1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 # Contact: lh3
4 # Version: 0.1.3
6 #Modified by Zayed Albertyn(zayed.albertyn@gmail.com) & Colin Hercus(colin@novocraft.com)
8 #use strict;
9 #use warnings;
10 use Data::Dumper;
11 use Getopt::Std;
13 &novo2sam;
14 exit;
16 sub mating {
17 my ($s1, $s2) = @_;
18 my $isize = 0;
19 if ($s1->[2] ne '*' && $s1->[2] eq $s2->[2]) { # then calculate $isize
20 my $x1 = ($s1->[1] & 0x10)? $s1->[3] + length($s1->[9]) : $s1->[3];
21 my $x2 = ($s2->[1] & 0x10)? $s2->[3] + length($s2->[9]) : $s2->[3];
22 $isize = $x2 - $x1;
23 }
24 # update mate coordinate
25 if ($s2->[2] ne '*') {
26 @$s1[6..8] = (($s2->[2] eq $s1->[2])? "=" : $s2->[2], $s2->[3], $isize);
27 $s1->[1] |= 0x20 if ($s2->[1] & 0x10);
28 } else {
29 $s1->[1] |= 0x8;
30 }
31 if ($s1->[2] ne '*') {
32 @$s2[6..8] = (($s1->[2] eq $s2->[2])? "=" : $s1->[2], $s1->[3], -$isize);
33 $s2->[1] |= 0x20 if ($s1->[1] & 0x10);
34 } else {
35 $s2->[1] |= 0x8;
36 }
37 }
39 sub novo2sam {
40 my %opts = ();
41 getopts("p", \%opts);
42 die("Usage: novo2sam.pl [-p] <aln.novo>\n") if (@ARGV == 0);
43 my $is_paired = defined($opts{p});
44 # core loop
45 my @s1 = ();
46 my @s2 = ();
47 my ($s_last, $s_curr) = (\@s1, \@s2);
48 while (<>) {
49 next if (/^#/);
50 next if (/(QC|NM)\s*$/ || /(R\s+\d+)\s*$/);
51 &novo2sam_aux($_, $s_curr, $is_paired);
52 if (@$s_last != 0 && $s_last->[0] eq $s_curr->[0]) {
53 &mating($s_last, $s_curr);
54 print join("\t", @$s_last), "\n";
55 print join("\t", @$s_curr), "\n";
56 @$s_last = (); @$s_curr = ();
57 } else {
58 print join("\t", @$s_last), "\n" if (@$s_last != 0);
59 my $s = $s_last; $s_last = $s_curr; $s_curr = $s;
60 }
61 }
62 print join("\t", @$s_last), "\n" if (@$s_last != 0);
63 }
65 sub novo2sam_aux {
66 my ($line, $s, $is_paired) = @_;
68 chomp($line);
69 my @t = split(/\s+/, $line);
70 my @variations = @t[13 .. $#t];
71 @$s = ();
72 return if ($t[4] ne 'U');
73 my $len = length($t[2]);
74 # read name
75 $s->[0] = substr($t[0], 1);
76 $s->[0] =~ s/\/[12]$//g;
77 # initial flag (will be updated later)
78 $s->[1] = 0;
79 $s->[1] |= 1 | 1<<($t[1] eq 'L'? 6 : 7);
80 $s->[1] |= 2 if ($t[10] eq '.');
81 # read & quality
82 if ($t[9] eq 'R') {
83 $s->[9] = reverse($t[2]);
84 $s->[10] = reverse($t[3]);
85 $s->[9] =~ tr/ACGTRYMKWSNacgtrymkwsn/TGCAYRKMWSNtgcayrkmwsn/;
86 } else {
87 $s->[9] = $t[2]; $s->[10] = $t[3];
88 }
89 # cigar
90 my $cigarstring ="";
91 if (scalar @variations ==0 ) {
92 $s->[5] = $len . "M"; # IMPORTANT: this cigar is not correct for gapped alignment
93 } else {
94 #convert to correct CIGAR
95 my $tmpstr = join" ",@variations ;
96 if ( $tmpstr=~ /\+|\-/ ) {
97 $cigarstring = cigar_method($line,\@variations,$len);
98 $s->[5]=$cigarstring;
99 } else {
100 $s->[5]=$len. "M";
101 }
102 }
104 # coor
105 $s->[2] = substr($t[7], 1); $s->[3] = $t[8];
106 $s->[1] |= 0x10 if ($t[9] eq 'R');
107 # mapQ
108 $s->[4] = $t[5] > $t[6]? $t[5] : $t[6];
109 # mate coordinate
110 $s->[6] = '*'; $s->[7] = $s->[8] = 0;
111 # aux
112 push(@$s, "NM:i:".(@t-13));
113 my $md = '';
114 $md = mdtag($md,$line,\@variations,$len);
115 push(@$s, "MD:Z:$md");
117 }
119 sub mdtag {
120 my $oldmd = shift;
121 my $line = shift;
122 my $ref =shift;
123 my $rdlen = shift;
124 my @variations = @$ref;
125 my $string="";
126 my $mdtag="";
127 my $t=1;
128 my $q=1;
129 my $deleteflag=0;
130 my $len =0;
131 foreach $string (@variations) {
132 my ($indeltype,$insert) = indeltype($string);
133 if ($indeltype eq "+") {
134 $len = length ($insert);
135 $q+=$len;
136 next;
137 }
138 my $pos = $1 if $string =~ /^(\d+)/;
139 $len = $pos - $t;
140 if ($len !=0 || ($deleteflag eq 1 && $indeltype eq ">")) {
141 $mdtag.=$len;
142 }
143 $t+=$len;
144 $q+=$len;
145 if ($indeltype eq ">") {
146 $mdtag.=$insert;
147 $deleteflag=0;
148 $t+=1;
149 $q+=1;
150 }
151 if ($indeltype eq "-") {
152 my $deletedbase = $2 if $string =~ /(\d+)\-([A-Za-z]+)/;
153 if ($deleteflag == 0 ) {
154 $mdtag.="^";
155 }
156 $mdtag.=$deletedbase;
157 $deleteflag=1;
158 $t+=1;
159 }
160 }
161 $len = $rdlen - $q + 1;
162 if ($len > 0) {
163 $mdtag.="$len";
164 }
165 # print "In:$line\n";
166 # print "MD: OLD => NEW\nMD: $oldmd => $mdtag\n\n";
168 return $mdtag;
169 }
171 sub indeltype {
172 my $string = shift;
173 my $insert="";
174 my $indeltype;
175 if ($string =~ /([A-Za-z]+)\>/) {
176 $indeltype=">";
177 $insert=$1;
178 } elsif ($string =~ /\-/) {
179 $indeltype="-";
180 } elsif ($string =~ /\+([A-Za-z]+)/) {
181 $indeltype="+";
182 $insert=$1;
183 }
184 return ($indeltype,$insert);
186 }
189 sub cigar_method {
190 my $line = shift;
191 my $ref =shift;
192 my $rdlen = shift;
193 my @variations = @$ref;
194 my $string="";
195 my $type="";
196 my $t =1;
197 my $q=1;
198 my $indeltype="";
199 my $cigar= "";
200 my $insert = "";
201 my $len=0;
202 my @cig=();
203 foreach $string (@variations) {
204 next if $string =~ />/;
205 my $pos = $1 if $string =~ /^(\d+)/;
207 if ($string =~ /\+([A-Za-z]+)/) {
208 $indeltype="+";
209 $insert = $1;
210 }elsif ($string =~ /\-([A-Za-z]+)/) {
211 $indeltype="-";
212 $insert = $1;
213 }
214 #print "$pos $indeltype $insert $t $q\n";
215 $len = $pos - $t;
216 if ( $len > 0) {
217 $cigar.=$len."M";
218 push(@cig,$len."M");
219 }
220 $t+=$len;
221 $q+=$len;
223 if ($indeltype eq "-") {
224 $cigar.="D";
225 push(@cig,"D");
226 $t++;
227 }
228 if ($indeltype eq "+") {
229 $len = length ($insert);
230 if ($len == 1) {
231 $cigar.="I";
232 push(@cig,"I");
233 }
234 if ($len > 1) {
235 $cigar.=$len."I";
236 push(@cig,$len."I")
237 }
238 $q+=$len;
239 }
240 $insert="";
241 }
242 $len= $rdlen - $q + 1;
243 if ($len > 0) {
244 $cigar.=$len."M";
245 push(@cig,$len."M");
246 }
248 $cigar = newcigar($cigar,'D');
249 $cigar = newcigar($cigar,'I');
251 #print "$line\n";
252 #print "c CIGAR:\t$cigar\n\n";
253 return $cigar;
255 }
259 sub newcigar {
260 my $cigar = shift;
261 my $char = shift;
262 my $new = "";
263 my $copy = $cigar;
264 #print "$cigar\n";
265 $copy =~ s/^($char+)/$1;/g;
266 #print "$copy\n";
267 $copy =~ s/([^0-9$char])($char+)/$1;$2;/g;
268 #print "$copy\n";
269 my @parts = split(/;/,$copy);
270 my $el="";
271 foreach $el (@parts) {
272 #print "$el\n";
273 if ($el =~ /^$char+$/) {
274 $new.=length($el).$char;
275 }else {
276 $new.=$el;
277 }
279 }
280 return $new;
281 }