view TEisotools-1.0/commons/core/utils/ @ 6:20ec0d14798e draft

author urgi-team
date Wed, 20 Jul 2016 05:00:24 -0400
line wrap: on
line source

# Copyright INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use, 
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "". 
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
# liability. 
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
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# same conditions as regards security. 
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.

import os
import re
import sys
import math
import glob
import shutil
import subprocess
from operator import itemgetter
    import hashlib

class FileUtils( object ):
    ## Return the number of lines in the given file
    def getNbLinesInSingleFile( fileName ):
        cmd = "wc -l %s" % fileName
        r = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(' '), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
        nbLines = int(r.split()[0])
        toAdd = 0
        if nbLines:
            cmd = "tail -1 %s" % fileName
            r = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(' '), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
            if r == '\n':
                toAdd -= 1
            elif '\n' not in r:
                toAdd += 1
        return nbLines + toAdd
    ## Return the number of lines in the files in the given list
    def getNbLinesInFileList( lFileNames ):
        count = 0
        for fileName in lFileNames:
            count += FileUtils.getNbLinesInSingleFile( fileName )
        return count
    ## Return True if the given file exists, False otherwise
    def isRessourceExists( fileName ):
        return os.path.exists( fileName )
    ## Return True if the given file is empty, False otherwise
    def isEmpty( fileName ):
        return 0 == FileUtils.getNbLinesInSingleFile( fileName )
    ## Return True if both files are identical, False otherwise
    def are2FilesIdentical( file1, file2 ):
        tmpFile = "diff_%s_%s" % ( os.path.basename(file1), os.path.basename(file2) )
        cmd = "diff %s %s >> %s" % ( file1, file2, tmpFile )
        returnStatus = os.system( cmd )
        if returnStatus != 0:
            print "WARNING: 'diff' returned '%i'" % returnStatus
            os.remove( tmpFile )
            return False
        if FileUtils.isEmpty( tmpFile ):
            os.remove( tmpFile )
            return True
            os.remove( tmpFile )
            return False
    ## Return a string with all the content of the files in the given list
    def getFileContent( lFiles ):
        content = ""
        for fileName in lFiles:
            currentFile = open( fileName, "r" )
            content +=
        return content
    ## Save content of the given file after having sorted it
    def sortFileContent( inFile, outFile="" ):
        inFileHandler = open(inFile, "r" )
        lines = inFileHandler.readlines()
        if outFile == "":
            outFile = inFile
        outFileHandler = open( outFile, "w" )
        outFileHandler.writelines( lines )
    ## Add end-of-line symbol to the given file content if necessary
    def addNewLineAtTheEndOfFileContent( fileContent ):
        if not fileContent.endswith('\n')  and  len(fileContent) != 0:
            fileContent += '\n'
        return fileContent
    ## Concatenate files in the given list
    def catFilesFromList( lFiles, outFile, sort=True, skipHeaders = False, separator = "" ):
        if sort:
        outFileHandler = open( outFile, "a" )
        isFirstFile = True
        for singleFile in lFiles:
            if not isFirstFile:
            isFirstFile = False
            singleFileHandler = open( singleFile, "r" )
            if skipHeaders:
            line = singleFileHandler.readline()
            while line:
                line = singleFileHandler.readline()
    ## Concatenate files according to the given pattern
    def catFilesByPattern( pattern, outFile, skipHeaders = False, separator = "" ):
        lFiles = glob.glob( pattern )
        FileUtils.catFilesFromList( lFiles, outFile, skipHeaders = skipHeaders, separator = separator )
    ## Cat all files of a given directory
    # @param dir string directory name
    # @param outFileName string output file name
    def catFilesOfDir(directory, outFileName):
        FileUtils.catFilesByPattern("%s/*" % directory, outFileName)
    ## Remove files listed according to the given pattern
    # @example prefix="/home/tmp/dummy*.txt"
    def removeFilesByPattern( prefix ):
        lFiles = glob.glob( prefix )
        for f in lFiles:
            os.remove( f )
    ## Remove files listed according to the suffixes in the given list
    def removeFilesBySuffixList( targetPath, lSuffixes ):
        if targetPath[-1] == "/":
            targetPath = targetPath[:-1]
        for suffix in lSuffixes:
            pattern = "%s/*%s" % ( targetPath, suffix )
            FileUtils.removeFilesByPattern( pattern )
    ## Remove repeated blanks in the given file
    def removeRepeatedBlanks( inFile, outFile="" ):
        if outFile == "":
            outFile = inFile
        tmpFile = "tr_%s_%s" % ( inFile, outFile )
        cmd = "tr -s ' ' < %s > %s" % ( inFile, tmpFile )
        os.system( cmd )
        os.rename( tmpFile, outFile )
    ## Remove files in the given list
    def removeFilesFromList(lFiles):
        for f in lFiles:
    ## Remove files in the given list if exist
    def removeFilesFromListIfExist(lFiles):
        for fileName in lFiles:
            if FileUtils.isRessourceExists(fileName):
    ## Append the content of a file to another file
    # @param inFile string name of the input file
    # @param outFile string name of the output file
    def appendFileContent( inFile, outFile ):
        outFileHandler = open( outFile, "a" )
        inFileHandler = open( inFile, "r" )
        shutil.copyfileobj( inFileHandler, outFileHandler )
    ## Replace Windows end-of-line by Unix end-of-line
    def fromWindowsToUnixEof( inFile ):
        tmpFile = "%s.tmp" % ( inFile )
        shutil.copyfile( inFile, tmpFile )
        os.remove( inFile )
        tmpFileHandler = open( tmpFile, "r" )
        inFileHandler = open( inFile, "w" )
        while True:
            line = tmpFileHandler.readline()
            if line == "":
            inFileHandler.write( line.replace("\r\n","\n") )
        os.remove( tmpFile )

    ## Remove duplicated lines in a file
    # @note it preserves the initial order and handles blank lines
    def removeDuplicatedLines( inFile ):
        tmpFile = "%s.tmp" % ( inFile )
        shutil.copyfile( inFile, tmpFile )
        os.remove( inFile )
        tmpFileHandler = open( tmpFile, "r" )
        lLines = list("\n") )
        if lLines[-1] == "":
            del lLines[-1]
        sLines = set( lLines )
        os.remove( tmpFile )
        inFileHandler = open( inFile, "w" )
        for line in lLines:
            if line in sLines:
                inFileHandler.write( "%s\n" % ( line ) )
                sLines.remove( line )
    ## Write a list of lines in a given file
    def writeLineListInFile( inFile, lLines ):
        inFileHandler = open( inFile, "w" )
        for line in lLines:
            inFileHandler.write( line )
    ## Give the list of absolute path of each directory in the given directory
    # @param rootPath string absolute path of the given directory
    # @return lDirPath list of absolute directory path
    def getAbsoluteDirectoryPathList(rootPath):
        lDirPath = []
        lPaths = glob.glob(rootPath + "/*")
        for ressource in lPaths:
            if os.path.isdir(ressource) :
        return lDirPath
    ## Get a sublist of which each element matches/doesn't match a pattern
    # @param lPath string list of paths
    # @param pattern string pattern
    # @param match bool 
    # @return lPathMatching list of path matching pattern
    def getSubListAccordingToPattern(lPath, pattern, match = True):
        lPathMatching = []
        for path in lPath:
            if match:
                if re.match(".*%s.*" % pattern, path):
                if not re.match(".*%s.*" % pattern, path):
        return lPathMatching
    ## Give the list of file names found in the given directory
    # @param dirPath string absolute path of the given directory
    # @return lFilesInDir list of file names
    def getFileNamesList( dirPath, patternFileFilter = ".*" ):
        lFilesInDir = []
        lPaths = glob.glob( dirPath + "/*" )
        for ressource in lPaths:
            if os.path.isfile( ressource ):
                fileName = os.path.basename( ressource )
                if re.match(patternFileFilter, fileName):
                    lFilesInDir.append( fileName )
        return lFilesInDir
    ## Return the MD5 sum of a file
    def getMd5SecureHash( inFile ):
        if "hashlib" in sys.modules:
            md5 = hashlib.md5()
            inFileHandler = open( inFile, "r" )
            while True:
                line = inFileHandler.readline()
                if line == "":
                md5.update( line )
            return md5.hexdigest()
            return ""
    ## Return True if size file > 0 octet
    # @param fileName string file name
    def isSizeNotNull(fileName):
        size = os.path.getsize(fileName)
        if size > 0:
            return True
        return False
    ## Split one file into N Files by lines
    # @param fileName string file name
    # @param N int number of files to create
    def splitFileIntoNFiles(fileName, N):
        nbLine = FileUtils.getNbLinesInSingleFile(fileName)
        nbLinesInEachFile = nbLine
        if N > nbLine:
            N = nbLine
        if N != 0:
            nbLinesInEachFile = math.ceil(float(nbLine) / N)
            N = 1
        filePrefix, fileExt = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fileName))
        fileHandler = open(fileName, "r")
        for i in range(1,N+1):
            with open("%s-%s%s" %(filePrefix, i, fileExt), "w") as f:
                j = 0
                while j < nbLinesInEachFile:
                    j += 1
    ## Split one file into files of N lines
    # @param fileName string input file name
    # @param N int lines number per files
    def splitFileAccordingToLineNumber(fileName, N):
        filePrefix, fileExt = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fileName))
        with open(fileName) as inF:
            fileNb = 1
            line = inF.readline()
            if not line or N == 0:
                outFileName = "%s-%s%s" %(filePrefix, fileNb, fileExt)
                f = open(outFileName, "wb")
                shutil.copyfileobj(open(fileName, "rb"), f)
                while line:
                    outFileName = "%s-%s%s" %(filePrefix, fileNb, fileExt)
                    with open(outFileName, "w") as outF:
                        lineNb = 1
                        while lineNb <= N and line:
                            line = inF.readline()
                            lineNb += 1
                    fileNb += 1
    ## Concatenates names from a list, using a given separator and a given extension.
    # @param lNames list of file names
    # @param sep separator used to join names
    # @param ext extension of the return file name. If None, the most represented extension in lNames is used.
    #            If there is several, the first extension of theses several in alphabetical order is used
    # @return concatName name concatenated
    def concatenateFileNamesFromList(lNames, sep = "_", ext = None):
        concatName = ""
        if lNames:
            tBaseNames, tExt = zip(*[os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name)) for name in lNames])
            if ext is None:
                dtExtToNb = {}
                for extension in set(tExt):
                    dtExtToNb[extension] = tExt.count(extension)
                items = sorted(dtExtToNb.items(), key = itemgetter(0))
                items.sort(key = itemgetter(1), reverse = True)
                ext = items[0][0]
            if ext and ext[0] != '.':
                ext = ".%s" % ext
            concatName = "%s%s" % (sep.join(tBaseNames), ext)
        return concatName
    ## Concatenates names from a string, using a given separator and a given extension. Names are split from the string using splitSep
    # @param filesNames list of file names
    # @param splitSep separator used to split names from the input string
    # @param joinSep separator used to join names
    # @param ext extension of the return file name. If None, the most represented extension in lNames is used.
    #            If there is several, the first extension of theses several in alphabetical order is used
    # @return concatName,lFilesNames  name concatenated and split files list sorted alphabetically. Return original name if splitSep is empty.
    def concatenateFileNamesFromString(filesNames, splitSep = ",", joinSep = "_", ext = None):
        if splitSep:
            lFilesNames = filesNames.split(splitSep)
            return FileUtils.concatenateFileNamesFromList(lFilesNames, joinSep, ext), lFilesNames
            print "WARNING: no split separator provided, returning input string"
            return filesNames, [filesNames]