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author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
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Algorithms for chordal graphs.

A graph is chordal if every cycle of length at least 4 has a chord
(an edge joining two nodes not adjacent in the cycle).
import sys
import warnings

import networkx as nx
from networkx.algorithms.components import connected_components
from networkx.utils import arbitrary_element, not_implemented_for

__all__ = [

class NetworkXTreewidthBoundExceeded(nx.NetworkXException):
    """Exception raised when a treewidth bound has been provided and it has
    been exceeded"""

def is_chordal(G):
    """Checks whether G is a chordal graph.

    A graph is chordal if every cycle of length at least 4 has a chord
    (an edge joining two nodes not adjacent in the cycle).

    G : graph
      A NetworkX graph.

    chordal : bool
      True if G is a chordal graph and False otherwise.

        The algorithm does not support DiGraph, MultiGraph and MultiDiGraph.
        If the input graph is an instance of one of these classes, a
        :exc:`NetworkXError` is raised.

    >>> e = [
    ...     (1, 2),
    ...     (1, 3),
    ...     (2, 3),
    ...     (2, 4),
    ...     (3, 4),
    ...     (3, 5),
    ...     (3, 6),
    ...     (4, 5),
    ...     (4, 6),
    ...     (5, 6),
    ... ]
    >>> G = nx.Graph(e)
    >>> nx.is_chordal(G)

    The routine tries to go through every node following maximum cardinality
    search. It returns False when it finds that the separator for any node
    is not a clique.  Based on the algorithms in [1]_.

    .. [1] R. E. Tarjan and M. Yannakakis, Simple linear-time algorithms
       to test chordality of graphs, test acyclicity of hypergraphs, and
       selectively reduce acyclic hypergraphs, SIAM J. Comput., 13 (1984),
       pp. 566–579.
    if G.is_directed():
        raise nx.NetworkXError("Directed graphs not supported")
    if G.is_multigraph():
        raise nx.NetworkXError("Multiply connected graphs not supported.")
    if len(_find_chordality_breaker(G)) == 0:
        return True
        return False

def find_induced_nodes(G, s, t, treewidth_bound=sys.maxsize):
    """Returns the set of induced nodes in the path from s to t.

    G : graph
      A chordal NetworkX graph
    s : node
        Source node to look for induced nodes
    t : node
        Destination node to look for induced nodes
    treewith_bound: float
        Maximum treewidth acceptable for the graph H. The search
        for induced nodes will end as soon as the treewidth_bound is exceeded.

    Induced_nodes : Set of nodes
        The set of induced nodes in the path from s to t in G

        The algorithm does not support DiGraph, MultiGraph and MultiDiGraph.
        If the input graph is an instance of one of these classes, a
        :exc:`NetworkXError` is raised.
        The algorithm can only be applied to chordal graphs. If the input
        graph is found to be non-chordal, a :exc:`NetworkXError` is raised.

    >>> G = nx.Graph()
    >>> G = nx.generators.classic.path_graph(10)
    >>> induced_nodes = nx.find_induced_nodes(G, 1, 9, 2)
    >>> sorted(induced_nodes)
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

    G must be a chordal graph and (s,t) an edge that is not in G.

    If a treewidth_bound is provided, the search for induced nodes will end
    as soon as the treewidth_bound is exceeded.

    The algorithm is inspired by Algorithm 4 in [1]_.
    A formal definition of induced node can also be found on that reference.

    .. [1] Learning Bounded Treewidth Bayesian Networks.
       Gal Elidan, Stephen Gould; JMLR, 9(Dec):2699--2731, 2008.
    if not is_chordal(G):
        raise nx.NetworkXError("Input graph is not chordal.")

    H = nx.Graph(G)
    H.add_edge(s, t)
    Induced_nodes = set()
    triplet = _find_chordality_breaker(H, s, treewidth_bound)
    while triplet:
        (u, v, w) = triplet
        for n in triplet:
            if n != s:
                H.add_edge(s, n)
        triplet = _find_chordality_breaker(H, s, treewidth_bound)
    if Induced_nodes:
        # Add t and the second node in the induced path from s to t.
        for u in G[s]:
            if len(Induced_nodes & set(G[u])) == 2:
    return Induced_nodes

def chordal_graph_cliques(G):
    """Returns the set of maximal cliques of a chordal graph.

    The algorithm breaks the graph in connected components and performs a
    maximum cardinality search in each component to get the cliques.

    G : graph
      A NetworkX graph

    cliques : A set containing the maximal cliques in G.

        The algorithm does not support DiGraph, MultiGraph and MultiDiGraph.
        If the input graph is an instance of one of these classes, a
        :exc:`NetworkXError` is raised.
        The algorithm can only be applied to chordal graphs. If the input
        graph is found to be non-chordal, a :exc:`NetworkXError` is raised.

    >>> e = [
    ...     (1, 2),
    ...     (1, 3),
    ...     (2, 3),
    ...     (2, 4),
    ...     (3, 4),
    ...     (3, 5),
    ...     (3, 6),
    ...     (4, 5),
    ...     (4, 6),
    ...     (5, 6),
    ...     (7, 8),
    ... ]
    >>> G = nx.Graph(e)
    >>> G.add_node(9)
    >>> setlist = nx.chordal_graph_cliques(G)
    msg = "This will return a generator in 3.0."
    warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning)
    return {c for c in _chordal_graph_cliques(G)}

def chordal_graph_treewidth(G):
    """Returns the treewidth of the chordal graph G.

    G : graph
      A NetworkX graph

    treewidth : int
        The size of the largest clique in the graph minus one.

        The algorithm does not support DiGraph, MultiGraph and MultiDiGraph.
        If the input graph is an instance of one of these classes, a
        :exc:`NetworkXError` is raised.
        The algorithm can only be applied to chordal graphs. If the input
        graph is found to be non-chordal, a :exc:`NetworkXError` is raised.

    >>> e = [
    ...     (1, 2),
    ...     (1, 3),
    ...     (2, 3),
    ...     (2, 4),
    ...     (3, 4),
    ...     (3, 5),
    ...     (3, 6),
    ...     (4, 5),
    ...     (4, 6),
    ...     (5, 6),
    ...     (7, 8),
    ... ]
    >>> G = nx.Graph(e)
    >>> G.add_node(9)
    >>> nx.chordal_graph_treewidth(G)

    .. [1]
    if not is_chordal(G):
        raise nx.NetworkXError("Input graph is not chordal.")

    max_clique = -1
    for clique in nx.chordal_graph_cliques(G):
        max_clique = max(max_clique, len(clique))
    return max_clique - 1

def _is_complete_graph(G):
    """Returns True if G is a complete graph."""
    if nx.number_of_selfloops(G) > 0:
        raise nx.NetworkXError("Self loop found in _is_complete_graph()")
    n = G.number_of_nodes()
    if n < 2:
        return True
    e = G.number_of_edges()
    max_edges = (n * (n - 1)) / 2
    return e == max_edges

def _find_missing_edge(G):
    """ Given a non-complete graph G, returns a missing edge."""
    nodes = set(G)
    for u in G:
        missing = nodes - set(list(G[u].keys()) + [u])
        if missing:
            return (u, missing.pop())

def _max_cardinality_node(G, choices, wanna_connect):
    """Returns a the node in choices that has more connections in G
    to nodes in wanna_connect.
    max_number = -1
    for x in choices:
        number = len([y for y in G[x] if y in wanna_connect])
        if number > max_number:
            max_number = number
            max_cardinality_node = x
    return max_cardinality_node

def _find_chordality_breaker(G, s=None, treewidth_bound=sys.maxsize):
    """ Given a graph G, starts a max cardinality search
    (starting from s if s is given and from an arbitrary node otherwise)
    trying to find a non-chordal cycle.

    If it does find one, it returns (u,v,w) where u,v,w are the three
    nodes that together with s are involved in the cycle.

    unnumbered = set(G)
    if s is None:
        s = arbitrary_element(G)
    numbered = {s}
    current_treewidth = -1
    while unnumbered:  # and current_treewidth <= treewidth_bound:
        v = _max_cardinality_node(G, unnumbered, numbered)
        clique_wanna_be = set(G[v]) & numbered
        sg = G.subgraph(clique_wanna_be)
        if _is_complete_graph(sg):
            # The graph seems to be chordal by now. We update the treewidth
            current_treewidth = max(current_treewidth, len(clique_wanna_be))
            if current_treewidth > treewidth_bound:
                raise nx.NetworkXTreewidthBoundExceeded(
                    f"treewidth_bound exceeded: {current_treewidth}"
            # sg is not a clique,
            # look for an edge that is not included in sg
            (u, w) = _find_missing_edge(sg)
            return (u, v, w)
    return ()

def _chordal_graph_cliques(G):
    """Returns all maximal cliques of a chordal graph.

    The algorithm breaks the graph in connected components and performs a
    maximum cardinality search in each component to get the cliques.

    G : graph
      A NetworkX graph

        An iterator over maximal cliques, each of which is a frozenset of
        nodes in `G`. The order of cliques is arbitrary.

        The algorithm does not support DiGraph, MultiGraph and MultiDiGraph.
        If the input graph is an instance of one of these classes, a
        :exc:`NetworkXError` is raised.
        The algorithm can only be applied to chordal graphs. If the input
        graph is found to be non-chordal, a :exc:`NetworkXError` is raised.

    >>> e = [
    ...     (1, 2),
    ...     (1, 3),
    ...     (2, 3),
    ...     (2, 4),
    ...     (3, 4),
    ...     (3, 5),
    ...     (3, 6),
    ...     (4, 5),
    ...     (4, 6),
    ...     (5, 6),
    ...     (7, 8),
    ... ]
    >>> G = nx.Graph(e)
    >>> G.add_node(9)
    >>> cliques = [c for c in _chordal_graph_cliques(G)]
    >>> cliques[0]
    frozenset({1, 2, 3})
    if not is_chordal(G):
        raise nx.NetworkXError("Input graph is not chordal.")

    for C in (G.subgraph(c).copy() for c in connected_components(G)):
        if C.number_of_nodes() == 1:
            yield frozenset(C.nodes())
            unnumbered = set(C.nodes())
            v = arbitrary_element(C)
            numbered = {v}
            clique_wanna_be = {v}
            while unnumbered:
                v = _max_cardinality_node(C, unnumbered, numbered)
                new_clique_wanna_be = set(C.neighbors(v)) & numbered
                sg = C.subgraph(clique_wanna_be)
                if _is_complete_graph(sg):
                    if not new_clique_wanna_be >= clique_wanna_be:
                        yield frozenset(clique_wanna_be)
                    clique_wanna_be = new_clique_wanna_be
                    raise nx.NetworkXError("Input graph is not chordal.")
            yield frozenset(clique_wanna_be)

def complete_to_chordal_graph(G):
    """Return a copy of G completed to a chordal graph

    Adds edges to a copy of G to create a chordal graph. A graph G=(V,E) is
    called chordal if for each cycle with length bigger than 3, there exist
    two non-adjacent nodes connected by an edge (called a chord).

    G : NetworkX graph
        Undirected graph

    H : NetworkX graph
        The chordal enhancement of G
    alpha : Dictionary
            The elimination ordering of nodes of G

    There are different approaches to calculate the chordal
    enhancement of a graph. The algorithm used here is called
    MCS-M and gives at least minimal (local) triangulation of graph. Note
    that this triangulation is not necessarily a global minimum.

    .. [1] Berry, Anne & Blair, Jean & Heggernes, Pinar & Peyton, Barry. (2004)
           Maximum Cardinality Search for Computing Minimal Triangulations of
           Graphs.  Algorithmica. 39. 287-298. 10.1007/s00453-004-1084-3.

    >>> from networkx.algorithms.chordal import complete_to_chordal_graph
    >>> G = nx.wheel_graph(10)
    >>> H, alpha = complete_to_chordal_graph(G)
    H = G.copy()
    alpha = {node: 0 for node in H}
    if nx.is_chordal(H):
        return H, alpha
    chords = set()
    weight = {node: 0 for node in H.nodes()}
    unnumbered_nodes = list(H.nodes())
    for i in range(len(H.nodes()), 0, -1):
        # get the node in unnumbered_nodes with the maximum weight
        z = max(unnumbered_nodes, key=lambda node: weight[node])
        alpha[z] = i
        update_nodes = []
        for y in unnumbered_nodes:
            if G.has_edge(y, z):
                # y_weight will be bigger than node weights between y and z
                y_weight = weight[y]
                lower_nodes = [
                    node for node in unnumbered_nodes if weight[node] < y_weight
                if nx.has_path(H.subgraph(lower_nodes + [z, y]), y, z):
                    chords.add((z, y))
        # during calculation of paths the weights should not be updated
        for node in update_nodes:
            weight[node] += 1
    return H, alpha