changeset 0:5dc02b8a2a57 draft default tip

planemo upload commit 70654da77972b29181d3b388035836b6fa84d59d-dirty
author tiagoantao
date Fri, 08 Apr 2016 11:38:00 -0400 (2016-04-08)
files barcode_sort.xml tool_dependencies.xml
diffstat 3 files changed, 208 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Apr 08 11:38:00 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict; use warnings;
+my $cut_site = $ARGV[7]; #let the user specify the cut site keyword (e.g. "TGCA" for the SbfI 6 bp cutter)
+my $b = $ARGV[6]; #let the user specify barcode length
+my $n = 2;        # set number of nucleotides to expect before the barcode (bestRAD libraries run at U. Oregon have 2bp here)
+my $c = $b + $n;  # set position for start of enzyme cutsite, which occurs after the initial nucleotides plus the barcode
+my $e = 6;        # set length of remaining enzyme cutsite sequence (e.g. 6 for SbfI) -- for other than SbfI, need to change the actual sequence below!!!
+my $e = length($cut_site); #calculate the length of the cut site
+# note this is the length of what's left after enzyme digestion, NOT the full length of the enzyme recognition site
+# the program expects all correct forward reads to follow the pattern: $n initial nucleotides, then $b nucleotides of barcode, then $e nucleotides of the cutsite
+my $is_resilient;
+open (IN, $ARGV[0]);    # read file with barcodes
+my %counts = ();        # make a hash of barcodes that will be searched
+while(<IN>) {           # counts of each barcode can be tracked with this hash, with a few more lines of code below
+    chomp($_);
+    $counts{$_} = 0;
+close IN;
+open (IN1, $ARGV[1]);        # read fastq file of raw forward reads
+open (IN2, $ARGV[2]);        # read fastq file of raw reverse reads  -- these must have pairs in identical order
+open (OUT1, ">$ARGV[3]");    # create fastq outfile for flipped forward reads (cutsite end)
+open (OUT2, ">$ARGV[4]");    # create fastq outfile for flipped reverse reads (randomly sheared end)
+my $forward; my $reverse; my $barcode;        # establish string variables for all parts of fastq files
+my $name1; my $name2; my $third1; my $third2; my $qual1; my $qual2;
+$is_resilient = $ARGV[5];  # true if is resilient to errors - Brian's additions
+sub strDiffMaxDelta {
+    my ( $s1, $s2, $maxDelta ) = @_;
+    my $diffCount = () = ( $s1 ^ $s2 ) =~ /[^\x00]/g;
+    return $diffCount <= $maxDelta;
+if ($is_resilient eq "true") {
+    my $max_errors = $ARGV[8];
+    while($name1 = <IN1>) {        # start reading through the paired fastq input files
+        $name2 = <IN2>;            # read all parts of a single read pair (4 lines in each of the 2 fastq files)
+        $forward = <IN1>;
+        $reverse = <IN2>;
+        $third1 = <IN1>; $third2 = <IN2>; $qual1 = <IN1>; $qual2 = <IN2>;
+        my $which = 0; my $for; my $rev;        # establish variables used below
+        if(strDiffMaxDelta(substr($forward, $c, $e), $cut_site, $max_errors)) {            # check for SbfI cutsite in the correct place in forward read
+            if(strDiffMaxDelta(substr($reverse, $c, $e), $cut_site, $max_errors)) {        # check for SbfI cutsite in the correct place in reverse read
+                $for = substr($forward, $n, $b);            # this is where a barcode should be if it's in the forward read
+                $rev = substr($reverse, $n, $b);            # this is where a barcode should be if it's in the reverse read
+                if(exists $counts{$for} && (exists $counts{$rev}) == 0) {        # if a correct barcode and cutsite are in forward but not reverse read...
+                    $which = 1; $barcode = $for; $counts{$for}++;                # which = 1 means the pair is correctly oriented
+                }
+                elsif((exists $counts{$for}) == 0 && exists $counts{$rev}) {    # if a correct barcode and cutsite are only in the reverse read...
+                    $which = 2; $barcode = $rev; $counts{$rev}++;                # which = 2 means the pair needs to be flipped
+                }
+            }
+            else {                                            # the cutsite is only found in the forward read
+                #$barcode = substr($forward, $n, $b);
+                #if(exists $counts{$barcode}) {$which = 1; $counts{$barcode}++; }    # if a correct barcode is in the forward read, the pair is correctly oriented
+                $which = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        elsif(strDiffMaxDelta(substr($reverse, $c, $e), $cut_site, $max_errors)){    # cutsite not in forward read but is in reverse read
+            #$barcode = substr($reverse, $n, $b);
+            #if(exists $counts{$barcode}) {$which = 2; $counts{$barcode}++; }        # pair needs to be flipped
+            $which = 2;
+        }                                                    # if a cutsite and correct barcode has not been found in either read, which = 0 at this point
+        if($which == 1) {                                    # if the pair is correctly oriented, print out fastq format for the pair
+            my $temp1 = substr($forward, $n);                # trim initial nucleotides off read and quality scores...
+            my $temp2 = substr($qual1, $n);                    # so that output keeps barcode and cutsite but not other nucleotides...
+            print OUT1 "$name1$temp1$third1$temp2";            # and is ready to go into process_radtags
+            print OUT2 "$name2$reverse$third2$qual2";
+        }
+        elsif($which == 2) {                                # if the pair needs to be flipped, print out fastq format for the flipped pair
+            my $temp1 = substr($reverse, $n);
+            my $temp2 = substr($qual2, $n);
+            print OUT1 "$name2$temp1$third2$temp2";
+            print OUT2 "$name1$forward$third1$qual1";
+        }                                                    # if which == 0, nothing is printed out for the pair
+    }
+    close IN1;
+    close IN2;
+    close OUT1;
+    close OUT2;
+    foreach my $key (sort keys %counts) {
+        print "$key" . "\t" . "$counts{$key}\n";
+    }
+else{ #Paul's code
+    while($name1 = <IN1>) {        # start reading through the paired fastq input files
+        $name2 = <IN2>;            # read all parts of a single read pair (4 lines in each of the 2 fastq files)
+        $forward = <IN1>;
+        $reverse = <IN2>;
+        $third1 = <IN1>; $third2 = <IN2>; $qual1 = <IN1>; $qual2 = <IN2>;
+        my $which = 0; my $for; my $rev;        # establish variables used below
+        if(substr($forward, $c, $e) eq "TGCAGG") {            # check for SbfI cutsite in the correct place in forward read
+            if(substr($reverse, $c, $e) eq "TGCAGG") {        # check for SbfI cutsite in the correct place in reverse read
+                $for = substr($forward, $n, $b);            # this is where a barcode should be if it's in the forward read
+                $rev = substr($reverse, $n, $b);            # this is where a barcode should be if it's in the reverse read
+                if(exists $counts{$for} && (exists $counts{$rev}) == 0) {        # if a correct barcode and cutsite are in forward but not reverse read...
+                    $which = 1; $barcode = $for; $counts{$for}++;                # which = 1 means the pair is correctly oriented
+                }
+                elsif((exists $counts{$for}) == 0 && exists $counts{$rev}) {    # if a correct barcode and cutsite are only in the reverse read...
+                    $which = 2; $barcode = $rev; $counts{$rev}++;                # which = 2 means the pair needs to be flipped
+                }
+            }
+            else {                                            # the cutsite is only found in the forward read
+                $barcode = substr($forward, $n, $b);
+                if(exists $counts{$barcode}) {$which = 1; $counts{$barcode}++; }    # if a correct barcode is in the forward read, the pair is correctly oriented
+            }
+        }
+        elsif(substr($reverse, $c, $e) eq "TGCAGG") {        # cutsite not in forward read but is in reverse read
+            $barcode = substr($reverse, $n, $b);
+            if(exists $counts{$barcode}) {$which = 2; $counts{$barcode}++; }        # pair needs to be flipped
+        }                                                    # if a cutsite and correct barcode has not been found in either read, which = 0 at this point
+        if($which == 1) {                                    # if the pair is correctly oriented, print out fastq format for the pair
+            my $temp1 = substr($forward, $n);                # trim initial nucleotides off read and quality scores...
+            my $temp2 = substr($qual1, $n);                    # so that output keeps barcode and cutsite but not other nucleotides...
+            print OUT1 "$name1$temp1$third1$temp2";            # and is ready to go into process_radtags
+            print OUT2 "$name2$reverse$third2$qual2";
+        }
+        elsif($which == 2) {                                # if the pair needs to be flipped, print out fastq format for the flipped pair
+            my $temp1 = substr($reverse, $n);
+            my $temp2 = substr($qual2, $n);
+            print OUT1 "$name2$temp1$third2$temp2";
+            print OUT2 "$name1$forward$third1$qual1";
+        }                                                    # if which == 0, nothing is printed out for the pair
+    }
+    close IN1;
+    close IN2;
+    close OUT1;
+    close OUT2;
+    foreach my $key (sort keys %counts) {
+        print "$key" . "\t" . "$counts{$key}\n";
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/barcode_sort.xml	Fri Apr 08 11:38:00 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<tool id="barcode_sort_stacks" name="Barcode sorting for Stacks"  version="2.0.2" force_history_refresh="True">
+  <description>Barcode Sorting with Paired-End reads for Stacks</description>
+   <exit_code range="1" level="fatal" description="Error in script execution" />
+<command interpreter="perl">
+ $barcode $f1 $f2 $barcoded $nonbarcoded true $barcode_length $cut_site $max_errors
+  <param name="barcode" format="text" type="data" label="Barcode file" />
+  <param name="barcode_length" type="integer" value="6" label="Barcode length" />
+  <param name="f1" type="data" format="fastq" label="First read FASTQ" />
+  <param name="f2" type="data" format="fastq" label="Second read FASTQ" />
+  <param name="cut_site" type="text" value="TGCA" label="Cut site" />
+  <param name="max_errors" type="integer" value="2" label="Maximum number of errors" />
+  <data format="fastq" name="barcoded" label="Barcoded sequences"/>
+  <data format="fastq" name="nonbarcoded" label="Non barcoded sequences"/>
+.. class:: infomark
+**What it does**
+This program takes 2 input sequence files where the barcode can be on either
+the 1st or 2nd read (but not both) and sorts all barcoded reads into a single
+file and all non-barcoded files into a second file. This separation is needed
+for the STACKs program as it does not handle sequences where the barcode is
+arbitrarily on the 1st or 2nd read.
+**Created by:**
+Paul Hohenlohe with changes from Brian Hand.
+**Integrated by:**
+Tiago Antao
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tool_dependencies.xml	Fri Apr 08 11:38:00 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>