1 # Copyright INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
2 # http://www.inra.fr
3 # http://urgi.versailles.inra.fr
4 #
5 # This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
6 # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
7 # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
8 # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
9 # "http://www.cecill.info".
10 #
11 # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
12 # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
13 # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
14 # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
15 # liability.
16 #
17 # In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
18 # with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
19 # software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
20 # that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
21 # therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
22 # professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
23 # encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
24 # requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
25 # data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
26 # same conditions as regards security.
27 #
28 # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
29 # knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
32 import sys
33 import re
34 from commons.core.seq.Bioseq import Bioseq
35 from commons.core.stat.Stat import Stat
38 ## Handle a collection of a Bioseq (header-sequence)
39 #
40 class BioseqDB( object ):
42 def __init__( self, name="" ):
43 self.idx = {}
44 self.idx_renamed = {}
45 self.db = []
46 self.name = name
47 if name != "":
48 faFile = open( name )
49 self.read( faFile )
50 faFile.close()
51 self.mean_seq_lgth = None
52 self.stat = Stat()
55 ## Equal operator
56 #
57 def __eq__( self, o ):
58 if type(o) is type(self):
59 selfSize = self.getSize()
60 if selfSize != o.getSize():
61 return False
62 nbEqualInstances = 0
63 for i in self.db:
64 atLeastOneIsEqual = False
65 for j in o.db:
66 if i == j:
67 atLeastOneIsEqual = True
68 continue
69 if atLeastOneIsEqual:
70 nbEqualInstances += 1
71 if nbEqualInstances == selfSize:
72 return True
73 return False
75 ## Not equal operator
76 #
77 def __ne__(self, o):
78 return not self.__eq__(o)
80 ## Change the name of the BioseqDB
81 #
82 # @param name the BioseqDB name
83 #
84 def setName(self, name):
85 self.name = name
88 ## Record each sequence of the input file as a list of Bioseq instances
89 #
90 # @param faFileHandler handler of a fasta file
91 #
92 def read( self, faFileHandler ):
93 while True:
94 seq = Bioseq()
95 seq.read( faFileHandler )
96 if seq.sequence == None:
97 break
98 self.add( seq )
101 ## Write all Bioseq of BioseqDB in a formatted fasta file (60 character long)
102 #
103 # @param faFileHandler file handler of a fasta file
104 #
105 def write( self, faFileHandler ):
106 for bs in self.db:
107 bs.writeABioseqInAFastaFile( faFileHandler )
110 ## Write all Bioseq of BioseqDB in a formatted fasta file (60 character long)
111 #
112 # @param outFaFileName file name of fasta file
113 # @param mode 'write' or 'append'
114 #
115 def save( self, outFaFileName, mode="w" ):
116 outFaFile = open( outFaFileName, mode )
117 self.write( outFaFile )
118 outFaFile.close()
121 ## Read a formatted fasta file and load it in the BioseqDB instance
122 #
123 # @param inFaFileName file name of fasta file
124 #
125 def load(self, inFaFileName):
126 fichier = open(inFaFileName)
127 self.read(fichier)
128 fichier.close()
131 ## Reverse each sequence of the collection
132 #
133 def reverse( self ):
134 for bs in self.db:
135 bs.reverse()
138 ## Turn each sequence into its complement
139 #
140 def complement( self ):
141 for bs in self.db:
142 bs.complement()
145 ## Reverse and complement each sequence
146 #
147 def reverseComplement( self ):
148 for bs in self.db:
149 bs.reverseComplement()
152 ## Set the collection from a list of Bioseq instances
153 #
154 def setData( self, lBioseqs ):
155 for i in lBioseqs:
156 self.add( i )
159 ## Initialization of each attribute of the collection
160 #
161 def reset( self ):
162 self.db = []
163 self.idx = {}
164 self.name = None
165 self.mean_seq_lgth = None
166 self.stat.reset()
169 ## Remove all the gap of the sequences of the collection
170 #
171 def cleanGap(self):
172 for iBioSeq in self.db:
173 iBioSeq.cleanGap()
176 ## Add a Bioseq instance and update the attributes
177 #
178 # @param bs a Bioseq instance
179 #
180 def add( self, bs ):
181 if self.idx.has_key( bs.header ):
182 sys.stderr.write( "ERROR: two sequences with same header '%s'\n" % ( bs.header ) )
183 sys.exit(1)
184 self.db.append( bs )
185 self.idx[ bs.header ] = len(self.db) - 1
186 self.idx_renamed[ bs.header.replace("::","-").replace(":","-").replace(",","-").replace(" ","_") ] = len(self.db) - 1
189 ## Give the Bioseq instance corresponding to specified index
190 #
191 # @return a Bioseq instance
192 #
193 def __getitem__(self,index):
194 if index < len(self.db):
195 return self.db[index]
198 ## Give the number of sequences in the bank
199 #
200 # @return an integer
201 #
202 def getSize( self ):
203 return len( self.db )
206 ## Give the cumulative sequence length in the bank
207 #
208 # @return an integer
209 #
210 def getLength( self ):
211 cumLength = 0
212 for iBioseq in self.db:
213 cumLength += iBioseq.getLength()
215 return cumLength
218 ## Return the length of a given sequence via its header
219 #
220 # @return an integer
221 #
222 def getSeqLength( self, header ):
223 return self.fetch(header).getLength()
226 ## Return a list with the sequence headers
227 #
228 def getHeaderList( self ):
229 lHeaders = []
230 for bs in self.db:
231 lHeaders.append( bs.header )
232 return lHeaders
235 ## Return a list with the sequences
236 #
237 def getSequencesList( self ):
238 lSeqs = []
239 for bs in self.db:
240 lSeqs.append( bs.getSequence() )
241 return lSeqs
244 ## Give the Bioseq instance of the BioseqDB specified by its header
245 #
246 # @warning name of this method not appropriate getBioseqByHeader is proposed
247 # @param header string
248 # @return a Bioseq instance
249 #
250 def fetch( self, header ):
251 idx = self.idx.get(header,None)
252 if idx is not None:
253 return self.db[idx]
254 else:
255 idx = self.idx_renamed.get(header,None)
256 if idx is not None:
257 return self.db[idx]
258 else:
259 raise Exception("Header: "+header+" not found")
262 ## Get a list of Bioseq instances based on a list of headers
263 #
264 # @param lHeader list
265 # @return a list of Bioseq instances
266 #
267 def fetchList( self, lheader ):
268 result = []
269 for headerName in lheader:
270 result.append(self.fetch( headerName ))
271 return result
274 ## Sort self on its Bioseq size, possibly by decreasing length
275 #
276 # @param reverse boolean
277 #
278 def sortByLength(self, reverse = False):
279 self.db.sort(key = lambda iBS: iBS.getLength(), reverse = reverse)
282 ## Give the Bioseq instance of the BioseqDB specified by its renamed header
283 # In renamed header "::", ":", "," character are been replaced by "-" and " " by "_"
284 #
285 # @param renamedHeader string
286 # @return a Bioseq instance
287 #
288 def getBioseqByRenamedHeader( self, renamedHeader ):
289 return self.db[self.idx_renamed[renamedHeader]]
292 ## Count the number of times the given nucleotide is present in the bank.
293 #
294 # @param nt character (nt or aa)
295 # @return an integer
296 #
297 def countNt( self, nt ):
298 total = 0
299 for iBioseq in self.db:
300 total+= iBioseq.countNt( nt )
301 return total
304 ## Count the number of times each nucleotide (A,T,G,C,N) is present in the bank.
305 #
306 # @return a dictionary with nucleotide as key and an integer as values
307 #
308 def countAllNt( self ):
309 dNt2Count = {}
310 for nt in ["A","T","G","C","N"]:
311 dNt2Count[ nt ] = self.countNt( nt )
312 return dNt2Count
315 ## Extract a sub BioseqDB of specified size which beginning at specified start
316 #
317 # @param start integer index of first included Bioseq
318 # @param size integer size of expected BioseqDB
319 # @return a BioseqDB
320 #
321 def extractPart(self, start, size):
322 iShorterBioseqDB = BioseqDB()
323 for iBioseq in self.db[start:(start + size)]:
324 iShorterBioseqDB.add(iBioseq)
325 return iShorterBioseqDB
328 ## Extract a sub BioseqDB with the specified number of best length Bioseq
329 #
330 # @param numBioseq integer the number of Bioseq searched
331 # @return a BioseqDB
332 #
333 def bestLength(self, numBioseq):
334 length_list = []
335 numseq = 0
336 for each_seq in self.db:
337 if each_seq.sequence == None:
338 l=0
339 else:
340 l = each_seq.getLength()
341 length_list.append(l)
342 numseq = numseq + 1
344 length_list.sort()
345 size = len(length_list)
346 if numBioseq < size:
347 len_min = length_list[size-numBioseq]
348 else:
349 len_min = length_list[0]
351 numseq = 0
352 nbsave = 0
353 bestSeqs = BioseqDB()
354 bestSeqs.setName(self.name)
355 for each_seq in self.db:
356 if each_seq.sequence == None:
357 l=0
358 else :
359 l = each_seq.getLength()
360 numseq = numseq + 1
361 if l >= len_min:
362 bestSeqs.add(each_seq)
363 nbsave = nbsave + 1
364 if nbsave == numBioseq :
365 break
366 return bestSeqs
369 ## Extract a sub BioseqDB from a file with Bioseq header containing the specified pattern
370 #
371 # @param pattern regular expression of wished Bioseq header
372 # @param inFileName name of fasta file in which we want extract the BioseqDB
373 #
374 def extractPatternOfFile(self, pattern, inFileName):
375 if pattern=="" :
376 return
377 srch=re.compile(pattern)
378 file_db=open(inFileName)
379 numseq=0
380 nbsave=0
381 while 1:
382 seq=Bioseq()
383 seq.read(file_db)
384 if seq.sequence==None:
385 break
386 numseq+=1
387 m=srch.search(seq.header)
388 if m:
389 self.add(seq)
390 nbsave+=1
391 file_db.close()
394 ## Extract a sub BioseqDB from the instance with all Bioseq header containing the specified pattern
395 #
396 # @param pattern regular expression of wished Bioseq header
397 #
398 # @return a BioseqDB
399 #
400 def getByPattern(self,pattern):
401 if pattern=="" :
402 return
403 iBioseqDB=BioseqDB()
404 srch=re.compile(pattern)
405 for iBioseq in self.db:
406 if srch.search(iBioseq.header):
407 iBioseqDB.add(iBioseq)
408 return iBioseqDB
411 ## Extract a sub BioseqDB from the instance with all Bioseq header not containing the specified pattern
412 #
413 # @param pattern regular expression of not wished Bioseq header
414 #
415 # @return a BioseqDB
416 #
417 def getDiffFromPattern(self,pattern):
418 if pattern=="" :
419 return
420 iBioseqDB=BioseqDB()
421 srch=re.compile(pattern)
422 for iBioseq in self.db:
423 if not srch.search(iBioseq.header):
424 iBioseqDB.add(iBioseq)
425 return iBioseqDB
427 #TODO: to run several times to remove all concerned sequences when big data. How to fix it ?
428 ## Remove from the instance all Bioseq which header contains the specified pattern
429 #
430 # @param pattern regular expression of not wished Bioseq header
431 #
432 def rmByPattern(self,pattern):
433 if pattern=="" :
434 return
435 srch=re.compile(pattern)
436 for seq in self.db:
437 if srch.search(seq.header):
438 self.db.remove(seq)
441 ## Copy a part from another BioseqDB in the BioseqDB if Bioseq have got header containing the specified pattern
442 #
443 # @warning this method is called extractPattern in pyRepet.seq.BioseqDB
444 #
445 # @param pattern regular expression of wished Bioseq header
446 # @param sourceBioseqDB the BioseqDB from which we want extract Bioseq
447 #
448 def addBioseqFromABioseqDBIfHeaderContainPattern(self, pattern, sourceBioseqDB):
449 if pattern=="" :
450 return
451 srch=re.compile(pattern)
452 for seq in sourceBioseqDB.db:
453 m=srch.search(seq.header)
454 if m:
455 self.add(seq)
458 ## Up-case the sequence characters in all sequences
459 #
460 def upCase( self ):
461 for bs in self.db:
462 bs.upCase()
465 ## Split each gapped Bioseq in a list and store all in a dictionary
466 #
467 # @return a dict, keys are bioseq headers, values are list of Map instances
468 #
469 def getDictOfLMapsWithoutGaps( self ):
470 dSeq2Maps = {}
472 for bs in self.db:
473 dSeq2Maps[ bs.header ] = bs.getLMapWhithoutGap()
475 return dSeq2Maps
477 ## Give the list of the sequence length in the bank
478 #
479 # @return an list
480 #
481 def getListOfSequencesLength( self ):
482 lLength = []
483 for iBioseq in self.db:
484 lLength.append(iBioseq.getLength())
486 return lLength
488 ## Return sequence length for a list of sequence header
489 #
490 def getSeqLengthByListOfName( self, lHeaderName ):
491 lseqLength=[]
492 for headerName in lHeaderName:
493 lseqLength.append(self.getSeqLength( headerName ))
494 return lseqLength