diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cwltool/subgraph.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cwltool/subgraph.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+import urllib
+from collections import namedtuple
+from typing import (
+    Dict,
+    List,
+    MutableMapping,
+    MutableSequence,
+    Optional,
+    Set,
+    Tuple,
+    cast,
+from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap
+from .utils import CWLObjectType, aslist
+from .workflow import Workflow, WorkflowStep
+Node = namedtuple("Node", ("up", "down", "type"))
+UP = "up"
+DOWN = "down"
+INPUT = "input"
+OUTPUT = "output"
+STEP = "step"
+def subgraph_visit(
+    current: str,
+    nodes: MutableMapping[str, Node],
+    visited: Set[str],
+    direction: str,
+) -> None:
+    if current in visited:
+        return
+    visited.add(current)
+    if direction == DOWN:
+        d = nodes[current].down
+    if direction == UP:
+        d = nodes[current].up
+    for c in d:
+        subgraph_visit(c, nodes, visited, direction)
+def declare_node(nodes: Dict[str, Node], nodeid: str, tp: Optional[str]) -> Node:
+    if nodeid in nodes:
+        n = nodes[nodeid]
+        if n.type is None:
+            nodes[nodeid] = Node(n.up, n.down, tp)
+    else:
+        nodes[nodeid] = Node([], [], tp)
+    return nodes[nodeid]
+def find_step(steps: List[WorkflowStep], stepid: str) -> Optional[CWLObjectType]:
+    for st in steps:
+        if st.tool["id"] == stepid:
+            return st.tool
+    return None
+def get_subgraph(roots: MutableSequence[str], tool: Workflow) -> CommentedMap:
+    if tool.tool["class"] != "Workflow":
+        raise Exception("Can only extract subgraph from workflow")
+    nodes: Dict[str, Node] = {}
+    for inp in tool.tool["inputs"]:
+        declare_node(nodes, inp["id"], INPUT)
+    for out in tool.tool["outputs"]:
+        declare_node(nodes, out["id"], OUTPUT)
+        for i in aslist(out.get("outputSource", [])):
+            # source is upstream from output (dependency)
+            nodes[out["id"]].up.append(i)
+            # output is downstream from source
+            declare_node(nodes, i, None)
+            nodes[i].down.append(out["id"])
+    for st in tool.tool["steps"]:
+        step = declare_node(nodes, st["id"], STEP)
+        for i in st["in"]:
+            if "source" not in i:
+                continue
+            for src in aslist(i["source"]):
+                # source is upstream from step (dependency)
+                step.up.append(src)
+                # step is downstream from source
+                declare_node(nodes, src, None)
+                nodes[src].down.append(st["id"])
+        for out in st["out"]:
+            # output is downstream from step
+            step.down.append(out)
+            # step is upstream from output
+            declare_node(nodes, out, None)
+            nodes[out].up.append(st["id"])
+    # Find all the downstream nodes from the starting points
+    visited_down: Set[str] = set()
+    for r in roots:
+        if nodes[r].type == OUTPUT:
+            subgraph_visit(r, nodes, visited_down, UP)
+        else:
+            subgraph_visit(r, nodes, visited_down, DOWN)
+    # Now make sure all the nodes are connected to upstream inputs
+    visited: Set[str] = set()
+    rewire: Dict[str, Tuple[str, CWLObjectType]] = {}
+    for v in visited_down:
+        visited.add(v)
+        if nodes[v].type in (STEP, OUTPUT):
+            for u in nodes[v].up:
+                if u in visited_down:
+                    continue
+                if nodes[u].type == INPUT:
+                    visited.add(u)
+                else:
+                    # rewire
+                    df = urllib.parse.urldefrag(u)
+                    rn = str(df[0] + "#" + df[1].replace("/", "_"))
+                    if nodes[v].type == STEP:
+                        wfstep = find_step(tool.steps, v)
+                        if wfstep is not None:
+                            for inp in cast(
+                                MutableSequence[CWLObjectType], wfstep["inputs"]
+                            ):
+                                if "source" in inp and u in cast(
+                                    CWLObjectType, inp["source"]
+                                ):
+                                    rewire[u] = (rn, cast(CWLObjectType, inp["type"]))
+                                    break
+                        else:
+                            raise Exception("Could not find step %s" % v)
+    extracted = CommentedMap()
+    for f in tool.tool:
+        if f in ("steps", "inputs", "outputs"):
+            extracted[f] = []
+            for i in tool.tool[f]:
+                if i["id"] in visited:
+                    if f == "steps":
+                        for inport in i["in"]:
+                            if "source" not in inport:
+                                continue
+                            if isinstance(inport["source"], MutableSequence):
+                                inport["source"] = [
+                                    rewire[s][0]
+                                    for s in inport["source"]
+                                    if s in rewire
+                                ]
+                            elif inport["source"] in rewire:
+                                inport["source"] = rewire[inport["source"]][0]
+                    extracted[f].append(i)
+        else:
+            extracted[f] = tool.tool[f]
+    for rv in rewire.values():
+        extracted["inputs"].append({"id": rv[0], "type": rv[1]})
+    return extracted
+def get_step(tool: Workflow, step_id: str) -> CommentedMap:
+    extracted = CommentedMap()
+    step = find_step(tool.steps, step_id)
+    if step is None:
+        raise Exception(f"Step {step_id} was not found")
+    extracted["steps"] = [step]
+    extracted["inputs"] = []
+    extracted["outputs"] = []
+    for inport in cast(List[CWLObjectType], step["in"]):
+        name = cast(str, inport["id"]).split("#")[-1].split("/")[-1]
+        extracted["inputs"].append({"id": name, "type": "Any"})
+        inport["source"] = name
+        if "linkMerge" in inport:
+            del inport["linkMerge"]
+    for outport in cast(List[str], step["out"]):
+        name = outport.split("#")[-1].split("/")[-1]
+        extracted["outputs"].append(
+            {"id": name, "type": "Any", "outputSource": f"{step_id}/{name}"}
+        )
+    for f in tool.tool:
+        if f not in ("steps", "inputs", "outputs"):
+            extracted[f] = tool.tool[f]
+    return extracted