comparison pyPRADA_1.2/prada-guess-if @ 0:acc2ca1a3ba4

author siyuan
date Thu, 20 Feb 2014 00:44:58 -0500
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:acc2ca1a3ba4
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 #GUESS-if is to find abnormal intragenic fusions.
4 #It is an extension of the GUESS-ft method.
6 import pysam
7 import subprocess
8 import os
9 import time
10 import sys
11 import bioclass
12 import ioprada
14 args=sys.argv
16 #Get all parameters
17 help_menu='''\nUsage: prada-guess-if Gene -conf xx.txt -inputbam X -mm 1 -minmapq 30 -junL X -outdir ./ -unmap X\n
18 **Parameters**:
19 -conf the configure file. see prada-fusion -conf for details
20 -inputbam the input bam file
21 -mm number of mismatch allowed
22 -minmapq mininum mapping quality for reads to be used in fusion finding
23 -junL length of exons to be used for junctions. see prada-fusion
24 -outdir output directory
25 -unmap the numapped reads. useful if user need to run guess-ft multiple times
26 '''
28 if '-h' in args or '-help' in args or len(args)==1:
29 print help_menu
30 sys.exit(0)
32 #########################################################################
33 target=args[1]
34 if '-inputbam' not in args:
35 sys.exit('Input BAM needed')
36 else:
37 i=args.index('-inputbam')
38 sourcefile=args[i+1]
39 if '-outdir' not in args:
40 outdir='./'
41 else:
42 i=args.index('-outdir')
43 outdir=args[i+1]
44 if not os.path.exists(outdir):
45 os.mkdir(outdir)
46 if '-unmap' not in args:
47 unmapbam='%s/one.end.unmapped.bam'%outdir
48 extract_mask=1
49 else:
50 i=args.index('-unmap')
51 unmapbam=args[i+1]
52 extract_mask=0
54 if '-mm' not in args:
55 mm=1
56 else:
57 i=args.index('-mm')
58 mm=int(args[i+1])
60 #minimum mapping quality for reads as fusion evidences
61 if '-minmapq' not in args:
62 minmapq=30
63 else:
64 i=args.index('-minmapq')
65 minmapq=int(args[i+1])
67 if '-junL' not in args:
68 sys.exit('-junL needed')
69 else:
70 i=args.index('-junL')
71 junL=int(args[i+1])
73 prada_path=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) ####
74 ref_search_path=[prada_path,os.getcwd()] #search path for ref file if not specified in command line
76 if '-conf' in args:
77 i=args.index('-conf')
78 reffile=args[i+1]
79 if os.path.exists(reffile):
80 pass
81 else:
82 for pth in ref_search_path:
83 new_reffile='%s/%s'%(pth, os.path.basename(reffile))
84 if os.path.exists(new_reffile):
85 reffile=new_reffile
86 break
87 else:
88 sys.exit('ERROR: ref file %s not found'%reffile)
89 else:
90 reffile='%s/conf.txt'%prada_path
91 if not os.path.exists(reffile):
92 sys.exit('ERROR: No default conf.txt found and none specified')
94 #reference files
95 refdict=ioprada.read_conf(reffile)
96 ref_anno=refdict['--REF--']['ref_anno']
97 ref_map=refdict['--REF--']['ref_map']
98 ref_fasta=refdict['--REF--']['ref_fasta']
99 featurefile=refdict['--REF--']['feature_file']
101 samtools='%s/tools/samtools-0.1.16/samtools'%prada_path
102 bwa='%s/tools/bwa-0.5.7-mh/bwa'%prada_path
104 #########################################################################
105 print 'GUESS-if start: %s'%time.ctime()
106 print 'CMD: %s'%('\t'.join(args))
108 ##get gene position information
109 gobj=ioprada.read_feature_genes(featurefile,target)[0]
110 if gobj is None:
111 sys.exit('%s not found'%target)
113 gchr=gobj.strand
114 gchr_rev=True if gchr=='-1' else False
116 #Generate unmapped reads.
117 if extract_mask:
118 cmd='%s view -b -f 4 -F 8 %s > %s'%(samtools,sourcefile,unmapbam)
119 cmdout=subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
120 while True:
121 if cmdout.poll() is None:
122 print 'Extracting unmapped reads...'
123 time.sleep(120)
124 pass
125 if cmdout.poll()==0:
126 print 'Extracted unmapped reads'
127 break
128 if cmdout.poll() is not None and cmdout.poll() != 0:
129 raise Exception('Error extracting unmapped reads')
132 #Generate junction db
133 juncfile='%s.junction.fasta'%target
134 cmd='perl %s/ %s %s %s %s %s %d > %s/%s'%(prada_path,target,target,ref_anno,ref_map,ref_fasta,junL,outdir,juncfile)
135 cmdout=subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
136 while True:
137 if cmdout.poll() is None:
138 print 'Generating junction db. Waiting...'
139 time.sleep(20)
140 pass
141 if cmdout.poll()==0:
142 print 'Generated Junction DB.'
143 break
144 if cmdout.poll() is not None and cmdout.poll() != 0:
145 raise Exception('Error generated Junction DB.')
147 #scan BAM file for mapping reads.
148 samfile=pysam.Samfile(sourcefile,'rb')
149 reads_se=[]
150 reads_as=[]
151 for alignedread in samfile.fetch(gobj.chr,gobj.start-1,gobj.end):
152 if alignedread.mapq >= minmapq:
153 mmf=[x[1] for x in alignedread.tags if x[0]=='NM'][0]
154 if mmf <= mm:
155 if alignedread.is_reverse==gchr_rev: #sense
156 reads_se.append(alignedread)
157 else: #anti-sense
158 reads_as.append(alignedread)
159 samfile.close()
161 seonly,asonly=[],[]
162 for rd in reads_se:
163 if rd.mate_is_unmapped:
164 seonly.append(rd)
165 for rd in reads_as:
166 if rd.mate_is_unmapped:
167 asonly.append(rd)
168 seunmap=[x.qname for x in seonly]
169 asunmap=[x.qname for x in asonly]
171 #find read sequences
172 print 'Extracting unmapped read sequences.'
173 print 'mate unmapped reads for sense strand:',len(seonly)
174 print 'mate unmapped reads for antisense strand:',len(asonly)
175 samfile=pysam.Samfile(unmapbam,'rb')
176 resfq_a=open('%s/%s_se_unmap.fq'%(outdir,target),'w')
177 resfq_b=open('%s/%s_as_unmap.fq'%(outdir,target),'w')
178 for item in samfile:
179 if item.qname in seunmap:
180 resfq_a.write('@%s\n'%item.qname)
181 resfq_a.write('%s\n'%item.seq)
182 resfq_a.write('+\n')
183 resfq_a.write('%s\n'%item.qual)
184 if item.qname in asunmap:
185 resfq_b.write('@%s\n'%item.qname)
186 resfq_b.write('%s\n'%item.seq)
187 resfq_b.write('+\n')
188 resfq_b.write('%s\n'%item.qual)
189 resfq_a.close()
190 resfq_b.close()
191 samfile.close()
193 ##indexing junction db
194 print 'Aligning reads to junction db'
195 cmd='%s index %s/%s'%(bwa,outdir,juncfile)
196 cmdout=subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
197 while True:
198 if cmdout.poll() is None:
199 time.sleep(3)
200 pass
201 if cmdout.poll()==0:
202 print 'Junction DB indexed.'
203 break
204 if cmdout.poll() is not None and cmdout.poll() != 0:
205 raise Exception('Error building junction db index')
207 taga='%s_se'%target
208 tagb='%s_as'%target
209 for rs in [taga,tagb]:
210 cmd='%s aln -n %d -R 100 %s/%s %s/%s_unmap.fq > %s/%s_unmap.sai'%(bwa,mm,outdir,juncfile,outdir,rs,outdir,rs)
211 cmdout=subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
212 while True:
213 if cmdout.poll() is None:
214 time.sleep(5)
215 pass
216 if cmdout.poll()==0:
217 print 'Aligned unmapped reads group %s'%rs
218 break
219 if cmdout.poll() is not None and cmdout.poll() != 0:
220 raise Exception('Error aligning unmapped reads for group %s'%rs)
222 cmd='%s samse -n 1000 %s/%s %s/%s_unmap.sai %s/%s_unmap.fq > %s/%s_unmap.sam'%(bwa,outdir,juncfile,outdir,rs,outdir,rs,outdir,rs)
223 cmdout=subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
224 while True:
225 if cmdout.poll() is None:
226 time.sleep(2)
227 pass
228 if cmdout.poll()==0:
229 print 'Converting to sam for group %s'%rs
230 break
231 if cmdout.poll() is not None and cmdout.poll() != 0:
232 raise Exception('Error converting to sam for group %s'%rs)
234 qualrd_a=[]
235 junc_a=[]
236 samfile=pysam.Samfile('%s/%s_unmap.sam'%(outdir,taga),'r')
237 for rd in samfile:
238 if not rd.is_unmapped and rd.is_reverse:
239 qualrd_a.append(rd)
240 junc_a.append(samfile.getrname(rd.tid))
241 samfile.close()
242 qualrd_b=[]
243 junc_b=[]
244 samfile=pysam.Samfile('%s/%s_unmap.sam'%(outdir,tagb),'r')
245 for rd in samfile:
246 if not rd.is_unmapped and not rd.is_reverse:
247 qualrd_b.append(rd)
248 junc_b.append(samfile.getrname(rd.tid))
249 samfile.close()
251 junc_span=[]
252 junc_span.extend(qualrd_a)
253 junc_span.extend(qualrd_b)
255 junc_name=[]
256 junc_name.extend(junc_a)
257 junc_name.extend(junc_b)
259 #Generate a summary report
260 sumfile=open('%s/%s.GUESS-IF.summary.txt'%(outdir,target),'w')
261 sumfile.write('%s\n'%(target))
262 sumfile.write('\n')
263 sumfile.write('>spanning\n')
264 for i in range(len(junc_span)):
265 rd=junc_span[i]
266 jname=junc_name[i]
267 mm_j=[x[1] for x in rd.tags if x[0]=='NM'][0]
268 ss='%s\'%(rd.qname,jname,mm_j)
269 sumfile.write('%s\n'%ss)
271 sumfile.write('\n')
272 sumfile.write('>junction\n')
273 juncol=[]
274 for item in set(junc_name):
275 nn=junc_name.count(item)
276 juncol.append([item,nn])
277 juncol=sorted(juncol,key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)
278 for item in juncol:
279 sumfile.write('%s\t%s\n'%(item[0],item[1]))
281 sumfile.write('\n')
282 sumfile.write('>summary\n')
283 sumfile.write('Number of Fusion Reads = %d\n'%len(junc_span))
284 sumfile.write('Number of Distinct Junctions = %d\n'%len(set(junc_name)))
286 sumfile.close()
287 print 'Done: %s'%time.ctime()