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planemo upload commit e96b43f96afce6a7b7dfd4499933aad7d05c955e-dirty
author | thondeboer |
date | Wed, 16 May 2018 17:02:51 -0400 |
parents | 6e75a84e9338 |
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#!/usr/bin/env python # # a quick script for comparing mutation models # # python -i model1.p [model2.p] [model3.p]... -l legend_label1 [legend_label2] [legend_label3]... -o path/to/pdf_plot_prefix # import sys import pickle import bisect import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl import matplotlib.colors as colors import as cmx import argparse #mpl.rc('text',usetex=True) #mpl.rcParams['text.latex.preamble']=[r"\usepackage{amsmath}"] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Plot and compare mutation models from Usage: python -i model1.p [model2.p] [model3.p]... -l legend_label1 [legend_label2] [legend_label3]... -o path/to/pdf_plot_prefix') parser.add_argument('-i', type=str, required=True, metavar='<str>', nargs='+', help="* mutation_model_1.p [mutation_model_2.p] [mutation_model_3] ...") parser.add_argument('-l', type=str, required=True, metavar='<str>', nargs='+', help="* legend labels: model1_name [model2_name] [model3_name]...") parser.add_argument('-o', type=str, required=True, metavar='<str>', help="* output pdf prefix") args = parser.parse_args() def getColor(i,N,colormap='jet'): cm = mpl.get_cmap(colormap) cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=N+1) scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cm) colorVal = scalarMap.to_rgba(i) return colorVal def isInBed(track,ind): if ind in track: return True elif bisect.bisect(track,ind)%1 == 1: return True else: return False def getBedOverlap(track,ind_s,ind_e): if ind_s in track: myInd = track.index(ind_s) return min([track[myInd+1]-ind_s+1,ind_e-ind_s+1]) else: myInd = bisect.bisect(track,ind_s) if myInd%1 and myInd < len(track)-1: return min([track[myInd+1]-ind_s+1,ind_e-ind_s+1]) return 0 # a waaaaaaay slower version of the above function ^^ #def getTrackOverlap(track1,track2): # otrack = [0 for n in xrange(max(track1+track2)+1)] # for i in xrange(0,len(track1),2): # for j in xrange(track1[i],track1[i+1]+1): # otrack[j] = 1 # ocount = 0 # for i in xrange(0,len(track2),2): # for j in xrange(track2[i],track2[i+1]+1): # if otrack[j]: # ocount += 1 # return ocount OUP = args.o LAB = args.l #print LAB INP = args.i N_FILES = len(INP) mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 13, 'font.weight':'bold', 'lines.linewidth': 3}) ################################################# # # BASIC STATS # ################################################# mpl.figure(0,figsize=(12,10)) mpl.subplot(2,2,1) colorInd = 0 for fn in INP: myCol = getColor(colorInd,N_FILES) colorInd += 1 DATA_DICT = pickle.load( open( fn, "rb" ) ) [AVG_MUT_RATE, SNP_FREQ, INDEL_FREQ] = [DATA_DICT['AVG_MUT_RATE'], DATA_DICT['SNP_FREQ'], DATA_DICT['INDEL_FREQ']][colorInd-1],[AVG_MUT_RATE],1.,color=myCol) mpl.xlim([-1,N_FILES+1]) mpl.grid() mpl.xticks([],[]) mpl.ylabel('Frequency') mpl.title('Overall mutation rate (1/bp)') mpl.subplot(2,2,2) colorInd = 0 for fn in INP: myCol = getColor(colorInd,N_FILES) colorInd += 1 DATA_DICT = pickle.load( open( fn, "rb" ) ) [AVG_MUT_RATE, SNP_FREQ, INDEL_FREQ] = [DATA_DICT['AVG_MUT_RATE'], DATA_DICT['SNP_FREQ'], DATA_DICT['INDEL_FREQ']][colorInd-1],[SNP_FREQ],1.,color=myCol)[colorInd-1],[1.-SNP_FREQ],1.,color=myCol,bottom=[SNP_FREQ],hatch='/') mpl.axis([-1,N_FILES+1,0,1.2]) mpl.grid() mpl.xticks([],[]) mpl.yticks([0,.2,.4,.6,.8,1.],[0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0]) mpl.ylabel('Frequency') mpl.title('SNP freq [ ] & indel freq [//]') mpl.subplot(2,1,2) colorInd = 0 legText = LAB for fn in INP: myCol = getColor(colorInd,N_FILES) colorInd += 1 DATA_DICT = pickle.load( open( fn, "rb" ) ) [AVG_MUT_RATE, SNP_FREQ, INDEL_FREQ] = [DATA_DICT['AVG_MUT_RATE'], DATA_DICT['SNP_FREQ'], DATA_DICT['INDEL_FREQ']] x = sorted(INDEL_FREQ.keys()) y = [INDEL_FREQ[n] for n in x] mpl.plot(x,y,color=myCol) #legText.append(fn) mpl.grid() mpl.xlabel('Indel size (bp)', fontweight='bold') mpl.ylabel('Frequency') mpl.title('Indel frequency by size (- deletion, + insertion)') mpl.legend(legText) mpl.savefig(OUP+'_plot1_mutRates.pdf') ################################################# # # TRINUC PRIOR PROB # ################################################# mpl.figure(1,figsize=(14,6)) colorInd = 0 legText = LAB for fn in INP: myCol = getColor(colorInd,N_FILES) colorInd += 1 DATA_DICT = pickle.load( open( fn, "rb" ) ) TRINUC_MUT_PROB = DATA_DICT['TRINUC_MUT_PROB'] x = range(colorInd-1,len(TRINUC_MUT_PROB)*N_FILES,N_FILES) xt = sorted(TRINUC_MUT_PROB.keys()) y = [TRINUC_MUT_PROB[k] for k in xt] markerline, stemlines, baseline = mpl.stem(x,y,'-.') mpl.setp(markerline, 'markerfacecolor', myCol) mpl.setp(markerline, 'markeredgecolor', myCol) mpl.setp(baseline, 'color', myCol, 'linewidth', 0) mpl.setp(stemlines, 'color', myCol, 'linewidth', 3) if colorInd == 1: mpl.xticks(x,xt,rotation=90) #legText.append(fn) mpl.grid() mpl.ylabel('p(trinucleotide mutates)') mpl.legend(legText) mpl.savefig(OUP+'_plot2_trinucPriors.pdf') ################################################# # # TRINUC TRANS PROB # ################################################# plotNum = 3 for fn in INP: fig = mpl.figure(plotNum,figsize=(12,10)) DATA_DICT = pickle.load( open( fn, "rb" ) ) TRINUC_TRANS_PROBS = DATA_DICT['TRINUC_TRANS_PROBS'] xt2 = [m[3] for m in sorted([(n[0],n[2],n[1],n) for n in xt])] reverse_dict = {xt2[i]:i for i in xrange(len(xt2))} Z = np.zeros((64,64)) L = [['' for n in xrange(64)] for m in xrange(64)] for k in TRINUC_TRANS_PROBS: i = reverse_dict[k[0]] j = reverse_dict[k[1]] Z[i][j] = TRINUC_TRANS_PROBS[k] HARDCODED_LABEL = ['A_A','A_C','A_G','A_T', 'C_A','C_C','C_G','C_T', 'G_A','G_C','G_G','G_T', 'T_A','T_C','T_G','T_T'] for pi in xrange(16): mpl.subplot(4,4,pi+1) Z2 = Z[pi*4:(pi+1)*4,pi*4:(pi+1)*4] X, Y = np.meshgrid( range(0,len(Z2[0])+1), range(0,len(Z2)+1) ) im = mpl.pcolormesh(X,Y,Z2[::-1,:],vmin=0.0,vmax=0.5) mpl.axis([0,4,0,4]) mpl.xticks([0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5],['A','C','G','T']) mpl.yticks([0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5],['T','G','C','A']) mpl.text(1.6, 1.8, HARDCODED_LABEL[pi], color='white') # colorbar haxx fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7]) cb = fig.colorbar(im,cax=cbar_ax) cb.set_label(r"p(X$Y_1$Z->X$Y_2$Z | X_Z mutates)") #mpl.tight_layout() #mpl.figtext(0.24,0.94,'Trinucleotide Mutation Frequency',size=20) mpl.savefig(OUP+'_plot'+str(plotNum)+'_trinucTrans.pdf') plotNum += 1 ################################################# # # HIGH MUT REGIONS # ################################################# track_byFile_byChr = [{} for n in INP] bp_total_byFile = [0 for n in INP] colorInd = 0 for fn in INP: DATA_DICT = pickle.load( open( fn, "rb" ) ) HIGH_MUT_REGIONS = DATA_DICT['HIGH_MUT_REGIONS'] for region in HIGH_MUT_REGIONS: if region[0] not in track_byFile_byChr[colorInd]: track_byFile_byChr[colorInd][region[0]] = [] track_byFile_byChr[colorInd][region[0]].extend([region[1],region[2]]) bp_total_byFile[colorInd] += region[2]-region[1]+1 colorInd += 1 bp_overlap_count = [[0 for m in INP] for n in INP] for i in xrange(N_FILES): bp_overlap_count[i][i] = bp_total_byFile[i] for j in xrange(i+1,N_FILES): for k in track_byFile_byChr[i].keys(): if k in track_byFile_byChr[j]: for ii in xrange(len(track_byFile_byChr[i][k][::2])): bp_overlap_count[i][j] += getBedOverlap(track_byFile_byChr[j][k],track_byFile_byChr[i][k][ii*2],track_byFile_byChr[i][k][ii*2+1]) print '' print 'HIGH_MUT_REGION OVERLAP BETWEEN '+str(N_FILES)+' MODELS...' for i in xrange(N_FILES): for j in xrange(i,N_FILES): nDissimilar = (bp_overlap_count[i][i]-bp_overlap_count[i][j]) + (bp_overlap_count[j][j]-bp_overlap_count[i][j]) if bp_overlap_count[i][j] == 0: percentageV = 0.0 else: percentageV = bp_overlap_count[i][j]/float(bp_overlap_count[i][j]+nDissimilar) print 'overlap['+str(i)+','+str(j)+'] = '+str(bp_overlap_count[i][j])+' bp ({0:.3f}%)'.format(percentageV*100.) print '' ################################################# # # COMMON VARIANTS # ################################################# setofVars = [set([]) for n in INP] colorInd = 0 for fn in INP: DATA_DICT = pickle.load( open( fn, "rb" ) ) COMMON_VARIANTS = DATA_DICT['COMMON_VARIANTS'] for n in COMMON_VARIANTS: setofVars[colorInd].add(n) colorInd += 1 print '' print 'COMMON_VARIANTS OVERLAP BETWEEN '+str(N_FILES)+' MODELS...' for i in xrange(N_FILES): for j in xrange(i,N_FILES): overlapCount = len(setofVars[i].intersection(setofVars[j])) nDissimilar = (len(setofVars[i])-overlapCount) + (len(setofVars[j])-overlapCount) if overlapCount == 0: percentageV = 0.0 else: percentageV = overlapCount/float(overlapCount+nDissimilar) print 'overlap['+str(i)+','+str(j)+'] = '+str(overlapCount)+' variants ({0:.3f}%)'.format(percentageV*100.) print ''