changeset 12:19c42b3cce4a draft

Deleted selected files
author ulfschaefer
date Wed, 16 Dec 2015 07:26:02 -0500
parents cb443c64ebad
children 2e69ce9dca65
files vcfs2fasta/phe/variant/
diffstat 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 288 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/vcfs2fasta/phe/variant/	Wed Dec 16 07:25:53 2015 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-"""Classes and methods to work with variants and such."""
-import abc
-# from collections import OrderedDict
-    from collections import OrderedDict
-except ImportError:
-    from ordereddict import OrderedDict
-import logging
-import pickle
-from vcf import filters
-import vcf
-from vcf.parser import _Filter
-from phe.metadata import PHEMetaData
-from phe.variant_filters import make_filters, PHEFilterBase, str_to_filters
-class VCFTemplate(object):
-    """This is a small hack class for the Template used in generating
-    VCF file."""
-    def __init__(self, vcf_reader):
-        self.infos = vcf_reader.infos
-        self.formats = vcf_reader.formats
-        self.filters = vcf_reader.filters
-        self.alts = vcf_reader.alts
-        self.contigs = vcf_reader.contigs
-        self.metadata = vcf_reader.metadata
-        self._column_headers = vcf_reader._column_headers
-        self.samples = vcf_reader.samples
-class VariantSet(object):
-    """A convenient representation of set of variants.
-    TODO: Implement iterator and generator for the variant set.
-    """
-    _reader = None
-    def __init__(self, vcf_in, filters=None):
-        """Constructor of variant set.
-        Parameters:
-        -----------
-        vcf_in: str
-            Path to the VCF file for loading information.
-        filters: str or dict, optional
-            Dictionary or string of the filter:threshold key value pairs.
-        """
-        self.vcf_in = vcf_in
-        self._reader = vcf.Reader(filename=vcf_in)
-        self.out_template = VCFTemplate(self._reader)
-        self.filters = []
-        if filters is not None:
-            if isinstance(filters, str):
-                self.filters = str_to_filters(filters)
-            elif isinstance(filters, dict):
-                self.filters = make_filters(config=filters)
-            elif isinstance(filters, list):
-                self.filters = filters
-            else:
-                logging.warn("Could not create filters from %s", filters)
-        else:
-            reader = vcf.Reader(filename=self.vcf_in)
-            filters = {}
-            for filter_id in reader.filters:
-                filters.update(PHEFilterBase.decode(filter_id))
-            if filters:
-                self.filters = make_filters(config=filters)
-        self.variants = []
-    def filter_variants(self, keep_only_snps=True):
-        """Create a variant """
-        if self._reader is None:
-            # Create a reader class from input VCF.
-            self._reader = vcf.Reader(filename=self.vcf_in)
-        # get list of existing filters.
-        existing_filters = {}
-        removed_filters = []
-        for filter_id in self._reader.filters:
-            conf = PHEFilterBase.decode(filter_id)
-            tuple(conf.keys())
-            existing_filters.update({tuple(conf.keys()):filter_id})
-        # Add each filter we are going to use to the record.
-        # This is needed for writing out proper #FILTER header in VCF.
-        for record_filter in self.filters:
-            # We know that each filter has short description method.
-            short_doc = record_filter.short_desc()
-            short_doc = short_doc.split('\n')[0].lstrip()
-            filter_name = PHEFilterBase.decode(record_filter.filter_name())
-            # Check if the sample has been filtered for this type of filter
-            #    in the past. If so remove is, because it is going to be refiltered.
-            if tuple(filter_name) in existing_filters:
-      "Removing existing filter: %s", existing_filters[tuple(filter_name)])
-                removed_filters.append(existing_filters[tuple(filter_name)])
-                del self._reader.filters[existing_filters[tuple(filter_name)]]
-            self._reader.filters[record_filter.filter_name()] = _Filter(record_filter.filter_name(), short_doc)
-        # For each record (POSITION) apply set of filters.
-        for record in self._reader:
-            # If this record failed filters and we removed some,
-            #    check is they need to be removed from record.
-            if isinstance(record.FILTER, list) and len(record.FILTER) > 0:
-                for filter_id in removed_filters:
-                    if filter_id in record.FILTER:
-                        record.FILTER.remove(filter_id)
-            for record_filter in self.filters:
-                # Call to __call__ method in each filter.
-                result = record_filter(record)
-                # Record is KEPT if filter returns None
-                if result == None:
-                    continue
-                # If we got this far, then record is filtered OUT.
-                record.add_filter(record_filter.filter_name())
-            # After applying all filters, check if FILTER is None.
-            # If it is, then record PASSED all filters.
-            if record.FILTER is None or record.FILTER == []:
-                record.FILTER = 'PASS'
-                # FIXME: Does this work for indels?
-                if keep_only_snps and record.is_snp:
-                    self.variants.append(record)
-            else:
-                self.variants.append(record)
-        self.update_filters(self._reader.filters)
-        return [ variant for variant in self.variants if variant.FILTER == "PASS"]
-    def add_metadata(self, info):
-        """Add metadata to the variant set.
-        Parameters:
-        -----------
-        info: dict
-            Dictionary of key value pairs to be inserted into metadata.
-        """
-        for info_key, metadata in info.items():
-            self.out_template.metadata[info_key] = metadata
-    def write_variants(self, vcf_out, only_snps=False, only_good=False):
-        """Write variants to a VCF file.
-        Parameters:
-        -----------
-        vcf_out: str
-            Path to the file where VCF data is written.
-        only_snps: bool, optional
-            True is *only* SNP are to be written to the output (default: False).
-        only_good: bool, optional
-            True if only those records that PASS all filters should be written
-            (default: False).
-        Returns:
-        int:
-            Number of records written.
-        """
-        written_variants = 0
-        with open(vcf_out, "w") as out_vcf:
-            writer = vcf.Writer(out_vcf, self.out_template)
-            for record in self.variants:
-                if only_snps and not record.is_snp:
-                    continue
-                if only_good and record.FILTER != "PASS" or record.FILTER is None:
-                    continue
-                writer.write_record(record)
-                written_variants += 1
-        return written_variants
-    def _write_bad_variants(self, vcf_out):
-        """**PRIVATE:** Write only those records that **haven't** passed."""
-        written_variants = 0
-        with open(vcf_out, "w") as out_vcf:
-            writer = vcf.Writer(out_vcf, self.out_template)
-            for record in self.variants:
-                if record.FILTER != "PASS" and record.FILTER is not None:
-                    writer.write_record(record)
-                    written_variants += 1
-        return written_variants
-    def serialise(self, out_file):
-        """Save the data in this class to a file for future use/reload.
-        Parameters:
-        -----------
-        out_file: str
-            path to file where the data should be written to.
-        Returns:
-        --------
-        int:
-            Number of variants written.
-        """
-        written_variants = 0
-        with open(out_file, "w") as out_vcf:
-            writer = vcf.Writer(out_vcf, self.out_template)
-            for record in self.variants:
-                writer.write_record(record)
-                written_variants += 1
-        return written_variants
-    def update_filters(self, new_filters):
-        """Update internal filters in the output template."""
-        for new_filter, filter_data in new_filters.items():
-            self.out_template.filters[new_filter] = filter_data
-class VariantCaller(PHEMetaData):
-    """Abstract class used for access to the implemented variant callers."""
-    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
-    def __init__(self, cmd_options=None):
-        """Constructor for variant caller.
-        Parameters:
-        -----------
-        cmd_options: str, optional
-            Command options to pass to the variant command.
-        """
-        self.cmd_options = cmd_options
-        super(VariantCaller, self).__init__()
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def make_vcf(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Create a VCF from **BAM** file.
-        Parameters:
-        -----------
-        ref: str
-            Path to the reference file.
-        bam: str
-            Path to the indexed **BAM** file for calling variants.
-        vcf_file: str
-            path to the VCF file where data will be written to.
-        Returns:
-        --------
-        bool:
-            True if variant calling was successful, False otherwise.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("make_vcf is not implemented yet.")
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def create_aux_files(self, ref):
-        """Create needed (if any) auxiliary files.
-        These files are required for proper functioning of the variant caller.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("create_aux_files is not implemeted.")
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def get_info(self, plain=False):
-        """Get information about this variant caller."""
-        raise NotImplementedError("Get info has not been implemented yet."
-                                  )
-    def get_meta(self):
-        """Get the metadata about this variant caller."""
-        od = self.get_info()
-        od["ID"] = "VariantCaller"
-        return OrderedDict({"PHEVariantMetaData": [od]})
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def get_version(self):
-        """Get the version of the underlying command used."""
-        raise NotImplementedError("Get version has not been implemented yet.")