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view env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/planemo/galaxy/ @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip
"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author | shellac |
date | Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000 |
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"""Abstractions for setting up a Galaxy instance.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import abc import contextlib import os import random import shutil import threading from string import Template from tempfile import mkdtemp from galaxy.containers.docker_model import DockerVolume from galaxy.tool_util.deps import docker_util from galaxy.util.commands import argv_to_str from pkg_resources import parse_version from six import ( add_metaclass, iteritems ) from six.moves import shlex_quote from planemo import git from planemo.config import OptionSource from planemo.deps import ensure_dependency_resolvers_conf_configured from planemo.docker import docker_host_args from planemo.galaxy.workflows import remote_runnable_to_workflow_id from import ( communicate, kill_pid_file, shell, shell_join, untar_to, wait_on, warn, write_file, ) from planemo.mulled import build_involucro_context from planemo.shed import tool_shed_url from planemo.virtualenv import DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION from .api import ( DEFAULT_ADMIN_API_KEY, gi, user_api_key, ) from .distro_tools import ( DISTRO_TOOLS_ID_TO_PATH ) from .run import ( setup_common_startup_args, setup_venv, ) from .workflows import ( find_tool_ids, import_workflow, install_shed_repos, ) NO_TEST_DATA_MESSAGE = ( "planemo couldn't find a target test-data directory, you should likely " "create a test-data directory or pass an explicit path using --test_data." ) WEB_SERVER_CONFIG_TEMPLATE = """ [server:${server_name}] use = egg:Paste#http port = ${port} host = ${host} use_threadpool = True threadpool_kill_thread_limit = 10800 [app:main] paste.app_factory = galaxy.web.buildapp:app_factory static_dir = static/ """ TOOL_CONF_TEMPLATE = """<toolbox> <tool file="data_source/upload.xml" /> ${tool_definition} </toolbox> """ SHED_TOOL_CONF_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0"?> <toolbox tool_path="${shed_tool_path}"> </toolbox> """ SHED_DATA_MANAGER_CONF_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0"?> <data_managers> </data_managers> """ EMPTY_JOB_METRICS_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0"?> <job_metrics> </job_metrics> """ TOOL_SHEDS_CONF = """<tool_sheds> <tool_shed name="Target Shed" url="${shed_target_url}" /> </tool_sheds> """ JOB_CONFIG_LOCAL = """<job_conf> <plugins> <plugin id="planemo_runner" type="runner" load="" workers="4"/> </plugins> <handlers> <handler id="main"/> </handlers> <destinations default="planemo_dest"> <destination id="planemo_dest" runner="planemo_runner"> <param id="require_container">${require_container}</param> <param id="docker_enabled">${docker_enable}</param> <param id="docker_sudo">${docker_sudo}</param> <param id="docker_sudo_cmd">${docker_sudo_cmd}</param> <param id="docker_cmd">${docker_cmd}</param> ${docker_host_param} </destination> <destination id="upload_dest" runner="planemo_runner"> <param id="docker_enabled">false</param> </destination> </destinations> <tools> <tool id="upload1" destination="upload_dest" /> </tools> </job_conf> """ LOGGING_TEMPLATE = """ ## Configure Python loggers. [loggers] keys = root,paste,displayapperrors,galaxydeps,galaxymasterapikey,galaxy [handlers] keys = console [formatters] keys = generic [logger_root] level = WARN handlers = console [logger_paste] level = WARN handlers = console qualname = paste propagate = 0 [logger_galaxydeps] level = DEBUG handlers = console qualname = propagate = 0 [logger_galaxymasterapikey] level = WARN handlers = console qualname = galaxy.web.framework.webapp propagate = 0 [logger_displayapperrors] level = ERROR handlers = qualname = galaxy.datatypes.display_applications.application propagate = 0 [logger_galaxy] level = ${log_level} handlers = console qualname = galaxy propagate = 0 [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) level = DEBUG formatter = generic [formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s """ REFGENIE_CONFIG_TEMPLATE = """ config_version: 0.3 genome_folder: '%s' genome_servers: [''] genomes: null """ EMPTY_TOOL_CONF_TEMPLATE = """<toolbox></toolbox>""" DEFAULT_GALAXY_BRANCH = "master" DEFAULT_GALAXY_SOURCE = "" CWL_GALAXY_SOURCE = "" DATABASE_LOCATION_TEMPLATE = "sqlite:///%s?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE" COMMAND_STARTUP_COMMAND = './scripts/ ${COMMON_STARTUP_ARGS}' CLEANUP_IGNORE_ERRORS = True DEFAULT_GALAXY_BRAND = 'Configured by Planemo' DEFAULT_TOOL_INSTALL_TIMEOUT = 60 * 60 * 1 UNINITIALIZED = object() @contextlib.contextmanager def galaxy_config(ctx, runnables, **kwds): """Set up a ``GalaxyConfig`` in an auto-cleaned context.""" c = local_galaxy_config if kwds.get("dockerize", False): c = docker_galaxy_config elif kwds.get("external", False): c = external_galaxy_config log_thread = None try: with c(ctx, runnables, **kwds) as config: if kwds.get('daemon'): log_thread = threading.Thread(target=read_log, args=(ctx, config.log_file)) log_thread.daemon = True log_thread.start() yield config finally: if log_thread: log_thread.join(1) def read_log(ctx, log_path): log_fh = None e = threading.Event() try: while e: if os.path.exists(log_path): if not log_fh: # Open in append so we start at the end of the log file log_fh = open(log_path, 'a+') log_lines = if log_lines: ctx.log(log_lines) e.wait(1) finally: if log_fh: log_fh.close() def simple_docker_volume(path): path = os.path.abspath(path) return DockerVolume("%s:%s:rw" % (path, path)) @contextlib.contextmanager def docker_galaxy_config(ctx, runnables, for_tests=False, **kwds): """Set up a ``GalaxyConfig`` for Docker container.""" test_data_dir = _find_test_data(runnables, **kwds) with _config_directory(ctx, **kwds) as config_directory: def config_join(*args): return os.path.join(config_directory, *args) ensure_dependency_resolvers_conf_configured(ctx, kwds, os.path.join(config_directory, "resolvers_conf.xml")) _handle_job_metrics(config_directory, kwds) _handle_refgenie_config(config_directory, kwds) shed_tool_conf = "config/shed_tool_conf.xml" all_tool_paths = _all_tool_paths(runnables, **kwds) tool_directories = set([]) # Things to mount... for tool_path in all_tool_paths: directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(tool_path)) if os.path.exists(directory): tool_directories.add(directory) # TODO: remap these. tool_volumes = [] for tool_directory in tool_directories: volume = simple_docker_volume(tool_directory) tool_volumes.append(volume) empty_tool_conf = config_join("empty_tool_conf.xml") tool_conf = config_join("tool_conf.xml") shed_tool_path = kwds.get("shed_tool_path") or config_join("shed_tools") _ensure_directory(shed_tool_path) sheds_config_path = _configure_sheds_config_file( ctx, config_directory, **kwds ) port = _get_port(kwds) properties = _shared_galaxy_properties(config_directory, kwds, for_tests=for_tests) _handle_container_resolution(ctx, kwds, properties) master_api_key = _get_master_api_key(kwds) template_args = dict( shed_tool_path=shed_tool_path, tool_conf=tool_conf, ) tool_config_file = "%s,%s" % (tool_conf, shed_tool_conf) _write_tool_conf(ctx, all_tool_paths, tool_conf) write_file(empty_tool_conf, EMPTY_TOOL_CONF_TEMPLATE) properties.update(dict( tool_config_file=tool_config_file, tool_sheds_config_file=sheds_config_path, migrated_tools_config=empty_tool_conf, )) server_name = "planemo%d" % random.randint(0, 100000) # Value substitutions in Galaxy properties - for consistency with # non-Dockerized version. template_args = dict( ) env = _build_env_for_galaxy(properties, template_args) env["NONUSE"] = "nodejs,proftp,reports" if ctx.verbose: env["GALAXY_LOGGING"] = "full" # TODO: setup FTP upload dir and disable FTP server in container. _build_test_env(properties, env) docker_target_kwds = docker_host_args(**kwds) volumes = tool_volumes + [simple_docker_volume(config_directory)] export_directory = kwds.get("export_directory", None) if export_directory is not None: volumes.append(DockerVolume("%s:/export:rw" % export_directory)) # TODO: Allow this to real Docker volumes and allow multiple. extra_volume = kwds.get("docker_extra_volume") if extra_volume: volumes.append(simple_docker_volume(extra_volume)) yield DockerGalaxyConfig( ctx, config_directory, env, test_data_dir, port, server_name, master_api_key, runnables, docker_target_kwds=docker_target_kwds, volumes=volumes, export_directory=export_directory, kwds=kwds, ) @contextlib.contextmanager def local_galaxy_config(ctx, runnables, for_tests=False, **kwds): """Set up a ``GalaxyConfig`` in an auto-cleaned context.""" test_data_dir = _find_test_data(runnables, **kwds) tool_data_table = _find_tool_data_table( runnables, test_data_dir=test_data_dir, **kwds ) data_manager_config_paths = [r.data_manager_conf_path for r in runnables if r.data_manager_conf_path] galaxy_root = _find_galaxy_root(ctx, **kwds) install_galaxy = kwds.get("install_galaxy", False) if galaxy_root is not None: if os.path.isdir(galaxy_root) and not os.listdir(galaxy_root): os.rmdir(galaxy_root) if os.path.isdir(galaxy_root) and install_galaxy: raise Exception("%s is an existing non-empty directory, cannot install Galaxy again" % galaxy_root) # Duplicate block in docker variant above. if kwds.get("mulled_containers", False) and not kwds.get("docker", False): if ctx.get_option_source("docker") != OptionSource.cli: kwds["docker"] = True else: raise Exception("Specified no docker and mulled containers together.") with _config_directory(ctx, **kwds) as config_directory: def config_join(*args): return os.path.join(config_directory, *args) install_env = {} if kwds.get('galaxy_skip_client_build', True): install_env['GALAXY_SKIP_CLIENT_BUILD'] = '1' if galaxy_root is None: galaxy_root = config_join("galaxy-dev") if not os.path.isdir(galaxy_root): _build_eggs_cache(ctx, install_env, kwds) _install_galaxy(ctx, galaxy_root, install_env, kwds) if parse_version(kwds.get('galaxy_python_version') or DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) >= parse_version('3'): # on python 3 we use gunicorn, # which requires 'main' as server name server_name = 'main' else: server_name = "planemo%d" % random.randint(0, 100000) # Once we don't have to support earlier than 18.01 - try putting these files # somewhere better than with Galaxy. log_file = "%s.log" % server_name pid_file = "" % server_name ensure_dependency_resolvers_conf_configured(ctx, kwds, os.path.join(config_directory, "resolvers_conf.xml")) _handle_job_config_file(config_directory, server_name, kwds) _handle_job_metrics(config_directory, kwds) _handle_refgenie_config(config_directory, kwds) file_path = kwds.get("file_path") or config_join("files") _ensure_directory(file_path) tool_dependency_dir = kwds.get("tool_dependency_dir") or config_join("deps") _ensure_directory(tool_dependency_dir) shed_tool_conf = kwds.get("shed_tool_conf") or config_join("shed_tools_conf.xml") all_tool_paths = _all_tool_paths(runnables, **kwds) empty_tool_conf = config_join("empty_tool_conf.xml") tool_conf = config_join("tool_conf.xml") shed_data_manager_config_file = config_join("shed_data_manager_conf.xml") shed_tool_path = kwds.get("shed_tool_path") or config_join("shed_tools") _ensure_directory(shed_tool_path) sheds_config_path = _configure_sheds_config_file( ctx, config_directory, **kwds ) database_location = config_join("galaxy.sqlite") master_api_key = _get_master_api_key(kwds) dependency_dir = os.path.join(config_directory, "deps") _ensure_directory(shed_tool_path) port = _get_port(kwds) template_args = dict( port=port, host=kwds.get("host", ""), server_name=server_name, temp_directory=config_directory, shed_tool_path=shed_tool_path, database_location=database_location, tool_conf=tool_conf, debug=kwds.get("debug", "true"), id_secret=kwds.get("id_secret", "test_secret"), log_level="DEBUG" if ctx.verbose else "INFO", ) tool_config_file = "%s,%s" % (tool_conf, shed_tool_conf) # Setup both galaxy_email and older test user # as admins for command_line, etc... properties = _shared_galaxy_properties(config_directory, kwds, for_tests=for_tests) properties.update(dict( server_name="main", ftp_upload_dir_template="${ftp_upload_dir}", ftp_upload_purge="False", ftp_upload_dir=test_data_dir or os.path.abspath('.'), ftp_upload_site="Test Data", check_upload_content="False", tool_dependency_dir=dependency_dir, file_path=file_path, new_file_path="${temp_directory}/tmp", tool_config_file=tool_config_file, tool_sheds_config_file=sheds_config_path, manage_dependency_relationships="False", job_working_directory="${temp_directory}/job_working_directory", template_cache_path="${temp_directory}/compiled_templates", citation_cache_type="file", citation_cache_data_dir="${temp_directory}/citations/data", citation_cache_lock_dir="${temp_directory}/citations/lock", database_auto_migrate="True", enable_beta_tool_formats="True", id_secret="${id_secret}", log_level="${log_level}", debug="${debug}", watch_tools="auto", default_job_shell="/bin/bash", # For conda dependency resolution tool_data_table_config_path=tool_data_table, data_manager_config_file=",".join(data_manager_config_paths) or None, # without 'or None' may raise IOError in galaxy (see #946) integrated_tool_panel_config=("${temp_directory}/" "integrated_tool_panel_conf.xml"), migrated_tools_config=empty_tool_conf, test_data_dir=test_data_dir, # TODO: make gx respect this shed_data_manager_config_file=shed_data_manager_config_file, )) _handle_container_resolution(ctx, kwds, properties) write_file(config_join("logging.ini"), _sub(LOGGING_TEMPLATE, template_args)) properties["database_connection"] = _database_connection(database_location, **kwds) _handle_kwd_overrides(properties, kwds) # TODO: consider following property # watch_tool = False # datatypes_config_file = config/datatypes_conf.xml # welcome_url = /static/welcome.html # logo_url = / # sanitize_all_html = True # serve_xss_vulnerable_mimetypes = False # track_jobs_in_database = None # outputs_to_working_directory = False # retry_job_output_collection = 0 env = _build_env_for_galaxy(properties, template_args) env.update(install_env) _build_test_env(properties, env) env['GALAXY_TEST_SHED_TOOL_CONF'] = shed_tool_conf env['GALAXY_TEST_DBURI'] = properties["database_connection"] env["GALAXY_TEST_UPLOAD_ASYNC"] = "false" env["GALAXY_TEST_LOGGING_CONFIG"] = config_join("logging.ini") env["GALAXY_DEVELOPMENT_ENVIRONMENT"] = "1" # Following are needed in 18.01 to prevent Galaxy from changing log and pid. # env["GALAXY_LOG"] = log_file env["GALAXY_PID"] = pid_file web_config = _sub(WEB_SERVER_CONFIG_TEMPLATE, template_args) write_file(config_join("galaxy.ini"), web_config) _write_tool_conf(ctx, all_tool_paths, tool_conf) write_file(empty_tool_conf, EMPTY_TOOL_CONF_TEMPLATE) shed_tool_conf_contents = _sub(SHED_TOOL_CONF_TEMPLATE, template_args) # Write a new shed_tool_conf.xml if needed. write_file(shed_tool_conf, shed_tool_conf_contents, force=False) write_file(shed_data_manager_config_file, SHED_DATA_MANAGER_CONF_TEMPLATE) yield LocalGalaxyConfig( ctx, config_directory, env, test_data_dir, port, server_name, master_api_key, runnables, galaxy_root, kwds, ) def _all_tool_paths(runnables, **kwds): tool_paths = [r.path for r in runnables if r.has_tools and not r.data_manager_conf_path] all_tool_paths = list(tool_paths) + list(kwds.get("extra_tools", [])) for runnable in runnables: if == "galaxy_workflow": tool_ids = find_tool_ids(runnable.path) for tool_id in tool_ids: tool_paths = DISTRO_TOOLS_ID_TO_PATH.get(tool_id) if tool_paths: if isinstance(tool_paths, str): tool_paths = [tool_paths] all_tool_paths.extend(tool_paths) return all_tool_paths def _shared_galaxy_properties(config_directory, kwds, for_tests): """Setup properties useful for local and Docker Galaxy instances. Most things related to paths, etc... are very different between Galaxy modalities and many taken care of internally to the container in that mode. But this method sets up API stuff, tool, and job stuff that can be shared. """ master_api_key = _get_master_api_key(kwds) user_email = _user_email(kwds) properties = { 'master_api_key': master_api_key, 'admin_users': "%s," % user_email, 'expose_dataset_path': "True", 'cleanup_job': 'never', 'collect_outputs_from': "job_working_directory", 'allow_path_paste': "True", 'check_migrate_tools': "False", 'use_cached_dependency_manager': str(kwds.get("conda_auto_install", False)), 'brand': kwds.get("galaxy_brand", DEFAULT_GALAXY_BRAND), 'strict_cwl_validation': str(not kwds.get("non_strict_cwl", False)), } if kwds.get("galaxy_single_user", True): properties['single_user'] = user_email if for_tests: empty_dir = os.path.join(config_directory, "empty") _ensure_directory(empty_dir) properties["tour_config_dir"] = empty_dir properties["interactive_environment_plugins_directory"] = empty_dir properties["visualization_plugins_directory"] = empty_dir properties["refgenie_config_file"] = kwds.get('refgenie_config_file', '') return properties @contextlib.contextmanager def external_galaxy_config(ctx, runnables, for_tests=False, **kwds): yield BaseGalaxyConfig( ctx=ctx, galaxy_url=kwds.get("galaxy_url", None), master_api_key=_get_master_api_key(kwds), user_api_key=kwds.get("galaxy_user_key", None), runnables=runnables, kwds=kwds ) def _get_master_api_key(kwds): master_api_key = kwds.get("galaxy_admin_key") or DEFAULT_ADMIN_API_KEY return master_api_key def _get_port(kwds): port = int(kwds.get("port", 9090)) return port def _user_email(kwds): user_email = kwds.get("galaxy_email") return user_email @contextlib.contextmanager def _config_directory(ctx, **kwds): config_directory = kwds.get("config_directory", None) created_config_directory = False if not config_directory: created_config_directory = True config_directory = os.path.realpath(mkdtemp()) ctx.vlog("Created directory for Galaxy configuration [%s]" % config_directory) try: yield config_directory finally: cleanup = not kwds.get("no_cleanup", False) if created_config_directory and cleanup: shutil.rmtree(config_directory) @add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class GalaxyInterface(object): """Abstraction around a Galaxy instance. Description of a Galaxy instance and how to interact with it - this could potentially be a remote, already running instance or an instance Planemo manages to execute some task(s). """ @abc.abstractproperty def gi(self): """Return an admin bioblend Galaxy instance for API interactions.""" @abc.abstractproperty def user_gi(self): """Return a user-backed bioblend Galaxy instance for API interactions.""" @abc.abstractmethod def install_repo(self, *args, **kwds): """Install specified tool shed repository.""" @abc.abstractproperty def tool_shed_client(self): """Return a admin bioblend tool shed client.""" @abc.abstractmethod def wait_for_all_installed(self): """Wait for all queued up repositories installs to complete.""" @abc.abstractmethod def install_workflows(self): """Install all workflows configured with these planemo arguments.""" @abc.abstractmethod def workflow_id(self, path): """Get installed workflow API ID for input path.""" @abc.abstractproperty def version_major(self): """Return target Galaxy version.""" @abc.abstractproperty def user_api_config(self): """Return the API indicated configuration for user session. Calling .config.get_config() with admin GI session would yield a different object (admins have different view of Galaxy's configuration). """ @property def user_is_admin(self): return self.user_api_config["is_admin_user"] @add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class GalaxyConfig(GalaxyInterface): """Specialization of GalaxyInterface for Galaxy instances Planemo manages itself. This assumes more than an API connection is available - Planemo needs to be able to start and stop the Galaxy instance, recover logs, etc... There are currently two implementations - a locally executed Galaxy and one running inside a Docker containe """ @abc.abstractproperty def kill(self): """Stop the running instance.""" @abc.abstractmethod def startup_command(self, ctx, **kwds): """Return a shell command used to startup this instance. Among other common planmo kwds, this should respect the ``daemon`` keyword. """ @abc.abstractproperty def log_contents(self): """Retrieve text of log for running Galaxy instance.""" @abc.abstractmethod def cleanup(self): """Cleanup allocated resources to run this instance.""" @abc.abstractproperty def use_path_paste(self): """Use path paste to upload data. This will only be an option if the target user key is an admin user key. """ class BaseGalaxyConfig(GalaxyInterface): def __init__( self, ctx, galaxy_url, master_api_key, user_api_key, runnables, kwds, ): self._ctx = ctx self.galaxy_url = galaxy_url self.master_api_key = master_api_key self._user_api_key = user_api_key self.runnables = runnables self._kwds = kwds self._workflow_ids = {} self._target_version = UNINITIALIZED self._target_user_config = UNINITIALIZED @property def gi(self): assert self.galaxy_url return gi(url=self.galaxy_url, key=self.master_api_key) @property def user_gi(self): user_api_key = self.user_api_key assert user_api_key return self._gi_for_key(user_api_key) @property def user_api_key(self): # TODO: thread-safe if self._user_api_key is None: # TODO: respect --galaxy_email - seems like a real bug self._user_api_key = user_api_key( return self._user_api_key def _gi_for_key(self, key): assert self.galaxy_url return gi(url=self.galaxy_url, key=key) def install_repo(self, *args, **kwds): self.tool_shed_client.install_repository_revision( *args, **kwds ) @property def tool_shed_client(self): return def wait_for_all_installed(self): def status_ready(repo): status = repo["status"] if status in ["Installing", "New"]: return None if status == "Installed": return True raise Exception("Error installing repo status is %s" % status) def ready(): repos = self.tool_shed_client.get_repositories() ready = all(map(status_ready, repos)) return ready or None wait_on(ready, "galaxy tool installation", timeout=DEFAULT_TOOL_INSTALL_TIMEOUT) def install_workflows(self): for runnable in self.runnables: if in ["galaxy_workflow", "cwl_workflow"] and not runnable.is_remote_workflow_uri: self._install_workflow(runnable) def _install_workflow(self, runnable): if self._kwds.get("shed_install") and (self._kwds.get("engine") != "external_galaxy" or self._kwds.get("galaxy_admin_key")): install_shed_repos(runnable,, self._kwds.get("ignore_dependency_problems", False), self._kwds.get("install_tool_dependencies", False), self._kwds.get("install_resolver_dependencies", True), self._kwds.get("install_repository_dependencies", True)) default_from_path = self._kwds.get("workflows_from_path", False) # TODO: Allow serialization so this doesn't need to assume a # shared filesystem with Galaxy server. from_path = default_from_path or ( == "cwl_workflow") workflow = import_workflow( runnable.path,, user_gi=self.user_gi, from_path=from_path ) self._workflow_ids[runnable.path] = workflow["id"] def workflow_id_for_runnable(self, runnable): if runnable.is_remote_workflow_uri: workflow_id = remote_runnable_to_workflow_id(runnable) else: workflow_id = self.workflow_id(runnable.path) return workflow_id def workflow_id(self, path): return self._workflow_ids[path] @property def use_path_paste(self): option = self._kwds.get("paste_test_data_paths") if option is None: return self.default_use_path_paste else: return option @property def default_use_path_paste(self): return False @property def version_major(self): """Return target Galaxy version.""" if self._target_version is UNINITIALIZED: self._target_version = self.user_gi.config.get_version()["version_major"] return self._target_version @property def user_api_config(self): """Return the API indicated configuration for user session.""" if self._target_user_config is UNINITIALIZED: self._target_user_config = self.user_gi.config.get_config() return self._target_user_config class BaseManagedGalaxyConfig(BaseGalaxyConfig): def __init__( self, ctx, config_directory, env, test_data_dir, port, server_name, master_api_key, runnables, kwds, ): galaxy_url = "http://localhost:%d" % port super(BaseManagedGalaxyConfig, self).__init__( ctx=ctx, galaxy_url=galaxy_url, master_api_key=master_api_key, user_api_key=None, runnables=runnables, kwds=kwds ) self.config_directory = config_directory self.env = env self.test_data_dir = test_data_dir self.port = port self.server_name = server_name class DockerGalaxyConfig(BaseManagedGalaxyConfig): """A :class:`GalaxyConfig` description of a Dockerized Galaxy instance.""" def __init__( self, ctx, config_directory, env, test_data_dir, port, server_name, master_api_key, runnables, docker_target_kwds, volumes, export_directory, kwds, ): super(DockerGalaxyConfig, self).__init__( ctx, config_directory, env, test_data_dir, port, server_name, master_api_key, runnables, kwds, ) self.docker_target_kwds = docker_target_kwds self.volumes = volumes self.export_directory = export_directory def kill(self): """Kill planemo container...""" kill_command = docker_util.kill_command( self.server_name, **self.docker_target_kwds ) return shell(kill_command) def startup_command(self, ctx, **kwds): """Return a shell command used to startup this instance. Among other common planmo kwds, this should respect the ``daemon`` keyword. """ daemon = kwds.get("daemon", False) daemon_str = "" if not daemon else " -d" docker_run_extras = "-p %s:80%s" % (self.port, daemon_str) env_directives = ["%s='%s'" % item for item in self.env.items()] image = kwds.get("docker_galaxy_image", "bgruening/galaxy-stable") run_command = docker_util.build_docker_run_command( "", image, interactive=False, env_directives=env_directives, working_directory=None, name=self.server_name, run_extra_arguments=docker_run_extras, set_user=False, volumes=self.volumes, **self.docker_target_kwds ) chmod_command = [ "chmod", "-R", "o+rwx", self.config_directory, ] if self.export_directory: chmod_command.append(self.export_directory) return shell_join( argv_to_str(chmod_command), run_command, ) @property def log_contents(self): logs_command = docker_util.logs_command( self.server_name, **self.docker_target_kwds ) output, _ = communicate( logs_command ) return output def cleanup(self): shutil.rmtree(self.config_directory, CLEANUP_IGNORE_ERRORS) class LocalGalaxyConfig(BaseManagedGalaxyConfig): """A local, non-containerized implementation of :class:`GalaxyConfig`.""" def __init__( self, ctx, config_directory, env, test_data_dir, port, server_name, master_api_key, runnables, galaxy_root, kwds, ): super(LocalGalaxyConfig, self).__init__( ctx, config_directory, env, test_data_dir, port, server_name, master_api_key, runnables, kwds, ) self.galaxy_root = galaxy_root def kill(self): if self._ctx.verbose: shell(["ps", "ax"]) exists = os.path.exists(self.pid_file) print("Killing pid file [%s]" % self.pid_file) print("pid_file exists? [%s]" % exists) if exists: print("pid_file contents are [%s]" % open(self.pid_file, "r").read()) kill_pid_file(self.pid_file) def startup_command(self, ctx, **kwds): """Return a shell command used to startup this instance. Among other common planemo kwds, this should respect the ``daemon`` keyword. """ daemon = kwds.get("daemon", False) # TODO: Allow running dockerized Galaxy here instead. setup_venv_command = setup_venv(ctx, kwds) run_script = "%s $COMMON_STARTUP_ARGS" % shlex_quote(os.path.join(self.galaxy_root, "")) if daemon: run_script += " --daemon" self.env["GALAXY_RUN_ALL"] = "1" else: run_script += " --server-name %s" % shlex_quote(self.server_name) server_ini = os.path.join(self.config_directory, "galaxy.ini") self.env["GALAXY_CONFIG_FILE"] = server_ini if parse_version(kwds.get('galaxy_python_version') or DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) >= parse_version('3'): # We need to start under gunicorn self.env['APP_WEBSERVER'] = 'gunicorn' self.env['GUNICORN_CMD_ARGS'] = "--timeout={timeout} --capture-output --bind={host}:{port} --name={server_name}".format( timeout=DEFAULT_TOOL_INSTALL_TIMEOUT, host=kwds.get('host', ''), port=kwds['port'], server_name=self.server_name, ) cd_to_galaxy_command = ['cd', self.galaxy_root] return shell_join( cd_to_galaxy_command, setup_venv_command, setup_common_startup_args(), run_script, ) @property def log_file(self): """Log file used when planemo serves this Galaxy instance.""" file_name = "%s.log" % self.server_name return os.path.join(self.galaxy_root, file_name) @property def pid_file(self): pid_file_name = "" % self.server_name return os.path.join(self.galaxy_root, pid_file_name) @property def log_contents(self): if not os.path.exists(self.log_file): return "" with open(self.log_file, "r") as f: return def cleanup(self): shutil.rmtree(self.config_directory, CLEANUP_IGNORE_ERRORS) @property def default_use_path_paste(self): # If Planemo started a local, native Galaxy instance assume files URLs can be # pasted. return self.user_is_admin def _database_connection(database_location, **kwds): default_connection = DATABASE_LOCATION_TEMPLATE % database_location database_connection = kwds.get("database_connection") or default_connection return database_connection def _find_galaxy_root(ctx, **kwds): root_prop = "galaxy_root" cwl = kwds.get("cwl", False) if cwl: root_prop = "cwl_galaxy_root" galaxy_root = kwds.get(root_prop, None) if galaxy_root: return galaxy_root else: par_dir = os.getcwd() while True: run = os.path.join(par_dir, "") config = os.path.join(par_dir, "config") if os.path.isfile(run) and os.path.isdir(config): return par_dir new_par_dir = os.path.dirname(par_dir) if new_par_dir == par_dir: break par_dir = new_par_dir return None def _find_test_data(runnables, **kwds): test_data_search_path = "." runnables = [r for r in runnables if r.has_tools] if len(runnables) > 0: test_data_search_path = runnables[0].test_data_search_path # Find test data directory associated with path. test_data = kwds.get("test_data", None) if test_data: return os.path.abspath(test_data) else: test_data = _search_tool_path_for(test_data_search_path, "test-data") if test_data: return test_data warn(NO_TEST_DATA_MESSAGE) return None def _find_tool_data_table(runnables, test_data_dir, **kwds): tool_data_search_path = "." runnables = [r for r in runnables if r.has_tools] if len(runnables) > 0: tool_data_search_path = runnables[0].tool_data_search_path tool_data_table = kwds.get("tool_data_table", None) if tool_data_table: return os.path.abspath(tool_data_table) else: extra_paths = [test_data_dir] if test_data_dir else [] return _search_tool_path_for( tool_data_search_path, "tool_data_table_conf.xml.test", extra_paths, ) or _search_tool_path_for( # if all else fails just use sample tool_data_search_path, "tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample" ) def _search_tool_path_for(path, target, extra_paths=None): """Check for presence of a target in different artifact directories.""" if extra_paths is None: extra_paths = [] if not os.path.isdir(path): tool_dir = os.path.dirname(path) else: tool_dir = path possible_dirs = [tool_dir, "."] + extra_paths for possible_dir in possible_dirs: possible_path = os.path.join(possible_dir, target) if os.path.exists(possible_path): return os.path.abspath(possible_path) return None def _configure_sheds_config_file(ctx, config_directory, **kwds): if "shed_target" not in kwds: kwds = kwds.copy() kwds["shed_target"] = "toolshed" shed_target_url = tool_shed_url(ctx, **kwds) contents = _sub(TOOL_SHEDS_CONF, {"shed_target_url": shed_target_url}) tool_sheds_conf = os.path.join(config_directory, "tool_sheds_conf.xml") write_file(tool_sheds_conf, contents) return tool_sheds_conf def _tool_conf_entry_for(tool_paths): tool_definitions = "" for tool_path in tool_paths: if os.path.isdir(tool_path): tool_definitions += '''<tool_dir dir="%s" />''' % tool_path else: tool_definitions += '''<tool file="%s" />''' % tool_path return tool_definitions def _install_galaxy(ctx, galaxy_root, env, kwds): if not kwds.get("no_cache_galaxy", False): _install_galaxy_via_git(ctx, galaxy_root, env, kwds) else: _install_galaxy_via_download(ctx, galaxy_root, env, kwds) def _install_galaxy_via_download(ctx, galaxy_root, env, kwds): branch = _galaxy_branch(kwds) untar_to("" + branch, tar_args=['-xvzf', '-', 'galaxy-' + branch], dest_dir=galaxy_root) _install_with_command(ctx, galaxy_root, env, kwds) def _install_galaxy_via_git(ctx, galaxy_root, env, kwds): gx_repo = _ensure_galaxy_repository_available(ctx, kwds) branch = _galaxy_branch(kwds) command = git.command_clone(ctx, gx_repo, galaxy_root, branch=branch) exit_code = shell(command, env=env) if exit_code != 0: raise Exception("Failed to glone Galaxy via git") _install_with_command(ctx, galaxy_root, env, kwds) def _build_eggs_cache(ctx, env, kwds): if kwds.get("no_cache_galaxy", False): return None workspace = ctx.workspace eggs_path = os.path.join(workspace, "gx_eggs") if not os.path.exists(eggs_path): os.makedirs(eggs_path) env["GALAXY_EGGS_PATH"] = eggs_path def _galaxy_branch(kwds): branch = kwds.get("galaxy_branch", None) if branch is None: cwl = kwds.get("cwl", False) branch = "cwl-1.0" if cwl else None if branch is None: branch = DEFAULT_GALAXY_BRANCH return branch def _galaxy_source(kwds): source = kwds.get("galaxy_source", None) if source is None: cwl = kwds.get("cwl", False) source = CWL_GALAXY_SOURCE if cwl else None if source is None: source = DEFAULT_GALAXY_SOURCE return source def _install_with_command(ctx, galaxy_root, env, kwds): setup_venv_command = setup_venv(ctx, kwds) install_cmd = shell_join( setup_venv_command, setup_common_startup_args(), COMMAND_STARTUP_COMMAND, ) exit_code = shell(install_cmd, cwd=galaxy_root, env=env) if exit_code != 0: raise Exception("Failed to install Galaxy via command [%s]" % install_cmd) if not os.path.exists(galaxy_root): raise Exception("Failed to create Galaxy directory [%s]" % galaxy_root) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(galaxy_root, "lib")): raise Exception("Failed to create Galaxy directory [%s], lib missing" % galaxy_root) def _ensure_galaxy_repository_available(ctx, kwds): workspace = ctx.workspace cwl = kwds.get("cwl", False) galaxy_source = kwds.get('galaxy_source') if galaxy_source and galaxy_source != DEFAULT_GALAXY_SOURCE: sanitized_repo_name = "".join(c if c.isalnum() else '_' for c in kwds['galaxy_source']).rstrip()[:255] gx_repo = os.path.join(workspace, "gx_repo_%s" % sanitized_repo_name) else: gx_repo = os.path.join(workspace, "gx_repo") if cwl: gx_repo += "_cwl" if os.path.exists(gx_repo): # Convert the git repository from bare to mirror, if needed shell(['git', '--git-dir', gx_repo, 'config', 'remote.origin.fetch', '+refs/*:refs/*']) shell(['git', '--git-dir', gx_repo, 'config', 'remote.origin.mirror', 'true']) # Attempt remote update - but don't fail if not interweb, etc... shell("git --git-dir %s remote update >/dev/null 2>&1" % gx_repo) else: remote_repo = _galaxy_source(kwds) command = git.command_clone(ctx, remote_repo, gx_repo, mirror=True) shell(command) return gx_repo def _build_env_for_galaxy(properties, template_args): env = {} for key, value in iteritems(properties): if value is not None: # Do not override None with empty string var = "GALAXY_CONFIG_OVERRIDE_%s" % key.upper() value = _sub(value, template_args) env[var] = value return env def _build_test_env(properties, env): # Keeping these environment variables around for a little while but # many are probably not needed as of the following commit. # test_property_variants = { 'GALAXY_TEST_JOB_CONFIG_FILE': 'job_config_file', 'GALAXY_TEST_MIGRATED_TOOL_CONF': 'migrated_tools_config', 'GALAXY_TEST_TOOL_CONF': 'tool_config_file', 'GALAXY_TEST_FILE_DIR': 'test_data_dir', 'GALAXY_TOOL_DEPENDENCY_DIR': 'tool_dependency_dir', # Next line would be required for tool shed tests. # 'GALAXY_TEST_TOOL_DEPENDENCY_DIR': 'tool_dependency_dir', } for test_key, gx_key in test_property_variants.items(): value = properties.get(gx_key, None) if value is not None: env[test_key] = value def _handle_job_config_file(config_directory, server_name, kwds): job_config_file = kwds.get("job_config_file", None) if not job_config_file: template_str = JOB_CONFIG_LOCAL job_config_file = os.path.join( config_directory, "job_conf.xml", ) docker_enable = str(kwds.get("docker", False)) docker_host = kwds.get("docker_host", docker_util.DEFAULT_HOST) docker_host_param = "" if docker_host: docker_host_param = """<param id="docker_host">%s</param>""" % docker_host conf_contents = Template(template_str).safe_substitute({ "server_name": server_name, "docker_enable": docker_enable, "require_container": "false", "docker_sudo": str(kwds.get("docker_sudo", False)), "docker_sudo_cmd": str(kwds.get("docker_sudo_cmd", docker_util.DEFAULT_SUDO_COMMAND)), "docker_cmd": str(kwds.get("docker_cmd", docker_util.DEFAULT_DOCKER_COMMAND)), "docker_host_param": docker_host_param, }) write_file(job_config_file, conf_contents) kwds["job_config_file"] = job_config_file def _write_tool_conf(ctx, tool_paths, tool_conf_path): tool_definition = _tool_conf_entry_for(tool_paths) tool_conf_template_kwds = dict(tool_definition=tool_definition) tool_conf_contents = _sub(TOOL_CONF_TEMPLATE, tool_conf_template_kwds) write_file(tool_conf_path, tool_conf_contents) ctx.vlog( "Writing tool_conf to path %s with contents [%s]", tool_conf_path, tool_conf_contents, ) def _handle_container_resolution(ctx, kwds, galaxy_properties): if kwds.get("mulled_containers", False): galaxy_properties["enable_beta_mulled_containers"] = "True" involucro_context = build_involucro_context(ctx, **kwds) galaxy_properties["involucro_auto_init"] = "False" # Use planemo's galaxy_properties["involucro_path"] = involucro_context.involucro_bin def _handle_job_metrics(config_directory, kwds): metrics_conf = os.path.join(config_directory, "job_metrics_conf.xml") with open(metrics_conf, "w") as fh: fh.write(EMPTY_JOB_METRICS_TEMPLATE) kwds["job_metrics_config_file"] = metrics_conf def _handle_refgenie_config(config_directory, kwds): refgenie_dir = os.path.join(config_directory, 'refgenie') _ensure_directory(refgenie_dir) refgenie_config = os.path.join(refgenie_dir, "genome_config.yaml") with open(refgenie_config, "w") as fh: fh.write(REFGENIE_CONFIG_TEMPLATE % (refgenie_dir)) kwds["refgenie_config_file"] = refgenie_config def _handle_kwd_overrides(properties, kwds): kwds_gx_properties = [ 'job_config_file', 'job_metrics_config_file', 'dependency_resolvers_config_file', ] for prop in kwds_gx_properties: val = kwds.get(prop, None) if val: properties[prop] = val def _sub(template, args): if template is None: return '' return Template(template).safe_substitute(args) def _ensure_directory(path): if path is not None and not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) __all__ = ( "DATABASE_LOCATION_TEMPLATE", "galaxy_config", )