diff TEisotools-1.0/commons/core/utils/Classif.py @ 6:20ec0d14798e draft

author urgi-team
date Wed, 20 Jul 2016 05:00:24 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TEisotools-1.0/commons/core/utils/Classif.py	Wed Jul 20 05:00:24 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+import re
+import os
+from collections import OrderedDict
+               "ClassI":"RXX",
+               "ClassII":"DXX",
+               "LTR":"RLX",
+               "DIRS":"RYX",
+               "PLE":"RPX",
+               "LINE":"RIX",
+               "SINE":"RSX",
+               "TIR":"DTX",
+               "Crypton":"DYX",
+               "Helitron":"DHX",
+               "Maverick":"DMX",
+               "TIR-MITE":"DTX",
+               "LTR-LARD":"RLX",
+               "LTR-TRIM":"RLX"
+               }
+class Classif(object):
+    """ The class Classif is a object what determine a line in classif file.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, consensusName = "", code = "NA", outConfuseness = "", outCompleteness = "", projectName = "", isShorten = False, consensusLength = "NA", consensusStrand = "NA", consensusClass = "NA", consensusOrder = "NA", consensusSuperFam = "NA", consensusCI = "NA"):
+        self._consensusName = consensusName
+        self._confusness = outConfuseness
+        self._completeness = outCompleteness
+        self._projectName = projectName
+        self._isShorten = isShorten
+        self._consensusLength = consensusLength
+        self._consensusStrand = consensusStrand
+        self._consensusClass = consensusClass
+        self._consensusOrder = consensusOrder
+        self._consensusSuperFam = consensusSuperFam
+        self._consensusCI = consensusCI
+        self._consensusCoding = ""
+        self._consensusStruct = ""
+        self._consensusOther = ""
+        self._isNoChim = ""
+        self._hasCodingPart = False
+        self._hasStructPart = False
+        self._hasOtherPart = False
+        self._code = code 
+        self._evidence = {}       
+    def __eq__(self, o):
+        if type(o) is type(self):
+            return self._consensusName == o._consensusName and self._code == o._code \
+                and self._confusness == o._confusness and self._completeness == o._completeness
+        return False
+    def __ne__(self, o):
+        return not self.__eq__(o)
+    def getConsensusName(self):
+        return self._consensusName
+    def getCode(self):
+        return self._code
+    def getconfusness(self):
+        return self._confusness
+    def getcompleteness(self):
+        return self._completeness
+    def getprojectName(self):
+        return self._projectName
+    def getConsensusLength(self):
+        return self._consensusLength
+    def getConsensusStrand(self):
+        return self._consensusStrand
+    def getConsensusClass(self):
+        return self._consensusClass
+    def getConsensusOrder(self):
+        return self._consensusOrder
+    def getConsensusSuperFamily(self):
+        return self._consensusSuperFam
+    def getConsensusCI(self):
+        return str(self._consensusCI)
+    def getInfoEvidence(self):
+        return self._evidence
+    def getConsensusCoding(self):
+        if self._confusness == 'ok':            
+            coding = self.writeCodingFeaturesLine(self._evidence)
+        else:
+            lOrder = self.getConsensusOrder().split("|")
+            coding = self.writeCodingFeaturesLine(self._evidence[lOrder[0]])
+            for order in lOrder[1:]:
+                if self._evidence[order].keys() != ['other']:
+                    coding = coding + "|" + self.writeCodingFeaturesLine(self._evidence[order])
+        return "coding=" + coding
+    def getConsensusStructure(self):
+        if self._confusness == 'ok':            
+            Structure = self.writeStructFeaturesLine(self._evidence)
+        else:
+            lOrder = self.getConsensusOrder().split("|")
+            Structure = self.writeStructFeaturesLine(self._evidence[lOrder[0]])
+            for order in lOrder[1:]:
+                if self._evidence[order].keys() != ['other']:
+                    Structure = Structure + "|" + self.writeStructFeaturesLine(self._evidence[order])
+        return "struct=" + Structure
+    def getConsensusOther(self):
+        if self._confusness == 'ok':            
+            Other = self.writeOtherFeaturesLine(self._evidence)
+        else:
+            lOrder = self.getConsensusOrder().split("|")
+            Other = self.writeOtherFeaturesLine(self._evidence[lOrder[0]])
+            for order in lOrder[1:]:
+                    Other = Other + "|" + self.writeOtherFeaturesLine(self._evidence[order])
+        return "other=" + Other
+    def setConsensusName(self, consensusName):
+        self._consensusName = consensusName
+    def setInfoEvidence(self, evidence):
+        self._evidence = evidence
+    def setCode(self):
+        self._code = self._decisionRuleForWickerCode(self.getConsensusClass(), self.getConsensusOrder())
+    def setConfusness(self, Confusness):
+        self._confusness = Confusness
+    def setCompleteness(self, completeness):
+        self._completeness = completeness
+    def setProjectName(self, projectName):
+        self._projectName = projectName
+    def setConsensusLength(self, cLength):
+        self._consensusLength = cLength
+    def setConsensusStrand(self, cStrand):
+        self._consensusStrand = cStrand
+    def setConsensusClass(self, cClass):
+        self._consensusClass = cClass
+    def setConsensusOrder(self, cOrder):
+        self._consensusOrder = cOrder
+    def setConsensusSuperFamily(self, cSuperFamily):
+        self._consensusSuperFamily = cSuperFamily
+    def setConsensusCI(self, CI):
+        self._consensusCI = CI
+    def setConsensusCoding(self, coding):
+        self._consensusCoding = coding
+    def setConsensusStructure(self, structure):
+        self._consensusStruct = structure
+    def setConsensusOther(self, other):
+        self._consensusOther = other
+    def setCodStrOthFromMessage(self, dico):
+        self._consensusCoding = "coding="+self.writeCodingFeaturesLine(dico)
+        self._consensusStruct = "struct="+self.writeStructFeaturesLine(dico)
+        self._consensusOther = "other="+self.writeOtherFeaturesLine(dico)
+    def setCodStrOthFromMessage2(self, dico, cOrder):
+        if 'rDNA' in cOrder:
+            cOrder = cOrder.replace('rDNA', 'RDNA')
+        lOrder = cOrder.split("|")
+        lDicoKeys = dico.keys()
+        if lOrder[0] not in lDicoKeys:
+            self._consensusCoding = "coding="+self.writeCodingFeaturesLine(dico)
+            self._consensusStruct = "struct="+self.writeStructFeaturesLine(dico)
+            self._consensusOther = "other="+self.writeOtherFeaturesLine(dico)
+        else:
+            self._consensusCoding = "coding="+self.writeCodingFeaturesLine(dico[lDicoKeys[0]])
+            self._consensusStruct = "struct="+self.writeStructFeaturesLine(dico[lDicoKeys[0]])
+            self._consensusOther = "other="+self.writeOtherFeaturesLine(dico[lDicoKeys[0]])
+            if len(lDicoKeys) != 1:
+                for order in lDicoKeys[1:]:
+                    if dico[order].keys() == ['other']:
+                        self._consensusOther = self._consensusOther+"|"+self.writeOtherFeaturesLine(dico[order])
+                    else:
+                        self._consensusCoding = self._consensusCoding+"|"+self.writeCodingFeaturesLine(dico[order])
+                        self._consensusStruct = self._consensusStruct+"|"+self.writeStructFeaturesLine(dico[order])
+                        self._consensusOther = self._consensusOther+"|"+self.writeOtherFeaturesLine(dico[order])
+    def createNewConsensusName(self):
+        pastecClassif = "%s" % self._code
+        if self._completeness != "":
+            pastecClassif += "-%s" % self._completeness
+        if self._confusness != "":
+            pastecClassif += "-%s" % self._confusness
+        if self._isShorten:
+            pattern = "%s_[a-zA-Z0-9]+_[a-zA-Z0-9]+_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" % self._projectName
+            if re.match(pattern, self._consensusName) and not "%s_RS_" % self._projectName in self._consensusName:
+                header = self.shortenConsensusName()
+                header = "%s_%s" % (pastecClassif, header)
+            else:
+                header = "%s_%s" % (pastecClassif, self._consensusName)
+        else:
+            header = "%s_%s" % (pastecClassif, self._consensusName)
+        return header
+    def shortenConsensusName(self):
+        desc = self._consensusName.split(self._projectName)[1]
+        palignMeth = desc.split("_")[1]
+        clustMeth = desc.split("_")[2]
+        clustID = desc.split("_")[3]
+        lmalignMeth = desc.split("_")[4:]
+        if len(lmalignMeth) > 2:
+            malignMeth = "%s%s_%s" % (lmalignMeth[0], lmalignMeth[1], lmalignMeth[2])
+        else:
+            malignMeth = "".join(lmalignMeth)
+        consensusShorten = "%s-%s-%s%s-%s" % (self._projectName, palignMeth[0], clustMeth[0], clustID, malignMeth)
+        return consensusShorten
+    def renameHeaderInConsensusFastaFile(self, fileName = ""):
+        newFileName = fileName.split(".")[0]+"New.fa"
+        oldFile = open(fileName, "r")
+        newFile = open(newFileName, "w")
+        inputLine = oldFile.readline()
+        while inputLine != "" :
+            if ">" in inputLine:
+                self.setConsensusName(inputLine)
+                outputLine = ">%s" % self.shortenConsensusName()           
+                newFile.write(outputLine)
+            else:
+                newFile.write(inputLine)
+            inputLine = oldFile.readline()
+        oldFile.close()
+        newFile.close()
+        os.system("mv %s.fa %sOld.fa" % (fileName.split(".")[0], fileName.split(".")[0]))
+        os.system("mv %sNew.fa %s.fa" % (fileName.split(".")[0], fileName.split(".")[0]))
+        os.system("rm -f %sOld.fa" % fileName.split(".")[0])
+    def writeOtherFeaturesLine(self, dEvidence):
+        other = "(NA)"
+        if dEvidence.has_key('other'):
+                lResults = []
+                dOtherResults = dEvidence['other']
+                lResultsWithCoding = self.formatCodingFeatures(dOtherResults, lResults)
+                lResultsFilled = self.formatStructFeatures(dOtherResults, lResultsWithCoding)
+                if len(lResultsFilled) != 0:
+                    subOther = "; ".join(lResultsFilled)
+                    other = '(%s)' % subOther
+                    self._hasOtherPart = True
+        return other
+    def writeCodingFeaturesLine(self, dEvidence):
+        lResults = []
+        lResultsFilled = self.formatCodingFeatures(dEvidence, lResults)
+        if len(lResultsFilled) != 0:
+            subCoding = "; ".join(lResultsFilled)
+            coding = '(%s)' % subCoding
+        else:
+            coding = "(NA)"
+        return coding
+    def writeStructFeaturesLine(self, dEvidence):
+        lResults = []
+        lResultsFilled = self.formatStructFeatures(dEvidence, lResults)
+        if len(lResultsFilled) != 0:
+            subStruct = "; ".join(lResultsFilled)
+            struct = '(%s)' % subStruct
+        else:
+            struct = "(NA)"
+        return struct
+    def formatCodingFeatures(self, dEvidence, lResults):
+        if dEvidence.has_key('Repbase_tbx') and dEvidence['Repbase_tbx'] != []:
+            lResults.append("TE_BLRtx: %s" % ", ".join(map(str, dEvidence['Repbase_tbx'])))
+        if dEvidence.has_key('Repbase_bx') and dEvidence['Repbase_bx'] != []:
+            lResults.append("TE_BLRx: %s" % ", ".join(map(str, dEvidence['Repbase_bx'])))
+        if (dEvidence.has_key('te_hmmer')) and (dEvidence['te_hmmer'] != None):
+            lResults.append('profiles: %s' % self.formatProfilesResults(dEvidence['te_hmmer']))
+        if dEvidence.has_key('Other_profiles'):
+            lResults.append('Other_profiles: %s' % self.formatProfilesResults(dEvidence['Other_profiles']))
+        if dEvidence.has_key("rDNA") and (dEvidence["rDNA"] != None):
+            lResults.append("rDNA_BLRn: %s" % dEvidence["rDNA"])
+        if dEvidence.has_key("HG") and (dEvidence["HG"] != None):
+            lResults.append("HG_BLRn: %s" % dEvidence["HG"])
+        if len(lResults) != 0:
+            self._hasCodingPart = True
+        return lResults
+    def formatProfilesResults(self, dProfilesResults):
+        if len(dProfilesResults.keys()) == 0:
+            return ""
+        lResults = []
+        for key in dProfilesResults.keys():
+            iPDM = dProfilesResults[key]
+            cov = "%.2f%%" % iPDM.getCoverageOnSubject()
+            profilesResult = '%s: %s' % (key, cov)
+            lResults.append(profilesResult)
+        return ", ".join(lResults)
+    def formatStructFeatures(self, dEvidence, lResults):
+        if dEvidence.has_key('length') and (dEvidence['length']!= None):
+            lResults.append('TElength: %s' % dEvidence['length'])
+        if dEvidence.has_key('TR') and (dEvidence['TR'] != None):
+            lResults.append('TermRepeats: %s' % ", ".join(map(str, dEvidence['TR'])))    
+        if dEvidence.has_key('ORF') and (dEvidence['ORF'] != None):
+            lResults.append('ORF: %s' % ", ".join(dEvidence['ORF']))        
+        if dEvidence.has_key('SSR') and (dEvidence['SSR'] != None):
+            lResults.append('SSR: %s' % ", ".join(dEvidence['SSR']))
+        if dEvidence.has_key('SSRCoverage') and (dEvidence['SSRCoverage'] != None) :
+            lResults.append('SSRCoverage=%s' % dEvidence['SSRCoverage'])
+        if dEvidence.has_key('polyAtail'):
+            lResults.append('polyAtail')   
+        if dEvidence.has_key('helitronExtremities') and (dEvidence['helitronExtremities'] != None):
+            lResults.append('helitronExtremities: %s' % ", ".join(map(str, dEvidence['helitronExtremities'])))
+        if len(lResults) != 0:
+            self._hasStructPart = True        
+        return lResults
+    def _decisionRuleForWickerCode(self, teClass, order):
+        code = 'NA'
+        if order in DWICKERCODE.keys():
+            code = DWICKERCODE[order]
+        elif teClass in DWICKERCODE.keys():
+            code = DWICKERCODE[teClass]
+        elif order == "Unclassified" and teClass == "Unclassified":
+            code = "NA"
+        elif re.search("\|", order) and teClass == "Unclassified":
+            code = "XXX"
+        elif re.search("\|", order) and re.search("\|",teClass):
+            lClass = teClass.split("|")
+            for iC in lClass[1:]:
+                if lClass[0] != iC:
+                    code = "XXX"
+                    return code
+            code = DWICKERCODE[lClass[0]]
+        return code
+    def renameLARDTRIMAndMITE(self):
+        order = self.getConsensusOrder()
+        order = order.replace("MITE", "TIR-MITE")
+        order = order.replace("LARD", "LTR-LARD")
+        order = order.replace("TRIM", "LTR-TRIM")
+        self.setConsensusOrder(order)
+        dEvidence = self.getInfoEvidence()
+        if 'LARD' in dEvidence.keys():
+            dEvidence["LTR-LARD"] = dEvidence["LARD"]
+            del dEvidence["LARD"]
+        if 'TRIM' in dEvidence.keys():
+            dEvidence["LTR-TRIM"] = dEvidence["TRIM"]
+            del dEvidence["TRIM"]
+        if 'MITE' in dEvidence.keys():
+            dEvidence["TIR-MITE"] = dEvidence["MITE"]
+            del dEvidence["MITE"]
+        self.setInfoEvidence(dEvidence)
\ No newline at end of file