view env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cwltool/schemas/v1.2.0-dev4/Workflow.yml @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
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saladVersion: v1.1
$base: ""

  cwl: ""
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- name: "WorkflowDoc"
  type: documentation
    - |
      # Common Workflow Language (CWL) Workflow Description, v1.2.0-dev4

      This version:

      Current version:
    - "\n\n"
    - {$include:}
    - "\n\n"
    - |
      # Abstract

      This specification defines the Common Workflow Language (CWL)
      Workflow description, a vendor-neutral standard for representing
      analysis tasks where a sequence of operations are described
      using a directed graph of operations to transform input to
      output.  CWL is portable across a variety of computing

    - {$include:}

    - |

      ## Introduction to CWL Workflow standard v1.2.0-dev4

      This specification represents the latest stable release from the
      CWL group.  Since the v1.1 release, v1.2.0-dev4 introduces the
      following updates to the CWL Workflow standard.
      Documents should to use `cwlVersion: v1.2.0-dev4` to make use of new
      syntax and features introduced in v1.2.0-dev4.  Existing v1.1 documents
      should be trivially updatable by changing `cwlVersion`, however
      CWL documents that relied on previously undefined or
      underspecified behavior may have slightly different behavior in

      ## Changelog

        * Adds `when` field to [WorkflowStep](#WorkflowStep) for conditional
        * Adds `pickValue` field to [WorkflowStepInput](#WorkflowStepInput) and
          [WorkflowOutputParameter](#WorkflowOutputParameter) for selecting among null and
          non-null source values
        * Add abstract [Operation](#Operation) that can be used as a
          no-op stand-in to describe abstract workflows.
        * [Workflow](#Workflow), [ExpressionTool](#ExpressionTool) and
          [Operation](#Operation) can now express `intent` with an
          identifier for the type of computational operation.
        * Clarify there are no limits on the size of file literal `contents`.
        * When using `loadContents` it now must fail when attempting to
          load a file greater than 64 KiB instead of silently truncating
          the data.
        * Note that only enum and record types can be typedef-ed
        * Escaping in [string interpolation](#String_Interpolation) has
          been added to the specification along with conformance tests.
        * Added discussion of [packed documents](#Packed_documents).
        * Specify behavior when `source` is a single-item list and no
          linkMerge is set.
        * Added discussion about handling different document versions.
        * Added definition of **data link**

      See also the [CWL Command Line Tool Description, v1.2.0-dev4 changelog](CommandLineTool.html#Changelog).
      For other changes since CWL v1.0, see the
      [CWL Workflow Description, v1.1 changelog](

      ## Purpose

      The Common Workflow Language Command Line Tool Description
      express workflows for data-intensive science, such as
      bioinformatics, physics, astronomy, geoscience, and machine
      learning.  This specification is intended to define a data and
      execution model for Workflows that can be implemented on top of
      a variety of computing platforms, ranging from an individual
      workstation to cluster, grid, cloud, and high performance
      computing systems. Details related to execution of these
      workflow not laid out in this specification are open to
      interpretation by the computing platform implementing this

    - {$include:}

- name: ExpressionToolOutputParameter
  type: record
  extends: OutputParameter
    - name: type
        - CWLType
        - OutputRecordSchema
        - OutputEnumSchema
        - OutputArraySchema
        - string
        - type: array
            - CWLType
            - OutputRecordSchema
            - OutputEnumSchema
            - OutputArraySchema
            - string
        "_id": "sld:type"
        "_type": "@vocab"
        refScope: 2
        typeDSL: True
      doc: |
        Specify valid types of data that may be assigned to this parameter.

- name: WorkflowInputParameter
  type: record
  extends: InputParameter
  docParent: "#Workflow"
    - name: type
        - CWLType
        - InputRecordSchema
        - InputEnumSchema
        - InputArraySchema
        - string
        - type: array
            - CWLType
            - InputRecordSchema
            - InputEnumSchema
            - InputArraySchema
            - string
        "_id": "sld:type"
        "_type": "@vocab"
        refScope: 2
        typeDSL: True
      doc: |
        Specify valid types of data that may be assigned to this parameter.
    - name: inputBinding
      type: InputBinding?
      doc: |
        Deprecated.  Preserved for v1.0 backwards compatability.  Will be removed in
        CWL v2.0.  Use `WorkflowInputParameter.loadContents` instead.
      jsonldPredicate: "cwl:inputBinding"

- type: record
  name: ExpressionTool
  extends: Process
    - specializeFrom: InputParameter
      specializeTo: WorkflowInputParameter
    - specializeFrom: OutputParameter
      specializeTo: ExpressionToolOutputParameter
  documentRoot: true
  doc: |
    An ExpressionTool is a type of Process object that can be run by itself
    or as a Workflow step. It executes a pure Javascript expression that has
    access to the same input parameters as a workflow. It is meant to be used
    sparingly as a way to isolate complex Javascript expressions that need to
    operate on input data and produce some result; perhaps just a
    rearrangement of the inputs. No Docker software container is required
    or allowed.
    - name: class
        "_id": "@type"
        "_type": "@vocab"
      type: string
    - name: expression
      type: Expression
      doc: |
        The expression to execute.  The expression must return a plain
        Javascript object which matches the output parameters of the

- name: LinkMergeMethod
  type: enum
  docParent: "#WorkflowStepInput"
  doc: The input link merge method, described in [WorkflowStepInput](#WorkflowStepInput).
    - merge_nested
    - merge_flattened

- name: PickValueMethod
  type: enum
  docParent: "#WorkflowStepInput"
  doc: |
    Picking non-null values among inbound data links, described in [WorkflowStepInput](#WorkflowStepInput).
    - first_non_null
    - the_only_non_null
    - all_non_null

- name: WorkflowOutputParameter
  type: record
  extends: OutputParameter
  docParent: "#Workflow"
  doc: |
    Describe an output parameter of a workflow.  The parameter must be
    connected to one or more parameters defined in the workflow that
    will provide the value of the output parameter. It is legal to
    connect a WorkflowInputParameter to a WorkflowOutputParameter.

    See [WorkflowStepInput](#WorkflowStepInput) for discussion of
    `linkMerge` and `pickValue`.
    - name: outputSource
      doc: |
        Specifies one or more workflow parameters that supply the value of to
        the output parameter.
        "_id": "cwl:outputSource"
        "_type": "@id"
        refScope: 0
        - string?
        - string[]?
    - name: linkMerge
      type: ["null", LinkMergeMethod]
      jsonldPredicate: "cwl:linkMerge"
      default: merge_nested
      doc: |
        The method to use to merge multiple sources into a single array.
        If not specified, the default method is "merge_nested".

    - name: pickValue
      type: ["null", PickValueMethod]
      jsonldPredicate: "cwl:pickValue"
      doc: |
        The method to use to choose non-null elements among multiple sources.

    - name: type
        - CWLType
        - OutputRecordSchema
        - OutputEnumSchema
        - OutputArraySchema
        - string
        - type: array
            - CWLType
            - OutputRecordSchema
            - OutputEnumSchema
            - OutputArraySchema
            - string
        "_id": "sld:type"
        "_type": "@vocab"
        refScope: 2
        typeDSL: True
      doc: |
        Specify valid types of data that may be assigned to this parameter.

- name: Sink
  type: record
  abstract: true
    - name: source
      doc: |
        Specifies one or more workflow parameters that will provide input to
        the underlying step parameter.
        "_id": "cwl:source"
        "_type": "@id"
        refScope: 2
        - string?
        - string[]?
    - name: linkMerge
      type: LinkMergeMethod?
      jsonldPredicate: "cwl:linkMerge"
      default: merge_nested
      doc: |
        The method to use to merge multiple inbound links into a single array.
        If not specified, the default method is "merge_nested".
    - name: pickValue
      type: ["null", PickValueMethod]
      jsonldPredicate: "cwl:pickValue"
      doc: |
        The method to use to choose non-null elements among multiple sources.

- type: record
  name: WorkflowStepInput
  extends: [Identified, Sink, LoadContents, Labeled]
  docParent: "#WorkflowStep"
  doc: |
    The input of a workflow step connects an upstream parameter (from the
    workflow inputs, or the outputs of other workflows steps) with the input
    parameters of the process specified by the `run` field. Only input parameters
    declared by the target process will be passed through at runtime to the process
    though additonal parameters may be specified (for use within `valueFrom`
    expressions for instance) - unconnected or unused parameters do not represent an
    error condition.

    # Input object

    A WorkflowStepInput object must contain an `id` field in the form
    `#fieldname` or `#prefix/fieldname`.  When the `id` field contains a slash
    `/` the field name consists of the characters following the final slash
    (the prefix portion may contain one or more slashes to indicate scope).
    This defines a field of the workflow step input object with the value of
    the `source` parameter(s).

    # Merging multiple inbound data links

    To merge multiple inbound data links,
    [MultipleInputFeatureRequirement](#MultipleInputFeatureRequirement) must be specified
    in the workflow or workflow step requirements.

    If the sink parameter is an array, or named in a [workflow
    scatter](#WorkflowStep) operation, there may be multiple inbound
    data links listed in the `source` field.  The values from the
    input links are merged depending on the method specified in the
    `linkMerge` field.  If both `linkMerge` and `pickValue` are null
    or not specified, and there is more than one element in the
    `source` array, the default method is "merge_nested".

    If both `linkMerge` and `pickValue` are null or not specified, and
    there is only a single element in the `source`, then the input
    parameter takes the scalar value from the single input link (it is
    *not* wrapped in a single-list).

    * **merge_nested**

      The input must be an array consisting of exactly one entry for each
      input link.  If "merge_nested" is specified with a single link, the value
      from the link must be wrapped in a single-item list.

    * **merge_flattened**

      1. The source and sink parameters must be compatible types, or the source
         type must be compatible with single element from the "items" type of
         the destination array parameter.
      2. Source parameters which are arrays are concatenated.
         Source parameters which are single element types are appended as
         single elements.

    # Picking non-null values among inbound data links

    If present, `pickValue` specifies how to picking non-null values among inbound data links.

    `pickValue` is evaluated
      1. Once all source values from upstream step or parameters are available.
      2. After `linkMerge`.
      3. Before `scatter` or `valueFrom`.

    This is specifically intended to be useful in combination with
    [conditional execution](#WorkflowStep), where several upstream
    steps may be connected to a single input (`source` is a list), and
    skipped steps produce null values.

    Static type checkers should check for type consistency after infering what the type
    will be after `pickValue` is applied, just as they do currently for `linkMerge`.

    * **first_non_null**

      For the first level of a list input, pick the first non-null element.  The result is a scalar.
      It is an error if there is no non-null element.  Examples:
      * `[null, x, null, y] -> x`
      * `[null, [null], null, y] -> [null]`
      * `[null, null, null] -> Runtime Error`

      *Intended use case*: If-else pattern where the
      value comes either from a conditional step or from a default or
      fallback value. The conditional step(s) should be placed first in
      the list.

    * **the_only_non_null**

      For the first level of a list input, pick the single non-null element.  The result is a scalar.
      It is an error if there is more than one non-null element.  Examples:

      * `[null, x, null] -> x`
      * `[null, x, null, y] -> Runtime Error`
      * `[null, [null], null] -> [null]`
      * `[null, null, null] -> Runtime Error`

      *Intended use case*: Switch type patterns where developer considers
      more than one active code path as a workflow error
      (possibly indicating an error in writing `when` condition expressions).

    * **all_non_null**

      For the first level of a list input, pick all non-null values.
      The result is a list, which may be empty.  Examples:

      * `[null, x, null] -> [x]`
      * `[x, null, y] -> [x, y]`
      * `[null, [x], [null]] -> [[x], [null]]`
      * `[null, null, null] -> []`

      *Intended use case*: It is valid to have more than one source, but
       sources are conditional, so null sources (from skipped steps)
       should be filtered out.

    - name: default
      type: ["null", Any]
      doc: |
        The default value for this parameter to use if either there is no
        `source` field, or the value produced by the `source` is `null`.  The
        default must be applied prior to scattering or evaluating `valueFrom`.
        _id: "sld:default"
        noLinkCheck: true
    - name: valueFrom
        - "null"
        - string
        - Expression
      jsonldPredicate: "cwl:valueFrom"
      doc: |
        To use valueFrom, [StepInputExpressionRequirement](#StepInputExpressionRequirement) must
        be specified in the workflow or workflow step requirements.

        If `valueFrom` is a constant string value, use this as the value for
        this input parameter.

        If `valueFrom` is a parameter reference or expression, it must be
        evaluated to yield the actual value to be assiged to the input field.

        The `self` value in the parameter reference or expression must be
        1. `null` if there is no `source` field
        2. the value of the parameter(s) specified in the `source` field when this
        workflow input parameter **is not** specified in this workflow step's `scatter` field.
        3. an element of the parameter specified in the `source` field when this workflow input
        parameter **is** specified in this workflow step's `scatter` field.

        The value of `inputs` in the parameter reference or expression must be
        the input object to the workflow step after assigning the `source`
        values, applying `default`, and then scattering.  The order of
        evaluating `valueFrom` among step input parameters is undefined and the
        result of evaluating `valueFrom` on a parameter must not be visible to
        evaluation of `valueFrom` on other parameters.

- type: record
  name: WorkflowStepOutput
  docParent: "#WorkflowStep"
  extends: Identified
  doc: |
    Associate an output parameter of the underlying process with a workflow
    parameter.  The workflow parameter (given in the `id` field) be may be used
    as a `source` to connect with input parameters of other workflow steps, or
    with an output parameter of the process.

    A unique identifier for this workflow output parameter.  This is
    the identifier to use in the `source` field of `WorkflowStepInput`
    to connect the output value to downstream parameters.

- name: ScatterMethod
  type: enum
  docParent: "#WorkflowStep"
  doc: The scatter method, as described in [workflow step scatter](#WorkflowStep).
    - dotproduct
    - nested_crossproduct
    - flat_crossproduct

- name: WorkflowStep
  type: record
  extends: [Identified, Labeled, sld:Documented]
  docParent: "#Workflow"
  doc: |
    A workflow step is an executable element of a workflow.  It specifies the
    underlying process implementation (such as `CommandLineTool` or another
    `Workflow`) in the `run` field and connects the input and output parameters
    of the underlying process to workflow parameters.

    # Scatter/gather

    To use scatter/gather,
    [ScatterFeatureRequirement](#ScatterFeatureRequirement) must be specified
    in the workflow or workflow step requirements.

    A "scatter" operation specifies that the associated workflow step or
    subworkflow should execute separately over a list of input elements.  Each
    job making up a scatter operation is independent and may be executed

    The `scatter` field specifies one or more input parameters which will be
    scattered.  An input parameter may be listed more than once.  The declared
    type of each input parameter is implicitly becomes an array of items of the
    input parameter type.  If a parameter is listed more than once, it becomes
    a nested array.  As a result, upstream parameters which are connected to
    scattered parameters must be arrays.

    All output parameter types are also implicitly wrapped in arrays.  Each job
    in the scatter results in an entry in the output array.

    If any scattered parameter runtime value is an empty array, all outputs are
    set to empty arrays and no work is done for the step, according to
    applicable scattering rules.

    If `scatter` declares more than one input parameter, `scatterMethod`
    describes how to decompose the input into a discrete set of jobs.

      * **dotproduct** specifies that each of the input arrays are aligned and one
          element taken from each array to construct each job.  It is an error
          if all input arrays are not the same length.

      * **nested_crossproduct** specifies the Cartesian product of the inputs,
          producing a job for every combination of the scattered inputs.  The
          output must be nested arrays for each level of scattering, in the
          order that the input arrays are listed in the `scatter` field.

      * **flat_crossproduct** specifies the Cartesian product of the inputs,
          producing a job for every combination of the scattered inputs.  The
          output arrays must be flattened to a single level, but otherwise listed in the
          order that the input arrays are listed in the `scatter` field.

    # Conditional execution (Optional)

    Conditional execution makes execution of a step conditional on an
    expression.  A step that is not executed is "skipped".  A skipped
    step produces `null` for all output parameters.

    The condition is evaluated after `scatter`, using the input object
    of each individual scatter job.  This means over a set of scatter
    jobs, some may be executed and some may be skipped.  When the
    results are gathered, skipped steps must be `null` in the output

    The `when` field controls conditional execution.  This is an
    expression that must be evaluated with `inputs` bound to the step
    input object (or individual scatter job), and returns a boolean
    value.  It is an error if this expression returns a value other
    than `true` or `false`.

    Conditionals in CWL are an optional feature and are not required
    to be implemented by all consumers of CWL documents.  An
    implementation that does not support conditionals must return a
    fatal error when attempting execute a workflow that uses
    conditional constructs the implementation does not support.

    # Subworkflows

    To specify a nested workflow as part of a workflow step,
    [SubworkflowFeatureRequirement](#SubworkflowFeatureRequirement) must be
    specified in the workflow or workflow step requirements.

    It is a fatal error if a workflow directly or indirectly invokes itself as
    a subworkflow (recursive workflows are not allowed).

    - name: in
      type: WorkflowStepInput[]
        _id: "cwl:in"
        mapSubject: id
        mapPredicate: source
      doc: |
        Defines the input parameters of the workflow step.  The process is ready to
        run when all required input parameters are associated with concrete
        values.  Input parameters include a schema for each parameter which is
        used to validate the input object.  It may also be used build a user
        interface for constructing the input object.
    - name: out
        - type: array
          items: [string, WorkflowStepOutput]
        _id: "cwl:out"
        _type: "@id"
        identity: true
      doc: |
        Defines the parameters representing the output of the process.  May be
        used to generate and/or validate the output object.
    - name: requirements
      type: ProcessRequirement[]?
        _id: "cwl:requirements"
        mapSubject: class
      doc: |
        Declares requirements that apply to either the runtime environment or the
        workflow engine that must be met in order to execute this workflow step.  If
        an implementation cannot satisfy all requirements, or a requirement is
        listed which is not recognized by the implementation, it is a fatal
        error and the implementation must not attempt to run the process,
        unless overridden at user option.
    - name: hints
      type: Any[]?
        _id: "cwl:hints"
        noLinkCheck: true
        mapSubject: class
      doc: |
        Declares hints applying to either the runtime environment or the
        workflow engine that may be helpful in executing this workflow step.  It is
        not an error if an implementation cannot satisfy all hints, however
        the implementation may report a warning.
    - name: run
      type: [string, Process]
        _id: "cwl:run"
        _type: "@id"
        subscope: run
      doc: |
        Specifies the process to run.
    - name: when
        - "null"
        - Expression
      jsonldPredicate: "cwl:when"
      doc: |
        If defined, only run the step when the expression evaluates to
        `true`.  If `false` the step is skipped.  A skipped step
        produces a `null` on each output.
    - name: scatter
        - string?
        - string[]?
        "_id": "cwl:scatter"
        "_type": "@id"
        "_container": "@list"
        refScope: 0
    - name: scatterMethod
      doc: |
        Required if `scatter` is an array of more than one element.
      type: ScatterMethod?
        "_id": "cwl:scatterMethod"
        "_type": "@vocab"

- name: Workflow
  type: record
  extends: "#Process"
  documentRoot: true
    - specializeFrom: InputParameter
      specializeTo: WorkflowInputParameter
    - specializeFrom: OutputParameter
      specializeTo: WorkflowOutputParameter
  doc: |
    A workflow describes a set of **steps** and the **dependencies** between
    those steps.  When a step produces output that will be consumed by a
    second step, the first step is a dependency of the second step.

    When there is a dependency, the workflow engine must execute the preceeding
    step and wait for it to successfully produce output before executing the
    dependent step.  If two steps are defined in the workflow graph that
    are not directly or indirectly dependent, these steps are **independent**,
    and may execute in any order or execute concurrently.  A workflow is
    complete when all steps have been executed.

    Dependencies between parameters are expressed using the `source`
    field on [workflow step input parameters](#WorkflowStepInput) and
    `outputSource` field on [workflow output

    The `source` field on each workflow step input parameter expresses
    the data links that contribute to the value of the step input
    parameter (the "sink").  A workflow step can only begin execution
    when every data link connected to a step has been fulfilled.

    The `outputSource` field on each workflow step input parameter
    expresses the data links that contribute to the value of the
    workflow output parameter (the "sink").  Workflow execution cannot
    complete successfully until every data link connected to an output
    parameter has been fulfilled.

    ## Workflow success and failure

    A completed step must result in one of `success`, `temporaryFailure` or
    `permanentFailure` states.  An implementation may choose to retry a step
    execution which resulted in `temporaryFailure`.  An implementation may
    choose to either continue running other steps of a workflow, or terminate
    immediately upon `permanentFailure`.

    * If any step of a workflow execution results in `permanentFailure`, then
    the workflow status is `permanentFailure`.

    * If one or more steps result in `temporaryFailure` and all other steps
    complete `success` or are not executed, then the workflow status is

    * If all workflow steps are executed and complete with `success`, then the
    workflow status is `success`.

    # Extensions

    [ScatterFeatureRequirement](#ScatterFeatureRequirement) and
    [SubworkflowFeatureRequirement](#SubworkflowFeatureRequirement) are
    available as standard [extensions](#Extensions_and_Metadata) to core
    workflow semantics.

    - name: "class"
        "_id": "@type"
        "_type": "@vocab"
      type: string
    - name: steps
      doc: |
        The individual steps that make up the workflow.  Each step is executed when all of its
        input data links are fufilled.  An implementation may choose to execute
        the steps in a different order than listed and/or execute steps
        concurrently, provided that dependencies between steps are met.
        - type: array
          items: "#WorkflowStep"
          mapSubject: id

- type: record
  name: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement
  extends: ProcessRequirement
  doc: |
    Indicates that the workflow platform must support nested workflows in
    the `run` field of [WorkflowStep](#WorkflowStep).
    - name: "class"
      type: "string"
      doc: "Always 'SubworkflowFeatureRequirement'"
        "_id": "@type"
        "_type": "@vocab"

- name: ScatterFeatureRequirement
  type: record
  extends: ProcessRequirement
  doc: |
    Indicates that the workflow platform must support the `scatter` and
    `scatterMethod` fields of [WorkflowStep](#WorkflowStep).
    - name: "class"
      type: "string"
      doc: "Always 'ScatterFeatureRequirement'"
        "_id": "@type"
        "_type": "@vocab"

- name: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement
  type: record
  extends: ProcessRequirement
  doc: |
    Indicates that the workflow platform must support multiple inbound data links
    listed in the `source` field of [WorkflowStepInput](#WorkflowStepInput).
    - name: "class"
      type: "string"
      doc: "Always 'MultipleInputFeatureRequirement'"
        "_id": "@type"
        "_type": "@vocab"

- type: record
  name: StepInputExpressionRequirement
  extends: ProcessRequirement
  doc: |
    Indicate that the workflow platform must support the `valueFrom` field
    of [WorkflowStepInput](#WorkflowStepInput).
    - name: "class"
      type: "string"
      doc: "Always 'StepInputExpressionRequirement'"
        "_id": "@type"
        "_type": "@vocab"

- {$import: Operation.yml}