view env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/tests/ @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
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import pytest

import networkx as nx
from networkx.algorithms.similarity import (
from networkx.generators.classic import (

def nmatch(n1, n2):
    return n1 == n2

def ematch(e1, e2):
    return e1 == e2

def getCanonical():
    G = nx.Graph()
    G.add_node("A", label="A")
    G.add_node("B", label="B")
    G.add_node("C", label="C")
    G.add_node("D", label="D")
    G.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
    G.add_edge("B", "C", label="b-c")
    G.add_edge("B", "D", label="b-d")
    return G

class TestSimilarity:
    def setup_class(cls):
        global numpy
        global scipy
        numpy = pytest.importorskip("numpy")
        scipy = pytest.importorskip("scipy")

    def test_graph_edit_distance_roots_and_timeout(self):
        G0 = nx.star_graph(5)
        G1 = G0.copy()
        pytest.raises(ValueError, graph_edit_distance, G0, G1, roots=[2])
        pytest.raises(ValueError, graph_edit_distance, G0, G1, roots=[2, 3, 4])
        pytest.raises(nx.NodeNotFound, graph_edit_distance, G0, G1, roots=(9, 3))
        pytest.raises(nx.NodeNotFound, graph_edit_distance, G0, G1, roots=(3, 9))
        pytest.raises(nx.NodeNotFound, graph_edit_distance, G0, G1, roots=(9, 9))
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G1, roots=(1, 2)) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G1, roots=(0, 1)) == 8
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G1, roots=(1, 2), timeout=5) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G1, roots=(0, 1), timeout=5) == 8
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G1, roots=(0, 1), timeout=0.0001) is None
        # test raise on 0 timeout
        pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, graph_edit_distance, G0, G1, timeout=0)

    def test_graph_edit_distance(self):
        G0 = nx.Graph()
        G1 = path_graph(6)
        G2 = cycle_graph(6)
        G3 = wheel_graph(7)

        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G0) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G1) == 11
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G0) == 11
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G2) == 12
        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G0) == 12
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G3) == 19
        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G0) == 19

        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G1) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2) == 1
        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G1) == 1
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G3) == 8
        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G1) == 8

        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G2) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G3) == 7
        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G2) == 7

        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G3) == 0

    def test_graph_edit_distance_node_match(self):
        G1 = cycle_graph(5)
        G2 = cycle_graph(5)
        for n, attr in G1.nodes.items():
            attr["color"] = "red" if n % 2 == 0 else "blue"
        for n, attr in G2.nodes.items():
            attr["color"] = "red" if n % 2 == 1 else "blue"
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2) == 0
        assert (
                G1, G2, node_match=lambda n1, n2: n1["color"] == n2["color"]
            == 1

    def test_graph_edit_distance_edge_match(self):
        G1 = path_graph(6)
        G2 = path_graph(6)
        for e, attr in G1.edges.items():
            attr["color"] = "red" if min(e) % 2 == 0 else "blue"
        for e, attr in G2.edges.items():
            attr["color"] = "red" if min(e) // 3 == 0 else "blue"
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2) == 0
        assert (
                G1, G2, edge_match=lambda e1, e2: e1["color"] == e2["color"]
            == 2

    def test_graph_edit_distance_node_cost(self):
        G1 = path_graph(6)
        G2 = path_graph(6)
        for n, attr in G1.nodes.items():
            attr["color"] = "red" if n % 2 == 0 else "blue"
        for n, attr in G2.nodes.items():
            attr["color"] = "red" if n % 2 == 1 else "blue"

        def node_subst_cost(uattr, vattr):
            if uattr["color"] == vattr["color"]:
                return 1
                return 10

        def node_del_cost(attr):
            if attr["color"] == "blue":
                return 20
                return 50

        def node_ins_cost(attr):
            if attr["color"] == "blue":
                return 40
                return 100

        assert (
            == 6

    def test_graph_edit_distance_edge_cost(self):
        G1 = path_graph(6)
        G2 = path_graph(6)
        for e, attr in G1.edges.items():
            attr["color"] = "red" if min(e) % 2 == 0 else "blue"
        for e, attr in G2.edges.items():
            attr["color"] = "red" if min(e) // 3 == 0 else "blue"

        def edge_subst_cost(gattr, hattr):
            if gattr["color"] == hattr["color"]:
                return 0.01
                return 0.1

        def edge_del_cost(attr):
            if attr["color"] == "blue":
                return 0.2
                return 0.5

        def edge_ins_cost(attr):
            if attr["color"] == "blue":
                return 0.4
                return 1.0

        assert (
            == 0.23

    def test_graph_edit_distance_upper_bound(self):
        G1 = circular_ladder_graph(2)
        G2 = circular_ladder_graph(6)
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2, upper_bound=5) is None
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2, upper_bound=24) == 22
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2) == 22

    def test_optimal_edit_paths(self):
        G1 = path_graph(3)
        G2 = cycle_graph(3)
        paths, cost = optimal_edit_paths(G1, G2)
        assert cost == 1
        assert len(paths) == 6

        def canonical(vertex_path, edge_path):
            return (
                tuple(sorted(edge_path, key=lambda x: (None in x, x))),

        expected_paths = [
                [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)],
                [((0, 1), (0, 1)), ((1, 2), (1, 2)), (None, (0, 2))],
                [(0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 1)],
                [((0, 1), (0, 2)), ((1, 2), (1, 2)), (None, (0, 1))],
                [(0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 2)],
                [((0, 1), (0, 1)), ((1, 2), (0, 2)), (None, (1, 2))],
                [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0)],
                [((0, 1), (1, 2)), ((1, 2), (0, 2)), (None, (0, 1))],
                [(0, 2), (1, 0), (2, 1)],
                [((0, 1), (0, 2)), ((1, 2), (0, 1)), (None, (1, 2))],
                [(0, 2), (1, 1), (2, 0)],
                [((0, 1), (1, 2)), ((1, 2), (0, 1)), (None, (0, 2))],
        assert {canonical(*p) for p in paths} == {canonical(*p) for p in expected_paths}

    def test_optimize_graph_edit_distance(self):
        G1 = circular_ladder_graph(2)
        G2 = circular_ladder_graph(6)
        bestcost = 1000
        for cost in optimize_graph_edit_distance(G1, G2):
            assert cost < bestcost
            bestcost = cost
        assert bestcost == 22

    # def test_graph_edit_distance_bigger(self):
    #     G1 = circular_ladder_graph(12)
    #     G2 = circular_ladder_graph(16)
    #     assert_equal(graph_edit_distance(G1, G2), 22)

    def test_selfloops(self):
        G0 = nx.Graph()
        G1 = nx.Graph()
        G1.add_edges_from((("A", "A"), ("A", "B")))
        G2 = nx.Graph()
        G2.add_edges_from((("A", "B"), ("B", "B")))
        G3 = nx.Graph()
        G3.add_edges_from((("A", "A"), ("A", "B"), ("B", "B")))

        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G0) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G1) == 4
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G0) == 4
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G2) == 4
        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G0) == 4
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G3) == 5
        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G0) == 5

        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G1) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G1) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G3) == 1
        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G1) == 1

        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G2) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G3) == 1
        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G2) == 1

        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G3) == 0

    def test_digraph(self):
        G0 = nx.DiGraph()
        G1 = nx.DiGraph()
        G1.add_edges_from((("A", "B"), ("B", "C"), ("C", "D"), ("D", "A")))
        G2 = nx.DiGraph()
        G2.add_edges_from((("A", "B"), ("B", "C"), ("C", "D"), ("A", "D")))
        G3 = nx.DiGraph()
        G3.add_edges_from((("A", "B"), ("A", "C"), ("B", "D"), ("C", "D")))

        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G0) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G1) == 8
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G0) == 8
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G2) == 8
        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G0) == 8
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G3) == 8
        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G0) == 8

        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G1) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2) == 2
        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G1) == 2
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G3) == 4
        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G1) == 4

        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G2) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G3) == 2
        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G2) == 2

        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G3) == 0

    def test_multigraph(self):
        G0 = nx.MultiGraph()
        G1 = nx.MultiGraph()
        G1.add_edges_from((("A", "B"), ("B", "C"), ("A", "C")))
        G2 = nx.MultiGraph()
        G2.add_edges_from((("A", "B"), ("B", "C"), ("B", "C"), ("A", "C")))
        G3 = nx.MultiGraph()
        G3.add_edges_from((("A", "B"), ("B", "C"), ("A", "C"), ("A", "C"), ("A", "C")))

        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G0) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G1) == 6
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G0) == 6
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G2) == 7
        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G0) == 7
        assert graph_edit_distance(G0, G3) == 8
        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G0) == 8

        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G1) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2) == 1
        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G1) == 1
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G3) == 2
        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G1) == 2

        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G2) == 0
        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G3) == 1
        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G2) == 1

        assert graph_edit_distance(G3, G3) == 0

    def test_multidigraph(self):
        G1 = nx.MultiDiGraph()
                ("hardware", "kernel"),
                ("kernel", "hardware"),
                ("kernel", "userspace"),
                ("userspace", "kernel"),
        G2 = nx.MultiDiGraph()
                ("winter", "spring"),
                ("spring", "summer"),
                ("summer", "autumn"),
                ("autumn", "winter"),

        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2) == 5
        assert graph_edit_distance(G2, G1) == 5

    # by
    def testCopy(self):
        G = nx.Graph()
        G.add_node("A", label="A")
        G.add_node("B", label="B")
        G.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        assert (
            graph_edit_distance(G, G.copy(), node_match=nmatch, edge_match=ematch) == 0

    def testSame(self):
        G1 = nx.Graph()
        G1.add_node("A", label="A")
        G1.add_node("B", label="B")
        G1.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        G2 = nx.Graph()
        G2.add_node("A", label="A")
        G2.add_node("B", label="B")
        G2.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2, node_match=nmatch, edge_match=ematch) == 0

    def testOneEdgeLabelDiff(self):
        G1 = nx.Graph()
        G1.add_node("A", label="A")
        G1.add_node("B", label="B")
        G1.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        G2 = nx.Graph()
        G2.add_node("A", label="A")
        G2.add_node("B", label="B")
        G2.add_edge("A", "B", label="bad")
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2, node_match=nmatch, edge_match=ematch) == 1

    def testOneNodeLabelDiff(self):
        G1 = nx.Graph()
        G1.add_node("A", label="A")
        G1.add_node("B", label="B")
        G1.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        G2 = nx.Graph()
        G2.add_node("A", label="Z")
        G2.add_node("B", label="B")
        G2.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2, node_match=nmatch, edge_match=ematch) == 1

    def testOneExtraNode(self):
        G1 = nx.Graph()
        G1.add_node("A", label="A")
        G1.add_node("B", label="B")
        G1.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        G2 = nx.Graph()
        G2.add_node("A", label="A")
        G2.add_node("B", label="B")
        G2.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        G2.add_node("C", label="C")
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2, node_match=nmatch, edge_match=ematch) == 1

    def testOneExtraEdge(self):
        G1 = nx.Graph()
        G1.add_node("A", label="A")
        G1.add_node("B", label="B")
        G1.add_node("C", label="C")
        G1.add_node("C", label="C")
        G1.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        G2 = nx.Graph()
        G2.add_node("A", label="A")
        G2.add_node("B", label="B")
        G2.add_node("C", label="C")
        G2.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        G2.add_edge("A", "C", label="a-c")
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2, node_match=nmatch, edge_match=ematch) == 1

    def testOneExtraNodeAndEdge(self):
        G1 = nx.Graph()
        G1.add_node("A", label="A")
        G1.add_node("B", label="B")
        G1.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        G2 = nx.Graph()
        G2.add_node("A", label="A")
        G2.add_node("B", label="B")
        G2.add_node("C", label="C")
        G2.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        G2.add_edge("A", "C", label="a-c")
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2, node_match=nmatch, edge_match=ematch) == 2

    def testGraph1(self):
        G1 = getCanonical()
        G2 = nx.Graph()
        G2.add_node("A", label="A")
        G2.add_node("B", label="B")
        G2.add_node("D", label="D")
        G2.add_node("E", label="E")
        G2.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        G2.add_edge("B", "D", label="b-d")
        G2.add_edge("D", "E", label="d-e")
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2, node_match=nmatch, edge_match=ematch) == 3

    def testGraph2(self):
        G1 = getCanonical()
        G2 = nx.Graph()
        G2.add_node("A", label="A")
        G2.add_node("B", label="B")
        G2.add_node("C", label="C")
        G2.add_node("D", label="D")
        G2.add_node("E", label="E")
        G2.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        G2.add_edge("B", "C", label="b-c")
        G2.add_edge("C", "D", label="c-d")
        G2.add_edge("C", "E", label="c-e")
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2, node_match=nmatch, edge_match=ematch) == 4

    def testGraph3(self):
        G1 = getCanonical()
        G2 = nx.Graph()
        G2.add_node("A", label="A")
        G2.add_node("B", label="B")
        G2.add_node("C", label="C")
        G2.add_node("D", label="D")
        G2.add_node("E", label="E")
        G2.add_node("F", label="F")
        G2.add_node("G", label="G")
        G2.add_edge("A", "C", label="a-c")
        G2.add_edge("A", "D", label="a-d")
        G2.add_edge("D", "E", label="d-e")
        G2.add_edge("D", "F", label="d-f")
        G2.add_edge("D", "G", label="d-g")
        G2.add_edge("E", "B", label="e-b")
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2, node_match=nmatch, edge_match=ematch) == 12

    def testGraph4(self):
        G1 = getCanonical()
        G2 = nx.Graph()
        G2.add_node("A", label="A")
        G2.add_node("B", label="B")
        G2.add_node("C", label="C")
        G2.add_node("D", label="D")
        G2.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        G2.add_edge("B", "C", label="b-c")
        G2.add_edge("C", "D", label="c-d")
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2, node_match=nmatch, edge_match=ematch) == 2

    def testGraph4_a(self):
        G1 = getCanonical()
        G2 = nx.Graph()
        G2.add_node("A", label="A")
        G2.add_node("B", label="B")
        G2.add_node("C", label="C")
        G2.add_node("D", label="D")
        G2.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        G2.add_edge("B", "C", label="b-c")
        G2.add_edge("A", "D", label="a-d")
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2, node_match=nmatch, edge_match=ematch) == 2

    def testGraph4_b(self):
        G1 = getCanonical()
        G2 = nx.Graph()
        G2.add_node("A", label="A")
        G2.add_node("B", label="B")
        G2.add_node("C", label="C")
        G2.add_node("D", label="D")
        G2.add_edge("A", "B", label="a-b")
        G2.add_edge("B", "C", label="b-c")
        G2.add_edge("B", "D", label="bad")
        assert graph_edit_distance(G1, G2, node_match=nmatch, edge_match=ematch) == 1

    def test_simrank_no_source_no_target(self):
        G = nx.cycle_graph(5)
        expected = {
            0: {
                0: 1,
                1: 0.3951219505902448,
                2: 0.5707317069281646,
                3: 0.5707317069281646,
                4: 0.3951219505902449,
            1: {
                0: 0.3951219505902448,
                1: 1,
                2: 0.3951219505902449,
                3: 0.5707317069281646,
                4: 0.5707317069281646,
            2: {
                0: 0.5707317069281646,
                1: 0.3951219505902449,
                2: 1,
                3: 0.3951219505902449,
                4: 0.5707317069281646,
            3: {
                0: 0.5707317069281646,
                1: 0.5707317069281646,
                2: 0.3951219505902449,
                3: 1,
                4: 0.3951219505902449,
            4: {
                0: 0.3951219505902449,
                1: 0.5707317069281646,
                2: 0.5707317069281646,
                3: 0.3951219505902449,
                4: 1,
        actual = nx.simrank_similarity(G)
        assert expected == actual

        # For a DiGraph test, use the first graph from the paper cited in
        # the docs:
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_node(0, label="Univ")
        G.add_node(1, label="ProfA")
        G.add_node(2, label="ProfB")
        G.add_node(3, label="StudentA")
        G.add_node(4, label="StudentB")
        G.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (4, 2), (3, 0)])

        expected = {
            0: {0: 1, 1: 0.0, 2: 0.1323363991265798, 3: 0.0, 4: 0.03387811817640443},
            1: {0: 0.0, 1: 1, 2: 0.4135512472705618, 3: 0.0, 4: 0.10586911930126384},
            2: {
                0: 0.1323363991265798,
                1: 0.4135512472705618,
                2: 1,
                3: 0.04234764772050554,
                4: 0.08822426608438655,
            3: {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0, 2: 0.04234764772050554, 3: 1, 4: 0.3308409978164495},
            4: {
                0: 0.03387811817640443,
                1: 0.10586911930126384,
                2: 0.08822426608438655,
                3: 0.3308409978164495,
                4: 1,
        # Use the importance_factor from the paper to get the same numbers.
        actual = nx.algorithms.similarity.simrank_similarity(G, importance_factor=0.8)
        assert expected == actual

    def test_simrank_source_no_target(self):
        G = nx.cycle_graph(5)
        expected = {
            0: 1,
            1: 0.3951219505902448,
            2: 0.5707317069281646,
            3: 0.5707317069281646,
            4: 0.3951219505902449,
        actual = nx.simrank_similarity(G, source=0)
        assert expected == actual

        # For a DiGraph test, use the first graph from the paper cited in
        # the docs:
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_node(0, label="Univ")
        G.add_node(1, label="ProfA")
        G.add_node(2, label="ProfB")
        G.add_node(3, label="StudentA")
        G.add_node(4, label="StudentB")
        G.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (4, 2), (3, 0)])

        expected = {0: 1, 1: 0.0, 2: 0.1323363991265798, 3: 0.0, 4: 0.03387811817640443}
        # Use the importance_factor from the paper to get the same numbers.
        actual = nx.algorithms.similarity.simrank_similarity(
            G, importance_factor=0.8, source=0
        assert expected == actual

    def test_simrank_source_and_target(self):
        G = nx.cycle_graph(5)
        expected = 1
        actual = nx.simrank_similarity(G, source=0, target=0)

        # For a DiGraph test, use the first graph from the paper cited in
        # the docs:
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_node(0, label="Univ")
        G.add_node(1, label="ProfA")
        G.add_node(2, label="ProfB")
        G.add_node(3, label="StudentA")
        G.add_node(4, label="StudentB")
        G.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (4, 2), (3, 0)])

        expected = 0.1323363991265798
        # Use the importance_factor from the paper to get the same numbers.
        # Use the pair (0,2) because (0,0) and (0,1) have trivial results.
        actual = nx.algorithms.similarity.simrank_similarity(
            G, importance_factor=0.8, source=0, target=2
        assert expected == actual

    def test_simrank_numpy_no_source_no_target(self):
        G = nx.cycle_graph(5)
        expected = numpy.array(
        actual = nx.simrank_similarity_numpy(G)
        numpy.testing.assert_allclose(expected, actual, atol=1e-7)

    def test_simrank_numpy_source_no_target(self):
        G = nx.cycle_graph(5)
        expected = numpy.array(
        actual = nx.simrank_similarity_numpy(G, source=0)
        numpy.testing.assert_allclose(expected, actual, atol=1e-7)

    def test_simrank_numpy_source_and_target(self):
        G = nx.cycle_graph(5)
        expected = 1.0
        actual = nx.simrank_similarity_numpy(G, source=0, target=0)
        numpy.testing.assert_allclose(expected, actual, atol=1e-7)