diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cwltool/provenance_profile.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cwltool/provenance_profile.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+import copy
+import datetime
+import logging
+import urllib
+import uuid
+from io import BytesIO
+from pathlib import PurePath, PurePosixPath
+from socket import getfqdn
+from typing import List, MutableMapping, MutableSequence, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast
+from prov.identifier import Identifier
+from prov.model import PROV, PROV_LABEL, PROV_TYPE, PROV_VALUE, ProvDocument, ProvEntity
+from schema_salad.sourceline import SourceLine
+from typing_extensions import TYPE_CHECKING
+from .errors import WorkflowException
+from .job import CommandLineJob, JobBase
+from .loghandler import _logger
+from .process import Process, shortname
+from .provenance_constants import (
+    FOAF,
+    ORE,
+    RO,
+    SCHEMA,
+    SHA1,
+    SHA256,
+    UUID,
+    WF4EVER,
+    WFDESC,
+    WFPROV,
+from .stdfsaccess import StdFsAccess
+from .utils import (
+    CWLObjectType,
+    CWLOutputType,
+    JobsType,
+    get_listing,
+    posix_path,
+    versionstring,
+from .workflow_job import WorkflowJob
+    from .provenance import ResearchObject
+def copy_job_order(
+    job: Union[Process, JobsType], job_order_object: CWLObjectType
+) -> CWLObjectType:
+    """Create copy of job object for provenance."""
+    if not isinstance(job, WorkflowJob):
+        # direct command line tool execution
+        return job_order_object
+    customised_job = {}  # type: CWLObjectType
+    # new job object for RO
+    for each, i in enumerate(job.tool["inputs"]):
+        with SourceLine(
+            job.tool["inputs"],
+            each,
+            WorkflowException,
+            _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG),
+        ):
+            iid = shortname(i["id"])
+            if iid in job_order_object:
+                customised_job[iid] = copy.deepcopy(job_order_object[iid])
+                # add the input element in dictionary for provenance
+            elif "default" in i:
+                customised_job[iid] = copy.deepcopy(i["default"])
+                # add the default elements in the dictionary for provenance
+            else:
+                pass
+    return customised_job
+class ProvenanceProfile:
+    """
+    Provenance profile.
+    Populated as the workflow runs.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        research_object: "ResearchObject",
+        full_name: str,
+        host_provenance: bool,
+        user_provenance: bool,
+        orcid: str,
+        fsaccess: StdFsAccess,
+        run_uuid: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Initialize the provenance profile."""
+        self.fsaccess = fsaccess
+        self.orcid = orcid
+        self.research_object = research_object
+        self.folder = self.research_object.folder
+        self.document = ProvDocument()
+        self.host_provenance = host_provenance
+        self.user_provenance = user_provenance
+        self.engine_uuid = research_object.engine_uuid  # type: str
+        self.add_to_manifest = self.research_object.add_to_manifest
+        if self.orcid:
+            _logger.debug("[provenance] Creator ORCID: %s", self.orcid)
+        self.full_name = full_name
+        if self.full_name:
+            _logger.debug("[provenance] Creator Full name: %s", self.full_name)
+        self.workflow_run_uuid = run_uuid or uuid.uuid4()
+        self.workflow_run_uri = self.workflow_run_uuid.urn  # type: str
+        self.generate_prov_doc()
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        """Represent this Provenvance profile as a string."""
+        return "ProvenanceProfile <{}> in <{}>".format(
+            self.workflow_run_uri,
+            self.research_object,
+        )
+    def generate_prov_doc(self) -> Tuple[str, ProvDocument]:
+        """Add basic namespaces."""
+        def host_provenance(document: ProvDocument) -> None:
+            """Record host provenance."""
+            document.add_namespace(CWLPROV)
+            document.add_namespace(UUID)
+            document.add_namespace(FOAF)
+            hostname = getfqdn()
+            # won't have a foaf:accountServiceHomepage for unix hosts, but
+            # we can at least provide hostname
+            document.agent(
+                ACCOUNT_UUID,
+                {
+                    PROV_TYPE: FOAF["OnlineAccount"],
+                    "prov:location": hostname,
+                    CWLPROV["hostname"]: hostname,
+                },
+            )
+        self.cwltool_version = "cwltool %s" % versionstring().split()[-1]
+        self.document.add_namespace("wfprov", "http://purl.org/wf4ever/wfprov#")
+        # document.add_namespace('prov', 'http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#')
+        self.document.add_namespace("wfdesc", "http://purl.org/wf4ever/wfdesc#")
+        # TODO: Make this ontology. For now only has cwlprov:image
+        self.document.add_namespace("cwlprov", "https://w3id.org/cwl/prov#")
+        self.document.add_namespace("foaf", "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")
+        self.document.add_namespace("schema", "http://schema.org/")
+        self.document.add_namespace("orcid", "https://orcid.org/")
+        self.document.add_namespace("id", "urn:uuid:")
+        # NOTE: Internet draft expired 2004-03-04 (!)
+        #  https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-thiemann-hash-urn-01
+        # TODO: Change to nih:sha-256; hashes
+        #  https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6920#section-7
+        self.document.add_namespace("data", "urn:hash::sha1:")
+        # Also needed for docker images
+        self.document.add_namespace(SHA256, "nih:sha-256;")
+        # info only, won't really be used by prov as sub-resources use /
+        self.document.add_namespace("researchobject", self.research_object.base_uri)
+        # annotations
+        self.metadata_ns = self.document.add_namespace(
+            "metadata", self.research_object.base_uri + METADATA + "/"
+        )
+        # Pre-register provenance directory so we can refer to its files
+        self.provenance_ns = self.document.add_namespace(
+            "provenance", self.research_object.base_uri + posix_path(PROVENANCE) + "/"
+        )
+        ro_identifier_workflow = self.research_object.base_uri + "workflow/packed.cwl#"
+        self.wf_ns = self.document.add_namespace("wf", ro_identifier_workflow)
+        ro_identifier_input = (
+            self.research_object.base_uri + "workflow/primary-job.json#"
+        )
+        self.document.add_namespace("input", ro_identifier_input)
+        # More info about the account (e.g. username, fullname)
+        # may or may not have been previously logged by user_provenance()
+        # .. but we always know cwltool was launched (directly or indirectly)
+        # by a user account, as cwltool is a command line tool
+        account = self.document.agent(ACCOUNT_UUID)
+        if self.orcid or self.full_name:
+            person = {PROV_TYPE: PROV["Person"], "prov:type": SCHEMA["Person"]}
+            if self.full_name:
+                person["prov:label"] = self.full_name
+                person["foaf:name"] = self.full_name
+                person["schema:name"] = self.full_name
+            else:
+                # TODO: Look up name from ORCID API?
+                pass
+            agent = self.document.agent(self.orcid or uuid.uuid4().urn, person)
+            self.document.actedOnBehalfOf(account, agent)
+        else:
+            if self.host_provenance:
+                host_provenance(self.document)
+            if self.user_provenance:
+                self.research_object.user_provenance(self.document)
+        # The execution of cwltool
+        wfengine = self.document.agent(
+            self.engine_uuid,
+            {
+                PROV_TYPE: PROV["SoftwareAgent"],
+                "prov:type": WFPROV["WorkflowEngine"],
+                "prov:label": self.cwltool_version,
+            },
+        )
+        # FIXME: This datetime will be a bit too delayed, we should
+        # capture when cwltool.py earliest started?
+        self.document.wasStartedBy(wfengine, None, account, datetime.datetime.now())
+        # define workflow run level activity
+        self.document.activity(
+            self.workflow_run_uri,
+            datetime.datetime.now(),
+            None,
+            {
+                PROV_TYPE: WFPROV["WorkflowRun"],
+                "prov:label": "Run of workflow/packed.cwl#main",
+            },
+        )
+        # association between SoftwareAgent and WorkflowRun
+        main_workflow = "wf:main"
+        self.document.wasAssociatedWith(
+            self.workflow_run_uri, self.engine_uuid, main_workflow
+        )
+        self.document.wasStartedBy(
+            self.workflow_run_uri, None, self.engine_uuid, datetime.datetime.now()
+        )
+        return (self.workflow_run_uri, self.document)
+    def evaluate(
+        self,
+        process: Process,
+        job: JobsType,
+        job_order_object: CWLObjectType,
+        research_obj: "ResearchObject",
+    ) -> None:
+        """Evaluate the nature of job."""
+        if not hasattr(process, "steps"):
+            # record provenance of independent commandline tool executions
+            self.prospective_prov(job)
+            customised_job = copy_job_order(job, job_order_object)
+            self.used_artefacts(customised_job, self.workflow_run_uri)
+            research_obj.create_job(customised_job)
+        elif hasattr(job, "workflow"):
+            # record provenance of workflow executions
+            self.prospective_prov(job)
+            customised_job = copy_job_order(job, job_order_object)
+            self.used_artefacts(customised_job, self.workflow_run_uri)
+    def record_process_start(
+        self, process: Process, job: JobsType, process_run_id: Optional[str] = None
+    ) -> Optional[str]:
+        if not hasattr(process, "steps"):
+            process_run_id = self.workflow_run_uri
+        elif not hasattr(job, "workflow"):
+            # commandline tool execution as part of workflow
+            name = ""
+            if isinstance(job, (CommandLineJob, JobBase, WorkflowJob)):
+                name = job.name
+            process_name = urllib.parse.quote(name, safe=":/,#")
+            process_run_id = self.start_process(process_name, datetime.datetime.now())
+        return process_run_id
+    def start_process(
+        self,
+        process_name: str,
+        when: datetime.datetime,
+        process_run_id: Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> str:
+        """Record the start of each Process."""
+        if process_run_id is None:
+            process_run_id = uuid.uuid4().urn
+        prov_label = "Run of workflow/packed.cwl#main/" + process_name
+        self.document.activity(
+            process_run_id,
+            None,
+            None,
+            {PROV_TYPE: WFPROV["ProcessRun"], PROV_LABEL: prov_label},
+        )
+        self.document.wasAssociatedWith(
+            process_run_id, self.engine_uuid, str("wf:main/" + process_name)
+        )
+        self.document.wasStartedBy(
+            process_run_id, None, self.workflow_run_uri, when, None, None
+        )
+        return process_run_id
+    def record_process_end(
+        self,
+        process_name: str,
+        process_run_id: str,
+        outputs: Union[CWLObjectType, MutableSequence[CWLObjectType], None],
+        when: datetime.datetime,
+    ) -> None:
+        self.generate_output_prov(outputs, process_run_id, process_name)
+        self.document.wasEndedBy(process_run_id, None, self.workflow_run_uri, when)
+    def declare_file(self, value: CWLObjectType) -> Tuple[ProvEntity, ProvEntity, str]:
+        if value["class"] != "File":
+            raise ValueError("Must have class:File: %s" % value)
+        # Need to determine file hash aka RO filename
+        entity = None  # type: Optional[ProvEntity]
+        checksum = None
+        if "checksum" in value:
+            csum = cast(str, value["checksum"])
+            (method, checksum) = csum.split("$", 1)
+            if method == SHA1 and self.research_object.has_data_file(checksum):
+                entity = self.document.entity("data:" + checksum)
+        if not entity and "location" in value:
+            location = str(value["location"])
+            # If we made it here, we'll have to add it to the RO
+            with self.fsaccess.open(location, "rb") as fhandle:
+                relative_path = self.research_object.add_data_file(fhandle)
+                # FIXME: This naively relies on add_data_file setting hash as filename
+                checksum = PurePath(relative_path).name
+                entity = self.document.entity(
+                    "data:" + checksum, {PROV_TYPE: WFPROV["Artifact"]}
+                )
+                if "checksum" not in value:
+                    value["checksum"] = f"{SHA1}${checksum}"
+        if not entity and "contents" in value:
+            # Anonymous file, add content as string
+            entity, checksum = self.declare_string(cast(str, value["contents"]))
+        # By here one of them should have worked!
+        if not entity or not checksum:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "class:File but missing checksum/location/content: %r" % value
+            )
+        # Track filename and extension, this is generally useful only for
+        # secondaryFiles. Note that multiple uses of a file might thus record
+        # different names for the same entity, so we'll
+        # make/track a specialized entity by UUID
+        file_id = value.setdefault("@id", uuid.uuid4().urn)
+        # A specialized entity that has just these names
+        file_entity = self.document.entity(
+            file_id,
+            [(PROV_TYPE, WFPROV["Artifact"]), (PROV_TYPE, WF4EVER["File"])],
+        )  # type: ProvEntity
+        if "basename" in value:
+            file_entity.add_attributes({CWLPROV["basename"]: value["basename"]})
+        if "nameroot" in value:
+            file_entity.add_attributes({CWLPROV["nameroot"]: value["nameroot"]})
+        if "nameext" in value:
+            file_entity.add_attributes({CWLPROV["nameext"]: value["nameext"]})
+        self.document.specializationOf(file_entity, entity)
+        # Check for secondaries
+        for sec in cast(
+            MutableSequence[CWLObjectType], value.get("secondaryFiles", [])
+        ):
+            # TODO: Record these in a specializationOf entity with UUID?
+            if sec["class"] == "File":
+                (sec_entity, _, _) = self.declare_file(sec)
+            elif sec["class"] == "Directory":
+                sec_entity = self.declare_directory(sec)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError(f"Got unexpected secondaryFiles value: {sec}")
+            # We don't know how/when/where the secondary file was generated,
+            # but CWL convention is a kind of summary/index derived
+            # from the original file. As its generally in a different format
+            # then prov:Quotation is not appropriate.
+            self.document.derivation(
+                sec_entity,
+                file_entity,
+                other_attributes={PROV["type"]: CWLPROV["SecondaryFile"]},
+            )
+        return file_entity, entity, checksum
+    def declare_directory(self, value: CWLObjectType) -> ProvEntity:
+        """Register any nested files/directories."""
+        # FIXME: Calculate a hash-like identifier for directory
+        # so we get same value if it's the same filenames/hashes
+        # in a different location.
+        # For now, mint a new UUID to identify this directory, but
+        # attempt to keep it inside the value dictionary
+        dir_id = cast(str, value.setdefault("@id", uuid.uuid4().urn))
+        # New annotation file to keep the ORE Folder listing
+        ore_doc_fn = dir_id.replace("urn:uuid:", "directory-") + ".ttl"
+        dir_bundle = self.document.bundle(self.metadata_ns[ore_doc_fn])
+        coll = self.document.entity(
+            dir_id,
+            [
+                (PROV_TYPE, WFPROV["Artifact"]),
+                (PROV_TYPE, PROV["Collection"]),
+                (PROV_TYPE, PROV["Dictionary"]),
+                (PROV_TYPE, RO["Folder"]),
+            ],
+        )
+        # ORE description of ro:Folder, saved separately
+        coll_b = dir_bundle.entity(
+            dir_id,
+            [(PROV_TYPE, RO["Folder"]), (PROV_TYPE, ORE["Aggregation"])],
+        )
+        self.document.mentionOf(dir_id + "#ore", dir_id, dir_bundle.identifier)
+        # dir_manifest = dir_bundle.entity(
+        #     dir_bundle.identifier, {PROV["type"]: ORE["ResourceMap"],
+        #                             ORE["describes"]: coll_b.identifier})
+        coll_attribs = [(ORE["isDescribedBy"], dir_bundle.identifier)]
+        coll_b_attribs = []  # type: List[Tuple[Identifier, ProvEntity]]
+        # FIXME: .listing might not be populated yet - hopefully
+        # a later call to this method will sort that
+        is_empty = True
+        if "listing" not in value:
+            get_listing(self.fsaccess, value)
+        for entry in cast(MutableSequence[CWLObjectType], value.get("listing", [])):
+            is_empty = False
+            # Declare child-artifacts
+            entity = self.declare_artefact(entry)
+            self.document.membership(coll, entity)
+            # Membership relation aka our ORE Proxy
+            m_id = uuid.uuid4().urn
+            m_entity = self.document.entity(m_id)
+            m_b = dir_bundle.entity(m_id)
+            # PROV-O style Dictionary
+            # https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-dictionary/#dictionary-ontological-definition
+            # ..as prov.py do not currently allow PROV-N extensions
+            # like hadDictionaryMember(..)
+            m_entity.add_asserted_type(PROV["KeyEntityPair"])
+            m_entity.add_attributes(
+                {
+                    PROV["pairKey"]: entry["basename"],
+                    PROV["pairEntity"]: entity,
+                }
+            )
+            # As well as a being a
+            # http://wf4ever.github.io/ro/2016-01-28/ro/#FolderEntry
+            m_b.add_asserted_type(RO["FolderEntry"])
+            m_b.add_asserted_type(ORE["Proxy"])
+            m_b.add_attributes(
+                {
+                    RO["entryName"]: entry["basename"],
+                    ORE["proxyIn"]: coll,
+                    ORE["proxyFor"]: entity,
+                }
+            )
+            coll_attribs.append((PROV["hadDictionaryMember"], m_entity))
+            coll_b_attribs.append((ORE["aggregates"], m_b))
+        coll.add_attributes(coll_attribs)
+        coll_b.add_attributes(coll_b_attribs)
+        # Also Save ORE Folder as annotation metadata
+        ore_doc = ProvDocument()
+        ore_doc.add_namespace(ORE)
+        ore_doc.add_namespace(RO)
+        ore_doc.add_namespace(UUID)
+        ore_doc.add_bundle(dir_bundle)
+        ore_doc = ore_doc.flattened()
+        ore_doc_path = str(PurePosixPath(METADATA, ore_doc_fn))
+        with self.research_object.write_bag_file(ore_doc_path) as provenance_file:
+            ore_doc.serialize(provenance_file, format="rdf", rdf_format="turtle")
+        self.research_object.add_annotation(
+            dir_id, [ore_doc_fn], ORE["isDescribedBy"].uri
+        )
+        if is_empty:
+            # Empty directory
+            coll.add_asserted_type(PROV["EmptyCollection"])
+            coll.add_asserted_type(PROV["EmptyDictionary"])
+        self.research_object.add_uri(coll.identifier.uri)
+        return coll
+    def declare_string(self, value: str) -> Tuple[ProvEntity, str]:
+        """Save as string in UTF-8."""
+        byte_s = BytesIO(str(value).encode(ENCODING))
+        data_file = self.research_object.add_data_file(byte_s, content_type=TEXT_PLAIN)
+        checksum = PurePosixPath(data_file).name
+        # FIXME: Don't naively assume add_data_file uses hash in filename!
+        data_id = "data:%s" % PurePosixPath(data_file).stem
+        entity = self.document.entity(
+            data_id, {PROV_TYPE: WFPROV["Artifact"], PROV_VALUE: str(value)}
+        )  # type: ProvEntity
+        return entity, checksum
+    def declare_artefact(self, value: Optional[CWLOutputType]) -> ProvEntity:
+        """Create data artefact entities for all file objects."""
+        if value is None:
+            # FIXME: If this can happen in CWL, we'll
+            # need a better way to represent this in PROV
+            return self.document.entity(CWLPROV["None"], {PROV_LABEL: "None"})
+        if isinstance(value, (bool, int, float)):
+            # Typically used in job documents for flags
+            # FIXME: Make consistent hash URIs for these
+            # that somehow include the type
+            # (so "1" != 1 != "1.0" != true)
+            entity = self.document.entity(uuid.uuid4().urn, {PROV_VALUE: value})
+            self.research_object.add_uri(entity.identifier.uri)
+            return entity
+        if isinstance(value, (str, str)):
+            (entity, _) = self.declare_string(value)
+            return entity
+        if isinstance(value, bytes):
+            # If we got here then we must be in Python 3
+            byte_s = BytesIO(value)
+            data_file = self.research_object.add_data_file(byte_s)
+            # FIXME: Don't naively assume add_data_file uses hash in filename!
+            data_id = "data:%s" % PurePosixPath(data_file).stem
+            return self.document.entity(
+                data_id,
+                {PROV_TYPE: WFPROV["Artifact"], PROV_VALUE: str(value)},
+            )
+        if isinstance(value, MutableMapping):
+            if "@id" in value:
+                # Already processed this value, but it might not be in this PROV
+                entities = self.document.get_record(value["@id"])
+                if entities:
+                    return entities[0]
+                # else, unknown in PROV, re-add below as if it's fresh
+            # Base case - we found a File we need to update
+            if value.get("class") == "File":
+                (entity, _, _) = self.declare_file(value)
+                value["@id"] = entity.identifier.uri
+                return entity
+            if value.get("class") == "Directory":
+                entity = self.declare_directory(value)
+                value["@id"] = entity.identifier.uri
+                return entity
+            coll_id = value.setdefault("@id", uuid.uuid4().urn)
+            # some other kind of dictionary?
+            # TODO: also Save as JSON
+            coll = self.document.entity(
+                coll_id,
+                [
+                    (PROV_TYPE, WFPROV["Artifact"]),
+                    (PROV_TYPE, PROV["Collection"]),
+                    (PROV_TYPE, PROV["Dictionary"]),
+                ],
+            )
+            if value.get("class"):
+                _logger.warning("Unknown data class %s.", value["class"])
+                # FIXME: The class might be "http://example.com/somethingelse"
+                coll.add_asserted_type(CWLPROV[value["class"]])
+            # Let's iterate and recurse
+            coll_attribs = []  # type: List[Tuple[Identifier, ProvEntity]]
+            for (key, val) in value.items():
+                v_ent = self.declare_artefact(val)
+                self.document.membership(coll, v_ent)
+                m_entity = self.document.entity(uuid.uuid4().urn)
+                # Note: only support PROV-O style dictionary
+                # https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-dictionary/#dictionary-ontological-definition
+                # as prov.py do not easily allow PROV-N extensions
+                m_entity.add_asserted_type(PROV["KeyEntityPair"])
+                m_entity.add_attributes(
+                    {PROV["pairKey"]: str(key), PROV["pairEntity"]: v_ent}
+                )
+                coll_attribs.append((PROV["hadDictionaryMember"], m_entity))
+            coll.add_attributes(coll_attribs)
+            self.research_object.add_uri(coll.identifier.uri)
+            return coll
+        # some other kind of Collection?
+        # TODO: also save as JSON
+        try:
+            members = []
+            for each_input_obj in iter(value):
+                # Recurse and register any nested objects
+                e = self.declare_artefact(each_input_obj)
+                members.append(e)
+            # If we reached this, then we were allowed to iterate
+            coll = self.document.entity(
+                uuid.uuid4().urn,
+                [
+                    (PROV_TYPE, WFPROV["Artifact"]),
+                    (PROV_TYPE, PROV["Collection"]),
+                ],
+            )
+            if not members:
+                coll.add_asserted_type(PROV["EmptyCollection"])
+            else:
+                for member in members:
+                    # FIXME: This won't preserve order, for that
+                    # we would need to use PROV.Dictionary
+                    # with numeric keys
+                    self.document.membership(coll, member)
+            self.research_object.add_uri(coll.identifier.uri)
+            # FIXME: list value does not support adding "@id"
+            return coll
+        except TypeError:
+            _logger.warning("Unrecognized type %s of %r", type(value), value)
+            # Let's just fall back to Python repr()
+            entity = self.document.entity(uuid.uuid4().urn, {PROV_LABEL: repr(value)})
+            self.research_object.add_uri(entity.identifier.uri)
+            return entity
+    def used_artefacts(
+        self,
+        job_order: Union[CWLObjectType, List[CWLObjectType]],
+        process_run_id: str,
+        name: Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Add used() for each data artefact."""
+        if isinstance(job_order, list):
+            for entry in job_order:
+                self.used_artefacts(entry, process_run_id, name)
+        else:
+            # FIXME: Use workflow name in packed.cwl, "main" is wrong for nested workflows
+            base = "main"
+            if name is not None:
+                base += "/" + name
+            for key, value in job_order.items():
+                prov_role = self.wf_ns[f"{base}/{key}"]
+                try:
+                    entity = self.declare_artefact(value)
+                    self.document.used(
+                        process_run_id,
+                        entity,
+                        datetime.datetime.now(),
+                        None,
+                        {"prov:role": prov_role},
+                    )
+                except OSError:
+                    pass
+    def generate_output_prov(
+        self,
+        final_output: Union[CWLObjectType, MutableSequence[CWLObjectType], None],
+        process_run_id: Optional[str],
+        name: Optional[str],
+    ) -> None:
+        """Call wasGeneratedBy() for each output,copy the files into the RO."""
+        if isinstance(final_output, MutableSequence):
+            for entry in final_output:
+                self.generate_output_prov(entry, process_run_id, name)
+        elif final_output is not None:
+            # Timestamp should be created at the earliest
+            timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()
+            # For each output, find/register the corresponding
+            # entity (UUID) and document it as generated in
+            # a role corresponding to the output
+            for output, value in final_output.items():
+                entity = self.declare_artefact(value)
+                if name is not None:
+                    name = urllib.parse.quote(str(name), safe=":/,#")
+                    # FIXME: Probably not "main" in nested workflows
+                    role = self.wf_ns[f"main/{name}/{output}"]
+                else:
+                    role = self.wf_ns["main/%s" % output]
+                if not process_run_id:
+                    process_run_id = self.workflow_run_uri
+                self.document.wasGeneratedBy(
+                    entity, process_run_id, timestamp, None, {"prov:role": role}
+                )
+    def prospective_prov(self, job: JobsType) -> None:
+        """Create prospective prov recording as wfdesc prov:Plan."""
+        if not isinstance(job, WorkflowJob):
+            # direct command line tool execution
+            self.document.entity(
+                "wf:main",
+                {
+                    PROV_TYPE: WFDESC["Process"],
+                    "prov:type": PROV["Plan"],
+                    "prov:label": "Prospective provenance",
+                },
+            )
+            return
+        self.document.entity(
+            "wf:main",
+            {
+                PROV_TYPE: WFDESC["Workflow"],
+                "prov:type": PROV["Plan"],
+                "prov:label": "Prospective provenance",
+            },
+        )
+        for step in job.steps:
+            stepnametemp = "wf:main/" + str(step.name)[5:]
+            stepname = urllib.parse.quote(stepnametemp, safe=":/,#")
+            provstep = self.document.entity(
+                stepname,
+                {PROV_TYPE: WFDESC["Process"], "prov:type": PROV["Plan"]},
+            )
+            self.document.entity(
+                "wf:main",
+                {
+                    "wfdesc:hasSubProcess": provstep,
+                    "prov:label": "Prospective provenance",
+                },
+            )
+        # TODO: Declare roles/parameters as well
+    def activity_has_provenance(self, activity, prov_ids):
+        # type: (str, List[Identifier]) -> None
+        """Add http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-aq/ relations to nested PROV files."""
+        # NOTE: The below will only work if the corresponding metadata/provenance arcp URI
+        # is a pre-registered namespace in the PROV Document
+        attribs = [(PROV["has_provenance"], prov_id) for prov_id in prov_ids]
+        self.document.activity(activity, other_attributes=attribs)
+        # Tip: we can't use https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-links/#term-mention
+        # as prov:mentionOf() is only for entities, not activities
+        uris = [i.uri for i in prov_ids]
+        self.research_object.add_annotation(activity, uris, PROV["has_provenance"].uri)
+    def finalize_prov_profile(self, name):
+        # type: (Optional[str]) -> List[Identifier]
+        """Transfer the provenance related files to the RO."""
+        # NOTE: Relative posix path
+        if name is None:
+            # main workflow, fixed filenames
+            filename = "primary.cwlprov"
+        else:
+            # ASCII-friendly filename, avoiding % as we don't want %2520 in manifest.json
+            wf_name = urllib.parse.quote(str(name), safe="").replace("%", "_")
+            # Note that the above could cause overlaps for similarly named
+            # workflows, but that's OK as we'll also include run uuid
+            # which also covers thhe case of this step being run in
+            # multiple places or iterations
+            filename = f"{wf_name}.{self.workflow_run_uuid}.cwlprov"
+        basename = str(PurePosixPath(PROVENANCE) / filename)
+        # TODO: Also support other profiles than CWLProv, e.g. ProvOne
+        # list of prov identifiers of provenance files
+        prov_ids = []
+        # https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-xml/
+        with self.research_object.write_bag_file(basename + ".xml") as provenance_file:
+            self.document.serialize(provenance_file, format="xml", indent=4)
+            prov_ids.append(self.provenance_ns[filename + ".xml"])
+        # https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-n/
+        with self.research_object.write_bag_file(
+            basename + ".provn"
+        ) as provenance_file:
+            self.document.serialize(provenance_file, format="provn", indent=2)
+            prov_ids.append(self.provenance_ns[filename + ".provn"])
+        # https://www.w3.org/Submission/prov-json/
+        with self.research_object.write_bag_file(basename + ".json") as provenance_file:
+            self.document.serialize(provenance_file, format="json", indent=2)
+            prov_ids.append(self.provenance_ns[filename + ".json"])
+        # "rdf" aka https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/
+        # which can be serialized to ttl/nt/jsonld (and more!)
+        # https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/
+        with self.research_object.write_bag_file(basename + ".ttl") as provenance_file:
+            self.document.serialize(provenance_file, format="rdf", rdf_format="turtle")
+            prov_ids.append(self.provenance_ns[filename + ".ttl"])
+        # https://www.w3.org/TR/n-triples/
+        with self.research_object.write_bag_file(basename + ".nt") as provenance_file:
+            self.document.serialize(
+                provenance_file, format="rdf", rdf_format="ntriples"
+            )
+            prov_ids.append(self.provenance_ns[filename + ".nt"])
+        # https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld/
+        # TODO: Use a nice JSON-LD context
+        # see also https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/395985/
+        # 404 Not Found on https://provenance.ecs.soton.ac.uk/prov.jsonld :(
+        with self.research_object.write_bag_file(
+            basename + ".jsonld"
+        ) as provenance_file:
+            self.document.serialize(provenance_file, format="rdf", rdf_format="json-ld")
+            prov_ids.append(self.provenance_ns[filename + ".jsonld"])
+        _logger.debug("[provenance] added provenance: %s", prov_ids)
+        return prov_ids