diff TEisotools-1.1.a/commons/core/coord/SetUtils.py @ 13:feef9a0db09d draft

author urgi-team
date Wed, 20 Jul 2016 09:04:42 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TEisotools-1.1.a/commons/core/coord/SetUtils.py	Wed Jul 20 09:04:42 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+# Copyright INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
+# http://www.inra.fr
+# http://urgi.versailles.inra.fr
+# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use, 
+# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+# "http://www.cecill.info". 
+# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
+# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
+# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
+# liability. 
+# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
+# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
+# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or 
+# data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the 
+# same conditions as regards security. 
+# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
+from commons.core.coord.Set import Set
+## Static methods for the manipulation of Set instances
+class SetUtils( object ):
+    ## Change the identifier of each Set instance in the given list
+    #
+    # @param lSets list of Set instances
+    # @param newId new identifier
+    #
+    def changeIdInList(lSets, newId):
+        for iSet in lSets:
+            iSet.id = newId
+    changeIdInList = staticmethod( changeIdInList )
+    ## Return the length of the overlap between two lists of Set instances
+    #
+    # @param lSets1 list of Set instances
+    # @param lSets2 list of Set instances
+    # @return length of overlap
+    # @warning sequence names are supposed to be identical
+    #
+    def getOverlapLengthBetweenLists(lSets1, lSets2):
+        lSet1Sorted = SetUtils.getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenMax(lSets1)
+        lSet2Sorted = SetUtils.getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenMax(lSets2)
+        osize = 0
+        i = 0
+        j = 0
+        while i!= len(lSet1Sorted):
+            while j!= len(lSet2Sorted) and lSet1Sorted[i].getMin()>lSet2Sorted[j].getMax()\
+                and not(lSet1Sorted[i].isOverlapping(lSet2Sorted[j])):
+                j+=1
+            jj=j
+            while jj!= len(lSet2Sorted) and lSet1Sorted[i].isOverlapping(lSet2Sorted[jj]):
+                osize+=lSet1Sorted[i].getOverlapLength(lSet2Sorted[jj])
+                jj+=1
+            i+=1
+        return osize
+    getOverlapLengthBetweenLists = staticmethod( getOverlapLengthBetweenLists )
+    ## Return True if the two lists of Set instances overlap, False otherwise    
+    #
+    # @param lSets1 list of Set instances
+    # @param lSets2 list of Set instances
+    #    
+    def areSetsOverlappingBetweenLists( lSets1, lSets2 ):
+        lSet1Sorted = SetUtils.getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenMax(lSets1)
+        lSet2Sorted = SetUtils.getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenMax(lSets2)
+        i=0
+        j=0
+        while i!= len(lSet1Sorted):
+            while j!= len(lSet2Sorted) and lSet1Sorted[i].getMin()>lSet2Sorted[j].getMax()\
+                and not(lSet1Sorted[i].isOverlapping(lSet2Sorted[j])):
+                j+=1
+            if j!= len(lSet2Sorted) and lSet1Sorted[i].isOverlapping(lSet2Sorted[j]):
+                return True
+            i+=1
+        return False
+    areSetsOverlappingBetweenLists = staticmethod( areSetsOverlappingBetweenLists )
+    ## Merge all overlapping Set instances between two lists of Set and give the next identifier 
+    #
+    # @param lSets1 list of Set instances
+    # @param lSets2 list of Set instances
+    # @param max_id start id value for inserting new Set
+    # @return a new list of the merged Set instances and the next identifier
+    # 
+    def getListOfMergedSetsAndNextId(lSets1, lSets2, max_id=0):
+        lSets_merged = []
+        list2merge = SetUtils.getListOfIdListOfOverlappingSets ( lSets1,lSets2 )
+        idlist1 = SetUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey(lSets1)
+        idlist2 = SetUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey(lSets2)
+        if max_id == 0:
+            max_id = max(idlist1.keys()) + 1
+        for i in list2merge:
+            if i == []:
+                continue
+            l = []
+            min_id = max(i)
+            for j in i:
+                if j>0:
+                    if min_id>j:
+                        min_id=j
+                    l.extend(idlist1[j])
+                    del idlist1[j]
+                else:
+                    l.extend(idlist2[j*-1])
+                    del idlist2[j*-1]
+            l = SetUtils.mergeSetsInList(l)
+            SetUtils.changeIdInList(l, min_id)
+            lSets_merged.extend(l)
+        for id, alist in idlist1.items():
+            lSets_merged.extend(alist)
+        for id,alist in idlist2.items():
+            SetUtils.changeIdInList(alist,max_id)
+            lSets_merged.extend(alist)
+            max_id+=1
+        return lSets_merged, max_id
+    getListOfMergedSetsAndNextId = staticmethod ( getListOfMergedSetsAndNextId )
+#    ## Concatenate two Set instance lists and give the next identifier 
+#    #
+#    # @param lSets1 list of Set instances
+#    # @param lSets2 list of Set instances
+#    # @param maxId start id value for inserting new Set
+#    # @return a new list of Set instances and the next identifier
+#    # 
+#    @staticmethod
+#    def getSetsListOfTwoConcatenatedSetsListAndNextId(lSets1, lSets2, maxId = 0):
+#        lOutSets = lSets1
+#        dId2SetsList2 = SetUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey(lSets2)
+#        if maxId == 0:
+#            dId2SetsList1 = SetUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey(lSets1)
+#            maxId = max(dId2SetsList1.keys())
+#        for lSets in dId2SetsList2.values():
+#            SetUtils.changeIdInList(lSets, maxId)
+#            lOutSets.extend(lSets)
+#            maxId += 1
+#        return lOutSets, maxId
+    ## Return the sum of the length of each Set instance in the given list
+    #
+    # @param lSets: list of Set instances
+    #
+    def getCumulLength(lSets):
+        length = 0
+        for i in lSets:
+            length += i.getLength()
+        return length
+    getCumulLength = staticmethod( getCumulLength )
+    ## Return a tuple with min and max coordinates of Set instances in the given list
+    #
+    # @param lSets list of Set instances
+    # 
+    def getListBoundaries(lSets):
+        qmin = -1
+        qmax = -1
+        for iSet in lSets:
+            if qmin == -1:
+                qmin = iSet.start
+            qmin = min(qmin, iSet.getMin())
+            qmax = max(qmax, iSet.getMax())
+        return (qmin, qmax)
+    getListBoundaries = staticmethod( getListBoundaries )
+    ## Show Set instances contained in the given list
+    #
+    # @param lSets list of Set instances
+    # 
+    def showList(lSets):
+        for iSet in lSets:
+            iSet.show()
+    showList = staticmethod( showList )
+    ## Write Set instances contained in the given list
+    #
+    # @param lSets list of Set instances
+    # @param fileName a file name
+    # @param mode the open mode of the file '"w"' or '"a"' 
+    #
+    def writeListInFile(lSets, fileName, mode="w"):
+        fileHandler = open(fileName, mode)
+        for iSet in lSets:
+            iSet.write(fileHandler)
+        fileHandler.close()
+    writeListInFile = staticmethod( writeListInFile )
+    ## Split a Set list in several Set lists according to the identifier
+    #
+    # @param lSets list of Set instances
+    # @return a dictionary which keys are identifiers and values Set lists
+    #
+    def getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey(lSets):
+        dId2SetList = {}
+        for iSet in lSets:
+            if dId2SetList.has_key(iSet.id):
+                dId2SetList[iSet.id].append(iSet)
+            else:
+                dId2SetList[iSet.id] = [iSet]
+        return dId2SetList
+    getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey = staticmethod( getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey )
+    ## Split a Set list in several Set lists according to the identifier
+    #
+    # @param lSets list of Set instances
+    # @return a dictionary which keys are identifiers and values Set lists
+    #
+    def getDictOfListsWithIdAsKeyFromFile( setFile ):
+        dId2SetList = {}
+        setFileHandler = open( setFile, "r" )
+        while True:
+            line = setFileHandler.readline()
+            if line == "":
+                break
+            iSet = Set()
+            iSet.setFromTuple( line[:-1].split("\t") )
+            if not dId2SetList.has_key( iSet.id ):
+                dId2SetList[ iSet.id ] = []
+            dId2SetList[ iSet.id ].append( iSet )
+        setFileHandler.close()
+        return dId2SetList
+    getDictOfListsWithIdAsKeyFromFile = staticmethod( getDictOfListsWithIdAsKeyFromFile )
+    ## Return a Map list from the given Set List
+    #
+    # @param lSets list of Set instances
+    # 
+    def getMapListFromSetList(lSets):
+        lMaps = []
+        for iSet in lSets:
+            lMaps.append(iSet.set2map())
+        return lMaps
+    getMapListFromSetList = staticmethod( getMapListFromSetList )
+    ## Construct a Set list from a Map list
+    #
+    # @param lMaps list of Map instances
+    # 
+    def getSetListFromMapList(lMaps):
+        lSets = []
+        c = 0
+        for iMap in lMaps:
+            c += 1
+            lSets.append( Set(c, iMap.name, iMap.seqname, iMap.start, iMap.end) )
+        return lSets
+    getSetListFromMapList = staticmethod( getSetListFromMapList )
+    ## Merge all overlapping Set instances in a list without considering the identifiers.
+    #  Start by sorting Set instances by their increasing Min coordinate.
+    #
+    # @return: a new list of the merged Set instances
+    #
+    def mergeSetsInList(lSets):
+        l=[]
+        if len(lSets)==0:
+            return l
+        lSortedSets = SetUtils.getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenInvLength( lSets )
+        prev_count = 0
+        for iSet in lSortedSets[0:]:
+            if prev_count != len(lSortedSets):
+                for i in lSortedSets[ prev_count + 1: ]:
+                    if iSet.isOverlapping( i ):
+                        iSet.merge( i )
+                IsAlreadyInList = False
+                for newSet in l:
+                    if newSet.isOverlapping( iSet ):
+                        IsAlreadyInList = True
+                        newSet.merge( iSet )
+                        l [ l.index( newSet ) ] = newSet
+                if not IsAlreadyInList:
+                    l.append( iSet )
+                prev_count += 1
+        return l
+    mergeSetsInList = staticmethod( mergeSetsInList )
+    ## Unjoin a Set list according to another
+    #
+    # @param lToKeep: a list of Set instances to keep 
+    # @param lToUnjoin: a list of Set instances to unjoin
+    # @return: lToUnjoin split in several list
+    #    
+    def getSetListUnjoined(lToKeep, lToUnjoin):
+        lSortedToKeep = SetUtils.getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenMax( lToKeep )
+        lSortedToUnjoin = SetUtils.getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenMax( lToUnjoin )
+        if lSortedToUnjoin == []:
+            return []
+        if lSortedToKeep == []:
+            return [ lSortedToUnjoin ]
+        i=0
+        resultListSet=[]
+        while i<len(lSortedToKeep):
+            j1=0
+            while j1<len(lSortedToUnjoin) and lSortedToKeep[i].getMin() > lSortedToUnjoin[j1].getMax():
+                j1+=1
+            if j1==len(lSortedToUnjoin):
+                break
+            if j1!=0:
+                resultListSet.append(lSortedToUnjoin[:j1])
+                del lSortedToUnjoin[:j1]
+                j1=0
+            if i+1==len(lSortedToKeep):
+                break
+            j2=j1
+            if j2<len(lSortedToUnjoin) and lSortedToKeep[i+1].getMin() > lSortedToUnjoin[j2].getMax():
+                while j2<len(lSortedToUnjoin) and lSortedToKeep[i+1].getMin() > lSortedToUnjoin[j2].getMax():
+                    j2+=1
+                resultListSet.append(lSortedToUnjoin[j1:j2])
+                del lSortedToUnjoin[j1:j2]
+            i+=1
+        if resultListSet!=[] or i == 0:
+            resultListSet.append(lSortedToUnjoin)
+        return resultListSet
+    getSetListUnjoined = staticmethod(getSetListUnjoined)
+    ## Return new list of Set instances with no duplicate
+    #
+    # @param lSets list of Set instances
+    #
+    def getSetListWithoutDuplicates( lSets ):
+        if len(lSets) < 2:
+            return lSets
+        lSortedSet = SetUtils.getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenMax( lSets )
+        lUniqSet = [ lSortedSet[0] ]
+        for iSet in lSortedSet[1:]:
+            if iSet != lUniqSet[-1]:
+                lUniqSet.append( iSet )
+        return lUniqSet
+    getSetListWithoutDuplicates = staticmethod( getSetListWithoutDuplicates )
+    ## Return a list of Set instances sorted in increasing order according to the Min, then the Max, and finally their initial order
+    #
+    # @param lSets: list of Set instances
+    #
+    def getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenMax( lSets ):
+        return sorted( lSets, key=lambda iSet: ( iSet.getMin(), iSet.getMax() ) )
+    getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenMax = staticmethod( getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenMax )
+    ## Return a list of Set instances sorted in increasing order according to the min, then the inverse of the length, and finally their initial order
+    #
+    # @param lSets: list of Set instances
+    #
+    def getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenInvLength( lSets ):
+        return sorted( lSets, key=lambda iSet: ( iSet.getMin(), 1 / float(iSet.getLength()) ) )
+    getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenInvLength = staticmethod( getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenInvLength )
+    ## Return a list of Set instances sorted in increasing order according to the SeqName, then the Name, then the Min, then the Max and finally their initial order
+    #
+    # @param lSets: list of Set instances
+    #   
+    def getSetListSortedBySeqThenRegionThenMinThenMax(lSets):
+        return sorted(lSets, key=lambda iSet: (iSet.getSeqname(), iSet.getName(), iSet.getMin(), iSet.getMax()))
+    getSetListSortedBySeqThenRegionThenMinThenMax = staticmethod(getSetListSortedBySeqThenRegionThenMinThenMax)
+    ## Return a list of identifier lists of overlapping Sets from the subject list, according to the reference list
+    #
+    # @param lRef list of Set instances
+    # @param lSubject list of Set instances
+    #
+    def getListOfIdListOfOverlappingSets(lRef,lSubject):
+        lSortedRef = SetUtils.getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenMax( lRef )
+        lSortedSubject = SetUtils.getSetListSortedByIncreasingMinThenMax( lSubject )
+        lOverlappingSet = []
+        lOverlappingSetCounter = 0
+        id2LOverlappingSet_pos = {}
+        i = 0
+        j = 0
+        while i!= len(lSortedRef):
+            while j!= len(lSortedSubject) and lSortedRef[i].getMin()>lSortedSubject[j].getMax()\
+                and not(lSortedRef[i].isOverlapping(lSortedSubject[j])\
+                      and lSortedRef[i].isOnDirectStrand()==lSortedSubject[j].isOnDirectStrand()):
+                j+=1
+            jj=j
+            while jj!= len(lSortedSubject) and lSortedRef[i].isOverlapping(lSortedSubject[jj])\
+                  and lSortedRef[i].isOnDirectStrand()==lSortedSubject[jj].isOnDirectStrand():
+                id1=lSortedRef[i].id
+                id2=lSortedSubject[jj].id*-1
+                if id2LOverlappingSet_pos.has_key(id1) \
+                   and not id2LOverlappingSet_pos.has_key(id2):
+                    lOverlappingSet[id2LOverlappingSet_pos[id1]].append(id2)
+                    id2LOverlappingSet_pos[id2]=id2LOverlappingSet_pos[id1]
+                if id2LOverlappingSet_pos.has_key(id2) \
+                   and not id2LOverlappingSet_pos.has_key(id1):
+                    lOverlappingSet[id2LOverlappingSet_pos[id2]].append(id1)
+                    id2LOverlappingSet_pos[id1]=id2LOverlappingSet_pos[id2]
+                if not id2LOverlappingSet_pos.has_key(id2) \
+                   and not id2LOverlappingSet_pos.has_key(id1):
+                    lOverlappingSet.append([id1,id2])
+                    id2LOverlappingSet_pos[id1]=lOverlappingSetCounter
+                    id2LOverlappingSet_pos[id2]=lOverlappingSetCounter
+                    lOverlappingSetCounter+=1
+                jj+=1
+            i+=1
+        return lOverlappingSet
+    getListOfIdListOfOverlappingSets = staticmethod (getListOfIdListOfOverlappingSets)
+    ## Return a list of sets without overlapping between two lists of sets
+    #
+    # @param lSet1 and lSet2 
+    #
+    def getListOfSetWithoutOverlappingBetweenTwoListOfSet(lSet1, lSet2):
+        for i in lSet1:
+            for idx,j in enumerate(lSet2):
+                n=j.diff(i)
+                if not n.isEmpty() and n.getLength()>=20:
+                    lSet2.append(n)
+        lSet2WithoutOverlaps=[]
+        for i in lSet2:
+            if not i.isEmpty() and i.getLength()>=20:
+                lSet2WithoutOverlaps.append(i)
+        return lSet2WithoutOverlaps
+    getListOfSetWithoutOverlappingBetweenTwoListOfSet = staticmethod (getListOfSetWithoutOverlappingBetweenTwoListOfSet)
+    ## Return a Set list from a Set file
+    #
+    # @param setFile string name of a Set file
+    # @return a list of Set instances
+    #
+    def getSetListFromFile( setFile ):
+        lSets = []
+        setFileHandler = open( setFile, "r" )
+        while True:
+            line = setFileHandler.readline()
+            if line == "":
+                break
+            iSet = Set()
+            iSet.setFromString( line )
+            lSets.append( iSet )
+        setFileHandler.close()
+        return lSets
+    getSetListFromFile = staticmethod( getSetListFromFile )
+    def convertSetFileIntoMapFile( setFile, mapFile ):
+        setFileHandler = open( setFile, "r" )
+        mapFileHandler = open( mapFile, "w" )
+        iSet = Set()
+        while True:
+            line = setFileHandler.readline()
+            if line == "":
+                break
+            iSet.setFromString( line )
+            iMap = iSet.getMapInstance()
+            iMap.write( mapFileHandler )
+        setFileHandler.close()
+        mapFileHandler.close()
+    convertSetFileIntoMapFile = staticmethod( convertSetFileIntoMapFile )
+    def getDictOfListsWithSeqnameAsKey( lSets ):
+        dSeqnamesToSetList = {}
+        for iSet in lSets:
+            if not dSeqnamesToSetList.has_key( iSet.seqname ):
+                dSeqnamesToSetList[ iSet.seqname ] = []
+            dSeqnamesToSetList[ iSet.seqname ].append( iSet )
+        return dSeqnamesToSetList
+    getDictOfListsWithSeqnameAsKey = staticmethod( getDictOfListsWithSeqnameAsKey )
+    def filterOnLength( lSets, minLength=0, maxLength=10000000000 ):
+        if minLength == 0 and maxLength == 0:
+            return lSets
+        lFiltered = []
+        for iSet in lSets:
+            if minLength <= iSet.getLength() <= maxLength:
+                lFiltered.append( iSet )
+        return lFiltered
+    filterOnLength = staticmethod( filterOnLength )
+    def getListOfNames( setFile ):
+        lNames = []
+        setFileHandler = open( setFile, "r" )
+        iSet = Set()
+        while True:
+            line = setFileHandler.readline()
+            if line == "":
+                break
+            iSet.setFromTuple( line[:-1].split("\t") )
+            if iSet.name not in lNames:
+                lNames.append( iSet.name )
+        setFileHandler.close()
+        return lNames
+    getListOfNames = staticmethod( getListOfNames )
+    def getDictOfDictsWithNamesThenIdAsKeyFromFile( setFile ):
+        dNames2DictsId = {}
+        setFileHandler = open( setFile, "r" )
+        while True:
+            line = setFileHandler.readline()
+            if line == "":
+                break
+            iSet = Set()
+            iSet.setFromTuple( line[:-1].split("\t") )
+            if not dNames2DictsId.has_key( iSet.name ):
+                dNames2DictsId[ iSet.name ] = { iSet.id: [ iSet ] }
+            else:
+                if not dNames2DictsId[ iSet.name ].has_key( iSet.id ):
+                    dNames2DictsId[ iSet.name ][ iSet.id ] = [ iSet ]
+                else:
+                    dNames2DictsId[ iSet.name ][ iSet.id ].append( iSet )
+        setFileHandler.close()
+        return dNames2DictsId
+    getDictOfDictsWithNamesThenIdAsKeyFromFile = staticmethod( getDictOfDictsWithNamesThenIdAsKeyFromFile )