diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/galaxy/tool_util/deps/container_classes.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/galaxy/tool_util/deps/container_classes.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+import os
+import string
+from abc import (
+    ABCMeta,
+    abstractmethod
+from logging import getLogger
+from uuid import uuid4
+from galaxy.containers.docker_model import DockerVolume
+from galaxy.util import (
+    asbool,
+    in_directory
+from . import (
+    docker_util,
+    singularity_util
+from .requirements import (
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+python << EOF
+from __future__ import print_function
+import json
+import re
+import subprocess
+import tarfile
+t = tarfile.TarFile("${cached_image_file}")
+meta_str = t.extractfile('repositories').read()
+meta = json.loads(meta_str)
+tag, tag_value = next(iter(meta.items()))
+rev, rev_value = next(iter(tag_value.items()))
+cmd = "${images_cmd}"
+proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+stdo, stde = proc.communicate()
+found = False
+for line in stdo.split("\n"):
+    tmp = re.split(r'\s+', line)
+    if tmp[0] == tag and tmp[1] == rev and tmp[2] == rev_value:
+        found = True
+if not found:
+    print("Loading image")
+    cmd = "cat ${cached_image_file} | ${load_cmd}"
+    subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
+# Check if container was created by installing conda packages,
+# and if so, source scripts to populate environment variables
+# that would be set by activating the conda environment.
+if [ -d /usr/local/etc/conda/activate.d ]; then
+  export CONDA_PREFIX=/usr/local
+  for f in /usr/local/etc/conda/activate.d/*.sh; do
+    case "$f" in
+      "/usr/local/etc/conda/activate.d/activate-"*) :;;
+      *) . "$f" ;;
+    esac;
+  done
+class Container(metaclass=ABCMeta):
+    def __init__(self, container_id, app_info, tool_info, destination_info, job_info, container_description, container_name=None):
+        self.container_id = container_id
+        self.app_info = app_info
+        self.tool_info = tool_info
+        self.destination_info = destination_info
+        self.job_info = job_info
+        self.container_description = container_description
+        self.container_name = container_name or uuid4().hex
+        self.container_info = {}
+    def prop(self, name, default):
+        destination_name = f"{self.container_type}_{name}"
+        return self.destination_info.get(destination_name, default)
+    @property
+    def resolve_dependencies(self):
+        return DEFAULT_CONTAINER_RESOLVE_DEPENDENCIES if not self.container_description else self.container_description.resolve_dependencies
+    @property
+    def shell(self):
+        return DEFAULT_CONTAINER_SHELL if not self.container_description else self.container_description.shell
+    @property
+    def source_environment(self):
+        if self.container_description and not self.container_description.explicit:
+            return SOURCE_CONDA_ACTIVATE
+        return ""
+    @abstractmethod
+    def containerize_command(self, command):
+        """
+        Use destination supplied container configuration parameters,
+        container_id, and command to build a new command that runs
+        input command in container.
+        """
+def preprocess_volumes(volumes_raw_str, container_type):
+    """Process Galaxy volume specification string to either Docker or Singularity specification.
+    Galaxy allows the mount try "default_ro" which translates to ro for Docker and
+    ro for Singularity iff no subdirectories are rw (Singularity does not allow ro
+    parent directories with rw subdirectories).
+    >>> preprocess_volumes("/a/b", DOCKER_CONTAINER_TYPE)
+    ['/a/b:rw']
+    >>> preprocess_volumes("/a/b:ro,/a/b/c:rw", DOCKER_CONTAINER_TYPE)
+    ['/a/b:ro', '/a/b/c:rw']
+    >>> preprocess_volumes("/a/b:/a:ro,/a/b/c:/a/b:rw", DOCKER_CONTAINER_TYPE)
+    ['/a/b:/a:ro', '/a/b/c:/a/b:rw']
+    >>> preprocess_volumes("/a/b:default_ro,/a/b/c:rw", DOCKER_CONTAINER_TYPE)
+    ['/a/b:ro', '/a/b/c:rw']
+    >>> preprocess_volumes("/a/b:default_ro,/a/b/c:ro", SINGULARITY_CONTAINER_TYPE)
+    ['/a/b:ro', '/a/b/c:ro']
+    >>> preprocess_volumes("/a/b:default_ro,/a/b/c:rw", SINGULARITY_CONTAINER_TYPE)
+    ['/a/b', '/a/b/c']
+    """
+    volumes_raw_strs = [v.strip() for v in volumes_raw_str.split(",")]
+    volumes = []
+    rw_paths = []
+    for volume_raw_str in volumes_raw_strs:
+        volume_parts = volume_raw_str.split(":")
+        if len(volume_parts) > 3:
+            raise Exception("Unparsable volumes string in configuration [%s]" % volumes_raw_str)
+        if len(volume_parts) == 3:
+            volume_parts = ["{}:{}".format(volume_parts[0], volume_parts[1]), volume_parts[2]]
+        if len(volume_parts) == 2 and volume_parts[1] not in ("rw", "ro", "default_ro"):
+            volume_parts = ["{}:{}".format(volume_parts[0], volume_parts[1]), "rw"]
+        if len(volume_parts) == 1:
+            volume_parts.append("rw")
+        volumes.append(volume_parts)
+        if volume_parts[1] == "rw":
+            rw_paths.append(volume_parts[0])
+    for volume in volumes:
+        path = volume[0]
+        how = volume[1]
+        if how == "default_ro":
+            how = "ro"
+            if container_type == SINGULARITY_CONTAINER_TYPE:
+                for rw_path in rw_paths:
+                    if in_directory(rw_path, path):
+                        how = "rw"
+        volume[1] = how
+        # for a while singularity did not allow to specify the bind type rw
+        # (which is the default). so we omit this default
+        # see https://github.com/hpcng/singularity/pull/5487
+        if container_type == SINGULARITY_CONTAINER_TYPE and volume[1] == 'rw':
+            del volume[1]
+    return [":".join(v) for v in volumes]
+class HasDockerLikeVolumes:
+    """Mixin to share functionality related to Docker volume handling.
+    Singularity seems to have a fairly compatible syntax for volume handling.
+    """
+    def _expand_volume_str(self, value):
+        if not value:
+            return value
+        template = string.Template(value)
+        variables = dict()
+        def add_var(name, value):
+            if value:
+                if not value.startswith("$"):
+                    value = os.path.abspath(value)
+                variables[name] = value
+        add_var("working_directory", self.job_info.working_directory)
+        add_var("tmp_directory", self.job_info.tmp_directory)
+        add_var("job_directory", self.job_info.job_directory)
+        add_var("tool_directory", self.job_info.tool_directory)
+        add_var("home_directory", self.job_info.home_directory)
+        add_var("galaxy_root", self.app_info.galaxy_root_dir)
+        add_var("default_file_path", self.app_info.default_file_path)
+        add_var("library_import_dir", self.app_info.library_import_dir)
+        add_var('tool_data_path', self.app_info.tool_data_path)
+        add_var('shed_tool_data_path', self.app_info.shed_tool_data_path)
+        if self.job_info.job_directory and self.job_info.job_directory_type == "pulsar":
+            # We have a Pulsar job directory, so everything needed (excluding index
+            # files) should be available in job_directory...
+            defaults = "$job_directory:default_ro"
+            if self.job_info.tool_directory:
+                defaults += ",$tool_directory:default_ro"
+            defaults += ",$job_directory/outputs:rw,$working_directory:rw"
+        else:
+            defaults = "$galaxy_root:default_ro"
+            if self.job_info.tool_directory:
+                defaults += ",$tool_directory:default_ro"
+            if self.job_info.job_directory:
+                defaults += ",$job_directory:default_ro,$job_directory/outputs:rw"
+                if self.tool_info.profile <= 19.09:
+                    defaults += ",$job_directory/configs:rw"
+            if self.job_info.tmp_directory is not None:
+                defaults += ",$tmp_directory:rw"
+            if self.job_info.home_directory is not None:
+                defaults += ",$home_directory:rw"
+            if self.app_info.outputs_to_working_directory:
+                # Should need default_file_path (which is of course an estimate given
+                # object stores anyway).
+                defaults += ",$working_directory:rw,$default_file_path:default_ro"
+            else:
+                defaults += ",$working_directory:rw,$default_file_path:rw"
+        if self.app_info.library_import_dir:
+            defaults += ",$library_import_dir:default_ro"
+        if self.app_info.tool_data_path:
+            defaults += ",$tool_data_path:default_ro"
+        if self.app_info.shed_tool_data_path:
+            defaults += ",$shed_tool_data_path:default_ro"
+        # Define $defaults that can easily be extended with external library and
+        # index data without deployer worrying about above details.
+        variables["defaults"] = string.Template(defaults).safe_substitute(variables)
+        volumes_str = template.safe_substitute(variables)
+        # Not all tools have a tool_directory - strip this out if supplied by
+        # job_conf.
+        tool_directory_index = volumes_str.find("$tool_directory")
+        if tool_directory_index > 0:
+            end_index = volumes_str.find(",", tool_directory_index)
+            if end_index < 0:
+                end_index = len(volumes_str)
+            volumes_str = volumes_str[0:tool_directory_index] + volumes_str[end_index:len(volumes_str)]
+        return volumes_str
+class DockerContainer(Container, HasDockerLikeVolumes):
+    container_type = DOCKER_CONTAINER_TYPE
+    @property
+    def docker_host_props(self):
+        docker_host_props = dict(
+            docker_cmd=self.prop("cmd", docker_util.DEFAULT_DOCKER_COMMAND),
+            sudo=asbool(self.prop("sudo", docker_util.DEFAULT_SUDO)),
+            sudo_cmd=self.prop("sudo_cmd", docker_util.DEFAULT_SUDO_COMMAND),
+            host=self.prop("host", docker_util.DEFAULT_HOST),
+        )
+        return docker_host_props
+    @property
+    def connection_configuration(self):
+        return self.docker_host_props
+    def build_pull_command(self):
+        return docker_util.build_pull_command(self.container_id, **self.docker_host_props)
+    def containerize_command(self, command):
+        env_directives = []
+        for pass_through_var in self.tool_info.env_pass_through:
+            env_directives.append(f'"{pass_through_var}=${pass_through_var}"')
+        # Allow destinations to explicitly set environment variables just for
+        # docker container. Better approach is to set for destination and then
+        # pass through only what tool needs however. (See todo in ToolInfo.)
+        for key, value in self.destination_info.items():
+            if key.startswith("docker_env_"):
+                env = key[len("docker_env_"):]
+                env_directives.append(f'"{env}={value}"')
+        working_directory = self.job_info.working_directory
+        if not working_directory:
+            raise Exception("Cannot containerize command [%s] without defined working directory." % working_directory)
+        volumes_raw = self._expand_volume_str(self.destination_info.get("docker_volumes", "$defaults"))
+        preprocessed_volumes_list = preprocess_volumes(volumes_raw, self.container_type)
+        # TODO: Remove redundant volumes...
+        volumes = [DockerVolume.from_str(v) for v in preprocessed_volumes_list]
+        # If a tool definitely has a temp directory available set it to /tmp in container for compat.
+        # with CWL. This is part of that spec and should make it easier to share containers between CWL
+        # and Galaxy.
+        if self.job_info.tmp_directory is not None:
+            volumes.append(DockerVolume.from_str("%s:/tmp:rw" % self.job_info.tmp_directory))
+        else:
+            volumes.append(DockerVolume.from_str("$_GALAXY_JOB_TMP_DIR:$_GALAXY_JOB_TMP_DIR:rw"))
+        volumes_from = self.destination_info.get("docker_volumes_from", docker_util.DEFAULT_VOLUMES_FROM)
+        docker_host_props = self.docker_host_props
+        cached_image_file = self.__get_cached_image_file()
+        if not cached_image_file:
+            # TODO: Add option to cache it once here and create cached_image_file.
+            cache_command = docker_util.build_docker_cache_command(self.container_id, **docker_host_props)
+        else:
+            cache_command = self.__cache_from_file_command(cached_image_file, docker_host_props)
+        run_command = docker_util.build_docker_run_command(
+            command,
+            self.container_id,
+            volumes=volumes,
+            volumes_from=volumes_from,
+            env_directives=env_directives,
+            working_directory=working_directory,
+            net=self.prop("net", None),  # By default, docker instance has networking disabled
+            auto_rm=asbool(self.prop("auto_rm", docker_util.DEFAULT_AUTO_REMOVE)),
+            set_user=self.prop("set_user", docker_util.DEFAULT_SET_USER),
+            run_extra_arguments=self.prop("run_extra_arguments", docker_util.DEFAULT_RUN_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS),
+            guest_ports=self.tool_info.guest_ports,
+            container_name=self.container_name,
+            **docker_host_props
+        )
+        kill_command = docker_util.build_docker_simple_command("kill", container_name=self.container_name, **docker_host_props)
+        # Suppress standard error below in the kill command because it can cause jobs that otherwise would work
+        # to fail. Likely, in these cases the container has been stopped normally and so cannot be stopped again.
+        # A less hacky approach might be to check if the container is running first before trying to kill.
+        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34228864/stop-and-delete-docker-container-if-its-running
+        # Standard error is:
+        #    Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: 2b0b961527574ebc873256b481bbe72e: No such container: 2b0b961527574ebc873256b481bbe72e
+        return """
+_on_exit() {{
+  {} &> /dev/null
+trap _on_exit 0
+{}\n{}""".format(kill_command, cache_command, run_command)
+    def __cache_from_file_command(self, cached_image_file, docker_host_props):
+        images_cmd = docker_util.build_docker_images_command(truncate=False, **docker_host_props)
+        load_cmd = docker_util.build_docker_load_command(**docker_host_props)
+        return string.Template(LOAD_CACHED_IMAGE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE).safe_substitute(
+            cached_image_file=cached_image_file,
+            images_cmd=images_cmd,
+            load_cmd=load_cmd
+        )
+    def __get_cached_image_file(self):
+        container_id = self.container_id
+        cache_directory = os.path.abspath(self.__get_destination_overridable_property("container_image_cache_path"))
+        cache_path = docker_cache_path(cache_directory, container_id)
+        return cache_path if os.path.exists(cache_path) else None
+    def __get_destination_overridable_property(self, name):
+        prop_name = "docker_%s" % name
+        if prop_name in self.destination_info:
+            return self.destination_info[prop_name]
+        else:
+            return getattr(self.app_info, name)
+def docker_cache_path(cache_directory, container_id):
+    file_container_id = container_id.replace("/", "_slash_")
+    cache_file_name = "docker_%s.tar" % file_container_id
+    return os.path.join(cache_directory, cache_file_name)
+class SingularityContainer(Container, HasDockerLikeVolumes):
+    container_type = SINGULARITY_CONTAINER_TYPE
+    def get_singularity_target_kwds(self):
+        return dict(
+            singularity_cmd=self.prop("cmd", singularity_util.DEFAULT_SINGULARITY_COMMAND),
+            sudo=asbool(self.prop("sudo", singularity_util.DEFAULT_SUDO)),
+            sudo_cmd=self.prop("sudo_cmd", singularity_util.DEFAULT_SUDO_COMMAND),
+        )
+    @property
+    def connection_configuration(self):
+        return self.get_singularity_target_kwds()
+    def build_mulled_singularity_pull_command(self, cache_directory, namespace="biocontainers"):
+        return singularity_util.pull_mulled_singularity_command(
+            docker_image_identifier=self.container_id,
+            cache_directory=cache_directory,
+            namespace=namespace,
+            **self.get_singularity_target_kwds()
+        )
+    def containerize_command(self, command):
+        env = []
+        for pass_through_var in self.tool_info.env_pass_through:
+            env.append((pass_through_var, "$%s" % pass_through_var))
+        # Allow destinations to explicitly set environment variables just for
+        # docker container. Better approach is to set for destination and then
+        # pass through only what tool needs however. (See todo in ToolInfo.)
+        for key, value in self.destination_info.items():
+            if key.startswith("singularity_env_"):
+                real_key = key[len("singularity_env_"):]
+                env.append((real_key, value))
+        working_directory = self.job_info.working_directory
+        if not working_directory:
+            raise Exception("Cannot containerize command [%s] without defined working directory." % working_directory)
+        volumes_raw = self._expand_volume_str(self.destination_info.get("singularity_volumes", "$defaults"))
+        preprocessed_volumes_list = preprocess_volumes(volumes_raw, self.container_type)
+        volumes = [DockerVolume.from_str(v) for v in preprocessed_volumes_list]
+        run_command = singularity_util.build_singularity_run_command(
+            command,
+            self.container_id,
+            volumes=volumes,
+            env=env,
+            working_directory=working_directory,
+            run_extra_arguments=self.prop("run_extra_arguments", singularity_util.DEFAULT_RUN_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS),
+            guest_ports=self.tool_info.guest_ports,
+            container_name=self.container_name,
+            **self.get_singularity_target_kwds()
+        )
+        return run_command
+    docker=DockerContainer,
+    singularity=SingularityContainer,
+class NullContainer:
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def __bool__(self):
+        return False
+    __nonzero__ = __bool__
+NULL_CONTAINER = NullContainer()