diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cwltool/pathmapper.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cwltool/pathmapper.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+import collections
+import logging
+import os
+import stat
+import urllib
+import uuid
+from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, cast
+from schema_salad.exceptions import ValidationException
+from schema_salad.ref_resolver import uri_file_path
+from schema_salad.sourceline import SourceLine
+from .loghandler import _logger
+from .stdfsaccess import abspath
+from .utils import CWLObjectType, convert_pathsep_to_unix, dedup, downloadHttpFile
+MapperEnt = collections.namedtuple(
+    "MapperEnt", ["resolved", "target", "type", "staged"]
+class PathMapper:
+    """
+    Mapping of files from relative path provided in the file to a tuple.
+    (absolute local path, absolute container path)
+    The tao of PathMapper:
+    The initializer takes a list of File and Directory objects, a base
+    directory (for resolving relative references) and a staging directory
+    (where the files are mapped to).
+    The purpose of the setup method is to determine where each File or
+    Directory should be placed on the target file system (relative to
+    stagedir).
+    If separatedirs=True, unrelated files will be isolated in their own
+    directories under stagedir. If separatedirs=False, files and directories
+    will all be placed in stagedir (with the possibility for name
+    collisions...)
+    The path map maps the "location" of the input Files and Directory objects
+    to a tuple (resolved, target, type). The "resolved" field is the "real"
+    path on the local file system (after resolving relative paths and
+    traversing symlinks). The "target" is the path on the target file system
+    (under stagedir). The type is the object type (one of File, Directory,
+    CreateFile, WritableFile, CreateWritableFile).
+    The latter three (CreateFile, WritableFile, CreateWritableFile) are used by
+    InitialWorkDirRequirement to indicate files that are generated on the fly
+    (CreateFile and CreateWritableFile, in this case "resolved" holds the file
+    contents instead of the path because they file doesn't exist) or copied
+    into the output directory so they can be opened for update ("r+" or "a")
+    (WritableFile and CreateWritableFile).
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        referenced_files: List[CWLObjectType],
+        basedir: str,
+        stagedir: str,
+        separateDirs: bool = True,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Initialize the PathMapper."""
+        self._pathmap = {}  # type: Dict[str, MapperEnt]
+        self.stagedir = stagedir
+        self.separateDirs = separateDirs
+        self.setup(dedup(referenced_files), basedir)
+    def visitlisting(
+        self,
+        listing: List[CWLObjectType],
+        stagedir: str,
+        basedir: str,
+        copy: bool = False,
+        staged: bool = False,
+    ) -> None:
+        for ld in listing:
+            self.visit(
+                ld,
+                stagedir,
+                basedir,
+                copy=cast(bool, ld.get("writable", copy)),
+                staged=staged,
+            )
+    def visit(
+        self,
+        obj: CWLObjectType,
+        stagedir: str,
+        basedir: str,
+        copy: bool = False,
+        staged: bool = False,
+    ) -> None:
+        stagedir = cast(Optional[str], obj.get("dirname")) or stagedir
+        tgt = convert_pathsep_to_unix(
+            os.path.join(
+                stagedir,
+                cast(str, obj["basename"]),
+            )
+        )
+        if obj["location"] in self._pathmap:
+            return
+        if obj["class"] == "Directory":
+            location = cast(str, obj["location"])
+            if location.startswith("file://"):
+                resolved = uri_file_path(location)
+            else:
+                resolved = location
+            self._pathmap[location] = MapperEnt(
+                resolved, tgt, "WritableDirectory" if copy else "Directory", staged
+            )
+            if location.startswith("file://"):
+                staged = False
+            self.visitlisting(
+                cast(List[CWLObjectType], obj.get("listing", [])),
+                tgt,
+                basedir,
+                copy=copy,
+                staged=staged,
+            )
+        elif obj["class"] == "File":
+            path = cast(str, obj["location"])
+            ab = abspath(path, basedir)
+            if "contents" in obj and path.startswith("_:"):
+                self._pathmap[path] = MapperEnt(
+                    obj["contents"],
+                    tgt,
+                    "CreateWritableFile" if copy else "CreateFile",
+                    staged,
+                )
+            else:
+                with SourceLine(
+                    obj,
+                    "location",
+                    ValidationException,
+                    _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG),
+                ):
+                    deref = ab
+                    if urllib.parse.urlsplit(deref).scheme in ["http", "https"]:
+                        deref = downloadHttpFile(path)
+                    else:
+                        # Dereference symbolic links
+                        st = os.lstat(deref)
+                        while stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
+                            rl = os.readlink(deref)
+                            deref = (
+                                rl
+                                if os.path.isabs(rl)
+                                else os.path.join(os.path.dirname(deref), rl)
+                            )
+                            st = os.lstat(deref)
+                    self._pathmap[path] = MapperEnt(
+                        deref, tgt, "WritableFile" if copy else "File", staged
+                    )
+            self.visitlisting(
+                cast(List[CWLObjectType], obj.get("secondaryFiles", [])),
+                stagedir,
+                basedir,
+                copy=copy,
+                staged=staged,
+            )
+    def setup(self, referenced_files: List[CWLObjectType], basedir: str) -> None:
+        # Go through each file and set the target to its own directory along
+        # with any secondary files.
+        stagedir = self.stagedir
+        for fob in referenced_files:
+            if self.separateDirs:
+                stagedir = os.path.join(self.stagedir, "stg%s" % uuid.uuid4())
+            self.visit(
+                fob,
+                stagedir,
+                basedir,
+                copy=cast(bool, fob.get("writable", False)),
+                staged=True,
+            )
+    def mapper(self, src: str) -> MapperEnt:
+        if "#" in src:
+            i = src.index("#")
+            p = self._pathmap[src[:i]]
+            return MapperEnt(p.resolved, p.target + src[i:], p.type, p.staged)
+        return self._pathmap[src]
+    def files(self) -> List[str]:
+        return list(self._pathmap.keys())
+    def items(self) -> List[Tuple[str, MapperEnt]]:
+        return list(self._pathmap.items())
+    def reversemap(
+        self,
+        target: str,
+    ) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]:
+        """Find the (source, resolved_path) for the given target, if any."""
+        for k, v in self._pathmap.items():
+            if v[1] == target:
+                return (k, v[0])
+        return None
+    def update(
+        self, key: str, resolved: str, target: str, ctype: str, stage: bool
+    ) -> MapperEnt:
+        m = MapperEnt(resolved, target, ctype, stage)
+        self._pathmap[key] = m
+        return m
+    def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
+        """Test for the presence of the given relative path in this mapper."""
+        return key in self._pathmap
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[MapperEnt]:
+        """Get iterator for the maps."""
+        return self._pathmap.values().__iter__()