diff WebServiceExtensionsV1.1/WebServiceToolWorkflow_REST_SOAP/clientGenerator/creatorEngineComplex.py @ 0:049760c677de default tip

Galaxy WSExtensions added successfully
author uga-galaxy-group
date Tue, 05 Jul 2011 19:34:18 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/WebServiceExtensionsV1.1/WebServiceToolWorkflow_REST_SOAP/clientGenerator/creatorEngineComplex.py	Tue Jul 05 19:34:18 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+@author  Rui Wang
+@see     LICENSE (MIT style license file).
+from types import *
+import copy
+import ZSI.TC
+from introspect import *
+from msHandler import *
+from paramConverter import *
+__author__="Rui Wang"
+class ClientCreator(Introspector):
+    """all method to introspect  module 
+    to return operations&inputs 
+    and to invoke operation"""
+    def path2Ops(self, modulePath ):
+        '''given module(the service python file generated by wsdl2py) path, 
+        return dictionary of operation name: object (functions of class-**SOAP)'''
+        allclass=self.path2Class(modulePath)
+        #locator=''
+        opclass=''
+        for c in allclass.keys():
+            if c[len(c)-4:len(c)]=='SOAP':
+                opclass=c
+        #class object of which holds all ops
+        opclassOb=allclass[opclass]
+        #list of names of all ops
+        allattr=dir(opclassOb)
+        #print allattr
+        allops={}        
+        for opt in allattr:
+            #every operation object
+            optemp=getattr(opclassOb, opt)
+            #whether it's def and not private such as __init__
+            if callable(optemp) and optemp.__name__.startswith('__')==False:
+                allops[optemp.__name__]=optemp
+        return allops
+    def path2messageClassOb(self, modulePath):
+        '''given module path,
+        return all message class object'''
+        allclassOb=self.path2Class(modulePath)
+        #find all message classes:  has 'typecode', type(obtemp)==ClassType 
+        allmsOb=[]        
+        for c in allclassOb.values():
+            if hasattr(c,'typecode'):
+                allmsOb.append(c)                
+        return allmsOb
+    def opname2inputClassOb(self, opName, modulePath):
+        '''given operation name, module path, 
+        return input class object'''
+        allopNames=self.path2Ops(modulePath)
+        if opName not in allopNames:
+            raise NameError, 'Warning: No operation has the given name!!'   
+        else:
+            #find all message classes:  has 'typecode', type(obtemp)==ClassType             
+            allmsOb=self.path2messageClassOb(modulePath)
+            #find input message class of given operation: typecode has pname=operation name
+            for ms in allmsOb:
+                pnameOb=getattr(getattr(ms, 'typecode'), 'pname')
+                if opName==str(pnameOb):
+                    inputClass=ms
+                    break
+            return inputClass
+    def opname2outputClassOb(self, opName, modulePath):
+        '''given operation name, module path, 
+        return output class object'''
+        allopNames=self.path2Ops(modulePath)
+        if opName not in allopNames:
+            raise NameError, 'Warning: No operation has the given name!!'
+        else:
+            #find all message classes:  has 'typecode', type(obtemp)==ClassType             
+            allmsOb=self.path2messageClassOb(modulePath)
+            #find output message class of given operation: typecode has pname=operation name+'Response'
+            for ms in allmsOb:
+                pnameOb=getattr(getattr(ms, 'typecode'), 'pname')
+                if opName+'Response'==str(pnameOb):
+                    outputClass=ms
+                    break
+            return outputClass
+    def opname2outputs(self, opName, modulePath):
+        '''given operation name, module path,
+        return a list of output nemes of the operation in the module'''
+        allopNames=self.path2Ops(modulePath)
+        if opName not in allopNames:
+            raise NameError, 'Warning: No operation has the given name!!'
+        else:            
+            #get input class object
+            outputClass=self.opname2outputClassOb(opName, modulePath)    
+            #find input parameters from message class : instrospect an instace  
+            msinstance=outputClass()
+            parameters={}
+            mshandler=MessageHandler()
+            parameters=mshandler.msParser(msinstance)
+            return parameters   
+    def opname2inputs(self, opName, modulePath):
+        '''given operation name, module path, 
+        return a list of all inputs name of the operation in the given module'''
+        allopNames=self.path2Ops(modulePath)
+        if opName not in allopNames:
+            raise NameError, 'Warning: No operation has the given name!!'
+        else:            
+            #get input class object
+            inputClass=self.opname2inputClassOb(opName, modulePath)   
+            parameters={}
+            mshandler=MessageHandler()
+            parameters=mshandler.msParser(inputClass())       #mshandler.flatten(inputClass())
+            print 'The parametrrs after flattening : ',parameters
+            ofwhat=getattr(getattr(inputClass, 'typecode'), 'ofwhat')
+            paramtypes={}
+            i=0
+            for k in parameters.keys():
+                paramtypes[k]=str(ofwhat[i])
+                i=i+1
+            for l in paramtypes.keys():
+                print "paramters",l
+                origPar=paramtypes[l]
+                copyPar=paramtypes[l]
+                #print copyPar#[-23:-1]
+                newPar=origPar.replace(copyPar[-23:-1],'').strip('<>')
+                paramtypes[l]=newPar
+#            print ofwhat
+##            for p in ofwhat:
+##                if isinstance(p, ZSI.TC.ComplexType):
+##                    print 'complextype', p
+##                elif isinstance(p, ZSI.TC.Array) :
+##                    print 'arraytype', p
+##                elif isinstance(p,ZSI.TC.String):
+##                    print 'String',p
+##                elif isinstance(p,ZSI.TC.Integer):
+##                    print 'Integer',p
+##                else:
+##                    parameters[getattr(p, 'aname')]=None
+            #print parameters
+            return parameters
+            #return paramtypes
+            #find input parameters from message class : instrospect an instace  
+#            msinstance=inputClass()u can
+##            print dir(msinstance)
+#            parameters=[]
+#            for i in dir(msinstance):
+##                print i, type(getattr(msinstance, i))
+#                if (type(getattr(msinstance, i)) is NoneType) and i!='__doc__':
+#                    parameters.append(i)
+##            print parameters
+#            return parameters    
+    def path2service(self, modulePath):
+        '''given module path,
+        return return service instance
+        instead of: dbfetchSrv = WSDBFetchServerLegacyServiceLocator().getWSDBFetchServerLegacy()'''
+        allclass=self.path2Class(modulePath)
+        locator=''
+        for c in allclass.keys():
+            if c[len(c)-7:len(c)]=='Locator':
+                locator=c
+        locatorClassOb=allclass[locator]
+        for obname in dir(locatorClassOb):
+            obtemp=getattr(locatorClassOb, obname)
+            if (type(obtemp) is MethodType)and not obtemp.__name__.endswith('Address'):
+                serverMethod=obtemp
+                break
+        # Create a service interface
+        service=serverMethod(locatorClassOb())
+        return service
+    def invokeOp(self, opName, modulePath,  inputs):
+        allopNames=self.path2Ops(modulePath)
+        if opName not in allopNames:
+            raise NameError, 'Warning: No operation has the given name!!'
+        else:
+            # Create a service interface
+            serviceInstance=self.path2service(modulePath)
+            #get input class object of given opName
+            inputClass=self.opname2inputClassOb(opName, modulePath)             
+            mshandler=MessageHandler()
+            if len(inputs) != 0:
+                inputClassInstance=mshandler.msAssign(inputClass(), inputs)
+            else:
+                inputClassInstance= inputClass()
+            #get input name list of given opName
+#            inputNames=self.opname2inputs(opName, modulePath)
+            #set value for inputs
+            #request._query = 'UNIPROT:ADH1A_HUMAN'
+            #request._format = 'fasta'
+#            #request._style = 'raw'
+#            if inputNames!= None:
+#                for inName in inputs.keys():
+#                    if inName not in inputNames:
+#                        raise TypeError, 'the input name is wrong!!!!'
+#                        #return None
+#                    else:
+#                        setattr(inputClassInstance, inName, inputs[inName])
+            #get dictionary of operation name:object(def)
+            opDict=self.path2Ops(modulePath)
+            #get operation object(def)
+            opOb=opDict[opName]
+            #invoke operation: response = dbfetchSrv.fetchData(request)
+            responseInstance=opOb(serviceInstance, inputClassInstance)
+            #get output from outputmessage: result = response._fetchDataReturn
+            resultDict={}
+            resultDict=mshandler.flatten(responseInstance)   #mshandler.msParser(responseInstance)
+            flat =  nested2flatDict(resultDict)
+#            outputNames=self.opname2outputs(opName, modulePath)
+#            for out in outputNames:
+#                resultDict[out]=getattr(responseInstance, out)
+            #return flat#resultDict
+            return responseInstance
+#testing this module
+if __name__=="__main__":
+    test=ClientCreator()
+    #picr web service
+#    print 'all operations of picr: \n', test.path2Ops('picr.AccessionMapperService_client').keys()
+#    print 'inputs of picr \n', test.opname2inputs('getUPIForSequence', 'picr.AccessionMapperService_client')
+#    print 'outputs of picr \n', test.opname2outputs('getUPIForSequence', 'picr.AccessionMapperService_client')
+    seq = """>Q8E5Q5_STRA3
+#    inp = {'_content': [{'_type': 'sequence', '_content': 'MKLSKRYRFWQKVIKALGVLALIATLVLVVYLYKLGILNDSNELKDLVHKYEFWGPMIFI'}, {'_type': 'sequence', '_content': 'MDQKTFDKYESKLETSGYEKFFIFCMASPISPADIMVMITGLSNMSIKRFVTIIMITKPI'}], '_params': {'_database': 'swissprot', '_email': 'chaitanya@gmail.com', '_program': 'blastp'}}
+    inp = {'_parameters': {'_stype': 'protein', '_sequence': 'MKLSKRYRFWQKVIKALGVLALIATLVLVVYLYKLGILNDSNELKDLVHKYEFWGPMIFI','_database':{ '_string' : ['uniprotkb','uniprotkb_swissprot']}, '_program': 'blastp'}, '_email': 'chaitanya@gmail.com'}
+    inputDict={'_params':{ '_program' : 'blastp', '_database' :'swissprot', '_email' :'riververy@yahoo.com', '_async': 1}, '_content':[{'_type':'sequence', '_content':'MKLSKRYRFWQKVIKALGVLALIATLVLVVYLYKLGILNDSNELKDLVHKYEFWGPMIFI'}]}
+#    inputDict = {}
+    inputs ={'_jobId':'wublast-S20110517-051830-0552-49531676-oy','_type':'out'}
+    inp = {}
+    #print test.invokeOp('run', 'wublast.wublast_services', inp)
+    print test.invokeOp('getParameters', 'wublast.wublast_services', inp)
+    #print test.opname2inputs('getResult','wublast.wublast_services')
+#    print 'all operations: \n', test.path2Ops('blast.WSWUBlast_client').keys()
+#    print 'inputs of runWUBlast \n', test.opname2inputs('runWUBlast', 'blast.WSWUBlast_client')
+#    print 'outputs of runWUBlast \n', test.opname2outputs('runWUBlast', 'blast.WSWUBlast_client')
+#    modul=test.path2Module('ebiDbfetch.WSDBFetchServerLegacyService_services')
+#    print dir(modul)
+#    print 'all operations: \n', test.path2Ops('ebiDbfetch.WSDBFetchServerLegacyService_services').keys()
+#    print 'inputs of fetchData:\n', test.opname2inputs('fetchData', 'ebiDbfetch.WSDBFetchServerLegacyService_services')
+#    print 'all classes:\n', test.path2Class('ebiDbfetch.WSDBFetchServerLegacyService_services').keys()
+#    print 'service instance ob:\n', test.path2service('ebiDbfetch.WSDBFetchServerLegacyService_services')
+#    print 'outputs of fetchData:\n', test.opname2outputs('fetchData', 'ebiDbfetch.WSDBFetchServerLegacyService_services')
+#    inputDict={'_format':'fasta', '_query':'UNIPROT:ADH1A_HUMAN', '_style':'raw'}
+#    print test.invokeOp('fetchData', 'ebiDbfetch.WSDBFetchServerLegacyService_services', inputDict).values()[0]
+#    print 'all operations: \n', test.path2Ops('dbfetch.WSDBFetchServerLegacyService_services').keys()
+#    print 'inputs of fetchData:\n', test.opname2inputs('fetchData', 'dbfetch.WSDBFetchServerLegacyService_services')
+#    inputDict={'_format':'fasta', '_query':'UNIPROT:ADH1A_HUMAN', '_style':'raw'}
+#    print test.invokeOp('fetchData', 'dbfetch.WSDBFetchServerLegacyService_services', inputDict).values()[0]
+#    print 'all operations: \n', test.path2Ops('dbfetch.WSDBFetchServerLegacyService_client').keys()
+#    print 'inputs of fetchData:\n', test.opname2inputs('fetchData', 'dbfetch.WSDBFetchServerLegacyService_client')
+#    inputDict={'_format':'fasta', '_query':'UNIPROT:ADH1A_HUMAN', '_style':'raw'}
+#    print test.invokeOp('fetchData', 'dbfetch.WSDBFetchServerLegacyService_client', inputDict).values()[0]