diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/galaxy/tool_util/parser/output_objects.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/galaxy/tool_util/parser/output_objects.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+from galaxy.util.dictifiable import Dictifiable
+from .output_actions import ToolOutputActionGroup
+from .output_collection_def import dataset_collector_descriptions_from_output_dict
+class ToolOutputBase(Dictifiable):
+    def __init__(self, name, label=None, filters=None, hidden=False, from_expression=None):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.name = name
+        self.label = label
+        self.filters = filters or []
+        self.hidden = hidden
+        self.collection = False
+        self.from_expression = from_expression
+    def to_dict(self, view='collection', value_mapper=None, app=None):
+        return super().to_dict(view=view, value_mapper=value_mapper)
+class ToolOutput(ToolOutputBase):
+    """
+    Represents an output datasets produced by a tool. For backward
+    compatibility this behaves as if it were the tuple::
+    (format, metadata_source, parent)
+    """
+    dict_collection_visible_keys = ['name', 'format', 'label', 'hidden', 'output_type', 'format_source',
+                                    'default_identifier_source', 'metadata_source', 'parent', 'count', 'from_work_dir']
+    def __init__(self, name, format=None, format_source=None, metadata_source=None,
+                 parent=None, label=None, filters=None, actions=None, hidden=False,
+                 implicit=False, from_expression=None):
+        super().__init__(name, label=label, filters=filters, hidden=hidden, from_expression=from_expression)
+        self.output_type = "data"
+        self.format = format
+        self.format_source = format_source
+        self.metadata_source = metadata_source
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.actions = actions
+        # Initialize default values
+        self.change_format = []
+        self.implicit = implicit
+        self.from_work_dir = None
+    # Tuple emulation
+    def __len__(self):
+        return 3
+    def __getitem__(self, index):
+        if index == 0:
+            return self.format
+        elif index == 1:
+            return self.metadata_source
+        elif index == 2:
+            return self.parent
+        else:
+            raise IndexError(index)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter((self.format, self.metadata_source, self.parent))
+    def to_dict(self, view='collection', value_mapper=None, app=None):
+        as_dict = super().to_dict(view=view, value_mapper=value_mapper, app=app)
+        format = self.format
+        if format and format != "input" and app:
+            edam_format = app.datatypes_registry.edam_formats.get(self.format)
+            as_dict["edam_format"] = edam_format
+            edam_data = app.datatypes_registry.edam_data.get(self.format)
+            as_dict["edam_data"] = edam_data
+        as_dict['discover_datasets'] = list(map(lambda d: d.to_dict(), self.dataset_collector_descriptions))
+        return as_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_dict(name, output_dict, tool=None):
+        output = ToolOutput(name)
+        output.format = output_dict.get("format", "data")
+        output.change_format = []
+        output.format_source = output_dict.get("format_source", None)
+        output.default_identifier_source = output_dict.get("default_identifier_source", None)
+        output.metadata_source = output_dict.get("metadata_source", "")
+        output.parent = output_dict.get("parent", None)
+        output.label = output_dict.get("label", None)
+        output.count = output_dict.get("count", 1)
+        output.filters = []
+        output.tool = tool
+        output.from_work_dir = output_dict.get("from_work_dir", None)
+        output.hidden = output_dict.get("hidden", "")
+        # TODO: implement tool output action group fixes
+        output.actions = ToolOutputActionGroup(output, None)
+        output.dataset_collector_descriptions = dataset_collector_descriptions_from_output_dict(output_dict)
+        return output
+class ToolExpressionOutput(ToolOutputBase):
+    dict_collection_visible_keys = ('name', 'format', 'label', 'hidden', 'output_type')
+    def __init__(self, name, output_type, from_expression,
+                 label=None, filters=None, actions=None, hidden=False):
+        super().__init__(name, label=label, filters=filters, hidden=hidden)
+        self.output_type = output_type  # JSON type...
+        self.from_expression = from_expression
+        self.format = "expression.json"  # galaxy.datatypes.text.ExpressionJson.file_ext
+        self.format_source = None
+        self.metadata_source = None
+        self.parent = None
+        self.actions = actions
+        # Initialize default values
+        self.change_format = []
+        self.implicit = False
+        self.from_work_dir = None
+class ToolOutputCollection(ToolOutputBase):
+    """
+    Represents a HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation of output datasets produced
+    by a tool.
+    .. code-block::
+        <outputs>
+        <collection type="list" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} fasta">
+            <discover_datasets pattern="__name__" ext="fasta" visible="True" directory="outputFiles" />
+        </collection>
+        <collection type="paired" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} paired reads">
+            <data name="forward" format="fastqsanger" />
+            <data name="reverse" format="fastqsanger"/>
+        </collection>
+        <outputs>
+    """
+    dict_collection_visible_keys = ['name', 'format', 'label', 'hidden', 'output_type', 'default_format',
+                                    'default_format_source', 'default_metadata_source', 'inherit_format', 'inherit_metadata']
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name,
+        structure,
+        label=None,
+        filters=None,
+        hidden=False,
+        default_format="data",
+        default_format_source=None,
+        default_metadata_source=None,
+        inherit_format=False,
+        inherit_metadata=False
+    ):
+        super().__init__(name, label=label, filters=filters, hidden=hidden)
+        self.output_type = "collection"
+        self.collection = True
+        self.default_format = default_format
+        self.structure = structure
+        self.outputs = {}
+        self.inherit_format = inherit_format
+        self.inherit_metadata = inherit_metadata
+        self.metadata_source = default_metadata_source
+        self.format_source = default_format_source
+        self.change_format = []  # TODO
+    def known_outputs(self, inputs, type_registry):
+        if self.dynamic_structure:
+            return []
+        # This line is probably not right - should verify structured_like
+        # or have outputs and all outputs have name.
+        if len(self.outputs) > 1:
+            output_parts = [ToolOutputCollectionPart(self, k, v) for k, v in self.outputs.items()]
+        else:
+            collection_prototype = self.structure.collection_prototype(inputs, type_registry)
+            def prototype_dataset_element_to_output(element, parent_ids=None):
+                parent_ids = parent_ids or []
+                name = element.element_identifier
+                format = self.default_format
+                if self.inherit_format:
+                    format = element.dataset_instance.ext
+                output = ToolOutput(
+                    name,
+                    format=format,
+                    format_source=self.format_source,
+                    metadata_source=self.metadata_source,
+                    implicit=True,
+                )
+                if self.inherit_metadata:
+                    output.metadata_source = element.dataset_instance
+                return ToolOutputCollectionPart(
+                    self,
+                    element.element_identifier,
+                    output,
+                    parent_ids=parent_ids,
+                )
+            def prototype_collection_to_output(collection_prototype, parent_ids=None):
+                parent_ids = parent_ids or []
+                output_parts = []
+                for element in collection_prototype.elements:
+                    element_parts = []
+                    if not element.is_collection:
+                        element_parts.append(prototype_dataset_element_to_output(element, parent_ids))
+                    else:
+                        new_parent_ids = parent_ids[:] + [element.element_identifier]
+                        element_parts.extend(prototype_collection_to_output(element.element_object, new_parent_ids))
+                    output_parts.extend(element_parts)
+                return output_parts
+            output_parts = prototype_collection_to_output(collection_prototype)
+        return output_parts
+    @property
+    def dynamic_structure(self):
+        return self.structure.dynamic
+    @property
+    def dataset_collector_descriptions(self):
+        if not self.dynamic_structure:
+            raise Exception("dataset_collector_descriptions called for output collection with static structure")
+        return self.structure.dataset_collector_descriptions
+    def to_dict(self, view='collection', value_mapper=None, app=None):
+        as_dict = super().to_dict(view=view, value_mapper=value_mapper, app=app)
+        as_dict['structure'] = self.structure.to_dict()
+        return as_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_dict(name, output_dict, tool=None):
+        structure = ToolOutputCollectionStructure.from_dict(output_dict["structure"])
+        rval = ToolOutputCollection(
+            name,
+            structure=structure,
+            label=output_dict.get("label", None),
+            filters=None,
+            hidden=output_dict.get("hidden", False),
+            default_format=output_dict.get("default_format", "data"),
+            default_format_source=output_dict.get("default_format_source", None),
+            default_metadata_source=output_dict.get("default_metadata_source", None),
+            inherit_format=output_dict.get("inherit_format", False),
+            inherit_metadata=output_dict.get("inherit_metadata", False),
+        )
+        return rval
+class ToolOutputCollectionStructure:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        collection_type,
+        collection_type_source=None,
+        collection_type_from_rules=None,
+        structured_like=None,
+        dataset_collector_descriptions=None,
+    ):
+        self.collection_type = collection_type
+        self.collection_type_source = collection_type_source
+        self.collection_type_from_rules = collection_type_from_rules
+        self.structured_like = structured_like
+        self.dataset_collector_descriptions = dataset_collector_descriptions or []
+        if collection_type and collection_type_source:
+            raise ValueError("Cannot set both type and type_source on collection output.")
+        if collection_type is None and structured_like is None and dataset_collector_descriptions is None and collection_type_source is None and collection_type_from_rules is None:
+            raise ValueError("Output collection types must specify source of collection type information (e.g. structured_like or type_source).")
+        if dataset_collector_descriptions and (structured_like or collection_type_from_rules):
+            raise ValueError("Cannot specify dynamic structure (discovered_datasets) and collection type attributes structured_like or collection_type_from_rules.")
+        self.dynamic = bool(dataset_collector_descriptions)
+    def collection_prototype(self, inputs, type_registry):
+        # either must have specified structured_like or something worse
+        if self.structured_like:
+            collection_prototype = inputs[self.structured_like].collection
+        else:
+            collection_type = self.collection_type
+            assert collection_type
+            collection_prototype = type_registry.prototype(collection_type)
+            collection_prototype.collection_type = collection_type
+        return collection_prototype
+    def to_dict(self):
+        return {
+            'collection_type': self.collection_type,
+            'collection_type_source': self.collection_type_source,
+            'collection_type_from_rules': self.collection_type_from_rules,
+            'structured_like': self.structured_like,
+            'discover_datasets': [d.to_dict() for d in self.dataset_collector_descriptions],
+        }
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_dict(as_dict):
+        structure = ToolOutputCollectionStructure(
+            collection_type=as_dict['collection_type'],
+            collection_type_source=as_dict['collection_type_source'],
+            collection_type_from_rules=as_dict['collection_type_from_rules'],
+            structured_like=as_dict['structured_like'],
+            dataset_collector_descriptions=dataset_collector_descriptions_from_output_dict(as_dict),
+        )
+        return structure
+class ToolOutputCollectionPart:
+    def __init__(self, output_collection_def, element_identifier, output_def, parent_ids=None):
+        parent_ids = parent_ids or []
+        self.output_collection_def = output_collection_def
+        self.element_identifier = element_identifier
+        self.output_def = output_def
+        self.parent_ids = parent_ids
+    @property
+    def effective_output_name(self):
+        name = self.output_collection_def.name
+        part_name = self.element_identifier
+        effective_output_name = f"{name}|__part__|{part_name}"
+        return effective_output_name
+    @staticmethod
+    def is_named_collection_part_name(name):
+        return "|__part__|" in name
+    @staticmethod
+    def split_output_name(name):
+        assert ToolOutputCollectionPart.is_named_collection_part_name(name)
+        return name.split("|__part__|")