diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/isomorphism/temporalisomorphvf2.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
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line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/isomorphism/temporalisomorphvf2.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+Time-respecting VF2 Algorithm
+An extension of the VF2 algorithm for time-respecting graph ismorphism
+testing in temporal graphs.
+A temporal graph is one in which edges contain a datetime attribute,
+denoting when interaction occurred between the incident nodes. A
+time-respecting subgraph of a temporal graph is a subgraph such that
+all interactions incident to a node occurred within a time threshold,
+delta, of each other. A directed time-respecting subgraph has the
+added constraint that incoming interactions to a node must precede
+outgoing interactions from the same node - this enforces a sense of
+directed flow.
+The TimeRespectingGraphMatcher and TimeRespectingDiGraphMatcher
+extend the GraphMatcher and DiGraphMatcher classes, respectively,
+to include temporal constraints on matches. This is achieved through
+a semantic check, via the semantic_feasibility() function.
+As well as including G1 (the graph in which to seek embeddings) and
+G2 (the subgraph structure of interest), the name of the temporal
+attribute on the edges and the time threshold, delta, must be supplied
+as arguments to the matching constructors.
+A delta of zero is the strictest temporal constraint on the match -
+only embeddings in which all interactions occur at the same time will
+be returned. A delta of one day will allow embeddings in which
+adjacent interactions occur up to a day apart.
+Examples will be provided when the datetime type has been incorporated.
+Temporal Subgraph Isomorphism
+A brief discussion of the somewhat diverse current literature will be
+included here.
+[1] Redmond, U. and Cunningham, P. Temporal subgraph isomorphism. In:
+The 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social
+Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM). Niagara Falls, Canada; 2013:
+pages 1451 - 1452. [65]
+For a discussion of the literature on temporal networks:
+[3] P. Holme and J. Saramaki. Temporal networks. Physics Reports,
+519(3):97–125, 2012.
+Handles directed and undirected graphs and graphs with parallel edges.
+import networkx as nx
+from .isomorphvf2 import GraphMatcher, DiGraphMatcher
+__all__ = ["TimeRespectingGraphMatcher", "TimeRespectingDiGraphMatcher"]
+class TimeRespectingGraphMatcher(GraphMatcher):
+    def __init__(self, G1, G2, temporal_attribute_name, delta):
+        """Initialize TimeRespectingGraphMatcher.
+        G1 and G2 should be nx.Graph or nx.MultiGraph instances.
+        Examples
+        --------
+        To create a TimeRespectingGraphMatcher which checks for
+        syntactic and semantic feasibility:
+        >>> from networkx.algorithms import isomorphism
+        >>> from datetime import timedelta
+        >>> G1 = nx.Graph(nx.path_graph(4, create_using=nx.Graph()))
+        >>> G2 = nx.Graph(nx.path_graph(4, create_using=nx.Graph()))
+        >>> GM = isomorphism.TimeRespectingGraphMatcher(
+        ...     G1, G2, "date", timedelta(days=1)
+        ... )
+        """
+        self.temporal_attribute_name = temporal_attribute_name
+        self.delta = delta
+        super().__init__(G1, G2)
+    def one_hop(self, Gx, Gx_node, neighbors):
+        """
+        Edges one hop out from a node in the mapping should be
+        time-respecting with respect to each other.
+        """
+        dates = []
+        for n in neighbors:
+            if isinstance(Gx, nx.Graph):  # Graph G[u][v] returns the data dictionary.
+                dates.append(Gx[Gx_node][n][self.temporal_attribute_name])
+            else:  # MultiGraph G[u][v] returns a dictionary of key -> data dictionary.
+                for edge in Gx[Gx_node][
+                    n
+                ].values():  # Iterates all edges between node pair.
+                    dates.append(edge[self.temporal_attribute_name])
+        if any(x is None for x in dates):
+            raise ValueError("Datetime not supplied for at least one edge.")
+        return not dates or max(dates) - min(dates) <= self.delta
+    def two_hop(self, Gx, core_x, Gx_node, neighbors):
+        """
+        Paths of length 2 from Gx_node should be time-respecting.
+        """
+        return all(
+            self.one_hop(Gx, v, [n for n in Gx[v] if n in core_x] + [Gx_node])
+            for v in neighbors
+        )
+    def semantic_feasibility(self, G1_node, G2_node):
+        """Returns True if adding (G1_node, G2_node) is semantically
+        feasible.
+        Any subclass which redefines semantic_feasibility() must
+        maintain the self.tests if needed, to keep the match() method
+        functional. Implementations should consider multigraphs.
+        """
+        neighbors = [n for n in self.G1[G1_node] if n in self.core_1]
+        if not self.one_hop(self.G1, G1_node, neighbors):  # Fail fast on first node.
+            return False
+        if not self.two_hop(self.G1, self.core_1, G1_node, neighbors):
+            return False
+        # Otherwise, this node is semantically feasible!
+        return True
+class TimeRespectingDiGraphMatcher(DiGraphMatcher):
+    def __init__(self, G1, G2, temporal_attribute_name, delta):
+        """Initialize TimeRespectingDiGraphMatcher.
+        G1 and G2 should be nx.DiGraph or nx.MultiDiGraph instances.
+        Examples
+        --------
+        To create a TimeRespectingDiGraphMatcher which checks for
+        syntactic and semantic feasibility:
+        >>> from networkx.algorithms import isomorphism
+        >>> from datetime import timedelta
+        >>> G1 = nx.DiGraph(nx.path_graph(4, create_using=nx.DiGraph()))
+        >>> G2 = nx.DiGraph(nx.path_graph(4, create_using=nx.DiGraph()))
+        >>> GM = isomorphism.TimeRespectingDiGraphMatcher(
+        ...     G1, G2, "date", timedelta(days=1)
+        ... )
+        """
+        self.temporal_attribute_name = temporal_attribute_name
+        self.delta = delta
+        super().__init__(G1, G2)
+    def get_pred_dates(self, Gx, Gx_node, core_x, pred):
+        """
+        Get the dates of edges from predecessors.
+        """
+        pred_dates = []
+        if isinstance(Gx, nx.DiGraph):  # Graph G[u][v] returns the data dictionary.
+            for n in pred:
+                pred_dates.append(Gx[n][Gx_node][self.temporal_attribute_name])
+        else:  # MultiGraph G[u][v] returns a dictionary of key -> data dictionary.
+            for n in pred:
+                for edge in Gx[n][
+                    Gx_node
+                ].values():  # Iterates all edge data between node pair.
+                    pred_dates.append(edge[self.temporal_attribute_name])
+        return pred_dates
+    def get_succ_dates(self, Gx, Gx_node, core_x, succ):
+        """
+        Get the dates of edges to successors.
+        """
+        succ_dates = []
+        if isinstance(Gx, nx.DiGraph):  # Graph G[u][v] returns the data dictionary.
+            for n in succ:
+                succ_dates.append(Gx[Gx_node][n][self.temporal_attribute_name])
+        else:  # MultiGraph G[u][v] returns a dictionary of key -> data dictionary.
+            for n in succ:
+                for edge in Gx[Gx_node][
+                    n
+                ].values():  # Iterates all edge data between node pair.
+                    succ_dates.append(edge[self.temporal_attribute_name])
+        return succ_dates
+    def one_hop(self, Gx, Gx_node, core_x, pred, succ):
+        """
+        The ego node.
+        """
+        pred_dates = self.get_pred_dates(Gx, Gx_node, core_x, pred)
+        succ_dates = self.get_succ_dates(Gx, Gx_node, core_x, succ)
+        return self.test_one(pred_dates, succ_dates) and self.test_two(
+            pred_dates, succ_dates
+        )
+    def two_hop_pred(self, Gx, Gx_node, core_x, pred):
+        """
+        The predeccessors of the ego node.
+        """
+        return all(
+            self.one_hop(
+                Gx,
+                p,
+                core_x,
+                self.preds(Gx, core_x, p),
+                self.succs(Gx, core_x, p, Gx_node),
+            )
+            for p in pred
+        )
+    def two_hop_succ(self, Gx, Gx_node, core_x, succ):
+        """
+        The successors of the ego node.
+        """
+        return all(
+            self.one_hop(
+                Gx,
+                s,
+                core_x,
+                self.preds(Gx, core_x, s, Gx_node),
+                self.succs(Gx, core_x, s),
+            )
+            for s in succ
+        )
+    def preds(self, Gx, core_x, v, Gx_node=None):
+        pred = [n for n in Gx.predecessors(v) if n in core_x]
+        if Gx_node:
+            pred.append(Gx_node)
+        return pred
+    def succs(self, Gx, core_x, v, Gx_node=None):
+        succ = [n for n in Gx.successors(v) if n in core_x]
+        if Gx_node:
+            succ.append(Gx_node)
+        return succ
+    def test_one(self, pred_dates, succ_dates):
+        """
+        Edges one hop out from Gx_node in the mapping should be
+        time-respecting with respect to each other, regardless of
+        direction.
+        """
+        time_respecting = True
+        dates = pred_dates + succ_dates
+        if any(x is None for x in dates):
+            raise ValueError("Date or datetime not supplied for at least one edge.")
+        dates.sort()  # Small to large.
+        if 0 < len(dates) and not (dates[-1] - dates[0] <= self.delta):
+            time_respecting = False
+        return time_respecting
+    def test_two(self, pred_dates, succ_dates):
+        """
+        Edges from a dual Gx_node in the mapping should be ordered in
+        a time-respecting manner.
+        """
+        time_respecting = True
+        pred_dates.sort()
+        succ_dates.sort()
+        # First out before last in; negative of the necessary condition for time-respect.
+        if (
+            0 < len(succ_dates)
+            and 0 < len(pred_dates)
+            and succ_dates[0] < pred_dates[-1]
+        ):
+            time_respecting = False
+        return time_respecting
+    def semantic_feasibility(self, G1_node, G2_node):
+        """Returns True if adding (G1_node, G2_node) is semantically
+        feasible.
+        Any subclass which redefines semantic_feasibility() must
+        maintain the self.tests if needed, to keep the match() method
+        functional. Implementations should consider multigraphs.
+        """
+        pred, succ = (
+            [n for n in self.G1.predecessors(G1_node) if n in self.core_1],
+            [n for n in self.G1.successors(G1_node) if n in self.core_1],
+        )
+        if not self.one_hop(
+            self.G1, G1_node, self.core_1, pred, succ
+        ):  # Fail fast on first node.
+            return False
+        if not self.two_hop_pred(self.G1, G1_node, self.core_1, pred):
+            return False
+        if not self.two_hop_succ(self.G1, G1_node, self.core_1, succ):
+            return False
+        # Otherwise, this node is semantically feasible!
+        return True