to the
+                         result of :func:`find_username()`).
+        """
+        self.username = username or find_username()
+    def filter(self, record):
+        """Set each :class:`~logging.LogRecord`'s `username` field."""
+        # Modify the record.
+        record.username = self.username
+        # Don't filter the record.
+        return 1
+class StandardErrorHandler(logging.StreamHandler):
+    """
+    A :class:`~logging.StreamHandler` that gets the value of :data:`sys.stderr` for each log message.
+    The :class:`StandardErrorHandler` class enables `monkey patching of
+    sys.stderr <https://github.com/xolox/python-coloredlogs/pull/31>`_. It's
+    basically the same as the ``logging._StderrHandler`` class present in
+    Python 3 but it will be available regardless of Python version. This
+    handler is used by :func:`coloredlogs.install()` to improve compatibility
+    with the Python standard library.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, level=logging.NOTSET):
+        """Initialize a :class:`StandardErrorHandler` object."""
+        logging.Handler.__init__(self, level)
+    @property
+    def stream(self):
+        """Get the value of :data:`sys.stderr` (a file-like object)."""
+        return sys.stderr
+class FormatStringParser(object):
+    """
+    Shallow logging format string parser.
+    This class enables introspection and manipulation of logging format strings
+    in the three styles supported by the :mod:`logging` module starting from
+    Python 3.2 (``%``, ``{`` and ``$``).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, style=DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE):
+        """
+        Initialize a :class:`FormatStringParser` object.
+        :param style: One of the characters ``%``, ``{`` or ``$`` (defaults to
+                      :data:`DEFAULT_FORMAT_STYLE`).
+        :raises: Refer to :func:`check_style()`.
+        """
+        self.style = check_style(style)
+        self.capturing_pattern = FORMAT_STYLE_PATTERNS[style]
+        # Remove the capture group around the mapping key / field name.
+        self.raw_pattern = self.capturing_pattern.replace(r'(\w+)', r'\w+')
+        # After removing the inner capture group we add an outer capture group
+        # to make the pattern suitable for simple tokenization using re.split().
+        self.tokenize_pattern = re.compile('(%s)' % self.raw_pattern, re.VERBOSE)
+        # Compile a regular expression for finding field names.
+        self.name_pattern = re.compile(self.capturing_pattern, re.VERBOSE)
+    def contains_field(self, format_string, field_name):
+        """
+        Get the field names referenced by a format string.
+        :param format_string: The logging format string.
+        :returns: A list of strings with field names.
+        """
+        return field_name in self.get_field_names(format_string)
+    def get_field_names(self, format_string):
+        """
+        Get the field names referenced by a format string.
+        :param format_string: The logging format string.
+        :returns: A list of strings with field names.
+        """
+        return self.name_pattern.findall(format_string)
+    def get_grouped_pairs(self, format_string):
+        """
+        Group the results of :func:`get_pairs()` separated by whitespace.
+        :param format_string: The logging format string.
+        :returns: A list of lists of :class:`FormatStringToken` objects.
+        """
+        # Step 1: Split simple tokens (without a name) into
+        # their whitespace parts and non-whitespace parts.
+        separated = []
+        pattern = re.compile(r'(\s+)')
+        for token in self.get_pairs(format_string):
+            if token.name:
+                separated.append(token)
+            else:
+                separated.extend(
+                    FormatStringToken(name=None, text=text)
+                    for text in pattern.split(token.text) if text
+                )
+        # Step 2: Group tokens together based on whitespace.
+        current_group = []
+        grouped_pairs = []
+        for token in separated:
+            if token.text.isspace():
+                if current_group:
+                    grouped_pairs.append(current_group)
+                grouped_pairs.append([token])
+                current_group = []
+            else:
+                current_group.append(token)
+        if current_group:
+            grouped_pairs.append(current_group)
+        return grouped_pairs
+    def get_pairs(self, format_string):
+        """
+        Tokenize a logging format string and extract field names from tokens.
+        :param format_string: The logging format string.
+        :returns: A generator of :class:`FormatStringToken` objects.
+        """
+        for token in self.get_tokens(format_string):
+            match = self.name_pattern.search(token)
+            name = match.group(1) if match else None
+            yield FormatStringToken(name=name, text=token)
+    def get_pattern(self, field_name):
+        """
+        Get a regular expression to match a formatting directive that references the given field name.
+        :param field_name: The name of the field to match (a string).
+        :returns: A compiled regular expression object.
+        """
+        return re.compile(self.raw_pattern.replace(r'\w+', field_name), re.VERBOSE)
+    def get_tokens(self, format_string):
+        """
+        Tokenize a logging format string.
+        :param format_string: The logging format string.
+        :returns: A list of strings with formatting directives separated from surrounding text.
+        """
+        return [t for t in self.tokenize_pattern.split(format_string) if t]
+class FormatStringToken(collections.namedtuple('FormatStringToken', 'text, name')):
+    """
+    A named tuple for the results of :func:`FormatStringParser.get_pairs()`.
+    .. attribute:: name
+       The field name referenced in `text` (a string). If `text` doesn't
+       contain a formatting directive this will be :data:`None`.
+    .. attribute:: text
+       The text extracted from the logging format string (a string).
+    """
+class NameNormalizer(object):
+    """Responsible for normalizing field and level names."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Initialize a :class:`NameNormalizer` object."""
+        self.aliases = {k.lower(): v.lower() for k, v in find_level_aliases().items()}
+    def normalize_name(self, name):
+        """
+        Normalize a field or level name.
+        :param name: The field or level name (a string).
+        :returns: The normalized name (a string).
+        Transforms all strings to lowercase and resolves level name aliases
+        (refer to :func:`find_level_aliases()`) to their canonical name:
+        >>> from coloredlogs import NameNormalizer
+        >>> from humanfriendly import format_table
+        >>> nn = NameNormalizer()
+        >>> sample_names = ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'FATAL', 'CRITICAL']
+        >>> print(format_table([(n, nn.normalize_name(n)) for n in sample_names]))
+        -----------------------
+        | DEBUG    | debug    |
+        | INFO     | info     |
+        | WARN     | warning  |
+        | WARNING  | warning  |
+        | ERROR    | error    |
+        | FATAL    | critical |
+        | CRITICAL | critical |
+        -----------------------
+        """
+        name = name.lower()
+        if name in self.aliases:
+            name = self.aliases[name]
+        return name
+    def normalize_keys(self, value):
+        """
+        Normalize the keys of a dictionary using :func:`normalize_name()`.
+        :param value: The dictionary to normalize.
+        :returns: A dictionary with normalized keys.
+        """
+        return {self.normalize_name(k): v for k, v in value.items()}
+    def get(self, normalized_dict, name):
+        """
+        Get a value from a dictionary after normalizing the key.
+        :param normalized_dict: A dictionary produced by :func:`normalize_keys()`.
+        :param name: A key to normalize and get from the dictionary.
+        :returns: The value of the normalized key (if any).
+        """
+        return normalized_dict.get(self.normalize_name(name))