changeset 0:cae2975d264f draft

planemo upload for repository ['', ''] commit 6c01728900e4ebd1a833a7e7d697f61561d86dc6-dirty
author tduigou
date Tue, 28 Mar 2023 12:32:52 +0000 (24 months ago)
children e56802e12fea
files config/tool_conf.xml img/image3.png img/image46.png macros.xml optdoe.xml test-data/converter_proCFPS_parameters.tsv test-data/genes_lycopene.csv test-data/sampler_sampling.test-1.tsv test-data/sampler_sampling.test-2.tsv
diffstat 9 files changed, 486 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/config/tool_conf.xml	Tue Mar 28 12:32:52 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  <section id="sbc-gd" name="SynBioCAD Genetic Design">
+    <tool file="synbiocad-galaxy-wrappers/optdoe/optdoe.xml" />
+  </section>
Binary file img/image3.png has changed
Binary file img/image46.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/macros.xml	Tue Mar 28 12:32:52 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+    <token name="@VERSION_SUFFIX@">0</token>
+    <token name="@LICENSE@">MIT</token>
+    <xml name="stdio">
+        <stdio>
+            <regex match="WARNING" level="warning" />
+            <regex match="ERROR" level="fatal" />
+        </stdio>
+    </xml>
+    <xml name="creator">
+        <creator>
+            <organization name="BioRetroSynth" url=""/>
+        </creator>
+    </xml>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/optdoe.xml	Tue Mar 28 12:32:52 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+<tool id="doe_synbio_optdoe" name="Optimal Design of Experiment" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy@VERSION_SUFFIX@" license="@LICENCE@">
+    <description>Combine selected genetic parts and enzyme variants for the desired pathways</description>
+    <macros>
+        <import>macros.xml</import>
+        <token name="@TOOL_VERSION@">v2.0.2</token>
+    </macros>
+    <requirements>
+        <requirement type="package" version="@TOOL_VERSION@">doebase</requirement>
+    </requirements>
+    <expand macro="stdio"/>
+    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
+        python -m doebase
+            --func doeGetSBOL
+            #if $adv.genes_sbol_file
+                --sbol_file '$adv.genes_sbol_file'
+            #end if
+            #if $adv.ref_parts_file
+                --ref_parts_file '$adv.ref_parts_file'
+            #end if
+            --libsize '$adv.libsize'
+            $adv.get_sequences
+            $adv.backtranslate
+            --codon_table '$adv.codon_table'
+            '$genes_file'
+            '$constructs'
+    ]]></command>
+    <inputs>
+        <param name="genes_file" type="data" format="csv" label="Genes" help="CSV file with header: Name,Type,Part,Step. Provided by the tool Selenzyme"/>
+        <section name="adv" title="Advanced Options" expanded="false">
+            <param name="genes_sbol_file" type="data" format="xml" optional="true" label="Optimised Genes" help="SBOL file with genes associated with different RBS. Provided by the tool PartsGenie"/>
+            <param argument="--ref_parts_file" type="data" format="csv" value="None" optional="true" label="Ref Parts (default: E. coli compliant)" help="Provide fixed parts"/>
+            <param argument="--libsize" type="integer" value="32" min="32" label="Maximal library size" help="Maximal number of contructs in the output"/>
+            <param argument="--get_sequences" type="boolean" truevalue="--get_sequences true" falsevalue="--get_sequences false" checked="true" label="Get sequences" help="Grab the sequence for each part of the SBOL output"/>
+            <param argument="--backtranslate" type="boolean" truevalue="--backtranslate true" falsevalue="--backtranslate false" checked="true" label="Back translate" help="Translate the protein sequence given by its Uniprot ID to a DNA sequence"/>
+            <param argument="--codon_table" type="select" label="Codon Table">
+                <option value="Eecoli.cut">Escherichia coli K12</option>
+                <option value="Ehuman.cut">Homo sapiens</option>
+                <option value="Eacica.cut">Acinetobacter calcoaceticus</option>
+                <option value="Eagrtu.cut">Agrobacterium tumefaciens str C58</option>
+                <option value="Eanasp.cut">Anabaena sp</option>
+                <option value="Earath.cut">Arabidopsis thaliana</option>
+                <option value="Eazovi.cut">Azotobacter vinelandii</option>
+                <option value="Ebacme.cut">Bacillus megaterium</option>
+                <option value="Ebacst.cut">Geobacillus stearothermophilus</option>
+                <option value="Ebacsu.cut">Bacillus subtilis</option>
+                <option value="Ebacsu_high.cut">Bacillus subtilis (high)</option>
+                <option value="Ebommo.cut">Bombyx mori (silkmoth)</option>
+                <option value="Ebovin.cut">Bos taurus</option>
+                <option value="Ebpphx.cut">Bacteriophage phi-X174</option>
+                <option value="Ebraja.cut">Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110</option>
+                <option value="Ebrana.cut">Brassica napus (rape)</option>
+                <option value="Ebrare.cut">Brachydanio rerio (zebrafish)</option>
+                <option value="Ecaeel.cut">Caenorhabditis elegans (nematode)</option>
+                <option value="Ecanal.cut">Candida albicans</option>
+                <option value="Ecanfa.cut">Canis familiaris (dog)</option>
+                <option value="Ecaucr.cut">Caulobacter crescentus CB15</option>
+                <option value="Echick.cut">Gallus gallus (chicken)</option>
+                <option value="Echlre.cut">Chlamydomonas reinhardtii</option>
+                <option value="Echltr.cut">Chlamydia trachomatis D UW-3 CX</option>
+                <option value="Ecloab.cut">Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824</option>
+                <option value="Ecrigr.cut">Cricetulus greseus (hamster)</option>
+                <option value="Ecyapa.cut">Cyanophora paradoxa</option>
+                <option value="Edicdi.cut">Dictyostelium discoideum</option>
+                <option value="Edicdi_high.cut">Dictyostelium discoideum (high)</option>
+                <option value="Edrome.cut">Drosophila melanogaster</option>
+                <option value="Edrome_high.cut">Drosophila melanogaster (high)</option>
+                <option value="Eecoli_high.cut">Escherichia coli K12 (high)</option>
+                <option value="Eemeni.cut">Emericella nidulans</option>
+                <option value="Eemeni_mit.cut">Emericella nidulans mitochondrion</option>
+                <option value="Eemeni_high.cut">Emericella nidulans highly expressed</option>
+                <option value="Eerwct.cut">Erwinia carotovora subsp atroseptica SCRI1043</option>
+                <option value="Ehaein.cut">Haemophilus influenzae Rd KW20</option>
+                <option value="Ehalma.cut">Haloarcula marismortui ATCC 43049 (Halobacterium marismortui)</option>
+                <option value="Ehalsa.cut">Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1 (Halobacterium halobium)</option>
+                <option value="Ehorvu.cut">Hordeum vulgare subsp vulgare (Barley)</option>
+                <option value="Eklepn.cut">Klebsiella pneumoniae</option>
+                <option value="Eklula.cut">Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-1140</option>
+                <option value="Elacdl.cut">Lactococcus lactis subsp lactis Il1403 L. delbrueckii subsp lactis</option>
+                <option value="Elyces.cut">Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)</option>
+                <option value="Emacfa.cut">Macaca fascicularis</option>
+                <option value="Emaize.cut">Zea mays</option>
+                <option value="Emaize_chl.cut">Zea mays chloroplast</option>
+                <option value="Emammal_high.cut">Mammalian species (high)</option>
+                <option value="Emanse.cut">Manduca sexta</option>
+                <option value="Emarpo_chl.cut">Marchantia polymorpha chloroplast (liverwort)</option>
+                <option value="Emedsa.cut">Medicago sativa</option>
+                <option value="Emetth.cut">Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus str Delta H</option>
+                <option value="Emouse.cut">Mus musculus</option>
+                <option value="Emyctu.cut">Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv</option>
+                <option value="Eneigo.cut">Neisseria gonorrhoeae</option>
+                <option value="Eneucr.cut">Neurospora crassa</option>
+                <option value="Eoncmy.cut">Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout)</option>
+                <option value="Eorysa.cut">Oryza sativa (rice)</option>
+                <option value="Eorysa_chl.cut">Oryza sativa chloroplast (rice)</option>
+                <option value="Epea.cut">Pisum sativum (pea)</option>
+                <option value="Epethy.cut">Petunia x hybrida</option>
+                <option value="Ephavu.cut">Phaseolus vulgaris</option>
+                <option value="Epig.cut">Sus scrofa (pig)</option>
+                <option value="Eplafa.cut">Plasmodium falciparum 3D7</option>
+                <option value="Eprovu.cut">Proteus vulgaris</option>
+                <option value="Epseae.cut">Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1</option>
+                <option value="Epsepu.cut">Pseudomonas putida KT2440</option>
+                <option value="Epsesm.cut">Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato str DC3000</option>
+                <option value="Erabit.cut">Oryctolagus cuniculus (rabbit)</option>
+                <option value="Erat.cut">Rattus norvegicus</option>
+                <option value="Erhile.cut">Rhizobium leguminosarum</option>
+                <option value="Erhime.cut">Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021</option>
+                <option value="Erhoca.cut">Rhodobacter capsulatus</option>
+                <option value="Erhosh.cut">Rhodobacter sphaeroides</option>
+                <option value="Esalsa.cut">Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)</option>
+                <option value="Esalty.cut">Salmonella typhimurium LT2</option>
+                <option value="Eschma.cut">Schistosoma mansoni</option>
+                <option value="Eschpo.cut">Schizosaccharomyces pombe</option>
+                <option value="Eschpo_cai.cut">Schizosaccharomyces pombe (CAI equivalent)</option>
+                <option value="Eschpo_high.cut">Schizosaccharomyces pombe (high)</option>
+                <option value="Eserma.cut">Serratia marcescens</option>
+                <option value="Esheep.cut">Ovis aries (sheep)</option>
+                <option value="Esoltu.cut">Solanum tuberosum (potato)</option>
+                <option value="Esoybn.cut">Glycine max (soybean)</option>
+                <option value="Espiol.cut">Spinacia oleracea (spinach)</option>
+                <option value="Estaau.cut">Staphylococcus aureus</option>
+                <option value="Estrco.cut">Streptomyces coelicolor A3 2</option>
+                <option value="Estrmu.cut">Streptococcus mutans UA159</option>
+                <option value="Estrpn.cut">Streptococcus pneumoniae R6</option>
+                <option value="Estrpu.cut">Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (sea urchin)</option>
+                <option value="Esv40.cut">Simian Virus 40</option>
+                <option value="Esynco.cut">Synechococcus sp WH 8102</option>
+                <option value="Esyncy.cut">Synechocystis sp PCC 6803</option>
+                <option value="Etetth.cut">Tetrahymena thermophila</option>
+                <option value="Etheth.cut">Thermus thermophilus HB8</option>
+                <option value="Etobac.cut">Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco)</option>
+                <option value="Etobac_chl.cut">Nicotiana tabacum chloroplast (tobacco)</option>
+                <option value="Etrybr.cut">Trypanosoma brucei</option>
+                <option value="Etrycr.cut">Trypanosoma cruzi</option>
+                <option value="Evibch.cut">Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar eltor str N16961</option>
+                <option value="Ewheat.cut">Triticum aestivum (wheat)</option>
+                <option value="Exenla.cut">Xenopus laevis</option>
+                <option value="Eyeast.cut">Saccharomyces cerevisiae</option>
+                <option value="Eyeast_cai.cut">Saccharomyces cerevisiae original CAI set</option>
+                <option value="Eyeast_high.cut">Saccharomyces cerevisiae (high)</option>
+                <option value="Eyeast_mit.cut">Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrion</option>
+                <option value="Eyeren.cut">Yersinia enterocolitica</option>
+            </param>
+        </section>
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+        <data name="constructs" format="xml" label="Constructs" />
+    </outputs>
+    <tests>
+        <test>
+        <!-- test 1: check if identical outputs are produced with default parameters  -->
+            <param name="genes_file" value="genes_lycopene.csv" />
+            <output name="constructs" >
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <is_valid_xml />
+                    <has_text text='rdf:RDF xmlns:owl="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:prov="" xmlns:sbol="" xmlns:xsd1="" xmlns:om="" xmlns:synbiohub="" xmlns:sbh="" xmlns:sybio="" xmlns:ncbi="" xmlns:igem="" xmlns:genbank="" xmlns:gbconv="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:obo=""'/>
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+        </test>
+    </tests>
+    <help><![CDATA[
+An optimal design of experiments is performed by using OptBioDes based on logistic regression analysis with an assumed linear model for the response. The design is evaluated by its D-efficiency, defined as:
+.. math:: D_{eff} = \frac{1}{n}\abs{X^{T}X}^{\frac{1}{p}}
+Where n is the number of experimental runs or library size, p is the number of independent variables, and X is the model matrix, i.e., a row for each experimental run and a column for each term in the model. The library size n can be selected and should be above a minimal threshold depending on the number of combinatorial complexity of the library.
+The experimental design can be evaluated through the provided diagnostics for D-efficiency, power analysis, and relative prediction variance, allowing the optimal selection of library size.
+The resulting design is provided as an SBOL collection containing the definition of each DNA component and the combinatorial library of constructs.
+.. image::
+	:width: 80 %
+	:align: center
+.. image::
+	:width: 80 %
+	:align: center
+Above are examples of two constructs generated through optimal combinatorial design and represented using SBOL Visual in SynBioHub.
+Note: if advanced parameter "input_parts" is left empty, the following parts are used:
+    +---------+------------+--------------------------------------------------+
+    | Name    | Type       | SynBioHub                                        |
+    +=========+============+==================================================+
+    | PlacUV5 | Promoter   | |
+    +---------+------------+--------------------------------------------------+
+    | Ptrc    | Promoter   |   |
+    +---------+------------+--------------------------------------------------+
+    | BBR1    | Origin     |   |
+    +---------+------------+--------------------------------------------------+
+    | p15A    | Origin     |   |
+    +---------+------------+--------------------------------------------------+
+    | ColE1   | Origin     |   |
+    +---------+------------+--------------------------------------------------+
+    | res1    | Resistance |   |
+    +---------+------------+--------------------------------------------------+
+    | Ter     | Terminator |    |
+    +---------+------------+--------------------------------------------------+
+The source of this file can be found here as a model:
+* **Genes**\ : Output of Selenzyme. The CSV file contains four columnds: Name,Type,Part,Step. The column "Name" contains the Uniprot ID found by Selenzyme. The column "Type" represents the type of the "Part", a *gene*. The column "Part" has the same information as the column "Name". The column "Step" contains the order of the position in the pathway of the gene.
+Advanced options:
+* **Optimised Genes**\ : SBOL file containing optimized versions of the genes associated with different RBS. Output of the PartsGenie tool.
+* **Ref Parts**\ : CSV with the genetic parts. Default (if left empty) is the above table. To generate a new compatible CSV file, please use the "OptDoE Parts Reference Generator" tool
+* **Maximal library size**\ : (integer, default: 32) Maximal number of constructs in the SBOL output.
+* **Get sequences**\ : (boolean, default: True) Grab the sequence for each part of the SBOL output.
+* **Back translate**\ : (boolean, default: True) Translate the protein sequence given by its Uniprot ID to a DNA sequence.
+* **Codon Table**\ : (text, default: Eecoli.cut) Codon Usage Table. See `codon_table <>`_ for more codons.
+* **Constructs**\ : Output SBOL file. It contains some combinations of constructs according to the algorithm described above.
+    ]]></help>
+    <expand macro="creator"/>
+    <citations>
+        <citation type="bibtex">
+        @unpublished{pablocarb
+            author = {Pablo Carbonell},
+            title = {{doebase}},
+            url = {},
+        }
+        </citation>
+    </citations>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/converter_proCFPS_parameters.tsv	Tue Mar 28 12:32:52 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Parameter	maxValue	stockConcentration	deadVolume	Ratios
+Mg-glutamate	4	168	0	0.0 0.1 0.3 0.5 1.0
+k-glutamate	80	3360	0	
+CoA	0.26	210	0	
+3-PGA	30	1400	0	
+NTP	1.5	630	0	
+NAD	0.33	138.6	0	
+Folinic acid	0.068	28.56	0	
+Spermidine	1	420	0	
+tRNA	0.2	84	0	
+Amino acids	1.5	6	0	
+CAMP	0.75	200	0	
+Extract	30	300	2000	1
+HEPES	50	2100	0	1
+PEG	2	200	4000	1
+Promoter	10	300	0	1
+RBS	10	200	0	1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/genes_lycopene.csv	Tue Mar 28 12:32:52 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/sampler_sampling.test-1.tsv	Tue Mar 28 12:32:52 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+Mg-glutamate	k-glutamate	CoA	3-PGA	NTP	NAD	Folinic acid	Spermidine	tRNA	Amino acids	CAMP	Extract	HEPES	PEG	Promoter	RBS
+2.0	20.0	0.26	0.0	1.5	0.2475	0.0	0.25	0.05	0.375	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	80.0	0.26	7.5	1.5	0.0	0.068	0.5	0.05	1.5	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	20.0	0.0	15.0	1.125	0.0	0.017	0.25	0.0	1.125	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	20.0	0.26	22.5	0.0	0.165	0.051000000000000004	0.0	0.05	0.375	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	0.0	0.0	15.0	1.5	0.33	0.017	0.25	0.2	1.5	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	20.0	0.195	0.0	0.0	0.165	0.051000000000000004	0.5	0.05	0.375	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	80.0	0.0	0.0	0.375	0.2475	0.0	0.0	0.05	1.125	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	20.0	0.195	30.0	1.125	0.0825	0.034	1.0	0.2	1.5	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	20.0	0.13	7.5	1.5	0.33	0.0	0.25	0.15000000000000002	0.375	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	40.0	0.065	0.0	0.0	0.165	0.051000000000000004	0.5	0.1	0.0	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	80.0	0.195	7.5	1.125	0.0825	0.068	0.25	0.05	1.5	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	40.0	0.195	7.5	0.75	0.0825	0.051000000000000004	1.0	0.15000000000000002	0.0	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	60.0	0.13	22.5	1.125	0.33	0.068	0.75	0.15000000000000002	1.125	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	80.0	0.13	7.5	0.75	0.0825	0.034	0.0	0.1	0.0	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	60.0	0.0	7.5	1.5	0.0	0.034	0.25	0.05	1.125	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	80.0	0.065	7.5	1.5	0.2475	0.0	1.0	0.0	0.375	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	0.0	0.26	22.5	0.375	0.0	0.051000000000000004	0.5	0.0	1.5	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	60.0	0.0	22.5	1.5	0.33	0.017	0.5	0.05	0.75	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	60.0	0.065	30.0	1.125	0.2475	0.0	0.5	0.15000000000000002	0.0	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	0.0	0.26	15.0	0.375	0.33	0.068	1.0	0.05	0.375	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	60.0	0.26	22.5	0.375	0.0	0.068	1.0	0.1	1.125	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	40.0	0.065	7.5	0.375	0.0	0.0	0.75	0.15000000000000002	0.375	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	20.0	0.13	0.0	0.0	0.0825	0.034	1.0	0.2	1.125	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	20.0	0.195	7.5	1.125	0.2475	0.068	0.5	0.0	1.125	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	40.0	0.195	30.0	1.125	0.0825	0.034	0.75	0.15000000000000002	0.375	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	40.0	0.195	30.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	1.0	0.0	0.0	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	0.0	0.065	0.0	0.75	0.0	0.034	0.75	0.0	0.75	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	20.0	0.0	30.0	1.125	0.165	0.034	0.0	0.05	1.125	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	0.0	0.195	0.0	0.75	0.2475	0.0	0.5	0.1	1.5	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	0.0	0.0	22.5	0.375	0.165	0.068	0.5	0.05	0.75	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	60.0	0.195	7.5	1.125	0.33	0.068	0.0	0.2	1.5	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	0.0	0.065	30.0	1.125	0.33	0.017	0.0	0.0	0.375	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	60.0	0.065	15.0	0.0	0.165	0.068	0.75	0.2	0.75	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	20.0	0.0	22.5	0.375	0.0	0.068	0.5	0.1	0.75	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	40.0	0.13	7.5	0.75	0.0	0.017	1.0	0.0	0.375	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	20.0	0.065	15.0	1.5	0.0	0.017	0.75	0.2	1.125	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	1.125	0.165	0.034	0.75	0.0	0.75	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	80.0	0.13	7.5	0.375	0.2475	0.034	0.75	0.1	0.0	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	80.0	0.065	0.0	0.375	0.33	0.034	0.25	0.0	0.0	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	0.0	0.13	30.0	0.75	0.0	0.0	0.25	0.2	0.0	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	40.0	0.13	15.0	0.375	0.33	0.0	0.25	0.1	0.0	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	80.0	0.195	0.0	0.75	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.15000000000000002	0.0	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	20.0	0.26	30.0	0.375	0.165	0.068	0.25	0.2	0.375	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	80.0	0.26	22.5	0.75	0.0825	0.068	1.0	0.2	1.5	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	60.0	0.26	7.5	1.5	0.33	0.068	1.0	0.15000000000000002	0.75	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	80.0	0.0	22.5	0.75	0.0	0.034	0.25	0.0	1.5	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	80.0	0.195	22.5	0.0	0.33	0.051000000000000004	0.75	0.15000000000000002	0.375	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	60.0	0.13	15.0	1.125	0.33	0.0	0.0	0.05	1.125	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	0.0	0.0	22.5	0.375	0.2475	0.051000000000000004	0.75	0.05	0.75	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	0.0	0.195	7.5	0.75	0.165	0.051000000000000004	0.5	0.0	1.125	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	0.0	0.065	7.5	0.375	0.2475	0.051000000000000004	0.5	0.1	0.375	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	80.0	0.195	15.0	0.375	0.33	0.0	0.25	0.2	0.0	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	60.0	0.13	7.5	0.0	0.0825	0.0	0.75	0.05	1.5	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	40.0	0.26	22.5	1.5	0.0	0.0	0.25	0.05	0.75	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	0.0	0.26	15.0	0.0	0.165	0.051000000000000004	0.5	0.2	0.0	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	60.0	0.26	0.0	0.0	0.0825	0.034	0.75	0.15000000000000002	0.0	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	40.0	0.065	30.0	0.0	0.2475	0.068	0.75	0.15000000000000002	0.75	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	60.0	0.13	0.0	0.75	0.2475	0.034	0.75	0.15000000000000002	0.375	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	0.0	0.195	15.0	1.125	0.165	0.017	0.25	0.2	1.125	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	40.0	0.13	7.5	1.5	0.33	0.051000000000000004	0.0	0.15000000000000002	1.125	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	40.0	0.0	30.0	1.125	0.0825	0.017	1.0	0.2	0.375	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	80.0	0.13	30.0	1.125	0.33	0.068	0.0	0.2	0.75	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	80.0	0.065	30.0	1.5	0.0825	0.017	0.75	0.2	1.5	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	20.0	0.195	0.0	0.0	0.165	0.034	0.75	0.15000000000000002	0.75	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	40.0	0.065	22.5	1.125	0.0825	0.051000000000000004	1.0	0.0	1.125	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	80.0	0.195	7.5	1.5	0.0825	0.034	1.0	0.0	1.5	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	60.0	0.13	30.0	0.0	0.165	0.017	0.25	0.0	0.0	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	0.0	0.26	30.0	1.125	0.33	0.051000000000000004	0.0	0.1	1.125	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	20.0	0.0	30.0	1.5	0.2475	0.034	0.25	0.1	1.5	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	20.0	0.26	7.5	0.75	0.2475	0.034	0.0	0.05	1.5	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.75	0.2475	0.017	1.0	0.1	1.5	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	60.0	0.0	7.5	0.375	0.0	0.051000000000000004	0.75	0.1	1.125	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	0.0	0.195	22.5	0.0	0.165	0.068	1.0	0.0	0.375	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	20.0	0.13	0.0	0.75	0.2475	0.051000000000000004	0.25	0.15000000000000002	0.75	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	40.0	0.26	0.0	1.5	0.33	0.017	0.5	0.1	1.5	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	20.0	0.0	30.0	0.375	0.0	0.017	0.0	0.0	1.5	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	40.0	0.0	15.0	1.5	0.33	0.0	0.75	0.1	0.375	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	60.0	0.13	0.0	1.125	0.0825	0.051000000000000004	0.0	0.2	0.75	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	0.0	0.065	22.5	0.75	0.2475	0.017	1.0	0.05	0.75	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	0.0	0.065	15.0	0.0	0.165	0.068	0.0	0.05	1.5	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	60.0	0.13	15.0	0.75	0.0825	0.017	0.5	0.0	0.0	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	60.0	0.0	30.0	0.0	0.0	0.051000000000000004	0.5	0.15000000000000002	1.125	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	40.0	0.065	15.0	0.375	0.2475	0.051000000000000004	0.75	0.15000000000000002	0.75	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	40.0	0.26	22.5	0.375	0.0	0.0	0.75	0.05	1.125	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	60.0	0.13	22.5	0.0	0.2475	0.034	0.25	0.05	0.0	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	80.0	0.26	30.0	0.75	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.2	0.75	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	20.0	0.065	15.0	0.0	0.33	0.017	0.0	0.2	1.125	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	80.0	0.195	15.0	0.0	0.2475	0.017	0.5	0.15000000000000002	0.375	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	80.0	0.195	0.0	0.375	0.0825	0.017	0.0	0.2	0.0	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	0.0	0.0	0.0	1.5	0.165	0.068	1.0	0.2	1.5	0.0	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	60.0	0.26	22.5	0.75	0.33	0.0	0.25	0.0	0.75	0.75	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	80.0	0.0	0.0	0.375	0.165	0.017	0.5	0.1	0.0	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	80.0	0.13	22.5	1.5	0.165	0.068	0.25	0.1	0.0	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	60.0	0.065	30.0	1.125	0.2475	0.068	1.0	0.15000000000000002	0.75	0.1875	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	40.0	0.26	15.0	1.125	0.0825	0.034	0.0	0.1	0.0	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	20.0	0.065	22.5	1.5	0.165	0.051000000000000004	0.5	0.0	1.5	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	40.0	0.26	15.0	0.0	0.0825	0.051000000000000004	1.0	0.15000000000000002	0.375	0.375	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	40.0	0.195	30.0	1.5	0.0825	0.017	1.0	0.1	1.125	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	20.0	0.065	15.0	0.75	0.0825	0.0	0.0	0.1	0.375	0.5625	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/sampler_sampling.test-2.tsv	Tue Mar 28 12:32:52 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+Mg-glutamate	k-glutamate	CoA	3-PGA	NTP	NAD	Folinic acid	Spermidine	tRNA	Amino acids	CAMP	Extract	HEPES	PEG	Promoter	RBS
+2.0	32.0	0.052000000000000005	9.0	0.44999999999999996	0.066	0.013600000000000001	0.2	0.06	0.30000000000000004	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	24.0	0.078	6.0	0.30000000000000004	0.099	0.013600000000000001	0.4	0.04000000000000001	0.6000000000000001	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	24.0	0.052000000000000005	12.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.013600000000000001	0.4	0.06	0.30000000000000004	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	16.0	0.10400000000000001	6.0	0.30000000000000004	0.066	0.027200000000000002	0.2	0.08000000000000002	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	16.0	0.052000000000000005	6.0	0.44999999999999996	0.099	0.0204	0.3	0.04000000000000001	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	16.0	0.052000000000000005	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.099	0.013600000000000001	0.4	0.06	0.6000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	24.0	0.078	6.0	0.30000000000000004	0.066	0.013600000000000001	0.4	0.06	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	24.0	0.078	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.066	0.0204	0.3	0.08000000000000002	0.44999999999999996	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	32.0	0.10400000000000001	9.0	0.30000000000000004	0.066	0.013600000000000001	0.2	0.04000000000000001	0.44999999999999996	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	16.0	0.052000000000000005	12.0	0.6000000000000001	0.132	0.0204	0.2	0.04000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	24.0	0.052000000000000005	9.0	0.44999999999999996	0.132	0.0204	0.4	0.08000000000000002	0.30000000000000004	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	16.0	0.078	6.0	0.30000000000000004	0.132	0.0204	0.4	0.04000000000000001	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	24.0	0.078	9.0	0.44999999999999996	0.099	0.0204	0.4	0.08000000000000002	0.44999999999999996	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	24.0	0.10400000000000001	6.0	0.6000000000000001	0.066	0.013600000000000001	0.3	0.08000000000000002	0.44999999999999996	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	32.0	0.078	12.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.027200000000000002	0.4	0.04000000000000001	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	32.0	0.078	6.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.027200000000000002	0.4	0.08000000000000002	0.6000000000000001	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	24.0	0.078	9.0	0.6000000000000001	0.066	0.013600000000000001	0.3	0.06	0.30000000000000004	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	32.0	0.10400000000000001	12.0	0.6000000000000001	0.066	0.0204	0.2	0.06	0.6000000000000001	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	32.0	0.078	9.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.0204	0.2	0.04000000000000001	0.44999999999999996	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	24.0	0.052000000000000005	6.0	0.44999999999999996	0.099	0.0204	0.3	0.04000000000000001	0.6000000000000001	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	16.0	0.052000000000000005	9.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.0204	0.2	0.08000000000000002	0.30000000000000004	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	24.0	0.052000000000000005	12.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.027200000000000002	0.4	0.06	0.6000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	32.0	0.10400000000000001	6.0	0.44999999999999996	0.066	0.013600000000000001	0.2	0.06	0.30000000000000004	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	32.0	0.052000000000000005	12.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.027200000000000002	0.4	0.06	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	16.0	0.10400000000000001	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.066	0.0204	0.4	0.06	0.30000000000000004	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	24.0	0.052000000000000005	6.0	0.6000000000000001	0.132	0.013600000000000001	0.4	0.06	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	24.0	0.052000000000000005	6.0	0.44999999999999996	0.132	0.013600000000000001	0.3	0.08000000000000002	0.6000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	32.0	0.052000000000000005	6.0	0.44999999999999996	0.132	0.013600000000000001	0.3	0.08000000000000002	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	16.0	0.078	9.0	0.44999999999999996	0.132	0.0204	0.2	0.08000000000000002	0.44999999999999996	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	32.0	0.078	6.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.013600000000000001	0.2	0.04000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	32.0	0.10400000000000001	12.0	0.44999999999999996	0.066	0.0204	0.4	0.06	0.30000000000000004	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	32.0	0.10400000000000001	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.132	0.013600000000000001	0.2	0.08000000000000002	0.44999999999999996	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	24.0	0.052000000000000005	9.0	0.44999999999999996	0.132	0.027200000000000002	0.4	0.04000000000000001	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	32.0	0.052000000000000005	9.0	0.44999999999999996	0.132	0.013600000000000001	0.2	0.08000000000000002	0.30000000000000004	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	32.0	0.052000000000000005	6.0	0.44999999999999996	0.066	0.0204	0.2	0.08000000000000002	0.44999999999999996	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	16.0	0.052000000000000005	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.099	0.0204	0.2	0.06	0.30000000000000004	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	24.0	0.078	12.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.027200000000000002	0.2	0.08000000000000002	0.6000000000000001	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	16.0	0.078	6.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.0204	0.4	0.04000000000000001	0.6000000000000001	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	24.0	0.052000000000000005	12.0	0.6000000000000001	0.066	0.027200000000000002	0.3	0.06	0.6000000000000001	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	24.0	0.078	12.0	0.44999999999999996	0.132	0.027200000000000002	0.3	0.08000000000000002	0.6000000000000001	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	24.0	0.10400000000000001	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.132	0.027200000000000002	0.3	0.08000000000000002	0.6000000000000001	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	16.0	0.10400000000000001	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.066	0.013600000000000001	0.4	0.08000000000000002	0.30000000000000004	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	24.0	0.10400000000000001	9.0	0.30000000000000004	0.132	0.027200000000000002	0.4	0.04000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	16.0	0.10400000000000001	9.0	0.30000000000000004	0.066	0.0204	0.2	0.06	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	24.0	0.078	6.0	0.44999999999999996	0.066	0.0204	0.2	0.04000000000000001	0.6000000000000001	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	16.0	0.078	6.0	0.30000000000000004	0.066	0.013600000000000001	0.3	0.04000000000000001	0.6000000000000001	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	16.0	0.078	12.0	0.44999999999999996	0.066	0.013600000000000001	0.3	0.06	0.30000000000000004	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	16.0	0.052000000000000005	12.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.027200000000000002	0.4	0.08000000000000002	0.6000000000000001	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	32.0	0.078	12.0	0.6000000000000001	0.066	0.027200000000000002	0.4	0.04000000000000001	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	16.0	0.052000000000000005	6.0	0.44999999999999996	0.132	0.027200000000000002	0.3	0.06	0.30000000000000004	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	32.0	0.052000000000000005	6.0	0.30000000000000004	0.132	0.013600000000000001	0.4	0.06	0.6000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	32.0	0.052000000000000005	6.0	0.44999999999999996	0.066	0.027200000000000002	0.2	0.04000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	24.0	0.052000000000000005	6.0	0.44999999999999996	0.066	0.0204	0.3	0.04000000000000001	0.44999999999999996	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	32.0	0.078	9.0	0.6000000000000001	0.066	0.013600000000000001	0.4	0.04000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	32.0	0.052000000000000005	6.0	0.30000000000000004	0.099	0.0204	0.2	0.06	0.44999999999999996	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	24.0	0.078	9.0	0.30000000000000004	0.132	0.013600000000000001	0.2	0.04000000000000001	0.44999999999999996	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	24.0	0.052000000000000005	9.0	0.44999999999999996	0.132	0.013600000000000001	0.3	0.08000000000000002	0.44999999999999996	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	16.0	0.078	9.0	0.6000000000000001	0.066	0.013600000000000001	0.3	0.06	0.30000000000000004	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	16.0	0.078	6.0	0.30000000000000004	0.132	0.027200000000000002	0.3	0.08000000000000002	0.30000000000000004	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	24.0	0.10400000000000001	6.0	0.6000000000000001	0.132	0.027200000000000002	0.3	0.08000000000000002	0.6000000000000001	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	32.0	0.10400000000000001	9.0	0.6000000000000001	0.066	0.0204	0.3	0.04000000000000001	0.44999999999999996	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	24.0	0.10400000000000001	6.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.027200000000000002	0.2	0.08000000000000002	0.44999999999999996	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	16.0	0.10400000000000001	9.0	0.6000000000000001	0.066	0.027200000000000002	0.4	0.06	0.30000000000000004	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	32.0	0.10400000000000001	6.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.013600000000000001	0.3	0.06	0.6000000000000001	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	32.0	0.078	9.0	0.44999999999999996	0.066	0.013600000000000001	0.2	0.04000000000000001	0.6000000000000001	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	16.0	0.10400000000000001	9.0	0.30000000000000004	0.132	0.013600000000000001	0.4	0.04000000000000001	0.6000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	24.0	0.10400000000000001	6.0	0.6000000000000001	0.066	0.0204	0.4	0.04000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	16.0	0.052000000000000005	6.0	0.44999999999999996	0.099	0.013600000000000001	0.4	0.06	0.6000000000000001	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	24.0	0.10400000000000001	9.0	0.44999999999999996	0.132	0.0204	0.3	0.08000000000000002	0.6000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	32.0	0.052000000000000005	9.0	0.6000000000000001	0.132	0.013600000000000001	0.3	0.06	0.6000000000000001	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	24.0	0.10400000000000001	9.0	0.44999999999999996	0.132	0.027200000000000002	0.2	0.08000000000000002	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	16.0	0.078	12.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.013600000000000001	0.4	0.04000000000000001	0.6000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	16.0	0.052000000000000005	9.0	0.30000000000000004	0.066	0.027200000000000002	0.2	0.08000000000000002	0.6000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	16.0	0.078	9.0	0.30000000000000004	0.099	0.0204	0.2	0.06	0.6000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	32.0	0.10400000000000001	9.0	0.6000000000000001	0.132	0.027200000000000002	0.2	0.06	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	24.0	0.10400000000000001	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.132	0.0204	0.3	0.06	0.6000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	32.0	0.10400000000000001	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.132	0.0204	0.2	0.04000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	24.0	0.078	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.099	0.013600000000000001	0.3	0.04000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	16.0	0.078	6.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.013600000000000001	0.4	0.06	0.6000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	24.0	0.052000000000000005	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.099	0.0204	0.3	0.04000000000000001	0.6000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	16.0	0.078	9.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.0204	0.4	0.04000000000000001	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	32.0	0.078	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.132	0.027200000000000002	0.3	0.06	0.30000000000000004	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	24.0	0.078	9.0	0.30000000000000004	0.066	0.027200000000000002	0.4	0.06	0.30000000000000004	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	16.0	0.10400000000000001	6.0	0.44999999999999996	0.132	0.0204	0.4	0.08000000000000002	0.30000000000000004	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	24.0	0.10400000000000001	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.132	0.027200000000000002	0.2	0.06	0.6000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	32.0	0.052000000000000005	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.066	0.0204	0.3	0.04000000000000001	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	16.0	0.078	6.0	0.44999999999999996	0.132	0.013600000000000001	0.4	0.08000000000000002	0.44999999999999996	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	16.0	0.10400000000000001	12.0	0.44999999999999996	0.066	0.027200000000000002	0.3	0.08000000000000002	0.6000000000000001	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	16.0	0.052000000000000005	6.0	0.30000000000000004	0.132	0.013600000000000001	0.2	0.04000000000000001	0.44999999999999996	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	16.0	0.10400000000000001	9.0	0.44999999999999996	0.099	0.027200000000000002	0.2	0.04000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	16.0	0.10400000000000001	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.132	0.027200000000000002	0.2	0.08000000000000002	0.30000000000000004	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+4.0	32.0	0.052000000000000005	12.0	0.44999999999999996	0.066	0.0204	0.4	0.08000000000000002	0.6000000000000001	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	32.0	0.052000000000000005	9.0	0.44999999999999996	0.099	0.027200000000000002	0.3	0.08000000000000002	0.44999999999999996	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	32.0	0.078	6.0	0.44999999999999996	0.132	0.0204	0.3	0.06	0.30000000000000004	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+1.2	32.0	0.052000000000000005	9.0	0.30000000000000004	0.099	0.027200000000000002	0.3	0.08000000000000002	0.44999999999999996	0.30000000000000004	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+2.0	32.0	0.078	9.0	0.44999999999999996	0.099	0.027200000000000002	0.3	0.04000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.4	32.0	0.10400000000000001	12.0	0.30000000000000004	0.066	0.0204	0.2	0.06	0.30000000000000004	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	24.0	0.10400000000000001	6.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.013600000000000001	0.2	0.04000000000000001	0.30000000000000004	0.22499999999999998	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	16.0	0.10400000000000001	9.0	0.44999999999999996	0.066	0.027200000000000002	0.2	0.08000000000000002	0.30000000000000004	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0
+0.0	16.0	0.10400000000000001	12.0	0.6000000000000001	0.099	0.027200000000000002	0.3	0.04000000000000001	0.6000000000000001	0.15000000000000002	30.0	50.0	2.0	10.0	10.0