view STACKS_clone_filter.xml @ 8:a8b87bc0c3ad draft

planemo upload commit 4d00a0b7a4b859b642eceb3c7cd4adb1453903a0-dirty
author tiagoantao
date Thu, 04 Feb 2016 08:13:32 -0500
parents 2059c028c07a
children 89b911668f1d
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="STACKS_clone_filter" name="STACKS: clone_filter" version="0.9.0">
  <description>Run the STACKS clone_filter program</description>

    <requirement type="package" version="1.18">stacks</requirement>

   <exit_code range="1" level="fatal" description="Error in Stacks clone_filter" />

<command interpreter="python">
#if $data_type.dt_select == 'single':
  -f $data_type.fname
  -fwd $data_type.fwd
  -rev $data_type.rev
#end if
  -opt $oligo_option
#if $oligo_len_1 > -1:
  --oligo_len_1 $oligo_len_1
#end if
#if $oligo_len_2 > -1:
  --oligo_len_2 $oligo_len_2
#end if

    <conditional name="data_type">
      <param name="dt_select" type="select" label="Single or Paired-end">
          <option value="single">Single</option>
          <option value="pair">Pair</option>
      <when value="single">
          <param name="fname" type="data" format="fastq" label="FASTQ" />
      <when value="pair">
          <param name="fwd" type="data" format="fastq" label="Forward FASTQ" />
          <param name="rev" type="data" format="fastq" label="Reverse FASTQ" />
  <param name="oligo_len_1" type="integer" label="length of the single-end oligo sequence in data set (-1 == ignore)"/>
  <param name="oligo_len_2" type="integer" label="length of the paired-end oligo sequence in data set (-1 == ignore)"/>
  <param name="oligo_options" type="select" label="Oligo sequence options">
      <option value="inline_null" selected="true">random oligo is inline with sequence, occurs only on single-end read</option>
      <option value="null_index">random oligo is provded in FASTQ header (Illumina i7 read if both i5 and i7 read are provided).</option>
      <option value="index_null">random oligo is provded in FASTQ header (Illumina i5 or i7 read)</option>
      <option value="inline_inline">random oligo is inline with sequence, occurs on single and paired-end read</option>
      <option value="index_index">random oligo is provded in FASTQ header (Illumina i5 and i7 read)</option>
      <option value="inline_index">random oligo is inline with sequence on single-end read and second oligo occurs in FASTQ header</option>
      <option value="index_inline">random oligo occurs in FASTQ header (Illumina i5 or i7 read) and is inline with sequence on single-end read (if single read data) or paired-end read (if paired data)</option>

    <data format="fastq" name="clean" from_work_dir="job_outputs/clean.fq">
        <filter>data_type['dt_select'] == 'single' </filter>
    <data format="fastq" name="clean_fwd" from_work_dir="job_outputs/fwd.fq">
        <filter>data_type['dt_select'] == 'pair' </filter>
    <data format="fastq" name="clean_rev" from_work_dir="job_outputs/rev.fq">
        <filter>data_type['dt_select'] == 'pair' </filter>

        <param name="dt_select" value="pair" />
        <param name="fwd" value="fwd.fq" />
        <param name="rev" value="rev.fq" />
        <output name="clean_fwd" />
        <output name="clean_rev" />


**Project links:**

`STACKS website &lt;;`_ .

`STACKS manual &lt;;`_ .

`STACKS google group &lt;!forum/stacks-users&gt;`_ .

    <citation type="doi">10.1111/mec.12354</citation>
    <citation type="doi">10.1111/mec.12330</citation>
    <citation type="doi">10.1534/g3.111.000240</citation>
    <citation type="doi">10.1534/genetics.111.127324</citation>
    <citation type="doi">10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02967.x</citation>
    <citation type="doi">10.1073/pnas.1006538107</citation>