diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/galaxy/tool_util/deps/container_resolvers/mulled.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/galaxy/tool_util/deps/container_resolvers/mulled.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+"""This module describes the :class:`MulledContainerResolver` ContainerResolver plugin."""
+import logging
+import os
+import subprocess
+from typing import NamedTuple, Optional
+from galaxy.util import (
+    safe_makedirs,
+    string_as_bool,
+    unicodify,
+    which,
+from galaxy.util.commands import shell
+from ..container_classes import CONTAINER_CLASSES
+from ..container_resolvers import (
+    ContainerResolver,
+from ..docker_util import build_docker_images_command
+from ..mulled.mulled_build import (
+    ensure_installed,
+    InvolucroContext,
+    mull_targets,
+from ..mulled.mulled_build_tool import requirements_to_mulled_targets
+from ..mulled.util import (
+    mulled_tags_for,
+    split_tag,
+    v1_image_name,
+    v2_image_name,
+    version_sorted,
+from ..requirements import (
+    ContainerDescription,
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class CachedMulledImageSingleTarget(NamedTuple):
+    package_name: str
+    version: str
+    build: str
+    image_identifier: str
+    multi_target: bool = False
+class CachedV1MulledImageMultiTarget(NamedTuple):
+    hash: str
+    build: str
+    image_identifier: str
+    multi_target: str = "v1"
+class CachedV2MulledImageMultiTarget(NamedTuple):
+    image_name: str
+    version_hash: str
+    build: str
+    image_identifier: str
+    multi_target: str = "v2"
+    @property
+    def package_hash(target):
+        # Make this work for Singularity file name or fully qualified Docker repository
+        # image names.
+        image_name = target.image_name
+        if "/" not in image_name:
+            return image_name
+        else:
+            return image_name.rsplit("/")[-1]
+def list_docker_cached_mulled_images(namespace=None, hash_func="v2", resolution_cache=None):
+    cache_key = "galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.mulled:cached_images"
+    if resolution_cache is not None and cache_key in resolution_cache:
+        images_and_versions = resolution_cache.get(cache_key)
+    else:
+        command = build_docker_images_command(truncate=True, sudo=False, to_str=False)
+        try:
+            images_and_versions = unicodify(subprocess.check_output(command)).strip().splitlines()
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+            log.info("Call to `docker images` failed, configured container resolution may be broken")
+            return []
+        images_and_versions = [":".join(l.split()[0:2]) for l in images_and_versions[1:]]
+        if resolution_cache is not None:
+            resolution_cache[cache_key] = images_and_versions
+    def output_line_to_image(line):
+        image = identifier_to_cached_target(line, hash_func, namespace=namespace)
+        return image
+    name_filter = get_filter(namespace)
+    sorted_images = version_sorted([_ for _ in filter(name_filter, images_and_versions)])
+    raw_images = (output_line_to_image(_) for _ in sorted_images)
+    return [i for i in raw_images if i is not None]
+def identifier_to_cached_target(identifier, hash_func, namespace=None):
+    if ":" in identifier:
+        image_name, version = identifier.rsplit(":", 1)
+    else:
+        image_name = identifier
+        version = None
+    if not version or version == "latest":
+        version = None
+    image = None
+    prefix = ""
+    if namespace is not None:
+        prefix = "quay.io/%s/" % namespace
+    if image_name.startswith(prefix + "mulled-v1-"):
+        if hash_func == "v2":
+            return None
+        hash = image_name
+        build = None
+        if version and version.isdigit():
+            build = version
+        image = CachedV1MulledImageMultiTarget(hash, build, identifier)
+    elif image_name.startswith(prefix + "mulled-v2-"):
+        if hash_func == "v1":
+            return None
+        version_hash = None
+        build = None
+        if version and "-" in version:
+            version_hash, build = version.rsplit("-", 1)
+        elif version.isdigit():
+            version_hash, build = None, version
+        elif version:
+            log.debug("Unparsable mulled image tag encountered [%s]" % version)
+        image = CachedV2MulledImageMultiTarget(image_name, version_hash, build, identifier)
+    else:
+        build = None
+        if version and "--" in version:
+            version, build = split_tag(version)
+        if prefix and image_name.startswith(prefix):
+            image_name = image_name[len(prefix):]
+        image = CachedMulledImageSingleTarget(image_name, version, build, identifier)
+    return image
+def list_cached_mulled_images_from_path(directory, hash_func="v2"):
+    contents = os.listdir(directory)
+    sorted_images = version_sorted(contents)
+    raw_images = map(lambda name: identifier_to_cached_target(name, hash_func), sorted_images)
+    return [i for i in raw_images if i is not None]
+def get_filter(namespace):
+    prefix = "quay.io/" if namespace is None else "quay.io/%s" % namespace
+    return lambda name: name.startswith(prefix) and name.count("/") == 2
+def find_best_matching_cached_image(targets, cached_images, hash_func):
+    if len(targets) == 0:
+        return None
+    image = None
+    if len(targets) == 1:
+        target = targets[0]
+        for cached_image in cached_images:
+            if cached_image.multi_target:
+                continue
+            if not cached_image.package_name == target.package_name:
+                continue
+            if not target.version or target.version == cached_image.version:
+                image = cached_image
+                break
+    elif hash_func == "v2":
+        name = v2_image_name(targets)
+        if ":" in name:
+            package_hash, version_hash = name.split(":", 2)
+        else:
+            package_hash, version_hash = name, None
+        for cached_image in cached_images:
+            if cached_image.multi_target != "v2":
+                continue
+            if version_hash is None:
+                # Just match on package hash...
+                if package_hash == cached_image.package_hash:
+                    image = cached_image
+                    break
+            else:
+                # Match on package and version hash...
+                if package_hash == cached_image.package_hash and version_hash == cached_image.version_hash:
+                    image = cached_image
+                    break
+    elif hash_func == "v1":
+        name = v1_image_name(targets)
+        for cached_image in cached_images:
+            if cached_image.multi_target != "v1":
+                continue
+            if name == cached_image.hash:
+                image = cached_image
+                break
+    return image
+def docker_cached_container_description(targets, namespace, hash_func="v2", shell=DEFAULT_CONTAINER_SHELL, resolution_cache=None):
+    if len(targets) == 0:
+        return None
+    cached_images = list_docker_cached_mulled_images(namespace, hash_func=hash_func, resolution_cache=resolution_cache)
+    image = find_best_matching_cached_image(targets, cached_images, hash_func)
+    container = None
+    if image:
+        container = ContainerDescription(
+            image.image_identifier,
+            type="docker",
+            shell=shell,
+        )
+    return container
+def singularity_cached_container_description(targets, cache_directory, hash_func="v2", shell=DEFAULT_CONTAINER_SHELL):
+    if len(targets) == 0:
+        return None
+    if not os.path.exists(cache_directory):
+        return None
+    cached_images = list_cached_mulled_images_from_path(cache_directory, hash_func=hash_func)
+    image = find_best_matching_cached_image(targets, cached_images, hash_func)
+    container = None
+    if image:
+        container = ContainerDescription(
+            os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cache_directory, image.image_identifier)),
+            type="singularity",
+            shell=shell,
+        )
+    return container
+def targets_to_mulled_name(targets, hash_func, namespace, resolution_cache=None, session=None):
+    unresolved_cache_key = "galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.mulled:unresolved"
+    if resolution_cache is not None:
+        if unresolved_cache_key not in resolution_cache:
+            resolution_cache[unresolved_cache_key] = set()
+        unresolved_cache = resolution_cache.get(unresolved_cache_key)
+    else:
+        unresolved_cache = set()
+    mulled_resolution_cache = None
+    if resolution_cache and hasattr(resolution_cache, 'mulled_resolution_cache'):
+        mulled_resolution_cache = resolution_cache.mulled_resolution_cache
+    name = None
+    def cached_name(cache_key):
+        if mulled_resolution_cache:
+            if cache_key in mulled_resolution_cache:
+                return resolution_cache.get(cache_key)
+        return None
+    if len(targets) == 1:
+        target = targets[0]
+        target_version = target.version
+        cache_key = f"ns[{namespace}]__single__{target.package_name}__@__{target_version}"
+        if cache_key in unresolved_cache:
+            return None
+        name = cached_name(cache_key)
+        if name:
+            return name
+        tags = mulled_tags_for(namespace, target.package_name, resolution_cache=resolution_cache, session=session)
+        if tags:
+            for tag in tags:
+                if '--' in tag:
+                    version, _ = split_tag(tag)
+                else:
+                    version = tag
+                if target_version and version == target_version:
+                    name = f"{target.package_name}:{tag}"
+                    break
+    else:
+        def first_tag_if_available(image_name):
+            if ":" in image_name:
+                repo_name, tag_prefix = image_name.split(":", 2)
+            else:
+                repo_name = image_name
+                tag_prefix = None
+            tags = mulled_tags_for(namespace, repo_name, tag_prefix=tag_prefix, resolution_cache=resolution_cache, session=session)
+            return tags[0] if tags else None
+        if hash_func == "v2":
+            base_image_name = v2_image_name(targets)
+        elif hash_func == "v1":
+            base_image_name = v1_image_name(targets)
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Unimplemented mulled hash_func [%s]" % hash_func)
+        cache_key = f"ns[{namespace}]__{hash_func}__{base_image_name}"
+        if cache_key in unresolved_cache:
+            return None
+        name = cached_name(cache_key)
+        if name:
+            return name
+        tag = first_tag_if_available(base_image_name)
+        if tag:
+            if ":" in base_image_name:
+                assert hash_func != "v1"
+                # base_image_name of form <package_hash>:<version_hash>, expand tag
+                # to include build number in tag.
+                name = "{}:{}".format(base_image_name.split(":")[0], tag)
+            else:
+                # base_image_name of form <package_hash>, simply add build number
+                # as tag to fully qualify image.
+                name = f"{base_image_name}:{tag}"
+    if name and mulled_resolution_cache:
+        mulled_resolution_cache.put(cache_key, name)
+    if name is None:
+        unresolved_cache.add(name)
+    return name
+class CliContainerResolver(ContainerResolver):
+    container_type = 'docker'
+    cli = 'docker'
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self._cli_available = bool(which(self.cli))
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    @property
+    def cli_available(self):
+        return self._cli_available
+    @cli_available.setter
+    def cli_available(self, value):
+        if not value:
+            log.info('{} CLI not available, cannot list or pull images in Galaxy process. Does not impact kubernetes.'.format(self.cli))
+        self._cli_available = value
+class SingularityCliContainerResolver(CliContainerResolver):
+    container_type = 'singularity'
+    cli = 'singularity'
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.cache_directory = kwargs.get("cache_directory", os.path.join(kwargs['app_info'].container_image_cache_path, "singularity", "mulled"))
+        safe_makedirs(self.cache_directory)
+class CachedMulledDockerContainerResolver(CliContainerResolver):
+    resolver_type = "cached_mulled"
+    shell = '/bin/bash'
+    def __init__(self, app_info=None, namespace="biocontainers", hash_func="v2", **kwds):
+        super().__init__(app_info=app_info, **kwds)
+        self.namespace = namespace
+        self.hash_func = hash_func
+    def resolve(self, enabled_container_types, tool_info, **kwds):
+        if not self.cli_available or tool_info.requires_galaxy_python_environment or self.container_type not in enabled_container_types:
+            return None
+        targets = mulled_targets(tool_info)
+        resolution_cache = kwds.get("resolution_cache")
+        return docker_cached_container_description(targets, self.namespace, hash_func=self.hash_func, shell=self.shell, resolution_cache=resolution_cache)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "CachedMulledDockerContainerResolver[namespace=%s]" % self.namespace
+class CachedMulledSingularityContainerResolver(SingularityCliContainerResolver):
+    resolver_type = "cached_mulled_singularity"
+    shell = '/bin/bash'
+    def __init__(self, app_info=None, hash_func="v2", **kwds):
+        super().__init__(app_info=app_info, **kwds)
+        self.hash_func = hash_func
+    def resolve(self, enabled_container_types, tool_info, **kwds):
+        if tool_info.requires_galaxy_python_environment or self.container_type not in enabled_container_types:
+            return None
+        targets = mulled_targets(tool_info)
+        return singularity_cached_container_description(targets, self.cache_directory, hash_func=self.hash_func, shell=self.shell)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "CachedMulledSingularityContainerResolver[cache_directory=%s]" % self.cache_directory
+class MulledDockerContainerResolver(CliContainerResolver):
+    """Look for mulled images matching tool dependencies."""
+    resolver_type = "mulled"
+    shell = '/bin/bash'
+    protocol: Optional[str] = None
+    def __init__(self, app_info=None, namespace="biocontainers", hash_func="v2", auto_install=True, **kwds):
+        super().__init__(app_info=app_info, **kwds)
+        self.namespace = namespace
+        self.hash_func = hash_func
+        self.auto_install = string_as_bool(auto_install)
+    def cached_container_description(self, targets, namespace, hash_func, resolution_cache):
+        try:
+            return docker_cached_container_description(targets, namespace, hash_func, resolution_cache)
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+            # We should only get here if a docker binary is available, but command quits with a non-zero exit code,
+            # e.g if the docker daemon is not available
+            log.exception('An error occured while listing cached docker image. Docker daemon may need to be restarted.')
+            return None
+    def pull(self, container):
+        if self.cli_available:
+            command = container.build_pull_command()
+            shell(command)
+    @property
+    def can_list_containers(self):
+        return self.cli_available
+    def resolve(self, enabled_container_types, tool_info, install=False, session=None, **kwds):
+        resolution_cache = kwds.get("resolution_cache")
+        if tool_info.requires_galaxy_python_environment or self.container_type not in enabled_container_types:
+            return None
+        targets = mulled_targets(tool_info)
+        if len(targets) == 0:
+            return None
+        name = targets_to_mulled_name(targets=targets, hash_func=self.hash_func, namespace=self.namespace, resolution_cache=resolution_cache, session=session)
+        if name:
+            container_id = f"quay.io/{self.namespace}/{name}"
+            if self.protocol:
+                container_id = f"{self.protocol}{container_id}"
+            container_description = ContainerDescription(
+                container_id,
+                type=self.container_type,
+                shell=self.shell,
+            )
+            if self.can_list_containers:
+                if install and not self.cached_container_description(
+                        targets,
+                        namespace=self.namespace,
+                        hash_func=self.hash_func,
+                        resolution_cache=resolution_cache,
+                ):
+                    destination_info = {}
+                    destination_for_container_type = kwds.get('destination_for_container_type')
+                    if destination_for_container_type:
+                        destination_info = destination_for_container_type(self.container_type)
+                    container = CONTAINER_CLASSES[self.container_type](container_description.identifier,
+                                                                       self.app_info,
+                                                                       tool_info,
+                                                                       destination_info,
+                                                                       {},
+                                                                       container_description)
+                    self.pull(container)
+                if not self.auto_install:
+                    container_description = self.cached_container_description(
+                        targets,
+                        namespace=self.namespace,
+                        hash_func=self.hash_func,
+                        resolution_cache=resolution_cache,
+                    ) or container_description
+            return container_description
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "MulledDockerContainerResolver[namespace=%s]" % self.namespace
+class MulledSingularityContainerResolver(SingularityCliContainerResolver, MulledDockerContainerResolver):
+    resolver_type = "mulled_singularity"
+    protocol = 'docker://'
+    def __init__(self, app_info=None, namespace="biocontainers", hash_func="v2", auto_install=True, **kwds):
+        super().__init__(app_info=app_info, **kwds)
+        self.namespace = namespace
+        self.hash_func = hash_func
+        self.auto_install = string_as_bool(auto_install)
+    def cached_container_description(self, targets, namespace, hash_func, resolution_cache):
+        return singularity_cached_container_description(targets,
+                                                        cache_directory=self.cache_directory,
+                                                        hash_func=hash_func)
+    @property
+    def can_list_containers(self):
+        # Only needs access to path, doesn't require CLI
+        return True
+    def pull(self, container):
+        if self.cli_available:
+            cmds = container.build_mulled_singularity_pull_command(cache_directory=self.cache_directory, namespace=self.namespace)
+            shell(cmds=cmds)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "MulledSingularityContainerResolver[namespace=%s]" % self.namespace
+class BuildMulledDockerContainerResolver(CliContainerResolver):
+    """Build for Docker mulled images matching tool dependencies."""
+    resolver_type = "build_mulled"
+    shell = '/bin/bash'
+    builds_on_resolution = True
+    def __init__(self, app_info=None, namespace="local", hash_func="v2", auto_install=True, **kwds):
+        super().__init__(app_info=app_info, **kwds)
+        self._involucro_context_kwds = {
+            'involucro_bin': self._get_config_option("involucro_path", None)
+        }
+        self.namespace = namespace
+        self.hash_func = hash_func
+        self.auto_install = string_as_bool(auto_install)
+        self._mulled_kwds = {
+            'namespace': namespace,
+            'channels': self._get_config_option("mulled_channels", DEFAULT_CHANNELS),
+            'hash_func': self.hash_func,
+            'command': 'build-and-test',
+        }
+        self.auto_init = self._get_config_option("involucro_auto_init", True)
+    def resolve(self, enabled_container_types, tool_info, install=False, **kwds):
+        if tool_info.requires_galaxy_python_environment or self.container_type not in enabled_container_types:
+            return None
+        targets = mulled_targets(tool_info)
+        if len(targets) == 0:
+            return None
+        if self.auto_install or install:
+            mull_targets(
+                targets,
+                involucro_context=self._get_involucro_context(),
+                **self._mulled_kwds
+            )
+        return docker_cached_container_description(targets, self.namespace, hash_func=self.hash_func, shell=self.shell)
+    def _get_involucro_context(self):
+        involucro_context = InvolucroContext(**self._involucro_context_kwds)
+        self.enabled = ensure_installed(involucro_context, self.auto_init)
+        return involucro_context
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "BuildDockerContainerResolver[namespace=%s]" % self.namespace
+class BuildMulledSingularityContainerResolver(SingularityCliContainerResolver):
+    """Build for Singularity mulled images matching tool dependencies."""
+    resolver_type = "build_mulled_singularity"
+    shell = '/bin/bash'
+    builds_on_resolution = True
+    def __init__(self, app_info=None, hash_func="v2", auto_install=True, **kwds):
+        super().__init__(app_info=app_info, **kwds)
+        self._involucro_context_kwds = {
+            'involucro_bin': self._get_config_option("involucro_path", None)
+        }
+        self.hash_func = hash_func
+        self.auto_install = string_as_bool(auto_install)
+        self._mulled_kwds = {
+            'channels': self._get_config_option("mulled_channels", DEFAULT_CHANNELS),
+            'hash_func': self.hash_func,
+            'command': 'build-and-test',
+            'singularity': True,
+            'singularity_image_dir': self.cache_directory,
+        }
+        self.auto_init = self._get_config_option("involucro_auto_init", True)
+    def resolve(self, enabled_container_types, tool_info, install=False, **kwds):
+        if tool_info.requires_galaxy_python_environment or self.container_type not in enabled_container_types:
+            return None
+        targets = mulled_targets(tool_info)
+        if len(targets) == 0:
+            return None
+        if self.auto_install or install:
+            mull_targets(
+                targets,
+                involucro_context=self._get_involucro_context(),
+                **self._mulled_kwds
+            )
+        return singularity_cached_container_description(targets, self.cache_directory, hash_func=self.hash_func, shell=self.shell)
+    def _get_involucro_context(self):
+        involucro_context = InvolucroContext(**self._involucro_context_kwds)
+        self.enabled = ensure_installed(involucro_context, self.auto_init)
+        return involucro_context
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "BuildSingularityContainerResolver[cache_directory=%s]" % self.cache_directory
+def mulled_targets(tool_info):
+    return requirements_to_mulled_targets(tool_info.requirements)
+__all__ = (
+    "CachedMulledDockerContainerResolver",
+    "CachedMulledSingularityContainerResolver",
+    "MulledDockerContainerResolver",
+    "MulledSingularityContainerResolver",
+    "BuildMulledDockerContainerResolver",
+    "BuildMulledSingularityContainerResolver",