view orthologs/ucsb_hamster/ @ 0:5b9a38ec4a39 draft default tip

First commit of old repositories
author osiris_phylogenetics <>
date Tue, 11 Mar 2014 12:19:13 -0700
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use Getopt::Long;
use Bio::SearchIO;
use Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHit;
use run_genewise;


# Copyright (C) 2009 INGO EBERSBERGER,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License
# or any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; If not, see
# PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This is the relevant version!

# DATE: Wed Dec 19 10:41:09 CEST 2007

######################## start main #############################
my $version = "\\nGalaxy implementation by Todd H. Oakley and Roger Ngo, UCSB\n";
print "$version\n";
## note: all the variables can also be set via the command line
my $pid = $$;
my $prog = 'hmmsearch'; #program for the hmm search
my $alignmentprog = 'clustalw';

my $hmmpath = '.';
my $blastpath = '.'; #Uses Galaxy working directory
my $tmpdir = 'tmp_' . $pid;
my $eval = 1; # eval cutoff for the hmm search
my $logfile = "hamstrsearch_" . $pid . '.log';
my $hmm_dir = 'hmm_dir';
my $fa_dir  = '';
my $help;
my $seq2store_file='';
my $cds2store_file='';
my $hmm;
my @hmms;
my $fa;
my $fafile;
my @seqs2store;
my @cds2store;
my $ep2eg;
my $estfile;
my $aln;
my $idfile;
my $taxon_check = 0;
my $hmmset;
my $hmmsearch_dir;
my $dbfile = ''; # the file hmmsearch is run against
my $dbfile_short;
my $taxon_file;
my $refspec_string;
my @refspec = qw();
my @primer_taxa;
my $refspec_name = '';
my $taxon_global;
my $fileobj;
my $fa_dir_neu = '';
my $gwrefprot;
my $seqtype;
my $align;
my $rep;
my $estflag;
my $proteinflag;
my $refseq;
my $refspec_final = '';
my $concat;
my $seqs2store_file;

#####determine the hostname#######
my $hostname = `hostname`;
chomp $hostname;
print "hostname is $hostname\n";

if (@ARGV==0) {
	$help = 1;
## help message
my $helpmessage = "
This program is freely distributed under a GPL. See -version for more info
Copyright (c) GRL limited: portions of the code are from separate copyrights

\nUSAGE: -sequence_file=<> -hmmset=<> -taxon=<>  -refspec=<> [-est|-protein] [-hmm=<>] [-representative] [-h]


        path and name of the file containing the sequences hmmer is run against
	Per default, this file should be in the data directory.
        set this flag if you are searching in ESTs
        set this flag if you are searching in protein sequences
        specifies the name of the core-ortholog set.
        The program will look for the files in the default directory 'core-orthologs' unless you specify
	a different one.
        You need to specify a default taxon name from which your ESTs or protein sequences are derived.
        sets the reference species. Note, it has to be a species that contributed sequences 
        to the hmms you are using. NO DEFAULT IS SET! For a list of possible reference
	taxa you can have a look at the speclist.txt file in the default core-ortholog sets
	that come with this distribution. Please use the 5 letter abreviations. If you choose
	to use core-orthologs were not every taxon is represented in all core-orthologs, you
	can provide a comma-separated list with the preferred refspec first. The lower-ranking 
        reference species will only be used if a certain gene is not present in the preferred 
        refspecies due to alternative paths in the transitive closure to define
	the core-orthologs.
        This options allows to set the e-value cut-off for the HMM search.
        DEFAULT: 1
        option to provide only a single hmm to be used for the search. 
        Note, this file has to end with .hmm 

### the following options should only be used when you chose to alter the default structure of the
### hamstrsearch_local directories. Currently, this has not been extensively tested.
        path and name of the file containing the core-ortholog sequences
	you don't have to use this option when you 
        sets the path to the hmm_dir. By default this is set to the current directory.
        sets the path where the blast-dbs are located. Per default this is ../blast_dir
        Note, the program expects the structure blastpath/refspec/refspec_prot.
        To overrule this structure you will have to edit the script.
GetOptions ("h"        => \$help,
            "hmm=s"    => \$hmm,
            "est"    => \$estflag,
            "protein"=> \$proteinflag,
            "sequence_file=s" => \$dbfile,
            "fasta_file=s" => \$fafile,
            "hmmset=s" => \$hmmset,
            "hmmpath=s" => \$hmmpath,
            "taxon_file=s" => \$taxon_file,
            "taxon=s"  => \$taxon_global,
            "eval_limit=s" => \$eval,
            "refspec=s" => \$refspec_string,
            "estfile=s" => \$estfile,
            "representative" => \$rep,
            "blastpath=s" => \$blastpath,
	    "galaxyout=s" => \$seqs2store_file,
	    "2galaxyout=s" => \$cds2store_file);

if ($help) {
  print $helpmessage;

## 1) check if all information is available to run HaMStR
my ($check, @log) = &checkInput();
if ($check == 0) {
  print join "\n", @log;
  print "$helpmessage";
else {
  open (OUT, ">$logfile") or die "could not open logfile $logfile\n";
  print OUT join "\n", @log;
  close OUT;
### read in of the core-ortholog sequences
my $co_seqs = parseSeqfile("$fafile");

## 2) loop through the hmms
## process each hmm file separately
for (my $i = 0; $i < @hmms; $i++) {
  $fileobj = undef;
  my @seqs = qw();
  my @newseqs = qw();## var to contain the sequences to be added to the orthologous cluster
  my @newcds = qw();
  my $hmm = $hmms[$i];
  my $hmmout = $hmm;
  $hmmout =~ s/\.hmm/\.out/;
  ## 3) run the hmm search
  if (!(-e "$hmmsearch_dir/$hmmout")) {
    print "now running $prog using $hmm\n";
    !`$prog $hmm_dir/$hmm $dbfile >$hmmsearch_dir/$hmmout` or die "Problem running hmmsearch\n";
  else {
    print "an hmmresult $hmmout already exists. Using this one!\n";
    print "NOTE: in Galaxy the hmm results are stored in the directory of the dataset\n";
  ## 4) process the hmm search result
  my $hitcount = 0;
  ## 4a) loop through the individual results
  ## now the modified version for hmmer3 comes
  my ($query_name, @results) = parseHmmer3($hmmout, $hmmsearch_dir);
  if (! @results) {
    print "no hit found for $query_name\n";
  chomp $query_name;
  print "Results for $query_name\n";
  for (my $k = 0; $k < @results; $k++) {
    my $hitname = $results[$k];
    print "$hitname\n";
    my $keep = 0;
    my $hitseq = '';
    $refseq = '';
    ## 4b) test for the reciprocity criterion fulfilled
    ($keep, $hitname, $hitseq, $refspec_final, $refseq)  = &check4reciprocity($query_name, $hitname, @refspec);
    if ($keep == 1) {
      ## blast search with the hmm hit identifies the core-ortholog sequence of the reference species
      ## check for the taxon from the taxon_file.txt.
      my $taxon = '';
      if ($taxon_check){
	if ($taxon_check == 1) {
	  $taxon = &getTaxon($hitname);
	elsif ($taxon_check == 2) {
	  $taxon = $taxon_global;
      ## put the info about the hits into an object for later post-processing
      $fileobj->{$taxon}->{prot}->[$hitcount] = $hitseq;
      $fileobj->{$taxon}->{ids}->[$hitcount] = $hitname;
      $fileobj->{$taxon}->{refseq} = $refseq;
    else {
      print "match to different protein from $refspec_final\n";
  ## 5) do the rest only if at least one hit was obtained
  if (defined $fileobj) {
    ## 5a) if the hits are derived from ESTs, get the best ORF
    if ($estflag) {
      $fileobj =  &predictORF();
    ## 5b) if the user has chosen to postprocess the results
    if ($rep) {
      &processHits($refseq, $concat);
    ## 6) prepare the output
    my @taxa = keys(%$fileobj);
    for (my $i = 0; $i< @taxa; $i++) {
      if ($rep) {
#	push @newseqs, ">$query_name|$taxa[$i]|$fileobj->{$taxa[$i]}->{refid}";
#Rearrange Order for Galaxy - want species first for phylotable format convert pipes to tabs
	push @newseqs, ">$taxa[$i]\t$query_name\t$fileobj->{$taxa[$i]}->{refid}";
	push @newseqs, $fileobj->{$taxa[$i]}->{refprot};
	if ($estflag) {
#	  push @newcds, ">$query_name|$taxa[$i]|$fileobj->{$taxa[$i]}->{refid}";
#Rearrange Order for Galaxy - want species first for phylotable format
	  push @newcds, ">$taxa[$i]\t$query_name\t$fileobj->{$taxa[$i]}->{refid}";
	  push @newcds, $fileobj->{$taxa[$i]}->{refcds};
      else {
	my $idobj = $fileobj->{$taxa[$i]}->{ids};
	my $protobj = $fileobj->{$taxa[$i]}->{prot};
	my $cdsobj  = $fileobj->{$taxa[$i]}->{cds};
	for (my $j = 0; $j < @$idobj; $j++) {
#	  push @newseqs, ">$query_name|$taxa[$i]|$idobj->[$j]";
#Rearrange Order for Galaxy - want species first for phylotable format also tabs not pipe
	  push @newseqs, ">$taxa[$i]\t$query_name\t$idobj->[$j]";
	  push @newseqs, $protobj->[$j];
	  if ($estflag) {
#	    push @newcds, ">$query_name|$taxa[$i]|$idobj->[$j]";
#Rearrange Order for Galaxy - want species first for phylotable format
	    push @newcds, ">$taxa[$i]\t$query_name\t$idobj->[$j]";
	    push @newcds, $cdsobj->[$j];
      my $refs = $co_seqs->{$query_name};
      for (keys %$refs) {
	my $line = ">$query_name|$_|" . $refs->{$_}->{seqid} . "\n" . $refs->{$_}->{seq};
	push @seqs, $line;
      chomp @seqs;
      print "\n";
      @seqs = (@seqs, @newseqs);
      open (OUT, ">$fa_dir_neu/$query_name.fa");
      print OUT join "\n", @seqs;
      print OUT "\n";
      close OUT;
      for (my $i = 0; $i < @newseqs; $i+= 2) {
#	my $line = $newseqs[$i] . "|" . $newseqs[$i+1];
#Galaxy uses tabs not pipes
	my $line = $newseqs[$i] . "\t" . $newseqs[$i+1];
	$line =~ s/>//;
	push @seqs2store, $line;
	if ($estflag) {
#Galaxy uses tabs not pipes
#	  my $cdsline = $newcds[$i] . "|" . $newcds[$i+1];
	  my $cdsline = $newcds[$i] . "\t" . $newcds[$i+1];
	  $cdsline =~ s/>//;
	  push @cds2store, $cdsline;
if (@seqs2store > 0) {
  open (OUT, ">$seqs2store_file") or die "failed to open output SEQS file\n";
  print OUT join "\n", @seqs2store;
  print OUT "\n";
  close OUT;
  if ($estflag) {
    open (OUT, ">$cds2store_file") or die "failed to open output CDS file\n";
    print OUT join "\n", @cds2store;
    print OUT "\n";
    close OUT;
else {
  open (OUT, ">$seqs2store_file") or die "failed to open output SEQS file\n";
  print OUT "no hits found\n";
##################### start sub ###############
####### checkInput performs a number of checks whether sufficient information
### and all data are available to run HaMStR
sub checkInput {
  my @log;
  my $check = 1;
  $dbfile_short = $dbfile;
  $dbfile_short =~ s/\..*//;
  ## 1) check for filetype
  print "Checking for filetype:\t";
  if (!defined $estflag and !defined $proteinflag) {
    push @log, "please determine the sequence type. Choose between the options -EST or -protein";
    print "failed\n";
    $check = 0;
  else {
    if ($estflag) {
      $estfile = $dbfile;
      $dbfile = "$";
      push @log, "HaMStR will run on the ESTs in $estfile";
      push @log, "Translating ESTs";
      if (!(-e "$dbfile")) {
	print "translating $estfile, this may take a while\n";
  	` -in=$estfile -out=$dbfile`;
	open (LOG, "$logfile") or die "could not open logfile $logfile\n";
	my @info = <LOG>;
	@log = (@log, @info);
	close LOG;
      else {
	push @log, "Translated file already exists, using this one\n";
      if (! -e "$dbfile") {
	push @log, "The translation of $estfile failed. Check the script";
	print "failed\n";
	$check = 0;
    else {
      ## file type is protein
      print "succeeded\n";
  ## 2) Check for presence of blastall
  print "Checking for the blast program\t";
  if (!(`blastall`)) {
    push @log, "could not execute blastall. Please check if this program is installed and executable";
    print "failed\n";
    $check = 0;
  else {
    push @log, "check for blastall succeeded";
    print "succeeded\n";
  ## 3) Check for presence of hmmsearch
  print "Checking for hmmsearch\t";
  if (! `$prog -h`) {
    push @log, "could not execute $prog. Please check if this program is installed and executable";
    print "failed\n";
    $check = 0;
  else {
      push @log, "check for $prog succeeded\n";
      print "succeeded\n";
  ## 4) Check for reference taxon
  print "Checking for reference species and blast-dbs\t";
  if (!(defined $refspec_string)) {
      push @log, "Please provide a reference species for the reblast!";
      print "failed\n";
      $check = 0;
  else {
    push @log, "Reference species for the re-blast: $refspec_string";
    @refspec = split /,/, $refspec_string;
    $refspec_name = $refspec[0];
    print "succeeded\n";
  ## 5) Check for presence of the required blast dbs
  print "checking for blast-dbs:\t";
  for (my $i = 0; $i < @refspec; $i++) {
    my $blastpathtmp = "$blastpath/$refspec[$i]/$refspec[$i]" . "_prot";
    if (! (-e "$")) {
      push @log, "please edit the blastpath. Could not find $blastpathtmp";
      print "$blastpathtmp failed\n";
      $check = 0;
    else {
      push @log, "check for $blastpathtmp succeeded";
      print "succeeded\n";
  ## 6) Check for presence of the directory structure
  print "checking for presence of the hmm files:\t";
  if (!(defined $hmmset)) {
    $hmmpath = '.';
    $hmmset = 'manual';
  else {
    $hmmpath = "$hmmpath/$hmmset";
    $fafile = "$hmmpath/$hmmset" . '.fa';
  $hmm_dir = "$hmmpath/$hmm_dir";
  $hmmsearch_dir = $dbfile_short . '_' . $hmmset;

 # $fa_dir_neu = 'fa_dir_' . $dbfile_short . '_' . $hmmset . '_' . $refspec_name;
  $fa_dir_neu = $dbfile_short . '_' . $hmmset . '_' . $refspec_name;
  ## 7) check for the presence of the hmm-files and the fasta-file
  if (!(-e "$hmm_dir")) {
    push @log, "Could not find $hmm_dir";
    print "failed\n";
    $check = 0;
  else {
    if (defined $hmm) {
      if (! -e "$hmm_dir/$hmm") {
	push @log, "$hmm has been defined but could not be found in $hmm_dir/$hmm";
	$check = 0;
      else {
	push @log, "$hmm has been found";
	if ($hmm =~ /\.hmm$/) {
	  @hmms = ($hmm);
    else {
      push @log, "running HaMStR with all hmms in $hmm_dir";
      @hmms = `ls $hmm_dir`;
    chomp @hmms;
    print "succeeded\n";
  ## 8) Test for presence of the fasta file containing the sequences of the core-ortholog cluster
  print "checking for presence of the core-ortholog file:\t";
  if (defined $fafile) {
    if (! -e "$fafile") {
      push @log, "Could not find the file $fafile";
      print "failed\n";
      $check = 0;
    else {
      push @log, "check for $fafile succeeded";
      print "succeeded\n";
  else {
    push @log, "Please provide path and name of fasta file containing the core-ortholog sequences";
    $check = 0;
    print "failed\n";
  ## 9) Checks for the taxon_file
  print "testing whether the taxon has been determined:\t";  
  if (!(defined $taxon_file) or (!(-e "$taxon_file"))) {
    if (defined $taxon_global) {
      push @log, "using default taxon $taxon_global for all sequences";
      print "succeeded\n";
      $taxon_check = 2;
    else {
      push @log, "No taxon_file found. Please provide a global taxon name using the option -taxon";
      print "failed\n";
      $check = 0;
  else {
    push @log, "using the file $taxon_file as taxon_file";
    print "succeeded\n";
    $taxon_check = 1;
  ## 10) Set the file where the matched seqs are found
#  $seqs2store_file = 'hamstrsearch_' . $dbfile_short . '_' . $hmmset . '.out';
#  $cds2store_file = 'hamstrsearch_' . $dbfile_short . '_' . $hmmset . '_cds.out';

  ## 11) apply the evalue-cut-off to the hmmsearch program
  $prog = $prog . " -E $eval";
  push @log, "hmmsearch: $prog";

  ## 12) setting up the directories where the output files will be put into.
  if ($check == 1) {
    if (!(-e "$hmmsearch_dir")) {
      `mkdir $hmmsearch_dir`;
    if (!(-e "$fa_dir_neu")) {
      `mkdir $fa_dir_neu`;
    if (!(-e "$tmpdir")) {
      `mkdir $tmpdir`;
  return ($check, @log);
## check4reciprocity is the second major part of the program. It checks
## whether the protein sequence that has been identified by the hmmsearch
## identifies in turn the protein from the reference taxon that was used to
## build the hmm.
sub check4reciprocity {
  my ($query_name, $hitname, @refspec) = @_;
  my $searchdb;
  ## get the sequence from the db_file
  my $hitseq = `grep -m 1 -A 1 ">$hitname" $dbfile | tail -n 1`;
  if (!defined $hitseq) {
    print "could not retrieve a sequence for $hitname. Skipping...\n";
    return(0, '', '', '');
  else {
    ## now get the sequence used for building the hmm
    my @original;
    my $refspec_final;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @refspec; $i++) {
      @original = `grep "^>$query_name|$refspec[$i]" $fafile |sed -e "s/.*$refspec[$i]\|//"`;
      chomp @original;
      if (@original > 0) {
	$refspec_final = $refspec[$i];
	$searchdb = "$blastpath/$refspec_final/$refspec_final" . "_prot";
      else {
	print "original sequence not be found with grepping for ^>$query_name|$refspec[$i]. Proceeding with next refspec\n";
    if (@original == 0) {
      print "original sequence not be found\n";
      return (0, '', '', $refspec_final);
    print "REFSPEC is $refspec_final\n";
    ## continue with the blast
    chomp $hitseq;
#    $hitname =~ s/\|.*//;
    ## now run the blast
    open (OUT, ">$tmpdir/$$.fa") or die "could not open out for writing\n";
    print OUT ">$hitname\n$hitseq";
    close OUT;
    !`blastall -p blastp -d $searchdb -v 10 -b 10 -i $tmpdir/$$.fa -o $tmpdir/$$.blast` or die "Problem running blast\n";
    ## now parse the best blast hit
    my @hits = &getBestBlasthit("$tmpdir/$$.blast");
    if (@hits > 0) {
      print "hmm-seq: ", join "\t", @original , "\n";
      ## now loop through the best hits with the same evalue and check whether
      ## among these I find the same seq as in $original
      for (my $i = 0; $i <@hits; $i++) {
	print "blast-hit: $hits[$i]";
	## now loop through all the refspec-sequences in the hmm file
	for (my $j = 0; $j < @original; $j++) {
	  if ($original[$j] eq $hits[$i]) {
	    print "\tHit\n";
	    my ($refseq) = `grep -A 1 "$query_name|$refspec_final|$original[$j]" $fafile |tail -n 1`;
	    return (1, $hitname, $hitseq, $refspec_final, $refseq);
	  else {
	    print "\nnot hitting $original[$j]\n";
      ### if we end up here, we didn't find a hit that matches to the original sequence
      ### in the top hits with the same eval
      return (0, '', '', $refspec_final);
    else {
      print "no hit obtained\n";
      return(0, '', '', $refspec_final);
sub getBestBlasthit {
    my @hits;
    my ($file) = @_;
    my $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new(-file        => $file,
				      -format      => 'blast',
				      -report_type => 'blastp') or die "parse failed";
    while( my $result = $searchio->next_result ){
	my $count = 0;
	my $sig;
	my $sig_old;
	while( my $hit = $result->next_hit){
	    ## now I enter all top hits having the same evalue into the result
	    $sig = $hit->score;
	    if (!defined $sig_old) {
		$sig_old = $sig;
	    if ($sig == $sig_old) {
		push @hits, $hit->accession;
	    else {
sub getTaxon {
    my ($hitname) = @_;
#    my $q = "select name from taxon t, est_project e, est_info i, annotation_neu a where = $hitname and a.contig_id = i.contig_id and i.project_id = e.project_id and e.taxon_id = t.taxon_id";
    if ($hitname =~ /\D/) {
	$hitname =~ s/_.*//;
    my $taxon = `grep -m 1 "^$hitname," $taxon_file | sed -e 's/^.*,//'`;
    chomp $taxon;
    $taxon =~ s/^[0-9]+,//;
    $taxon =~ s/\s*$//;
    $taxon =~ s/\s/_/g;
    if ($taxon) {
	return ($taxon);
    else {
sub processHits {
  my ($concat) = @_; 
  ## 1) align all hit sequences for a taxon against the reference species
  my @taxa = keys(%$fileobj);
  for (my $i = 0; $i < @taxa; $i++) {

sub predictORF {
  my $fileobj_new;
#  my ($refseq) = @_;
  my @taxa = keys(%$fileobj);
  for (my $i = 0; $i < @taxa; $i++) {
    my $protobj = $fileobj->{$taxa[$i]}->{prot};
    my $idobj = $fileobj->{$taxa[$i]}->{ids};
    my $refseq = $fileobj->{$taxa[$i]}->{refseq};
    my @ids = @$idobj;
    for (my $j = 0; $j < @ids; $j++) {
      ## determine the reading frame
      my ($rf) = $ids[$j] =~ /.*_RF([0-9]+)/;
	print "rf is $rf\n";
      $ids[$j] =~ s/_RF.*//;
#      my $est = `grep -A 1 "$ids[$j]" $estfile |tail -n 1`;
################new grep command from version 8 to fix bug   
       my $est = `grep -A 1 ">$ids[$j]\\b" $estfile |tail -n 1`;
      if (! $est) {
	die "error in retrieval of est sequence for $ids[$j] in subroutine processHits\n";
      ## the EST is translated in rev complement
      if ($rf > 3) {
	$est = revComp($est);

      my $gw = run_genewise->new($est, $refseq, "$tmpdir");
      my $translation = $gw->translation;
      my $cds = $gw->codons;
      $translation =~ s/[-!]//g;
      $fileobj_new->{$taxa[$i]}->{ids}->[$j] = $ids[$j];
      $fileobj_new->{$taxa[$i]}->{prot}->[$j] = $translation;
      $fileobj_new->{$taxa[$i]}->{cds}->[$j] = $cds;
      $fileobj_new->{$taxa[$i]}->{refseq} = $refseq;
sub orfRanking {
  my ($spec) = @_;
  my $result;
  my $refprot;
  my $refcds;
  my @toalign;
  my $protobj = $fileobj->{$spec}->{prot};
  my $idobj = $fileobj->{$spec}->{ids};
  my $refcluster; ## variables to take the cluster and its id for later analysis
  my $refid;
  if (@$protobj == 1) {
    ## nothing to chose from
    $refprot = $protobj->[0];
    $refcds = $fileobj->{$spec}->{cds}->[0];
    my $length = length($refprot);
    $refid = $idobj->[0] . "-" . $length;
  else {
    ## more than one cluster
    push @toalign, ">$refspec_final";
    push @toalign, $fileobj->{$spec}->{refseq};
    ## now walk through all the contigs
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @$protobj; $i++) {
      my @testseq = (">$idobj->[$i]", $protobj->[$i]);
      @testseq = (@testseq, @toalign);
      open (OUT, ">$tmpdir/$pid.ref.fa") or die "could not open file for writing refseqs\n";
      print OUT join "\n", @testseq;
      close OUT;
      ## run clustalw
      !(`$alignmentprog $tmpdir/$pid.ref.fa -output=fasta -outfile=$tmpdir/$pid.ref.aln 2>&1 >$tmpdir/$pid.ref.log`) or die "error running clustalw\n";
      ## get the alignment score
      $result->[$i]->{score} =  `grep "Alignment Score" $tmpdir/$pid.ref.log |sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'`;
      if (!$result->[$i]->{score}) {
	die "error in determining alignment score\n";
      chomp $result->[$i]->{score};
      ## get the aligned sequence
      open (ALN, "$tmpdir/$pid.ref.aln") or die "failed to open alignment file\n";
      my @aln = <ALN>;
      close ALN;
      my $aseq = extractSeq($idobj->[$i], @aln);
      ## remove the terminal gaps
      $aseq =~ s/-*$//;
      $result->[$i]->{aend} = length $aseq;
      my ($head) = $aseq =~ /^(-*).*/;
      ($result->[$i]->{astart}) = length($head)+1;
    ### the results for all seqs has been gathered, now order them
    $result = sortRef($result);
    ($refprot, $refcds, $refid) = &determineRef($result,$spec);
  $fileobj->{$spec}->{refprot} = $refprot;
  $fileobj->{$spec}->{refcds}  = $refcds;
  $fileobj->{$spec}->{refid}   = $refid;
sub sortRef {
    my $result = shift;
    my @sort;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @$result; $i++) {
	push @sort, "$i,$result->[$i]->{astart},$result->[$i]->{aend},$result->[$i]->{score}";
    open (OUT, ">$tmpdir/$pid.sort") or die "failed to write for sorting\n";
    print OUT join "\n", @sort;
    close OUT;
    `sort -n -t ',' -k 2 $tmpdir/$pid.sort >$tmpdir/$pid.sort.out`;
    @sort = `less $tmpdir/$pid.sort`;
    chomp @sort;
    $result = undef;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @sort; $i++) {
	($result->[$i]->{id}, $result->[$i]->{start}, $result->[$i]->{end}, $result->[$i]->{score}) = split ',', $sort[$i];
sub determineRef {
  my ($result, $spec) = @_;
  my $lastend = 0;
  my $lastscore = 0;
  my $final;
  my $count = 0;
  my $id = '';
  for (my $i = 0; $i < @$result; $i++) {
    if ($result->[$i]->{start} < $lastend or $lastend == 0) {
      if ($result->[$i]->{score} > $lastscore) {
	$lastend = $result->[$i]->{end};
	$lastscore = $result->[$i]->{score};
	$id = $result->[$i]->{id};
    elsif ($result->[$i]->{start} > $lastend) {
      ## a new part of the alignment is covered. Fix the results obtained so far
      $final->[$count]->{id} = $id;
      $lastend = $result->[$i]->{end};
      $id = $result->[$i]->{id};
  $final->[$count]->{id} = $id;
  ## now concatenate the results
  my $refprot = '';
  my $refid = '';
  my $refcds = '';
  for (my $i = 0; $i < @$final; $i++) {
    my $seq = $fileobj->{$spec}->{prot}->[$final->[$i]->{id}];
    my $cdsseq = $fileobj->{$spec}->{cds}->[$final->[$i]->{id}];
    my $length = length($seq);
    $refid .= "$fileobj->{$spec}->{ids}->[$final->[$i]->{id}]-$length" . "PP";
    $refprot .= $seq;
    if ($estflag) {
      $refcds .= $cdsseq;
  $refid =~ s/PP$//;
  return($refprot, $refcds, $refid);
sub extractSeq {
  my ($id, @aln) = @_;
  my $seq = '';
  my $start = 0;
  for (my $i = 0; $i < @aln; $i++) {
    if ($aln[$i] =~ $id) {
      $start = 1;
    elsif ($aln[$i] =~ />/ and $start == 1) {
    elsif ($start == 1) {
      $seq .= $aln[$i];
  $seq =~ s/\s//g;
  return ($seq);
sub revComp {
    my ($seq) = @_;
    $seq = reverse($seq);
sub parseHmmer3 {
  my ($file, $path) = @_;
  if (!defined $path) {
    $path = '.';
  open (IN, "$path/$file") or die "failed to open $file\n";
  my @data = <IN>;
  close IN;
  ### extract the hits
  my @hit;
  my $start = 0;
  my $stop = 0;
  my $i = 0;
  for (my $i = 0; $i < @data; $i++) {
    if (!($data[$i] =~ /\S/)) {
    else {
      if ($data[$i] =~ /Scores for complete sequence/) {
	$start = 1;
	$i += 4;
      elsif (($data[$i] =~ /inclusion threshold/) or ($data[$i] =~ /Domain and alignment/)) {
      if ($start == 1 and $stop == 0) {
	$data[$i] =~ s/^\s+//;
	my @list = split /\s+/, $data[$i];
	push @hit, $list[8];
	$start = 0; #Added by THO
  ### get the query_id
  my ($query) = grep /^Query:/, @data;
  $query =~ s/^Query:\s+//;
  $query =~ s/\s.*//;
  if (defined $hit[0]) {
    chomp @hit;
    return ($query, @hit);
  else {
    return ($query);
sub parseSeqfile {
  my $seqref;
  my $id;
  my $spec;
  my $seqid;
  my $seq;
  my $file = shift;
  open (IN, "$file") or die "failed to open $file\n";
  my @seqs = <IN>;
  close IN;
  chomp @seqs;
  for (my $i = 0; $i < @seqs; $i++) {
    if ($seqs[$i] =~ />/) {
	$seqs[$i] =~ s/>//;
      if (defined $id and defined $seq) {
	$seqref->{$id}->{$spec}->{seqid} = $seqid;
	$seqref->{$id}->{$spec}->{seq} = $seq;
	$seq = undef;
      ($id, $spec, $seqid) = split (/\|/, $seqs[$i]);
    else {
      $seq .= $seqs[$i];
  if (defined  $id and defined $seq) {
	$seqref->{$id}->{$spec}->{seqid} = $seqid;
	$seqref->{$id}->{$spec}->{seq} = $seq;
	$seq = undef;
  return ($seqref);