Mercurial > repos > thondeboer > neat_genreads
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planemo upload commit e96b43f96afce6a7b7dfd4499933aad7d05c955e-dirty
author | thondeboer |
date | Tue, 15 May 2018 16:22:08 -0400 |
parents | 6e75a84e9338 |
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#!/usr/bin/env python # # # # Computes sequencing error model for # # # Usage: python -i input_reads.fq -o path/to/output_name.p # # import os import sys import gzip import random import numpy as np import argparse import cPickle as pickle # absolute path to this script SIM_PATH = '/'.join(os.path.realpath(__file__).split('/')[:-2])+'/py/' sys.path.append(SIM_PATH) from probability import DiscreteDistribution def parseFQ(inf): print 'reading '+inf+'...' if inf[-3:] == '.gz': print 'detected gzip suffix...' f =,'r') else: f = open(inf,'r') IS_SAM = False if inf[-4:] == '.sam': print 'detected sam input...' IS_SAM = True rRead = 0 actual_readlen = 0 qDict = {} while True: if IS_SAM: data4 = f.readline() if not len(data4): break try: data4 = data4.split('\t')[10] except IndexError: break # need to add some input checking here? Yup, probably. else: data1 = f.readline() data2 = f.readline() data3 = f.readline() data4 = f.readline() if not all([data1,data2,data3,data4]): break if actual_readlen == 0: if inf[-3:] != '.gz' and not IS_SAM: totalSize = os.path.getsize(inf) entrySize = sum([len(n) for n in [data1,data2,data3,data4]]) print 'estimated number of reads in file:',int(float(totalSize)/entrySize) actual_readlen = len(data4)-1 print 'assuming read length is uniform...' print 'detected read length (from first read found):',actual_readlen priorQ = np.zeros([actual_readlen,RQ]) totalQ = [None] + [np.zeros([RQ,RQ]) for n in xrange(actual_readlen-1)] # sanity-check readlengths if len(data4)-1 != actual_readlen: print 'skipping read with unexpected length...' continue for i in range(len(data4)-1): q = ord(data4[i])-offQ qDict[q] = True if i == 0: priorQ[i][q] += 1 else: totalQ[i][prevQ,q] += 1 priorQ[i][q] += 1 prevQ = q rRead += 1 if rRead%PRINT_EVERY == 0: print rRead if MAX_READS > 0 and rRead >= MAX_READS: break f.close() # some sanity checking again... QRANGE = [min(qDict.keys()),max(qDict.keys())] if QRANGE[0] < 0: print '\nError: Read in Q-scores below 0\n' exit(1) if QRANGE[1] > RQ: print '\nError: Read in Q-scores above specified maximum:',QRANGE[1],'>',RQ,'\n' exit(1) print 'computing probabilities...' probQ = [None] + [[[0. for m in xrange(RQ)] for n in xrange(RQ)] for p in xrange(actual_readlen-1)] for p in xrange(1,actual_readlen): for i in xrange(RQ): rowSum = float(np.sum(totalQ[p][i,:]))+PROB_SMOOTH*RQ if rowSum <= 0.: continue for j in xrange(RQ): probQ[p][i][j] = (totalQ[p][i][j]+PROB_SMOOTH)/rowSum initQ = [[0. for m in xrange(RQ)] for n in xrange(actual_readlen)] for i in xrange(actual_readlen): rowSum = float(np.sum(priorQ[i,:]))+INIT_SMOOTH*RQ if rowSum <= 0.: continue for j in xrange(RQ): initQ[i][j] = (priorQ[i][j]+INIT_SMOOTH)/rowSum if PLOT_STUFF: mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14, 'font.weight':'bold', 'lines.linewidth': 3}) mpl.figure(1) Z = np.array(initQ).T X, Y = np.meshgrid( range(0,len(Z[0])+1), range(0,len(Z)+1) ) mpl.pcolormesh(X,Y,Z,vmin=0.,vmax=0.25) mpl.axis([0,len(Z[0]),0,len(Z)]) mpl.yticks(range(0,len(Z),10),range(0,len(Z),10)) mpl.xticks(range(0,len(Z[0]),10),range(0,len(Z[0]),10)) mpl.xlabel('Read Position') mpl.ylabel('Quality Score') mpl.title('Q-Score Prior Probabilities') mpl.colorbar() VMIN_LOG = [-4,0] minVal = 10**VMIN_LOG[0] qLabels = [str(n) for n in range(QRANGE[0],QRANGE[1]+1) if n%5==0] print qLabels qTicksx = [int(n)+0.5 for n in qLabels] qTicksy = [(RQ-int(n))-0.5 for n in qLabels] for p in xrange(1,actual_readlen,10): currentDat = np.array(probQ[p]) for i in xrange(len(currentDat)): for j in xrange(len(currentDat[i])): currentDat[i][j] = max(minVal,currentDat[i][j]) # matrix indices: pcolormesh plotting: plot labels and axes: # # y ^ ^ # --> x | y | # x | --> --> # v y x # # to plot a MxN matrix 'Z' with rowNames and colNames we need to: # # pcolormesh(X,Y,Z[::-1,:]) # invert x-axis # # swap x/y axis parameters and labels, remember x is still inverted: # xlim([yMin,yMax]) # ylim([M-xMax,M-xMin]) # xticks() # mpl.figure(p+1) Z = np.log10(currentDat) X, Y = np.meshgrid( range(0,len(Z[0])+1), range(0,len(Z)+1) ) mpl.pcolormesh(X,Y,Z[::-1,:],vmin=VMIN_LOG[0],vmax=VMIN_LOG[1],cmap='jet') mpl.xlim([QRANGE[0],QRANGE[1]+1]) mpl.ylim([RQ-QRANGE[1]-1,RQ-QRANGE[0]]) mpl.yticks(qTicksy,qLabels) mpl.xticks(qTicksx,qLabels) mpl.xlabel('\n' + r'$Q_{i+1}$') mpl.ylabel(r'$Q_i$') mpl.title('Q-Score Transition Frequencies [Read Pos:'+str(p)+']') cb = mpl.colorbar() cb.set_ticks([-4,-3,-2,-1,0]) cb.set_ticklabels([r'$10^{-4}$',r'$10^{-3}$',r'$10^{-2}$',r'$10^{-1}$',r'$10^{0}$']) #mpl.tight_layout() print 'estimating average error rate via simulation...' Qscores = range(RQ) #print (len(initQ), len(initQ[0])) #print (len(probQ), len(probQ[1]), len(probQ[1][0])) initDistByPos = [DiscreteDistribution(initQ[i],Qscores) for i in xrange(len(initQ))] probDistByPosByPrevQ = [None] for i in xrange(1,len(initQ)): probDistByPosByPrevQ.append([]) for j in xrange(len(initQ[0])): if np.sum(probQ[i][j]) <= 0.: # if we don't have sufficient data for a transition, use the previous qscore probDistByPosByPrevQ[-1].append(DiscreteDistribution([1],[Qscores[j]],degenerateVal=Qscores[j])) else: probDistByPosByPrevQ[-1].append(DiscreteDistribution(probQ[i][j],Qscores)) countDict = {} for q in Qscores: countDict[q] = 0 for samp in xrange(1,N_SAMP+1): if samp%PRINT_EVERY == 0: print samp myQ = initDistByPos[0].sample() countDict[myQ] += 1 for i in xrange(1,len(initQ)): myQ = probDistByPosByPrevQ[i][myQ].sample() countDict[myQ] += 1 totBases = float(sum(countDict.values())) avgError = 0. for k in sorted(countDict.keys()): eVal = 10.**(-k/10.) #print k, eVal, countDict[k] avgError += eVal * (countDict[k]/totBases) print 'AVG ERROR RATE:',avgError return (initQ, probQ, avgError) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='') parser.add_argument('-i', type=str, required=True, metavar='<str>', help="* input_read1.fq (.gz) / input_read1.sam") parser.add_argument('-o', type=str, required=True, metavar='<str>', help="* output.p") parser.add_argument('-i2', type=str, required=False, metavar='<str>', default=None, help="input_read2.fq (.gz) / input_read2.sam") parser.add_argument('-p', type=str, required=False, metavar='<str>', default=None, help="input_alignment.pileup") parser.add_argument('-q', type=int, required=False, metavar='<int>', default=33, help="quality score offset [33]") parser.add_argument('-Q', type=int, required=False, metavar='<int>', default=41, help="maximum quality score [41]") parser.add_argument('-n', type=int, required=False, metavar='<int>', default=-1, help="maximum number of reads to process [all]") parser.add_argument('-s', type=int, required=False, metavar='<int>', default=1000000, help="number of simulation iterations [1000000]") parser.add_argument('--plot', required=False, action='store_true', default=False, help='perform some optional plotting') args = parser.parse_args() (INF, OUF, offQ, maxQ, MAX_READS, N_SAMP) = (args.i, args.o, args.q, args.Q, args.n, args.s) (INF2, PILEUP) = (args.i2, args.p) RQ = maxQ+1 INIT_SMOOTH = 0. PROB_SMOOTH = 0. PRINT_EVERY = 10000 PLOT_STUFF = args.plot if PLOT_STUFF: print 'plotting is desired, lets import matplotlib...' import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl def main(): Qscores = range(RQ) if INF2 == None: (initQ, probQ, avgError) = parseFQ(INF) else: (initQ, probQ, avgError1) = parseFQ(INF) (initQ2, probQ2, avgError2) = parseFQ(INF2) avgError = (avgError1+avgError2)/2. # # embed some default sequencing error parameters if no pileup is provided # if PILEUP == None: print 'Using default sequencing error parameters...' # sequencing substitution transition probabilities SSE_PROB = [[0., 0.4918, 0.3377, 0.1705 ], [0.5238, 0., 0.2661, 0.2101 ], [0.3754, 0.2355, 0., 0.3890 ], [0.2505, 0.2552, 0.4942, 0. ]] # if a sequencing error occurs, what are the odds it's an indel? SIE_RATE = 0.01 # sequencing indel error length distribution SIE_PROB = [0.999,0.001] SIE_VAL = [1,2] # if a sequencing indel error occurs, what are the odds it's an insertion as opposed to a deletion? SIE_INS_FREQ = 0.4 # if a sequencing insertion error occurs, what's the probability of it being an A, C, G, T... SIE_INS_NUCL = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25] # # otherwise we need to parse a pileup and compute statistics! # else: print '\nPileup parsing coming soon!\n' exit(1) errorParams = [SSE_PROB, SIE_RATE, SIE_PROB, SIE_VAL, SIE_INS_FREQ, SIE_INS_NUCL] # # finally, let's save our output model # print 'saving model...' if INF2 == None: pickle.dump([initQ,probQ,Qscores,offQ,avgError,errorParams],open(OUF,'wb')) else: pickle.dump([initQ,probQ,initQ2,probQ2,Qscores,offQ,avgError,errorParams],open(OUF,'wb')) if __name__ == '__main__': main()