diff TEisotools-1.1.a/TEiso/LaunchTEiso.py @ 16:836ce3d9d47a draft default tip

author urgi-team
date Thu, 21 Jul 2016 07:42:47 -0400
parents 255c852351c5
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/TEisotools-1.1.a/TEiso/LaunchTEiso.py	Thu Jul 21 07:36:44 2016 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,503 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
-# http://www.inra.fr
-# http://urgi.versailles.inra.fr
-# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
-# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
-# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
-# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
-# "http://www.cecill.info".
-# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
-# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
-# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
-# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
-# liability.
-# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
-# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
-# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
-# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
-# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
-# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
-# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
-# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
-# data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
-# same conditions as regards security.
-# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
-# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
-from commons.core.parsing.GtfParser import GtfParser
-from commons.core.parsing.GffParser import GffParser
-from TEiso.Bowtie_build import Bowtie_build
-from TEiso.Tophat import Tophat
-from TEiso.Cufflinks import Cufflinks
-from TEiso.Cuffcompare import Cuffcompare
-from TEiso.Bedtools_closest import Bedtools_closest
-from commons.core.LoggerFactory import LoggerFactory
-from commons.core.utils.RepetOptionParser import RepetOptionParser
-from commons.core.utils.FileUtils import FileUtils
-import os
-import time
-import re
-import sys
-LOG_NAME = "repet.TEiso"
-class LaunchTEiso(object):
-    def __init__(self, reference="", input_transcripts="", single_paired="", single_reads="", left_reads="", right_reads="", transposable_element = "", assembly_tool="", verbosity=3):
-        self._reference = reference
-        self._transcripts = input_transcripts
-        self._type = single_paired
-        self._single_reads = single_reads.split(",")
-        self._left_reads = left_reads.split(",")
-        self._right_reads = right_reads.split(",")
-        self._TE = transposable_element
-        self._assembly_tool = assembly_tool
-        self._verbosity = verbosity
-        self._log = LoggerFactory.createLogger("%s.%s" % (LOG_NAME, self.__class__.__name__), self._verbosity)
-    def _setAttributesFromCmdLine(self):
-        self._toolVersion = "0.1"
-        description = "TEiso version %s" % self._toolVersion
-        epilog = "\n if reads are single:\n     LaunchTEiso.py -f <genome.fa> -g <transcripts.gtf> -e single -s <single_read> -t <TE.gff> -a cufflinks  \n"
-        epilog += " if reads are paired:\n      LaunchTEiso.py -f <genome.fa> -g <transcripts.gtf> -e paired -l <reads_left> -r <reads_right> -t <TE.gff> -a cufflinks  \n"
-        parser = RepetOptionParser(description = description, epilog = epilog, version = self._toolVersion) 
-        parser.add_option('-f' , '--input_reference'  , dest='input_reference'  , help='file with ref sequences')
-        parser.add_option('-g' , '--input_transcripts', dest='input_transcripts', help='GTF/GFF with known transcripts'    , default="")
-        parser.add_option('-e' , '--single_paired'    , dest='single_paired'    , help='type of input reads, single or paired end', default="paired")
-        parser.add_option('-s' , '--single_read'      , dest='single_read'    , help='a single input read'               , default="")
-        parser.add_option('-l', '--left_read'        , dest='left_read'        , help='left reads'                        , default="")
-        parser.add_option('-r', '--right_read'       , dest='right_read'       , help='right reads'                       , default="")
-        parser.add_option('-t' , '--input_transposable_element', dest='input_transposable_element', help='GFF with known transposable_element'    , default="")
-        parser.add_option('-a' , '--assembly_tool'    , dest='assembly_tool'    , help='type of RNA-Seq assembly tool'     , default="cufflinks")
-        options = parser.parse_args()[0]
-        self.setAttributesFromOptions(options)
-    def setAttributesFromOptions(self, options):
-        self._reference = options.input_reference
-        self._transcripts = options.input_transcripts
-        self._type = options.single_paired
-        self._single_reads = options.single_read.split(",")
-        self._left_reads = options.left_read.split(",")
-        self._right_reads = options.right_read.split(",")
-        self._TE = options.input_transposable_element
-        self._assembly_tool = options.assembly_tool
-    def _logAndRaise(self, errorMsg):
-        self._log.error(errorMsg)
-        #raise Exception(errorMsg)
-	sys.exit(1)
-    def checkOptions(self):
-        if self._type == "paired":
-            if self._single_reads != ['']:
-		self._logAndRaise("ERROR: for paired reads, you shoud use option left and right reads!")
-	    if self._left_reads == ['']:
-                self._logAndRaise("ERROR: for paired reads, you shoud use option left and right reads!")
-	    if self._right_reads == ['']:
-                self._logAndRaise("ERROR: for paired reads, you shoud use option left and right reads!")
-	    if self._right_reads == self._left_reads:
-                self._logAndRaise("ERROR: -l and -r options are same!")
-	if self._type == "single":
-	    if self._left_reads != ['']:
-		self._logAndRaise("ERROR: for single reads, you shoud use option single reads!")
-	    if self._right_reads != ['']:
-		self._logAndRaise("ERROR: for single reads, you shoud use option single reads!")
-	    if self._single_reads == ['']:
-		self._logAndRaise("ERROR: for single reads, you shoud use option single reads!")
-	if self._reference != "":
-            if not FileUtils.isRessourceExists(self._reference):
-                self._logAndRaise("ERROR: reference file %s does not exist!" % self._reference)
-        else:
-            self._logAndRaise("ERROR: No specified -f option!")
-	if self._transcripts != "":
-            if not FileUtils.isRessourceExists(self._transcripts):
-                self._logAndRaise("ERROR: transcripts file %s does not exist!" % self._transcripts)
-        else:
-            self._logAndRaise("ERROR: No specified -g option!")
-	if self._TE != "":
-            if not FileUtils.isRessourceExists(self._TE):
-                self._logAndRaise("ERROR: transposable elements %s does not exist!" % self._TE)
-        else:
-            self._logAndRaise("ERROR: No specified -t option!")
-    def getTranscriptToBed(self, inputFile,outputFile):
-        try:
-            filewrite=open(outputFile, "w")
-            gtfParser = GtfParser(inputFile, assemblyTools=True)
-            for transcript in gtfParser.getIterator():
-                if(transcript.getDirection()==1):
-                    strand="+"
-                else:
-                    strand="-"
-                filewrite.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%.3f\n"  % (transcript.getChromosome(),transcript.getStart(),
-                transcript.getEnd(), transcript.getTagValue("ID"), transcript.getTagValue("gene_id"),
-                strand,float(transcript.getTagValue("FPKM")) ))
-            filewrite.close()
-        except:
-                self._logAndRaise("Couldn't open %s for writing" % outputFile)
-    def getTEGFFToBed(self, inputFile, outputFile):
-        """TODO Dont write bed line when the strand is '.'
-        See Gtf parser option assemblyTools 
-        """
-        try:
-            filewrite=open(outputFile, "w")
-            gffParser = GffParser(inputFile)
-            for transcript in gffParser.getIterator():
-                if(transcript.getDirection()==1):
-                    strand="+"
-                else:
-                    strand="-"
-                filewrite.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n"  % (transcript.getChromosome(),transcript.getStart(),
-                transcript.getEnd(), transcript.getTagValue("ID").split("_")[0]+"_", transcript.getTagValue("Target").split("_")[0], strand) )
-            filewrite.close()
-        except:
-            self._logAndRaise("Couldn't open %s for writing" % outputFile)
-    def getTEnearPromoter (self, bedtoolsfile):
-        #### BEdParser.py in commons is not used because the format of this bed file is different.
-#        #Chrom    starttr  endtr    transcript_id             gene_ID              strand    fpkm            chromte         startte endte   idte    targetTE             strandTE  distance 
-        #scaffold_1      37570   37785   GSSPFG00034586001-RA    GSSPFG00034586001       +       0.0000000000    scaffold_1      33914   40164   ms162_  PotentialHostGene       -       0
-        linelist = []
-        tmplist = []
-        with open(bedtoolsfile, "r") as bedFile:
-            for line in bedFile.readlines():
-                m = re.search(r"^\s*(\S+)\t+(\d+)\t+(\d+)\t+([^\t]+)\t+([^\t]+)\t+([+-])\t+(\d+\.\d+)\t+([^\t]+)+\t+(\d+)\t+(\d+)\t+([^\t]+)+\t+([^\t]+)\t+([+-])\t+([^\t]+)",line)
-                if(m != None):
-                    start_TR = int(m.group(2))##F[1]
-                    end_TR = int(m.group(3))##F[2]
-                    strand_TR= m.group(6) ##[5]
-                    start_TE = int(m.group(9))##[8]
-                    end_TE = int(m.group(10))##[9]
-                    dist = int(m.group(14))##[13]
-                    if (start_TE < start_TR) and (end_TE < start_TR) and (strand_TR =="+") and (end_TR > end_TE) and (end_TR > start_TE) and (dist != 0):
-                        tmplist.append(line.strip())
-                        tmplist.append("TE_closest_TSS")
-                        linelist.append(tmplist)
-                        tmplist = []
-            #                        F[1]   gene             F[2]
-            #                        =========================>
-            #         ------------
-            #        F[8]        F[9]
-                    if (start_TE > end_TR) and (end_TE > end_TR) and (strand_TR =="-") and (start_TR < start_TE) and (start_TR < end_TE) and (dist != 0):
-                        tmplist.append(line.strip())
-                        tmplist.append("TE_closest_TSS")
-                        linelist.append(tmplist)
-                        tmplist = []
-            #                        F[1]                F[2]
-            #                        <======================
-            #                                                    ---------------
-                    if (start_TE <= start_TR) and (start_TR < end_TE) and (strand_TR =="+") and (end_TR > end_TE) and (end_TR > start_TE):
-                        for i in range(0,len(line.split("\t"))-1):
-                            tmplist.append(line.split("\t")[i])
-                        overlap = (end_TE-start_TR)+1
-                        tmplist.append(overlap)
-                        tmplist.append("TE_overlap_TSS")
-                        linelist.append(tmplist)
-                        tmplist = []
-            #                        F[1]   gene             F[2]
-            #                        =========================>
-            #                 -------------
-            #                F[8]        F[9]
-            #                                         gene
-            #                                F[1]=========================>F[2]
-            #                                F[8]---------------F[9]
-                    if (start_TE < start_TR) and (start_TR == end_TE) and (strand_TR =="+") and (end_TR > end_TE) and (end_TR > start_TE):
-                        for i in range(0,len(line.split("\t"))-1):
-                            tmplist.append(line.split("\t")[i])
-                        tmplist.append(0)
-                        tmplist.append("TE_overlap_TSS")
-                        linelist.append(tmplist)
-                        tmplist = []
-            ##                                F[1]=============================>F[2]
-            ##                 F[8]---------------F[9]
-                    if (start_TE < end_TR) and (end_TR <= end_TE) and (strand_TR =="-") and (start_TR < start_TE) and (start_TR < end_TE):
-                        for i in range(0,len(line.split("\t"))-1):
-                            tmplist.append(line.split("\t")[i])
-                        overlap = (end_TR-start_TE)+1
-                        tmplist.append(overlap)
-                        tmplist.append("TE_overlap_TSS")
-                        linelist.append(tmplist)
-                        tmplist = []
-            #                        F[1]<======================F[2]
-            #                                           ---------------
-            #                                        F[8]           F[9]
-            #
-            #
-            #                    F[1]<=============================F[2]
-            #                                   F[8]---------------F[9]
-                    if (start_TE == end_TR) and (end_TR < end_TE) and (strand_TR =="-") and (start_TR < start_TE) and (start_TR < end_TE):
-                        for i in range(0,len(line.split("\t"))-1):
-                            tmplist.append(line.split("\t")[i])
-                        tmplist.append(0)
-                        tmplist.append("TE_overlap_TSS")
-                        linelist.append(tmplist)
-                        tmplist = []
-            #                                                F[1]<=============================F[2]
-            #                                                                                F[8]---------------F[9]
-                    if (start_TR < start_TE) and (start_TR < end_TE) and (start_TE < end_TR) and (end_TE < end_TR) and (dist == 0):
-                        tmplist.append(line.strip())
-                        tmplist.append("TE_in_gene")
-                        linelist.append(tmplist)
-                        tmplist = []
-            #                        F[1]            gene          F[2]
-            #                        ==============================
-            #                                 -----------
-            #                                F[8]        F[9]
-                    if (start_TE < start_TR) and (start_TR < end_TE) and (start_TE < end_TR) and (end_TR < end_TE):
-                        for i in range(0,len(line.split("\t"))-1):
-                            tmplist.append(line.split("\t")[i])
-                        lenTE = (end_TE-start_TE)+1
-                        tmplist.append(lenTE)
-                        tmplist.append("gene_in_TE")
-                        linelist.append(tmplist)
-                        tmplist = []
-            #                        F[1]======================F[2]
-            #        F[8]----------------------------------------------------F[9]
-                    if (strand_TR =="+") and (start_TR > start_TE) and (start_TR < end_TE) and (start_TE < end_TR) and (end_TE == end_TR):
-                        tmplist.append(line.strip())
-                        tmplist.append("gene_in_TE")
-                        linelist.append(tmplist)
-                        tmplist = []
-            #                                                                F[1]==================================>F[2]
-            #                                        F[8]----------------------------------------------------------F[9]
-                    if (strand_TR =="-") and (start_TR > start_TE) and (start_TR < end_TE) and (start_TE < end_TR) and (end_TE == end_TR):
-                        tmplist.append(line.strip())
-                        tmplist.append("gene_in_TE")
-                        linelist.append(tmplist)
-                        tmplist = []
-            #                                                                F[1]<==================================F[2]
-            #                                        F[8]----------------------------------------------------------F[9]
-                    if (strand_TR =="+") and (start_TR == start_TE) and (start_TR < end_TE) and (start_TE < end_TR) and (end_TE > end_TR):
-                        tmplist.append(line.strip())
-                        tmplist.append("gene_in_TE")
-                        linelist.append(tmplist)
-                        tmplist = []
-            #                                                                F[1]==================================>F[2]
-            #                                                                F[8]----------------------------------------------------------F[9]
-                    if (strand_TR =="-") and (start_TR == start_TE) and (start_TR < end_TE) and (start_TE < end_TR) and (end_TE > end_TR):
-                        tmplist.append(line.strip())
-                        tmplist.append("gene_in_TE")
-                        linelist.append(tmplist)
-                        tmplist = []
-            #                                                                F[1]<==================================F[2]
-            #                                                                F[8]----------------------------------------------------------F[9]
-        favorablecases = "%s_TSSoverlaps_and_TE_closest_TSS_and_inclus_ALL" % bedtoolsfile 
-        w = open(favorablecases,'w')
-        for s in linelist:
-            line= "\t".join(str(item) for item in s)
-            w.write("%s\n" % line)
-        w.close()
-    def getClassCodeCuffcompare(self, tmap_file, bedtools_file):
-        class_code_dic = {}
-        lcode_ref = []
-        tmp = []
-        linetowrite =[]
-        with open(tmap_file) as tmap:
-                tmapline = tmap.readlines()
-                for i in range(1,len(tmapline)):
-                    cuff_id = tmapline[i].split("\t")[4].strip()
-                    class_code = tmapline[i].split("\t")[2].strip()
-                    ref_id = tmapline[i].split("\t")[1].strip()
-                    lcode_ref.append(class_code)
-                    lcode_ref.append(ref_id)
-                    class_code_dic[cuff_id] = lcode_ref
-                    lcode_ref = []
-        with open(bedtools_file) as bedtools:
-            bedtoolsline = bedtools.readlines()
-            for i in xrange(0,len(bedtoolsline)):
-                tmp = bedtoolsline[i].strip().split("\t")
-                transcript_bedtools = bedtoolsline[i].split("\t")[3].strip()
-                if transcript_bedtools in class_code_dic.keys():
-                    tmp.append(class_code_dic[transcript_bedtools][0])
-                    tmp.append(class_code_dic[transcript_bedtools][1])
-                else:
-                    tmp.append("NA")
-                    tmp.append("NA")
-                linetowrite.append(tmp)
-                tmp=[]
-        output = "%s_with_Ref" % bedtools_file
-        w = open(output,'w')
-        line = ""                
-        for i in xrange(0,len(linetowrite)):
-            for j in range(0,17):
-                line = line + linetowrite[i][j] + "\t"
-            w.write(line)
-            w.write("\n")  
-            line = ""
-        w.close()    
-    def run(self):
-	self.checkOptions()
-        try:
-            LoggerFactory.setLevel(self._log, self._verbosity)
-            exeDir = os.getcwd()
-            workingDir = "out_TEiso_%s" % time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
-            if os.path.exists(workingDir):
-                self._logAndRaise("ERROR: %s already exists." % workingDir)
-            os.mkdir(workingDir)
-	    referencefile = os.path.abspath(self._reference)
-	    transcriptsfile = os.path.abspath(self._transcripts)
-	    TEfile = os.path.abspath(self._TE)
-            print "workingDir >>>>> ",workingDir
-	    os.symlink("%s" % os.path.abspath(self._reference), "%s/%s" % (workingDir, os.path.basename(self._reference)))
-            os.symlink("%s" % os.path.abspath(self._transcripts), "%s/%s" % (workingDir, os.path.basename(self._transcripts)))
-            os.chdir(workingDir)
-            bowtie_build_Dir = "bowtie_build"
-            prefixbowtie = os.path.basename(self._reference).split(".")[0]
-	    iLaunchBowtie = Bowtie_build(referencefile, prefixbowtie, bowtie_build_Dir)
-            iLaunchBowtie.run()
-            os.chdir(exeDir)
-            self._log.info("Indexing genome is finished!!!!")
-            tophat_Dir = "tophat"
-	    if self._type == "single":
-                l_single_reads = []
-                for reads in range(0, len(self._single_reads)):
-                    os.symlink("%s" % os.path.abspath(self._single_reads[reads]), "%s/%s" % (workingDir, os.path.basename(self._single_reads[reads])))
-                    filename = os.path.splitext(self._single_reads[reads])[0]
-                    filetype = os.path.splitext(self._single_reads[reads])[1]
-                    if filetype == ".gz":
-                        os.system("gunzip -c %s > %s/%s" % (self._single_reads[reads], workingDir, os.path.basename(filename)))
-                    if filetype == ".bz2":
-                        os.system("bunzip2 -c %s > %s/%s" % (os.path.abspath(self._single_reads[reads]), workingDir, os.path.basename(filename)))
-                    if filetype ==".fq":
-                        filename = self._single_reads[reads]
-                    l_single_reads.append("%s" % os.path.basename(filename))
-                bowtiePrefix = "%s/%s" % (bowtie_build_Dir, prefixbowtie)
-                path = ("%s/%s") % (exeDir,workingDir)
-                os.chdir(path)
-                iLaunchTophat = Tophat(tophat_Dir, bowtiePrefix, self._type, l_single_reads, self._left_reads, self._right_reads)
-                iLaunchTophat.run()
-            if self._type == "paired":
-                l_left_reads  = []
-                l_right_reads = []
-                for reads in range(0, len(self._left_reads)):
-                    os.symlink("%s" % os.path.abspath(self._left_reads[reads]), "%s/%s" % (workingDir, os.path.basename(self._left_reads[reads])))
-                    filename = os.path.splitext(self._left_reads[reads])[0] 
-                    filetype = os.path.splitext(self._left_reads[reads])[1]                    
-		    ##TODO : check type input file: mimetypes.guess_type(self._single_reads[reads])
-                    if filetype == ".gz":
-                        os.system("gunzip -c %s > %s/%s" % (self._left_reads[reads],workingDir, os.path.basename(filename)))
-                    if filetype == ".bz2":
-                        os.system("bunzip2 -c %s > %s/%s" % (self._left_reads[reads],workingDir, os.path.basename(filename)))
-                    if filetype ==".fq":
-                        filename = self._left_reads[reads]
-		    l_left_reads.append("%s" % os.path.basename(filename))
-            	for reads in range(0, len(self._right_reads)):
-               	    os.symlink("%s" % os.path.abspath(self._right_reads[reads]), "%s/%s" % (workingDir, os.path.basename(self._right_reads[reads])))
-                    filename = os.path.splitext(self._right_reads[reads])[0]
-                    filetype = os.path.splitext(self._right_reads[reads])[1]
-                    if filetype == ".gz":
-                        os.system("gunzip -c %s > %s/%s" % (self._right_reads[reads],workingDir, os.path.basename(filename)))
-                    if filetype == ".bz2":
-                        os.system("bunzip2 -c %s > %s/%s" % (self._right_reads[reads],workingDir, os.path.basename(filename)))
-                    if filetype ==".fq":
-                        filename = self._right_reads[reads]
-		    l_right_reads.append("%s" % os.path.basename(filename))
-                bowtiePrefix = "%s/%s" % (bowtie_build_Dir, prefixbowtie)
-                path= ("%s/%s") % (exeDir,workingDir)
-              	os.chdir(path)
-                iLaunchTophat = Tophat(tophat_Dir, bowtiePrefix, self._type, self._single_reads, l_left_reads, l_right_reads)
-                iLaunchTophat.run()    
-            self._log.info("Mapping reads is finished!!!!")
-            if self._assembly_tool == "cufflinks":
-                cufflinks_Dir = "cufflinks"
-                accepted_hits = "%s/accepted_hits.bam" % tophat_Dir
-                iLaunchCufflinks = Cufflinks(accepted_hits, transcriptsfile , cufflinks_Dir)
-                iLaunchCufflinks.run()
-                self._log.info("%s is finished!!!!" % self._assembly_tool)
-                os.symlink("cufflinks/transcripts.gtf", "transcripts.gtf")
-                cuffcompare_Dir = "cuffcompare"
-                transcripts = "transcripts.gtf"
-                iLaunchCuffcompare = Cuffcompare(transcriptsfile, transcripts, outprefix = "cuffcompare", workingDir = cuffcompare_Dir)
-                iLaunchCuffcompare.run()
-                self._log.info("Cuffcompare is finished!!!!")
-            bedtools_closest_Dir = "bedtools_closest"
-            os.mkdir(bedtools_closest_Dir)
-            os.chdir(bedtools_closest_Dir)
-            transcriptsgtf = "%s_transcripts.gtf" % self._assembly_tool
-            os.symlink("../%s/transcripts.gtf" % self._assembly_tool,transcriptsgtf)
-            transcriptsbed = "%s_transcripts.bed" % self._assembly_tool
-            self.getTranscriptToBed(transcriptsgtf,transcriptsbed)
-            TEgff = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(TEfile)[0]) + ".gff3"
-            TEbed = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(TEfile)[0]) + ".bed"
-            os.symlink("%s" % TEfile,TEgff)
-            self.getTEGFFToBed(TEgff,TEbed)
-            iLauncherBdc= Bedtools_closest(transcriptsbed, TEbed, "bedtools_closest_%s" % transcriptsgtf.split(".")[0])
-            iLauncherBdc.run()
-            self._log.info("Bedtools closest is finished!!!!")
-            bedtoolsfile = "bedtools_closest_%s" % transcriptsgtf.split(".")[0]
-            self.getTEnearPromoter(bedtoolsfile)
-            tmap_file = "../cuffcompare/cuffcompare.transcripts.gtf.tmap"
-            bedtools_file = "%s_TSSoverlaps_and_TE_closest_TSS_and_inclus_ALL" % bedtoolsfile
-            self.getClassCodeCuffcompare(tmap_file,bedtools_file)
-            os.chdir("..")
-            self._log.info("Done!!!!")
-        except Exception:
-            self._logAndRaise("ERROR in TEiso")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    iLaunch = LaunchTEiso()
-    iLaunch._setAttributesFromCmdLine()
-    iLaunch.run()