diff TEisotools-1.1.a/commons/core/checker/ConfigChecker.py @ 16:836ce3d9d47a draft default tip

author urgi-team
date Thu, 21 Jul 2016 07:42:47 -0400
parents 255c852351c5
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/TEisotools-1.1.a/commons/core/checker/ConfigChecker.py	Thu Jul 21 07:36:44 2016 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
-# http://www.inra.fr
-# http://urgi.versailles.inra.fr
-# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
-# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use, 
-# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
-# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
-# "http://www.cecill.info". 
-# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
-# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
-# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
-# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
-# liability. 
-# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
-# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
-# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
-# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
-# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
-# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
-# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
-# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or 
-# data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the 
-# same conditions as regards security. 
-# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
-# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
-import re
-import sys
-from commons.core.utils.RepetConfigParser import RepetConfigParser
-from commons.core.checker.ConfigValue import ConfigValue
-from commons.core.checker.IChecker import IChecker
-from commons.core.checker.RepetException import RepetException
-from commons.core.utils.FileUtils import FileUtils
-#TODO: add more tests!
-class Rule(object):
-    def __init__(self, mandatory= False, isPattern=False, type="", set=(), help =""):
-        self.mandatory = mandatory
-        self.isPattern = isPattern
-        self.type = type
-        self.set = set
-        self.help = help
-class ConfigRules(object):
-    def __init__(self, configName = "", configDescription = ""):
-        self.configName = configName
-        self.configDescription = configDescription
-        self.dRules4Sections={}
-    def _addRule(self, section, option="DEFAULT", mandatory=False, isPattern=False, type="", set=(), help =""):
-        if not self.dRules4Sections.has_key(section):
-            self.dRules4Sections[section] = {}
-        self.dRules4Sections[section][option]=Rule(mandatory, isPattern, type.lower(), set) 
-    def addRuleSection(self, section, mandatory=False, isPattern=False, help = ""):
-        self._addRule(section = section, option = "DEFAULT", mandatory = mandatory, isPattern =  isPattern, help = "")
-    def addRuleOption(self, section, option, mandatory=False, isPattern=False, type="", set=(), help = ""):
-        self._addRule(section = section, option = option, mandatory = mandatory, isPattern =  isPattern, type = type, set=set , help = "")
-    def isSectionMandatory(self, section):
-        if self.dRules4Sections.has_key(section):
-            if self.dRules4Sections[section].has_key("DEFAULT"):
-                return self.dRules4Sections[section]["DEFAULT"].mandatory
-        return False
-    def isOptionMandatory(self, section, option):
-        if self.dRules4Sections.has_key(section):
-            if self.dRules4Sections[section].has_key(option):
-                return self.dRules4Sections[section][option].mandatory
-        return False
-    def getRule(self, section, option):
-        if self.dRules4Sections.has_key(section):
-            if self.dRules4Sections[section].has_key(option):
-                return self.dRules4Sections[section][option]
-        return None
-class ConfigChecker(IChecker):
-    def __init__ (self, cfgFileName, iCfgRules):
-        self._configFileName = cfgFileName
-        self._iConfigRules = iCfgRules
-        self._iRawConfig = ConfigValue()
-        self._iExtendedConfigRules = ConfigRules()
-    def readConfigFile(self):
-        iConfig = RepetConfigParser()
-        try:
-            iConfig.readfp(open(self._configFileName))
-            return iConfig
-#            if DuplicateSectionError:
-#                raise Exception ("Duplicate section exist in config file %s" %(self._configFileName ))
-        except :
-            raise RepetException ("Unexpected error: %s" %  sys.exc_info()[0])
-    def setRawConfig(self, iConfig ):
-        for sectionName in iConfig.sections(): 
-            for optionName in iConfig.options(sectionName):
-                optionValue = iConfig.get(sectionName, optionName)
-                self._iRawConfig.set(sectionName, optionName, optionValue)
-    def getOptionValueAccordingRule(self, iConfig, sectionName, optionName):
-        optionRule = self._iExtendedConfigRules.getRule(sectionName, optionName)
-        if optionRule == None : 
-            return iConfig.get(sectionName, optionName)
-        if optionRule.type == "int":
-            optionValue = iConfig.getint(sectionName, optionName)
-        elif optionRule.type == "float":
-            optionValue = iConfig.getfloat(sectionName, optionName)
-        elif optionRule.type == "bool" or optionRule.type == "boolean":
-            optionValue = iConfig.getboolean(sectionName, optionName)
-        else:
-            optionValue = iConfig.get(sectionName, optionName)
-        if optionRule.set!=() and not(optionValue in optionRule.set):  
-            raise RepetException ("value must be in '%s'" % str(optionRule.set))
-        return optionValue
-    def setConfig(self, iConfig ):
-        config = ConfigValue()
-        valueErr = ""
-        for sectionName in iConfig.sections():
-            for optionName in iConfig.options(sectionName):
-                try:    
-                    optionValue = self.getOptionValueAccordingRule(iConfig, sectionName, optionName )
-                    config.set(sectionName, optionName, optionValue)
-                except RepetException, re :
-                    valueErr += "\n\t- %s" % re.getMessage()
-        if valueErr == "":
-            self._iRawConfig = config
-        else:
-            raise RepetException ("Following errors occurred: %s\n" % valueErr)
-    def checkIfExistsConfigFile (self):   
-        if not (FileUtils.isRessourceExists(self._configFileName)):
-            raise RepetException("CONFIG FILE not found - '%s'" % self._configFileName)
-    def checkMandatorySections (self):
-        missingSection = ""
-        for sectionName in self._iExtendedConfigRules.dRules4Sections.keys():
-            if self._iExtendedConfigRules.isSectionMandatory(sectionName) and not self._iRawConfig.has_section(sectionName):
-                    missingSection += "\n - %s" %(sectionName)
-        if missingSection != "":
-            raise RepetException ("Error in configuration file %s, following sections are missing:%s\n" % (self._configFileName, missingSection))
-    def checkMandatoryOptions (self):
-        missingOption = ""
-        for sectionName in self._iExtendedConfigRules.dRules4Sections.keys():
-            if self._iExtendedConfigRules.isSectionMandatory(sectionName) or self._iRawConfig.has_section(sectionName) :
-                dRules4OptionsOfThisSection = self._iExtendedConfigRules.dRules4Sections[sectionName]
-                for optionName in dRules4OptionsOfThisSection.keys():
-                    if optionName != "DEFAULT" and self._iExtendedConfigRules.isOptionMandatory(sectionName, optionName) and not self._iRawConfig.has_option(sectionName, optionName):
-                        missingOption += "\n - [%s]: %s" % (sectionName, optionName)
-        if missingOption != "":
-            raise RepetException ("Error in configuration file %s, following options are missing: %s\n" % (self._configFileName, missingOption))
-    def getSectionNamesAccordingPatternRules (self, sectionWordOrPattern, isPattern):          
-        lSectionsFoundAccordingPatternRules=[]
-        if isPattern == False:
-            if self._iRawConfig.has_section(sectionWordOrPattern):
-                lSectionsFoundAccordingPatternRules.append(sectionWordOrPattern)
-        else:
-            for sectionName in self._iRawConfig.sections():
-                if re.search(sectionWordOrPattern, sectionName, re.IGNORECASE):
-                    lSectionsFoundAccordingPatternRules.append(sectionName)
-        return lSectionsFoundAccordingPatternRules
-    def getOptionsNamesAccordingPatternRules(self, sectionName, optionWordOrPattern, isPattern):
-        lOptionsFoundAccordingPatternRules=[]
-        if isPattern == False:
-            if self._iRawConfig.has_option(sectionName, optionWordOrPattern):
-                lOptionsFoundAccordingPatternRules.append(optionWordOrPattern)
-        else :
-            for optionName in self._iRawConfig.options(sectionName):
-                if re.search(optionWordOrPattern, optionName, re.IGNORECASE)!= None:
-                    lOptionsFoundAccordingPatternRules.append(optionName)
-        return lOptionsFoundAccordingPatternRules
-    def extendConfigRulesWithPatternRules(self):
-        for sectionName in self._iConfigRules.dRules4Sections.keys():
-            dRules4OptionsOfThisSection = self._iConfigRules.dRules4Sections[sectionName] 
-            lRawSections=[]
-            if dRules4OptionsOfThisSection.has_key("DEFAULT"):
-                mandatorySection = dRules4OptionsOfThisSection["DEFAULT"].mandatory
-                isPatternSection = dRules4OptionsOfThisSection["DEFAULT"].isPattern
-                lRawSections=self.getSectionNamesAccordingPatternRules(sectionName, isPatternSection)
-                for rawSectionName in lRawSections:
-                    self._iExtendedConfigRules.addRuleSection(rawSectionName, "DEFAULT", mandatorySection )
-                if mandatorySection and (len(lRawSections)==0):
-                    self._iExtendedConfigRules.addRuleSection(sectionName, "DEFAULT", mandatorySection )
-            else:
-                lRawSections.append(sectionName) 
-            for optionName in dRules4OptionsOfThisSection.keys():
-                setOption = dRules4OptionsOfThisSection[optionName].set
-                isPatternOption = dRules4OptionsOfThisSection[optionName].isPattern
-                mandatoryOption = dRules4OptionsOfThisSection[optionName].mandatory
-                typeOption = dRules4OptionsOfThisSection[optionName].type
-                if optionName != "DEFAULT":
-                    for rawSectionName in lRawSections:
-                        lRawOptions=self.getOptionsNamesAccordingPatternRules(rawSectionName, optionName, isPatternOption)
-                        for rawOptionName in lRawOptions:
-                            self._iExtendedConfigRules.addRuleOption(rawSectionName, rawOptionName, mandatoryOption, False, typeOption, setOption)
-                        if mandatoryOption and (len(lRawOptions)==0):
-                            self._iExtendedConfigRules.addRuleOption(rawSectionName, optionName, mandatoryOption, False, typeOption, setOption)
-    def getConfig(self):
-        self.checkIfExistsConfigFile()
-        iConfig = self.readConfigFile()
-        self.setRawConfig(iConfig)
-        self.extendConfigRulesWithPatternRules()
-        self.checkMandatorySections()
-        self.checkMandatoryOptions()
-        self.setConfig(iConfig)
-        return self._iRawConfig
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