comparison hairpinTool.R @ 2:076ca575208f

First commit
author shian_su <>
date Fri, 21 Feb 2014 12:52:56 +1100
children f8af57d6f60b
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:aa02cf19e1b3 2:076ca575208f
1 # Record starting time
2 timeStart <- as.character(Sys.time())
4 # Loading and checking required packages
5 library(methods, quietly=TRUE, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
6 library(statmod, quietly=TRUE, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
7 library(splines, quietly=TRUE, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
8 library(edgeR, quietly=TRUE, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
9 library(limma, quietly=TRUE, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
11 if (packageVersion("edgeR") < "3.5.23") {
12 message("Please update 'edgeR' to version >= 3.5.23 to run this script")
13 }
15 ################################################################################
16 ### Function declarations
17 ################################################################################
19 # Function to sanitise contrast equations so there are no whitespaces
20 # surrounding the arithmetic operators, leading or trailing whitespace
21 sanitiseEquation <- function(equation) {
22 equation <- gsub(" *[+] *", "+", equation)
23 equation <- gsub(" *[-] *", "-", equation)
24 equation <- gsub(" *[/] *", "/", equation)
25 equation <- gsub(" *[*] *", "*", equation)
26 equation <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", equation)
27 return(equation)
28 }
30 # Function to sanitise group information
31 sanitiseGroups <- function(string) {
32 string <- gsub(" *[,] *", ",", string)
33 string <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", string)
34 return(string)
35 }
37 # Function to change periods to whitespace in a string
38 unmake.names <- function(string) {
39 string <- gsub(".", " ", string, fixed=TRUE)
40 return(string)
41 }
43 # Function has string input and generates an output path string
44 makeOut <- function(filename) {
45 return(paste0(folderPath, "/", filename))
46 }
48 # Function has string input and generates both a pdf and png output strings
49 imgOut <- function(filename) {
50 assign(paste0(filename, "Png"), makeOut(paste0(filename,".png")),
51 envir = .GlobalEnv)
52 assign(paste0(filename, "Pdf"), makeOut(paste0(filename,".pdf")),
53 envir = .GlobalEnv)
54 }
56 # Create cat function default path set, default seperator empty and appending
57 # true by default (Ripped straight from the cat function with altered argument
58 # defaults)
59 cata <- function(..., file = htmlPath, sep = "", fill = FALSE, labels = NULL,
60 append = TRUE) {
61 if (is.character(file))
62 if (file == "")
63 file <- stdout()
64 else if (substring(file, 1L, 1L) == "|") {
65 file <- pipe(substring(file, 2L), "w")
66 on.exit(close(file))
67 }
68 else {
69 file <- file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w"))
70 on.exit(close(file))
71 }
72 .Internal(cat(list(...), file, sep, fill, labels, append))
73 }
75 # Function to write code for html head and title
76 HtmlHead <- function(title) {
77 cata("<head>\n")
78 cata("<title>", title, "</title>\n")
79 cata("</head>\n")
80 }
82 # Function to write code for html links
83 HtmlLink <- function(address, label=address) {
84 cata("<a href=\"", address, "\" target=\"_blank\">", label, "</a><br />\n")
85 }
87 # Function to write code for html images
88 HtmlImage <- function(source, label=source, height=600, width=600) {
89 cata("<img src=\"", source, "\" alt=\"", label, "\" height=\"", height)
90 cata("\" width=\"", width, "\"/>\n")
91 }
93 # Function to write code for html list items
94 ListItem <- function(...) {
95 cata("<li>", ..., "</li>\n")
96 }
98 TableItem <- function(...) {
99 cata("<td>", ..., "</td>\n")
100 }
102 TableHeadItem <- function(...) {
103 cata("<th>", ..., "</th>\n")
104 }
105 ################################################################################
106 ### Input Processing
107 ################################################################################
109 # Grabbing arguments from command line
110 argv <- commandArgs(TRUE)
112 # Remove fastq file paths after collecting from argument vector
113 inputType <- as.character(argv[1])
114 if (inputType=="fastq") {
115 fastqPath <- as.character(gsub("fastq::", "", argv[grepl("fastq::", argv)],
116 fixed=TRUE))
117 argv <- argv[!grepl("fastq::", argv, fixed=TRUE)]
118 hairpinPath <- as.character(argv[2])
119 samplePath <- as.character(argv[3])
120 barStart <- as.numeric(argv[4])
121 barEnd <- as.numeric(argv[5])
122 hpStart <- as.numeric(argv[6])
123 hpEnd <- as.numeric(argv[7])
124 } else if (inputType=="counts") {
125 countPath <- as.character(argv[2])
126 annoPath <- as.character(argv[3])
127 samplePath <- as.character(argv[4])
128 }
130 cpmReq <- as.numeric(argv[8])
131 sampleReq <- as.numeric(argv[9])
132 fdrThresh <- as.numeric(argv[10])
133 lfcThresh <- as.numeric(argv[11])
134 workMode <- as.character(argv[12])
135 htmlPath <- as.character(argv[13])
136 folderPath <- as.character(argv[14])
137 if (workMode=="classic") {
138 pairData <- character()
139 pairData[2] <- as.character(argv[15])
140 pairData[1] <- as.character(argv[16])
141 } else if (workMode=="glm") {
142 contrastData <- as.character(argv[15])
143 roastOpt <- as.character(argv[16])
144 hairpinReq <- as.numeric(argv[17])
145 selectOpt <- as.character(argv[18])
146 selectVals <- as.character(argv[19])
147 }
149 # Read in inputs
150 if (inputType=="fastq") {
151 samples <- read.table(samplePath, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
152 hairpins <- read.table(hairpinPath, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
153 } else if (inputType=="counts") {
154 samples <- read.table(samplePath, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
155 counts <- read.table(countPath, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
156 anno <- read.table(annoPath, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
157 }
158 ###################### Check inputs for correctness ############################
159 samples$ID <- make.names(samples$ID)
161 if (!any(grepl("group", names(samples)))) {
162 stop("'group' column not specified in sample annotation file")
163 } # Check if grouping variable has been specified
165 if (any(table(samples$ID)>1)){
166 tab <- table(samples$ID)
167 offenders <- paste(names(tab[tab>1]), collapse=", ")
168 offenders <- unmake.names(offenders)
169 stop("ID column of sample annotation must have unique values, values ",
170 offenders, " are repeated")
171 } # Check that IDs in sample annotation are unique
173 if (any($ID, colnames(counts))))) {
174 stop("not all samples have groups specified")
175 } # Check that a group has be specifed for each sample
177 if (inputType=="fastq") {
179 if (any(table(hairpins$ID)>1)){
180 tab <- table(hairpins$ID)
181 offenders <- paste(names(tab[tab>1]), collapse=", ")
182 stop("ID column of hairpin annotation must have unique values, values ",
183 offenders, " are repeated")
184 } # Check that IDs in hairpin annotation are unique
186 } else if (inputType=="counts") {
188 if (any(table(counts$ID)>1)){
189 tab <- table(counts$ID)
190 offenders <- paste(names(tab[tab>1]), collapse=", ")
191 stop("ID column of count table must have unique values, values ",
192 offenders, " are repeated")
193 } # Check that IDs in count table are unique
194 }
195 ################################################################################
197 # Process arguments
198 if (workMode=="glm") {
199 if (roastOpt=="yes") {
200 wantRoast <- TRUE
201 } else {
202 wantRoast <- FALSE
203 }
204 }
206 # Split up contrasts seperated by comma into a vector and replace spaces with
207 # periods
208 if (exists("contrastData")) {
209 contrastData <- unlist(strsplit(contrastData, split=","))
210 contrastData <- sanitiseEquation(contrastData)
211 contrastData <- gsub(" ", ".", contrastData, fixed=TRUE)
212 }
214 # Replace spaces with periods in pair data
215 if (exists("pairData")) {
216 pairData <- make.names(pairData)
217 }
219 # Generate output folder and paths
220 dir.create(folderPath)
222 # Generate links for outputs
223 imgOut("barHairpin")
224 imgOut("barIndex")
225 imgOut("mds")
226 imgOut("bcv")
227 if (workMode == "classic") {
228 smearPng <- makeOut(paste0("smear(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1],").png"))
229 smearPdf <- makeOut(paste0("smear(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1],").pdf"))
230 topOut <- makeOut(paste0("toptag(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1],").tsv"))
231 } else if (workMode=="glm") {
232 smearPng <- character()
233 smearPdf <- character()
234 topOut <- character()
235 roastOut <- character()
236 barcodePng <- character()
237 barcodePdf <- character()
238 for (i in 1:length(contrastData)) {
239 smearPng[i] <- makeOut(paste0("smear(", contrastData[i], ").png"))
240 smearPdf[i] <- makeOut(paste0("smear(", contrastData[i], ").pdf"))
241 topOut[i] <- makeOut(paste0("toptag(", contrastData[i], ").tsv"))
242 roastOut[i] <- makeOut(paste0("roast(", contrastData[i], ").tsv"))
243 barcodePng[i] <- makeOut(paste0("barcode(", contrastData[i], ").png"))
244 barcodePdf[i] <- makeOut(paste0("barcode(", contrastData[i], ").pdf"))
245 }
246 }
247 # Initialise data for html links and images, table with the link label and
248 # link address
249 linkData <- data.frame(Label=character(), Link=character(),
250 stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
251 imageData <- data.frame(Label=character(), Link=character(),
252 stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
253 ################################################################################
254 ### Data Processing
255 ################################################################################
257 # Transform gene selection from string into index values for mroast
258 if (workMode=="glm") {
259 if (selectOpt=="rank") {
260 selectVals <- gsub(" ", "", selectVals, fixed=TRUE)
261 selectVals <- unlist(strsplit(selectVals, ","))
263 for (i in 1:length(selectVals)) {
264 if (grepl(":", selectVals[i], fixed=TRUE)) {
265 temp <- unlist(strsplit(selectVals[i], ":"))
266 selectVals <- selectVals[-i]
267 a <- as.numeric(temp[1])
268 b <- as.numeric(temp[2])
269 selectVals <- c(selectVals, a:b)
270 }
271 }
272 selectVals <- as.numeric(unique(selectVals))
273 } else {
274 selectVals <- gsub(" ", "", selectVals, fixed=TRUE)
275 selectVals <- unlist(strsplit(selectVals, " "))
276 }
277 }
279 if (inputType=="fastq") {
280 # Use EdgeR hairpin process and capture outputs
281 hpReadout <- capture.output(
282 data <- processHairpinReads(fastqPath, samplePath, hairpinPath,
283 hairpinStart=hpStart, hairpinEnd=hpEnd,
284 verbose=TRUE)
285 )
287 # Remove function output entries that show processing data or is empty
288 hpReadout <- hpReadout[hpReadout!=""]
289 hpReadout <- hpReadout[!grepl("Processing", hpReadout)]
290 hpReadout <- hpReadout[!grepl("in file", hpReadout)]
291 hpReadout <- gsub(" -- ", "", hpReadout, fixed=TRUE)
294 # Make the names of groups syntactically valid (replace spaces with periods)
295 data$samples$group <- make.names(data$samples$group)
296 } else {
297 # Process counts information, set ID column to be row names
298 rownames(counts) <- counts$ID
299 counts <- counts[ , !(colnames(counts)=="ID")]
300 countsRows <- nrow(counts)
302 # Process group information
303 factors <- samples$group[match(samples$ID, colnames(counts))]
304 annoRows <- nrow(anno)
305 anno <- anno[match(rownames(counts), anno$ID), ]
306 annoMatched <- sum(!$ID))
308 if (any($ID))) {
309 warningStr <- paste("count table contained more hairpins than",
310 "specified in hairpin annotation file")
311 warning(warningStr)
312 }
314 # Filter out rows with zero counts
315 sel <- rowSums(counts)!=0
316 counts <- counts[sel, ]
317 anno <- anno[sel, ]
319 # Create DGEList
320 data <- DGEList(counts=counts, lib.size=colSums(counts),
321 norm.factors=rep(1,ncol(counts)), genes=anno, group=factors)
323 # Make the names of groups syntactically valid (replace spaces with periods)
324 data$samples$group <- make.names(data$samples$group)
325 }
327 # Filter hairpins with low counts
328 sel <- rowSums(cpm(data$counts) > cpmReq) >= sampleReq
329 data <- data[sel, ]
331 # Estimate dispersions
332 data <- estimateDisp(data)
333 commonBCV <- sqrt(data$common.dispersion)
335 ################################################################################
336 ### Output Processing
337 ################################################################################
339 # Plot number of hairpins that could be matched per sample
340 png(barIndexPng, width=600, height=600)
341 barplot(height<-colSums(data$counts), las=2, main="Counts per index",
342 cex.names=1.0, cex.axis=0.8, ylim=c(0, max(height)*1.2))
343 imageData[1, ] <- c("Counts per Index", "barIndex.png")
344 invisible(
346 pdf(barIndexPdf)
347 barplot(height<-colSums(data$counts), las=2, main="Counts per index",
348 cex.names=1.0, cex.axis=0.8, ylim=c(0, max(height)*1.2))
349 linkData[1, ] <- c("Counts per Index Barplot (.pdf)", "barIndex.pdf")
350 invisible(
352 # Plot per hairpin totals across all samples
353 png(barHairpinPng, width=600, height=600)
354 if (nrow(data$counts)<50) {
355 barplot(height<-rowSums(data$counts), las=2, main="Counts per hairpin",
356 cex.names=0.8, cex.axis=0.8, ylim=c(0, max(height)*1.2))
357 } else {
358 barplot(height<-rowSums(data$counts), las=2, main="Counts per hairpin",
359 cex.names=0.8, cex.axis=0.8, ylim=c(0, max(height)*1.2),
360 names.arg=FALSE)
361 }
362 imageData <- rbind(imageData, c("Counts per Hairpin", "barHairpin.png"))
363 invisible(
365 pdf(barHairpinPdf)
366 if (nrow(data$counts)<50) {
367 barplot(height<-rowSums(data$counts), las=2, main="Counts per hairpin",
368 cex.names=0.8, cex.axis=0.8, ylim=c(0, max(height)*1.2))
369 } else {
370 barplot(height<-rowSums(data$counts), las=2, main="Counts per hairpin",
371 cex.names=0.8, cex.axis=0.8, ylim=c(0, max(height)*1.2),
372 names.arg=FALSE)
373 }
374 newEntry <- c("Counts per Hairpin Barplot (.pdf)", "barHairpin.pdf")
375 linkData <- rbind(linkData, newEntry)
376 invisible(
378 # Make an MDS plot to visualise relationships between replicate samples
379 png(mdsPng, width=600, height=600)
380 plotMDS(data, labels=data$samples$group, col=as.numeric(data$samples$group),
381 main="MDS Plot")
382 imageData <- rbind(imageData, c("MDS Plot", "mds.png"))
383 invisible(
385 pdf(mdsPdf)
386 plotMDS(data, labels=data$samples$group, col=as.numeric(data$samples$group),
387 main="MDS Plot")
388 newEntry <- c("MDS Plot (.pdf)", "mds.pdf")
389 linkData <- rbind(linkData, newEntry)
390 invisible(
392 if (workMode=="classic") {
393 # Assess differential representation using classic exact testing methodology
394 # in edgeR
395 testData <- exactTest(data, pair=pairData)
397 top <- topTags(testData, n=Inf)
398 topIDs <- top$table[(top$table$FDR < fdrThresh) &
399 (abs(top$table$logFC) > lfcThresh), 1]
400 write.table(top, file=topOut, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
401 linkName <- paste0("Top Tags Table(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1],
402 ") (.tsv)")
403 linkAddr <- paste0("toptag(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1], ").tsv")
404 linkData <- rbind(linkData, c(linkName, linkAddr))
406 # Select hairpins with FDR < 0.05 to highlight on plot
407 png(smearPng, width=600, height=600)
408 plotTitle <- gsub(".", " ",
409 paste0("Smear Plot: ", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1]),
410 fixed = TRUE)
411 plotSmear(testData, de.tags=topIDs,
412 pch=20, cex=1.0, main=plotTitle)
413 abline(h = c(-1, 0, 1), col = c("dodgerblue", "yellow", "dodgerblue"), lty=2)
414 imgName <- paste0("Smear Plot(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1], ")")
415 imgAddr <- paste0("smear(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1],").png")
416 imageData <- rbind(imageData, c(imgName, imgAddr))
417 invisible(
419 pdf(smearPdf)
420 plotTitle <- gsub(".", " ",
421 paste0("Smear Plot: ", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1]),
422 fixed = TRUE)
423 plotSmear(testData, de.tags=topIDs,
424 pch=20, cex=1.0, main=plotTitle)
425 abline(h = c(-1, 0, 1), col = c("dodgerblue", "yellow", "dodgerblue"), lty=2)
426 imgName <- paste0("Smear Plot(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1], ") (.pdf)")
427 imgAddr <- paste0("smear(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1], ").pdf")
428 linkData <- rbind(linkData, c(imgName, imgAddr))
429 invisible(
430 } else if (workMode=="glm") {
431 # Generating design information
432 factors <- factor(data$sample$group)
433 design <- model.matrix(~0+factors)
435 colnames(design) <- gsub("factors", "", colnames(design), fixed=TRUE)
437 # Split up contrasts seperated by comma into a vector
438 contrastData <- unlist(strsplit(contrastData, split=","))
439 for (i in 1:length(contrastData)) {
440 # Generate contrasts information
441 contrasts <- makeContrasts(contrasts=contrastData[i], levels=design)
443 # Fit negative bionomial GLM
444 fit = glmFit(data, design)
445 # Carry out Likelihood ratio test
446 testData = glmLRT(fit, contrast=contrasts)
448 # Select hairpins with FDR < 0.05 to highlight on plot
449 top <- topTags(testData, n=Inf)
450 topIDs <- top$table[(top$table$FDR < fdrThresh) &
451 (abs(top$table$logFC) > lfcThresh), 1]
452 write.table(top, file=topOut[i], row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
454 linkName <- paste0("Top Tags Table(", contrastData[i], ") (.tsv)")
455 linkAddr <- paste0("toptag(", contrastData[i], ").tsv")
456 linkData <- rbind(linkData, c(linkName, linkAddr))
458 # Make a plot of logFC versus logCPM
459 png(smearPng[i], height=600, width=600)
460 plotTitle <- paste("Smear Plot:", gsub(".", " ", contrastData[i],
461 fixed=TRUE))
462 plotSmear(testData, de.tags=topIDs, pch=20, cex=0.8, main=plotTitle)
463 abline(h=c(-1, 0, 1), col=c("dodgerblue", "yellow", "dodgerblue"), lty=2)
465 imgName <- paste0("Smear Plot(", contrastData[i], ")")
466 imgAddr <- paste0("smear(", contrastData[i], ").png")
467 imageData <- rbind(imageData, c(imgName, imgAddr))
468 invisible(
470 pdf(smearPdf[i])
471 plotTitle <- paste("Smear Plot:", gsub(".", " ", contrastData[i],
472 fixed=TRUE))
473 plotSmear(testData, de.tags=topIDs, pch=20, cex=0.8, main=plotTitle)
474 abline(h=c(-1, 0, 1), col=c("dodgerblue", "yellow", "dodgerblue"), lty=2)
476 linkName <- paste0("Smear Plot(", contrastData[i], ") (.pdf)")
477 linkAddr <- paste0("smear(", contrastData[i], ").pdf")
478 linkData <- rbind(linkData, c(linkName, linkAddr))
479 invisible(
481 genes <- as.character(data$genes$Gene)
482 unq <- unique(genes)
483 unq <- unq[!]
484 geneList <- list()
485 for (gene in unq) {
486 if (length(which(genes==gene)) >= hairpinReq) {
487 geneList[[gene]] <- which(genes==gene)
488 }
489 }
491 if (wantRoast) {
492 # Input preparaton for roast
493 nrot = 9999
494 set.seed(602214129)
495 roastData <- mroast(data, index=geneList, design=design,
496 contrast=contrasts, nrot=nrot)
497 roastData <- cbind(GeneID=rownames(roastData), roastData)
498 write.table(roastData, file=roastOut[i], row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
499 linkName <- paste0("Gene Level Analysis Table(", contrastData[i],
500 ") (.tsv)")
501 linkAddr <- paste0("roast(", contrastData[i], ").tsv")
502 linkData <- rbind(linkData, c(linkName, linkAddr))
503 if (selectOpt=="rank") {
504 selectedGenes <- rownames(roastData)[selectVals]
505 } else {
506 selectedGenes <- selectVals
507 }
509 if (packageVersion("limma")<"3.19.19") {
510 png(barcodePng[i], width=600, height=length(selectedGenes)*150)
511 } else {
512 png(barcodePng[i], width=600, height=length(selectedGenes)*300)
513 }
514 par(mfrow=c(length(selectedGenes), 1))
515 for (gene in selectedGenes) {
516 barcodeplot(testData$table$logFC, index=geneList[[gene]],
517 main=paste("Barcode Plot for", gene, "(logFCs)",
518 gsub(".", " ", contrastData[i])),
519 labels=c("Positive logFC", "Negative logFC"))
520 }
521 imgName <- paste0("Barcode Plot(", contrastData[i], ")")
522 imgAddr <- paste0("barcode(", contrastData[i], ").png")
523 imageData <- rbind(imageData, c(imgName, imgAddr))
525 if (packageVersion("limma")<"3.19.19") {
526 pdf(barcodePdf[i], width=8, height=2)
527 } else {
528 pdf(barcodePdf[i], width=8, height=4)
529 }
530 for (gene in selectedGenes) {
531 barcodeplot(testData$table$logFC, index=geneList[[gene]],
532 main=paste("Barcode Plot for", gene, "(logFCs)",
533 gsub(".", " ", contrastData[i])),
534 labels=c("Positive logFC", "Negative logFC"))
535 }
536 linkName <- paste0("Barcode Plot(", contrastData[i], ") (.pdf)")
537 linkAddr <- paste0("barcode(", contrastData[i], ").pdf")
538 linkData <- rbind(linkData, c(linkName, linkAddr))
540 }
541 }
542 }
544 # Record ending time
545 timeEnd <- as.character(Sys.time())
546 ################################################################################
547 ### HTML Generation
548 ################################################################################
549 # Clear file
550 cat("", file=htmlPath)
552 cata("<html>\n")
553 HtmlHead("EdgeR Output")
555 cata("<body>\n")
556 cata("<h3>EdgeR Analysis Output:</h3>\n")
557 cata("<h4>Input Summary:</h4>\n")
558 if (inputType=="fastq") {
559 cata("<ul>\n")
560 ListItem(hpReadout[1])
561 ListItem(hpReadout[2])
562 cata("</ul>\n")
563 cata(hpReadout[3], "<br/>\n")
564 cata("<ul>\n")
565 ListItem(hpReadout[4])
566 ListItem(hpReadout[7])
567 cata("</ul>\n")
568 cata(hpReadout[8:11], sep="<br/>\n")
569 cata("<br />\n")
570 cata("<b>Please check that read percentages are consistent with ")
571 cata("expectations.</b><br >\n")
572 } else if (inputType=="counts") {
573 cata("<ul>\n")
574 ListItem("Number of Samples: ", ncol(data$counts))
575 ListItem("Number of Hairpins: ", countsRows)
576 ListItem("Number of annotations provided: ", annoRows)
577 ListItem("Number of annotations matched to hairpin: ", annoMatched)
578 cata("</ul>\n")
579 }
581 cata("The estimated common biological coefficient of variation (BCV) is: ",
582 commonBCV, "<br />\n")
584 cata("<h4>Output:</h4>\n")
585 cata("All images displayed have PDF copy at the bottom of the page, these can ")
586 cata("exported in a pdf viewer to high resolution image format. <br/>\n")
587 for (i in 1:nrow(imageData)) {
588 if (grepl("barcode", imageData$Link[i])) {
589 if (packageVersion("limma")<"3.19.19") {
590 HtmlImage(imageData$Link[i], imageData$Label[i],
591 height=length(selectedGenes)*150)
592 } else {
593 HtmlImage(imageData$Link[i], imageData$Label[i],
594 height=length(selectedGenes)*300)
595 }
596 } else {
597 HtmlImage(imageData$Link[i], imageData$Label[i])
598 }
599 }
600 cata("<br/>\n")
602 cata("<h4>Plots:</h4>\n")
603 for (i in 1:nrow(linkData)) {
604 if (!grepl(".tsv", linkData$Link[i])) {
605 HtmlLink(linkData$Link[i], linkData$Label[i])
606 }
607 }
609 cata("<h4>Tables:</h4>\n")
610 for (i in 1:nrow(linkData)) {
611 if (grepl(".tsv", linkData$Link[i])) {
612 HtmlLink(linkData$Link[i], linkData$Label[i])
613 }
614 }
616 cata("<p>alt-click any of the links to download the file, or click the name ")
617 cata("of this task in the galaxy history panel and click on the floppy ")
618 cata("disk icon to download all files in a zip archive.</p>\n")
619 cata("<p>.tsv files are tab seperated files that can be viewed using Excel ")
620 cata("or other spreadsheet programs</p>\n")
621 cata("<table border=\"0\">\n")
623 cata("<tr>\n")
624 TableItem("Task started at:"); TableItem(timeStart)
625 cata("</tr>\n")
626 cata("<tr>\n")
627 TableItem("Task ended at:"); TableItem(timeEnd)
628 cata("</tr>\n")
630 cata("</body>\n")
631 cata("</html>")