diff py/OutputFileWriter.py @ 0:6e75a84e9338 draft

planemo upload commit e96b43f96afce6a7b7dfd4499933aad7d05c955e-dirty
author thondeboer
date Tue, 15 May 2018 02:39:53 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/py/OutputFileWriter.py	Tue May 15 02:39:53 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import gzip
+from struct import pack
+from biopython_modified_bgzf import BgzfWriter
+# return the reverse complement of a string
+RC_DICT = {'A':'T','C':'G','G':'C','T':'A','N':'N'}
+def RC(s):
+	return ''.join(RC_DICT[n] for n in s[::-1])
+# SAMtools reg2bin function
+def reg2bin(a,b):
+	b -= 1
+	if (a>>14 == b>>14): return ((1<<15)-1)/7 + (a>>14)
+	if (a>>17 == b>>17): return ((1<<12)-1)/7 + (a>>17)
+	if (a>>20 == b>>20): return  ((1<<9)-1)/7 + (a>>20)
+	if (a>>23 == b>>23): return  ((1<<6)-1)/7 + (a>>23)
+	if (a>>26 == b>>26): return  ((1<<3)-1)/7 + (a>>26)
+	return 0
+CIGAR_PACKED = {'M':0, 'I':1, 'D':2, 'N':3, 'S':4, 'H':5, 'P':6, '=':7, 'X':8}
+SEQ_PACKED   = {'=':0, 'A':1, 'C':2, 'M':3, 'G':4, 'R':5, 'S':6, 'V':7,
+                'T':8, 'W':9, 'Y':10,'H':11,'K':12,'D':13,'B':14,'N':15}
+BUFFER_BATCH_SIZE = 1000		# write out to file after this many reads
+#	outFQ      = path to output FASTQ prefix
+#	paired     = True for PE reads, False for SE
+#	BAM_header = [refIndex]
+#	VCF_header = [path_to_ref]
+#	gzipped    = True for compressed FASTQ/VCF, False for uncompressed
+class OutputFileWriter:
+	def __init__(self, outPrefix, paired=False, BAM_header=None, VCF_header=None, gzipped=False, jobTuple=(1,1), noFASTQ=False):
+		jobSuffix = ''
+		if jobTuple[1] > 1:
+			jsl = len(str(jobTuple[1]))
+			jsb = '0'*(jsl-len(str(jobTuple[0])))
+			jobSuffix = '.job'+jsb+str(jobTuple[0])+'of'+str(jobTuple[1])
+		fq1 = outPrefix+'_read1.fq'+jobSuffix
+		fq2 = outPrefix+'_read2.fq'+jobSuffix
+		bam = outPrefix+'_golden.bam'+jobSuffix
+		vcf = outPrefix+'_golden.vcf'+jobSuffix
+		self.noFASTQ = noFASTQ
+		if not self.noFASTQ:
+			if gzipped:
+				self.fq1_file = gzip.open(fq1+'.gz', 'wb')
+			else:
+				self.fq1_file = open(fq1,'w')
+			self.fq2_file = None
+			if paired:
+				if gzipped:
+					self.fq2_file = gzip.open(fq2+'.gz', 'wb')
+				else:
+					self.fq2_file = open(fq2,'w')
+		#
+		#
+		self.vcf_file = None
+		if VCF_header != None:
+			if gzipped:
+				self.vcf_file = gzip.open(vcf+'.gz', 'wb')
+			else:
+				self.vcf_file = open(vcf, 'wb')
+			# WRITE VCF HEADER (if parallel: only for first job)
+			if jobTuple[0] == 1:
+				self.vcf_file.write('##fileformat=VCFv4.1\n')
+				self.vcf_file.write('##reference='+VCF_header[0]+'\n')
+				self.vcf_file.write('##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total Depth">\n')
+				self.vcf_file.write('##INFO=<ID=AF,Number=A,Type=Float,Description="Allele Frequency">\n')
+				#self.vcf_file.write('##INFO=<ID=READS,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Names of Reads Covering this Variant">\n')
+				self.vcf_file.write('##INFO=<ID=VMX,Number=1,Type=String,Description="SNP is Missense in these Read Frames">\n')
+				self.vcf_file.write('##INFO=<ID=VNX,Number=1,Type=String,Description="SNP is Nonsense in these Read Frames">\n')
+				self.vcf_file.write('##INFO=<ID=VFX,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Indel Causes Frameshift">\n')
+				self.vcf_file.write('##INFO=<ID=WP,Number=A,Type=Integer,Description="NEAT-GenReads ploidy indicator">\n')
+				self.vcf_file.write('##ALT=<ID=DEL,Description="Deletion">\n')
+				self.vcf_file.write('##ALT=<ID=DUP,Description="Duplication">\n')
+				self.vcf_file.write('##ALT=<ID=INS,Description="Insertion of novel sequence">\n')
+				self.vcf_file.write('##ALT=<ID=INV,Description="Inversion">\n')
+				self.vcf_file.write('##ALT=<ID=CNV,Description="Copy number variable region">\n')
+				self.vcf_file.write('##ALT=<ID=TRANS,Description="Translocation">\n')
+				self.vcf_file.write('##ALT=<ID=INV-TRANS,Description="Inverted translocation">\n')
+				self.vcf_file.write('#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\n')
+		#
+		#
+		self.bam_file = None
+		if BAM_header != None:
+			self.bam_file = BgzfWriter(bam, 'w', compresslevel=BAM_COMPRESSION_LEVEL)
+			# WRITE BAM HEADER (if parallel: only for first job)
+			if True or jobTuple[0] == 1:
+				self.bam_file.write("BAM\1")
+				header = '@HD\tVN:1.5\tSO:coordinate\n'
+				for n in BAM_header[0]:
+					header += '@SQ\tSN:'+n[0]+'\tLN:'+str(n[3])+'\n'
+				header += '@RG\tID:NEAT\tSM:NEAT\tLB:NEAT\tPL:NEAT\n'
+				headerBytes = len(header)
+				numRefs     = len(BAM_header[0])
+				self.bam_file.write(pack('<i',headerBytes))
+				self.bam_file.write(header)
+				self.bam_file.write(pack('<i',numRefs))
+				for n in BAM_header[0]:
+					l_name = len(n[0])+1
+					self.bam_file.write(pack('<i',l_name))
+					self.bam_file.write(n[0]+'\0')
+					self.bam_file.write(pack('<i',n[3]))
+		# buffers for more efficient writing
+		self.fq1_buffer = []
+		self.fq2_buffer = []
+		self.bam_buffer = []
+	def writeFASTQRecord(self,readName,read1,qual1,read2=None,qual2=None):
+		###self.fq1_file.write('@'+readName+'/1\n'+read1+'\n+\n'+qual1+'\n')
+		self.fq1_buffer.append('@'+readName+'/1\n'+read1+'\n+\n'+qual1+'\n')
+		if read2 != None:
+			####self.fq2_file.write('@'+readName+'/2\n'+RC(read2)+'\n+\n'+qual2[::-1]+'\n')
+			self.fq2_buffer.append('@'+readName+'/2\n'+RC(read2)+'\n+\n'+qual2[::-1]+'\n')
+	def writeVCFRecord(self, chrom, pos, idStr, ref, alt, qual, filt, info):
+		self.vcf_file.write(str(chrom)+'\t'+str(pos)+'\t'+str(idStr)+'\t'+str(ref)+'\t'+str(alt)+'\t'+str(qual)+'\t'+str(filt)+'\t'+str(info)+'\n')
+	def writeBAMRecord(self, refID, readName, pos_0, cigar, seq, qual, samFlag, matePos=None, alnMapQual=70):
+		myBin     = reg2bin(pos_0,pos_0+len(seq))
+		#myBin     = 0	# or just use a dummy value, does this actually matter?
+		myMapQual = alnMapQual
+		cig_letters = re.split(r"\d+",cigar)[1:]
+		cig_numbers = [int(n) for n in re.findall(r"\d+",cigar)]
+		cig_ops     = len(cig_letters)
+		next_refID = refID
+		if matePos == None:
+			next_pos = 0
+			my_tlen  = 0
+		else:
+			next_pos = matePos
+			if pos_0 < next_pos:
+				my_tlen = next_pos + len(seq) - pos_0
+			else:
+				my_tlen = -pos_0 - len(seq) + next_pos
+		encodedCig = ''
+		for i in xrange(cig_ops):
+			encodedCig += pack('<I',(cig_numbers[i]<<4) + CIGAR_PACKED[cig_letters[i]])
+		encodedSeq = ''
+		encodedLen = (len(seq)+1)/2
+		seqLen     = len(seq)
+		if seqLen&1:
+			seq += '='
+		for i in xrange(encodedLen):
+			encodedSeq += pack('<B',(SEQ_PACKED[seq[2*i]]<<4) + SEQ_PACKED[seq[2*i+1]])
+		# apparently samtools automatically adds 33 to the quality score string...
+		encodedQual = ''.join([chr(ord(n)-33) for n in qual])
+		#blockSize = 4 +		# refID 		int32
+		#            4 +		# pos			int32
+		#            4 +		# bin_mq_nl		uint32
+		#            4 +		# flag_nc		uint32
+		#            4 +		# l_seq			int32
+		#            4 +		# next_refID	int32
+		#            4 +		# next_pos		int32
+		#            4 +		# tlen			int32
+		#            len(readName)+1 +
+		#            4*cig_ops +
+		#            encodedLen +
+		#            len(seq)
+		#blockSize = 32 + len(readName)+1 + 4*cig_ops + encodedLen + len(seq)
+		blockSize = 32 + len(readName)+1 + len(encodedCig) + len(encodedSeq) + len(encodedQual)
+		####self.bam_file.write(pack('<i',blockSize))
+		####self.bam_file.write(pack('<i',refID))
+		####self.bam_file.write(pack('<i',pos_0))
+		####self.bam_file.write(pack('<I',(myBin<<16) + (myMapQual<<8) + len(readName)+1))
+		####self.bam_file.write(pack('<I',(samFlag<<16) + cig_ops))
+		####self.bam_file.write(pack('<i',seqLen))
+		####self.bam_file.write(pack('<i',next_refID))
+		####self.bam_file.write(pack('<i',next_pos))
+		####self.bam_file.write(pack('<i',my_tlen))
+		####self.bam_file.write(readName+'\0')
+		####self.bam_file.write(encodedCig)
+		####self.bam_file.write(encodedSeq)
+		####self.bam_file.write(encodedQual)
+		# a horribly compressed line, I'm sorry.
+		# (ref_index, position, data)
+		self.bam_buffer.append((refID, pos_0, pack('<i',blockSize) + pack('<i',refID) + pack('<i',pos_0) + pack('<I',(myBin<<16) + (myMapQual<<8) + len(readName)+1) + pack('<I',(samFlag<<16) + cig_ops) + pack('<i',seqLen) + pack('<i',next_refID) + pack('<i',next_pos) + pack('<i',my_tlen) + readName+'\0' + encodedCig + encodedSeq + encodedQual))
+	def flushBuffers(self,bamMax=None,lastTime=False):
+		if (len(self.fq1_buffer) >= BUFFER_BATCH_SIZE or len(self.bam_buffer) >= BUFFER_BATCH_SIZE) or (len(self.fq1_buffer) and lastTime) or (len(self.bam_buffer) and lastTime):
+			# fq
+			if not self.noFASTQ:
+				self.fq1_file.write(''.join(self.fq1_buffer))
+				if len(self.fq2_buffer):
+					self.fq2_file.write(''.join(self.fq2_buffer))
+			# bam
+			if len(self.bam_buffer):
+				bam_data = sorted(self.bam_buffer)
+				if lastTime:
+					self.bam_file.write(''.join([n[2] for n in bam_data]))
+					self.bam_buffer = []
+				else:
+					ind_to_stop_at = 0
+					for i in xrange(0,len(bam_data)):
+						# if we are from previous reference, or have coordinates lower than next window position, it's safe to write out to file
+						if bam_data[i][0] != bam_data[-1][0] or bam_data[i][1] < bamMax:
+							ind_to_stop_at = i+1
+						else:
+							break
+					self.bam_file.write(''.join([n[2] for n in bam_data[:ind_to_stop_at]]))
+					####print 'BAM WRITING:',ind_to_stop_at,'/',len(bam_data)
+					if ind_to_stop_at >= len(bam_data):
+						self.bam_buffer = []
+					else:
+						self.bam_buffer = bam_data[ind_to_stop_at:]
+			self.fq1_buffer = []
+			self.fq2_buffer = []
+	def closeFiles(self):
+		self.flushBuffers(lastTime=True)
+		if not self.noFASTQ:
+			self.fq1_file.close()
+			if self.fq2_file != None:
+				self.fq2_file.close()
+		if self.vcf_file != None:
+			self.vcf_file.close()
+		if self.bam_file != None:
+			self.bam_file.close()