diff WebServiceExtensionsV1.1/WebServiceToolWorkflow_REST_SOAP/clientGenerator/msHandler.py @ 0:049760c677de default tip

Galaxy WSExtensions added successfully
author uga-galaxy-group
date Tue, 05 Jul 2011 19:34:18 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/WebServiceExtensionsV1.1/WebServiceToolWorkflow_REST_SOAP/clientGenerator/msHandler.py	Tue Jul 05 19:34:18 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+@author  Rui Wang
+@see     LICENSE (MIT style license file).
+import ZSI.TC
+import copy
+__author__="Rui Wang, Chaitanya Guttula"
+class MessageHandler:
+    '''handle message class'''        
+    def msAssign(self, msInstance, nameValueDic):
+        '''given message class instance, _name:value tree structure dictionary,
+        assign the values to the correct leaves in the message tree,
+        return message class instance with values'''
+        #get the list of all parts of message
+        partList=getattr(getattr(msInstance, 'typecode'), 'ofwhat')
+        for part in partList:
+            #_name of part of message
+            partName=getattr(part, 'aname') 
+            if partName not in nameValueDic.keys():
+                continue
+            #value assigned to part, can be simple type(directly assign) or tree structure(pass to complextypeAssign() or arraytypeAssign())
+            partValue=nameValueDic[partName]
+            if isinstance(part, ZSI.TC.ComplexType):
+                complextypeHolderClassInstance=self.complextypeAssign(part, partValue)
+                setattr(msInstance, partName, complextypeHolderClassInstance)
+            elif isinstance(part, ZSI.TC.Array) :
+                subArray=self.arraytypeAssign(part, partValue)
+                setattr(msInstance, partName, subArray)
+                print 'the arraay type is : ',subArray
+            else:               
+                #simple type such as string...directly assign the value to the part               
+                setattr(msInstance, partName, partValue)
+        return msInstance
+    def complextypeAssign(self, complextypeInstance, subNameValueDic):
+        '''given complex type instance, subtree of _name:value dictionary
+        traverse the tree structure recursively,
+        return top complextype holder class instance with values filled in'''
+        if not isinstance(complextypeInstance, ZSI.TC.ComplexType):
+            raise TypeError, 'First parameter has to be instance of ZSI.TC.ComplexType'
+        else:
+            complextypeHolderClassInstance=getattr(complextypeInstance,'pyclass')()
+            #element instance list of complex type
+            elementList=getattr(complextypeInstance, 'ofwhat')
+            for ele in elementList:
+                #_name of element of complex type
+                eleName=getattr(ele, 'aname') 
+                if eleName not in subNameValueDic.keys():
+                    continue
+                #value assigned to element, can be simple type(directly assign) or tree structure(pass to complextypeAssign() or arraytypeAssign())
+                eleValue=subNameValueDic[eleName]
+                if isinstance(ele, ZSI.TC.ComplexType):
+                    subclomplextypeClassInstance=self.complextypeAssign(ele, eleValue)
+                    setattr(complextypeHolderClassInstance, eleName, subclomplextypeClassInstance)
+                elif isinstance(ele, ZSI.TC.Array) :
+                    subArray=self.arraytypeAssign(ele, eleValue)
+                    setattr(complextypeHolderClassInstance, eleName, subArray)
+                else:   
+                    #simple type such as string...directly assign the value to the element               
+                    setattr(complextypeHolderClassInstance, eleName, eleValue)
+            return complextypeHolderClassInstance
+    def arraytypeAssign(self,arraytypeInstance, subValueArray):
+        '''given arraytype class instance, [values...],
+        recursively handle values,
+        return [arraytypeInstance filled with values]'''
+        if not isinstance(arraytypeInstance, ZSI.TC.Array):
+            raise TypeError, 'First parameter has to be instance of ZSI.TC.Array'
+        else:
+            resultArray=[]
+            if subValueArray is None:
+                return None
+            if subValueArray is []:
+                return []
+            #element instance of array type
+            elementInstance=getattr(arraytypeInstance, 'ofwhat')
+            if isinstance(elementInstance, ZSI.TC.ComplexType):                
+                for eleValue in subValueArray:
+                    subclomplextypeClassInstance=self.complextypeAssign(copy.deepcopy(elementInstance), eleValue)
+                    resultArray.append(subclomplextypeClassInstance)
+            elif isinstance(elementInstance, ZSI.TC.Array) :
+                for eleValue in subValueArray:
+                    subArray=self.arraytypeAssign(copy.deepcopy(elementInstance), eleValue)
+                    resultArray.append(subArray)
+            else:  
+                #simple type such as string...directly return the [value,...]        
+                resultArray=subValueArray
+            return resultArray
+    def msParser(self, msInstance):
+        '''given message class instance,
+        parse the message class tree,
+        return message tree of _name:value dictionary'''
+        nameValueDic={}
+        #get the list of all parts of message
+        partList=getattr(getattr(msInstance, 'typecode'), 'ofwhat')
+        for part in partList:
+            #_name of part of message
+            partName=getattr(part, 'aname')  
+            partValueDefault=getattr(msInstance, partName)
+            #value assigned to part, can be simple type(directly assign) or tree structure(pass to complextypeAssign() or arraytypeAssign())
+#            partValue=nameValueDic[partName]
+#            nameValueDic[partName]=None
+            if isinstance(part, ZSI.TC.ComplexType):
+                nameValueDic[partName]=self.complextypeParser(part)
+            elif isinstance(part, ZSI.TC.Array) :
+                nameValueDic[partName]=self.arraytypeParser(part, partValueDefault)
+            else:               
+                #simple type such as string...directly retrieve the value of the part               
+                nameValueDic[partName]=partValueDefault
+        return nameValueDic
+    def complextypeParser(self, complextypeInstance):
+        '''given complex type class instance, 
+        traverse the tree structure recursively,
+        return subtree of _name:value dictionary'''
+        if not isinstance(complextypeInstance, ZSI.TC.ComplexType):
+            raise TypeError, 'First parameter has to be instance of ZSI.TC.ComplexType'
+        else:
+            subNameValueDic={}
+            complextypeHolderClassInstance=getattr(complextypeInstance,'pyclass')()
+            #element instance list of complex type
+            elementList=getattr(complextypeInstance, 'ofwhat')
+            for ele in elementList:
+                #_name of element of complex type
+                eleName=getattr(ele, 'aname')  
+                eleValueDefault=getattr(complextypeHolderClassInstance,eleName)
+                print eleName
+                #value assigned to element, can be simple type(directly assign) or tree structure(pass to complextypeAssign() or arraytypeAssign())
+#                eleValue=subNameValueDic[eleName]
+                if isinstance(ele, ZSI.TC.ComplexType):
+                    if(getattr(ele,'maxOccurs')=='unbounded'):   # Handling element with maxOccurances as unbounded and type as complextype
+                        print 'arraytype',eleName
+                        tempArray=[]
+                        sub = self.complextypeParser(ele)
+                        tempArray.append(sub)
+                        print 'array is : ',tempArray
+                        subNameValueDic[eleName]=tempArray  #tempArray.append(sub)#self.arraytypeParser(ele, eleValueDefault)
+                    else:
+                        print 'complextype', eleName
+                        subNameValueDic[eleName]=self.complextypeParser(ele)
+                elif isinstance(ele, ZSI.TC.Array):
+                    print 'arraytype', eleValueDefault
+                    subNameValueDic[eleName]=self.arraytypeParser(ele, eleValueDefault)
+                else:               
+                    subNameValueDic[eleName] = eleValueDefault             
+            return subNameValueDic
+    def arraytypeParser(self,arraytypeInstance, defaultValueArray):
+        '''given arraytype class instance, and its default value [defaultvalues...]
+        if element of array is not simple type then recursively handle traverse the type tree,
+        return [values...]
+        else return defaultValueArray[defaultvalues...]'''
+        if (not isinstance(arraytypeInstance, ZSI.TC.Array)): #or (getattr(arraytypeInstance,'maxOccurs')!='unbounded') :
+            raise TypeError, 'First parameter has to be instance of ZSI.TC.Array'
+        else:
+            subValueArray=[]
+            #element instance of array type
+            elementInstance=getattr(arraytypeInstance, 'ofwhat')
+            if isinstance(elementInstance, ZSI.TC.ComplexType):                
+                if defaultValueArray is None:
+                    subclomplextypeClassInstance=self.complextypeParser(elementInstance)
+                    subValueArray.append(subclomplextypeClassInstance)
+                else:
+                    for eleValue in defaultValueArray:
+                        subclomplextypeClassInstance=self.complextypeParser(eleValue)
+                        subValueArray.append(subclomplextypeClassInstance)
+            elif isinstance(elementInstance, ZSI.TC.Array) :
+                if defaultValueArray is None:
+                    subarraytypeClassInstance=self.arraytypeParser(elementInstance, None)
+                    subValueArray.append(subarraytypeClassInstance)
+                else:
+                    for eleValue in defaultValueArray:
+                        subArray=self.arraytypeParser(copy.deepcopy(elementInstance), eleValue)
+                        subValueArray.append(subArray)
+            else:               
+                #simple type such as string...directly return the [value,...]of the arraytypeInstance (default value)       
+                subValueArray=defaultValueArray
+            return subValueArray
+    def flatten(self,obj):
+        if obj is None:
+            return None
+        elif hasattr(obj, '__dict__') and obj.__dict__:
+            return dict([(k, self.flatten(v)) for (k, v) in obj.__dict__.items()])
+        if isinstance(obj, (dict,)):
+            return dict([(k, self.flatten(v)) for (k, v) in obj.items()])
+        elif isinstance(obj, (list,)):
+            return [self.flatten(x) for x in obj]
+        elif isinstance(obj, (tuple,)):
+            return tuple([flatten(x) for x in obj])
+        else:
+            return obj
+    def getParameter(self, msInstance,param):
+        '''given message class instance, and parameter
+        parse the message class tree,
+        return the element '''
+        nameValueDic={}
+        plist = []
+        if(param.find('|0|')>-1):
+            s = param.split('|0|')
+            print 'found |0|',s
+            for l in s:
+                if(l.find('|')>-1):
+                    t = l.split('|')
+                    print 'found |',t
+                    for i in t:
+                        print 'i',i
+                        plist.append(i)
+                else:
+                    plist.append(l)
+        elif(param.find('|')>-1):
+            plist = param.split('|')
+        else:
+            partlist = getattr(getattr(msInstance , 'typecode'),'ofwhat')
+            for part in partlist:
+                if param == getattr(part,'aname'):
+                    print part
+                    return part
+        element = None
+        #get the list of all parts of message
+        partList=getattr(getattr(msInstance, 'typecode'), 'ofwhat')
+        for part in partList:
+            #_name of part of message
+            partName=getattr(part, 'aname') 
+            if(partName == plist[0]):
+                partname=getattr(part,'pname') 
+                partValueDefault=getattr(msInstance, partName)
+                break
+            #value assigned to part, can be simple type(directly assign) or tree structure(pass to complextypeAssign() or arraytypeAssign())
+#            partValue=nameValueDic[partName]
+#            nameValueDic[partName]=None
+        if isinstance(part, ZSI.TC.ComplexType):
+            print 'complextype', getattr(part,'aname')#plist[-1]
+            sp = ( self.complextypParser(part,plist[-1]))
+            if(sp !=None):
+                element = sp
+        elif isinstance(part, ZSI.TC.Array) :
+                element = self.arraytypParser(part, partValueDefault,plist[-1])
+                #nameValueDic[partName]=self.arraytypeParser(part, partValueDefault,param)
+        else:               
+                #simple type such as string...directly retrieve the value of the part               
+            if(partName == plist[-1]):
+                element = part
+        print 'spart',element
+        res = getattr(element,'nillable')
+        print res
+        return element
+    def complextypParser(self, complextypeInstance,param):
+        '''given complex type class instance, and paramater name 
+        traverse the tree structure recursively,
+        return the element with parameter name'''
+        part =None
+        if not isinstance(complextypeInstance, ZSI.TC.ComplexType):
+            raise TypeError, 'First parameter has to be instance of ZSI.TC.ComplexType'
+        else:
+            subNameValueDic={}
+            complextypeHolderClassInstance=getattr(complextypeInstance,'pyclass')()
+            #element instance list of complex type
+            elementList=getattr(complextypeInstance, 'ofwhat')
+            for ele in elementList:
+                #_name of element of complex type
+                eleName=getattr(ele, 'aname') 
+                eleValueDefault=getattr(complextypeHolderClassInstance, eleName)
+                #value assigned to element, can be simple type(directly assign) or tree structure(pass to complextypeAssign() or arraytypeAssign())
+#                eleValue=subNameValueDic[eleName]
+                if isinstance(ele, ZSI.TC.ComplexType):
+                    if getattr(ele,'aname') == param:
+                        print 'returning the middle complex type'
+                        return ele
+                    else:
+                        part = self.complextypParser(ele,param)
+                        return part
+                    #subNameValueDic[eleName]=self.complextypeParser(ele)
+#                    setattr(complextypeHolderClassInstance, eleName, subclomplextypeClassInstance)
+                elif isinstance(ele, ZSI.TC.Array) :
+                    part = self.arraytypParser(ele, eleValueDefault,param)
+                    return part
+                else:
+                    if(param == eleName):
+                        print 'matched',param
+                        part = (ele)
+                        return part
+                    #simple type such as string...directly retrieve the value of the element  
+                    subNameValueDic[eleName]=eleValueDefault             
+            return None#subNameValueDic
+    def arraytypParser(self,arraytypeInstance, defaultValueArray,param):
+        '''given arraytype class instance, and its default value [defaultvalues...]
+        if element of array is not simple type then recursively handle traverse the type tree,
+        return [values...]
+        else return defaultValueArray[defaultvalues...]'''
+        if not isinstance(arraytypeInstance, ZSI.TC.Array):
+            raise TypeError, 'First parameter has to be instance of ZSI.TC.Array'
+        else:
+            subValueArray=[]
+            #element instance of array type
+            elementInstance=getattr(arraytypeInstance, 'ofwhat')
+            if isinstance(elementInstance, ZSI.TC.ComplexType):                
+                if defaultValueArray is None:
+                    part = self.complextypParser(elementInstance,param)
+                    return part
+      #              subclomplextypeClassInstance=self.complextypeParser(elementInstance)
+       #             subValueArray.append(subclomplextypeClassInstance)
+                else:
+                    for eleValue in defaultValueArray:
+                        part = self.complextypParser(eleValue,defaulValueArray,param)
+                        subclomplextypeClassInstance=self.complextypeParser(eleValue)
+         #               subValueArray.append(subclomplextypeClassInstance)
+#                    setattr(elementInstance, eleName, subclomplextypeClassInstance)
+            elif isinstance(elementInstance, ZSI.TC.Array) :
+#                print 'arraytype', elementInstance
+                if defaultValueArray is None:
+                    part = self.arraytypParser(elementInstance, None,param)
+          #          subarraytypeClassInstance=self.arraytypeParser(elementInstance, None)
+           #         subValueArray.append(subarraytypeClassInstance)
+                else:
+                    for eleValue in defaultValueArray:
+                        part = self.arraytypParser(copy.deepcopy(elementInstance), eleValue,param)
+            #            subArray=self.arraytypeParser(copy.deepcopy(elementInstance), eleValue)
+             #           subValueArray.append(subArray)
+            else:               
+                #simple type such as string...directly return the [value,...]of the arraytypeInstance (default value)       
+                return elementInstance
+            return None
+#if __name__=="__main__":